[OLD] Thomas the Tank Engine… ON PS1?! - Caddicarus ft. TomSka

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Ah yes, good ol’ Thomas the Tankin’ Dankin’

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DankMayMaysRUs 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
go to room 2 1 7 Thomas is waiting for you what are you can't you tell I'm TomSka the tank person all right Thomas is waiting for so you know my good friend Thomas the Train and I think that's what he's cool turns out he's a big fan of your video so he sent me here to give you a game he got stuck in his safety valve what I mean if the great Thomas the Train wanted to give it to me it must be good oh it is but it's not here yet give it a sec what the hell is that on your head it's my short stumpy funnel I need to stop asking questions you think that's cool you should see my short stumpy dome I'm leaving now wait don't go why I'm not picking that up you have to pay but it smells of poo yeah ok did any of you guys know that Thomas the Tank Engine had a game on ps1 exclusive to Japan yeah I knew it came out of the long hole on your head I wasn't asking you Thomas the Tank Engine is a train he's blue he has a face thanks for coming to my sermon I mean come on everyone knows who Thomas the Tank Engine is he's bloody everywhere [Music] you cannot escape the tank and that's quite an amazing achievement considering he's in a children's TV show and none of the trains face has ever actually moved except for their eyes almost like they're in some sort coma I watched TomTom the tank tank absolutely religiously as a kid specifically the Ringo Starr narration era an early Michael Angelus era before he started floating it in during the late nineties but I could have done without the bullying around being born with the same name is the most unlikable character in the show thanks for that guys all of the Jameses of the world appreciated also my girlfriend's eldest daughter had her own name for the show when she was a toddler Thomas the Tank Engine kid I just think that's funny the original run of the show from 1983 I still find to be very entertaining and charming kids TV it's relaxing looks authentic and unique with the brilliant use of sculptures and models and there's plenty of good moral lessons for the kids watching at home while most of the died in 1945 onwards books that the show was based on were written by a man known as the Reverend W Audrey and since the writing of these books many have looked back at the original series and noticed some strong political undertones such as the dismissal and threat against anything new for the steam trains like diesel fuel and air travel and even subtext hinting at authoritarianism around the home of the trains on the Island of Sodor and it's not hard to see why there are some outright dark and disturbing ideas around the economy of Sodor and how the workforce were treated if they didn't do their job perfectly in the eyes of the ruthless dictator that was the Fat Controller in many ways the trains were treated a little bit like slave labour being forced to work whenever they were awake being sold back and forth between different people to suit their needs not being paid and being punished in the most brutal methods possible for barely doing anything that bad to warrant it a train goes a little bit too fast and comes off the rails a few times take off his wheels turn him into a generator and let him watch his friends enjoy their lives from behind a wall until he dies what if a train gets too old and nobody wants to buy them don't give them a retirement package instead just throw the living and breathing train with thoughts and feelings in the scrap yard oh you know lock him up in a shed for about ten years and that mother nature bury him alive a train decides to stay in a tunnel for a little bit because he doesn't want to get wet from the rain Rik him inside the tunnel and never lay him out again while being able to see all of his friends enjoying themselves as they chug along past him this show was outright sadistic perfect for a kids game on the PlayStation right yes this is indeed a real thing that exists this is a 2000 Japanese exclusive ps1 game of our favourite tank in Duncan and it's called roughly an English kid station kick answer Thomas tuna kimitachi I think at least we definitely know it says kid station and not babe station this game was lovingly donates to me by a guy at too many games 2018 in Philadelphia and I did write down the guy's name but I later lost it sorry about that I suppose that's a good thing really because if this game turns out to be completely horrible you wouldn't want me to know your name all right here we go what does that say hey what's this ban pesto why would I want to do that oh okay no time for questions it's time for an FMV intro I mean I've seen worse it looks completely okay to me you've got the classic theme tune the characters are all here it's a bit grainy and pixilated it certainly looks like the show well except for Thomas's face a few years ago a man jumped in front of Thomas and he hasn't been the same since [Music] Thomas is that you oh god now what the hell's going on your belly in the game for five seconds and the babies this game was meant for a thrown into a random slideshow in case they didn't hit start the moment they begin the game I'm just gonna skip this is nothing really going on here and would you look at that we're at the station ready to hopefully play some kind of game as you can see we're in knapford because that's where all the children get kidnapped and all I know about Japanese ps1 games is that the circle button is actually used as a confirmation button instead of the X button which we're all used to in the filthy West so I mean I don't know what the piss any of this means so how about we just hit circle and see what happens did I do a thing with was the thing good you know I'm honestly starting to prefer this over ringo's voice what are you doing here can't you see okay well even though I have absolutely no clue what is being yelled at me or what any of this means what I do know is that I need to find the correct symbol by hitting the button that comes out of Thomas's funnel and that's it oh thank you sir Sir Thomas back at the menu oK we've seen what happens if I press circle so what about if I hit square oh well we get this lovely image of James here James murders my dog we also get to see the Fat Controller a little more clearly and there he is looking bloody horrendous what else is going on in the station though let's have a look well we have this guy over here licking a poster of duck but his head is covering the you so it looks like Johnson we so have this guy over here who's doing up lady to the kid down here and this guy here who's I don't know what he's doing anyway let's click on James because that is me alright ok so we count the people and hit the button with the correct number next to it and that's it we're done who's gaming the heart let's hit the square button again and see where we end up a whole law oh dear there's a fat controller option I can't wait to see what that has in store for us but first I just have to bring your attention to this man hiding behind James what is going on there anyway the Fat Controller minigame takes us to his office took your day ah yes sorry he's not called that everywhere else other than the UK is he Sir Topham Hatt the Vette controller Sir Topham Hatt the Fat Controller sorry the Sir Topham Hatt minigame takes us to his office and he's in a bit of a pickle because despite being the director of every train on the Island of Sodor he's forgotten what his main train looks like we picked the correct one Sir Topham Hatt does a little and then we get a lovely image of percy being crushed by a boulder what else can we click on this screen then oh look the clock itself is a character now I've seen everything we have to pick the correct time with the buttons but I can't read what the hell the Fat Controller is asking me so I'm just gonna have to guess what yes got it right he's a train conductor that can't read the time no sponsor oh man my VPN isn't fast enough I wish there was an Express version of it 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careening to its inevitable death why are these loading screens in a kids game what's this saying to the audience at home oh don't worry kids next time you're on a train you might not even be on the rails anyway now we happen to be done with this screen so we can scan across the screen number 2 Oh looky cookie more trains my favorite kind of public transport I can only assume then this means there's more games so let's give this one a click so it looks like Edward is about to join in with the fun Oh God what's happening No no what's going on what am i doing is this a race on our mat no 2012 wedding buzz now hitting buttons why's this person's house so small it appears one controller is how I should be doing it for Christ's sakes watch out Thomas remember flowers a trap oh no where is we slow down alright it looks like we won the race hey hey do you reckon on the Island of Sodor if a train loses a race against another trade it gets thrown into the scrap yard I was kidding alright next minigame time to click on Edwards face I'm really not sure what to make of any of this is this another race I don't know but the game wants me to pick somebody so I guess I'll pick Henry because it looks like he'll kill me if I don't Henry slept with my wife oh wait no it was a game where we had to pick the longest engine yeah I totally knew that's what we had to do I didn't guess that it only seems appropriate now to click on the Henry's face minigame on the main menu see where that takes us and there he is now oh man nice breats okay now we appear to have duck Percy and Edward but I don't know what to do since all the buttons have stopped working I've got no prompts I can't pause or exit what's going on Henry helped me oh oh wait a second is this a pic the train that was swapped over game that makes more sense now well yeah that's Toby ops and then we get another delightful image for the loading screen Thomas has cholera off to the Gordon minigame oh I hate Gordon my least favorite character I hated him as a kid and I still hate him today I mean look here he's already angry at me and I haven't even done anything yet alright he's about to drown well that makes sense I suppose I'd be angry about that too all we need to do is pick the correct track shape to help out Satan incarnate as a train and away we go onto the trains minigame next and believe it or not this was the first mini game I actually got completely wrong and not because I didn't understand the text or the object of the game I just had to match the face on the body but I swear to god this was Thomas's face but it was in fact actually Percy's face what kind of [ __ ] is that about am i that inept at Thomas the Tank in danken on the PlayStation what do you think the crime rate on Sodor is like you get booted back to the main menu and just when I thought we'd loop back around to the first screen we started on oh no way there's another page of minigames this is just spoiling me now we get to explore around the docks for a bit as it appears but overall different verse same as the first well except for this we click on the thomas minigame in it is yet another game i failed miserably at i can't remember the last time i soar a difficulty curve this steep not even joking i failed so badly at it that I didn't even get a second chance the game just ended when I got it wrong now come on I like to think I'm a reasonable boy so when I say this is majorly unfair because this symbol looks like it's telling me to smack the buttons as fast as possible yet the game punishes you for doing that would you agree that isn't my fault you can shut up honky the tonk eagle I mean I cannot be happy with myself if I let Thomas on ps1 beat me so I'm gonna try again and this time I figured out what you're supposed to do instead of following the on-screen prompt that babies are definitely going to look at just ignore that and hit the button wants to start filling Thomas's tank then a second time to stop when it reaches the red mark I do wish that was a little more clear and by the way if you don't press the button a second time Tamas wets himself from his face back to the menu again and now we have to move on to the cheeky little bill and Bill and Ben flowerpot drains what on earth could they possibly have in store oh it's another counting game well I'm pretty Pro it then by this point one two three four yes suck on that with your working mouths another James mini game is next on the agenda and you have to pick the correct animals and objects hiding in the trucks he's carrying easy enough and then we get another Sir Topham Hatt minigame yeah well more accurately it isn't a game we in fact get to create our very own train we get to pick a body some paint a face and even a funnel not with a lie this is really cool especially if you were a major Thomas fan back in the day I made a train called Gerard Way and he's an angsty young engine full of hatred that nobody understands and I think his funnel is overcompensating for something also he sounds like this or you could always make the ugliest thing imaginable like this lovely chaps hi so Ghostbuster after yet another minigame that this time is actually a mini game so what do we do here we need to wait for the crane to match with the correct object over the truck and then hit the circle button to drop it in pretty difficult stuff I mean what else can I say about it other than I guess showing you another image of inhumane train brutality when I'm done by the way the game is still going I'm actually kind of amazed I mean of all the other toddler games I played in the past I wasn't expecting any more than 15 minutes plus of total game time from this but to my surprise it just keeps on going it's got too much love to get I can't take the love that Thomas the tank is thanking in me we've got yet another page of minigames to do this time in the quarry we've got a jigsaw completion game and match the image against the dirty train game a memory game when you need to pick the correct train that will reach the station that you saw earlier [Music] fast and furious 6 and this game where we control Percy getting chased by falling boulders are you thinking what I'm thinking hell yeah I'm not gonna touch any buttons I want to see what happens late for it wait for it wait for it ohh slam dunk oh yes Percy is doubt and then Bull No oh my god this horrific boulder from one of the scariest episodes of Thomas and Friends appears out of bloody nowhere and traps us on the tracks forever while staring into our very being oh you don't know that episode the one where rusty is convinced there's a boulder that's deliberately trying to smash him and all of his friends because they're drilling into a mountain it sat on top and the boulder somehow manages to get off the mountain chase the trains around roll up hill get behind rusty when it was wrong in front of him a second ago and the episode ends with the Fat Controller suggesting there's a paranormal force living inside the boulder and the bother has a face and here's a picture of a dying traction engine there too oh my god I can't believe it there's yet another page of minigames to go through we start off with this one with a game that requires basic understanding of Japanese [Music] that I clearly really don't have so I got every single guess wrong and yeah yeah all right I think I'm done now I'm sure you've all got the idea by this point there is a lot to play with in this game but as you've seen a lot of it is exactly the same or I just don't bloody understand any of it as we go on there's some more counting games more memory games more correct path games more creative games like this coloring thing here yeah more mashing button games more matching games more correct timing games what more can I say about each of these games as individual entities anyway what do you want from me they're made for babies I can't add anything else besides the animal noises to store the audio levels saying that though consider me surprisingly impressed yeah consider me surprisingly impressed with this mother Chuck I mean yeah a simplistic and way too easy for any kids over the age of two but when I think back to other games I played in the past that are meant for kids especially games that are made for a slightly older audience like Tweenies game time this is better in pretty much every single way and this was meant for an older audience the graphics and music are much better done and way more appealing there's a crap ton more minigames to play with and things to see and discover when replaying certain minigames they actually change aspects of it so it isn't the same exact thing twice to keep it interesting for kids on replays and even though it's all in Japanese it's that accessible and understandable they even I could play it without any Japanese knowledge whatsoever helped along by the fact that you never use a d-pad only the face buttons and in fact when this game first came out it even came bundled with a specifically designed giant button pad so the extremely young children this was aimed at couldn't possibly get it wrong and it was wipeable in case Thomas made them sick I mean look in the menus for this game you even get tiny little character biographies I can't fault this game for the target audience it's adorable well I mean I assume their character biographies there could be eulogies for all I know the next question is why was it Japanese exclusive because I really don't know [Music] 400 oh brother it is that the time I'm I'm eating Percy just look what you've done to our breakfast now I shall have to cook some more she found the door [Music] but hey everybody thanks for watching this video sorry for the hair it swept back it sweaty it's greasy I've been drumming it won't happen again there will be outtakes at the very end of this video so please stay tuned and there will be outtakes not just from myself but from the lovely and the brilliant TomSka thank you so much dude for appearing in this video and and giving me the opportunity to work with you on some other projects on your channels and stuff I've been watching you since I've heard of YouTube since I knew what YouTube was I've been watching you so thank you for giving me that opportunity it was amazing fun working with you you've left us with some bangers of outtake so I hope you guys enjoy them too but first of all I just want to thank you again for watching this video and thank you to all the people on screen right now that without support this show and this channel via patreon would not be able to do this without you guys so thank you so so much and before we go special special thank you to the top tier patreon supporters for this month basal cyberpunk symphony crotchety old EMU Mitchell Reid ad Thorton Smith fart rules the mirthful misanthrope eva nightshade 96 but with loads of numbers to replace the letters MD the dude he is indeed the dude EXO Paz Matthew Hubbell Daniel LaRosa GTFO bri kachou matthew o'donald jacob Voyles TARDIS type 40 caleb sanders red-eyed critic i hope you get some spray for that zachary born ray Slocum Luke Jones Joey crew the game shed and as handle scar Millia Joshua Roberts the humble Oh Mike I'm just gonna read the email again Chris NSF 92 I I love that you're taking all of these really funny news but I can't say them cuz I get demonetized and Alex Van Kirk thank you so much every single one of you amazing people so he sent me and here's a pic Jesus you think that's cool you should see my shorts don't be dumb perfect for a kids can't you see I'm TomSka the tank person is the mirror here gonna be a problem here right hey what's up this is going in the video this was not planned but it's too good oh yeah look what you've done to our door what you've done to our front door no wait don't go kid icarus no wait dango youtube.com/ four slash kid icarus TV that's not the neck no wait don't go did you guys know that Thomas the Tank Engine had a ps1 game exclusive to Japan yeah I knew that so did I you got
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,490,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas, thomas the train, thomas the tank engine, thomas and friends, thomas game, playstation, ps1, bad game, retro game, game review, thomas train, gameplay, game reviews, completionist, thomas the tank, thomas & friends, trains, video game, bad playstation games, caddicarus, oneyplays, jontron, bad ps1 games, worst ps1 games, tomska, asdf, tomska asdf, comedy, funny, thomas ridgewell, sketch, benjamin cook, dean dobbs, darksquidge, asdf movie, asdfmovie
Id: 0xdgRM1dEQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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