SQUIG TIER LIST | Warhammer Lore

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[Music] whoa right in the middle of the intro like that jesus i had to lie to the people right as i'm trying to intro this thing ah that was good that's that's a good i are you are you all fairies dk um i am alfarious but that's that's a lie so good continue with the intro am i doing the intro again are we leaving this in no you're i don't i don't know i can decide that do the intro dude okay let's leave that in welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous podcast i'm dk diamantes not alfarious and today brick is going to be teaching us some weird ridiculous [ __ ] about warhammer 40k but before the episode gets started if you enjoyed today's podcast do consider going to patreon.com adeptus ridiculous and supporting the podcast you get access to our discord bloopers if they happen nefarious um and you get uh there's a imperial [ __ ] comic that is going on right now that is exclusive to the patreon but later on will be on the website uh the second batch of those comics is out and you don't want to miss it because it's oh it's spicy uh speaking of spicy things you also get access to hd posters uh that are very ab-tastic so go check it out uh bricky merch and a book club book club uh yes merch orcadate.com check in the description i just ridiculous shirts hoodies doge van dyer stickers orders over 75 dollars in the u.s free shipping also book club we are reading soul hunter by aaron dempsky bowden bowden i don't know how you say his name about the the story of talus valkorin and first claw of the nightlords uh dk i don't know how far you are now but are you enjoying it still it's so good dude it's i it might be my favorite book that we've read so far because i'm i'm like pacing myself because i don't want to go through it too quick so i'll get to like a big moment i'm like yo i gotta stop i don't i gotta process what just happened and i gotta make sure that i am prepared for the nick and it's it's it's great it feels like it's a nice combo of like the jokey stuff from infinite of the divine but also a lot of serious [ __ ] from like the way gaunt was i love it i [ __ ] love it it's great it's humorous because the jokey hyuk stuff isn't actually jokey hyuk stuff it's more like really depressing sad night lord stuff but then doing something slightly out of character or making or cracking like a small joke and it's like that's out of that's out of nowhere it's not the same level of humor but tiny bits of humor like adds so much more to it just that a night lord is doing this is like okay wow all right great but yeah i love it good also you know when you say that you're not alfarious you know how girls always say they're fine when they're not fine but you have to pretend like you're fine and they just don't yeah yeah that's you pretending like you're not alfarious i know the truth i know you i'm not a nefarious yeah [ __ ] yeah you're not nefarious hey hey hey we keep that on the downlow don't don't be exposing me on our podcast there's just plans within plans there's layers on layers the alpha legion symbol should just be a [ __ ] onion the big onion because it has layers just like shrek and it makes me cry [Laughter] so i have to know what yeah yes no we're both about to see the exact same thing we both were just like i don't know what's going on i'm like you don't know what's going on i have no clue no idea uh like i said uh before when we were talking um i was like well the only thing that pops up my head is to what it could be i was like maybe we'll talk about the rest of the alpha legion but i can't imagine caring about the rest of the alpha legion besides alfari alfarius and omegon because everybody else is just trying to copy both of them so i'm like it can't be that so what the hell are we talking about yeah they don't really have any supplementary characters which is a little bit unfortunate or at least not a whole lot of them like everyone else does oh we're going a little bit more more chill today we're gonna have a fun time this is this was shai's recommendation and it won't surprise you when we actually get into it we are gonna be pulling off a squig tier list i i love the half second it took you to just process that you know what it does to your list that does seem like a shy request a squig list okay are you going to have like a a tier list maker uh oh check discord my friend i'm almost way ahead uh brought to you but brought to you by shai she put together this squig tier list and all the images to go with the squiggs i'm gonna need i'm gonna need her help a little bit on what's what um so hopefully she can she can assist me with that on because i don't know a lot of squigs look similar to other squigs but you don't know what their purpose is as a squig so oh cool we actually oh that's great i love it i love it and well we at least start off with the first one while we're while we're looking because we got this this i'm gonna place this here it's like a placeholder okay we got this demonic ass looking thing that little ball of teeth and flesh is is that just like a base squig is that just so that is a great cave squig it's a quote we have to use a uh we're using an excerpt from 1d4 cham for most of these squigs the great cave squig is a they say an attack squig given steroids it's a larger variant grown to such a large size that has become as large as an imperial warehouse and it's the sec the second largest the non-squiggeth family so they make great apparently they're used as cavalry for night goblins so it's called a great cave squid because it's the size of a [ __ ] cave i think i think it it actually is used to to tunnel in caves it's like it's like a gigantic wrecking ball of cave of squigginess okay cool uh where should we put the great caves you know the great cave squig is kind of neat but it lacks a lot of the memeiness of the squig i think i think the great cave squig would go into a solid like a solid beats here in the in the middle i was gonna say saw like if not be definitely a high c so i i think b is fine i'll go with you on b yeah you know what i'm going to go i'm going to go with the high c with you on that one because i loved that drink growing up yeah that's uh that's that's a that's a tasty beverage i don't remember all right i see flavors i drank but next up we have the well this is a bomb squig actually i was gonna say that looks like a squig that they attach bombs to the head and then you it would just run at people and it would just collide with someone this is a bomb squig a bomb squig literally does exactly that it runs at the opponent with mines and explosives and it [ __ ] blows up let's go that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a courageous squig right there not that it knows he's serving his purpose he is serving it well his his importance he runs at something and he just [ __ ] explodes and he dies with it you know there's actually um some of some abilities in the in the codex where like the bomb squig is you could put them inside of a unit and it can just run up into like underneath a vehicle and then just explodes and like the tank is flipped over or something it's great is that i'm assuming could you use that in the tabletop is there like a bomb squig oh [ __ ] i mean you lose the unit but well if you use it like a little a little marker you put next to a squad of orcs and then you can just send it at the enemy to blows up bomb squigs are awesome i'm putting the bomb squigging a yeah i like it i like the bomb i was going to say that's good the bomb squigg is going to be a very very high tier if not s has to be a all right this little man right here this is a boom squig uh i don't know if shai can put these two images together but the boom squig looks like veyhek from warframe it looks like vehicle oh my god it looks so funny it does look really funny um so so boom squig you said right boom squig they are fired out of heavy squig launches or squig launches uh they're sometimes known as mine squigs because they look like mines because they're so flat i don't think you don't think you have uh here's another image for of the boom squig he's a little he's a little flat boy he looks like a little pancake squig isn't he they have a defense mechanism where they violently explode at the slightest provocation sometimes physical contact or a loud noise or apparently sometimes they have indigestion and they just [ __ ] explode indigestion [Laughter] the boom squig has indigestion and blows up that's such an orc thing so would would how many orcs has this thing killed when they're loading into like a a launcher because you said they could be launched out of a squig launcher so you got a little catapult right it's like a little it's like a little accidentally died to this thing well apparently orcs used it a lot as practical jokes where they'll put it beneath the seat of a driver and then it explodes into the air like a whoopee cushion only the orcs would use an actual explosive squig as a gag on their own like tank drivers they're they're absolute absolute kings for that alone i i think i think this is a solid a solid at your squig oh yeah you gotta go eight here especially when you're when you have the orcs using them as like not only for destructive purposes against their enemies but as a [ __ ] pseudo whoopee cushion it's got to be eight here dude it has to do this is an eight-year squig all right the oil squig oh that's just that's just oh oh oh he's got the oil squeak under his arm i was like that just looks like an orc engineer or something i was like where's the squig uh it's an oily squig yeah it's not he's got a little thing in his mouth he's used to oil stuff they they they squigs to secrete a fancy type of like i don't know oil i guess and they use it to make sure that their stuff works you know they gotta they gotta make sure that they uh they squeeze them and the oil drips out and they use it to make sure their stuff works okay i mean it's cute and everything but do you think we might have our first d because it's just it's just oil and they're orcs if the orcs believed hard enough they wouldn't even need to oil their machines you make a good point i might have to i might have to throw oil squig into d you know i know there's actually a second oil squig on here it's the graw oiler over here i'll put him on on c though because he's like the same size as the squig and i find it reminds me of like carrying my pillow at summer camp oh okay he can be in c then he can be and see we didn't see it fine all right this [ __ ] lad whatever this lad this isn't vicious this is the new model that just came out okay it just came out it's [ __ ] awesome i don't know the exact name of the model uh but it's he's he's an orc war boss and he's riding a great white squig it's a gigantic albino squig with like metal teeth okay that's amazing it looks ferocious as hell it's it's essentially a great white shark as a squig basically that dude like that has to be s t here right i'm honestly considering s t r on this thing there's a picture i posted in in the chat look at that [ __ ] thing it's got a it's just got like a pistol shoved into its head and rocket booster is on its side this is asked here this is that's your [ __ ] this is our first s tier no questions as soon as i saw that thing it was like oh baby yep that's how you know the orc riding it is a [ __ ] like he boy if i could ride into battle on a squig it would be that one hands down there's a great great ability okay so i know you don't understand much about the tabletop yet but for those of the people who do they came out with his rules uh i actually think he's really [ __ ] strong maybe a little too strong um he's 170 points and he's like he's like t6 like like nine wounds he's he's really strong but the main thing is that his squig has this ability where the squig makes three additional attacks with his mouth and if you wound somebody with a six on that you roll a six to wound it does four mortal wounds which i don't think you understand but if you just happen to roll box cars like you just happen to roll two sixes on on the three attacks you get with the squig you've basically one shot gilliman whoa like giliman is just gonna get [ __ ] crunched in half by the great whites can you imagine he's dead for 10 000 years and he comes back he just gets [ __ ] cut in half by a giant albino squig so oh man that so that's a very powerful unit then like well you obviously you gotta get a little lucky but it's unheard of it's not i i personally think personally i think he might be a little little opie uh just because of how how cheap he is um but i i mean this is this is early the codex was like just leaked i'm not gonna you know you don't wanna talk about balance until you've actually spotted a bit but it looks frightening next up bagpipe squig please the squig please tell me the only purpose of thing this thing is for for music and to play a little jig and to increase morale and it's it's just bagpipes it's just sentient bagpipes i think it literally is just squid pipes i don't think i don't think there's anything more to it you you inflate it up by blowing in it's like rectum or something and then and then you squeeze it and it makes terrifying noises uh apparently it's like it's like you know imagine bagpipes i know some people don't like bagpipes i don't mind them but imagine like a thousand bagpipes out of tune oh it's just it's just this never-ending i honestly i would put the squig pipe in s tier because it's so [ __ ] stupid i was literally gonna say for only the meme potential it kind of has to go into s tier doesn't it i think squid python is an s tier yeah low s tier but s tier nonetheless it's the lowest it's s minus yeah exactly it just makes it in because it's so memey and stupid and and just uh so shy tells me this is the cave squig again so he's going to go next to the other one um this is the spore squig it looks like a little tyranids it looks gross with all those little like spores and holes on it i i don't like i don't i don't like the well i don't really have it as much as everyone else does but if you got trypophobia this isn't your favorite thing oh yeah you want to click away from the screen if you got that yeah mm-hmm apparently they're used as like [ __ ] by fungoid cave shamans they're um and like they're like leopard which are like the lepers of goblins uh apparently apparently they secrete like some kind of like lsd gas so apparently it's just it's just a living hookah and then all the green boys sniffing they're like oh yeah that's oh that's the the mental image of that is horrible by the way just all these orcs surrounding this big ugly spore and just oh yeah feet right like it's just uh oh is this the is this the doge van dyer squig yeah this is the wiki feet uh uh squiggs squiggy feet oh i don't like it uh i say i say it's just a good this is a good a because apparently it literally gets them high on the battlefield and if you're too close to it like the other humans or guard or whoever will be like they got hit with a dose of lsd just by being near it and then they start tripping that's [ __ ] funny i'm putting it in a yeah i'll go with a because it it looks really gross uh it's got some mean potential um mental images of it hilarious and it could actually be pretty useful against an enemy you trip them out on lsd and then they're a lot easier to kill this is a limping squig apparent apparently it's a squig that they use for blood bowl oh but and they they they cut off one of its legs so it can't run away so it's the limping squeaking oh sad oh my god that's brutal so it's it's a football it's literally a football squig oh and i lost a leg oh that's brutal b for b for ball oh yeah b for ball i was gonna say uh it's sad but it's just the football d tier maybe but it's like oh no you gotta go feed beef or ball yup beef ball this is the og attack squig we thought this was the bomb squig earlier i'm putting the og attack squig in a though because it's just it's a nice classic squig it's the classic you can't you can't be put in the classic o.g the the the father of all squigs into like d and c he got no that's not fair he's he's without him there's nothing he he is the squig thus quick uh this is the bag squig it's a bag [Laughter] are you are you sure though well it's it's just a it looks horrifying like that that picture of it is just like i i don't i don't even like it's it's hard to tell what actually it is if it's just a bag then yeah like is there anything special about this bag uh it's alive uh it's composed of a stomach and a little mouth and nothing else and it just slowly digests food in its body the whole time as a bag until it dies and then when it dies it's tanned for like leather or turned into like a drink holder it's a bag hit a full existence it's a bag squig there's a part of me that's like maybe give it like low c tier just because like i said what a pitiful existence like can you imagine a sympathy a sympathy place a c empathy a c s okay never mind that's fine yeah c this is low seed here uh the bat squig it's all bat it's a bat it is a bat squig it is a squig that flies with bat wings and it is it is just a squig with bat wings huh and and it just swoops in on the enemies and just it is squish is attack squig plus bat equals bat squig it swoops in with attacks enemies as a bat squig so we obviously can't put that higher than the attack squig right i was thinking b for bat squig good call good call it's cause it's not a bad squig it looks cool it's got bat wings it flops around it's probably pretty effective but it's not like it's you know it's not like an s or 80 or anything it's all right it's cool it's a b tier one yeah next up this is the bile squig this one is also used uh in the squig launchers and then heavy squig launches and what this thing is done is they launch them by the handful and while in the air they like squeal and thrash around freaking the [ __ ] out firing out acid poison and flammable fluids in every direction sometimes it does nothing sometimes the enemies will burst into flames explode or dissolve oh and so and so you fire it out and it's just like it just starts going read it [ __ ] starts spewing [ __ ] out of his eyes and mouth and everything whoa that's horrifying it is that's absolutely horrifying that's horrible uh eight here because i can't imagine this little crazy [ __ ] squig just oh god that's that's nightmare fuel with just bile and disgusting acid coming out of every pores that flies through the air yeah it's just a giant writhing spinning that oh the a8 here because that's maybe s tier because that's that's a mental image that is gonna [ __ ] with you right like if you're on the battlefield and you see one of those flying through the air you're just like oh no that's i'll give it i think we should do eights here i don't know if i could in good conscience put it in the same tier as bags bagpipe squig and the great white squig that's fair eight definitely a solid a tier for sure all right next up this is the bitey squig oh that is a very weird uh picture on the tearless thing of it because i couldn't tell what that was at first i was like is that that's not like an orc bent over or something is it this isn't like an nc-17 squig no he's just holding him okay okay you see you see the nails on top that's his hands oh okay okay the picture was cut up very weird i thought the squig just had like spike spines no it's it's it is a bitey squig imagine it a lot like a squig piranha it's just got very bitey little little little mouths and it just runs at things screeching and it just goes boy that's horrifying too actually that sounds like an awful thing to have to deal with um it's also got like stingers and stuff in the tail and all that it's kind of weird there's a part of me that's thinking like maybe maybe high b maybe maybe a i was thinking i was thinking high b as well yeah because you you load this into the same squig launcher cannons uh but instead of actually exploding or turning into like acid it's just firing like a screeching biting little piranha it's a piranha launcher yeah as as awful as that sounds it's like the bile squig sounds way more terrifying to deal with the bitey squig is like yeah it's coming at you it's going to bite you but it's not like it's going to dissolve you with bile coming out of its eyeballs or anything all right are you ready are you ready for the next one yeah this is the bowel torrent squig i don't like that name i do i don't like that name the bowel torrent squig bowel torrent squig tell me what it does uh i'm not sure it's it's useless i mean it's used as ammunition like the other squigs but there's not a whole lot of discussion of it in the fluff and apparently it's just it might expend its munitions quote unquote in a bowel torrenty way so it might [ __ ] you to death well that's gross you know there's not there's not a lot on this one besides the hilarious name there's not a whole lot of there's not a whole lot going on with this man i i'm gonna say like aside from the name sounding horrific and the potential of it [ __ ] you to death at low c just for the fact that it's called a bowel torrent and that'll probably unsettle you a little bit but it goes higher than d tier for that simple stat fact alone yeah definitely all right let's get a good one here the berna squig this thing whoa is it is it just like burning from the inside and those are all just like burn spores on it it's a living living molotov oh really it is a living running speedy molotov i love that by the way so like does it just run into someone and they can like he just like leaves a trail of fire or does he just into like a big fireball i think he just explodes into a giant fireball as opposed to like a boom squiggly just explodes this one is a is a living breathing molotov and it runs up and just starts to like spew fire and just turn into a giant explosion we you got to give that s here right i think i think i might esr a it's pretty it's one of those a it's high a it's it's like on the cusp of s if not s because that i although i'm basing a lot of this on the fact that it looks so cool i mean again looks are part of a tier list it doesn't look dr it looks really dope but i guess i mean once the molotov blows up it's gone whereas an s tier while granted our bagpipes are are just there for the the [ __ ] bagpipes but the the great white shark will take out a lot of dudes this is this is an eight this is an eight-tier squig okay i'll go with that i'm fine with that all right we got now the buzzer squig buzzers the buzzer squig it's an insect variation of squig that is uh flung from a catapult and it is literally flying like mosquito piranhas that in a gigantic swarm of bugs will strip like all the flesh from a person and then move on to the next it is a swarm of like locusts or or like it's a it's a flying swarm of those scarabs from the mummy oh god so those okay so immediately i'm like these have to be a higher tier than the bitey squig because this sounds like the bitey squig but on [ __ ] steroids because there's a bunch of them they fly around and they just strip you clean down to the bone and they look horrifying i oh boy um so i they got to be at least eightier really i was thinking high beats here mainly because they think they look uninspired they look like just bugs with big mouths fair yeah i'll go happy high b i'd be yeah sure all right so that was the buzzer squig this is the buzzing squig the buzzing squig is a gigantic helicopter bug and with a gigantic mosquito-like stinger that flies into the person and and digs their way into your flesh and goes inside your body and then out the other side and then comes back again like a flying bullet oh i don't like these things i find them very uncomfortable yeah i was gonna say that that description of them is very uncomfortable and i don't i don't like it also they look very unsettling like it doesn't look like your traditional squig like most of these squigs are like these sort of pinkish reddish purplish blobs that have like big mouth this thing looks oh it just it looks like a twig and it's it's it's very unsettling i don't like him i don't like when they they divert from the squig formula too much i like i like when they they keep it with the silly funny orc orangey boy and this is just a giant horrifying mosquito with a nail yeah you know you know what i'm i'm putting him in d i don't like him yeah i'm gonna say i was gonna say lower tier like what he does is terrifying but it just doesn't seem like a squig and this is a squig tier list this is the least squiggy squig we've seen so far even the bag squig has more squidness yeah it looks like a squig just with a bunch of you know pipes coming out of it yeah d tier because it doesn't have squig energy it doesn't have that bse big squig energy right big squig energy all right well we're going to talk about squig energy this is the colossal squig speaking of big squig energy oh my god this is a enormous enormous squig it is it is normally used as a gigantic battering ram with a big [ __ ] noggin damn and if anything tries to get in the way it just eats it it has a giant mouth it got this two little funny legs in its little tail and it runs up eating or bonking things in the face and then if it dies it blows them into smaller versions of the cave squigs we talked about earlier oh [ __ ] really yeah it's the largest variant of squiggs known in existence besides squiggets which are like more like a mammoth so it's like a t-rex squig that'll explode into velociraptors it is the ultra squig it is a squigma male you have to put that in s here s for squigma male get on that squig squid grind set all right i'm on i'm on the squig got grind set all right i'm a squigma male you either you either are on the squig grind or your food for the squig oh boy how did we s for squigma mail this quick oh yeah so what's the next one although i gotta say that colossal squig is really sick it's really cool besides the fact that you hate me saying squigma mail it is awesome aside from the memes and just what it does sounds really cool too not only is it a giant battering ram with giant teeth but it explodes into like little cave squigs and it's like that's so cool that's so sick it is super sick all right what the [ __ ] is that it's it's my it's my grandma's fruit cake it's an eden squig you eat it oh no it's just a blob oh you do did they literally eat that no yeah this is their food it's this eating squig oh gross i hate it it that looks so gnarly dude i hate it do you really hate it i think it looks kind of funny hate it well it looks funny but can you imagine taking a bite out of that i mean yeah it looks funny it does it looks funny but i wouldn't want to like cut into that and be like oh yeah tasty yeah but you're not an orc can you imagine what that tastes like who cares that's orcs true it is do you think orcs have chefs probably i look i could imagine an orc with a chef hat and like a chef apron i can actually imagine that and it's pretty [ __ ] funny apparently it's mostly grotz grotts do all the cooking oh interesting well well here's the eden squig um i you don't like him i like him i'm putting him in c we're going to go through the middle grounds all right low c you put he has a funny name too he looks funny as a funny name because he's an eating squig you eat him um and it looks derpy as [ __ ] i'm surprised someone hasn't made like a plush pillow that's just an eaton squig that actually sounds like a great idea a giant squid pillow right um this is a face eater squig oh i uh these are often these are often used as binge eating contests and they've got giant sawtooth mouths and and i think we talked about these didn't we i i think we did but like for a second that picture was a little small so i couldn't quite tell what it was and then i was like oh [ __ ] that's the the he's holding the squig up with the big mouth and he's got his mouth open too okay yeah yeah we did talk about these uh in the orc episode i suppose yeah yeah they have a competition where they both try to like eat each other and if the orc dies he loses but if he eats the squiggy wins it's [ __ ] stupid it is very dumb uh it looks like that orc in that picture is gonna lose though because that's that's i think it's a gretchen in that picture it looks like a grot that that gretchen or grot or whatever looks like it's going to get its face eaten because that that squig has its mouth open way wider i don't see how that work or gretchen or whatever it is thinks it's gonna beat that face eater squig i say we do beats here it sounds fun enough yeah yeah the competition for using it like to see which one eats the other one's face first is is cool enough for b yeah its use is the more fun part all right flesh eater squig i hate this one it's just a rat oh that's it it's just a rat look it's like a little rat crocodile thing and they use it to eat flesh oh like when there's too many corpses they're just like here throw some rats at it kinda they use them as like wealth are they using to help get the money which is of course teeth oh yeah well i don't like them yeah they're they're used as like as like money if you have a lot of them it's it's good for you but like that's it i don't i don't like them this looks like a rat yeah it just looks like a dumb it looks like a big dumb rat d-tier deets here it is this is a gas squig a gas squig literally farts you to death it unleashes warioware's smooth moose level of stank and and the fire and those that gas is lethal and it will kill you um that's that's a that's that's a lot that's a lot to take in it's a lot to take in you know on the plus side it looks like a squig it does it looks like it's quick it is devastating because the the gas is poisonous right the gas is extremely poisonous and he boy he looks like he lets out a lot of it so yeah that's a pretty good squig i think it's a dc squiggly yeah it beats here beats your square yeah looks like a squig super deadly what was its name it's just a gas squig squishy name yeah b tier yeah all right fine this one these are the cape squigs oh my god is that what they're doing they carry your cape they are regal they are dignified they they make sure your cape doesn't touch the floor they might be trying to eat your cape we don't know i've been looking at that stranger i've been looking at that picture this whole time wondering what those two squigs were doing i'm like oh are they like puking out like sludge are they like oh man maybe they uh maybe maybe they spew out this like toxic black bile and it's really horrible and it's all rubbery and you can't get out of it and you're telling me while all of this was going through my head those two [ __ ] squigs were just carrying someone's cape yeah they're just they're they're cape carriers they might they might be eating it you don't know s tier s rank sure all right i want to do i want to do a lightning round because we got a whole bunch of these [ __ ] black and white ones okay lightning round let's do it all right first it's the lag squig it's a squig but it's a stalactite uh d-tier i'm putting seats here i kind of like fine put it in seat here all right gob squig what does it do i don't i don't i don't know uh uh gobswig i can't even i can't even find a link for it i can't even find a link for it deets here i don't know what it does he's here because it looks [ __ ] dumb yeah it looks [ __ ] weird yep guard squig what's it do uh guard it's like a house like a hound dog attack dog oh uh a d for dog no i put c i like dogs ah fine fine all right it's not like he's pebble yeah that's true is this if he looked like pebble i'd put him in s deer is this what is this the hair squig what s rank it's hair it's literally just hair it's just hair it's it is a squig that they use for hair it is their hair orange don't have orcs don't have hair if they have hair it's because they have a squig that's hair on them so if you see us if you see an orc that has hair it's actually a squig it is a squig being used for hair squigs are wings that's so stupid s s for stupid s rank that's the most orc thing i've ever [ __ ] heard all right curd squig um they they heard they oh they heard that's it they're just like what are they like cattle uh i guess they heard like like she they heard like other variants of squiggs they're like a pet squig they're fast and scary i guess seed seats here sea tear yeah all right horned squig it's a squid with a big horn no kidding i was like ah that's a fitting name right there uh do they use them in combat like uh can you i would assume you could use them in combat and like absolutely [ __ ] uh impale uh yeah okay one of those i like this guy a lot because they literally are used as ramming squigs with giant horns and and then sometimes if they get shot or killed or something an orc will strap it to its forearm to use it to shank people i'm putting this in 18. i was gonna say a tier because like impaling awesome but that little bit about just i'm gonna take just two fist sounds great so yeah eight here yep paint squig oh my god let me guess it's just it's just for painting and it's just for painting war paint wall paints uh banners it's paint squig it looks like a it looks like a [ __ ] used condom oh deep here just because it looks like he used condom detail yep very well if you say so i won't stop you parasite hunts and squig parasite hunting that thing looks gross yeah it doesn't look like a squig either it doesn't what lack of squid it's hunt's parasites they're they're like those tiny little feeders you put on your body to eat like other parasites like a symbiotic rice like a leech type yeah yeah like a little detail yeah that thing's great it doesn't look like a squig it's lame yeah all right now we're into some good stuff this is this is the screech squig all right it has oversized creatures it has oversized lungs and it screams incredibly loudly what it's very it's used like the bitey squig and the and the bile squig where it's loaded into the the rocket launchers which is where it's in right now and you fire it at the enemy and it's basically like a makeshift [ __ ] flashbang because it's just like screeching at the top of its lungs and everyone can't they can't hear and they've like covered their ears and they can't you know they're distracted well that's that sounds very useful um i you know with how useful that is in combat i gotta say that's gotta be an a tier right that's gotta be up there like if the if the uh horn squig can be an a tier for its uses this thing has to be at least eight here like i put this above the the hookah squig you know what i'm with you on that one well actually i don't know it does it does go re it literally reads it literally does it screeches yeah yeah so i kind of want to put an s tier oh is it is it is it good enough to be with hair squig and cape squig it literally it literally they fire a r a small like ringing child at people which is pretty great when you describe it like that you're really convincing me that it deserves to be an s tier like give it like give it lowest here all right bottom of s here s minus here yeah because that's okay snuffle squiggs sounds like such a cute name but that does not look like a cute thing it's a it's a pig it's just a pig it's just a pig it's a pig that's a pig it looks kind of cool though like that mini looks pretty slick it does sometimes they'll babble uncontrollably and sometimes they burst into flames what yep they just sometimes burst into flames for no reason uh yup huh be tear beads here for burst into flames no beets here for bacon uh nice thanks excellent job this is the spiky squig it fires out poison it's poisonous bars sometimes it's used as like a morning star or a flail weapon it's just attached to weapons and they bonk on people with them sometimes they roll around as long as they roll around they used to hunt food i mean that's pretty cool it's pretty cool i was gonna give it b yeah get put it in there with that bacon that bacon yeah that bacon here let's go this is the sploden squig gee what does the sploding squig do it's it's basically a biological grenade they throw them in combat when they've ran out of stick bombs i think i think oh that's right they're digest digestive juices combined with a special liquid causes them to explode uh but they need to shake them so they shake them like like a so they grab them they're like just a shake and then they throw them at people so it's it's like a poisonous soda bottle yeah yeah basically it's a giant poisonous exploding soda bottle eight here eight's here eight here no doubt about it uh um is this this is the mimic oh please tell me it's a squig that just mimics anything on the battlefield it's an orc parrot oh my god it's got a giant let's see look at the beaked mouth it mimics what they say they say like like oh lads more daca i was like you're more daca [Laughter] s tear put that [ __ ] an s t that's hilarious that's that's equally as hilarious as the hair squig and the cape squig it's just a parrot that makes what these easter say i love it it's generally used by war bosses of these special pirate orcs called the free buddhas uh yeah yeah yeah the ones all right buddha we got a bunch more a bunch more black and white ones we got waffle flew these ones all right lightning round squishing what does it do it's a pigeon squig it's used for communication and sending notes now it's it's not as cool as the the the mimics wig d tier good point dt here it is actually i'll put c because i do like the fact that it carries notes okay um uh menden squig uh is that literally just like a healer squig that'll mend your wounds uh it is it is a is used for glorified like stitches it's yeah it's it's used for medical man the picture it looks weird i can't tell what part is the squig what part is the orc uh see i think it's used as a um well where is the painting boy applies it to an open wound which it holds closed with its tiny little teeth and then it twists its tail off leaving the head stuck in the flesh oh it's a giant it's it's a suture squig it's basically used like it's it's like a clamp and then they pull the tail off and it just stays there to keep the wound okay that's so weird see for care see for care squig hawk oh [ __ ] that that black and white picture makes it look really cool i'm assuming it's just a hawk and it just swoops in with its talons um they're really big b for bird it is oh my god what is what the hell is this one squig hound wait did we already do squig hounds i thought we did do a squishy yeah it's right here we already had it i'll put next to the other squig hounds uh squigg shark oh [ __ ] squeak shark ate here dude if is that just the squig that's a shark eight here yep eight's here no doubts quick shark uh serene oh no swab squig swab squig swabs what'd it do uh-huh it is a what the [ __ ] does it do uh to oh oh my god it's a mop they also are used for uh emergency handkerchiefs hey that has to be a tier for just the memory it's it's a mop it's a mob it's a mob it's a mop yep i'll put it in beats here i don't know if it deserves aids here but beats you definitely yeah it's a mom so b for bucket syringe squig god it's just a syringe it's just a syringe uh d for doctor [Laughter] all right okay all right now we're getting into some good ones all right um all right targeting squig oh that that the um crosshair eyeball thing is super cool this thing they literally have like attached to various types of uh of well various types of like weapons or or something like in the game you can actually take targeting squigs it increases your chances to hit i i love the look of this thing i love the the crosshair like iris that it's got going on um so aesthetics alone i want it at least in a i think this is there's a high a oh right around a for aim let's go for aim yes all right this is a tomb squig oh please don't tell me it's a tombsquigg because it just eats dead bodies uh it it it eats dead bodies oh it's it's an albino breed of burrowing squig that feeds on corpses and the undead why do they have this is this just to clear the battlefield they used to break open sarcophagi and bite through dwarves and they're also used to devour the undead and the dead oh i mean it looks cool it sounds gross maybe a for uh i actually don't like it that much okay look where do you look i think she's gonna see i think it looks kind of dumb fair i mean what what use do you really have to burrow and open up sarcophagi as an orc yeah i mean sigmar maybe but i don't know i don't like the way it looks all right i think it looks cool but yeah we'll go see that's fine vampire squig i'm assuming it's a mosquito it is a little little vampire bat that's used to suck uh like bad blood and things from wounds d for dracula all right the weird squig oh yeah psychic sub species of squig they look they look like they look like the [ __ ] winter lanterns from bloodborne they're very gross i don't like it they're often used as a psychic bomb as like a psychic grenade they just throw them oh and then what if if you're caught in it like you just lose your [ __ ] mind you just yeah you go crazy it's like uh psycho grenades which are occasionally used man that is that is an off-putting looking squig i i don't know where to put it because it sounds really cool but it don't look like a squig b for brain blast okay i was gonna say b for bomb but sure yeah that works yeah oh b b for brain looks like a brain oh good call b for brain let's go all right now we're getting to some of the newer ones that i'm really happy with this is the squig hog the squig hog that's all that's cool actually that's a that's like that's a cool looking big boy the squig hog is is a is a newer one it's basically just like this big old ryden mount with some big old jaws and there's a gretchen in the back and uh an ark on the front looks really cool um they use this like cavalry so you just ride it you just it's like a horse essentially just like a big horse like a ferocious big kind that you're right it's like or cavalry basically yeah um i like it i i do too but it's like all these other squigs have weird uses right and this one's just like yeah you write it yeah maybe like a b i was gonna say c for cavalry but you can go b if you want i'm gonna put i think um i like c for cavalry but i also really like the way it looks the model looks good the model does look great i i will give you that the model looks right maybe maybe hot maybe upper high c at the very cusp of maybe but then i'm putting it in the same tier as food squig oh that's fine i'm putting in low b low b give it low b i i like your reasoning same tier as eaton squig [Music] all right this guy all right some masha squig ooh what he i can't really see what's on his head oh i oh oh good god that was close to what i liked that didn't help at all that did not he's got something on his head uh what but what'd he do uh he he's got okay he's he's a squig with a gigantic metal plate in his face okay and he's used to just run at people and smash really hard into them with this big brainy boy it's a giant heavily armored plate put into his face and then the dude in the back's got like a like a shooter pistol and he's running at you i'm assuming these things can run pretty fast yes okay man that's that that sounds pretty great especially for like uh something that you're riding like you run into something you hit it real hard and if it survives you still got the guy on the back that'll shoot you i um do what i'm i'm i'm debating between a and b tier here because i think it's cool enough to be in one of those i think i think eight's here low eights here yeah i like that squig yeah he's cool all right all right squig got oh [ __ ] squiggaba this is a big fat squig that fires other squigs out of its mouth like artillery [Laughter] any kind of squig can it's can it fire any squig i actually don't know which types of squiggly cans but it's literally chained down to like a platform like king kong and and then a bunch of goblins are climbing all over it and it's just going so it's like a giant mortar squig it is a is literally a howitzer squig oh boy that's that's high that's that's at least a tier i think i think eight's here i like this one a lot and and it looks cool it looks like a giant [ __ ] frog or something and it's just like what and it just spits out squiggs i like it it's it's really fun a foreign um this is the squigasaur this is like the regular version of the great white squig oh well i mean you got to put that in s then i mean not as hot not not like top tier s like it's great white shark variant but that's got to go in s right if we had literally it's a t-rex it's a t-rex squig it's got to go in s undoubtedly it's too cool and last but not least we have the trample squig oh he's got armor he does he actually is really he's got he's carrying a giant like like um what was it like like a chariot almost uh it's his giant rig him he's got him in like another squiggy he's just just really it's right it's called the kill rig whoa all right let me see if i can find this thing because it's it is really funny looking and i and i really like it there it is i got it oh you put it in the chat i just didn't look at him look at how chunky he is he's so thick whoa is that the whole that whole model is so dope oh that literally literally came out this or was um announced or whatever just recently ken look i i don't know if i'm supposed to do this but can we put that in s tier just because of how cool the whole thing all together looks and because that thing looks pretty dope too looks like a [ __ ] stegosaurus it does we like our dinosaur squigs i'll put in an s for the dine for the dinosaur yeah because we put the other two dinosaur squigs in there mostly or no it looks like the uh uh triceratops is what i meant to say even though it only has one horn instead of wait wait a [ __ ] second shy did you list squigs under anime and manga you [ __ ] [ __ ] lord good one that's that no these this is so anime it's a tier list so uh immediately it gets uh put into anime and manga yep i hate it here nah you love it you love it i love it when we're talking about cool squigs so let's let's let's take a look recap at our squig tier list let's make sure let's make sure we recap s properly because s is the most important s is so important we have the great white squig obvious contender obvious we have the bag the uh the squig pipes amazing yeah s tier meme yep we have the colossal squig with his squigwa mail oh god i thought we were done with that no this is going to be the new meme you're going to have to deal with it i mean great said the the most squigma male here is probably the great white squig in his writer yeah probably but even so cape squiggly i still can't get over the fact that this whole time i was specifically looking at that because i was like whoa is that oil is that like some kind of crazy void that they're spewing out no they're holding a cape and i was like oh god it's perfect they have their they have their job they're good boys they're good boys yeah hair squig obvious contender obvious obvious screeching squig i love how i love how he looks in there he's like he's so ready to go yeah i was like oh he's like i'm so comfy in my home dude he's doing a pog face oh my god can we get a can we get a scream and squig pog emote for the discord please oh hell yeah join the discord use go on patreon you can join the discord if you're on any tier join it uh parrot squigg oh yeah excellent cemented s tier when you were like oh yeah more daca more darker like it's so good for the free buddhas and then our dinosaur squiggs i'm a little i'm a little not sure i i almost might put this one in a he's cool but he's he's not like this guy's got got a whole he's got some chunk he does he's carrying around a big old rig to a big sick rig all in his own that's true yeah and if i'm if we're not going to put the the bat battering squig or the targeting squig in s i feel like we should put the dino squig in like high a yeah maybe put him high a i really like this big chunky squig though he looks like a big boar he's great and he carries around a load like he does he does he do he do i like deets here it's really just a whole bunch of not squig looking squiggs yeah and an oil in fact that's just like i oil [ __ ] i almost feel bad about the oils quick being in deer along with like at least he looks like a squig it does it looks at least like a squig seeing what all the rest of the detail looks like i was gonna say yeah move it to see tier for care for we care about legs yeah we care well there we go everyone will agree with us no one will have other opinions this is the unquestioned squig tier list it is this is objective fact yeah this is objectively the best tier list you will ever see in regards to squiggs any other squig tier list you see is false and don't believe them that that's that's the heresy that you need to frown upon mm-hmm it is pure trash nobody can agree can uh disagree with us we are the law garbage those other two well this is our squig tier list the new orc codex actually went on pre-order uh this just recently oh so shy's gotta be pretty hype about that it's it's pretty neat besides the fact that it sold out in like half a second but she got hers so that's that's still good um so the the new orcs will be coming at us soon i might get the great white squig uh just because he's so incredibly cool looking and i want to paint him up yeah um that'd be a good one to get but besides that shall i take us home yeah oh i thought you said shy take us home i was like how the [ __ ] is she gonna do like i don't know she's two [ __ ] got things to do she's too busy she's editing this damn thing thank you very much for watching our squig tier list today and hopefully it was okay that we had like a little bit of a silly episode in between our stuff we'll probably talk more about other things in the future bias and brickie you can find me at bricky bricky stuff deke alfarious where can they find you uh i yes i'm still out fairies that dk diamonds everywhere twitter twitch and youtube realty ckd monkeys on instagram [Music] man [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 229,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, orks, squigs
Id: SX4Vk9VU4Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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