Holy Spirit & Great Commission - Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

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I'm an evangelist and I don't apologize for that so I'm going to speak to you about the Holy Spirit about the Great Commission and I pray that not only the faraway countries may be saved but America shall be saved in Jesus name any man let me say some some basic things just some basic things at first mark chapter 16 verse first of all verse 11 that was when Jesus ascended to heaven in verse 11 just before the ascension we read and when they had heard that he was alive the disciples they had been seen by her they did not believe wow they did not believe verse 13 and they went and told it to the rest but they did not believe number 2 verse 14 the same phrase appears number three they did not believe this were unbelieving believers they did not believe but to me that they did not believe I can still understand but I find it difficult to understand that Jesus said a few verses later to these unbelieving believers he said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature I said how is that possible here it says three times in a row they did not believe Jesus turns around to them and says go into all the world and preach the gospel to all people if I have been there maybe I would have sneaked to Jesus would have pulled him by his command and I would have whispered into his ear Lord Jesus don't you know that these are unbelieving believers the moment you turned your back they start fighting with each other don't you know that this is an impossible task you have given him I tell you what I believe Jesus would have done Jesus would have turned around to me and he would have said shut up bonkie because I know something that you don't know yet they shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon them and they shall be my witnesses and now and now read this in verse 15 he gives the Great Commission to these unbelieving believers and then in verse 20 we read and they went out and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs and wonders of course amen this is amazing something happened between verse 14 and verse 20 something dramatic something fantastic happened must have happened and I tell you what it is it is Acts chapter 2 it is Pentecost and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to preach and began to speak in new tongues in other languages that they had not learned but the Holy Spirit had enabled them to speak isn't that wonderful now here it says and they went out and they went out well this speaks to me of initiative they took the initiative they didn't just sit and pray they went out I vowed to God that I don't want to be an anointed couch potato just sitting and praying yet God expects us to go out and preach the gospel everywhere this is how the first disciples have understood the Great Commission not just celebration but proclamation of the gospel say a man I spoke to somebody and said what about the Great Commission what about preaching the gospel he said all brother I'm waiting on God gee you know that's the Old Testament concept waiting on God the New Testament is not waiting we are not waiting for God God is waiting for us he says go go when the traffic light turns green you don't need a written permission from the Secretary of Transportation to cross the intersection why not because green means go and it is still go it is still green we don't need to sit and wait say Amen hallelujah the traffic light is green it's green we have no excuse it's green it's a screen when I was a young man I I was thinking how can we become more effective to win more souls for Jesus how how I I didn't know whom to consult I had nobody to consult I was on my own the Holy Spirit became my mentor and God's Word became my source of knowledge and of Revelation I went to the chief theologian and I said to him when will people get saved in masses please tell me do you know he looked at me he said My dear young friend wait till revival comes wait till revival comes you know there are so many books around now tell us why revival Terri's shall I tell you why revival terry's do you want to know because there are so many books that tell us why and so many sermons preached that tell us why revival always follows the preaching of the gospel they went forth preaching the gospel everywhere and the Lord confirmed it confirmed it confirmed it with signs and wonders following hallelujah hallelujah an untreatable is no gospel it's like a bottle of medicine that is at the bedside of a dying man the bottle is there the Cure is there the remedy is right next to the dying man but it is absolutely useless until the cap is turned until he takes the medicine then he will live otherwise he may die an unbridgeable is like a capped medicine bottle when we preach it we administer we administer the power of the word of God for salvation and for healing amen this is what it is so don't sit and wait don't be an anointed couch potato if you want to travel from Kansas to Little Rock by car I would like to give you solid advice whatever you do don't follow a parked car you will never arrive and don't follow a part pastor either [Applause] Jesus doesn't sit with sitters he doesn't sleep with sleepers but he goes with Taurus and he works with workers they went forth and the Lord went with them they took the initiative and Jesus went with them are you happy let it be the name of the Lord okay let me say something about proclamation they preached the gospel everywhere they did not preach polemics they did not preach to incite people the gospel is glad news not mad news it's good news Jesus did not come to shames in us Jesus came to save sinners this is the wonderful Jesus we preach it's a message not of condemnation it's the message of salvation Jesus says is a fantastic good news we need to preach the pure Word of God amen we need to preach the pure Word of God when I was a when I was a schoolboy we were given the ingredients of gunpowder you have to have the right chemicals potassium nitrate sulfur and carbon if you took one of these chemicals that was just a look-alike of the real one it may have look very nice and very genuine with one difference it would never explode when it comes to the gospel we cannot just preach our own thoughts we cannot just jump into philosophical acrobatic acts we have to use the gospel of Jesus Christ if we preach what the Apostles preached we have the results the Apostles had it's the original gospel that has the power to be effective it will explode in the hearts of people and spread salvation wherever we may go come on say Amen hallelujah hallelujah the next thing is proclamation the first one then follows confirmation listen carefully I would like to just well a minute or two on confirmation and I pray that you may never ever forget it do you promise promise okay the Lord confirming the word with signs following so Proclamation comes first confirmation follows because nothing can be confirmed that hasn't been first stated preaching comes before confirmation declaration of the gospel comes before confirmation of the gospel the gospel must be preached it must be spoken listen God cannot confirm what is not preached he cannot and he is one line I want to give you I pray that you may never forget it Jesus can only be what you preach him to be I repeat that Jesus can only be what you reach him to be preach him as a savior and he saves preach him as a healer and he heals preacher mother deliverer and he delivers preach them as the Baptizer into the Holy Spirit and with fire and he is doing just that amen and the Holy Spirit then will confirm what has been stated the Holy Spirit always always blesses what we say about Jesus do you get my point this is what I'm preaching because I practice it and I have seen these glorious results you've just seen what God is doing in Africa well it is awesome we serve a great God and I'm not a great man of God I just am a man who has a great God and you have the same God the same access to his power it's for you it's for you it's for you the Holy Spirit cannot bless and confer what we do not say don't be shy don't be shy speak up and the Holy Spirit is there to confirm what you said about Jesus if you preach a limited Jesus then he cannot be himself many are guilty of stripping our precious Lord as he was stripped once for his crucifixion unbelief strips him again of his power as 2nd Corinthians 6 verse 12 says Christ is restricted in our lives hemmed in with no room to work caught in cold crusted unbelief when I prayed for this meeting the Holy Spirit spoke to me you want to hear what he said he said tonight he will turn the key in the lock of the shadow of your restrictions you will be released from all restrictions and from all limitations in the name of Jesus you will never ask the Lord game here's my cup lord I lifted up Lord please fill it Lord we are not talking about caps Jesus spoke about rivers rivers you're not just going to have a sip of power you're going to swim home in a river of power it's the power of the holy spirit deliverance from restrictions in Jesus name Amen when I was a young preacher a young pastor I had a church I believed in miracles I believed in healing I believed that Jesus could do and would do all of these wonderful things but I saw the miracles in my church and I blamed the people I said my congregation has no faith no faith that's why my church was a miracle free zone I blame the people I knew Jesus was healing but one thing I could not understand you know what that was I could not understand that when the sick person came to me and asked for prayer I was ready and willing to pray but I thought how do I know that Jesus wants to heal that person right now and because I had no answer to that question I got cold feet and I pulled back that's why I saw no miracles that was my problem and then I just give you the very short version of what happened but it changed me I feel as I was released from my restrictions that day you will be released today and you will go back to your home a completely different person a new man in a new year what about that this is what Saul said to young Samuel no no no sorry this is what the prophet Samuel said to young Saul he said to him Saul when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you you shall be a new man the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you like never before and you will be a new man and a new woman new boy a new girl amen now listen I invited somebody to my church who was blessed to pray for the sick and see mighty miracles he came but my church was packed absolutely he started to preach after 10 minutes he calls me up and he says to me whispers into my ear he said to me close the service I said I'm not going to close the service you first have to pray for the sick that is what we advertised he said close the service I said I closed it on one condition that you pray for the sick tomorrow morning he said okay I was foolish enough and I closed the service telling the people come tomorrow the great man of God is going to pray for the sick tomorrow the next day I passed the venue I see people not just inside but outside twice as many people I mean it was there was no room to move I drove on to the hotel where he was staying to pick him up when I arrived there couldn't believe my eyes he stood next to his car and he said brother bunkie I'm glad I see you I'm going home I say you can't go home you can't do that to me remember what you promised he said where you promised you have got to pray for the sick now I said he said the Holy Spirit told me I should go I said that is nonsense the Holy Spirit will never tell a man of God to run away from a revival meeting he said I'm going anyway bye-bye he left and I what got into my car I sat behind that steering wheel and I cried out to God that was a defining moment in my life couldn't I cried out I said I'm evangelist I'm only a missionary but I am your servant also and now I will go I will preach and I will pray for the sick and you will do the miracles and peace flooded my heart I arrived at the church my group of pastas it was waiting for me I said to them I've got bad news and I've got good news what do you want to hear first they said the bad news I said the bad news is the great man of God who was advertised has left they said now if he has left what can be the good news I said the good news is that Jesus stayed and I said now I will preach I will pray for the sick and Jesus we do miracles I [Applause] started to preach through my interpreter I preached 10 minutes when suddenly the Holy Spirit came into that building I was electrifying one drop of that anointing must have fallen on my interpreter because he fell to the ground right next to me he was crying like a little boy my interpreter had become my interrupter and while he was busy crying I heard the Holy Spirit speak in my heart and this is what he said he said the Lord said my word in my mouth is just as powerful as my word is in your mouth it sounded to me like a heresy at first and he repeated my word in your mouth is just as powerful as my word and my mouth I got it I grabbed it my interpreter was up on his feet again I continued preaching suddenly I'm coming to the point why I tell you this story suddenly I hear the Holy Spirit speak in my heart and he said pray for the totally blind people oh my faith came into my heart I said how many totally black people have we here four people stood up in one row in the middle of that building one two three four and I said to them I'm going to pray for you now and in a few seconds you will see me on the platform I knew I was prophesying but the devil came and whispered into my ear this is the point are you listening he whispered into my ear and said what if nothing happens as the devil ever said that to you then that means the devil in Africa is the same devil as in America what if nothing happens but I was transferred into into the time zone of faith the Lazarus come forth faith I said devil if nothing happens it doesn't matter what matters now is that I obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and then I shouted with all my might in the name of Jesus nine days are bad and suddenly I hear screams I can see that place exploded is not wonderful today in the name of Jesus and prophesying now your restriction will be removed number one and number two you will be delivered from the fear of man in Jesus name you won't be able to open your mouth and speak forth the Word of God and the Lord confirming what you speak about Jesus say Amen are you happy hallelujah hallelujah I pray that you may leave this building as a fearless man and as a fearless woman we always don't speak up because we don't want to offend people but if we don't speak up what about offending God speak up in Jesus name speak up in Jesus name we need the fire of the Holy Spirit say Amen without the fire of the Holy Spirit we cannot work effectively for Jesus I just read yesterday in the book of Judges chapter 16 the story of Samson can I share with you what I read there Samson's father-in-law had done a very terrible thing when Samson was on the road he gave Samson's wife his daughter to another man now who wouldn't be as mad as a snake when somebody gives you all your father-in-law gives your wife to another man and so was Samson he was extremely angry and he wanted to take revenge on the Philistines this is Old Testament please don't repeat this now this is what we read there but it struck me like fire it says there Samson caught 300 foxes tied them together in pairs tail to tail and since the Fox has only one tail each I think them he must have tied together to each and then he did a cruel thing so excuse me he lit those tails with fire and then he sent them into the harvest fields of the Philistines and then he watched he could see exactly where the Foxes were running because wherever the foxes were running he could see fire starting to place then I thought of Jesus Luke chapter 12 verse 49 he says I have come to throw fire on the earth what did he do he took seventy disciples link them up two by two gave them the fire of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick to cast out devils to preach the gospel to raise the dead and sent them into the ripe harvest fields of Satan I want to be such a fox for Jesus that's number one number two is this when Samson watched those foxes I asked myself what if something had joined the foxes together but forgot to light their tails what would have happened nothing absolutely nothing and this is my point we cannot work for Jesus without the fire of the Holy Spirit you work your fingers to the bone it's almost like slave labor and you see no results Jesus is saying to you today you will receive power through the Holy Spirit say Amen hallelujah this means that the power of the Holy Spirit is fire power fire power glory to God it's explosive hearts are being pricked we read in Acts chapter 2 now the point is this we cannot always feel the power but that doesn't mean that the power is not there because our feelings are not perfect we don't always feel the power suppose you America's best sprinter comes to visit you you are his fan you are deeply honored there he sits in your easy chair you give him a cup of coffee you give him some chocolate cookies and he drinks and he eats and he talks now do you think when he eats and drinks he can feel his power yes or no hello no power is not faith when you do nothing power is only faith when you use it take the starting pistol stand next to that sprinter in the stadium fire the pistol and then he will start running you fall on your back and you say wow what a powerful man so many Christians ask the Lord for power while they do nothing I repeat nobody needs power for doing nothing that's why Jesus doesn't answer that prayer do something go forth and preach the gospel declare it and he will definitely confirm it are you blessed are you blessed hallelujah glory to God in the highest you see our state of emotions human emotions go up and down and we think the Holy Spirit anointing is also going up and down that's a big mistake Holy Spirit I'm waiting on the fifth floor but then I see the elevator is in the basement I pushed the button but the elevator passes me I see he's right on the top floor now and so it goes up and down but he doesn't open on floor of five that is not the Holy Spirit these are our emotions they go up and down but the father of lights in whom are no variations is always at the zenith always at the peak of his power he doesn't go like this he's on the peak of his power and he goes like this hallelujah I can I can appropriate this anointing by trust and by faith blessed be the name of Jesus are you happy are you happy they appear to them divided the tongues of fire and one sat upon each of them it suddenly struck me those flames of fire that landed on them wouldn't you want you had to become the landing strip for the Holy Spirit he will only land but he will never take off because Jesus says in John 14 verse 16 he will abide with you forever how long is forever how long is forever how long is forever amen even if I don't feel him I appropriate his presence by trust how many times have I said that when I stood in front of a million people I said lord I don't feel your presence but my feelings are lying your word is true I appropriate your presence by faith you've said I will never leave you nor forsake you I will never leave you nor forsake you you are with me then I take the microphone and I start preaching and we see my team my team my team miracles and next day the crowd is even bigger and bigger and bigger I believe the Lord has the tools for America to be saved and the truth is the anointing of the Spirit of God amen in chapter 21 verse 24 we read something about Paul that is rather strange read it for yourself when this meeting is over it says there that Paul the Apostle made a vow to the Lord that he would shave his head because he made a vow to God he would shave his head for all to see I don't know what we would call him today maybe a skinhead apostle but he didn't care he had made a vow to God and shaved his head for everybody to see he was not ashamed what about us fire baptized Christians are we ashamed of it this is not a private matter it is a public matter I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'm not ashamed of the Blessed Holy Spirit only a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit will break the Devils back in America say amen to that hallelujah hallelujah Jesus is here to pour out the Spirit of God he is the Baptizer with the Holy Ghost and with fire I'm not ashamed of that I've never been because he says in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions not just television old men shall dream dreams I'm in that category now but I can tell you one thing old men don't just dream dreams they have to wake up to fulfill them I'm here fulfilling I believe what God told me to do you will get that fire you will go forward just as I did in all my own nothingness and weakness his strength showed forth he did not know me because I was worthy he anointed me because I was weak and I couldn't do anything without that anointing he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases strength you qualify to receive that glorious flame from above amen amen I pray that that key turns in the lock of your restriction that da jumps open and you jump out and I pray that that spirit of fear the fear of man may leave and that that fire will fill your mind your spirit your soul and you can feel it in your body as well Jesus is the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and with fire are many more things to say but I have one desire and something that I believe I need to do before I pass the microphone to Daniel kolenda Jesus is here as the Baptizer to the Holy Spirit and with fire you know in our Crusades in Africa we pray in every crusade for the baptism of the Holy Spirit every crusade because this is so important the Holy Spirit taught me this and you know how we do it I can call nobody forward there's no room but God is my witness I am the witness together with my team how we saw 1 million people within three minutes receive the baptism into the Holy Spirit and speaking in new tongues you see Pentecost was not organized by the disciples Pentecost was organized by Jesus it doesn't take huge preparation the only preparation is number one your heart must be washed in the blood of Jesus because the fire always follows the blood that blood makes you worthy and you shall receive this is how we do it in Africa it says an acceptor - and the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and this is what I would tell the people those of you who want to receive that flame of fire on your head you shall receive it now because Jesus is here to do it you won't get bunkies anointing if you've got Punky's anointing you would get a copy of bunkies anointing and that would be terrible but our God is not a duplicate or he is a creator you are going to get your original original original and unique flame of fire and your flame bears your name it's only for you as you have unique fingerprints you will have a new unique flame on your hand all this and then I say to them I'm just explaining now I say to them alright those of you want to receive that flame of fire from above I tell them to stand up and not now I'm just explaining ok you get your moment your moment is just around the bend then they stand up and I said now this is what we are going to do with one Accord they praise the Lord with one Accord you can pray what you like I'm not prescribing to you to pray but I said let's also be of one Accord and everybody shout a mighty hallelujah the biggest hallelujah he has ever or she has ever ever shouted shall rise from here to heaven and when we praise Jesus like that it attracts the Holy Spirit and to hallelujahs will turn into new languages given to you by the Holy Spirit hallelujah are you ready but don't just salt one hallelujah and then to open your eyes and look around keep shouting hallelujah until the Holy Spirit is giving you that new language that originates from him some of you will prophesy others of you will see visions others of you will know you have been called by God to preach the gospel as I also do and you will go and do it in Jesus name I cannot lay my hands on you all and that's totally unnecessary but the hand of Jesus is coming now and he will dislike that flame descend on your head [Applause] then in the name of Jesus stand up wherever you are in the name of Jesus close your eyes in the name of Jesus raise your hands and now in the name of Jesus [Applause] for Sheila Vasya barkos have a la mesilla [Applause] worship the lamb in your languages the whole wide world for Jesus a llama Garcia Parvati [Applause] carnival Abbasi Arava she receives now say I'm Jesus name receive fire [Applause] your restriction is over the fear of man has been cashed out saya pins your soul [Applause] praise the Lord to new languages as Holy Spirit gives reference suntico [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah keep it up keep it up don't give up keep tracing it keep placing him is ratty piece worthy this ticked up being heated now the Holy Spirit is a healing spirit [Music]
Channel: Your Living Manna
Views: 111,727
Rating: 4.7822671 out of 5
Keywords: Malayalam Christian Message, Malayalam Christian Sermon, Pentecostal, Malayalam Christian Song, Education, Revival Meeting, Devotional, Praise, Gospel, Christian, Malayalam Bible Study, Bible Study, Malayalam Sermon, Speech, Preaching, Kerala, India, India Pentecostal, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spiritual, yourlivingmanna, livingmanna, Manna, Tv, Religion, Christ, Worship, Christianity, Inspirational, Malayalam, English, Tamil, Hindi, Pastor, Lord, Ministry, Word, PCNAK
Id: 9FTcOmFouGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2016
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