The Mysterious Murder of Kurt Sova

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hey guys it's bella and welcome back to my channel i hope you're all having an incredible day today today we're going to be covering another mystery monday and this case is probably going to piss you off so let's get into it before we get into today's video i just want to thank care of for sponsoring today's case i've been using them for a few months now and i am just obsessed it's been the best thing for me and my body because i'm actually taking my vitamins so i take the keratin and the iron tablets keratin for my hair to keep it nice and full and healthy and shiny and also iron tablets because i'm so iron deficient that i'm almost anemic so this is actually helping me stay on top of my iron because i used to like nap every single day it was an issue and i also use their collagen which i actually am having right now in my tea my nighttime tea that i have every day because i'm actually obsessed with tea i get the unflavored one so that it still tastes like my tea oh my god i [ __ ] love tea so cara basically helps you work on your beauty goals with targeted ingredients for hair skin and nails and also nutrients that help to target underlying problems like digestion and hormone problems you go onto their website and you take a quiz that only takes like five minutes it's so easy they ask you about your lifestyle your diet and your personal health goals and then they use research to basically come up with a tailored plan for you so for me i had really shitty nails that were just brittle they would break all the time so i got collagen to help with the strength and the growth and the health of my nails i also got iron because like i said i'm really iron deficient and i also got keratin to help with the health and the fullness of my hair this is my little targeted packet that i have hi zvela and it has like a quote on it for every day so today's is there are years that ask questions and here's the answer i love that actually if your goal is to get healthier skin they won't just prescribe you one product that should help with your skin they will try and get to the underlying issue of why your skin is like that and try to target that whether it be from hormones or digestion they really try to prioritize the research and the science behind their products which really shows in their recommendations that are targeted for you and all of their products are made from the highest quality and most effective ingredients that are available and they have an eco-friendly mindset as well all of their vitamin packets are compostable you can find information on their website as well which i will leave in the description down below on how to compost your vitamin packets so if you guys are interested in figuring out what supplements and vitamins will work for you and your hair skin and nail goals and also if you want a cheeky 50 off you can use my code isabella i'll leave all of the information for that in the description down below and let's go ahead and get into today's case in today's video we are going to be talking about the murder of kurt sober kurt was born on the 15th of july in 1969 in cuahoga county in ohio to kenneth and dorothy silva he was the youngest of their four sons and was the closest of the four children to his parents they lived in nuba heights which was a quiet town just outside of cleveland his parents described him as a well-mannered kid who never got into any trouble they never had any issues with him in school or with him and their neighbors or with him and the police he never came home any later than 10 10 30 p.m and definitely no later than 11 p.m and even then they always knew where he was and when he would be coming home he was really good in school as well super intelligent hard-working mature dependable and because of this his parents were super trusting of him they were really lenient with curfews and hanging out with his friends and gave him a lot of freedom now like most teenagers there was definitely a side to him that his parents probably didn't really know about his mother dorothy mentioned in an interview that she didn't even know that trunk at all but his friends said they drank together occasionally sometimes smoke cigarettes possibly some weed if they could get it which like i mean definitely isn't unusual for a 17 year old you can still be this well-mannered intelligent hard-working person and have a drink with your friends anyway friday the 23rd of october in 1981 kurt was 17 years old at this point according to his parents kurt was pretty excited for the weekend it was coming up to halloween and there was a carnival in town that he was planning on going to that night he left for school at like 7 30 a.m as usual but he actually apparently did not go to school which his parents weren't aware of instead of heading to school he went to a bottle shop and kind of loaded around outside trying to get an adult to buy him some alcohol which he was successful with he got someone to buy him something which i believe was called 190 proof everclear which is cooked it is 95 alcohol it is the strongest alcohol it's literally in the kennesaw record books for being the strongest alcohol in the world it's actually banned in like 15 to 16 states in the us and even in some states that it's legal in you have to have proof that you're going to be using it to either disinfect or clean and that you're not going to drink it because it is that strong makes me want to vomit just thinking about it like i can't even smell the hand sanitizers at kfc because they smell too much like vodka i had a bad experience with vodka anyway he got this everclear he apparently took her to a girlfriend's house and was drinking for most of the day and then at around 4 30 p.m that afternoon he was heading out i guess going to the carnival when he bumped into one of his friends samuel carroll they met probably like a block away from his parents house and samuel said like there's this party going on at this duplex not too far away debbie sam's house let's go cat was like i was meant to go this carnival but i'm already a little tipsy so let's do it so they headed to the party it was on harvard avenue and there was probably like a dozen or so people there most of whom kurt didn't know some of them even came in from like detroit and kirk got really drunk at this party i don't think he drank very often and he was like a real lightweight apparently so he got really really drunk samuel had to take him outside to vomit and help sober him up because he was so drunk and they were out there for about 20 to 30 minutes before it started to get cold they left their jackets inside so samuel just like left him kind of like hanging on this chain fence just sobering up while he went inside for literally only two to three minutes he says to get their jackets he came back outside to get kurt and kurt was gone it was so quick the time that samuel was inside he says that he was sure somebody he knew would have had to drive by and offered to give him a lift home because he went walking all the surrounding areas all the surrounding streets yelling kurt's name couldn't see him anywhere and if kurt was as drunk as he said he was i don't think if he was on foot that he could have gotten very far so with that in mind thinking that somebody he knew had just come and picked him up he went back into the party meanwhile back at the sova family home it was getting late kurt still wasn't home which like i said was very unusual for him dorothy was a little worried so she went out in her car driving around to spots that she knew kurt would normally go didn't see him anywhere went home assuming he would come home at some point because he was super reliable and woke up in the morning checked in his room and kurt was still nowhere to be found so dorothy and her husband ken called neighbors friends kurt's friends family to try and help them look for her because they were worried they had a bad feeling that something just wasn't right they managed to gather up about 40 people who all went out looking for him all day long unfortunately as i'm sure you would assume nobody found any signs of him so the next morning on the sunday dorothy and ken officially reported him a missing person but the police surprise surprise weren't really interested to begin with and from the get-go dorothy and kenneth were really upset with how the police were handling their case they kind of felt like they had to take the investigation into their own hands they printed flyers they hung them around the neighborhood and all the local businesses handed them out to people and they continued to look down alleyways in ravines they looked in all the places kurt would normally go they checked in dumpsters even but found no sign of him anywhere they went around town questioning everyone that may know her whether they were friends of him whether they were just acquaintances and they just weren't getting anywhere until eventually one of his friends told dorothy about the party that kurt went to on friday night the duplex that the party was held at was just over two kilometers away from the soba family home so dorothy decided to head over there herself see if she could ask them some questions if they knew anything about kurt or where he might have gone after the party had ended but debbie wasn't there it was just some woman who i think might have been her roommate or might have been babysitting for her and she also said that she didn't know anything about a party so dorothy asked this girl to get debbie to call her when she got home which debbie did call her and debbie told her she didn't know anything about a party there was no party at her house on friday night however there was a pizza delivery man that contradicted this came forward saying well there was a party there because i delivered pizza there on friday night and i delivered pizza to a party so dorothy decided to contact debbie again and debbie admitted that there was actually a party kurt was there he was drinking pretty heavily but she didn't know where he went or what happened to him after the party the next day on monday the 26th there was what now seems like a lead but the time definitely was not taken seriously enough there was basically this like random guy that was kind of conflicting reports on him some reports say that he was homeless some just say that he was like this random guy either way he was from detroit which like i said some of the people at the party were also from detroit and he goes into this record store and he speaks to the manager of the record store they have a poster of kurt in the window of the store he points to it and says they're gonna find him dead in two days and they're not gonna know what happened to him he also said some other really weird things like he said that he had access to bodies that were flown into cleveland international airport and that he sometimes stole shoes from these bodies and just keep that in mind because that will become important later but the manager of the record store called the police police took her statement and they said you know we'll look into him and that was kind of that keep that interaction in mind for later the next day on the 27th dorothy gets a call from debbie sands the person that held the party at the duplex and she says there's some guy that's been sleeping in my cot in my basement for the past couple of days and i think it might be cut it looks like her so ken obviously goes straight over there wants to have a look in the basement goes down there there's no one in the cot he looks around the basement no one in the basement but he says the bed was still warm so someone had definitely been sleeping in there but he doesn't know if it was hurt or not and apparently debbie didn't know if it was hurt or not which she was able to confirm that kurt was at the party so surely she knows what he looks like enough to be able to confirm if that was him in the cot after ken leaves he continued to search all day he was searching ravines he was searching the entire town looking for his son who was still missing at this point the next day on the 28th at around 5 30 p.m three local boys were playing at the jl goodman warehouse which was like on harvard avenue right near the duplex where the party was held like right near it like when samuel carroll kurt's friend was looking for kurt he checked the jail goodman warehouse it was like really close they were just kind of hanging around in the area they were hanging around in the abandoned still yard right near it they went down to the ravine at one point and while they were down in the ravine they found a body lying face up in a puddle they were totally freaked out they had no idea what to do they just started running until they came across a man who was working in the area they told him what they'd seen he didn't really believe it at first was kind of skeptical like what in this town and he went down to have a look for himself saw the body and immediately called the newber police officers arrived on the scene shortly after and they were able to quickly identify the body as that of kurt sober he was still wearing the same clothes he was when he went missing on friday and he was posed kind of like he was on a crucifix so his arms were out and one foot was crossed over the other one his shoes were also missing the left one was found just a couple of feet away wedged between two rocks but the right shoe has never been found still to this day now what was weird about the body is that it looked totally fine there were no signs of trauma no signs of injury nothing to indicate that anything had actually happened to him now on top of this the newber police were the ones who came and discovered the body and got a forensic person to take the body away for examination and they were like a pretty small police department they didn't have a forensic expert so the cleveland police department offered to send a forensic expert down the nuba police weirdly enough refused the forensic expert so that was kind of sketchy and like i said the parents from the get-go were really disappointed with the investigation from the nuba police anyway kurt's body was taken to the cure hoga coroner's office for examination they estimated that he had died 24 to 36 hours before his body was discovered meaning that he had been alive for three days after he disappeared on friday however lester adelson the chief deputy coroner was unable to determine the cause of death they basically worked on a process of elimination on her because they couldn't immediately determine his cause of death he hadn't been beaten he hadn't been traumatized he only had a blood alcohol level of 0.11 which isn't even that high the legal limit in the u.s is 0.08 which 0.11 is not enough to kill somebody he had no pre-existing diseases conditions there was nothing that showed why he died they eliminated everything couldn't find a cause of death so they listed the cause of death as instantaneous psychological death and the manner of death as a probable accident curt's family as i'm sure you can imagine were completely devastated because they've now lost their son and still don't get any closure after finding his body because nobody can tell them how or why he died and it was listed as a probable accident which they were so upset about because they felt like it was so sketchy something was off there's no way it was an accident they felt like some sort of foul play had to be involved robert harris from the nuber heights police department was the lead investigator on the case and he basically just wanted to close the case it's an accidental death that's that he told kurt's mother dorothy that she was just in denial and basically get over it move on it is what it is he thought kurt was likely too drunk and being too drunk there's like a number of possibilities as to what he could have done to get himself into that position and get himself killed from what i've heard this guy is like a little bit contradictory he didn't really seem to care what was happening didn't want to look into the case didn't want to investigate but then kind of put on like a different face for the media like he did a press conference and said somebody dumped his body there whoever dumped his body obviously knew the area and they knew that it was going to be discovered if they put it there assumingly he just said that for the cameras because the way that he was treating the investigation and the sober family was completely different than acting like he cared in front of the cameras although it is a possibility that you know i'm reading his press conferences completely wrong and maybe he was actually saying the person who dumped him there probably had nothing to do with it but they may have found his body didn't want to seem like they had anything to do with it and so they just dumped it out in the open who knows okay so two days after his body was found the record store manager had another weird run-in with this like weird dude from detroit that had just kind of been loading around the silver family neighborhood and he left her like a bouquet of roses and a letter and the letter said roses are red the sky is blue they found him dead and they'll find you too she obviously called the nouveau police straight away they sent two detectives down to get her statement and while they were there getting her statement this guy was actually in the area so they took him into their car for questioning and then they just let him go and said we've ruled him out as a possible suspect he's just some like crazy guy don't worry about it and then he never came back like i don't know if that doesn't show you how bad of an investigation they did then i don't know what will because they let some guy go who predicted his body being found without anyone knowing why he died and then he like literally threatened this woman saying they'll find her dead too and then they just let him go and then he was never seen again they just sent him on his merry way maybe to go murder some more people who knows it is what it is right okay moving on after kurt's body was found there were a few witnesses that came forward to dorothy wanting to give her some information that they thought she might find useful there was a woman named angeline she said that a couple days before kurt's body was found she was looking out her window she lived on washington park boulevard which was less than a kilometer away from harvard avenue where the duplex was where kurt's body was found and she saw two men carrying another man she didn't think too much of it at the time she thought it's probably just two junk guys carrying another drunk guy home but after kurt's body was found she thought maybe it might be something more sinister so she told dorothy dorothy told the nuba police nuba police said that they would follow up this line of questioning and they never did angeline never was questioned by the police one of kurt's friends named david trisnik actually came forward as well saying a couple of days before kurt's body was found he was on his way to a job interview when he saw kurt with another man on a main road and he pulled over to see if kurt wanted a lift and as he did a van pulled over kurt yelled out franco ran over to the van and got in the van again didn't really think anything of it at the time because he didn't realize that kurt was missing so he just thought it was somebody else one of his other friends giving him a lift once again dorothy reported this to the newber police and once again the newberry police did not follow up the sign of questioning after this the case just kind of went cold for a few months dorothy was really struggling to find any new leads until three months after kurt's body was found when another body of a young boy named eugene gevette was found just three kilometers from where kurt's body was found he was also found in a ravine on harvard street like kurt and he was also missing his right shoe which was never found just like in kurt's case the coroner of the case ruled that eugene had died from falling into the ravine and i mean maybe he did really die from falling into the ravine but it seems so strange that both boys were found less than three kilometers away from each other both in a ravine both on harvard street both missing their right shoes which were never recovered maybe it was a copycat murder and they were really good at making it look like an accident just like with kurt's death maybe it was someone who was just playing a shitty joke and decided to steal eugene's right shoe to make it look like it was connected to kurt's case whatever the deal was because eugene's case was ruled an accident newberry police didn't look into it they didn't look into both cases maybe see if they were connected nothing over the next nine years dorothy fought to have her son's case reopened and reinvestigated she managed to get four different departments to look into the case all of whom because the case was so shittily investigated in the first place were not able to do anything they didn't have anything to work with the cleveland police eventually took over the case from the nuba police and when they requested to have the documents handed over to them they were handed a manila folder with three or four pieces of paper and four polaroids that was it it was disgraceful it was actually a joke how little they looked into this because they just said it's an accidental death they wanted to close it and be done with it they literally didn't even have a photo of kurt's body when it was found lying in the crucifix position they only had a photo of him in the coroner's office nine years after kurt's death in 1990 the cue hoga prosecutor's office officially reopened the case and said if they'd known how badly the nuba police had botched the case to begin with they actually probably would have arrested some of the officers for dereliction of duty there was literally just no investigation at all like it's not even just that it was a bosch one it was just like there wasn't one there was all of four photos taken of the body or the scene even though the police chief swears there was more like that like i said there wasn't even one of the body at the scene of the crime or the scene of the accident should i say they never searched the duplex that the party was held at the last place that kurt was seen where debbie calls up claiming that somebody who fits kurt's description may have been staying in her bed for the past like three days after he disappeared they never searched it they said they didn't investigate it because they just didn't have a reason to like i really just don't know what classes is a reason if those reasons don't class as reasons they didn't question any of the witnesses that dorothy told them about and you know the the random guy who threatened that record store owner who predicted that his body was gonna be found they weren't gonna know why they just let him go never to be seen again but these officers didn't just botch this case they were just sketchy corrupt people in general and when the prosecutors took over this case it opened up a whole can of worms for them to find out just how sketchy and corrupt they were the newborn heights chief of police james f lucas was found to be falsifying police credentials and was also found and reprimanded previously for having gone off duty to a party where there was like a whole bunch of illegal gambling he ended up losing his job and was barred from ever working as a police officer again at this point the fbi also started to get involved and started looking at these guys in the nuba police department the lead investigator on the case robert caress who i talked about the one who basically told dorothy to relax piss off he was charged with brutally beating five criminal suspects between 1988 and 1989 and a lot of people think there was more than just these five incidents because these five incidents only happened in this one year and he was working as a police officer for a lot more than just this one year so it's very likely that there was a lot more more incidents or victims than just these five a man named eric catancy came forward and he was one of the men that caress was charged with beating he was accused of driving under the influence and when caress asked for him to hand his keys over he refused to do so so then caress beat him with a flashlight so badly he had to be taken to hospital caress followed him to hospital stayed there with him and once he was released caress took him to the police station for questioning but on the way to the police station he took him down these you know back roads took him on a bit of a detour to the jl goodman warehouse which if you remember is right near where kurt's body was found it was there that he began threatening katanski on top of his soul caress was a really great guy he was also charged and convicted of 76 counts of aggravated drug trafficking and illegal processing of drug documents unfortunately due to the terrible investigation when it was fresh and despite the two men who hindered the case being fired there was nothing that could be done for kurt's investigation because they had botched the case so badly from the start that there was just nothing for anyone to work with to be able to further the case i think the saddest thing is that his family never got closure both his mother dorothy and his father kenneth passed away two of his brothers also passed away in their 50s very young age and none of them ever got closure and it's likely there never will be closure for this case and that is everything that is all of the information for this case so let's talk about some theories now the first theory as i'm sure you've guessed is that kurt's death had something to do with the corruption of the nuba police department some people believe that because the case was so botched because caress refused to investigate and because kurt's body was found so close to where caress was known to have taken suspects to beat them that maybe he had something to do with it maybe kurt bought drugs off him which may have led to an accidental overdose maybe he bought drugs off him and then like threatened to ride him out or maybe he just saw him doing a drug deal and needed to eliminate him so that he couldn't get caught he may have ruined the investigation to cover for himself he may have had something to do with the coroner's decision maybe the coroner was in on it maybe he tampered with the results maybe he ruined the investigation to cover for the chief of police who was also complicit in ruining this case it is also believed however the caress and the nubo heights police department ruined the case just because they didn't give up they had too much going on with their drug trafficking and beating suspects that they truly just didn't care about the case another theory is it was that weird dude from detroit who spoke to the record manager because i don't know i don't know if there's any correlation i couldn't find anything about whether or not he was at the party but there was people from detroit at the party and he was from detroit as well so whether he was at the party or not maybe he knew people from the party maybe he knew who did it maybe he was a witness to it it just seems really bizarre to me that one he predicted before kurt's body was found that it was going to be found in two days and that they weren't going to know what happened to him and it also seems weird that he was literally saying he stole shoes off corpses that were sent into cleveland international airport and kurt's shoe was missing and was never found i also find it really bizarre though that the police just like completely dismissed him and then he never came back i don't necessarily think there's a correlation between him murdering them and the police letting him go like i think the police were just [ __ ] but it does seem weird maybe this guy was at the party or he knew other people from detroit who were at the party and that's how kurt went missing so quickly because sam kurt's friend insists that he was only inside for two to three minutes so that definitely would give someone from the party enough time to go out get kurt and like off and the last theory is that kurt's death really was just an accident some people believe that he just had too much to drink that day he was drinking everclear which is like the strongest drink in the world at 95 alcohol all day and at the party and at the party no one could say whether or not he was drinking his own drink maybe his drink was spiked maybe he was mixing his drink with other illicit substances some believe he actually died at the party and when debbie called up about a body being in their basement someone sleeping in the cot some people believe that maybe that was kurt and maybe he was already dead and they were hiding him in the basement it's possible that somebody at the party gave him alcohol or drugs and he died and nobody at the party wanted to get in trouble for providing an underage person with alcohol or illicit substances especially that ended up resulting in his death however the coroner said his blood alcohol level wasn't high enough for him to have died from that and i didn't see any mention anywhere of any other illicit substances in his system i don't know i really have no idea because i just feel like every single theory has so much evidence to back it they're all such likely logical theories so i would love to know in the comments below what you guys think happened i would love to know if you have any extra theories or what theory you believe thanks for watching and hopefully i will see you guys in my next video bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 759,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ooeDVls9scY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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