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in 2015 police discovered a decomposing dead body left out in the cold scottish winter the body was so brutalized that the victim's own family were even held back from seeing the extent of her injuries today we're going to be talking about the murder of carol taggett [Music] so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case actually another two-parter so this is part one part two will be out in the next few days so make sure you're subscribed with notifications on so that you don't miss when it comes out but quickly before we get into part one of the case i do just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible carestify you guys already know i literally i don't even need to say it but i will i'm obsessed i'm obsessed they're phone cases i haven't been seen without a case 5 phone case probably for years now this one is my absolute favorite i feel like it's part of my identity at this point the neil phone case but today i wanted to talk to you more specifically about their conscious range because get a lot of this my favorite phone case i now have a version that is 100 compostable a compostable version of the nail case i was absolutely screaming the house down when i got this delivered in the mail this is the coolest thing ever case defies conscious range are all 100 compostable it's actually the first 100 customizable compostable phone case line try saying that 10 times faster and because they are compostable that basically means that when you throw it away when you compost it it just breaks down into all natural materials that can just go back into the earth like water carbon dioxide like absolutely no toxins released into the environment which is amazing you're doing the planet a big favor gorgeous gorgeous girls look after the planet the ultra compostable cases are drop tested from 6.6 feet in the air as well so you can be just as reckless with these ones as you can with the others and just like with their other cases there's so many gorgeous designs for you to choose from there's literally something for everyone on there and for that exact reason they make such great gifts as well or you can get the case personalized customized which i always do i don't know why i've just got a thing i love having my name on things i don't know maybe it's because i lose things a lot but the absolute best part of all of this is that case defy have actually partnered up with and for every single compostable phone case that is sold they're going to plant a tree they're going to plant a tree so far they've already planted 165 000 trees from just the sales of these compostable cases that's insane and i love them so much for it so go for it girl not only are you getting a cute phone case to protect your phone from 6.6 feet but you're also helping the environment planning a treat and even better cares to fire giving you a discount on your case as well all you have to do is go to forward slash eleanor the link is also in the description and that will automatically apply a 15 discount code for you at checkout you are so welcome and let me know what phone case you get because i'm obsessed thanks again to caresta5 for sponsoring this video now before we get into it i do just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video the content warnings for this case are as follows emotional abuse manipulation postnatal depression and mention of suicidal ideation so if any of that is something that you feel like you can't really watch right now that's completely fine i understand please click out of this video i'm sure i can see you again some other point but look after yourself in the meantime all that being said let's just jump into the case so today's case takes place in fife in scotland which is just north of edinburgh and that is where 54 year old mother of three carol taggart lived carol was a very happy woman especially in her youth so let's go back actually let's start with when carol was a young girl she was such a bubbly bright positive little girl she loved to sing she loved to dance she was always in good spirits and as she grew up into a teenager and then a young woman she was always the same she was always just this big bright bundle of energy she was a very social woman as well i mean she was like the life of the party people had raving reviews about carol taggart she just loved a good night out with her girlfriends it was always just good vibes for them it was just always a great time and carol didn't even really drink that much she was very much like the mum friend that looked after everyone else but she liked it she really liked being like the caring nurturing one in the group she always had that very like strong maternal instinct in her ever since she was like a teenager she just loved nurturing people and caring for them and she knew she wanted a job in that in the future at some point whatever job that might be but she knew that that was like her calling she was doing it for fun on nights out she was nursing her friends and looking after them like she had just a calling when she was in her late teens early 20s carol met a man that she fell head over heels for the two of them rather quickly got married actually so she had a husband now and the husband actually wants to stay anonymous in relation to this case so we only know him as husband but the two of them welcomed two children together two sons um again the older of the two sons wants to stay anonymous however we do know that the younger of the two sons was called ross ross taggett and their little family was so happy carol was over the moon her husband was over the moon the kids were just adorable she was just so happy but as the months went by cracks started to show in their relationship and eventually carol and her husband got a divorce so now carol was a single mother of two infants like tiny babies ross was still a baby and i think the older of the two boys was just a toddler and she was looking after both of these kids all by herself she had to go and pick up a job as a child minder to be able to well provide for them obviously they all moved out of the house that they shared with um carol's ex-husband and so now carol lived on her own with her two sons she was a strong lady like she was a machine she was looking after two kids she had her job she was trying to hold it all down by herself one of them's still a baby she's looking after a baby by herself and to be fair to her she was doing a cracking job like everyone always said that carol was an amazing mother especially like at this point in her life she was always an amazing mother but like at this point in her life when she'd been left alone she was just she was getting on with it she was doing really really well but even though she had a lot on her hands a lot on a plate that didn't stop her from longing for a relationship she still wanted a boyfriend a husband a companion she wanted a partner she just wanted someone to come home to someone to cuddle at night you know she wasn't like desperate for a relationship but you know it would be nice and then in 1986 she finally met that man it was around christmas time when she met a man named sean taggett and immediately this guy was like perfect for her he was funny he was kind caring social he got on amazingly with her two sons as well that was like her most important thing because her kids were only i think they were four years old and one and a half when she met sean so it was super important to her that her significant other and her children were going to get along obviously and shawn was just incredible he stepped up and went above and beyond for these boys he treated them as though they were his own kids he was an incredible stand-in father and the kids actually started calling him dad off their own back and that made sean really happy so yeah they were happy carol was finally happy and in a little family again she'd built up a family that actually felt right this time so the family moved to a town called dunfermline which is more near the seaside because they just thought that would be like a nice place to raise the kids and two years after that carol and sean actually welcomed their own child together this time a daughter named lorraine and now their little family was complete they had two boys a girl they had a beautiful house by the seaside everything was going great and it was actually at this point that carol decided to go and buy a holiday home well like a caravan it was like a static caravan probably only about 10-15 minutes away from their house just closer to the seaside so they had a bit of a holiday vacation destination carol and sean quickly got married and all of the family took shawn's name i actually don't know their surname before this that's why i've been referring to everyone as tag it the whole time so now they were the tagat family a very seemingly idyllic family they seemed perfect from the outside anyone looking in would think they were the perfect family but little did they know that the taggett family were dealing with a few issues mainly relating to carol's mental health after the birth of her daughter lorraine carol was actually diagnosed with postnatal depression and it was it was so tough for her she was on medication but she still very much struggled day to day like the medication really didn't do much for her she didn't have much energy she was apathetic a lot of the time although the one thing that did keep that light in her life was her family her depression didn't stop her from getting stuck in and playing games with her kids and stuff she'd play football with the boys she'd play with dolls with lorraine she was still a very active very incredible mother no matter what no matter what she was dealing with on the inside she was always as good of a mother as she could possibly be to her kids as good of a wife as she could be to her husband too of all three of the kids it was the middle child ross that was the biggest handful he was well you know what kids can be like he was the cheeky one he was the one that was always like pushing it like it was never too serious he was never like a bad kid but you know he was just a little bit little bit of a troublemaker he was the loudest one of all three he was the leader of the pack and even as they grew up and became teenagers he was always just the dominant one of the trio i don't know anything about the oldest sibling and then you've got ross and then you've got lorraine and she was very much into performing she loved acting dancing singing and her biggest supporters were her mother and ross they would go to all of her shows and sit in the audience and like cheer her on as the kids were growing up carol found herself getting a little bit upset because she felt like they were growing up too quick i mean i suppose every mother would probably feel like that she felt like she just wasn't spending enough time with them and so she decided to quit her job as a child minder elsewhere and start up her own child minding business from home so that she could be with her kids and also work at the same time so she converted part of their house literally into a daycare she was going full force with this she knew what she wanted with her life it was to work from home and be self-employed and have her nice little family but unfortunately around this same time carol's ex-husband the father of the two boys their biological father he actually passed away and it hit the boys so hard neither of them knew how to process this grief i mean kids don't do they and they didn't really have any proper help with it and so it just ended up it manifested in a really negative way in the kids they started acting up they were you know getting into trouble at school being badly behaved and while carol knew exactly why it was she knew that the boys were just sad they were just hurt they were just dealing with their grief but it didn't make it any easier to deal with obviously she just didn't know how to help her sons i mean there was nothing that she could do she couldn't bring their father back and it was just causing so many problems not even just their behavior and stuff but they also were starting to act up with sean their like stepfather figure because he wasn't their real dad and they were they were in a lot of pain and it just really wasn't an ideal family situation for a while so over time bad behavior like this that is caused by you know loss uh bereavement things like that it's expected to get better over time as the kid deals with their grief and as they start to process it and you know feel better they'll stop acting up but that didn't really happen with the boys if anything it actually got worse over time because it started like i said with them just being badly behaved at school or getting in trouble at home or whatever but now they were like committing crimes like actual crimes i think they would vandalize stuff they would steal from their parents they would steal money from carol and sean i don't think they actually knew about the stealing right now at this point in the case but either way carol could just see how much this had affected both of her sons like they their whole energy had just changed they weren't the same kids anymore both boys were just really really sad all the time and carol felt like she couldn't be a normal mother anymore you know one that punishes her kids or disciplines her kids or tells them off if they do something wrong she felt like she couldn't do any of that anymore because the boys were already sad enough as it is so she just kind of stopped parenting them almost or at least stopped like i don't know she stopped telling them off for bad things which you can imagine how that is going to go with a kid they're only going to keep doing it if they're not getting told off for it i'm sure you can imagine this led to a lot of issues in the household obviously lorraine the youngest of the kids was living under completely different rules to her older two brothers just because she wasn't grieving just because she wasn't bereaved the boys could get away with stuff that lorraine would get punished for it was completely different rules for the two of them and shawn saw this as well he wasn't happy it caused a lot of arguments between him and carol actually but nothing ever changed no matter how many times lorraine and sean would tell her this isn't fair the way that you are treating these kids differently is not fair nothing ever changed carol borderline smothered the boys with affection like she babied them from this point onwards because she felt like that was what she should be doing she felt so bad for the boys that they were so sad that she felt like if i give them even more affection then maybe it'll make up for the grief that they're feeling right now but that wasn't all because carol would also buy the boys gifts and little presents and stuff like that and she would bring them home and she wouldn't have one for lorraine and again this would cause so many arguments between her and shawn and even her and her own daughter lorraine was always left out time and time again with all these different things not just the gifts not just the affection it was everything she felt left out of her mother's love so you can see the death of the boy's father really changed the dynamic of the whole entire family it changed the whole trajectory of how this family was gonna go for the rest of their lives but eventually much to the family's relief the older of the two sons actually started to grow out of this bad behavior he stopped acting up he he dealt with his grief properly and now he was back to the old hymn so carol no longer felt that she had to baby her oldest son as much as she had been however the younger one ross he wasn't really growing out of it as easy he was he was still very much in it and so carol very much still babied him in fact if anything ross was just getting worse and worse and worse it seemed that the other kid was kind of getting better and better over time but ross is still doing worse and worse things it was actually around this time that carol and sean noticed money going missing around the house obviously from ross stealing it and they knew damn well that it was ross as well they knew it wasn't lorraine or the older kid it was definitely ross but carol didn't want to say anything to him she actually requested that they just don't say anything again she felt that ross just had enough to deal with and he didn't need his parents shouting at him for stealing a couple of quid off the kitchen counter but a few more weeks went by and that was when sean realized that ross had been stealing directly from his wallet he'd been going into sean's wallet and just stealing the notes out of it and it was at that point where sean was like no i'm not putting up with this any longer he was going to bring it up to ross whether carol liked it or not he told her that she didn't have to be there but shawn was definitely gonna have a word with him so he went and did that and you can imagine how this went it didn't go well carol actually sided with her son on this she sided with ross she actually berated sean for even bringing it up to him so she fell out with sean and then she ran over to ross and she was just hugging him and showering in with affection apologizing on sean's behalf she was just desperately trying to smooth over this conflict and by her doing this ross was now realizing that he could get away with like anything and his mum's just going to be fine with it his mum's just going to be on his side with it so ross just continued stealing from the family i think he stopped stealing directly from sean's wallet but he was definitely still stealing money from his parents so by now all the kids had kind of grown up they're kind of in their mid late teens and lorraine is still into all her performing arts she loves singing dancing acting she's still doing all these shows competitions like every weekend and of course as she was just a teenage girl she needed her mum to take her to all these different competitions every weekend and stuff which posed an issue between carol and ross he didn't like that his mother was constantly off with lorraine and to be honest carol didn't like it either she felt really bad for you know abandoning her son at home carol already felt like a bad mother at this point in time and this only made her feel even worse because she knew that ross was struggling at home i don't think he was but he says that he was still struggling to deal with the death of his father and carol felt really bad for leaving him so much so that on every single trip that she went on she would bring him back a gift almost as like an apology for even leaving him in the first place and after a while ross grew to expect these gifts i mean it was no longer a nice surprise every time his mum came home it was more like oh mum's home where's my prison and sean didn't like what carol's parenting was doing to ross he could sean could literally see ross being molded in front of him by his mother and he didn't like the way that he was turning out he was becoming spoiled and he was still stealing from his family even after being confronted about it he was just a bad person he was growing into a bad man sean knew that if they didn't do something about ross's behavior now while he was still a teenager then he was just gonna be like this forever he was just gonna grow up to be a bad man and that's all he's ever gonna be so sean suggested to ross that maybe he should go out and get like a part-time job so that he could earn some money and stuff and surprisingly enough ross was really up for this he went and got a part-time job in a shop by edinburgh castle which is quite a big um like tourist area in scotland so he was meeting a lot of people all day every day it was a very social job and he actually really enjoyed it it seemed as though this job was going to be really beneficial for ross it was giving him like a structure a routine new people to be talking to but that didn't last long because by now ross was so used to stealing it was kind of like hardwired in his brain that he enjoys stealing and so why would that be any different at work just out of habit sean starts stealing from his job i don't know exactly what he was stealing i don't know if it was money or merchandise or anything like that but the shop very quickly found out the manager pulled ross into his office and fired him then and there as soon as he found out that he was stealing and the manager did tell ross that he was upset to be letting him go because he liked ross he thought ross was a good colleague a good co-worker but they can't keep people on if they're stealing so so later that day ross then had to go back home to his family and tell them that he lost his first ever job but obviously he knew he couldn't tell them the real reason why he'd lost it otherwise they'd be angry at him they'd be so upset with him for stealing from his job instead ross decided to lie to his parents and said that his co-worker had been stealing from the shop but then framed him for it and so now he's getting fired for it he said that he'd lost his job unfairly and carol believed him carol always believed everything this boy said and always sided with him no matter what she was fuming about this she couldn't believe that this co-worker had framed her darling son and made him lose his job but sean on the other hand he could see right through it he knew that there was no stealing co-worker he knew that this was all just another one of ross's stories but sean decided to not mention this to carol he decided to just let her believe that her son was framed you know it was just easier for sean at that point to just let them to have their weird relationship every single time he said anything about ross to carol she'd just have a go at him and she'd just side with ross and you know it was just redundant at this point there was absolutely no point in sean even saying anything because it was just gonna cause more issues so carol helped her son to find a new job um but he was very quickly fired from the second one so she helped him find a third one um fired again and then a fourth one fired again i think this happened maybe about five or six times she helped him to find a new job and every time ross would lose one of these jobs carol would just always side with him she never felt like her son did anything wrong it was always the job's fault it was always the employer's fault and actually in those spaces between his jobs you know when he's looking for a new one after he's lost the last one carol would actually give him money to keep him afloat in the meantime but very quickly ross just started taking advantage of this of course of course he did why would he bother going out and getting a job if his mum's gonna pay him for just sitting in the house all day there was no motivation there for him to find another job for him it was a no-brainer just sit at home and pretend to be looking for jobs but you know just watch tv all day and make a bit of money from your mum everyone in the family at this point in time so that's shawn lorraine even the older brother probably um they all saw ross for who he really was now they all saw that he was a bad man but carol couldn't see that she never had and she never would i just want to reiterate uh at this point in the case that ross wasn't lying or stealing out of necessity by the way remember this is quite a decently well-off family they've got a caravan for chrystic i mean i know a caravan's not exactly a sign of massive wealth but if they've got extra money to be spending on a holiday home then he certainly does not need to be stealing from his jobs they're not that desperate for money you know he didn't need to do any of this i think he just enjoyed the deviancy he enjoyed doing bad things but yeah carol was just so oblivious to it in fact sean always thought that she was in denial he didn't think that she was oblivious he thought she knew damn well that her son was a bad man but she just didn't want to admit it because she knew that it was her parenting that had made him that way and i think she felt bad about it she didn't like it that he'd turned out that way and and she just didn't want to admit that he was like that you know even into his 20s ross always felt entitled to things in life you know he felt like he was special and that he deserved more than other people and carol would always back him in this she would always give him excuses or even encourage him in the things that he was doing and ross would cause like huge whole family arguments like everything in that household seemed to revolve around ross he was literally just making everyone's lives so miserable and it eventually got to the point where people couldn't do it anymore people just could not live around ross eventually the eldest son moved out and i think cut contact with the family completely and even sean got to the point where he could no longer live in this house or in this family with ross and so he had to leave he had to divorce carol and move out and abandon this family that he'd accepted and and loved for decades he'd really tried to have this family but he couldn't he just couldn't do it anymore so now the family home was just carol taggart her son ross taggett and lorraine um and lorraine always said that she felt like a third wheel in that home she just felt like an outsider in her own family like she wasn't included in inside jokes that ross and carol had and they would actually make jokes about her to each other or even to her face it was like it sounds like [ __ ] high school and whenever lorraine would go and stay with her father sean and then she would go back to carol's house she would always dread it she'd always dread going back home to her own mother because she didn't like it there she didn't like it in that house and whenever there was an argument in that house you already know that lorraine was never winning it ross would always manipulate carol into taking his side and so lorraine never felt heard she never felt accepted or she never felt like she belonged in that family and that is so sad and the tensions in this household just continued to build and build and build until it came to a head one night on this particular night both ross and lorraine had been on nights out i think they'd gone on separate nights out with like separate groups of friends that they weren't friends lorraine and ross even though they were siblings they didn't like each other so they didn't go out together but they came back home around the same time when they arrived back at the house later that night carol heard some commercial coming from one of their bedrooms and so she jumped up and ran to the door and in that bedroom she found lorraine huddled under her duvet being punched over and over again by her own brother as he's screaming you think you've got it all don't you and lorraine was literally just frozen still under this duvet trying to protect herself but she couldn't she she wasn't speaking she wasn't trying to defend herself she was terrified this was the first time her brother had put a hand on her as far as i'm aware and it was brutal but lorraine remembers looking up at her mother who was just standing in the doorway watching this happen watching her six foot tall fully grown adult son beating her daughter and carol did nothing she did nothing she stood and watched i don't even think she said anything to ross and it was that night once all of this was all over it was that night that made lorraine realize that she didn't really want anything to do with her family from this point on she was done she was done she couldn't see either of them the same ever again ross obviously because she'd seen this horrific violent abusive side to him and also her mother for not helping her that night showed her a terrifying side to her brother and she did not want to stick around to see how that progressed because all her life her brother had just kept getting worse and worse and worse so it was only expected that he was going to keep getting worse so with that lorraine moved out of the family home and she moved in with her then boyfriend now husband stephen brister burster bristow and now ross taggart has his mother carol all to himself in a house all by themselves no outside influence no outsiders to to call him out on his bad behavior no one to notice the manipulation the abuse and without that it only got a thousand times worse at this point ross was now in his mid-20s and his mother was still doing absolutely everything for him cooking cleaning housework everything else he fully just took her for granted and remember carol was running a business she ran a day care center from her house she was running a full-time business plus doing all the sudden stuff for him ross never offered to help once all he did was just sit around the house all day doing nothing i actually don't know what he did with his days but one of the weirdest parts about this case that really stuck out to me in my research was that even at this point in the case when ross is 25 he's still getting pocket money from his mother when all of her kids were younger carol used to give them all a little bit of pocket money each for something like kids stuff i don't know like sweets toys i don't know what do kids buy and normally when a parent gives their child pocket money they'll stop it when they get to like an older teenager maybe i think mine stopped when i was like 16 or 17. um not 25 no i think it's quite embarrassing i'd be quite embarrassed to still be getting pocket money off my mum at 22. i think it's important to know that lorraine didn't get any spend the other the older son didn't get any spend just ross obviously and what's even worse is that as ross grew older and as he did get into his 20s his mother actually started to trust him enough to give him her bank card so that he could go to a cash machine and get his own pocket money out she really should not have trusted him though because i'm sure you already know what i'm about to say he was getting out stupid amounts and not telling her he knew that his mother never checked her bank statements she never went through them she never checked all the transactions so he knew that it would be safe she's never gonna find out that he's taken what two three four times the amount he's supposed to so ross is treating his mother like crap abusing her manipulating her brainwashing her taking advantage of her financially in every single way actually and she's still not seeing it in fact she's trying to be like the best mother she possibly can be she's taking him on trips she's taking him to the cinema going on shopping trips with him whatever ross wanted he got carol would make sure he got it and it was actually around this point in the case that ross started to get jealous of his younger sister lorraine ever since lorraine had moved out and gone to live with her boyfriend she would meet up with her mum maybe like once a week once every two weeks and they would go for a coffee or shopping or something like that and ross did not like these meetings he didn't want to share his mother he wanted to keep carol all to himself he didn't like that lorraine was getting some of her attention he told his mother time and time again that he didn't like it and that he didn't want her to go and see lorraine he asked her to stop seeing her daughter and carol didn't really know what to say at this point because obviously she didn't want to say no to ross she never wanted to say no that was always just her default was to do whatever made ross happy but this was the first thing pretty much ever that there'd actually been some conflict like internal conflict on in in carol's heart obviously she still wanted to see her daughter she wasn't gonna just cut off her daughter just because had asked her but she she was thinking about it maybe not thinking about cutting lorraine off but she was just very caught in the middle carol was caught in the middle and she didn't know what the right answer was because she couldn't do both and i think it got so bad that lorraine and carol actually had to start planning their meetings in secret so that ross wouldn't find out that they were gonna see each other but he often would find out anywhere i don't know how he would find out who knows he probably looked through his mum's phone he probably i don't know but when he would find out he would literally go and turn up there if they're sat at a cafe having a latte or whatever ross is storming through the door and he walks over to his mum and forces her to come home every time every single time and she just does it she would stand up and leave with him ross is literally ruining his mother's life from all angles she she's now lost her husband she's lost her eldest son her youngest daughter's moved out she no longer wants to be there anymore like ross is ruining carol's life a couple of years later lorraine actually ended up marrying her boyfriend stephen um and a lot of people said that at the wedding ross and carol were just really weirdly close with each other and ross didn't leave her alone the whole night he was like on her shoulder like this he he was in every conversation that she was in she couldn't speak to anyone without him as the years went by carol taggart became more and more socially isolated because her son literally just would not let her do most things she couldn't go and see a lot of people because her son didn't wanted her she couldn't go a lot of places because her son didn't want her to and this made her depression so much worse she never really got over her postnatal depression i think it just became depression over time um and obviously being socially isolated makes depression a million times worse to deal with she was put on antidepressants around this time to help her deal with it but that was just one more aspect of her life that ross could control and he did he controlled when she could have her medication he was the one to go and pick them up from the pharmacy she literally knew nothing about her own medication because she'd just have whatever ross gave her at whatever time he gave her it and because carol was so isolated from the world her sense of reality started to become warped she was like not seeing things how they actually are and she actually started to see ross as all the good in her life he was like this big shining light in such a miserable world of course carol didn't realize at the time that the reason her world was so miserable that the reason she was so depressed was because well because of him because of ross because of what he had done to her and to her life he'd taken everything from that woman and she didn't even realize it and this is exactly what ross wanted this is exactly what any abuser wants from their victim they want their victim to see them as the only good thing in the world the rest of the world is miserable i'm the best thing in the world so you just keep coming back to me and ross had managed it with carol she adored him and she hated being without him she was sad without him because she'd just been conditioned to want to be around him he'd almost trained her like brain washed her to only get her happiness from him it's so messed up so when he was about 25 26 years old ross got another job you know because he's always getting fired from his jobs this time he got a job working at amazon there were pretty normal nine to five shifts that he would work he would leave in the morning and then be back by the evening to have dinner with his mother and he would sit there at the dinner table telling her all about his new job and all about his shifts on whatever and she was so proud of him she was so happy like to see this progression in his life that he's i don't know he's actually doing something but little did carol know that this was all just another one of ross's lies and she'd fallen for it again there was no job at amazon he was still unemployed but he didn't want his mother to know that and so every morning he would leave the house and go to their caravan that they had about 10-15 minutes away and he would just chill there all day as if he was at work and then at 5pm he would get back in his car come home and be like oh what a day at the factory factory do amazon have factories what a day at amazon i mean by now in the case carol was barely seeing her daughter lorraine and actually lorraine had started to distance herself from her own mother and she was really upset about it she didn't want to do it but literally for her own health and for her mother's health it was what needed to happen they couldn't they couldn't keep going on these days out and having ross like storming in and breaking it up like it's just no one wants that but carol couldn't understand why lorraine was distancing herself and lorraine tried to explain it oh hundreds of times she was telling her mum like look what ross is doing to you she would always try and shake some sense into her mother but carol would just get defensive she would get angry at lorraine because let's be honest carol was so brainwashed by ross at this point that you know it was a lost cause lorraine had tried to explain it to carol but carol just couldn't understand she thought lorraine was just leaving her she thought that lorraine just couldn't be bothered with her anymore and she was really upset with her in fact she was so upset that carol went straight home and started making some changes to her will she took lorraine completely off the whole will as well as her older son as well so now the sole beneficiary of her whole estate her house all the money jewelry everything her car was all gonna go to ross carol said that she did this in consideration of the fact that ross has stayed with me and supported me and in doing so given up a large part of his freedom you can literally see in that quote how brainwashed she is by him he gave up absolutely nothing for her but why does she believe that he has because he's obviously told her that he has he's manipulated her into thinking that he put his life on hold to take care of her but he's never taken care of her a day in his life because she does everything around the house in 2013 it was ross taggart's 30th birthday and as a birthday gift carol paid for the two of them to go on a trip to new york city and people in their lives found this really surprising at the time actually because carol was doing really badly with her mental health and her depression she was like the worst she'd been in a while so people couldn't understand why she was just like suddenly upping and going to new york not to say that people with depression can't have fun that's obviously not what i'm saying but she didn't have energy and she was very apathetic about everything she didn't do things she didn't go on trips she didn't do things like that so that's why everyone was surprised not because she had depression and she was working through it they were just surprised because this is nothing like anything she'd done before and besides in general carol just wasn't one to spend money on holidays either they didn't really go on holiday abroad like at all they would only really go to the caravan that she bought all those decades ago that was just their family holiday home so they'd never felt the need to go abroad but for some reason there they were going everyone just thought that this new york trip was weird and it definitely smelled like ross you know what i mean carol wouldn't have done that off her own back it was definitely ross's doing so anyway they went away to new york and they had just a very normal touristy holiday they did all the huge things you know empire state building whatever else there is central park times square while they were away ross posted over 400 pictures of him and his mother on social media 400-400 bear in mind that his only followers are his family because he doesn't really have any friends and none of them like him either none of his followers like him so all of them just thought that he was posting all these 400 pictures just to show off just to like rub it in their faces that ha we're in new york and you're you're not you're in scotland but it was in these 400 and some photos that lorraine noticed something quite concerning about her mother carol seemed to have lost a lot of weight and she was quite frail quite weak she looked nothing like what she used to look like and lorraine was worried and so immediately she tried to get in contact with her mother to express her concerns ask if she's okay but when she did lorraine was met with a block because ross had actually banned their household from having visitors carol was just losing her access to the outside world at such a fast rate the only people that she was allowed to socialize with now were ross and the daycare staff that came in to help her run her little work from home daycare and i don't think she realized just how distant she was becoming from from the real world that was until 2014 when carol finally started to catch on to how ross was treating her it was almost as if this brainwashing spell that he had over her was starting to lose its power it was starting to break and she was seeing through it she finally realized that the reason everyone had been leaving her all her life her husband her daughter her eldest son all her friends it was nothing to do with her it was all to do with ross so now carol was starting to catch on to the fact that her son was taking advantage of her but she wanted to know to what extent he'd been taking advantage of her over the years so finally for the first time in like decades she decided to check her bank statement and that was when she saw all the excessive amounts of money that ross had been taking out of her bank account without permission and carol just couldn't believe it well no actually she could because she'd been getting these feelings about her son for a little while now she'd been getting these weird bad vibes about him and she hadn't understood why so now she knew she needed to step up her little investigation that she had going against her son she wanted to find out if he was actually working she wanted to find out more about this amazon job so she started to follow him carol started to stalk her son and she followed him to work one day and found out that work was just the caravan and carol just could not believe what she was seeing what she was learning about her son it was as if her whole life that she'd known was just crumbling around her and so that night when she got home carol taggett finally confronted her son about the way that he'd been treating her for decades the stealing the lying the manipulation the brainwashing and just as she expected ross flipped he was screaming at her he was you know he was having a go at her but she expected this she knew that this was gonna happen and so carol just sat there and let him do it she didn't she didn't like react she didn't give him anything finally when he'd finished shouting at her carol just told him that she thinks he should leave that he should move out and that they should be living separate lives from this point on in the heat of the moment ross was like fine okay i'll do it i'll move out whatever and then over the coming days once this argument kind of settled so did all of the threats and promises and stuff like that him moving out he never ended up going to any viewings you know they just completely forgot that they'd even said that he was going to move out the dynamic actually just continued as it always had which is such a shame the one time that carol actually stuck up for herself and it just didn't do anything carol is trying at this point she's trying to have a backbone but she just gives up on him too easily she gives in to him too easily i mean you know he decides he doesn't want to leave and she's like oh fine okay okay you can stare that december another argument kicked off probably about the same severity as the last one it was a really intense argument and it actually ended with carol saying that if he didn't move out and leave her alone then she would take him off her will completely that same day carol texted him saying apart from feed me you do [ __ ] all you're nothing but a sponger to me ross and that is where i'm gonna leave part one of this case thank you so so much for watching make sure you subscribe because part two will be out in the next few days make sure you've got my notifications on as well so you don't miss when that goes live and thanks again to chaos to five for sponsoring this video remember you can get 15 off if you go through my link which is forward slash eleanor it's also in the description of the video and that will automatically apply the 15 discount at checkout so you don't even need to worry just go for it girl go get yourself a new phone case a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting me and helping decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link to do so in the description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed this video you'll also enjoy this 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,695,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, storytime, carol taggart, carol, taggart, ross taggart, scotland, fife, dunfermline, the dunfermline monster, monster of dunfermline, ross, lorraine, lorraine bristow, 2022, scottish, scottish true crime, monster, the monster of dunfermline, britain, uk, mother, mum, mom, son, family, familicide, matricide
Id: 9py6dhTUhFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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