Benson Ken Is back with a Powerful Worship Medley - Talent Hunt 9.
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Channel: The Glorious Fountain Ministries
Views: 17,237,250
Rating: 4.8900199 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel, Music, Worship, Holly Spirit, My God, African Praise, God Forever, Anointed Worship, Divine Uplifting, A MUST WATCH VIDEO, Anointed Kids, Anointed, Anointed Worship Songs, Gospel Music, Encounter, Experience, 2019, Divine, Uplifting, Worship God, Youtube Video, Worship Experience, Talent Hunt, YAN, Youth Ablaze, divine intervention, worship by benson ken, uplifting gospel songs, gospel music, Benson Ken Worship, Powerful Worship Medley, Worship Medley, músicas gospel 2020
Id: f4JtCnOb8Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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