The Invitation | Pastor Ken Claytor

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y'all ready for the word of god if you're ready would you just shout I'm ready would you go ahead and ask you a but besides you say are you ready and we got my man thank you now if they don't look ready say I need you to get another seat because I only want to sit bout ready people tell them tell them tell me tell me tell me tell me say look at them look at them if they don't look ready say get just raise your hand and the ushers will come and take them to a place where the non ready people said but if ready people are here I believe God's gonna do something great and here's the thing I'm starting off slow for this service cuz almost lost my voice at the last service that's how good a guy so if the preach almost lose his voice you know we about to have a good time in the house today come on let's pray father we love you we honor you we bless you have your way in this place in us today we give you all of our faith we want to believe in you even though we don't see you you said where two or three are gathered together in your name you're here and if you're here depression has to go sickness has to go addictions have to be broken deliverance is now and I thank you Lord that dry bones coming together and turning into a vast army and that will never be the same again if you agree with that would you just say man and amen today's message is entitled the invitation the invitation I believe that there is power in the invitation you know we have a saying here and it's really one of those culture building statements that one invite can what can change the life and so every Sunday we put these invite cards in your seat and it's not just the wastepaper we look at the invite card as a life saver to be able to pass out to people that are drowning drowning in sin drowning in discouragement drowning it not knowing who they are and who they've been called to be we believe with all of our heart that one invite can change life I want to look at a parable over in Luke chapter number 14 we define a parable as an earthly story with the heavenly meaning I love it that Jesus he didn't try to teach in a way where people couldn't understand he would always use things and speaking to an agricultural society he used like wheat and tares and sowing and reaping because he wanted people to grasp what he was communicating here he begins a parable about a banquet okay better known as a party better known as a partay anybody here like to part a long time ago everybody say long time ago before I was a pastor and before I was into the things of God I knew how to throw a party I was a club promoter party thrower you know I would fill up a house party now fill up the house of God come on somebody but I love it that there's no party like a Holy Ghost party because the Holy Ghost party don't stop but I love this parable because this is a banquet this is like a wedding this is this is a party and Jesus begins in verse 16 if you're there say I'm there jesus replied a certain man was preparing a great banquet this is not a little banquet this is a big one and he invited everybody invited he invited many guests okay and so that's just like if you're having a party and you're like yo it's about to go down I'm inviting everybody I know it's kind of like our drum and worship leader Isaiah and Rebecca just got married in Puerto Rico a couple weeks ago give it up for them congratulations on the wedding all right and this was a big deal because they prepared all year long for the banquet they prepared all year long for this one party that's what's happening here verse 17 says at the time of the banquet he sent his servants out to tell those who had been invited come for it's now ready meaning that we got the best we have some Puerto Rican food I mean we had everything I mean they prepared everything I mean it was now ready and so this is um contemporarily like you're getting on Facebook and just say hey you know I got a party happening you're invited to come are you sending out an event bright are you coming Yes No maybe you know this is this is what's happening here in verse 18 it says but they all alike begin to make excuses and I don't know if you've ever invited people to something that's important to you and then they don't show I kind of feel some kind of way about that and it's the same when you start to invite for to church they start to make all kinds of excuses how many you all have heard them before it's like oh my god or you tell everything well I was watching Serina yesterday in the US Open and I'm tired today or I was at the game last night and I stubbed my toe coming out of the bleachers and I can't come to church and you know III got gas in my car but I need to save it for tomorrow so I can't come to church you know and I had a mentor back in the day that says excuses are nothing but a crutch for the uncommitted they pacify but don't satisfy they pacify you they make you feel good about your excuse but they don't satisfy the command to God and a lot of people lean on their excuse instead of leaning on the grace of God to overcome the excuse excuse me well I can't come to church I can't be in a small group not this semester I can't lead a smoke I can't get in the air there's so many excuses but there comes a time in your life when you put aside the excuses and you do what God's called you to do I love it that they all alike began to make all of these excuses the first said I just bought a feel and I got to go see it please excuse me translation I'm busy with work right now you know I'm in classes right now you know it's finals week come on students here's your excuses you know we're in midterms right now or I just bought a house I got to go paint it for some new carpet in it everybody excuses another set I just bought five yoke of oxen and I'm on my way to try them out please excuse me translation I just bought a new car and I need to drive over to the beach and let the top down let my hair bow everybody say excuses and I love the last one the last one says I just got married so I can't come and the crazy thing about this excuses is you were single for all those years believing for God to put somebody in your life and then God puts somebody in your life and now that relationship is an idol and you should be putting God first relationship second because he's the one that gave you the blessing anyway are you and Eve already on this side I saw how y'all was looking at me but what I'm saying are y'all here today is sometimes the blessing of God comes the distraction it's not the devil's it's not the demons it's your new house and your new job and that new business and then babies that you prayed for now unfortunately the blessing of God is hindering you from putting God first and he wants to be first he doesn't want anything else before and so they begin to make all of these excuses and verse 21 the servant came back and he reported this to his master the owner of the house he became angry and he ordered his servants he said go out quickly then into the streets go out there and into the town and watch the demographic he says go for he says now bring in the poor the crippled the blind and the lame I take this to mean that if we don't want to say yes to God and do what he's called us to do he will step over us and find anybody who's willing and they don't matter what race they are no matter their background they don't matter what side of the tracks they were born on if they say yes to him he's saying yes to them and it's so sad to see some of us have great potential that will never be realized because even though he stepped towards us we're not stepping towards him and then he has to skip over us and go get your children and that's what's happening here so verse 22 says serve the servant said what you've ordered have been done but there still room then the master told his servants and I love this last one don't miss this y'all with me Sam with you he says go out to the to the roads and the country lanes and compel them to come in it's Christians sometimes we did this thing where we come to church and we say hey everybody you know come with me come with me we love to sit in the safe place until the world to come here and I think that's part of it we need to do that a little bit but truthfully we need to go to where they are I love it that he didn't say tell people to come in he said go out to the roads and the country lanes that means that wherever people are you need to engage culture we're not scared of unsaved people we're not scared of those who are different faiths matter of fact we want to befriend those who are in our neighborhood and showed them the love is and my preaching is this thing on hello what I'm saying is that he says go out to where people are classrooms board rooms media government go out to the hospital go where the people are and compel them to come this word is a strong word because it means like with passionate pursuit with everything you got your creativity every idea with love and benevolence whatever you can come up with to try to convinced unsafe people that they are in need of a Jesus that died for their sins whatever you got to do now don't beat them over the head with the Bible and don't nag them but you want to be salt and light in darkness and you want to dispense this love and compel them to come in and this is why I love this last part so that my house will be full I love a parable because this earthly store would heavenly meaning so we have a master his name is Jesus and I believe that we're his servants or his sons but we're also his servants and I love it because this is a story about what we should be doing and I believe what God is telling us or speaking to us today is that we need to make filling his house a priority in our life I don't know what your priorities happened to be matter of fact if I was to ask the average American and I said hey what's your what's your priorities like what do you want to accomplish in life you would hear things like this well you know we just got married and we won't have two to three kids you know he wants to have to reheat from a bigger family I want to have to I'm from a smaller family so I have one and then we'll pray about it and decide if we're going to have another one but then after that we're gonna have a four bedroom two and a half bathroom home with a white picket fence and of course we have to have a dog not a big one or a small one hopefully in the middle like a labradoodle would be preferred hypoallergenic preferably if you ask the average American hey what's your priorities in life what do you want to accomplish you will hear you will hear them say things like I want to get my bachelor's degree and I want to take two years off and I want to get into the workforce and then I'm gonna get my master's degree after I've gained some experience so that I can make some more money this is what this the common thing and there's nothing wrong with these things but I'm talking about priorities you said what do you want to accomplish people said well I want to live debt-free you know how to pay off my home and my car oh no man nothing but the love them and they said I'm gonna retire by the time I'm 35 for you under 35 35 ain't old y'all got a stop at 35 you're just now getting started you don't even know you don't even know a whole lot yeah you're just now getting started but uh side note everybody say sign no I love these leadership podcasts that I listen to I listen to a leadership podcast called entre leadership and if you are a person that has your supervisor you want to be a business owner you want to be a successful person growing your leadership development check out this podcast is free it's the Dave Ramsey podcast spinoff of Dave Ramsey it's called untrained leadership and I was listening to this podcast a couple of weeks ago and it had the guy who was one of the head marketing people of chick-fil-a he had worked with chick-fil-a for about 35 years and he had just retired last year and he says when I first graduated college back in the day I had four offers chick-fil-a was the lowest one he says but I took it because it wasn't about the money it was about the vision of what we could accomplish now that's another message for another day okay but he says the only thing that I wanted to do when I started with chick-fil-a and I told him in an interview that I want to make enough money so that I can retire by the time I'm 35 all right now the chick-fil-a's founder his name is Kathy Truitt and he had a whole different way of living Kathy Truitt he died when he was 93 years old just a few years ago and he worked all the way through his 80s up to his 90s because he believed if you find something that you love and are called to do you'll never want to retire from it and when I heard that it shifted my perspective about retirement and I know for some of you guys you have a perspective like I can't stand my job and I can't wait to I can quit it so I can just watch TV all day but the other perspective is if you find something that you're passionate about something that you're called to do something that you love to do where even if you didn't get paid you would still want to do it it redefines what return it really is so all of a sudden you know I want to I want to do this look I don't have a retirement on my on my list for this I just want until I drop and go be with Jesus matter of fact if I have all my money right I would pay you to let me do this and my hope for some of you all is that you don't let people just push you into jobs and careers that are not a calling people are looking for a career but you need need to have a calling and you can be called to be an attorney or doctor we call to do so many different things but I believe that when you find your calling there's a fulfillment that comes alright I'm sorry I got off topic so let's move on which we're really talking about priority so y'all with me still so we want to make sure that our priorities are God's priorities and if you would really ask us hey is filling up God's house a priority for you you probably don't have that on your dream board you probably really don't have that I mean you probably have to I want to put God first and that's so general but I'm talking about the specific I really believe that filling up God's house sharing your faith with others telling people about the goodness of God it should be a little higher up our list of priorities than what it is for some of us can I be real with you today see the reason that I think sometimes we get saved but we don't care about saving other people's because we don't know the realities of Hell matter of fact there's many churches that you'll never hear the word hell even though if you read the New Testament it talks about it a whole lot so let me explain to you what hell is hell is not just the state of mind this is not hell no I know there's hellish things that happen here because the Lord isn't just hell notice a hell they say hell you don't know what hell is right hell is the absence of God that's all that it is stick with me god is love everybody say love God is light everybody say light god is love everybody say love God his piece of ice a piece god is joy if I say joy all hell is is a place where the attributes of God are no longer there and so you have darkness and you have weeping and gnashing of teeth you have guilt you have seen and you have bondage but the good news is that God never intended for people to go to hell hell was not created for mankind that's why scares you you were never destined by God to go to hell hell was created for the devil and a third of the angel that rebelled against God he prepared a place for them now God loves us so much that he has given us what we call a freewheel that means that God will not make you serve Him God did not make anybody come to church today God will not make you tithe he will not make you put down the bottle he will not make you love your wife he would not make you be a better parent God is not making it so God doesn't want robots he doesn't want people that have to love him because he's God and we're peasants he wants sons and daughters so he gives us this thing called free will and he says this I lay before you life and death blessings and cursings and then he gives us the answer to this multiple-choice test he says choose wisely which one you gonna serve choose life so that you and your children your seed can live he says when you choose right it's really not generational curses that's the problem is generational choices think about it for a second a lot of people are listen they're bad in their health because you were taught to eat bad and you have to redo your tastebuds and it's not a generational curse it's a just generational choice that I want the chitterlings and I wrote that fried chicken in them the other night I had pork belly it Jack my stomach up so bad I went to the doctor all of my levels on way of course don't worry about I went to the doctor all of my levels came back great come on give God praise I mean cholesterol was good boy was good glucose levels was good and you know how you get happy and then you go you go off I said I'm gonna go to the restaurant and I'm just gonna eat whatever and I went to this fancy restaurant and they had pork belly's unknown then I starting this pork belly I was up at 3:00 a.m. nauseous you know and that was my choice I chose to involve myself with something and then I got the harvest from it I want you to know that where you are right now is the manifestation of seeds that you've been sowing over years and if you want to change your harvest you've got to change your seed do y'all hear me in the back if you want to change your marriage you've got to change what you're sowing into it if you want to change your family you gotta your finances you got to change where you're sowing in with your with your money and some of us are wasting what we should be stewarding god I wish I had more help so anyway here's the thing about Hell 7 billion people estimated around the world do you know that God has destined all 7 billion people for heaven we are already preordained and destined to be sons and daughters of God meaning that the Bible I think is in Revelations it says that if you don't accept Jesus your name will be blotted out of the book of life that means your name is already in there so when you stepped on the scene God had already chosen you before you chose him but because he loves you so much he will not choose you and override your will he will bring you to a place where you choose him as well and then your name will not be blotted out and you'll be a child of God all right now what is hell hell is the place that people go to pay for their own sin hell is the place where God is not so our society is becoming more and more secular and people are so smart and I don't need God I don't believe in God I don't want god I can't believe God God's narrow God's narrow so it's crazy so if you use your free will to say I don't want God God sends you to a place where he is not that's all hell is it's not him punishing you it's him sending you to a place that he is not you say who sent you there you set your own self there by rejecting the Savior and not receiving the antidote of your sin and God wishes not any be lost so he put his only son on the cross that whosoever would believe not be perfect but believe would have everlasting life like I like you but I don't love you like that I got a son I ain't putting him on the cross for you baby but he loves you so much that even when you did not want to live for him at all he still put Jesus to die sinners death and the father turned his back on his son so that you could be a son or a daughter of God are y'all hearing what I'm telling you doing so now it's our job to let other people know about that so I'm talking to you today about soul-winning that that's basically what I'm talking about I'm talking about you sharing your faith so winning is not an old-fashioned term the Bible says he who wins Souls is wise all right and I want to speak to those of you all who are newer to church maybe this is your first time in a church and you're like well pastor only right I don't really know much of the Bible listen you don't have to be a perfect person to tell people about the love of God you don't have to know a bunch of scriptures to attend Veit people to church and I'm also talking to those of you all you've been saved for a while and when you first got saved you needed everybody didn't know you was that person Oh Instagram telling everybody you know sharing scriptures it was like Oh would you turn that down but life has happened you know life has happened and it put put down your flame I need the wind of God to blow on that passion again I need you to get excited about what you're carrying again knowing that people that are in your family are on their way to hell unless you love them into their destiny and so what I what I guess what I'm saying is that I don't really need you to be the soapbox preacher y'all seen the person you know they're on campus sometimes and they got the sign telling everybody they gonna go to hell if they don't repent you know what that does it sends folks to hell nobody wants to hear that kind I don't need you to have a microphone on you or take the stage but I do want you to be a preacher to your sphere of influence and the truth is is that we all have a sphere of influence that means that the people that are already in your life are not there by an accident you don't think that you got that home or that apartment beside that neighbor just because you decided that that was a good place to stay and they decided that was a good place to stay you got that deal at that time and that person moved in right beside you because God knew that if he could connect them with you you would connect them with him y'all ready you don't think that you had that cashier at the Publix that was just there to ring up your groceries do you God knew that you needed that that watermelon at that time and he sent you to the store at that time and you picked the lane of that young lady or that young man that happened to take the shift even though they didn't plan on working that day because God knew if he could connect them with you you would connect them to him don't think that you're in class and you got that professor because you just chose that major no God knew you was going to church choose that University in that major and he knew that that professor was gonna work the one o'clock class not the three o'clock class because he knew you were taking the one o'clock class and when you showed up all heaven would showed up because you are an ambassador of Christ don't you think that the people that are in your life were in your life by accident or coincidence because there's no such things as coincidence in the original Hebrew anyway for righteous men's footsteps or ordered by the Lord so all I'm asking you to do is just love on the people that around you people in your home people on in your neighborhood people that you work with and don't say no for people but my boss my boss ain't like that you don't know what your boss going through your boss has need of walking into this moment with Jesus y'all hearing me today I don't know where I am in time I'll tell you but I don't care I'll look at a few scriptures real quickly mark 16 and 15 it says go into all the world and preach the gospel to him I know some of you all like to hide out under I just let my lifestyle do the talking but that ain't what mark 16 says it says go into the world and preach that word means proclaiming another translation means Harold and I really believe that we should walk the walk before we talk to talk but if you just walk the walk and let your lifestyle do to preach an ain't nobody getting saved because the Bible says that you have to open up your mouth and Harold you ain't even ready let's move on Romans chapter 10 verse 14 it says how then can they call on the one that they've not believed in and how can they believe in the one whom they've not heard and how can they hear unless there be a preacher somebody preaching to him all right now some of us we like to say well I'm not a preacher you'd a preacher pastor I'm not a bishop I'm not a reverend I'm not a nun I'm not a monk I'm not none of that I'm just a little old me but the call to crisis our call to preach and when you say yes to Jesus you are now drafted into the army of the Lord and he gives you a Ministry of reconciliation meaning that you are armed with everything you need to go out and let people know about this God that saved you so that you can save others this God that healed you so God can use you to heal others I got it I got one more all right Matthew chapter 9 and 37 it says then he said to his disciples the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few pray to the lord of the harvest to send forth laborers for years I will pray for them for the harvest this is me God send the harvest from the north south east and west flood this place with harvest Lord let him come I see him coming I'm joking on myself right but if you've looked around has anybody watched like MTV lately has anybody watched little social media lately like the harvest is plentiful like there's not a shortage of lost people there's not a shortage of unbelievers the shortage has been the workers the harvest is everywhere the Bible says don't say for months then come to harvest look up you lift up your eyes they everywhere being your family and your home they on your block they everywhere and all you got to do is say God send the laborers the laborers are the people that will work for Jesus so many some of these I'm not too busy to work for the law right now you know my schedule is filled but you will not be fulfilled until you're doing what God's created you to do come on somebody you will not be fulfilled by just working that job and driving that uber baby you will not be fulfilled by getting that degree there is no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow you have been created to be an Oracle of God and in a carrier of the Gospel message and some of you all you need to know what it feels like to nervously go up to somebody because the Holy Spirit said go talk to them oh Lord I just wanted to get my watermelon and get up out of the public so I gotta go talk to the lady about the Lord you need to know what that's like because it helps you grow can I preach to somebody today some of you all you've been called running a live group you've been called to be a small group leader but you make so many excuses of every semester of why you just have time to do it not knowing that your spiritual growth is attached there let me preach this to you today do you know y'all see what's happening so we're opening up Orlando campus of doing all this stuff right I haven't been preaching as much as I used to preach I used to preach two or three times a week no Bible studies and I found out that it keeps me really sharp but now that I've been given teaching away and raising up other leaders and I'm not on that same rhythm I feel myself being spiritually a little more slothful because I'm not feeding myself because I know I gotta feed you every Sunday but there's something about every single week when I know I got to feed me so that I can feed you it keeps me on my spiritual toes see some of you all thought that leading a group was just about you getting together for coffee and opening up your home but I want you to know that when you see people coming every single week now you you're not just studying the Bible to get more knowledge and get something for yourself now you said oh my god somebody on my group is going through certain somebody in my group of suicide oh god what am I gonna say to them now you got to go into the Bible and you got to pull out other things so that you can ain't that Christianity that you're getting something not just for you but so that you can give it away see some of you all are married and you need the lead of marriage group because as you as you study to keep marriages sharp every week it sharpens you it keeps you on your toes that you have a discipline like oh my god they're coming over every Tuesday yeah every Tuesday at noon you sweat like a Hank I dunno say tonight yeah every Sunday I get up here this week I'm like I only wanna preach this week but I gotta go in it and I got to get something so I can come out and give away curse to somebody this discouraged I gotta come and give away strength I gotta come and let some kind of virtue relieve and I'll go home and I'll be tired and I'll be done tonight but thank God that I did my job I did my assignment I'm done with you I'm done with you I got to move on and so what prevents people from sharing their faith fear of rejection when people reject you don't take it personally they're rejecting God they say comfortable don't listen you got to get out of the boat to walk on water don't live in the comfort zone you know people like to hide out under there Myers & Briggs test nowadays well I don't share my faith because I'm an introvert I'm not an extrovert like you I'm a ninny or Graham 1 or 3 or 7 y'all know what I'm talking about understand that your Enneagram is not in the Bible and that God's calling overrides whatever number you are and I don't care what number you are on the Meo Graham he has to take a a knee and bow to the authority of G listen the truth is I'm an introvert meaning that big groups make me nervous so I got to get ready for I'm gonna go into this today yeah by going alright alright then I'm drained for the rest of the day cuz I get my energy from being by myself booked headphones on leave me alone right well you say well pastor I wouldn't know that about you yes because my personality doesn't control my life and I'm not gonna hide out under my introversion to stop me from preaching this gospel so people are not going to hell but going to hell do I got anybody else 11:30 that understands the words coming out of my mouth and so people like the simple I just got too much to do and this you know if you're that person that's just overwhelmed right now I can't do nothing because my list of things to do right now is so long it's sad to put what God's asking us to do on your things to do this because this is not what we have to do this is what we get to do that will give life back to you and my hope for you is that you'll make some space to obey God and some people are not sure how to so here's some practical ways to share your faith look out for people's needs ask people if they need anything acts of benevolence calling people random things just have conversations with people you don't have to make it so spiritual all the time just say hey man you know I love to just compliment me I like your hair man those shoes are cool are you saved I just flip it just like that you just gotta flip it sometimes I flip it because you got to get people to like you you don't want to be the religious nut don't over the restaurant like you're gonna get sick what you want to do is just have Congress like me and Joe Joe is one of our leaders from the Orlando campus we were out downtown last night we wasn't clubbing if you saw us down there we was just getting some pizza and my waitress she comes up and I said what's your name she says Hannah I said my daughter's name is Hannah I'm building a bridge see it's not time to talk about Jesus yet I want to build a connection with this my boss said you must be good people right and she goes on talking and stuff she says oh no that's what she says she said oh well you don't look old enough to have a daughter I told Joe I said this girl must be blind my daughter's in high school what are you talking about it's you know I turn off my beard I make myself look very gay but then I flipped it on I say hey you go to church anywhere and it's not weird at all I'm not nervous she not nervous it's just regular conversation and you know what she said she was like I've been looking for a church and I said I got a great Church with a lot of cool people that's what you're saying great Church cool people and I said have you ever heard of a Life Church you said yeah she said I think I've been there before it's like she didn't know who she was talking to right and I got I got it right there and if somebody came up and they gave me some love that I had seen in a long time and through my whole conversation on but anyway but what I'm saying is that you can kind of just talk to people regularly and see what God going did music please y'all doing okay today look out in with this there's a story about a young lady who was in college she's about twenty-two years old at the time and how she got to college was a miracle she had came from a home of just crazy poverty she didn't even have the $35 to apply to college so how she got in was a miracle she came from a background of domestic violence sexual abuse verbal abuse and at this point in her life at 22 years old she had been suffering from depression having all kinds of suicidal thoughts there was this one day in the afternoon on a Saturday she's sitting in her apartment in the dark in the middle of the day covers over her head thinking about taking her own life when she hears a knock at the door by miracle she decides to get out of the bed and see who's at the door only to open up the door to see two guys with ties on white shirts and Bibles and it wasn't your hova witnesses praising our angels it was some ministers from a local a local church and they astra do you know Jesus and she says no I don't know Jesus and they prayed a prayer of salvation with her in that place at that moment from that day she went back in after she closed the door opened up her blinds beginning to let light in all of a sudden she felt loved that she had never had before she had a hope but there would be a better tomorrow before little did they know that that same young lady who was suicidal and depressed would go on to be the first in her family to finish college the first and her family to start and own a successful business the first and her family to get married and to stay married and to have a successful marriage they didn't know they didn't know but that same young lady would be to go on to start a church in Gainesville in another campus in Orlando they didn't know this she would be a youtuber they didn't know that she would be a preacher that she would be a pyro woman of course I'm talking about my wife my wife Tabitha [Applause] here's the crazy part about the story that those young guys could have made all kinds of excuses of why on a Saturday they had to play golf and take care of their own kids they could have made all kinds of excuses about the dogs that were sick on them and how people wasn't even home on a Saturday but what were they doing as servants of a master they were going out to the highways in the byways and they were compelling people to come so that his house could be fooled do I got anybody that are connecting the dots today that one invite just one invite just one nervous sheep bliss invite when you just say god I'm going to obey you just one invite can change your life they didn't know that that girl who would be suicidal would later go on because the amazing thing is is that one invite can change their life but if you get the right life you can change thousands of lines and I want you to know today that you work with Tabitha's that you live with Tabitha's that there's Tabitha's in your neighborhood ain't coming to church they don't even care about the church but the church got to go to them do I got anybody that understand that we don't come to church because I am the church do I got anybody that understands that I am an Oracle of God and when I speak heaven moons does anybody understands how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of bad tidings does anybody understand that you've been called to be a worker that you've been called to be a laborer for the Labor's the workers of a few but the harvesters does anybody understand that you are that difference come on would you all stand all over the building I want to declare over you right now that we are not waiting on the move of God for we are move of God would you get five people around two and prophesize slap hands and say you are a move of God come on tell them what authority say you are the move of God we're not waiting on revival tell them that we're not waiting on revival for you are carrying revival right now God ain't doing nothing but waiting on you to invite he's waiting on you to speak or y'all hearing the words coming out of my mouth some of us have been praying for revival and it's starting right now Hiram's over the next thirty days I want you to invite the city to the church over the next thirty days we will start three three services of for services the five service of one campus another campus we got a vision for 18 campuses in 18 years campuses in Nicaragua campuses overseas why because there's Tabitha's they just don't know and how can they hear unless there's a preacher how can they know unless we send a church to their community is anybody ready for this come on would you give them a break would you give them praise would you give them praise start at ain't no place let ain't no pray they call class that ain't no praise i prophesy y'all Antiguans look where Margo gets a you'll mean uncle that drug when he go get save your mind ex-husband he gonna get safe come on your kids in a backslidden they coming home to the Lord hey Ulis ain't none too hard for the Lord ain't not too hard for the Lord get an atheist the Atheist professor he getting saved come on somebody would you give the Lord praise would you give them all praise would you give them more pray we just give the Lord praise quick question does anybody care what I preach today do you care my frères that you care my prayer is that you just can't walk by people that are going to hell number without somehow someway compelling them come here that's great Lord we love you we thank you for every person that's here and watching on our online family that this is not a message but there is a mantle that's being released the same mantle of evangelism that was on the life of Billy Graham that you said when he died it will fall on a generation we receive that today open our eyes to things that we've been blind to that our hearts break with the things that break your heart and connect us as lifesavers to people all week all day every day so that we can tell them about your goodness we'll never be the same again with every head bowed every eye closed here's my appeal for you today if you're here and you're like pastor I'm not sure that I'm saved but I want to be if you're here and you can admit that you've ever sinned in your life that's where it begins I had to humble myself enough to say I've sinned and so I'm in need of a savior and I'm not good enough to get to God so God came to us and his name was Jesus and Jesus is not to be rejected to say something you want to think about for a little while the Bible says the day you hear my voice harden not your heart so I want to lead you in this prayer it's gonna be like the most profound life-changing words that you could ever utter out of your mouth it's the prayer of salvation and you don't have to be a perfect person to be a forgiving one you just have to be so with every head bowed and every eye closed if that's you and you say pastor I want to put my faith in Christ I want to be forgiven of my sins I want a relationship I don't want to religion but I do want a relationship with God through Jesus if that's you on the count of three I want you to lift up your hand loud and proud all over this building one two three lifted up high right now so that I can pray for you come on lift it up high I see your hand in your hand and your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand and your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand your hand your hand in the back and the back of your hand you can put your hands down I believe that God saw your hand and I believe there's someone here that should have lifted up your hand but you didn't and I believe our God is a God of a second chance I'm gonna give you one more chance maybe you've been careful at the Presbyterian a Baptist maybe you've never been to church before I'm not asking for you to be a part of the church I'm asking for you to be a part of the family of God where you can have a relationship with Jesus and if you're not 100 percent certain that your name would be found in the book of life let me pray with you today so if you didn't lift your hand but you'd like a second chance come on lift it up right now so that I can pray for you come on lift it up high [Music] come on nobody prays alone everybody prays together all heaven is gonna rejoice when one sinner comes to the Lord the Bible says there's no there's a party that goes on in heaven say this with me say Lord Jesus come on say it from your heart say Lord Jesus I'm a sinner and I need a Savior today I turn my back on the world and on my way and I'm seeking after your way Lord Jesus I believe you died on the cross from my sin I accept that and I'll receive you as Lord and Savior of my life from this day forth I'm healed I'm saved I'm delivered now use me God empower me to tell other people about you and I'll never be the same in Jesus name I pray that that message bless you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you yeah if this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you gotta go here to get that fried chicken and sweet potatoes man and so if this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our Channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you cool season
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,129
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: TTe6y4CywMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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