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foreign [Music] delving into the Grim darkness that is Warhammer 40K lore but before we do if you enjoyed today's podcast and you maybe want to consider supporting us adeptice ridiculous where you can get access to the bloopers if they happen uh the Discord uh the 15 Tier gets you access to all of our HD posters it's a wonderful investment slash adeptus ridiculous sabriki tell them about merch the book club maybe an ad yeah those things uh check out the merch if you wanna over at Link in the description grab yourself a plethora of posters a plethora of shirts tank tops and so hoodies and so on and so forth get your hoodies prepare for the fall coming up soon and uh book club is eisenhorn but you know none of that stuff really matters today there is something far far more important for everyone shy tell them what is shy tell him what it is at 7am UTC on March 28 2311 the Earth was attacked to this day we still don't know what they wanted it took 13 years on June 20th 23 23 we made a decisive retaliation we had destroyed one of their motherships and with it one of their super weapons and on that day we had proven the indomitability of the human Spirit although we did have some help [Music] get all amped up and animated it's kind of hot it's not as Rough Boy I see without a drink in your hand it wasn't until you and I started using our hours together not to think that I was an outcast look at you you looked five years younger since last time we spoke good afternoon everyone good afternoon Ezra Foy and storied history of being indomitable adoptable perseverance and stubborn as old Nikita Klein it won't be tomorrow it won't be next week or next month the time will come it's up to you to know it when you see it pretty unusual for the mother of the family to be the one to jump into the spaceship and suit up to fight in a war against some evil invading aliens isn't it [Music] thank you well buy golly shy made a video game yeah she did go and save our souls as the kids say it's pretty poggers is it pretty poggers it's pretty poggers I've I've played a little bit of it it's pretty nice I enjoy it nice it's nice it's not even is this not even cursed you know I'm I've always been told that video that making video games is very easy so I'm glad that we can confirm that oh yes I'm sure shy will be confirming that this was easy she turned it over in just a day with no effort whatsoever right I love unity [Laughter] if you couldn't tell that was sarcasm by the way in Indian India it's a nightmare this time I'm actually gonna do it do what oh never mind oh so we're trying to hit the the one of the sounds the dying Emoji screaming you're going for it do you fumble it nope oh wow nothing like that wow I'm sorry there's there's a picture of Harry DuBois and it says what I'm happy when I'm happy I say love my mustache when I'm sad I say this time I'm actually gonna do it what was oh it was that okay I yeah you get it now I know I get it I did not realize this was a disco Elysium reference I should have and it was oh gotta just go at least to your reference either it's just a statement it's fine you know what you said you know you know what Harry and that's it it's it's Elysium adjacent and that's dark enough to be something that he would say no not even the not even the slightest it was a joke to begin with and then I turned it into a disco because you didn't get it originally yeah well your mind is I'm based in Disco pill what are you huh what are you I hey man I I cringe your cringe DK are you ready for your quote yes man like you needed to Badger me before you couldn't have just been like yeah okay DK I totally see that and then embarrass me with the I'm gonna get embarrassed either way all right hold on I need to find the um I need to find the Warhammer uh voice effect let's see all right am I warhammery now oh wow actually yeah you are actually pretty warhammery the hammer okay cool every watch Fortress is a light in the darkness amazing watch fire that drives back the shadows in which the xenos lacks without their elimination the emperor's world would be swallowed up one by one bound into shrouds of endless nights that's closed by alien claws Inquisitor Ishmael um I I don't know what this is specifically and it I mean it sounds like some fancy Imperium Tech that just maybe sort of as unpleasant to xenos and they stay away from uh I I don't know if I can really pinpoint what this is other than fancy maybe psychery Watchtower Lighthouse that just beams xenos herding stuff you did you did you take the the word illumination literally enough to assume it means lighthouse no not like a lighthouse isn't it doesn't it like literally just like keep away like xenomous and it's probably like a gun turret or some nonsense you think we're gonna have an entire episode on a gun turret yeah we we did a whole episode on the freaking Bolter that is so different also shy that is an excellent image thank you very much she's used that like several times before in videos already like that's not the first time she's uh used that oh I don't watch our content it's cringe all right what it is we're doing the death watch yeah I guess if I had used my brain at all or there was more than one neuron uh rattling around in there that yeah because it's a uh it's a they're the watch over the xenos and they specialize in killing yeah okay that's fair all right Death Watch yeah Death Watch and they're cool right yeah uh well black and silver more so but yes the Death Watch so we are talking about the death watch today it is one of the only like chapter or one of the only codexes that we have not done yet uh I think we're still missing thousand suns I don't think I know and like Space Wolves codexes oh oh sorry yeah that's right they wouldn't have a codex would they so good old uh Good Old Death Watch uh but um but yeah like specifically codex is like the Codex you can actually buy yeah it would be a death watch um yeah one day probably okay but uh yeah the death watch um I won't lie I knew very little about the Death Watch going in I knew they were a bunch of alien hunters I knew that they uh killed a lot of xenos and they were pretty good at it and uh that was about where my knowledge ended so this was a good bit of um of lore looking up today and uh I gotta say was that they just killed zenos and they had cool armor gotta gotta say gotta say there was less than I thought there would be oh no really that's kind of is their whole thing literally just yeah we just like killing xenos and that's just kind of the mean potatoes of it end of story that's all we do that's all we want to do no no but like it's there isn't an entire massive like founding thing there's not as much as like the gray Knights have this is a bit of a bit of that kind of jazz so I'll go ahead and get started into it hit me with the law or break you hit me with that deep deep lore all right you don't need to say deep twice that's fair that was uncomfortable actually I am uncomfortable yeah anyway um so this was the death watch was founded in one of two ways uh there's a question about which one was founded because Imperial records are often bad um now I will say that I kind of believe it's both one kind of happens as an initial founding point and the other is the solidification of the founding Point um but this in particular has taught me something very important that is God damn it we really need to do a God damn War of the Beast episode oh yeah I I don't even remember what the war of the Beast is wait I haven't I I know we've brought it up I guess we haven't done an episode on it but sorry I don't mean a war the Beast episode I mean a war of the Beast like Trilogy because it's very long um but this is a xenos thing the war of the Beast because like I said I know it's been mentioned I know people have asked for it but I so the war of the Beast is a basically a gigantic orcwa attacking Terra um yeah it's like the most orc wall of all time um and it is yeah there's also orc moons oh are those are the ones that you told me about that are like propelled by like they just slap giant rockets on the back of like meteors and planets and we're just like yeah we're just gonna fling this at you at Mock speed no no uh no much worse it's like an orc Death Star like it's a ramshackled created physically made orc death stars uh oh or the Beast is a time it is it is not the most well written as far as I'm concerned but it is a thing that exists okay so we need to do that at some point but today one day we're doing Death Watch yes um so this was a currently founded during the war the Beast uh dealing with one the Beast which is like a giggle orc um bigger than gas coal and everything um yeah he's a big boy uh show work uh during that period of time small little astarti's teams were sent out to try to deal with the Beast itself and various other high-ranking uh members of the orc horde as we all know when the boss is killed there tends to be a power struggle and then the Orcs kind of kill each other for uh having you know becoming the boss and so it's pretty good to take down the command of an orc structure if you can if you can because they are gigantic yeah if he's bigger than Gaskell good freaking luck astarties not not just scad school but also like all of his other like orc mechs and various things um so these were originally recruits taken from surviving members of various orc invasions the idea is that these people have seen and survived the orc fight and they act as a shield watching over their fallen brothers that were killed by the Orcs and they were like hey so we know you have some experience with surviving the Orcs And would you like to go and be a special orc Ops and they're just like no hello I survived once get the get out of my face I'm not doing that again bro these are astarties that's true starties would relish the chance to like redeem themselves after a uh after failing or yeah that's yeah Revenge right let your armor be hate as one of their main sayings so no they'd be like hey dude Orcs killed all your friends you want to go do nothing but kill Orcs like yes [Laughter] I guess that would be the astarty's wet dream wouldn't it is yeah fair enough you want Ultra boost again hahaha you must pause anyway um so at the time the current Lord commander of the Imperium AKA what Gilman is now uh was done by a imperial fist chapter Master a guy named corland chapter master corland and so in this time of desperation he created these Elite strike teams of surviving uh Sardis dedicated to killing Orcs along uh with the highlights of Terror kind of acting as um like the de facto lord of the uh Lord of the Imperium at the time you know people weren't super stoked on this whole thing because a lot of the surviving members were like from various chapters like here blood Angel Imperial Fish Space Wolves go together and kill this orc guy and it's like a little weird and it's also not very good when it comes to the Codex astarties that happened after the heresy probably would be a little suspicious of a group that's like formed of various different Space Marines that are all coming to get yeah I guess after after that whole Horus thing you would be just a little suspect of a group like that but you know uh the Orcs are currently sieging Tara with orc death stars so you know necessity breeds invention as they say yes it does yes it does so uh obviously the war of the Beast finished we won Wahoo hooray um obviously I think because air is still there I think that's the last time Vulcan has been seen I think Vulcan died killing the Beast yeah oh Vulcan killed wow spoilers for The War of the Beast episode now I literally think I said that in the Vulcan episode yeah but my brain doesn't remember that so you know Vulcan suplexed the Beast into a nuclear bomb I am barely joking says shy what a Vulcan thing to do based wow based and green pilled yeah can you do can can you shike in post can you edit that Final Fantasy 6 thing of Saban uh suplexing the train but put like a big like Nuke in in there instead of the train you know someone's suplexes a train they can in Final Fantasy 6 you you fight a ghost train and one of your characters is a martial artist that you can input commands and have them suplex stuff and he can absolutely suplex the ghost train what the hell is with that part in Final Fantasy 7 where you were like the ghost train yard that was such a random part yeah it kind of was wasn't it that's in the the Remake right yeah but the horse do was kind of cool anyway um oh my God shy there's so much art of save and suplexing trains because it is such an iconic thing to do in that game wait is it because you have like a attack that that often is a suplex and the train is acting as an enemy so he suplexes the train yes exactly that's amazing it's the old Sprite thing so it's like yeah yeah it's one of the most iconic things you can do in that game is suplex a train okay that's wonderful I love it oh great anyway so War the Beast is over and at the time we had the Inquisition but the Inquisition was kind of just like a old school Inquisition pretty generally made to deal with demons because at this time the gray Knights were around and murdering demons and stuff but that was their main shtick um past that this is kind of where it says that there were two ways the Death Watch founded I kind of believe both were the initial start was this war the Beast parts and then after that there was a conclave of Inquisitor Lords known as the oh boy apocryphon conclave of or fight four okay um okay whole idea was to formulate a major strategy to deal with the xenos threats that a sailed mankind um they inquisitors are pretty often psychers um that's just kind of a really often big trait of them yeah um and they assumed that the xenos would well they they kind of one maybe describe the future did a little Eldar stuff but also they sat around for many years and debated back and forth back and forth on the idea of dealing with xenos some believe that every single trace of alien life should be purged from the Galaxy uh others were like hey Craft World Eldar aren't great but they're not like the worst yeah I was gonna say the Imperium has benefited so much from like Eldar help in their history that it's like really y'all wanna y'all wanna erase every trace of Eldar and xenos existence like you have benefited from their help on a plethora of occasions Maybe maybe make an exception there was also there's also the the new Young upstarts the Tau you know well actually I don't know if we we found the Tau yet at this point in time so because this is still early Warhammer lore right yeah like post heresy but not that far so yeah but some also spoke of kind of seeing the future and they were like uh god-like beings slumbering before the birth of mankind Reawakening to enslave the Galaxy and death from in the invasion of um xenos from other galaxies so you know obviously crons and nids yeah yeah and shy shy hit us with the uh what even I've seen this quote rolling around where it's like oh we killed xenos because they're all dangerous and want to kill humans my brother in Christ that's because you killed all the friendly ones it's like someone mentioned the same thing about the last gun is like the last gun is one of the most powerful weapons devised but in Warhammer it's kind of bad a Flash and that's because yeah that's because it's it was extremely effective at murdering the other 99 of zenos tough Guardsman you're fighting that last one percent yeah it was super efficient and then yeah that last one percent is little a little harder to kill so with this fear uh some Inquisitor is particularly Puritan ones all kind of took this not well because Puritan inquisitors are like even thinking that mankind the greatest thing in the world and in the Galaxy could ever fall to xenos is heresy while they were there and being annoying um they were mostly shut down and the Inquisition Inquisition was split into two arms the Ordo mallius demons gray Knights and the Ordo xenos now looking to get their own major militant arm being the say it DK no the Death Watch The Death Watch also death watch the the Puritans are such extremists that even suggesting that you would need to make a death watch was considered like heretical to them because how dare you suggest that the emperor the Empire would ever fall to anyone like they were that extreme Puritan Puritans are are often like sit on your hands and do nothing because the emperor Watches Over Us type people wow yeah yeah remember the plant that refused to fight the nids because suggesting that zenos would ever attack them as heresy crazy that's wild dude religion religion will will do some things to you if you are that devout yeah I was gonna say like extremists I guess are never the most rational people are they no that's why they are called extremists yeah they kind of ruin everything so um therefore we have the foundation of the death watch and I also believe the uh Inquisition would with time break into more and more factions later on we had a whole episode on inquisitorial uh factions um once the sisters of battle come around a few thousand years later you'll have your Ordo hereticus most likely um which you know because that's the militant arm of the Inquisition is the order hereticus uh but um so therefore the death watch hell point remember when I said we had Space Marines and then we had super Space Marines which were great Knights and then we had super super Space Marines which were Death Watch or which were custodians yeah um Death Watch are the in-between uh of gray Knights and regular Marines so they're super Space Marines but they're not but they're not super they're not like custodian level Space Marines they're super they're super Space Marines then you've got super psycherspace Marines and then you've got super duper Space Marines which are custodians what a tier list what so they're they're they're better than your average Space Marine for every 100 Marines there's one death watch for every thousand Marines there's one gray Knight that kind of thing oh one Death Watch is worth a thousand SP or a hundred Space Marines not worth there is probably one they're rare oh oh oh oh okay so one in every 100 Space Marines is going to be a death watch also no it's it's a figure of speech just like it's a figure of speech it's just like for every 100 Space Marines one Space Marine is is good enough to join the death watch as a veteran enough to join the death watch the best the brightest one in a hundred I'm just taking your phrasing too literal okay gotcha that's okay Warhammer does literal pretty pretty rough yeah I mean we literally just talked about a man I took the quote too literally I took this part too literally apparently I am I am Drax today where where it's just too literal and I'm not getting metaphors they would not fly over my head my reflexes are too fast I would catch them right that's that's me today apparently In fairness out of this many uh that's ridiculous episodes I have trained you to not take to take things very literally in Warhammer to show that subtlety is for losers foreign I am on the literal train today and I although I'm getting suplexed huh so it is built up uh the Death Watch is built up of the best and brightest of the various chapters um Space Marine chapters are fully aware of the death watch unlike the gray Knights while the Death Watch are still really secretive they are not as secretive um and so if a Marine in particular in give me a chapter uh the blood angels okay the blood angels if a marine the blood angels really excels in just the slaughter of xenos it's just really damn good at murdering aliens and it has that that Hate in Your Heart then three members of the chapter will end up judging them you will have the captain for skill and combat the Apothecary for General physical ability and the chaplain for strength of character and soul and with the three of these people's approvals they will then go to the chapter master and and ask if they will uh or bequest consult consult the chapter Master for approval on this kind of of thing okay and if the chapter Master gives you a thought yeah the chapter Master gives you a thumbs up then bada bing bada boom they will be sent off to the death watch I'm pretty sure the battle brother can deny if they wanted to but they often don't I was gonna ask has anybody ever deny that like would anybody ever would any Space Marine deny the honor of being a death watch because they're just like well but I I love my chapter mate so much I just can't imagine leaving them even for the honor of the death watch or something is that does that happen often does it ever happen has it ever happened I don't know I'm I would be positive that it has happened I would also be positive that it does not happen much yes probably very very rare yeah and they obviously they're still like oh sworn to their chapter uh very often when you join the death watch it's still chapter first Death Watch seconds uh but the more time you spend in the death watch you kind of that kind of flips oh so so when you join the death watch you don't just immediately get shipped off to like a death watch bass or something you do oh okay you're taking it too literally again damn it all right it's it's that kind of day I'm sorry all right it's just apparently it's a very literal day for me literally it is a day Felt So Good putting all my metaphors in this script and here I am and of course today is the day I take things too literally and just ruin your own so their armor is um is uh painted so ah God damn it not okay um so after this they they they say yes they're like cool yeah I'm going um and there's often a ceremony held uh for their brother because remember this is like a veteran um right this is a big time so of course yeah it's a big honor but also they have spent a ton of time murdering as he knows they've had a bunch of campaigns you know this is this is a long a long-term veteran of this chapter they're good at their job um so a ceremony is held uh the ultramarines have one where they all gather and wish them the best before they the board the Thunder Hawk the Dark Angels go to them and they're like if you say a goddamn word yeah hear me oh who are you leaning close you shut the cup don't say anything the uh that's only like a mild exaggeration their ceremony is one of secrecy of course um the Dark Angels everything is a secret with them but uh after that their armor is then before they they board and leave their armor is painted jet black as a kind of like martyr like they are out there to most likely die to the xenos in this hard something notice the long vigil and in this the long watch the obviously like their watch has ended yeah um and so they are painted jet black as like this kind of martyrdom type thing to the xenos and they're sent over oh I'm not sure why but I just assumed that they would get like new armor but I guess once you're a space ring you're kind of no they they can take off their armor I suppose but yeah I don't know why I thought that like they would get new like special death watch uh ceramite man I guess you can just paint the damn thing black and there you go the I mean I'm sure you know they might swap their armor at some point but oh sure for the most part there's damage they probably have like the the servants like change it repair it so on and so forth but yeah uh Shai said they also honor their chapters on their shoulders do they do they just keep the symbol there or because it looks like in that picture he they literally just didn't paint his shoulder and his arm no so that picture you can't see the so Death Watch have we'll we'll talk about this a little bit later um okay uh we'll explain the the difference a bit more but yeah I just thought that was like a like a you know a great night shoulder or something and that's why it looked silver and not painted on that side well gray Knights don't go to the death watch that's just a great night Sir yeah I just figured that was a silver arm from someone anyway it doesn't matter continue sorry so the Train the derail the train with a suplex um so they go off to something known as a watch Fortress watch Fortress I think it's called watch Fortress oh man this is really cool yeah I watched this this is really hitting that quote hard now so watch fortresses are basically various super duper hidden uh well fortresses in tons of different areas random planets orbital Battle Stations all in other segments of the cementum solar and other areas of the uh Galaxy and they kind of operate from this Fortress and deal with whatever is their main issue there like for example um talasa Prime is one is the headquarters in primary training world of them uh which is often dealing with things like tyranids the eye of Damocles is dealing with the Tau Empire for the most part okay and so on and so forth okay okay so they're specifically stationed in areas to deal with a specific xenos threat yeah basically okay um and then once they're there they are trained of course rigorously give them a Tip-Top shape even if they weren't already in Tip-Top shape yes and then veteran Space Marines how much more in shape could they get well you know you gotta fight the alien that's true um and then they are hit with a lot of psycho indoctrination uh but this is a different different kind of indoctrination more of a all right you've killed a lot of aliens that's cool let us teach you everything that we know about the alien now and also by the way let us teach you everything we know about these other 1 000 alien species that we also know about well that doesn't sound like psycho indoctrination that just sounds like valuable information for the faction that is specifically Built To Kill xenos okay maybe I'm maybe I'm a little maybe this is actually the funny part maybe you should have taken it more literally um this is literally them like like implanting they're implanting the information into their brain like like physically Oh I thought they just had like classroom like lectures about xenos and stuff I was like oh well that seems valuable I didn't know they were taking a capsule and just shoving it in your brain to literally give you all the information you need is that what they're doing all right battle brothers tell who can tell me what the dominatrix does they're all holding up there oh but uh yeah yeah there's this awesome image I love this image um this is the various other Xeno species that we've never heard of or ever seen in the galaxy and like let them have been mentioned if you are looking okay maybe the one on the right hand side looks a little bit like the sloth but besides that every single one of these alien species is never talked about these are entirely for World building and this is a great example of like cool yeah it's a great example of hey by the way don't forget a million worlds for the Imperium only only oh man I I can't stop looking at this I want to know what those like uh those orb guys on the left are all about because yeah and he's just screaming in agony as well he should and and they've got those weird dangly arms the the top right one looks like something straight out of chaos that looks like a chaos I don't know dreadnaughters not Dreadnought but it's like a very bad Max dude it almost um yeah I like them actually I like the bottom left guy he looks like the shark laser in like Austin Powers or something he looks like something that's already in Warhammer though true true the bottom one looks like a chaos spawn absolutely the one on the one that's just straight up on the right kind of looks also kind of familiar it almost looks like a mushroom looks like something yeah I thought it was the sloth that we talked about in the alfarious episode yeah yeah yeah yeah creepy worm dudes because they had some constructs like that but um but I don't know but yeah I mean like you you have a thousand other alien species out there just it just happens that the big bad ones are the ones you play on the tabletop but yeah there are uncounted other xenos races out there and you know God knows what they do yeah well the Death Watch have an idea maybe exactly yeah so once you got your psycho indoctrination you learn everything you got to learn uh your rank is then removed and you are assigned to a Kill team a kill team is a group of brothers up to 10 people and all from separate chapters so this is where the fun part of the death watch comes in where you're like I love all these chapters I can't pick a good one well ah why not all of them just go death watch for example uh if you were to scroll up and look at that codex cover with all of the red on it um if you were to look at the um look at the individual Space Marines bottom left see a hood in a Plasma Pistol oh yeah that's a dark angel top uh uh top middle you can see I do with yellow on his shoulder and a big Shield that's oh yeah Imperial fist there's a black Templar on the bottom right there's a blood angel in the Middle look I'm not saying anything about his faction because I don't know uh but isn't that an ultramarine front and center uh with the thing on the top left uh kinda yeah he's got the kind of I don't know if that's an iron Halo but he's got no helmet is pointing his Bolter at I can see like kind of the little horseshoe uh logo one is yeah that'd be an ultramarine uh it looks like a probably a space Wolf in the bottom uh middle you can see it's like a fur Pelt behind his head and he's a mustache yeah yeah and then I'm going to assume the left of the ultramarine it looks like a aggressor but I'm assuming it's a salamander because it's got a flamethrower ah good good yep he will go with that and then uh there's like a Phobos guy with the the white uh skull Grill on the right hand side in the background I'm kind of assuming it's Raven Garden fair so yeah that's yeah all all types that's that's kind of like a fun little like where's I don't want to say Where's Waldo but it's kind of you know it's kind of fun to like look through these pictures and be like oh what faction are you what what chapter are you you know oh look there's the blood angels thing oh look there's a pelt you must be this and that's kind of cool it's kind of cool so do is it ever a case where like they'll put people from the same chapter in a thing or do they specifically be like yeah no you're never gonna be paired up with one of your old battle brothers I mean I I don't know it's rare because it's rare that you get a lot of people that join the death watch from the same chapter like oh that's in your time frame yeah um but often I think they like to put various chapters in it because you can mix a ton of special skills uh and often there's this sort of bonding through War because when they joined these kill teams there's actually quite a lot of rivalries that happen you know there's a lot of various chapters they do not like each other um but they all hate xenos and often through the fires of War itself they will end up becoming friends comrades and become really effective and you know good to have various skills the blood angel will most likely tear apart in melee way better than a than an imperial fist might but when you when it's like oh God we're surrounded we need to hold a position the Imperial fist guy is like oh yeah four to five baby so yeah it's it's good to have the the variousness and so as you can tell one shoulder pad is always of their chapter and the other is the silver of the death watch their seal and um the the skull ah ah so that's okay gotcha that's where that came from got it got it got it yeah that's what the silver is okay oh so one thing that's kind of fascinating about the death watch that people don't often know is that they're not very Puritan um yeah they're a lot like the gray Knights where despite parts of the Inquisition not maybe not agreeing uh necessity requires like necessity trumps their emotion and hate well there's still plenty of hate but um 40K there's hate is in uh premium we have a surplus of hate now the death specifically the Death Watch like to not just murder xenos but they they have a whole bunch of studying them sometimes xenos are just like not that violent and they just leave them alone and they just kind of keep an eye um oh so yeah the Puritans probably would hate that because they'd be like what are you doing don't leave it alone Burn It To Burn It to Ash kill it just don't study it we don't study these things we yeah I can see that I can do the Puritans being a little pissed off about that they also very often observe and um and like do the acquisition of devices artifacts other Tech from Aliens oh and they will give it alien tech oh yes and they give it to the ad Mech to like study learn discover see what you can figure out from this uh yeah the Puritans would be very unhappy about that yeah you know so often actually sometimes they'll even use the weapons against the aliens oh which is uh isn't it now we're going pretty hard right yeah I was gonna say aren't we bordering on heresy here using alien Tech and learning from it and using alien weapons isn't aren't we heading into deny heretical territory for the Imperium well if you remember in a certain assassin book what does a callous assassin have on her wrist oh yeah she has the um um [Music] I know I know you know what it is yeah you know yeah it's a living metal necron face blade yeah was that did you not no that's what it is I just I thought I've had like a fancy name like a okay oh yeah I don't know specifically like uh I don't know I thought it had some weird quirky name or something instead of just yeah it's a necrodermis living blade uh okay well you know what imperial agents codex data sheets countless assassin melee weapons phase sword yeah no I'm not saying you're wrong I just in my head I had some well I forgot what it was called so okay cool um but yes uh the it is a phase sword and then yeah there's a death watch guy on the cover with a xenophase blade which is pretty evidently necrons that's crackling green lightning and has very obvious like ruins and sigils on it that's necron you say hey you've been taking too literally today don't don't you be sassing okay fine okay fine you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right there's actually this re I've never seen this image before but there's this dope image of the death watch fighting the Eldar um I think I may have uh epic embed oh no there it goes no just um but uh they got an avatar Kane up there on a big old Throne there's some ox I've never seen this before but they were taken from tons of chapters that is such a cool piece of art oh my God also that Avatar of corn is about to absolutely Slaughter that dude in the cape like Avatar of what now corn I said no I said yep Kane Kane there you go Avatar corn was the storm of iron gal yeah it's it's it's been a great day for me on this episode I am just getting everything right I mean wow it's just you know real tour de force today you guys make fun of me plenty and it's time for it's time for a little back and forth now oh no I don't no no no it's a one-way Street bricky there's no there's no going there this is a one-way street it's well regardless um as so Death Watch obviously you know Killy alien murdered the alien yeah but Pat oh dear what the oh oh oh so uh this is what Shai was mentioning the there's no official description of what the shoulder pad says in High Gothic so this is what someone came up with as a fan version but is not currently Canon though it certainly would fit in a Canon to to hate xenos to the mark of zenosis to be on pure abhorred reviled Hunted et cetera there is a good quote which is um oh crap where is it it's like it's some it's something about murdering Zeno so you know you love it there it is nope that's the wrong one there it is he who allows the alien to live shares its crime of existence oh I love that oh man what a great Death Watch quote what a great Death Watch suffer not the alien to live is their Battle Cry Oh yeah that's the thing oh that's crazy there we are on the nose very own brand but still two thumbs up I uh I you know there are a few worlds uh or few like universes in in the world that have such a power where the CR the words crime of existence the crime is your foul existence the sentence is death anyway um so other than that though the rest of the death watch as far as how they operate is all kind of like a side deal we could do a whole episode on Death Watch War gear and and the stuff they they carry because oh my God the amount of things that they have on their arsenals well I mean they kind of have to right because they're dealing with the xenos and the xenos is like the biggest threat in the Galaxy so they've got to be kitted out with like would you would you say this he knows the biggest threat or would you say chaos uh I mean the nids are currently kind of the thing right now yeah the nints kinda are a big problem I guess well I mean I guess everything is a problem right what what would you say is like the priority right now like the nids are a problem but isn't I mean Abby is still off doing some uh not great things with um our Forge buddy uh what's his name again how dare you for how I well I was legally distinct oh that's right it's a day okay Sunday I am so unfathomably upset all right but but still Abby's off doing that Shenanigans and who knows what they're up to but I mean currently like they're just they're just off preparing for some big oof but some big all right all right it's five they're both equally pretty terrifying um but no shy I have not noted kill ships yet did you want to cover that in this episode we are 46 or so minutes in so I mean kale ships is that something I should be taking literally like go ahead read it read it for yourself kill sheeps kill ships are unique weapon relics used by the Death Watch they are actually automated drone ships Guided by the most sophisticated of War Spirits designed with a singular task of conducting exterminist operations in the most extreme of circumstances on worlds that are believed to be completely lost to the Imperium I love the fact that we have that we have drone bombings but but for for the planets I mean I I'm I'm glad that it's that because I as soon as I saw kill ships I was like oh no please don't tell me it's just a ship that they just go like it's gonna go as fast as possible and then just Rams into anything that zenos and just that's an orc thing true that would be more of an orc thing but I mean it's called a kill ship it does what it's supposed to do so good for them they they drone strike the xenos but uh other than I mean I suppose we could do another episode on all of the various War gear because crazy enough you look at the Death Watch minis there the Death Watch minis are a bit old they're they're a bit old um however and so they're kind of have like the stubby look uh so those are the updated ones right there these are the updated ones these look better oh yeah those look fine yeah um this is a singular kill team I believe that is um and like a watch master and Apothecary uh that they updated but the old ones do look kind of funky they look kind of kind of lanky and short like the old Marines tend to do tend to look honestly I'm kind of surprised that they have specific Death Watch minis I kind of figured it would just be one of those things where it's like oh yeah you buy Space Marines and then you buy a death watch conversion kit and then you just plaster on the arm and paint them black uh so besides the one shy posted I believe that is literally what you do yes okay so they don't okay oh here we go like like here's some of the older ones like they're not bad but you can kind of tell like the torsos are a little thin they're a little uh they're a little stubbier looking yeah the uh I just I don't know what it is about like uh 40K minis but I just do not like the way uh the unhelmitted uh Marines look it's just ten nine times out of ten I'm just like you know just put the helmet on them they look that it's like you gotta really have those crazy like Dr Glass Doctor magnifying glasses on to get in there and do it right and it's it just keep the helmet on it's a pretty cold take many people do not like painting heads yeah like I said you need such a small fine brush and it's just ah yeah I can't imagine that's a fun thing that anybody likes doing but uh the minis themselves like there are a couple other pretty cool Minis that go along with it um particularly they have a flyer that is super God damn dope uh it is known as the corvus Black Star and oh that name I'm assuming corvus like corex I spelled that way but I don't think it's related to them actually it could be I'm not 100 um doesn't look like a raven [Music] very cool though that is super dope that's one of the better looking Flyers I've seen in 40K for sure so the corvus Black Star is a combination of a transport and gun platform as you can tell from it it has uh some last cannons a giant rack of missile launchers on the side and um you know just just generally transports people in there it's very Sleek it kind of gives me like stealth bomber Vibes I was about to say that it's like if you put like a storage container inside of a stealth bomber it would be like this or it would look like yeah by the way yeah pretty much it's it's well yeah it's a little thick it's not very like stealth bomber thin yeah Vibes yeah yeah but um it's pretty fun it's a fun like uh kind of mini for the most part uh and that's one of their major other dedicated minis outside of the kill teams specifically um because you've got like you basically got all kinds of various kill teams that you can run and they all have fancy names like Fortis kill team indomiter kill team Proteus kill team and basically just depends on what armor you're running like the indomit or kill team is basically all uh gravis units right which is like the big chunky armor and then uh oh and Proteus kill team I believe is um I think it's the one that has the one that shy posted kill team Cassius is something uh but then of course at the end there's the watchmaster and the watchmaster is like your main Captain person and they so that's the only like dedicated like death watch vehicle other than that it's just like oh yeah you can run Bane blades with them but you just paint it different they don't have any well a bane blade is a is a guard unit well whatever you get the idea though a land Raider or something a land Raider or something you just paint it like black and gold or black and silver and they don't have anything else that's like specific to them that seems weird to me I mean not really because they're not really a specific uh a specific faction they're they're a collaboration of small strike forces it just seems like they'd want like the they'd want specially kitted out stuff and like they'd want theirs I don't know I mean especially out stuff okay this is why we need to do the second episode and all their War gear because they have a lot of wacky weapon swords all kinds of things like that okay but not so much in terms of the vehicles and like when you think about gray Knights don't have a whole loss fancy fancy stuff either they're just a bunch of teleporting Marines true true I guess sure yeah they're like the dread Knight and that's about it everything else is the same yeah so we're gonna do a second episode on these guys right yeah most likely if anything just the wacky Wahoo world of Death Watch War gear yeah and then we'll talk maybe about like the structure yeah uh who's there chapter Mass ER so I so they have a thing called a Watch Commander that's their main guy yeah um he's got to be a badass right if you're if you're like the head well because close to a head honcho for the death watches you can get you've got to be quite the spice Marine I don't actually know who the Watch Commander is we can talk about that next episode I know yeah yeah there is probably something for a separate episode but I was just like that guy's gotta be a little bit crazy hell yeah hell yeah brother all right yeah oh yeah we're gonna end the episode take a train in suplexes I'm gonna take the train the queen oh yeah the queen oh yeah yeah I take a tyranny Dominatrix and a suplex [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 145,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous
Id: 7wOShHH_1pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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