The Master Key | Elevation Church | Pastor Paul Daugherty

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come on let's give God praise this morning Lord we thank you you are so good you are so faithful Jesus we worship you we praise you God what an honor to be here this morning Elevation Church it is such an honor to be with you this morning I've been watching you for many years and you guys have made a huge impact on Victory Church in Tulsa Oklahoma they're watching this morning but you guys have changed our church I discovered your church 10 years ago during a very discouraging season in my life my father was sick with cancer I didn't know I was about to lose my father and he was about to pass away and during that time I was overwhelmed with doubt discouragement self-doubt questioning the future that's why I was so impacted by Demetrius' testimony during the baptism was that not powerful of just seeing the full circle in her life I can relate to her all the campuses out there but I remember going on Google during that time 10 years ago and I typed in young pastors to follow I'm kind of a nerd and I found Steven Furtick right at the top of that list and I started listening during that time he was doing a series called Purple People Leader and I remember following that series and then The Dip and then each of the series he did was just impacting my life I began preaching all of his sermons in our church and but I was watching you know I just want you to know Elevation you guys are changing the world I know you know that but you're changing the world you're changing churches you're impacting people far and wide and I want you to know we're gonna partner with you guys to help with those that have been affected by Hurricane Dorian and our church is gonna sow a seed into your church come on you guys are so generous you are so amazing at what you do and we want to come alongside and help those that have been affected by the hurricane but I told your pastor this he came and preached at our church a couple years ago and I said you helped me find my roar and he said what do you mean I said you know every lion has to eventually find their roar the Bible says the righteous are bold as lions and I didn't have my roar and when I was listening to your pastor I just I just could hear his roar and I was thinking man he's roaring boldly at a young age God if you can do it through him maybe you can do it for me and in our church and I believe some of you are here today you haven't found your roar yet but the world is waiting to hear your roar the world is waiting to see the sons and daughters of God revealed you were born to roar you were not born to cower back in fear or insecurity you were born for more you were born to lead you were born to rise above the adversity and you're in an atmosphere where there's a roar coming in this place just say roar yeah well I know you're gonna sit down here in just a second but I want to give you a scripture for where this message is going in Revelation 1 verse 18 Jesus is speaking to John the disciple who called himself John the Beloved he was convinced that Jesus loved him how many are convinced that Jesus loves you come on I'm convinced he loves me I wouldn't be preaching on this stage you wouldn't be here today God loves you so much he lets you be at Elevation Church God loves you so much that he gave you an incredible pastor Pastor Steven and Holly Furtick are in my opinion they are the example for the world today pastoring this church but I I want to get into this message and I just keep feeling like I need to tell you how amazing your pastors and your church is John was in the middle of his worst test of adversity but he was about to experience his greatest revelation of God some of you are right now in exile he was on the island of Patmos he was alone he felt forgotten he was wondering where God was and in that moment God gave him the greatest revelation of his power and his word for the church and he said this Jesus speaks to John he says I'm the first in the last I am the living one I was dead and now look I am alive we serve a God who is alive forever and ever and I hold the keys if you got your keys with you this morning just pull them out and just hold them up and just jingle them a little bit say I got the keys yeah Jesus said I hold the keys to death and Hades in other words I've got the keys over Satan I've stripped him of all authority I've stripped him of all power in your life though the weapon might be formed it will not prosper I hold the keys of authority I hold the keys of responsibility and I love that Jesus doesn't keep the keys to himself in fact he says in Revelation 3 and I'm opening a door for you I'm giving you the keys in Matthew 16 verse 19 when he talks about building a church that's so large so expansive expanding to the left and to the right opening its nineteenth campus from all over the world watching online a church that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against we are that church Jesus says in Matthew 16 verse 19 and I will give you the keys to the kingdom and that's what I want to preach to you on today that you've got the keys so Lord I pray that you would speak to us today and that we would leave encouraged refreshed and reminded that we have the keys to victory we have the keys to peace we have the keys to joy we have the keys to freedom we have the keys to hope we have the keys to see you do which you've called us to do that you can move through us and in us and God I thank you Lord we have the keys God to give you praise this morning in Jesus name Amen give God some praise as you're being seated tell two people you've got the keys you've got the keys but you know I think about how keys don't just represent access into something the keys that God's given us are not just to unlock doors of what we're called to walk into but to lock doors of stuff that's trying to come into our life like the keys are not just meant for you to access God's presence and to come in and have joy it's also to lock the devil from coming in to wreak havoc on your mind and your marriage and your heart and I came to tell you today some of you have keys that you're not using some of us have keys that we've forgotten are in our pocket and so we're letting depression come in we're letting anxiety and panic and worry and fear and discouragement and self-doubt and we're letting the enemy just come right into our house and God said come on I've given you the keys so whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven somebody say I have the keys but when I was younger my dad began to teach me that the keys are not a physical thing they're they're a spiritual thing it's not so much the keys that we have to drive a car to get into our house to get into our office it's something on the inside the way the keys work they're activated in the spirit so I want to give you a few ways to start activating your keys number one it's in how you see yourself it's in how you see God it's in how you see the problems that you're facing in the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament God would use this word believe believe that's an internal thing to believe that anything is possible to believe to see where God is about to take you God spoke to Joshua and Joshua 6 verse 2 see I am giving you Jericho you've got to see the victory before you see the victory you've got to see the miracle before you see the miracle when I was younger my dad took me my older brother and my two older sisters out to undeveloped land in Tulsa Oklahoma and he would say what do you see I remember standing there with my dad Billy Joe my mom Sharon and they were you know they were pastoring this large church that was reaching all of Tulsa and was doing missions work all over the world I so I'm going you know dad I don't know what I see I see ants I see trash I see grass I see you know dirt hills he said no no no not what do you see here what are you seeing here what are you seeing here he said the problem is Paul your eyes are open you have to close your eyes to really see and what we learn in the Word of God is that the kingdom is not advanced through a matter of natural sight but through a matter of spiritual sight to be able to see with eyes of faith and I remember my dad saying I see a church that's so large so expansive thousands of people coming thousands of people getting saved marriages being restored families being reconciled I see us building a dream center over here feeding the hungry clothing the naked giving people the chance to dream again changing the crime rates in our city I see a Bible College and a camp and a school and I'm scratching my eyes I'm like I don't see it I don't see it he said I see it in here and it's just a matter of time before I see it out there every single thing that he spoke came to pass every single thing today there's a dream Center a camp of college a school kindergarten through twelfth grade a church there's missions training centers but he taught me that you have to see it in here proverbs 23 says as a man thinketh so is he proverbs 29 says without a vision people perish if you don't have a vision for where your life is going you're going to cast off restraint you're gonna live with no purpose you've got to see where God wants to take you see what God can do through you when God spoke to Gideon in Judges chapter 6 he said hey mighty warrior I'm calling you to fight for Israel I'm calling you to win a battle for Israel and Gideon said who are you talking to I'm weak I'm the youngest I can relate to Gideon because I'm the youngest and I'm weak and so when I'm reading the scripture Gideon sees himself one way but God sees him a different way and how you see yourself and how you see God is the most important thing about your life because we move in the direction of our vision what do you see David when he ran out towards Goliath he saw a giant that was too big to miss but the other Israelites saw a giant that was too big for them to conquer and it's all a matter of sight how you see your life how you see your circumstances some of you right now are facing some Goliath's you're facing some Giants you're facing some Jericho's and God's saying I want you to see it with eyes of faith that anything is possible you were not born with limitations you were born with possibilities you are not born to bow down to a spirit of fear to run from Goliath we were born to chase the Lions to slay the Giants when I first started preaching I was so nervous I peed my pants on stage no for real and I ran off the stage into the boys bathroom and I cried and I was so insecure so worried and God said go out there and do it again and I had to start changing the way that I saw myself because I didn't see myself as a preacher I didn't see myself very good even though I had a passion to do it when I first started preaching in our church and we put our messages online I was excited because people started watching our messages on YouTube and and then I looked below the YouTube video and there's these thumbs-up and thumbs-down and I zoomed in on the thumbs down and I was like what and my identity was not wrapped in how God saw me but in how other people saw me and I began to just feel this flood of insecurity discouragement and then I started going on Google to type who are the thumbs-down people you can't find them they're anonymous I was gonna find him I was like what do you not like about me what's wrong with me how do I get you to like me and I heard God say stop looking for other people to approve you when I've already approved you stop looking for others validation when I've already validated you their thoughts didn't shape you so don't let their thoughts break you their thoughts didn't create you so don't let their thoughts begin to form you into who you think you should be we've got to come back to how God sees us God sees you wonderfully and fearfully made he sees you as more than a conqueror God sees you as a mighty warrior number two the way that we unlock those doors the way that we activate our keys is through serving through serving you know I started serving in our church because when you're a pastor's kid you have to serve we were we were free labor for my parents so my dad was like you're the children's pastor you're gonna work here and since I was the youngest I didn't have a title or position I just had to serve my older siblings and so I started serving in the children's church serving in the youth group and I started playing guitar playing piano and I tried out for our youth worship band I was so pumped to go to auditions and people were sitting behind the table judging me and afterwards they posted the list of who made the youth worship man and I wasn't on the list I said guys there's a problem with this I don't see my name and they said oh you didn't make it my sister was the worship leader I was like come on I'm your brother she said you're not good enough what you're not good at you know I was getting mad and she said there'll be another audition here in four months and I go home I call my dad I'm like dad you need to fire her right now why well she rejected me oh that's good that you were rejected what you need to be rejected you know but my dad was saying Paul you don't need a title to serve you don't need a position to serve just go serve where there's a need find a need and meet it see a hurt and heal it just start serving in the church if serving is beneath you then leading is above you if you're too big to serve you're too small to lead some of us are waiting on a title or a position or a platform and God's saying start serving where I have you start serving where I need you so I tried out again kept trying out didn't make it was greeting was ushering was serving in other areas finally the fourth time I tried out they said here's the problem Paul you got pride and we need some humility I said what I'm the humblest guy I know I'm more humble than all my friends they were like just get off the stage and they said here we have an opportunity for you to lead worship for our 9:00 a.m. children's church which was the lowest attended children's service and they said you can lead a connect group and you can lead worship as the assistant worship leader and so I remember going into that children's church I was 18 years old and I started leading worship they're throwing starburst into my guitar hole and no one's listening it was really sad I was just like yes Lord yes Lord and and so I started just serving there every week every week went to college was serving at children's church couldn't get a job at college I had a lawn mowing business but I wasn't making enough to pay for my college books and and courses and and so I the only job that was available was to be a janitor at our University and so I started doing the janitor job I started cleaning up trash did it for three years started cleaning up the baseball stadium and during that time I was writing these songs I remember writing this song as I was in the baseball stadium picking up people's nachos no matter where you're at right now God sees you God sees you when no one else sees you when you feel invisible God sees you I said God this is humiliating this is humiliating and I heard God say your humiliation is preparation for an elevation your humiliation is preparation for an acceleration see so many people want to jump seasons because we're watching other people's stories we're seeing them get to do stuff and God's saying get your eyes off of everyone else's story I've got a story for you start owning your story start being right here and even if it feels humiliating this is preparation for an elevation where I'm taking you so I started writing this song as I'm picking up nachos and the song was from John chapter 3 I must decrease you must increase Lord I want more of you I must decrease so I'm singing this song and and I ended up recording it and put it on a CD and one of my friends gave it to our University it's a Christian University and they were doing a live album and they were looking for songs they found my song and so they called me they said we want to put your song on the new album I said what you want to put it on they said yes the only problem is we don't want you to sing cuz your voice ain't good we want your friend Brad to sing I was like what they said but you could sing in the choir I didn't even make the choir my freshman and sophomore year now they want me to sing in the choir my junior year so I remember that night we're recording and there's Kari Jobe there's a couple other worship leaders and there's my friend singing my song and I'm back in the choir in the dark I'm just standing back there and he's singing my song and I'm like he must decrease and I must increase and God was like this is so good for you humiliation is preparation for an elevation and so I kept serving just kept showing up and finally I graduated from cemetery I finished all my Bible classes and and there was an open job at the church and I applied for it got the job to start working in college ministry and I was so excited to work for my dad this was about ten and a half years ago I had dreamed of serving my mom and dad and working to build the church and and so I came to my dad I said dad I'm ready you know I got the job and he said that's great that's great because he didn't want to be the one that hired me he wanted to leave it up to the supervisor said dad I got the job I'm ready for my keys to Victory because that's the name of our church I'm ready for my keys to Victory he said keys you only need one key son I said dad I'm your own flesh and blood the janitors have more than one key can I get one key I was a janitor at the college and I had a ton of keys he said no you only get a key to your office that's the only key you get I was like dad why don't you trust me why do you need more keys I just want access I want access I want authority he's like no no no just use your key just use your key and fast-forward our college ministry started to grow I was preaching all of Steven's sermons and Bishop Jake's thank you Pastor and I gave him credit he actually saw me preaching a sermon online and he was like hey I saw you preaching a sermon I was like oh snap it was one of his but I remember getting a call from my mom she said hey come to the hospital your dad's up here I said who's he visiting who's he praying for she said no no he's up here I got up there and the doctor told our family that my dad had stage 4 lymphoma cancer and when they said that I just I lost it man I just started bawling I said why he's been nothing but good he served you God he's he's done nothing wrong he's had no failures he's been a good man of integrity why is this happening and I didn't realize that my faith was built on answered prayers my faith was built on everything going my way you see when you face a crisis you find out what your faith is made of either your faith is on shifting sand or it's on a solid rock on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand but in that moment I was caving in I was losing my faith because my faith was wrapped up in him being healed but as your pastor has said before sometimes you get to see the miracle and sometimes you get to be the miracle and I remember praying for my dad and the night that he passed I was in the hospital room couldn't go to sleep stayed there through the night watching the EKG monitor praying for resurrection life and I watched my hero my pastor my daddy pass away and I was so overwhelmed because I was thinking about the church and I was thinking about our family I was thinking about my mom cuz I had just got married and I was going God what's gonna happen we need him we need him our church is not gonna make it without him it was just built so much on on his voice he just was a visionary he was such a great preacher a great pastor and a great dad and I heard God speak this to me in my heart not audibly just this impression and I heard God say your dad finished his race it's time for you to run yours and then I felt like it continued it was like the voice continued serve your mom serve the church I didn't know this but they were about to make my mom the interim pastor for a season and she's my hero because she's a persevere she is the definition of perseverance but I heard God say serve your mom serve the church and get ready because you're about to be the pastor of Victory and I thought no no no I'm 23 years old I'm the youngest of my siblings and there's so many other great preachers in our church this is not from God but I heard God say no serve your mom serve the church and get ready because you're about to pastor Victory and I know what happens when you share a vision too soon I heard you know what happened to Joseph he got sold as a slave so I was like I'm not telling nobody this vision nobody needs to know this so I told my wife she said yeah let's keep that between us and a year went by and during that next year I remember many nights coming up to our church with my keys while my dad was in the hospital he'd given he'd let me use his car and then we had to sell it afterwards but I remember just questioning whether I really had the authority the ability to pastor and many nights I would come to our church just to go and pray just to play the piano to sing to worship to practice preaching on this stage my dad had built this massive auditorium that honestly was intimidating it was 4,500 seats the year before he passed away because we were a mobile church for 30 plus years we rented out a large building in our city and finally the dream of a debt-free Church auditorium and all of this was built and then he passed away and I remember many nights trying to get into the church but I couldn't get in because I didn't have the keys so I would have to call a security guard call a janitor they would come and let me in and it wasn't just a physical feeling of not having the keys it was a mental and emotional feeling that I didn't have the keys of confidence I didn't have the keys to preach like he preached I didn't have the keys to cast vision like he did I didn't have the keys to pray for people to get healed people would call me and they'd say hey can you come pray for my brother he's sick in the hospital and I would make an excuse not because I didn't care I did care but I felt like my prayers didn't work I felt like I didn't have the key to that I was like call Pastor Steven he can make the sun stand still call Bishop TD jakes call call someone who has the keys cuz I don't and then the board met with me a year later they said you need to know something your dad told us that you would be the next pastor of Victory I said what he never told me they said yeah but he said that you were really young and the church was so large and so many employees that you weren't ready yet you needed to be developed see a lot a lot of people want God to you know elevate their platform but they're not willing to let God develop their character and we've got to go through the developmental phase that's dark that's frustrating where you want to quit where you don't feel like you have what it takes and God's saying no I'm pulling out insecurities I'm pulling out those feelings of fear I'm pulling out those those needs of the approval of man those thumbs-up that you're looking for I'm pulling some stuff out there's some junk I gotta get out to remind you who you are in Christ and so I remember leaving that board meeting and once again just feeling like man I don't have the keys so a week went by I went to our church one night and I was outside of the building and I called our security guard and I said hey could you let me into the church I just want to come in and pray and worship and he said Paul I'm locking up all the doors at the church I'm locking up all the doors at the Dream Center it's gonna be at least an hour before I could get there you're just gonna have to wait I didn't want to wait because I was I was in such a dark discouraging place I just thought man I've got to get in there so I start trying to break into our church right I start like hitting the door and I don't have muscles like Pastor Furtick so I'm like hurting my hand and then I took my credit card out I tried to shimmy it through the crack of the door and nothing was working and then I thought okay maybe I'll take this one key that I have and try to shove it into the door and then put my shoulder against it and open it so I took the key out and I tried to shove it but it just fit perfect into the door and I thought okay okay what's going on right now and it dawned on me I've never tried this and I turned the key and it unlocked the door I was like God did you just change my key no I seriously was like I was looking up at heaven because you know the Bible says that we're surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and I could just picture my dad leaning over the grandstands of heaven and I was like huh so then I walked across to the choir room and unlocked that then I walked over to the drum closet nobody has a key to the drum closet and it unlocked that then I walked into the main auditorium and that was the room that intimidated me the most and I stuck my key in that door and it unlocked the door and suddenly a flood of emotions came over me I was I was weeping because I was like what I was weeping for two reasons I was like I've had the master key this whole time but I was also weeping because I have the master key I've always had it but I didn't know it and suddenly I looked in the room and what once was intimidating I walked on that stage and I heard God say you've got it you've got it it's Christ in you Colossians 1:27 Christ in me is the hope of glory Christ in me is the master key you see Elevation I came to tell you this weekend you have the master key you don't need a bunch of keys all you need is one key and you have the master key that unlocks the door to victory you have the master key that unlocks the door to be free from insecurity you have the master key that unlocks the door to healing in your marriage you have the key that unlocks the door to joy in your heart you have the key that unlocks the door to peace in your life and it's not you it's Jesus in you it's Christ in me that is the master key suddenly something started to explode in my mind and heart I started realizing I've got what it takes come on tell someone next to you you've got the master key say you've got what it takes yeah yeah because at the bottom of this message that's the real question is do I have what it takes but I started realizing that the master key doesn't work unless I use it it had been in my pocket the whole time but I wasn't using it some of you have had the key to the thing that's in your heart but you have not been using it you've been questioning do I really have it I've got to get pastor Steven to tell me I've got it no no God's telling you right now you've got it you've got the key to the dreams that are in your heart stop doubting yourself stop questioning do I have it God's saying you've got this you've got this but I realized that the key it's not just vision activated it's not just serving activated it's voice activated its in the words that I speak see I talking I've been talking so negative because I had been listening to this chatterbox of negativity of discouragement and I didn't know how to turn it off so I just kept saying man our best days are behind us and I heard God say Paul you have the master key so change the words you speak change the words you're speaking so I started speaking our best days are right in front of us God's not finished with us yet it came one night when I was getting ready to preach and my mom gave me a pair of my dad's shoes to remember my dad by I took it a step further I started wearing his shoes and I started dressing just like he dressed because I thought maybe if I wear his shoes and wear his clothes people will like me more it didn't work they hated me more they were like Paul wear your own shoes and this one night I was so discouraged to get up and preach and even though I knew I had the master key I just felt like I don't have a good word people don't want to hear me they won't hear my dad they won't hear some other preacher and God said change the narrative so I wrote down on this napkin I'm here on purpose I'm here I'm here on purpose I stopped right there the enemy of here is there the enemy of here is someplace else with someone else doing something else you've been watching too many other people's stories you need to own being right here you are here on purpose whether you're a mom a dad a janitor a teenager a college student whether you can't pay the bills you are here on purpose because you have a purpose right where you are and I want to shout out those who are serving in the church on any team if you serve in eKidz or you serve in the parking lot or you serve in any part come on give it up for the volunteers that make this place happen where you are is right where God wants you you're here on purpose and I started speaking that because the Bible says that life and death is in the power of the tongue the Bible says that we can prophesy over our future when I was young I used to be really wild and crazy I was ADD and you're like I'm not surprised by that my dad used to put his hand on my head because I'd be like ahh I was like Ren and Stimpy like crazy I was like ahh and my dad would put his hand on my head and he would say peaceful Paul peaceful Paul and now I'm peaceful what are you speaking over your children what are you speaking over your future I want the keys to come out cuz I'm almost done right here but I want you to envision that you're on a field what's what do you see where do you see your life going what do you see that's possible because God wants you to get a big vision he wants you to get a big you were not born with limitations but born with possibilities and you have the master key so start declaring that your best days are still in front of you see I started saying that I started getting our church to say it they started saying it I started telling people hey everyone in Section C people would turn around there was no one in Section C when my dad passed thousands of people left the church and I had to start speaking to those empty seats I had to start prophesying there's someone in that seat there's somebody in that seat because I saw this place being filled with people who needed Jesus can I tell you Elevation there's an empty seat at some campus that's waiting for somebody's life to be changed never stop reaching people never stop filling up buildings never stop inviting your neighbors somebody's life it's waiting on you don't ever get comfortable with where we're at because we have not seen our best days yet Elevation we have not seen our greatest miracles yet you haven't heard the best sermons yet you haven't seen the greatest miracles yet the best days for Elevation Church are right in front of it the best sermons the best series the best miracles the best campus miracles there's gonna be incredible things but the door doesn't open until you unlock it and you got to start declaring you can sit down I promise I'll end in just a minute y'all are like is this it is he wrapping up Popeyes will still be open it may not have chicken sandwiches but it will still be open not Chick-Fil-A it's Sunday but you know I one night I was walking and we just had our second baby our finances were in a tough spot as a church right when I stepped in as pastor I began pastoring in 2014 just five years ago this month and this wealthy man who had left our church he invited me to his office and he said hey I left whenever your dad passed but I'm ready to come back ready to help you with finances I said praise God cuz I had to let go of so many people when my dad passed we couldn't afford to pay all these people and I thought I was gonna have to close down the college and the school and the camp and I just felt so overwhelmed I was 28 years old just turned 29 at that time and he said yeah yeah I'm gonna help you but I need you to do this this this and this and he began to list these things and I heard God whisper in my heart are you gonna trust in man's money are you gonna trust in Jehovah Jireh and I thought this was a test I thought there were hidden cameras so I looked at the man I said sir thank you for being willing to help cuz he could have financed the whole thing I mean he was a very wealthy person but I said I can't do those things unless God tells me I'm not gonna sell the ministry the pulpit is not up for prostitution I'm not going to let anyone buy this church or buy the decisions of this house but there were no hidden cameras and he never ended up coming and a year and a half had passed we had our second child and one night I'm walking on this street I come across a bridge it was dark I was discouraged and I just heard the enemy whispering just jump just jump no one cares just end the pain we're living in a time right now we're so many pastors are dealing personally with doubt and discouragement so many young pastors are trying to fill the shoes of parents and it's I mean y'all need to pray always be praying for the church out there's so many people I mean our world our nation America is on so much vacation to try to deal with anxiety and depression and discouragement and I was right there on that bridge and I don't know if I'm speaking to someone who's watching this later on that's standing on a bridge but I could hear the enemy just whispering just jump just end the pain the church will be better off without you and I felt like I was in a basement beneath a house but I wasn't just one floor below I was five basements below where I should have been that's the only way I can describe depression it's you're just too far below where you should be mentally and emotionally but I felt like there was a raindrop coming from heaven it was like my dad was just dropping little raindrops the Bible says train your children up in the way they should go and they will not depart from it never underestimate getting your family to church never underestimate sitting getting your kids in eKidz getting your youth in a youth group here listen there's something powerful about being raised in those presence of God in the scriptures and all of a sudden it just started coming on my head you're more than a conqueror you're fearfully and wonderfully made you've got what it takes see the final point of this message is surrender because it was in this moment of surrender you can see it you can serve it you can speak it but the final moment that you activate the keys of the kingdom is when you surrender and say God I can't do it God I don't know what to do but my eyes are on you and on that moment on that bridge I pointed in the darkness I said Satan you lose I refuse to jump I choose to live I choose to live I'm getting out of this depression I'm getting out of this anxiety and I walked away from that bridge you can stand up I walked away from that bridge and I never went back and little did I know that God dropped it in the heart of a man just right after that moment God dropped it in the heart of this man who came he said Paul I wasn't here when your dad was pastoring started coming right when you started preaching and he said I feel like I'm supposed to bless the church and he said God told me to sow this seed it was the largest check in the history of our church over a million dollars and then it just kept flowing I called my mom and said mom we're gonna be okay we're gonna make it she said what are you talking about saying mom God showed up Jehovah Jireh answered Jehovah Jireh answered there's no strings attached there's no agenda we're gonna be able to keep the school and the college and there's room for more mission she starts crying she said that's a harvest on your dad's seeds that's a harvest on your dad's seeds see some of you are about to start walking in a harvest that your parents prayed for that your grandma prayed for that your grandpa was on his knees for you're about to start picking up harvest in the field that you didn't even have to labor in but you gotta see it you gotta speak it you gotta serve and you got to surrender I want you to just bow your heads and close your eyes all over this place if you're here right now and you're facing something that just seems bigger than you and you needed this message to be reminded you have the master key now it's time to start activating if that's you I want you to raise your hand all over this place yeah from the front to the back at every location online yeah I want to pray for you right now and I want to pray for those that are here today saying I want to surrender to Jesus I need to surrender my life to Jesus if that's you just raise your hand today's your day come on today is your day say this with me say Jesus I surrender I'm all yours help me to see what you see help me to serve where you've called me to be help me to speak what you spoken I surrender I believe you died on the cross for my sins I believe you rose from the grave and today I declare you are my Savior Christ in me is the master key in Jesus name Amen I love you Elevation thank you for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel don't stop here join the eFam our online extended family and join us live every Sunday subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream and share this with a friend you can also support the ministry by clicking the give now button to help us continue to reach people around the world for Jesus Christ thank you again for watching God bless you
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 115,314
Rating: 4.9197254 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, steven furtick, furtick steven, elevation church, elevation church steven furtick, the master key, elevation church the master key, elevation church sermons 2019, sermons 2019, elevation church sermons, pride, humility, opportunity, perspective, paul daugherty, pastor paul daugherty
Id: ey883taZMac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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