The Kingdom and The Great Commission | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message uh the kingdom and the great commission is what we want to talk about today hey boys say the kingdom and the great commission that's what we want to talk about today as we begin this new year we want to just remind ourselves as to what our mission is as the church in other words we want to understand the original mission of the church what is the church's responsibility i'm going to surprise you i'm sure and to some degree but i also will be reinforcing some things that you should have already known want to begin with a few statements that may be helpful and we're going to talk about the foundation of the church the church is a is a universal body of of people and in many people's minds there are different definitions of what church is but let's take a look at who started the church and what was on his mind at the completion of the mission of jesus on earth he established his program for global restoration his program and he also established his program for redemption on his mechanism for doing it is this thing that he set up called the church now the united nations has their program to restore sanity to the earth and it ain't working too well before the united nations was formed there was world war ii before the league of nations was formed which preceded the united nations there was world war one between world war one and world war ii there were hundreds of wars but the big one really took on a new form when hitler decided to over come europe and the japanese decide to bomb pearl harbor the world went into chaos after the world war was over millions of people are dead cities are destroyed economies are in a wreck i mean people are confused marriages have broken up because husbands are dead wives are left with kids society is turned on its head upside down because now women got to go to work because the men are dead everything's confused they decided in the world they decided we will never fight again war is bad so they formed an organization to restore the world and to give it back its sanity and they name that organization the united nations its headquarters today is in new york city every nation of the world that has been accepted as a legitimate nation are a member of the united nations over 160 countries are members of the u.n and that fluctuates depending on who's fighting at the time all of the major powers of the world nations like germany france england the united states and canada and now even some nations like countries in africa nigeria others have become part of the leadership of the united nations guiding the other smaller nations hopefully into sanity well guess what got news for you since the united nations was formed to this moment there's been more wars than before get the point in other words they have failed to stop more wars than before they were formed and they're still wars that they can't stop the middle east is an example they don't know what to do with that coffee and on running up and down drinking coffee trying to figure out how do i you know shuttle diplomacy trying to keep the peace the united states presidency keeps changing but they can't change the world why they're trying to restore earth they're trying to bring peace on earth do you know when i went to united nations of which i am an affiliate member through our organization the international third world leaders association when i went there for the first time to be introduced and to get my credentials i was shocked that at the entrance of the united nations is a massive statue and the bottom of the statue is a scripture taken from the book of isaiah the scripture that is written at the entrance of the united nations says and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spares into pruning hooks and they shall make war no more and there shall be peace now that's what they got they took god's word and put it at the entrance and left god out what are they trying to do they're trying to bring peace without the prince so god knew this so god sent the prince two thousand years ago the prince of peace what's unique about it is that god actually told us who he was in isaiah chapter 9 verse 14 it says for unto us a child is born the son is given verse 12 rather son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called what wonderful counselor mighty god prince of peace everlasting father in other words if you want peace on the earth here's the prince he's got it so jesus came to earth 2 000 years ago in the flesh and he introduced himself as that prince he set up a program that is more effective than the united nations older than the united nations more efficient than the united nations and it is having a more positive effect than the united nations on people's personal lives he called his organization church he gave that church a clear mission his plan was global restoration and redemption through the agency he set up called the church now i want to draw your attention to two words the words redemption and restoration it's difficult to restore if you don't redeem verse what the u.n is trying to do is to restore without redeeming to redeem means to own something again in other words the first thing jesus did was to bring man back to god before he wanted to bring god back to earth man needs a relationship before he's given rulership he needs redemption before he can execute restoration and that is why the concept of winning the world back to god was misunderstood by the very people jesus came to first and who were they the jews they were thinking the same way the united nations think the jews were thinking that the messiah would come as a military leader and impose his policy and legislation and rulership on the known world at that time which was the roman empire and then he would bring forced peace like the taliban or like religious authorities uh uh that ruled the countries with religion that's what they wanted they wanted jesus to do what the muslim countries have done to make a nation a religion they expected that but jesus understood that you cannot restore what you didn't redeem they were looking for a warrior to fight he came as a servant to serve they were looking at a king with a spear and a sword he came as a lamb with blood in his throat they expected someone with power to destroy political regimes he came as one who was humble and wanted to destroy the power of satan over peasants lives so they were confused and that's why they rejected jesus their concept was restoration without redemption jesus said look i came to give my life a ransom for many in other words i'm going to redeem first then i'll restore so he died to buy us back redeem means to own again to pay a price to own something and that's what jesus did he died on the cross and the price for you and i was death when adam's sin the wages of sin is death so to redeem man from the curse of sin you got to pay the price that sin demands and sin demands death that's why the death of jesus was not an option it was necessary he died to redeem us from the curse of the law of death that we might become positioned again with god the righteousness of god through the work of jesus christ now everybody who accepts that work has been re-related to god they are redeemed after he redeemed the world this next statement is important he left the world but he didn't leave the world alone he left the world in the hands of this agency that he calls church he did not leave the world in the hands of the united nations he did not leave the world in the hands of politicians as we know them of course because we learn in a moment that the church is a political agency but not the kind that you think he did not leave the world in the hands of social scientists he didn't leave the world in the hands of political scientists but he was very very specific and clear he left the world in the hands of who the church but let's see if that's true let's read this here's the assignment he gave the church matthew 28 verse 18 all authority christ is speaking has been given unto me in heaven and in earth therefore because i got authority you go and make disciples of every nation he's speaking to his church jesus said to his church here's why i redeemed you i did not redeem you i didn't buy you back to go to heaven i didn't buy you back to walk on streets of gold i didn't buy you back to sit at the pearly gates and steal pearls i didn't buy you back for you to sit by the crystal river and eat golden grapes by the water of life i didn't buy you back to get your wings and fly away here's why i brought you back i brought you back to god so you could go to the nations and disciple them for me that's the assignment of the church who's the church the churches individuals he says and then when you go to them baptize them baptize them means that you when they respond you confirm their response with an act of submission baptism is actually an act of submission to authority that's why jesus submitted to john he was submitting to john's authority it means that you are becoming one with who you are being baptized under that's what baptism means if you are born again and you claim to be a christian but you've not entered the waters of baptism you are still not sealed you should follow the lord in the baptism that doesn't mean you won't go to heaven if you die but baptism is a physical act to show forth your identity with the one you be whose name you're being baptized in while you are alive the thief on the cross didn't have that privilege so he went direct with the chief but he did identify with him didn't he he called him what lord what is the word lord means owner he says lord remember me christ that's enough if i'm your owner i got you that's why you must confess jesus lord but baptism is important he said don't just disciple them convert them to think and to enter the kingdom but let them confirm their citizenship by identification in other words god don't want no secret agent believer i heard people say well i'm a christian but i'm just not public well i'm here to tell you come out of the closet christ says he was ashamed to own me before people i would be ashamed to own him before my father who's in heaven baptism is a public identity then he says you must teach them the things that i have taught you to obey them and he says then i'll be with you the assignment is very clear let's talk then about the rule of the church i want you to get this because we got to understand how the kingdom and the church are not the same i give myself away here early the church and the kingdom are different over the past two thousand years the church which is founded by jesus christ was given a mandate by him and that mandate was a commission the commission was to influence and restore the world back to god that was the commission to influence and restore the world back to god there has been a lot of confusion because of us a lot of confusion with regard to the purpose and the definition of church and that's why we are going to address the issue today let's talk a little bit about this friction between the confusion over the difference and the relationship between the church and the kingdom i want you to write down in your notes church and kingdom let's talk a little bit about the difference and i i want to get into details here a little bit uh the church and the kingdom are not synonymous why the kingdom existed before the church as we know it i got to show you a couple of scriptures here to to kind of help you with this uh but the church as we know it and please listen to my words carefully as you watch the tv program please don't misunderstand me listen all of my sentence please the church as we know it did not exist before the kingdom the church as we know it is a redeemed creature in other words it used to belong to god god lost it and then god brought it back so the church is a redeemed creature holy spirit stop telling me so many things too quick wait please lord wait okay it's overwhelming me just a moment uh turn to matthew there's a scripture in matthew matthew chapter 20 3. everybody listening checks you can see see if your neighbor listening check say neighbor you need to fast matthew chapter 20. 3. sorry 25 25 25. matthew 25 says these words and i want you to underline the verse if you've never underlined it before it says in verse 34 the king speaking of the son of man matter of fact you look at verse 31 it identifies who the king is when the son of man comes in his glory all the holy angels with him he will sit on the thrones of his glory and all the nations will be gathered you see that verse 32 the king will judge the nations so who does he send us to the nations he's the king of the nations he will judge all of them look at verse 34 then the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed of my father inherit the kingdom which was prepared for you how long ago before the foundation of the world how old is the kingdom before the earth the church as we know it was born i tell you when it was born the church was born 2 000 years ago but it became necessary in genesis 3. so you could say that the church is a product of the fall the church as we know it that is why when you read the bible and you read genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2 there is no apostle prophet evangelist pastor or teacher there's none of them in those books and yet god says this is very good which means prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists to god are not very good because when he didn't have them it was very good what makes me necessary as a pastor what makes the apostolic function and the prophetic function necessary when you study those functions why does there need to be a teacher because students dumb why does that need to be a prophet that means you know to kind of see for people because people are blind why do we need an apostle because people are afraid to go and move out to new territory in other words something went wrong in chapter 3 of genesis jesus said the kingdom was here a long time ago before the earth was even made so the kingdom of god cannot be the same as the church as we know it this is very important friends because some of you came from anglican baptist methodist episcopalian seventh-day adventists backgrounds catholic you know a church of god church of god of prophecy church of god period you know and then the first assembly of the assembly of the assembly of the assembly and the rapture of the eternal you know all these names we get for these things wherever you came from we got confusion because we don't quite know what this church is that's why we gotta separate the two first the church is not the kingdom the kingdom was on earth before the church was i'm talking heavy stuff you write that down man see god lost the kingdom in genesis chapter 3 the kingdom existed before earth was created then god created the earth so the kingdom could come on earth then when he made the earth he bought the kingdom on earth through adam adam sabotaged the program committed treason and the kingdom was taken out of the earth and jesus came back to bring the kingdom back not the church but the kingdom back if you get this right you go to work with right attitude see god don't want you to take to your job your church i'm getting ahead of myself god don't want you to be a catholic on your job a baptist on your job a penny costing a job or a charismatic on your job you don't want that he wants something more important than your church and it's the kingdom that's why you turn people off on your job telling them about your church they're not looking for your church they are seeking the kingdom and by the way many don't join your church because you in it and they know you they know you christ says the kingdom was here long before the earth the third statement the key to the kingdom was the influence of heaven on earth by the holy spirit through the agency of mankind write that down word by word that's a very important statement the key to the kingdom here's what the kingdom is supposed to be as far as god is concerned god's kingdom's key is heaven will influence earth through the holy spirit living in the spirit of man in a human body on earth that's what god wanted so the agency through which god wants to influence earth is not through an organization but through humans so god created man in his own image and his likeness and his first command was have dominion over the earth god never says go form me an organization build some buildings put a bell out front give me some pews i want an altar give me some some some podiums and i want some quiet because i know all i want is mankind to dominate earth with my image the word image means nature i want earth to be filled with my nature through this creature called man so god's original plan is very simple he wants to influence earth with heaven through mankind and his key was the holy spirit the holy spirit is god's spirit and god is saying look i'm going to put my spirit in you to make sure i have direct influence a human without the spirit of god cannot represent god on earth or are they faking it pretty good this is why the united nations has failed is failing i prophesied to mr coffee and all the security council and will fail quoting god's scripture without god ain't gonna beat those swords in the plowshares you cannot have god's results without god is that clear is that simple so christ says without me you can do nothing and he meant that now muhammad says without allah you can do nothing buddha says without wisdom you can do nothing behind you allah says without the teachings of wisdom you can do nothing rasters say without haley salazar you can do nothing but jesus said without me you don't study no book you study me you don't receive no body of information you receive a person he says that's heavy see our faith is not built on a book it's built on a man a person a god man a man with god in the flesh who came to redeem us and restore us back to himself it's our faith and his reasoning for doing that is clear this last statement here the fall of man caused the departure of the holy spirit so obviously the spirit of man lost the ability to represent the kingdom of heaven on earth everybody say holy spirit say it again holy spirit now no one can represent god without the holy spirit that's the way you represent god on earth by the holy spirit so the number one thing that man lost was the holy spirit he lost contact with heaven you cannot represent a country you ain't in touch with that's logically all right so what is the most important thing man needs after the fall the holy spirit if god wants his word to come to pass and not fail then god must do one thing he must get that ghost back in that man's ghost he must reconnect the man he must restore the relationship first you see the man can't execute judgment on the earth for god until he's in touch with god he cannot execute dominion on the earth for god until he's in touch with god so follow me please listen to me i know you all think i repeat myself but i don't you know use listen over and over again but don't hear someone say it again it's like christ did the same thing christ had one message for three and a half years never change i'm just like him i just repeat in him one message he had was the kingdom of god and he couldn't teach it without the holy ghost in other words he had to teach the holy spirit why the number one listen the not listen the number one objective of jesus was not calvary it was not the resurrection it was not picking up three keys from hell it was not healing sick raising dead cat that was not his number one issue he only had one number one issue one and that is to get the holy ghost back inside of you one now what kind of ghost is he say it loud say it again hit your neighbor and say he was holy a kind of ghost it's important you know it's the holy ghost now when man disobey god he became what unholy so the holy couldn't live in the holy now god wants to put the holy back in the holy but the problem is the holy is now unholy and so the holy can't be put into the unholy so god's number one goal now is to make the man holy again so he could get his ultimate goal of putting the holy back in so calvary and death and resurrection and the keys were all to make the man holy again the blood was the cleansing from sin to wash away the unholy state why not just so he could be clean god don't want just clean people he cleaned you up so you can receive a clean spirit so redemption is not the end of god's work all right let me try it this way i own a lawn mower what's in my lawn mower right here beautiful lawnmower i cut my grass all the time now i woke up one morning and somebody stole my lawnmower okay someone came in in the night and steal my lawnmower the thief cometh but for to kill steal destroy my ability to cut my grass i looked everywhere from my lawn more i can't find my lawnmower two years later a guy called me uh brother miles i got you a loan more i said really so why'd you bring my lawn mower nah you gotta pay for it say oh how much he said three hundred dollars man and that's my favorite lawnmower it's the only lawn mower i know my grass high now because i never cut my grass for three years i really miss my lawn mower man my lights all messed up come on talk to me christ says the kingdom of god is like a man who saw the field and then all this bush grew up thorns and thistles nothing cleaned up so the guy says i gotta buy it back i have to re-own it what is real come on you smart now redeem that's what the word means redeem is the reown d means to own it re needs to go back and deem it again redeem own it again so the man is telling me i gotta buy my lawnmower back again so i go to the guys okay no problem i gotta fix my yard so i rented a guy and i pay him 300 bucks now watch this he give me the lawnmower listen i bring the lawn mower back this is this most christians do now i bring the lawn mower back and i put it right in the porch and i spend a thousand years saying that's a beautiful learn more a lovely lawnmower praise the love for the lawn mower hallelujah for the lawnmower oh i'm so glad i got a lawn mower that's a fine lawnmower the lawnmower is beautiful it's time to find holy ghost fish underground still growing up god didn't redeem you as a trophy you weren't saved to be put on display to prove god could say i say what do i do the law and more tell me boy as soon as i get that thing back in the yard listen matter of fact before i even get back home i stopped at a gas station fill that tank up and tell the grass here comes a revolution and i put the lawnmower back to the original work what's the original work he had for you to dominate the earth not to sing in heaven in the choir oh i hate it thought the thought just gets me not to go to heaven and dance or not pray fella that's not what he created you for i create you to go back to work and tell everybody i back now and in about four or five years this whole place gonna be mine i'm going to influence everybody i don't look like much now but i am mr east you can clap clap you know misleadings i come back to work to complete and continue and complete the work god first gave my grandfather to do and my grandfather is adam and i was telling a church the other night i can remind you of this we sing a song years ago pastor richard and the song is a good song don't get me wrong it's a good song and it's a scriptural song abraham's blessings am i but the lord changed my life some years ago he said if you want that you could have that see the problem with abraham's blessings uh is that it's only limited to a piece of the earth [Applause] that is why jesus listen never identified himself with abraham never he didn't come for a piece of property now don't get me wrong if you want just a peace god bless you with a peace i went see my life changed when nothing hit me that's when i became a global man you could be a nation man just believe in abraham abraham was a nation man god promised him a little piece of property and they're still fighting over that today or you can associate with abraham with adam christ associated with adam adam was given the entire planet anybody want the whole thing he is called the second adam kingdom of god is about influence uh let me let me see if i could take you to a stage that i believe will be able to open up your mind a little bit and this part here bless me and i'm going to open this up in the spirit uh the difference between the kingdom of god and the kingdom of heaven anybody got problems with that one let's clear that up okay the kingdom of god and the kingdom of heaven two different things now how do you know the difference the kingdom what is the kingdom of heaven let's start there the kingdom of heaven is the domain of heaven where the king who's god himself rules and he reigns he exercises authority and power over that territory heaven is a territory it's a place so when you see the term kingdom of heaven is always referring to the place where god rules the territory where he has complete dominion there is no disturbance in heaven none and the last time we heard where there was possibly one that might have occurred it lasted the length of a flash when i called the trade everybody blinked one two three that's how fast it lasted the bible says i saw satan like lightning fall from heaven when satan attempted to rebel it was over in a flash so everything is in order in heaven by the way those of you who who study king kingship you know that this is important here do you know that when a king stands up it means that everything is not in order did you know that it's very important remember that when a king stands up something is wrong in his kingdom a king standing is a sign that something is not right in his kingdom so whenever a king sits it's a message everything's cool under control that's why it's important when you read the bible to find the specific words used in reference to the king it says when jesus rose from the dead he ascended up to heavenly realms and he sat down now for us who were born in this you know parliamentary democracy area we don't understand what that means because they got no king here but if anyone who was brought up in a in a monarchy knows what that means what that statement means is sat down means that as far as christ is concerned oh man this is deep father is concerned number one ain't no problems in heaven everything is perfectly in order and number two his kingdom is in order now we got a challenge here oh lord no we had a challenge here do you realize his kingdom is in order so when you read hebrews chapter 2 those who read it before there's a problem statement in the chapter the chapter says for we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels and he put on the form of his brethren and became like as unto one of them and he tasted debt for all of them and then he arose again because that had no power over him because he took the power of death away keep reading in hebrews 2. it says and then he ascended and he sat down over all dominions under him even though however yet we do not see all things on his feet now that let's statement they have to do with you i missed it he sat down which means the kingdom of god is in order it says but we have not yet seen everything placed under his feet which means that he want the kids to clean up the rest as far as christ is concerned the earth is under control it's just that the kids wouldn't control it he is still sitting down that means anything that is not under the authority of jesus in the earth right now is illegal and you have the power and the authority you authorized to bring it under his authority christ has already redeemed us from the curse of the law the law of sin and death so anything that is not under the influence of jesus is your target help me holy spirit so every day you're supposed to be going waking up every morning going out of your house looking what's not under what's not under what is not under you go to work you go to school you go to play you keep checking what's not under and that becomes your target that must come under the influence of the kingdom of heaven are we so busy promoting our churches the kingdom never shows up on earth heaven is a place first statement of jesus matthew 4 17 publicly repent for the kingdom of what heaven has arrived in other words the authority that is in heaven has come to earth what's the kingdom of god same term used interchangeably by jesus but you got to understand the difference the kingdom of god is any domain where the rulership influence and authority of god is in effect so the kingdom of god is the effects of the kingdom of heaven the impact of the kingdom of heaven heaven is where god resides heaven is the place where god rules his headquarters is heaven wherever that headquarters influences or impacts is called the kingdom of god the bahamas used to be under a kingdom called great britain the united kingdom of great britain when we were under great britain years ago we were considered their territory that's the way they used their territory so when anybody wanted to travel to the bahamas they had to get permission under the authority of the united kingdom we were their territory so bahamas was was known technically and practically as the kingdom of great britain the united kingdom territory now the obama's never been to england have we no the islands can't move but everything in the bahamas was british the impact the influence we wore their clothes still do we eat their food drink tea like them we use knife and fork we drive on the wrong side which is the left side we got roundabouts like england our streets are narrow and our buildings are pink and we speak english and we took gces a levels all british exams the whole country became like the headquarters but it never went there so we were the kingdom of england england is what the place we are the impact the kingdom of god is where the impact of the kingdom of heaven is manifested so the kingdom of god supposed to be in your house when people walk on your porch it's supposed to be a different territory than any other territory neighborhood they supposed to feel like they just entered heaven oh boy help me lord so if there's cussing in your house they can say now this can't be heaven here fussing fighting throwing bottles burning people with hot grits is it this can't be come on y'all talk to me god is love so as soon as they walk into the house they're supposed to feel love black man a good basic amen everybody understand what i'm talking about when they come into your car your car is supposed to be under the influence of the territory of heaven so your car is supposed to be filled with the impact of the kingdom of god when you pick somebody up and to ride in your car what kind of music they're hearing hey would you use your car for in the night see you claim to be a citizen of the kingdom of god but that's why i got to teach this you got to understand how to apply that practically your library is supposed to be under the influence of the kingdom what kind of books there your money yes your paycheck is supposed to be kingdom property what you spending this on what kind of movies you checking out see it's practical man is the kingdom of god in your house in your pocketbook in your car and in your library and in your speech and in the way you wear your clothes if the kingdom owns your body i shouldn't see your breasts no no no you know i mean breasts fine but in certain cultures it's not [Applause] becoming it's not because you gotta dress like you represent a kingdom so you see christianity is a different thing than kingdom i i am not into see kingdom is not into telling you what to wear what not to wear you know kingdom is telling you how to represent. and some of you all need a little paint and little roots there's nothing wrong with that you need a little help praise the lord for that and thank god for the rude lipstick let's eyelash and make up you know and die here a little bit make yourself look right there praise god you could even have a little bit of horse here weave that in right brother jimmy [Applause] hey brother stop me i'm gonna burst you i think my brother you'll buy some here fix the thing up so it looks like kingdom stuff everybody say praise the lord huh huh yeah the brothers too yeah the brothers need to could you not die a little bit or shave it good night yeah you know man you need to look decent man walk around all kind of funny looking here people don't know where to use animal or human you have to fix yourself represent the kingdom can i hear an amen i mean i saw a few men one time i really had to look very carefully i said look see is this a human it just don't look becoming mine we represent a kingdom you know in the bahamas the british did something interesting hey i was born in being down and south street on top of the hill is a little school i went to called western prep korean pants white shade long socks stupid newspaper in it no problem been there done that okay now the british are interesting you couldn't wear what you want to do i want to think about how kingdoms work they dictated that everybody wear uniforms god does the same thing god said look now god don't tell you whatever you say just dress modestly that's the kingdom uniform more to sleep now some of you all need to define that need a bit of help to be more dismissed that you are not a distraction write it down if you walk in the place and everybody drop everything you ain't modest you understand modesty modes it means you don't distract to the point where you become a distraction how's your walking depression i saw people walking inside my god i got the look i said the story with purple here half of a green skate showing all the hip no bra i ain't swinging come on man got to be something here anybody ever seen this stuff i mean am i the only one you can't miss these people they're looking for attraction that ain't modesty that ain't modesty and normally when a person does that they are suffering from insecurity and a lack of self-love the kingdom of god is the influence of god in another territory and that's what god wants to bring to earth he wants to bring the influence of heaven on earth he wants the kingdom of heaven to be manifested on earth through you and me and this is what the mission the church is all about now i've only had slide 3 and i got 16 so we can pick up here next week because it's time to go thank you very much god bless you thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the [Music] world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 47,381
Rating: 4.8667898 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: f4FkAi5bcuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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