The Jewish Phenomenon Sunday Oct 3th 2017

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[Music] counting on you we're waiting an expectation and anticipation on what you're about to do for the remaining of this month in fact Oh God we are an anticipation about what you're gonna do today there's still some things that we're waiting on there's some still some things that we're learning to understand but even in this environment even in this surface for God manifests the miracle show us the supernatural open our eyes to see in our ears to hear you in a new and inviting way that you might show your glory on today so on today we celebrate our salvation was born but we celebrate that salvation has been made available so on today Oh God rest in us rest in through us that we might continue to choose you as the most perfect gift over and over again it is in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] hallelujah we'll remain standing all over the sanctuary as we sing one of our favorite songs it goes like this Jesus Jesus something happens when we call your name I hear you singing it come on Jesus Jesus Jesus something happens something happens when we call Jesus ji Jesus come on Cheeta something happens in your something happened to Jesus see even as a mighty anthem she come on something happens something [Music] can we sing it one more time as a mighty congregation together sing Oh something happy to say it y'all something you call the name Jesus Jesus oh gee come on something happens [Music] my god canine heat let's sing together he come on the father once you hear you say come on everybody say come on if he said it he's able to perform it he watches over his word to perform it concerning my god [Music] say yo you forget convincingly he'll my god but the devil's Eliza that we might have life my god my god my god [Music] come on all over the Saints wearing a fake God for his word that he speaks concerning us that his promises are yes and they ain't man if he said he [Music] [Music] my god I want that message sharing food I to come on when she lifts up that hand everybody not just required to worship you I live to worship to worship you I live that henders lifted would you just open up your mouth and just begin to bless the name of our conquering king our loving Lord let him know how much you value him how much his celebrate him [Music] he's kept you for 12 months I think you owe him some praise 12 times you've come around this communion table twelve different months God has made a way for you he's blessed you beyond your capacity for those of you who are extremely grateful would you give God your best shout of Thanksgiving come on come on I say clap your hands you don't have to wait until January for a fresh start a fresh start can start today come on give God praise I want you before you take your seats would you hug somebody and tell them something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you something good I live come on to worship come on give it to him one more time to worship you to worship you you may be seated clap your hands if you believe it hallelujah might I ask if I can all of those of you who are celebrating a birthday in the month of December would you stay in please I want you to stay in I want you to remain standing that the people who are standing amongst you really deserve our prayers they've been traumatized their whole lives from family members they tried to give them a birthday and Christmas gift wrap together but we're thankful for how God has kept them they are gift to their family a gift to this community and a gift to our church I need you to do me a favor I can't reach all of them but I'm thankful for their lives for whoever is standing near you would you embrace him and tell him the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life the rest of your life is going to be the best of your life you may be seated in the presence of our God I'm so grateful for each and every one of you if we have any first-time visitors would you mind standing if it's your first time visiting worshiping with empowerment temple would you stay in right where it is that you are 7:30 y'all got to help me now you you all like to keep 7:30 to yourselves but I need you to please make sure that you invite somebody to worship with us today is World AIDS at Sunday and I wanted you to be aware of the fact that in America there 1.2 million people living with HIV and AIDS 1.2 million people but here's what's really gonna make you gasp and clutch your pearls he is 1 out of 8 of them don't know they have it one out of eight of them do not know that they have it that means that there are 36 million people worldwide living with AIDS are the fastest-growing demographic of those who have contracted the disease are african-americans the fastest-growing population today our health and ministry is in the lobby and they are willing able and zealous to assist you in getting information you have no idea how honored I am that the National black aids Institute has partnered with our church the National a black aids Institute and as a consequence on tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. empowerment temple is hosting the National Black Health Care Access Initiative did you hear what I just said their national media is gonna take place in our church on tomorrow from 11:00 to 1:00 I want those of you who are self-employed unemployed underemployed or in fact you claimed a sick day and you are healthy I need you to come to church tomorrow from 11:00 to 1:00 Institute will please come tomorrow from 11:00 to 1:00 for that national black healthcare initiative that's gonna be hosted in our church how many of you today thank God for your health come on I said how many of you thank God you don't think you owe God better than that that you got activity of your limbs that you're able to function absent of any pain come on somebody give God glory for that one one of our dear beloved and trusted members of our staff has been going through chemo and she came to my office this morning just to give me the praise report that the doctors can find no tumors in her body come on y'all gotta give God some praise for that y'all really ain't gonna shout for good help remember that the next time you in the hospital the next the next time you in intensive care I want you to remember how you didn't shout and give God praise over your health I wanted to give you just a few housekeeping things would you please go to your smartphone a couple of things I need you to plug into that phone so that you are mindful of it a couple of things especially for our holiday season as it relates to you inviting your family and your friends to come and be apart with us on Christmas Eve all of our services will go as scheduled 7:30 9:30 and 11:30 on Christmas Eve our regular scheduled services Christmas Day we will have a 1 service at 10:00 a.m. I want you to please bring your entire family to come and to share and to worship with us I also wanted you to be apprised of our New Year's Eve schedule on New Year's Eve schedule all of our services will run as scheduled in the morning but different than what we've done over the last 15 years on New Year's Eve were only having one service at night only one service at night and that service will begin at 9:30 also ask as many of you that possibly will again that you will bring in at 10 o'clock I apologize at 10 o'clock is our New Year's Eve service as that you will please put that in your diary and to your smartphone registry I want you to know how blessed you are as a ministry how blessed we are as a church on Thanksgiving Day well let me first because I wasn't with you on last Sunday I can I thank you for our outpouring of love over the Thanksgiving holiday somebody help me give God glory that we were able to feed come on I need you to clap more robustly than that are we were able to feed over 1,000 families are on that Thanksgiving holiday and what is amazing and what should be noted is that we we were able to reach our pinnacle on Thanksgiving night we went to the Upton North recreation center and we had to do two different feedings are two different feedings because of the in mass amount of people that came in darkening our doors and they were so uplifted by our presence so uplifted by our partnership and they're beginning in January are they gonna begin running shuttle buses of their residents to begin worshiping with us here's your shout on a weekly basis come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise of the director uh sister Erica Austin I've made one humble request of us that I know that we'll be able to reach blindfolded as she said pastor you would be amazed and you would shudder to think how many people particularly in this inclement weather come into our shelter both male female young and old with no socks they're not even looking for coats of jackets or blankets can you pastor ask empowerment temple to just collect for us Fox did this has been the easiest outreach request we have ever received ever is just for us to get sucked as a consequence what I'm asking you to do over this holiday season I want to be able to collect 1,000 pairs of socks whether that be a thermal socks whether they're sweat socks out whether that's a dress socks but I want 1,000 I hate that I have to say it but have to just in case new socks please I hate that I have to say it but please and I want to tag on it just so I can sleep well please about 1,000 pairs of socks how many of you all believe that we can reach that how many of you are going to help me out reach that and so a beginning on Tuesday if you will bring socks in to worship for me and on next Sunday and the Sunday thereafter are all the way up till Christmas Eve I'm gonna be collecting out these socks and then our leaders as well as myself will go down to of the center and we'll drop those off this is an easy task an easy assignment I want you to go so far as to get your co-workers and your friends to help partner with us on that wise our music ministry is preparing us now for the Word of God it was our hope that we will go right into the Advent season in terms of our preaching but I want to stay true to what it is that we have started in terms of the Jewish phenomenon I ask that you would please if you have not yet received that book I want you to please go get that book I want you to please I get copies of that book for your friends and your family amazingly do not forget on December 12 members of the Jewish community are coming to our church that's our last night of Bible study on December the 12th so that we can have an open attended and a concise conversation about Jewish wealth and black poverty about Jewish wealth and black poverty so I want you to please make sure that you are here but I need you to please read the book before we go in the Q&A I don't want you asking questions that are already address amen my mother used to say people don't know you ignorant do you open your mouth amen so as that you were please fool us full if you don't know what to say don't say nothing but as that you will please get that book December 12th is our last day of Bible study for the year as well as at 6:30 is our last quarterly conference December 13th is our last Wednesday of intercessory prayer and so we want all of us to be in good standing how music ministry is preparing us even while they're doing that would you please invite somebody to worship with us right now they can do it by going to empowerment temple org invite them to get online and worship with us in this moment [Music] [Music] before and all the angels sing and they bow down and they cry you are we your sons and daughters we praise you and we will you do forever and this is really simple it goes like this everybody raise your voice and say come on real simple and weave into the fence a congregation come on see yourself with the foreign 2000 and the throne of God come on with the four and twenty elders we come on [Music] [Music] oh come on everybody stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on everybody lift up their Force holy holy Oh hallelujah come on open up your mouth speak well love him come on speak well love him [Music] bless its name thank you music ministry Ecclesiastes is where we find our reading this morning Ecclesiastes chapter 10 [Music] and I want us as we continue in our series making money moves I want us to look at just one verse and that verse is verse 19 Ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 once you found I want you to Claire I have it if you can't find us there Lord help me Lord as a lot of y'all Ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 let's read it together please a feast is made for laughter wine makes life merry and money is the answer for everything come on let's read it again with uplifted voices a feast is made for laughter a feast is made for laughter wine makes life merry and money is the answer for everything you may be seated I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject give me something to fight with give me something to fight with my dear friends going down in pugilistic history right behind Muhammad Ali's infamous rumble in the jungle would have to be the bout between Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield and all of Tyson's previous matchups he was able to swing his way to victory handily until he encountered Evander Holyfield who just refused to fall and kept going round for round realizing his arms weren't long enough and fatigue were starting to slip in here a tional eyes to himself that if my fists won't work might as well use my teeth when many haven't realized that with a lot of things you are fighting up against money can land a punch but many times not a knockout so with my daughter's on yesterday and have they asked me almost in a pre-planned conspiracy daddy do you know what you're getting us for Christmas I said no is December 2nd I have no idea they said we want to help you we want to help you in what you gonna give us for Christmas I said make it easy for me what do you want me to give us and the three of them are almost in the chorus say just give us money we'll figure it out we know you're busy preaching and traveling you don't have time to do all of that and daddy you don't even have to wrap it just give it to us without any instruments an anonymous poet once quipped the real measure of your wealth is how much you are worth if you lose all your money did you hear what I just said the real measure of your wealth is how much you are worth if you lose all your money in plane speak money can buy you a bed but not sleep money can buy you a clock but not time money can buy you a book but not knowledge money can buy your position but not respect money can buy you medicine but not health money can buy you blood but not life and money can buy you sex but not love how then do we reconcile these axioms with the utterance of the infallible Word of God dictated to the wisest man who ever lived a King Solomon who transcribed the revelation in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse number 19 Clause see but money answereth all things which seems to be in direct contradiction with Psalm 49 would you go to Psalm 49 I want to show you something they are and Psalm 49 David sings aloud those who trust in their wealth and boast in the multitude of their riches none of them can redeem their brother for the redemption of their souls is costly wait a minute pastor I thought money answers all things but in Psalm 49 it says it cannot redeem my family because that cost is too high what do I do about the family member that's in bondage if money answers all things I know God can't lie and I believe that the Word of God is in fact infallible so after investigating I discovered that the Word of God isn't wrong watch this the translation is the translation is wrong the passage Ecclesiastes chapter 10 was originally written in Hebrew and in the Hebrew the word watch this is it money the word watch this is price with that in mind it should read in its original Hebraic translation not money answers all things but what's this but it should read there is a price for all things did you hear what I just say it there's a price for all things and the question you gotta ask yourself are you willing to pay the price for the thing you desire there's a price to everything the question is are you prepared for the cause in the book the Jewish phenomenon the author underst the fact that the Jews don't accumulate wealth to buy things but in order to change things I want you to write that down God didn't give you money to buy things he gives you money to change things [Music] they operate out of the mind frame if you don't let us join your Country Club we'll build our own if you won't let us get serviced in your hospital watch this will erect our own and the question that we've got to ask ourselves uncle Charles is what then is the difference in the psychosis of Jewish people and black people because they suffered under the same segregation the same racism in the 40s the 50s in the 60s and made up in their mind watch this if they do not allow us to play golf on their Country Club watch this we'll build our own with it we do we made up in our minds all together different differently watch this to protest so we protested to drink from their water fountain to eat from their lunch counter as to as opposed to finding what's this the infrastructure to build our own water fountain and to have our own lunch counter no longer as of this hour does God want you protesting to get access to what somebody else as I want God to give you the wherewithal that where they will not allow you that you'll have the wherewithal to do it for yourself yes the old axiom out of the Indian community is you give somebody a fish they'll eat for the day but if in fact you show them how to fish they'll eat every day I'm gonna add a caveat in this hour I want God to show me how to buy the pond so I can go fishing whenever it is that I feel like it I want you to lift up that hand right where it is that you are I want to speak something over your life I want God to bless you to by what other people didn't want you to have God y'all just miss that I said I want God to bless you to be able to purchase and build what other people wanted to block you from procuring you put that hand down if they took the car then God I need you to help me to buy the replacement if you get fired from the job god help me to start a business from the ground up God is there to me exactly what they took from me and when that happens god I need you to arm me not with bragging rights I need you to equip me so that I can defend me do you know how your attitude your posture your position and your faith would be different if you had money to fight with God I'm losing all this morning I wish I was preaching a better sermon what would you not tolerate if you didn't need that job god I can't hear nobody how would your position be different if in fact you did not have to go in humble subservient and broken but you're able to look them in the eye as appear knowing that I am here because I have a passion to do this not an obligation to do this and I need God to resew come navigate your whole existence that what you do is not for the money but what you do is out of your passion out of your assignment and out of your call do you know how free you are going to be when you're able to operate at that job that you're not dragging yourself into voluntary disrespect because they holding a check over your head but when you realize that God has given me everything that's needed and necessary in order for me to survive you can let them know epidural I don't need this got something more in store for my life and I'm praying for you as your pastor and I hope you will receive it God in 2018 give me what I need in order to live with dignity in order for me to live with with compromise without sacrifice God equip me to live with my self-esteem in I don't leave out of a job feeling dirty and use that being taken advantage of God give me what is necessary to fight with I believe it for you I believe it for you hallelujah I said I believe it for you I'm only waiting on 90 y'all to get this I believe it for you you ain't talking to me crazy god I can't hear nobody you ain't giving it to me when you feel like it I won't for this price for this did what was required in order to get this God gave me the resources to fight with for that community what's this for that community money also means a security embedded in the history through seasons of oppression they use money to buy special protection to protect themselves from an onslaught of attacks once this brought on by anti-semitism I want the Lord to release money so that your children are protected from being placed was this inappropriately into special education god I can't better stop right here that you're a both here it is to get a second opinion see how you gonna be offended for me warning the best for my child hallelujah because I know what they are capable of doing I know with their intellectual prowess and you are not gonna redirect the trajectory of their life because you are in bed with private prisons and you don't expect a future for my son for my nephew and for my daughter the devil years a lie y'all ain't saying nothin to me y'all don't even realize autism is just 17 years old not because of the vaccines they made you give your children y'all ain't saying nothing to me but God you gotta give me your money to fight back because there is no disease in the earth that God has not cured somebody from and I am sick of hot people dying of cure diseases because we don't have the resources the education or the information in order to fight back but in 2018 God he is in fact releasing for you everything you need for your optimum health everything you need for emotional wholeness everything you need so that your body is operating out of the primary will a living Savior Jesus Christ you will not die in a clinic you will not on the floor of a hospital you will not have to wait a plus amazing no sir the pump same clean your bedpan but God said I am harming you absolute mess I speak it over not just your children but here's your shout your parents will have the best care that is available because you'll be hard to fight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I know it sounds arrogant to say it out loud but it is not I need 500 of you to shout out loud my family deserves the best y'all y'all better say that say I'm tired of you acting as if it is some noble attitude for you to act like you are the tech everything devil is alive you are a child of the care deserves the best hallelujah [Applause] you need enough money to fight up against slum landlords god help me in predatory Linda you need enough money to fight with so you don't feel obligated to keep going what's this into relationships because you need bills pay god I can't hear nobody in here you are pimping out comfortability because you scared of the cutbacks you gonna have to make if you leave it I don't want you in a mansion and miserable but rather you start all over with a futon and a hair mattress on the floor and have this in your spirit saying God make my house and make it essential wear it I don't want you I know this ain't additional church oh I don't need you staying in it for the kids I don't need you staying in it the appearances for the family but that joy of the Lord is my strength you don't think God will make away God said I have plans for you even while you were in your mother's womb that necro ain't your provider but Sarah [Applause] they mess all that money all that money they they have mastered the Jewish community did for many years but in this face and in spite of all of that wealth what's this their money could not stop the Holocaust thus again proving money can't buy everything oh my god you can have money hallelujah but if you don't have Holy Ghost power oh my god how do you mean the go this far cuz I know y'all just wanted to shout over the Benjamins but I want to tell you that some people in this room they ain't got money but they got an anointed so that even when the attack of the enemy comes and rears his head you can't even tell that they're going through because they've got before Oh can't be against him when the enemy comes upon you like a flood hallelujah then the Lord will lift up a standard the enemy are seeking whom he can devour hallelujah but I prayed for you that your faith will not fail hallelujah I need you to look at your neighbor and tell them when Iran money I didn't run out of an inaud feel something on me right through here when the chat started bouncing they've started growing I've got the wrong Church right through here when my family that's when my prayers started going up there were you better not play with me because when I get broke I get spiritual and I start trusting God [Applause] be seated please I'm coming this early in the morning god help me right through here I need you to grab your neighbor real quick and say neighbor money can buy your cars money can buy your clothes and money can buy your food but I lived long enough to find out you don't need money to kill a demon and my house being under attack but with no money I begin to lay down the law and say as for me and my house we shall serve the law praise me praise even when I didn't know where the money was coming from watch me even now continually I gotta tell y'all this the enemy's awesome that when I didn't have money I wouldn't have a praise but he didn't understand that when the praises go up that's when the best Sega will come down with no money I've never seen the righteous forsaken or you seed begging for bread with no money and nobody like Jesus nobody with no money he touched my body and he told me the Raanana when he pick me up you turn me on if you turned it I needed a turn away yeah here's Simon she's turning my budget Iraq keeps turning my finances around he started negative gesture what time here sternum dear Cernan 2018 is gonna be the best financial year your life like you've been faithful over a few things we better shout for your biggest bill sad for your biggest bill you may be seated you may be seated oh my god oh my god you may be seated hallelujah god I feel a right through here he's Cernan be seated please higher I gotta tell you two more things and then I'm getting ready to go [Applause] since we're um pulling up the veil about money let's consider the difference on how black people and Jewish people approach wedding gifts in our tradition we buy toasters and blenders flatware but the Jews they rationalize why buy luxuries for people who have no equity through our tainted lens we see cash as an impersonal gift however for them is perceived as an intimate gift using the logic you have watch this in the Jewish community hear this in the Orthodox Jewish community when a Jewish couple gets married the first year they don't work bride nor groan that the first year of their marriage watch this their job is to get to know each other as a consequence the extended family watch this make sure that they raise the amount of their salary God you don't like this here huh so that they can pull their resources together so that entire year they only work on each other and themselves in the black community the young couple watches spins the whole first year paying off the reception but ended a second year they separated cause y'all in it amazing what is that in our community 50% of all of our marriages end in divorce in the Jewish community only 7% because they understood the value of the investment they make up in their minds that giving money is not impersonal it is intimate because the young couple then can allocate the resources to where it is they best see it suited where do they need it maybe they need that cash watch this to pay off student loans furniture downpayment on their first home we don't even think like that in our minds you ought to be glad I came I had to buy a whole nother dress no you didn't it ain't your wedding [Applause] and God dropped something in my spirit that I wanted to give to you at 7:30 and no other time today he said you know when you get to 7:30 please alert those who got up in drove through the rain that they forgot that they are married to my assignment and because they are married to my assignment I've got to give them money as a gift so that they can get through it for better or for worse see some of you all are not gonna be able to catch this why because you don't have any dreams and the aspirations any goals or any particular calling but for those of you that know God has burdened me with something and I'm not sure exactly how it is it's going to get done but God says I'm getting ready to give money for your assignment and I knew y'all were gonna miss it see because many of you only know about wealth in terms of what you can do for you then so let me remix it for you does is I am getting ready to finance your entire idea that you you are not gonna have to look for other people to give you money for what I impregnated you with and I don't know where you are whether that's your business whether that's real estate whether it's a housing opportunity but how many of you got enough faith to believe God will bless me with enough resources to finance what I've been dreaming about see many of you can only give God glory over tangible stuffs but can you give God glory over concepts can can you give God glory washes over stuff that is not material but knowing in 2018 all I gotta do is pursue it and if I pursue it God will unleash the finances for it last point in there nah we'll go to communion in this society the average senior retires at 65 with a hundred and sixty thousand hundred and six thousand dollars to their name with twenty thousand a year in Social Security benefits that number friends is for Caucasian seniors the average black person in this room does not have $25,000 cash and ends up living completely off Social Security and God gave something to me I don't even know who this is for but God says I am getting ready to release funds Jamal tell them for me please tell them for me I am get ready to release funds for 50 of you in this room for one reason only so that you can and I need you to hear it all is only three things that I need you to know he says I am releasing funds so you can one retire early god I got the wrong church maybe I mixed these up and I should have preset 930 he said number two so that you can retire comfortably so that when you retire you will not have to adjust your lifestyle you're living or your housing around I can't hear nobody in here and thirdly so that you can retire healthfully so you're retiring watch this not because of medical reasons but just because I'm sick of doing this and because I'm tired of doing this I just need a break and God said watch me give you the money to fight with that you gonna be able to watch this go on trips because you feel like it go on a 20 day cruise and you ain't told nobody you will leave it I can't hear nobody in here and just because you by yourself and you got enough money to take one of your friends which you have so that God will give you the companionship you need in this season of your life God told me to tell just the 50 of you I do not want you to just keep working until you can't work no more but God says I owe you something because of all of the years that you had the labor and sweat and sacrifice I'm not gonna let you go out the way your mama and your daddy idea but God said every generation you know to get easier and easier and easier and the years I was don't get easier and only 90 y'all gonna be able to shout over this he said the only way I can make you comfortable is to get your kids out your pocket so I gotta fortify your children so that your children are not livin off for you so that you can finally live in peace [Applause] lift up that ham my time is up a feast is made for laughter wine makes life merry come on Shawn let me go please but there's a cost to it so pull all of that together a feast is made for laughter wine makes life merry but there's a cost to you being happy can I give it to you there's a cost to you being comfortable and are you prepared for that what makes other people happy don't even faze you good I can't hear nobody in here some some people in order for them to be happy they need to be another palatial estate other people watch this just for me to be happy I need to be in a place watch this there's warm and comfortable for me I'll only need on the debt space I need some real people God says I'm getting ready to prepare you to be in a place where you can eat what you feel like eating and your health is of such that you ain't got to read the back of a bottle to see if this is okay because I've made sure that everything in your blood is clean and clear or to lift up that hand I speak it over your life now give me the money to fight with so I can do what it is that I'm called to do God in order for that to happen God I need you to bless my children so that they're independent of my investments God y'all ain't saying nothing to make god I pray dear Lord that whatever ideas I got in this season of my life got ain't 28 no more but I still got dreams still got passions still got burns God give me the wherewithal in order to get it done god I prayed there Lord that you'll allow me to treat me without there being guilt affixed to it God in this season of my life helped me to do some stuff for my family cuz I don't want to see my family struggling I don't want to see my family ill Letty's God I trust you for it I don't know how you're gonna do it but God this year I proved to you that I would be faithful when I didn't have the money so I came to church even when I was broke I came to your house even when I didn't know how the bills were gonna get paid I gave an offering even when some days God I gotta be honest I fought with myself but I trusted you anyway those of you your faith is connected to the faith of your pastor and is your right where you are come on y'all not for no Louie bag not for red-bottom shoes rush is enough for you to get your hair done but God give me money to fight with and those of you that believe that God can do it I need you to take one moment would you open up your mouth and just give God a sound of your worship [Music] I can't believe you're not gonna give God better praise than that you don't believe God is deserving the morning that I said get me something the fight will come on every person standing please every person is standing every person is standing y'all I gonna stay on the actual interpretation of that tix ladies and gentlemen is not money answereth all things but there's a price to all things are you prepared to pay the price for your happiness there's a cost for you living at the standard that you expect are you prepared for it it is my glorious privilege to open up the doors of the church to offer Jesus Christ today to be your loving Lord and wondrous Savior what better season what better time of the year than Christmas for you to say god I offer myself as a present I give what's this the gift of my talents back to the body of Christ what must I render unto God for all these blessings God made everything and everything belongs to him I need you to help me please you're in this room you've been coming so long we thought you are a member here in this place and you know that God has pricked your heart at 7:30 in the morning and you need to get in alignment because you know there's a price for your sanity there's a price for your piece there's a price to bring your family back together again and the price ladies and gentlemen is your obedience you're in this room I want you to give me your hand but more than anything I want you to give God your heart I need you to help me please sir please ma'am everybody who's in this room everybody who's in the room in just one minute I want you to go to work here's our last last month of the year and I want souls to be saved one hearts to be fixed I want the body of Christ to be enlarged here's what I need for you to do please order to get out of your tent door we need some good people to fight with to fight to reclaim Park Heights tell puss fight to reclaim a Millennial Generation to fight watch this the preconceived notion that the church doesn't care about what's happening in the community we need some people who we can fight with come on everybody in the room move from where you are go to somebody who you've never spoken to in church find out if they're saved for me please would you find out if they have a church home [Music] ah ah surrender come on everybody would you talk to one more person find out for me ah come on why aren't you talking anybody come on I surrender ah come on all the Jesus ah [Music] ah if you're glad to be in a saved house would you give God glory you may be seated in the presence of our conquering king our church ladies and gentlemen our church needs money to fight with just on yesterday brother Robinson and T seemed had a meeting here in our sanctuary to aggressively move to make our church the first black mega church in the country to go completely green that doesn't happen through osmosis it didn't come from a color palette it comes from an investment a couple of weeks when it is that we converge in this place for our quarterly conference we're going to be uh talking about what are our aggressive plans to do a housing initiative right in Park Heights have we've been talking about it but we can't just be heroes we gotta be doers of the word at 2018 we gonna go take it all how many of you believe it God has given us a vision for 100 houses 100 houses y'all not sayin nothin to me let me give it to you again 100 houses y'all too slow class let me give it to you one more time 100 houses can I tell you that was yes what was on our mind and a group came to us and said we know you won't do 100 houses but have you thought about doing in this thing your housing yeah y'all y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I'm telling you God has given us an amazing assignment but we need money to fight with we've got one of the best schools in the city of Baltimore empowerment Academy ears of some of the most dedicated teachers some of the most brilliant children but they need money in order to fight through it I've still got three buildings right on that parking lot that are undeveloped that need to be transformed so that we're not just a church that just opens up on Sunday it is my hope my prayer my vision that be a seven-day-a-week Church are offering ministry in so many different levels so many different capacities it's amazing that 92% of Jesus's ministry was outside of the sanctuary but in this hour 92% of our ministry is in the sanctuary but in order for us to do it we need money to fight with how many of you need God to bless you with money to get some things done hallelu come on don't don't reduce God to a watch don't reduce God to a purse I'm tomorrow how many y'all got some real stuff you trying to get done going into 2018 come on don't wave that hand some of y'all should be twinkling toes I I need God to give me money to fight with I too that answered ma'am our servant leaders our ambassadors they're coming amongst you I want you please on this the last communion in December it ought not be a hard poll for you to tithe it ought not be a hard poll for you to do that in the Jewish community in December in the Jewish community they make a pledge in December for what they're going to give above their tithe for the year coming in above their tithe I want God to so bless us watch this that we become a tithing church I can't tell you again and again that if just the members of 7:30 but it would tithe you would meet our budget for the day to show you what I just said if just the members of 7:30 which I will meet the budget of the day can you imagine that if in fact we had 100 percent tithing participation at 7:30 and everything we did at 9:30 was for the school y'all don't have that kind of faith can you imagine that everything we did for 11:30 was just for outreach God don't have us in a ministry just to pay bills something is wrong if all that we do is just to stay open and to pay lights a mortgage and payroll that's not ministry but we've got to understand that to whom much is given much is required I need you to get that seed in your hand your seed is your tithe I've been talking to you about it for now full week solid you understand what is the value of it you understand what is of the meaning for it and in this hour I am reminding you that God needs you to sow that seed so that we can fight through some things fight through why it is that there are two million homeless teenagers in America you're not saying anything to me homeless teenagers in America I'm telling y'all I'm telling you need money to fight with what y'all think is gonna happen to the stock market when we are without a president in 60 days I prophesied y'all just missed it huh some of y'all in the slow class huh yeah cuz we got get rid of Bo for them what you think that's gonna do when pinch me when pants gotta go out - yeah Ryan ain't gonna be no walk in the park it's gonna be evil in a younger face I need you right where it is that you are we need money to fight with ladies and gentlemen you've got to stay awake alive and spry because if they pass this tax budget okay y'all ain't saying nothin to me if they Tek pass this tax bill do you know how many of our people are going to be on the brunt receiving end of poverty the rich are gonna get rich and the poor are going to get poorer if a person who's raising making less than $70,000 are going to take the brunt of paying wealthy people's taxes and that's the overwhelming majority of this congregation and this community I need you come on we got money we got to get money to fight with I want us I'm gonna be talking to you about on next Sunday out what it is that we're gonna do as a church to help our brothers and sisters who are finding themselves enslaved in Libya what is our responsibility I'm not asking for the government to do it but we got to do it cuz the government is who is unstabilized their government y'all ain't saying nothin I don't wanna mess with it right now but I want on next Sunday y'all gotta get ready because I believe it's a responsibility can you imagine right now there are a 400,000 slaved Nigerians and Ghanaians can you imagine if it was 400,000 Norwegians I can't hear nobody in here can can you imagine if there were 4,000 which there was enslaved Irish the whole globe would be in there but because it's our people ain't nobody doing nothing I don't want you read no resolution in the UN I need you to send troops in gosh y'all ain't saying nothing but but you need money to fight with we need planes to be able to go in there and pull our people out of there but if all of us flying south we're sound that's gonna happen we pulling the slaves out Group A one through 15 we need money to fight with and on earth in order for this to happen I need every person would you stand to your feet you're writing a check I need you to write it out - yes [Applause] [Music] an envelope that said Christmas gift and then this is our opportunity to give unto this treasure in earthen vessel and so in all our giving and all of our instructions this morning world but here's our opportunity to be aware of how we can celebrate the treasure here and so while you are getting your envelopes together as pastor was just instructing please also fill out this envelope to be a blessing we are blessed to be a blessing amen thank you so very much would you lift up that gift right above your head might I ask those of you who are watching online come on you got to give us money to fight with God's gonna give you money to fight with but the body of Christ needs money to fight with oh there is in fact some wicked and evil days amongst us and the church has got to be able to equip it can I say to you that Satan has a limitless Treasury he will invest in wickedness our problem is we won't ever invest in goodness and today I need you to help me invest in something good this is good ground is fertile ground that a harvest is going to be yielded out of this place lift up that seed as high as you can repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this year ends a man would you turn to your right our servant leaders are standing amongst you they want to partner with you on today that you'll be able to receive the sacred sacrament of communion [Music] I am a kid yes I am a gamer run to the law I am a give a I am enjoy side I see I I am Christ died for us the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life if you confess your sins he's faithful even when we're unfaithful and he's just I want us collectively under the leadership of Reverend Blackston to pray our prayer of general confession all of us all over the sanctuary would you pray along with Reverend Blackston he's not praying for you he's praying with you for all have sinned and fallen short of his glory [Music] which we from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word and deed against your divine Majesty provoking most justly your wrath and indignation against us we do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is Grievous unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for your son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake forgive us all that is past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please you through the newness of life to the honor and glory of your name through Jesus Christ our Lord amen would you write where it is that you are if you're poor the first level of your receptacle you're lifting it above your head Jesus when he commandeered the disciples into that room he pulled out a loaf of bread and he broke it and said this is my body is broken for you do you break it right in your hand and I want you to think as you broke it how many times this year you almost broke down how many times almost fell apart how many times you were almost crushed how many times you almost collapsed but God kept you together for that would you please take a knee and was so carefully pulling back the second level of your receptacle lift it he said this is my blood is shed for you from Thanksgiving to January 12 is the highest season for alcohol sales the higher season for Odie's from people who are trying to escape and people who are trying to suppress their pain but I'm telling you with everything you dealing with everything you need is right in that Cup what can wipe away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus for that would you please take and drink Jesus instructed the disciples in the dark and difficult days you have ahead always remember the Lord's Prayer can we pray that together amen would you be seated for just one moment please if you were blessed in worship would you please give God glory once again several things that I want to underscore I need you desperately to bring socks to church on next Sunday it is our aim and our intention to collect 1,000 pairs of socks before Christmas I want you to not just get all in on it get your co-workers involved your lodge get your sorority your fraternity we can do this we ought to be able to knock this out effortlessly so as it you'll please help us to do that how many of you all know this is an achievable goal this is an achievable goal so as you'll please please help us to do that we only have two weeks of Bible study left and so I need you to please make sure that you are in a place and in position on this coming Tuesday I need you in place and in position on this coming Tuesday it is our last time going through the Jewish phenomenon before our open forum which will take place on next Tuesday over our holiday season I would ask that you would be mindful I know it sounds cliche that Jesus is the reason for the season amen and so do not allow gifts amen and people to stress you out your only focus is on Jesus Christ over this holiday season how many of you all know that that is so I wanted to just say two quick things before it is that we close and conclude the first thing that I wanted to say I wanted to ask if you would if you'll take your neighbor by the hand if you would please so much is that you can remain seated in so doing but I wanted somebody's hand in your hand so much is being said and spoken on the news carat lay about assault in sexual impropriety that is bringing every level of Hollywood down I and God I put something in my spirit that I wanted to address all day today is that the church has never really given full redress to those who have been victimized sexually within the sanctuary and there are people who have been touched inappropriately people who have been mishandled by people in authority people or who held a clerical responsibility and God wanted me on this day to pray for healing for people who have been in fact been holding that weight I've been suppressing of that issue and the church has not been a safe place but today I wanted to make sure that I wanted to publicly give redress that this has got to be an atmosphere where people can in fact seek out wholeness without judgment and the reason why I wanted to really deal with it are forthright layers I'm on social media just about every day and whenever it is that I post something whatever the subject matter is whether it's about Libya is about Trump whether it's about black lives matter thousands upon thousands people are respond to it on Friday I put a post up that it was World AIDS Day I have at least a half a million people that follow me and when I put up a post about World AIDS Day it blew my mind only a hundred people responded so oh well maybe they didn't see it I went a step further I want to say this to you and I noted this I'm not indict anybody I'm just giving you an observation of where we are as the church is that no pastor with national influence black posted about World AIDS Day I said Lord sexuality has become such a taboo in the sanctuary that we won't touch anything connected to it but two players have got to be lifted have got to be ushered before we move our forward towards the benediction on a communion Sunday the first is for those who have been victimized that God would give them healing the God would give them closure that God would give them watch this a refresh button the second thing that dawned on me as pastor as Shepherd as servant is who is praying for the perpetrators we're quick fast to do to blend which project about losing the job about taking people down from their position but are we then saying nobody is redeemable that nobody can be changed nobody can be transformed I want us to begin praying in earnest for God to do his complete transformative work I spoke about this last week online a young lady 19 years of age not a member of our church who watches us faithfully on on streaming she direct messaged me and said pastor you got to help me with this I was assaulted sexually by my youth directly in my church and it happened when I was 13 14 years of age and I'm now 19 years of age I'm at college and I came home for Thanksgiving and I told my pastor and my parents and my pastor and my parents told me just go hug them and forgive them and never gave any redress about restoration I want us to not be so spiritual that we become reckless with people's lives y'all not saying anything and woe unto us to in fact squat in hypocrisy that we only get outraged when it's our child when it's our daughter when that's our son but this is called sanctuary for reason because this is the place where I ought to be able to get peace this is a place where I ought to get help this is the place where I ought to get healing you're holding the hand of somebody you don't know might have been victimized you holding the hand of somebody who may be a perpetrator cuz I don't want you to get it twisted all the perpetrators are not men God yeah y'all ain't sayin nothin all little perpetrators are not men and all the perpetrators are not on television some of them are in pulpits and I want God to begin healing all kids about Eliza close Lord in the name of Jesus I pray for your healing power that the same bomb that's in Gilead run it through sanctuaries today I pray for healing to happen so that victims will not seek out violence as an option there'll be no disruptions of worship anywhere in the body of Christ today but I pray for healing I prayed for in a resting of conscience for people who have done wickedness and hid behind holiness I pray dear Lord that you will in fact build back up every person has been molested every person who's the victim of incest every person has been raped every person has been fondled every person has been verbally abused and seduced today God a speak holiness into your house redemption into your house and the blessed people of God who know that God is a healer a changer and a transformer would you loose that neighbors hand and give God glory come on I say give God glory even right now would you stand to your feet lift up that hand if nobody tells you your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for you and I want God to give you money to fight with I want him to give you money to work with I want him to give you enough money to pursue your dreams not just to pay your bills lift that hand as high as you can now one to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule may God abide with each and every one of you hands fall from now [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 1,815
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor, jewish, phenomenon, jamal bryant preaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 43sec (5743 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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