Amazing Bottle Photo Manipulation Tutorial

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today I will teach you how to create this interesting photo manipulation so let's roll that intro hey guys it's Nemanja and welcome to another fun episode today we will have a lot of fun creating this interesting photo manipulation and you will learn a lot of tips and tricks and after we finish with this episode you will have all the necessary skills and knowledge to create your own version of this photo manipulation you can do whatever you want you can change the bottle actually the water size the shape to change the background to add some animals underwater a completely different underwater world do whatever you want I will do that basic version and after that I'll leave everything to your imagination so without further ado let the fun begin let's start by creating new blank document so press ctrl command N or keyboard and I will change the size to 2000 by 3000 pixels with resolution of 72 pixels per inch and that's it we have our canvas where we will paint our photo manipulation so first that we need to paint here to put here in is the underground rock surface so let's go and find that it's this one I will copy it and just paste it right here press ctrl command T to make it smaller fit the inside here and I will move it a little bit down maybe here we can always change the position and press Enter so I can maybe make a little bit wider like this okay now what we need to do is to put the bottle inside this rock so we need to put water underground so to do that we will first use the bottle shape I have this bottle silver but you can use any type of bottle shape you can draw your own shape you can change to whatever you want or you can use this suet I will give you this with other exercise files so I will copy this one and just go and paste it to your document and move it somewhere here as you can see this is already good but we need a water inside before we put water inside his bottle what I don't like here I don't like this perfect cut out of the bottle this nice and really harsh address so I like to have a little bit more imperfections while I'm creating this photo manipulation because that will be a little bit more pleasing to the eyes if you have this like perfect cut out of the bottle it won't be so believable so there are a few ways how you can add those imperfections you can just use a brush black brush with harsh address and just paint over this a little bit as an outline new outline and you will have that or you can use the lasso tool and just trace it all around and just fill it within you a black color and that's it I will use the lasso tool really quickly so press L on a keyboard and just just quickly trace like a new shape round don't even bother to be precise however you do it it's perfect so perfect it's to be not so perfect okay this is great and that'll just add a little bit part here by holding Shift key and just add a new part and I can now hide the original bottle and this is new bottle shape I will create a new layer and just fill it with a black color I will press D on the keyboard in case my colors are different so I'll press D to reset to default and now I will press out or option key with the backspace and I have my new bottle so guys this is really really good I want to cut out this part up here and to do that I will press ctrl or command key and just load the original bottle here and invert the selection with shift ctrl I or shift command I on a Mac and just use razor on this new layer that we created and just erase this upper part and that's it we are done deselect and as you can see this is so fast and so easy and now I have a little bit more imperfect shape on the bottle but I like that to better so let's rename those layers this is bottle see what asper silat this is a backup version I'll go all the way down I'll remove this and this is underground rocks and now we can continue to populate scene with some other stuff so let's let's put the background up here to have this part operated on it like this check board so let's go and find I'll use this as a background but you can use whatever you want you can put any kind of background to tell the story here I will use this one so I can move it up and down left and right do whatever I will go a little bit done with it let me see just a little bit down and then I will load underground rocks as a selection by pressing and holding ctrl or command key and put it here as a mask and now I will invert it with controller command I and that's it so why am I doing this so to have a little bit more part here and then because I will blur this part a little bit you will see later so just have it a little bit more I will unlink the icon between the mask and layer here and maybe put it even more down we will see later we can always change that so this already looks much much better and now it's time to put some water in the bottle so let's do it let's go and find the water photo I will use this one copied and just paste it here in our document let's rename this to water okay and I will rename this to final maybe better just have something like this is a background upper part I don't know and now we need to put this water inside of the bottle shape so there are a few ways I can do it I'll just do in one maybe most of this way that way is press ctrl or command and click on the bottle layer to load this shape is a selection and just go to water layer and click on the new mask layer mask icon and that's it hide a bottle and you have this now we need to unlink the chain icon between in a mess so we can freely move delayed without messing the mask and I will press control c'mon T and make this a little bit bigger so let me see every position it may be maybe somewhere here okay I will cut out this upper part I will not need it but let me see I like it like this soil press enter and that's it we're done so we will cut out this later for now let's leave it like that and as you can see the bottle looks really good and perfectly no it looks like not really so if it likes of dimension it's like a flat piece of paper and we don't find that we want to make this ball to looks more look more like 3d shapes so to do that if you watch my tutorial how to dodge and burn things you know that I will use dodging burn to add true dimensionality to this bottle if you didn't watch that go the link is right here go and watch it and come back and do this tutorial so I will create new curves adjustment layer one is for Dodge like this and another is for burn like this and I will clip it to affect only the bottle layer so now I lose I will use just really soft brush maybe five or so percent 0.5 percent opacity and just paint with white color right here in the middle like this as you can see especially here and now I will use black and paint over the edges especially here down below because water will be darker down and for now I will leave it like this this is guys much much better let me let me show really quickly before and after it already has that 3d look it will be even better later but for now this is before and after really quick really really easy so now let's deal with this rocky part so let's go to underground rocks and create new adjustment layer exposure clip it to affect only the and leave and move the exposure a little bit down like this and for now let's leave it like that maybe we remove it even more make it even more darker but we will see so now what I like to do is to go to a water mask and make some cutouts here like the water made a cutout steam in the rocks so I'll just use the lasso tool and just freehand roll like this okay and fill it with white color like that then go right here a little smaller fill it wide right here maybe a bigger one fill it with a white like here it's one bigger one like this just freehand drawing guys it's nothing fancy nothing special just just do it what however you want so everything is OK maybe one here and that's it if you want to add more of this you're free to do whatever you want I will stop here because this story can be really long so let's now continue with improving the shape of this bottle and the rocks ok what we need to do now is to define some shapes of the rocks around the bottle and we will use again dodge and burn for that so let's do it let's create a new actually even better we have a dustman layer exposure here and we will use the exposure layer mask to achieve that look so you will see I will use brush tool black color and maybe 5% best is great and really really soft brush like this make a bar smaller and just 10% opacity it's better and just paint here on the address of the bottle because this will be a little bit brighter this part of the rod will be a little bit brighter because of the brightness of the water and actually I don't like to use just regular brush I like to use a brush with some imperfections in the shape so maybe I will use the cloud brush or small brush and if you're not familiar how to create your own small brush you can watch my about that right here and then create it go here back and do this part so I will use my already created cloud or dust brush let's maybe just this one let me see this one's nice maybe this one is better so I will maybe it was 10% opacity and just paint it like this because it has a little bit more imperfection this brushed and irregular shape rush and this brush will always changes the shape and decides the rotation and the size so that's why I like it okay like this just go here those are small details that actually guys if I would do this as a project for for client or for myself I'll spend a lot more time tweaking those things make this a lot more interesting and more perfect but for the sake of this tutorial I will just show you I'm now just showing you the techniques and the matters how you can do that and then when you're doing for yourself please and much more time doing these these things alright and as you can see before and after we already have some dimensions on the rocks so before and after I will like it now I will go and add even more effects to the rocks I will add some colors from the water so to do that we need to go and create of course there are plenty of ways I will create new solid color layer and I will choose some I will choose this kind of color okay this is good I will press ok and clip it to affect only the rocks and inverts the mess with control command I and with the same brush same cloud brush I will go here with the white color and just add as you can see that bluish teal color from the water so this is this is something that I like I will not go and add down below because down below it will be much darker so more here at top okay what I will do now change the percentage of the opacity here maybe to 5% make bigger brush and just add some around here this is the big but see just a little bit and this is already much better so let me show before and after actually before and after right it's really really nice now I will go and add even more details here I see now that I don't like those to crack so I'll go back to the water with regular brush brush to just regular brush tool and I will go one high percent opacity in black brush and just erase this and I believe this one but I don't like those two together so that's great now I'll go and add new curves adjustment layer make everything darker like this okay and invert the mask and just paint this part right here wait not so hard really soft brush as you can see like that and maybe 20% opacity just make it darker like we're going deep underground and this is much much darker and we can always change that if you don't like but this is something like I would do it okay I would stop here because I can do this much longer than I'm doing right now because this type of photo manipulations requires a lot more time tweaking those small details so adding shadows highlights small elements to make this even more realistic by the point here is me showing you what you need to do and then when you're doing for yourself just spend a lot more time tweaking those muddy just let me show you one more trick for the bottle and then let's go and add some other elements so another trick to make this little bit more believable is to create a new layer just above the water new empty layer and just clip it to affect only the water and with the white color maybe 50 or so percent opacity we will see and really solver just paint around here at the highlights like this here especially here up just add those highlights a little bit like this as you can see if this is too much we can always reduce the opacity of the layer but this is something that I like oops especially this upper part here okay and maybe a little bit here but down here I don't want too much because actually it won't be so visible so now let's just reduce the opacity of that and that's great guys that's really great another way that you can add to realism of this is to create in your layer just about the rocks here as you can see and just paint with the black so opposite color and just paint here on the rocks so maybe 10% opacity just it or 20 just paint here on the rocks like this just to have this as you can see those darker edge have impression that there is tiny space just between the bottle and rock here just like it squeezed inside the rock so like this okay let me see this is before and after I will really like this tiny space between and with this one before and after I love this small reflections maybe it's too bright maybe like 33% or so but this is really nice alright guys now let's go and add some well on the top of the bottle like a bottle cap so let's find a well this as well and I already extracted this as you can see I use the pen tool if you're not familiar with the pen tool go and watch my tutorial about that and that's it just trace with the pen tool around well extracted it and paste it right here okay I'll rename this to well and make it smaller with ctrl + T put it at the top and let me see this needs to be a cap so it's a little bit wider than a bottle like this and just move it up somewhere here let me see let's zoom it okay it's really nice great cap over the bottle so next thing what I like to change is to change this sharp straight edge of the rocks so I will go all the way here to the background and this is why we created that mask and move this a little bit down as you can see this needs to be a little bit inside here to have more image to work with so I'll use brush really soft one and I will use white brush and 100% opacity just guys just paint like this justice soft and this address here like this okay and here I'll go even deeper and that's it so the transition between the edge and rock is a little bit softer so maybe just this soft right now I'll use a smaller brush and make it less also this is really really nice okay now let's deal with well here I like to do with well let's go here and create a new layer mask and now I will use a brush a grass brush that you have from older version Photoshop if you don't see the grass brush in a new version of Photoshop CC 2018 for example just go here and say legacy brush and it will add legacy birth so go all the way down to legacy brushes and go to the first you'll have a lot of them go to first to default brushes and search for grass brush so lets me see oh it's here it's here grass brush and we have it so what I like to do here first I will go to f5 and change the properties item from the color dynamics don't from that because I will paint a layer mask with a black color and I will just add some grass here on the on the well like it's submerged in the grass and on this can a little bit or so maybe it's too much but you got a point I will not make this perfect because this is just for tutorial so this is how you can merge actually blend the background which we do well so it's much much better right now we can now add new curves adjustment layer to the well click it affect only the well and make everything darker like this invert it and I will use the regular brush really soft brush and with maybe 10% opacity and white color I would just paint down below to add some shadows especially here like this okay guys and as you can see this is much better maybe it's too dark like this and here it is now we can play with some course we can change the colors of the background of this blue lake and sky it's a little bit less saturated I want to make it a little bit more blueish and well to be a little bit more maybe orange a radish Dean wormer little bit warmer than it is and to add some rocks here inside of the bottle and some texture around and that's it and you can add whatever you want later it can add maybe some fishes inside you can add some underwater world you can add some birds so can add some trees you can change the background you can do whatever you want it's up to your imagination but let's tweak this basic thing and then you can do what everyone let's go here to the background and I will go and convert the background in to smart object you will see really quickly why convert to smart object okay and now I will go to filter and go to Camera Raw filter and I will change some colors I will make everything much blueish okay like this and maybe a little bit greenish too that it teal look so a little bit more saturated and I will use this gradient tool to make this let's make this warmer and more reddish like this and let me see yeah I can make it brighter like like this okay and I will press okay and now if you want to change something that's why I choose to convert this into smart object I will just double click on camera filter and I will go and I have the same settings I can go back to normal or whatever I want you can see the sky but I want this blue sky so that's why I use the smart object for Smart Filters so this looks much better right now guys and now let's just add some rocks at the bottom of the bottle and some textures too so let's do it but first let me zoom here I see some imperfections as you can see we miss this bar so let's go to water here just with so brush you raise this and that's much much better okay now let's go and find some rocks what I want to use are these rocks here let's go back and just paste everything at the top of the bottle like this just at the top of move it down below I want to squeeze this a little bit like like this okay and put it right here so now we need to law the same selection same layer mask from the water to this soil just press and hold alt or option key and drag it to copy here dad's great now I will just lower the opacity a little bit like this and maybe play with this change it even more so something just like bottom part like this that's perfect and now we'll go to a layer mask and with really soft brush like 0% hardness maybe 50% opacity black brush I will just go and clean up this mess here and maybe 20% opacity just have impression of some depth in the bottle - at dads rate we can make this even darker by adding curves adjustment layer for example and just make your rugs darker like this maybe even more visible it's up to your taste I'll do whatever you want that's great and now I would like to add some texture on the upper part of the bottle and erase some water layer so let's do it let's go to water mask here and first I like to use really soft brush black color 100% opacity just erase this part that I don't not me ready to leave something like something like this let me see not bad it looks like cut out surface maybe even more like this and that's really nice what I like to do is to add one detail here just the create a new layer above it and use white color maybe 20% opacity interest just me the brush just paint it here like let me see yeah not bad so I just want even bigger curve like this okay so now I have impression that the water is cut it so that it's really nice surface and maybe with harder brush not so soft right here to erase this even better like this so we have impression that this is nice in curve rate and now what I like to raise from here is this part of the that color that we put so I'll go here in that mask and for this I will use softer brush and just erase this okay like that and I like to put here some drops let's find it these drops like conversation so let's go all the way about water like here and I like to make it small so press control quanti make it smaller put it right here and I like to put shape of maybe this this bottle or this bottle right here as a mess so I cannot put this as a mask I need to present Rockman key click on that to lure this as a mask and just create a new new mask icon and that's it so you know let me see I will move this up right here like this and actually I will cut I will cut in the shape of that line that I made before so as you can see here is the line I'll go and just paint like this okay and I will make everything more transparent actually yeah more transparent by lowering the opacity so like this I like it this is nice side I have impression that it's a synchronization of the water on the walls of the rock so that's one way how I can do it you can do whatever we want to actually if you don't like that you can just go with all that you can go like this or guys it's completely optional soda but everyone drops let's name these drops and maybe to lower maybe not just the lower but with 20% opacity delete this upper part a little bit so okay so this is really really nice I'm satisfied and now we can do even more things but I will stop here because this tutorial can be really long so guys now I will just do a final dodge and burning and I will speed up that process I will see it in fast-forward and then final color correction and we are done for today so let's did you hurry guys and that's it this is before and this is after the dodging burning so now we're generating together we shift ctrl T or shift command option e on a Mac and I will just go to filter and camera filter just tweak a little bit colors and that's that's it so I liked a little bit of vignetting here just a little bit to favor it and let me see let me see the color for the shadows had to see all saturated colors full saturated color just press and hold alt or option key while dragging the slider so this will be nice and just a little bit and highlights is the same so something like this a little bit of split toning a little bit of again I'm holding alt or option key so I want to see radius and again I'm holding alt or option key so like this okay and let me see I can make this orange maybe like this and blue color actually I cannot see color so good because of this light but I will leave it like that maybe a little bit warmer tone more contrast a little bit of clarity and is it and basically that's it I will stop here guys so this is before and after this small core correction and we're done for today right guys and that's final it for this episode I really hope that you like it and to learn some new tips and tricks here because there are a lot of tips and tricks and techniques involved in this tutorial so go through it one more time and create your own version of this same photo manipulation create different bottle different shape add some more elements here I didn't have time for this tutorial to add so many elements maybe I will do it and post it on Instagram but if you create something insert interesting and post it on Instagram tag me so I can check out your work right thank you for watching this if you want to use a PSD file of this tutorial you can go and support me on patreon so then you will have a says to all my PSD files and that's it link is down there in description if you like and appreciate this tutorial press that like button share it with your friends and remember to subscribe if you're not already and rig that well icon to get notified about all the future episodes right guys thank you one more time and see you in a next one episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 28,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bottle Photo Manipulation Tutorial, Photo manipulation, Photoshop, Tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Creative photo manipulation, Photo manipulation tutorial, Photomanipulation, Bottle, Underwater, Water, Photoshop cc 2018, Fun, Best photo manipulation, Creative, Easy, Composite, how to make a photo manipulation, Photoshop photo manipulation, interesting photo manipulation, Amazing, How to
Id: Wtr-0IuGmeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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