THE HUMBLE LASGUN | Warhammer 40k Lore

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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode podcast my name is dk diamantes my co-host is bricky he's gonna be teaching us some real ridiculous [ __ ] now that he's not sick but before he does if you guys enjoyed today's podcast head over to adeptus ridiculous where you can support us we have a new hd poster i think it's like a slanted demonite looks really good real fancy it's wonderful just ridiculous and uh bricky i think i think you have a you have a thing a thing yeah i'll make i'll make it quick go to if you want to get merch there's lots of merch new stickers pretty great all right but for this episode that was quick damn it was it was fast we'll just see the rest after because for the time being this episode has a sponsor shy uh before you shoot me dead please roll the clip let's say hypothetically you are a chaos servant you serve chaos you know you think chaos pretty cool and one day you're going around and you're looking up some chaos smut you're like ooh give me some of 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automatic kill switch for extra safety and you can check it out in the description at ridiculous with its 30-day money-back guarantee we will also provide you with an exclusive deal as well if you use the link in the description so once again add ridiculous thank you for sponsoring this video and warhammer oh my god he's [ __ ] dead he's [ __ ] dead oh my god he's still he's actually dead i am the ghost of brickie's past oh well at least the smell is gone so that's good damn [ __ ] this isn't a nurgle episode dk oh damn it i was hoping for more nurgle stuff i was gonna i was hoping for a justice for blisterborn episode no but uh that speaking of listerborn um technically this episode's coming out in march which means the night art contest is concluded however it's a wednesday like i think today is like the second of when this is coming out we'll we'll give you to the end of the week to do your submissions check the description all about the night contest so get a little more time to put those finishing touches on your nights just a little more for a reminder um okay and uh and yeah dk is i'm sorry for being sick you should be how dare you how dare you not limp your way into the discord into the call and give us the ridiculous warhammer information how dare you you are shy wanted to fire you but i stick up for you really really uh really lucky that we filmed that book club episode when we did yeah yeah that actually turned out very fortunate yeah we got actually a lot on that episode too we didn't well it's cause i kept calling the uh philatel mark the lystragonian on accident that's it that's the end yeah a lot of people seemed upset about that there's a no it's a fellow tomorrow it's filter whatever whatever it's this big big big imperium ship yeah that's what that's what happens when you when you like something and then you but you have to be hard on it there's always a lot of discussion around that which is actually pretty good but um that being said despite everything this but despite us being appreciative but a little lukewarm on the book we uh it's still the best [ __ ] necron [ __ ] ever so oh you know definitely it was still a really good book just you know it unfortunately had to live in the shadow of ruin which is [ __ ] amazing yeah that's a big those are large shoes to fill large shadows and being sick does suck yeah i i didn't have coven um i might have had the flu i i just i um tested negative for strep throat but i was at the urgent care for two and a half hours either waiting in the car or waiting inside and i was like literally shivering like like teeth chattering because of the fever and like oh yeah yeah and um they and then they they did like a finger prick for some blood to check if i had uh it's called mono is that the virus the kissing virus hey oh that one yes they they needed to do blood check that because the strep came back negative and kovac came back negative and i'm like they said maybe they said they said maybe it's the flu but then they would have to do that thing where they put the nasal thing all the way back in your nose to your [ __ ] brain you know and i was like i'd rather [ __ ] die i've been here for two hours like two hours at this point no go home and take some flu medicine and just bundle under some covers despite being an emt for a year i i lost my ability to no longer be squeamish so when they pricked my finger i immediately my blood pressure just [ __ ] dropped oh and i was like oh i'm go i'm going i'm going i'm out i'm leaving this some more this this mortal plane the way to horrify brickie pin prick on the finger i man i was so i was squeamish and then i got rid of it and then i'm squeamish again and i hate it um and i'm mad but it's only it's like my own personal body that bugs me yeah you just you just you just don't watch him just don't watch him do it that's the problem i'd probably be squeamish too for like little like like if they were i'm not i'm not staring at the [ __ ] needle i'm not like um face my fears can i get a zoom in on this but i face my fears you must look at it it's just facing to the into the thing this is what it is this is your body it's your stare at it drink it oh well drinking it is its own thing we're not doing pouring this stuff together geez ironic because uh are you ready for your quotes uh i i mean no but go ahead all right the demolisher the vanquisher even the mighty death strike missile launcher pale in comparison to the sheer firepower of trillions of last guns unleashing hell in unison captain garrius septus of the 263rd mccabean janissaries mean it it it just sounds like guard [ __ ] or it's just an overwhelming number of last guns that are just you know plugging away the cute little flashlights you know it's you know it sounds like guard [ __ ] i don't know i mean yeah it's guard [ __ ] it's guard [ __ ] i i don't know what regiment we're talking about or if it's just guard tactics or uh if there is a specific commissar of the guard that this should be bringing bells but guard [ __ ] bro guard [ __ ] bro do you think do you think the do you think the canadians go to like the gym like the people on 4chan do where they just start like screeching when they're doing their sets and like eat whole onions yes actually i do i think they totally do that good we're talking about last guns today that's literally it okay so guard [ __ ] guard shit's right okay yeah guard shit's uh right but you know i got sick and i was thinking like ah some ideas you know well i think actually we made this decision before i got sick but let's think of all these kinds of concepts and ideas and um considering that our next book club book which i forgot to mention is going to be the new krieg book ah i was like flashlights let's talk about flashlights perfect i've started the crate because actually it's it's pretty not bad so far good do they have flashlights uh yeah yeah there are flashlights let's go easy oh yeah yeah okay so i thought you know hey they may not be the most iconic weapon of 40k that's the bolter of course yeah they're close um right it it's probably number two yeah it's it's the classic ass laz gun i want to talk about old old reliable reliable the old peashooter what would be easily the most powerful weapon ever conceived in human history irl in 40k it's like yeah it's a it's a baby little flashlight it's just a little thing maybe not maybe not the strongest weapon ever but a pretty darn good one yeah um so the last gun sometimes referred to as a laz rifle as well i think they're kind of interchangeable it is a uh direct energy anti-personnel weapon uh most widely used laser weapon in the entire galaxy i guess that makes sense because the imperium uses them and they're billions of [ __ ] they breed like ants yeah exactly um so the uh the standard last gun your general standard uh mg short pattern last gun or rifle it weights 2.3 kilos uh which actually let me actually look at that in pounds real quick it's about five pounds what's that in america because that's about five pounds i was gonna say you hit me with that kilo [ __ ] and i have no idea what the [ __ ] you're talking about wait wait the the [ __ ] short pattern last gun last rifle is only five pounds that's not bad for that big ass laz rifle that's that's only five pounds or are they using ultralight metals there it's 900 millimeters long so almost a meter long there's um the magazine type says it is the 19 mega fuel range what the [ __ ] that means all right um so 30 30 shy history with 35 inches long yes trust me shy it's not that long it's not i mean no it's not that one tk it's not that long [Laughter] screams of immaturity intensified um there's a single shot so the semi and fully automatic of course the rate of fire is around 220 shots per minute and you can you can uh actually not that fast well for a laser gun that's pretty fast 220. you can also adjust adjust the uh shot intensity of it and uh it's got iron sights but normally it has rails of multiple kinds to attach things like flashlights as well a flashlight on your flashlight or you know like a red dot or a scope or a scope or something you're pretty classic stuff right has anyone ever attached like a bayonet to the bottom of it oh oh god we're reading a cree we're reading a creek book and you they haven't brought their bayonets yet yeah bayonets are very commonly are very commonly put on these okay i was gonna say that's gotta be something you do for like a uh an anti-personnel rifle where you're doing a lot of close quarters combat oh yeah especially if you're fighting nibs or orcs oh god the bayonet is huge yeah it's a big big deal is it just like uh oh did what book were we reading where they found a um [Music] oh [ __ ] what are those uh old world tech things that they find that have blueprints in them stcs stcs didn't they find one for like a really good knife that got turned into like a bayonet that like everybody uses um no the so the story you're thinking of um you're thinking of guns ghosts that's what was the uh was the corrupt stc you're thinking of us of the story where like three guardsmen ended up finding an stc that all it did was make knives but i think it became the standard issue knife given to astartes yeah um so those three guardsmen were given like a planet each to do whatever the [ __ ] they wanted with because they found the blue because they found the thing that made knives like to show the importance of the st yeah yeah yeah and how important the men of iron uh stc would have been in that book yeah if it wasn't chaos corrupted yeah yeah um and also horribly heretical but yeah last guns have bandits all the time there's even a order in the game called fixed bayonets where it allows you to attack again and look at melee you know things like that um but yeah the the last gun itself i kind of think of the last gun a little bit like the kaleshnikov the classic ak in the sense that it's like the ak's got a big ass bullet so it hits pretty hard over in in overall sense um and it's it's very rugged and and very easily usable like the the last gun is it's it's very easy to to take apart and repair because you know like much younger grunts need to figure that out so it's very very easy to disassemble reassemble it's easy to clean it's super rugged it goes through rain snow everything it tends to still work super durable yep super super yeah very durable design just all reliable you know and it kind of has to be if it's going to be the main weapon of your you know billion uh billion person army you need a reliable weapon you don't need something that's too technical and it's hard to clean hard to figure out hard to dismantle you want you want that easy [ __ ] that just works yeah and especially when the weapon is a laser weapon because the magazine you always see on the bottom is not actually a magazine it's a power pack i like a battery like a big bit like a big-ass battery and the big-ass battery you plug it in there and then you have a certain amount of shots and then naturally when your battery is depleted you just put in a different battery um there's a couple interesting things about it though obviously the battery has a certain level of juice and since the last gun can be adjusted in terms of strength you can have you can you can make it go lower if you're fighting someone that's super lightly armored and you want to or you need to conserve ammunition or you can really crank the energy to make it like a little more armor-piercing and if you're trying to take down tougher targets like i don't know the the vitrion dragoons did that very often in god's ghosts i i was about to bring up gone skulls because the vitrion dragoon always kept their [ __ ] at max uh to guarantee a kill and then gaunt had to be like no no turn that [ __ ] down they fall at half power just don't waste the ammo dude yeah and then they kept it at high power anyway they killed a space marine within like uh i'm sorry i kept it up whatever yeah sorry it's like okay it's fine also really weird that they were able to kill a chaos space marine but whatever remember there's two ways it's written yeah like tabletop and then like like normal yep um i always i always look at the the consequences like the expendables they're just oh yeah it's a whole bunch of super badasses has anyone ever like supercharged like gotten a uh uh like a supercharged battery that has like more juice and can fire like harder shots or anything or is it yeah there's a standard battery pack that just everybody has to use well there's a standard batter battery pack for most patterned last guns and last rifles but it's the the gun that allows you to up the the wattage or up the amount of power um there are higher and more powerful battery packs which we'll talk about when we talk about the variations of the last gum but there is one cool tech you can do where uh really veteran guardsmen who know their gun inside out can actually um overcharge their battery pack to such an insane degree that it makes the whole gun very volatile and it turns the whole gun into a grenade ah they're going tediour huh okay that that reference went right over my head what going tdr yeah uh cause in uh in borderlands 3 i think oh where you throw the gun it blows up depending on how much ammo you have it does more damage too yes that actually is probably the best example i can think about yeah you can oh i mean obviously it'll blow up your guns so it's a last resort option yeah but um yeah it's something that you can do if you can properly overcharge and then just eat the gun and act as a grenade um though naturally going along with that you know take the uh the reference to the klushnakov they're incredibly cheap to make like they're dirt [ __ ] cheap to produce okay um you know they they cost barely any money uh their durability is big and a giant important thing is that they do not require any ammo production you know you don't need to have a line of shells true to create because these power packs are rechargeable hell they can even reach they can recharge in sunlight oh they're solar huh you just yeah in the sun and they just recharge yeah i mean it may not be as good as other options but having your power packs in the sun to recharge is a way to replenish your ammunition reserves as well as taking it back to the ship or the camp and then plugging it into whatever a generator so you don't have to have an assembly line of bullets and mags you know you just recharge your power pack in my head i was i was just i was just picturing this guard he's like oh [ __ ] i'm out of ammo and he just plugs it into like an iphone charger and it's like all right it could cover me sound effects two hours guys i'll be good in two hours hold them off i mean i could imagine that you know they're you're in the thick of it and then you just you know there's this sunlight you put your stuff in there your your unspent power or your spent power packs and just kind of it might only give you a couple extra shots but you know a couple extra shots in war but now i'm stupidly imagining a guard sunbathing with his power pack it was like like he's either like he's in like he's in like the folding chair and he's like he's got the little strip of like uh uh suntan lotion on him and he's he's got a little power pack sitting next to him in a little mini uh folding chair i'm just imagining he's like super incredibly buff and he's laying back with like the rainbow umbrella he's just got two power packs over his nipples for like sen to censor him he's just like he's i like the way the power packs feel when they recharge it's all tingly oh god we're we're we're we're falling into slingash territory again here i don't know nah that'd be if he wasn't wearing any any like underwear but he's like covering his schlong with the last gun itself oh no i guarantee you there's going to be fan art of that popping up no boys [ __ ] dk no one has ever made fanart from our ideas ever ever you're right how stupid of me wow what a fool how [ __ ] simply l plus ratio plus no maidens plus touch grace that's grace yeah why not grass well because in it it's an elden ring joke because elder ring's so popular you don't have bonfires you you you you go outside and you touch grace you touch grace i lost graces you know what's wrong dk no witches no maidens no no [ __ ] no maidens man i'm glad that the internet has memed megamind so hard because megamind is actually an amazing film i haven't seen it okay well it's you haven't seen anything good it's fine that's true i've seen good things hey have you yes have you have you met the the elden ring chick that is like all blue and has like four arms yes i didn't realize she had four arms though but she got like she got like a witch hat and then but half a face yeah yeah yeah yeah okay she's the one that gives you a a very special item it's a it's a bell that lets you summon spirits that uh help you in really tough fights can i summon like a pack of wolves you absolutely can that's like the first summon you get oh [ __ ] all right all right sorry destiny which queen raid's on a whole world so many wolves they're pretty good too for a lot of the game there's three wolves but if you take him against a really big boss that has like aoe they'll get [ __ ] really hard damn i want to summon a dragon i don't know that all right all right this isn't even the ring yeah they're saying that yeah yeah yeah damn goddamn all right um but yes you know obviously like last gun very very handy weapon um now the actual thing the last gun does uh the considering it's the standard issue weapon for all of imperial guard rank and file junior officers and even skatari infantry in the mechanicus um the it's standard issue for the very basic schitari troop because there's a whole lot of qatari like rangers and vanguard that use things like the radium carbines and galvanic rifles but yeah that's it's like the flintlock looking ass i remember the adeptus uh god i was going to say the adept is ridiculous uh the attempt that's me that's you yeah yeah that's us uh i i remember their minis having like all these crazy giant like flintlock cannons and sniper rifles i was like there's no way these [ __ ] are using [ __ ] flashlights i think the flashlight is like the the base weapon yeah you know but also yeah the rangers and stuff they use like the galvanic rifle and which is just the coolest looking goddamn thing in the world but yeah the mechanics have the coolest [ __ ] they do because they hog it all for themselves um but the actual the actual gun it fires a a pinpoint laser beam and what it is it's a it's a highly energetic focused beam of coherent pro uh protons or is it or is it photons a photon sounds about right i think so sounds right protons doesn't um well one of them one or the other you decide chat uh it's photons coherent it is a beam of highly energetic focused coherent photons okay and the energy from these photons they once they reach the surface it is immediately like vaporized and this very small localized explosion so you know it's like you hit it with the laser everything that's that's got hit with the surface is is vaporized or just like yeah um which is actually an interesting thing about the last gun is that because it's a little localized zap explosion this and since it's a laser vaporizing something it means that technically the last gun whatever you shoot it at it will be somewhat effective at against somewhat it's very yeah like if you because if you fire it let's say if i'm if i'm just standing there no shirt on and you fire it and you hit my arm um you'll probably take my arm you'll take my arm off oh yeah yeah like if you hit me in the bicep like you're probably clea clear off the entire lower bottom of half of my arm oh for sure um now of course yes it's a big laser beam with a localized explosion um however if i was wearing like a plate vest like like maybe like a metal sheet on the front like a plate carrier it would probably just create a big seared hole a seared like patch on that plate you know it wouldn't really go through it's very it's it's very effective against regular fleshy targets but it's super ineffective against anything anything better than that oh so even the most rudimentary armor would probably stop a last cannon or a last last cannon sorry less cannon is a different different ball of wax alas cannon rips the tank in half yeah that's that's a whole different different story yeah um no i mean not rudimentary i wouldn't i don't think like a 21st century kevlar body armor would stop it um it might make it so it doesn't kill you but it would it would sear your your skin probably regardless medieval knight armor though it would probably stop it for a couple of shots okay um i'm i'm going to assume the power of the last gun is unfortunately due to the warhammer being around for so long and having so many writers the power of the last gun kind of sways with book to book oh okay um the idea though is that it's very good against flesh because it's a big laser beam despite the fact that it does cauterize the wound because it's super heated so you have like a lightsaber kind of thing where you blow the arm off but then they're not going to be bleeding yeah um although even if it doesn't work great against plate again i guess when you're firing 13 million of them you know you're gonna get a few stray shots they're gonna blow even armor off your time time good good assessment dk thanks very very good assessment because that's the the concept is you know a last pistol which is a shortened version uh a laz um a last cannon is an insanely large supercharged one that that just rips through things yeah the um the last but of course the last cannon is just a much larger and more powerful variant of a singular last gun one would argue that while alas cannon can rip a tank apart in one shot maybe 2 000 last guns will pepper the tank so much that the armor will just start to melt because you're still vaporizing a little part of the armor every time yep and if 2000 of them are concentrated on the same spot well you basically have a laz cannon you basically have a spread out last cannon yeah um there's also like the multi-laser which is a like 2 000 rounds a second like fire rate just just bird laser gun it's like a gatling gun it's like it's like it's like a more like a mini gun but for lasers sick um so it's actually not that powerful penetration-wise but it's just this firing it's so fast that you know um those wouldn't work is there like a large shotgun that just pellets like just close range pellets so like there are treated laser variations of almost every last gun uh there is a shot laz which is an illegal modification of the last gun uh to discharge more energy per shot at the cost of the beam's coherence so you know more spread yeah like a shotgun exactly like a shotgun right but of course uh the it's still a laser so it still has base relatively infinite range so too so to speak um but the fact that the the range it still becomes ineffective at certain longer ranges but because the shots are so well actually let me rephrase that it does not have infinite range because um the shot will lose power as it goes because it's like the the dissipating particles right um but the shot lasts also just kind of fires in random areas a little bit more spread so you know it's less uh practical from this that's i'm assuming that's why it's an illegal modification and everything is illegal in the imperial no one's allowed to have fun that's true too yeah [ __ ] goddamn corpse emperor the uh there's also other variations like the laz carbine which is a little bit more like an smg it's a smaller variant has like a foldable stock uh and it has a power pack with shorter overall range but also i think a mildly higher fire rate um those are actually the weapons mainly used by the 10th first and only um they use last carbines because you know they would they're they're uh stealth troopers you know so they want to keep it close catechins like it a lot because they like the close range stuff uh elysia and drop troopers are a big fan of them there's also the long las which is like a sniper rifle variant this is another reason why i harken it a little bit to the kleschnikov family because the last gun is the ak-47 the last carbine is the ak-74u the i'm sure there's like a heavy machine gun variant which is like the rpk then the long last it's like the dragon off you know it's like it's constantly altered and the the base structure can be altered and adjusted in various ways to for whatever you need okay cool um there's also tons and tons of variants of it of course of course yeah you got to customize it right the the m35 also known as the m galaxy pattern last gun is the last gun you know and love the one you're always aware of the m36 chentrail pattern last rifle is the name of the cadian one um there's a bullpup pattern of course uh there is the integrated last rifle there's the calibrax v1 pattern last rifle uh and then there's the lucious pattern 98 last gun and the lock pattern last carbine and the m or the uh kentrail mg short pattern last gun and the mark iv catachan last carbine and blah blah blah so wha what are the difference between all these patterns just like the way they like it just like is it like the category reloads faster shoots faster does it just have a different paint job on it like what what makes a pattern [Music] entirely dependent on where it comes from uh for example the bullpup pattern is a bullpup so it load reloads in the back um like like an og does for example um there is let's say the uh calibrax v1 pattern last rifle it says the standard armament for the solar axilla regiments during the great crusade is considered to be a higher quality than most standard patterns of last gun and last carbine it's most notable for its heavily reinforced energy transfer capacitors and great durability in wide planetary environments thanks to its superior heat dissipation qualities so your gun might not jam or overheat on a lava planet so much it's just better ran you know well that that that would be that would be helpful yeah there's the mg short pattern last gun which is just like a stub nosed one um like i mentioned the mark iv categorized carbine it's a standard last gun or last carbine for the catch and jungle fighters but it's uh has a more reduced barrel length thanks for use in the dense forests and wooded terrain um there's a so there's a laz gun for every occasion and every everyone has their variant of gun right uh how the how they mess with it how they kind of [ __ ] how they kind of [ __ ] around and upgrade and modify it the vostroins have a special one for the vustron firstborn which is like these finely crafted engraved hand detailed things that mark the weapon to keep it really nice you know there's there's lots of stuff like that triplex pattern last gun has multiple firing modes like bursts and stuff yeah it's shot last i mentioned already um yeah there's a lot of suppose there's ever been like a last gun that's had a had such a strong battery that they could make like a concentrated beam i'm thinking like you know like how beam sabers are in like anime you know like beam swords has that ever been a thing in 40k like a lightsaber deal um i i am positive there has but i can't think of where if it's 40k they took it from somewhere um i mean there's like like power swords i mean they're a sore but they're like wreaths and lightning you know yeah yeah most of the melee stuff in 40k is like uh chain swords uh at least for the imperium yeah i i can i can imagine maybe maybe like i would imagine tower eldar would have a laser blade i could see like tau having like an armored core style like laser gauntlet you know um i'm sure if there is one shy will which i will certainly mimos on the video so um well she's going to meme us anyway that's kind of like her thing yeah but now she has direction ah damn it yeah um so laz rifle or um long lass was uh mad larkin of the sniper well he also he also had like a regular gun as well but as long as long glass in the uh ghosts but there's also the other big variant of last gun which is known as the hell gun and the hell gun is also known as a hot shot last gun okay this has been before yeah this is what we were referring to earlier when you were asking about like bigger battery packs yeah so the hot shot last gun is a general love of the of a certain level of combat engineer kriegsman as well as tempest scions so if you were to look at a photo of the giga tempest the scions here you'll notice there's a big wire coming out of his gun that's traveling to his backpack so his ammunition supply is in his backpack that's a giant ass battery oh okay i think we talked we talked about these guys before right and we yeah badass their gun is that's probably where i heard hotshot uh last rifle gun before most likely the tempest the scions because they're drop troops they need to have really higher level weapons so what it does is it makes the laser way more potent and have significantly more punching power um the it's basically having it at max power and then some supported by you know you had max power on the on the magazine but max power in the magazine is like half power on the backpack and the backpack is cranked even higher than that you know these these things like these things pierce so at absolute maximum capacity like the backpack is an absolute max output like what what can these things do like how how hard do these things [ __ ] well i'm not sure if the backpack is like always at max because that's a little volatile carrying a it's like the guy with the flamethrower in world war ii you don't want to be near him yeah but if if you were so inclined you're like oh that that target has to go out maximum carnage like how how devastating are these things i'm not quite sure at how strong they would be in the actual lore lore um but i'm i know they they hit really hard i think the i i know that like let's say you're wearing that armor i mentioned before let's say like the metal plate or whatever the hell it'll punch right through you and come out the other side and then hit the guy behind them pretty easily all right but in like in game for instance uh a last gun is one of the lowest strength weapons in the game it's strength three uh our pen our penetration is at a flat zero and only one damage um a hot shot weapon has a bit of a shorter range probably because of its higher output you know a little more volatile yeah but it's our penetration it's everything is the same except it's arm penetration two which is pretty high bolters have our penetration of zero uh and a and a laz cannon has our penetration of three and a melter gun has arm penetration of four so hot shot not bad remember the um that's not too bad remember remember in in the night lords books when um markarian woke up and he fired his auto cannon and blew up the terminator i heard vulture fire yeah the odd the auto cannon is damaged too but it's only our penetration one oh so the idea is that the the last gun still doesn't have a whole lot of strength doesn't have a whole lot of like hitting power but it'll it'll it'll pierce through basically everything damn it's very very potent and it's our penetration power what happens when you run out of juice on one of those hot shots and you're like you say your backpack is just added juice do you just ditch the pack oh that's probably why you're carrying a pistol all right all right i mean there's no real way to like reload it's not like you've got another power backpack just sitting around uh lying in wait yeah i guess you just gotta pull out a regular laz rifle and just start putting battery packs in it one of one of two options either one the backpack carries so much extra power due to its size that hopefully you won't run out of ammo yeah or two it just comes down to the classic well i'm out of ammo maybe i might if i move for a regular gun i'd also be [ __ ] it's just i'm out of ammo not true but like at least like with a regular laz rifle like you could probably carry a bunch of like battery packs on your person like you can't carry an extra backpack true but one would argue that the backpack in terms of just volume of space has a similar amount of charge than the ammunition you would carry normally ah that's fair actually you know yeah it's like when you have those those guys that like carry around like a oh like a mini gun sometimes like fed into a backpack they're definitely carrying more bullets than the average guy with an m16 or something on his chest but because they have a backpack of bullets true true true fair enough fair enough um some of these uh last guns there's like the rise of pattern hotshot from the forged world of rhiza one of the more popular ones is the lucious pattern type 14 heavy laz gum which is a variant that is main standard argument armament for the grenade squads of the death corps of krieg hey um they're known to be unreliable um constantly requiring tons of maintenance however it's one of those things where it's like you treat this thing right and it'll it'll treat you right as a much faster recharging generator um the uh uh was it the um this the surname or it has like a like a the bulkier barrel with like a cooling shroud a heat exchanger it has all these things like a 4x sight and even infrared optics but the the main thing is it's one of those like okay this this is a um this is a sassy [ __ ] this this one you need to you need to give a good pat on that head and a rub on the ass and then like this you gotta give it give it some food give it some give it some alcohol maybe some flowers like you gotta you you treat that last gun right and it'll do well but if you don't it's gonna it's gonna shoot you and stab you in your sleep it it does sound like a very high maintenance gun worth the maintenance and worth the effort but it does it does sound like a very high maintenance gun i literally have that entire metaphor and then high maintenance is just the words that describe exactly what i was saying yeah that's okay we all have these moments of smooth brain i am uh i unfortunately i have i have reached smooth brain apex i've i've been there for a while so welcome to the club uh good good to have you what's it like having such a smooth brain dk uh it's it's it's bliss ignorance is bliss you know your insults they just they just slide right off you cannot insult me my bare brain has been replaced by a ship glory to the infinite empire god damn corpse emperor carcass emperor sometimes when we uh like when we read any space marine books they would talk about getting shot with last guns and they're just like this [ __ ] dumbass stuff because ceramide is tough tough armor oh yeah yeah yeah uh but you know even then a last gun that might hit an exposed joint or uh possibly like poor cabling that's been after wear and tear and stress like there's a way where enough last guns can absolutely bring down a marine and then some yeah you're thinking about the idea that you have an entire lineup of guys of like tens 20 hundreds of thousands of guys all shooting last guns down a field like it is it is a sea of red flashing lights yep that's uh that's the power of the lazarus like we said is that there's so [ __ ] many of them one might not be that great but you know 50 000 of them will [ __ ] you up um unrelated we should do an ep like i don't know if this is a no where the [ __ ] does sarah might come from uh isn't ceramide like a name for adamantium that's been repurposed is it is it is it that's why i was like i was just thinking about i was like you know we know a lot about space marines where the [ __ ] does where do you get ceramide from like where do they where do they mine adamantium how do they refine it like that sounds like it'd be a good episode idea where the [ __ ] does sarah might come from definitely not ceramic i hope no no i don't think ceram i don't know i don't know shy's maybe maybe you're right i don't know uh when i think of ceramic i just think of like you know little ceramic uh art class chai says it might actually be ceramic oh so it's ceramide for ceramic i don't i don't know i don't i don't know how i feel about this i i don't know how i feel about it either but hey smoothbring comment from before checks out still let's go smooth let's go shine might be right but we don't care because we're stupid let's go let's go let's go ignorance just bliss yeah let's [ __ ] go i don't i don't know i don't know enough about guns or an armor i literally i literally was on twitter just a minute ago i was like hey everyone the javelin why is the javelin so good they go it go off and then it go down and then it's because you know current events have shown us that the javelin is quite quite a quite a quite a weapon and i'm like hmm why traveling um i'm curious yeah i'm unfortunate i'm i'm a fake american i i know nothing about uh ballistics either about uh weaponry and guns and armor and all that stuff i know literally nothing is zero all i know is that out of all the guns i've fired the six five creedmoor is by far my favorite it is a is a big bullet and it feels really satisfying yeah my favorite gun is the thorn gamers gaming let's go gamers gaming i remember i remember the last gun it actually doesn't really it's not supposed to make like a pew pew like zip zip it's supposed to make like a weird like crackling sound effect i believe oh like thunder more like like the pop of like a firework like a sparkler oh like like the imagine imagine you know the sound in your brain when you eat pop rocks i haven't had pop rocks in like over a deck and you know exactly what i'm talking about don't you i know what you mean yeah like pop rocks imagine that but like maybe a little bit bassier and a lot louder okay that's such a weird that is not the sound i expected them to make um i might i might be i think i'm right that they make a weird sound like that but no now you've got me questioning myself uh well whenever i think of like laser guns i always think about the sound that um uh old uh like 80s 90s cartoons made for for like uh laser guns like in like transformers or um yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's my that's my go-to uh laser gun sound so you're the classic your classic star wars sounds you know yeah exactly the good old storm trooper that can't hit the broad side of a barn with a with a baseball and broadsides are really good right now though yeah broadsides that's a that's a tau thing right yeah the broad size they carry their gyro yeah speaking of speaking of gigantic guns the [ __ ] rail rifles [ __ ] railgun but uh obviously with all the patterns of laz rifle it's kind of cool because i imagine some gun gun nuts can uh know a lot about it can probably make their own fun custom live rifle for a regiment or something of that nature oh yeah i could see some real use in that it could be kind of neato sure well it's a hard thing so you know those those world war ii buffs are gonna really they like that yeah yeah remember when you're over when you play warhammer and you're over 30 you either have loved the imperial garden you based it off of a real thing or you love to smoke meats hey what if what if you don't like either of them and you then you're busy watching the raiders lose oh now i'm sad again mm-hmm then of course there's there's a last pistol but that's just you know last pistol is the last pistol there's nothing special about that one we know what that one does yeah kamasar shoots you in the back with those damn damn straight he does oh actually commissars often carry bolt pistols do they yeah a big chunkier weapon they like like the ball pistol a little bit more okay is that like a pistol version of like a bolt bolter i i'm trying to remember to say it properly instead of bolt or which is the warframe gun i'm trying i'm trying to get into saying bolter yes it is a variant of the bolter okay cool um now of course the last cannon though sees a lot more use outside of the imperial guard as well um the space marines carry last cannons quite often uh they either use it as a heavy weapon or like the land raider has two on both sides of it how big is the last cannon pretty large um normally it's it's it's rolled around like it's the size of a person well because when you were like oh yeah the uh you know the space marine just carry around a last count i was like wait a minute they just they just carried around like what i carried on their shoulder like how big is this thing um it's a very very big ass gun um now of course there are larger variants of it such as the volcano lance which is would you stick on a costello knight or the name speaks for itself volcano lance yep it is a lance of volcanic heat sure got it but the last can itself is generally manned in the imperial guard by two by two guys like there's a t a guy who carries it around and then they set it up on a tripod and they get it all ready you know it's your classic heavy weapons team kind of group um shot posted an image is that a space wait no is that is that the volcano lance on that second one yeah that's the knight oh okay because there was a part of me it was like is that a space marine that replaced his arm with a last camera no so even that would be it would be too much the the last cans are quite large as chai showed you a picture of that yeah they're okay you really gotta lug it lug the thing yeah okay cool i was like what the [ __ ] he has a last cannon arm i mean you could do that though like on like a like a turmy armor just you know have a laz cannon arm okay that'd be cool i i feel like that would actually be a little bit have too much recoil i think it would blow your arm back it's 40k who cares i i mean yes but the use the use of your arm is very important what if you need to turn a lock or punch something would you lose your other arm well i mean you got your last cannon arm like that's that's the ultimate lock pick right it's fine the ultimate lock pick the the old the ultimate way to get into the enemy base is not through the codes it's through a large enough hole yeah it's just the last like oh we can't get through i have don't worry guys i've got the key do you no more door this is shenanigans yeah we call him mega man yeah yeah the mega man terminator yeah the mega minds ah it all comes full circle [Laughter] it all comes full circle good old laz guns good old last guns guns i don't actually have a whole lot left to say about last guns i mean we talked about a lot of last guns i mean we talked about the rifle we talked about the cannon we talked about the the volcano lance and all the different patterns yeah we did you know it's the tried true yeah there's lots of various other versions of the laser weapons as well there's like the last fusil which is a a heavier laser weapon there's the the multi laser which i mentioned is the really fast firing one um there was actually that was actually the astartes short film as well which was kind of cool there's like there's a couple other things like neutron lasers and stuff but that's some more ad mech [ __ ] um there's like all the hot shot all the hot shot guns are always really fun i love them with the with the um those you know tempest scions it's good stuff when cosplaying someone from the guard does everybody just give themselves a hot shot because it looks cooler and it's got the cable and you got the backpack and it makes you feel more elite is that is that is that a thing no uh i mean really i mean people though it's super cool looking but your standard guardsman doesn't really carry a hotshot last gun yeah but if you're like playing or making like a fanfic of your favorite character obviously you're gonna give him the good [ __ ] right well the good [ __ ] is also expensive and temperamental and high high maintenance that's fair it is anyway these these darn these darn creeks men and kriegsman and friends roll around with their with their uh craigsman and friends that sounds like the worst sitcom ever they roll around with their fancy fancy weapons because they're fancy and they're pantsy yeah then indeed indeed they are with their with their gas masks and yeah and all their and all their ass beating and and killing of themselves and all their ass beating all right i read the creep book on audible read the creed book on audible make sure to get yourself your standard flashlight feels good man yeah so you can read it in the dark oh my god what what what you said flashlight can you imagine if you just took a laz gun and you're like oh damn i can't see just shot a bolt into the air ah now i see the path you're in a really dark lit cave and you're just like i can't see and you start firing shots forward that sounds like a guardsman concept yeah [Laughter] now we can see just keep firing forward take point yeah multi-purpose laz gun use this is dumb actual flashlight flashlight being used as an actual flashlight let's go all right dk all right good [ __ ] man i'm cutting you off oh fine you're fine my my long-winded memery is gone gonna go watch anime and cry myself to sweep it's all right make sure you you have a warm glass of milk for a little lassie next to you okay okay can you can you take us home now can we go home now dad can we go home i've been home oh well in the episode [ __ ] you you end the episode [ __ ] you that's your job what do we pay you for what do you pay me for yeah wouldn't what if they what did they pay you for what did they pay me for yeah if not to end the episode if not to end the episode i think they pay me to start the episodes i start the episodes to create the episodes oh well to research the episodes well whatever have have have a good day everyone i'm i'm we're dead oh yeah i'm coming to your home i'm gonna get in your walls [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 298,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous, imperial guard, astra militarum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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