THE HOLY WEAPONS OF THE EMPEROR | Warhammer: Boltgun - Part 1

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all right I mean I gotta be honest this is a this is a pretty great start the music is already slapping and not only that but you've got quite the um quite the aesthetic for the the main uh you know the look The Look is pretty good all right let's see the cursor though oh my god I didn't even notice the Cur the old school ultramarine Gauntlet cursor oh that's so good dude that's so good all right let's see it let's do it let's hit it oh [ __ ] okay [Music] launch for an enemy shoving them and dealing damage deflect enemy projectiles and prevent incoming damage and grenade I I love the love it's an old beaky Marine which are the old school Marines I got some kind of covering it a little bit excuse me I'm probably gonna need to adjust my face for it but um so we got the emperor protects training for initiates my armor is contempt a challenge worthy of the imperium's mightiest Warriors Emperor's Mercy only veterans will Triumph exterminatus not even a Primark could survive let's do hard let's do hard the emperor's Mercy maybe I'll hop back to exterminatus in a later date now entering off Target all right graya nothing once touched by the hand of chaos remains untainted you are under the Dominion of the order okay demon Hunters Mariah war was Space Marine One the first game meetings in the surrounding system at my suspicions although we have not had sufficient time to pinpoint the origin of these vowel images huh well most of the planet remains unaffected it is my belief that Rogue elements within the adeptus mechanicus may have been experimenting with a surviving fragment of Inquisitor drones oh [ __ ] this is literally like a sequel is to assist me in locating holy [ __ ] what I consider this threat extremely serious your superiors have seen Victor second only a handful of you July Supervision in the absence of a larger pulse we should pray to the emperor that this does not to them into a more dire situation This Server of skull will guide you oh my God the servo school has a brazier in Commodus Palace ah when I continue my investigation very good so far [Music] you should assume the situation to be extremely hostile this is literally a sequel to Space Marine One holy [ __ ] okay yeah because it ended with chaos arriving oh my God this is already such a good start the Sprite work is excellent indeed Sprite work is genuinely excellent so far okay uh Geo thank you for the 200 bits and Bs machine thank you also very very much for the 200 bits too uh off Target your deployment to graya didn't go as planned no matter a secure Armament bolster your faith and continue those Heretics don't know what's coming for them when his physical body is destroyed a demon is banished back to the warp this is correct couple things to do here I have already have way too high mouse sensitivity let's adjust that still too high all right better sorry Chad this is going to take a little bit that's pretty good okay um and then I am needing to move myself right here above excellent oh wait hold on yo the Space Marine stomping noises oh wow so look at my Servo skull look at him go all right so right click seems to be uh swinging well whatever what are the controls you might as well take a look right um key bindings move walk fire is left Mouse button reload is R melee is V or rice mount my uh right Mouse button e is used T is taunt space charge grenade run quick load save and then we'll weapon slots foreign holy [ __ ] it's literally Space Marine one point two the voice I think could be a Teensy bit deeper it kind of sounds a little bit more like a Guardsman than a marine but it's but uh he's still got some really good like uh gutturleness to it I'm doing good that's pretty good still that's pretty good all right wait most games like this have an idle animation I I really want to see it like old Doom games and [ __ ] always have an idol animation I wanna I wanna wait I want to see I need I need to know come on pause pause champ holy [ __ ] he's got the book man's reading 300 black men for two pounds two quid see uh oh my God Ari at six points a model man's got the Codex starties holy [ __ ] all right stop stop stop stop stop all right what we got so let's approach Medicaid to administer health all right chain sword application required press V oh my God it's so bloody so holding it charges it up it seems leap across barrier press space yo we got that HALO jump we got that HALO jump look at that look at him go fact that you walk around like a refrigerator because it's exactly what it's supposed to be like I'm moving genuinely like a refrigerator with the the sheer volume of the Stomps door operated by switch approach and press speed come here boy I love how the cultists try to run away first before anything all right yo we need the red key it's literally Doom I don't think these uh what is this accessing uh he requires charge use of Rapid charge advised wait use of Rapid charge advice just just in general or press the button and then go Ah that's what it wants me to do okay I get it hey oh yes the cultist champion yes indeed definitely the tougher one the key I mean all right I love how just the basic Armament is given this volume of importance it's that was actually a bit loud I'm gonna turn the game down by a tiny bit but um hot damn bolt gun strength four strength for indeed you know my apologies I must have accidentally hit the button and instead of turning the button we'll try that again ah the classic uh different noise when you get low on ammo sounds excellent job excellent job oh hey Ford like um lunge holy [ __ ] it's lore accurate bolt gun they just turned into a goddamn mist pergato and extremists oh Ambush detected purging complete ah you love to hear it what is this it's an old Relic Shields oh okay so armor in this game is called contempt I I don't think you get much more space Marine than that I'm not gonna lie you don't get a whole no you don't really get a whole lot more than that his armor is my armor is contempt his armor is literally contempt man has armor of contempt [Music] foreign this actually goes kind of hard uh Mountain batteries a trail through the mountains leads to the habitation Zone planetary defense batteries align the row routes as do Heretics find a way to the hab Zone Purge any resistance um the grav Cannon uses an enemy's Mass against them use it on tougher targets for greater I can use a graph Cannon oops all right so there's no good to note there's secrets says uh some can be hidden behind the seemingly normal walls have Zone objective near continue onwards little mini contempts foreign accurate bolt gun just this thing just makes a paste out of everyone it'll be a lot more lore accurate if they uh if it um what is it has a hard time killing Marines holy [ __ ] it's literally one shot this is hard mode too it's literally one shot this game is clamber absolutely based I want to do some melee oh shotgun ammo eh well you know what that means that means there's a shotgun to be had somewhere kind of a cool little background oh my God there's a there's like a Titan here a landing pad in sight Airborne traffic likely try to kind of like trying to look a little bit for some secret walls and stuff I'm pressing like used on a couple of them look at The Mulch on the ground I mean don't really need to spend too much time doing us every single secret I don't want to have to press e or shoot every single wall in the game because then I'm turning into Dark Souls Bob what is that oh that's the servo skill teleporting the key oh yeah I need to try a grenade wait I have the charge move could I charge through an enemy like themselves oh [ __ ] Space Marine 10 000 years my ass I mean granted that is a bit more lore accurate uh 20 dedicated bolt gun shots a wood indeed kill a Space Marine um you know it wouldn't one shot occultis oh oh you can you can press and like keep pressing to do a constant like [Music] damn good start yeah this is hard mode but it is the only it's like the second mission yeah I'm gonna out we you know we out here stun locking all the Heretics black Legion chaos Space Marine faction instead you decide to be abaddon's little poster boys yeah this this is hard mode but it's not too hard right now but we are very early on so all right all right hey I didn't choose to play as the ultramarine all right all right you can just charge through enemies that's lovely foreign that is lovely also don't forget Chad I'm a Stern Guard veteran all right I'm a bit of a high class boy that is just that is so fun I'm gonna go this way God damn I'm enjoying myself here let's get on this landing pad or dude what it or or let's get on the pad with the gigantic German World War II gun secret discovered I don't know what that power fist is but oh oh it's an iron Halo he's holding an iron Halo which is a for a invulnerable say which is it's a refractor field the fist is holding an iron Halo which is normally a refractor field like a like a so it might be some kind of um like invulnerability buff probably or maybe an insta kill stop it you it is times four damage oh uh geek disservice are you uh are you uh Dev you seem to be knowing a lot perhaps ah the Inquisition is here I'm gonna shut my mouth then oh she's got a heavy stubborn he was actually putting a bit of hurt on me for a bit all right oh wait there's something over there I want that and of course no heretic must be unpunished naturally see oh it's a big health pack got it boom boom boom slam he is lesser oh a plague toad lore accurate Space Marine name right there it's time for frog crunchy yeah you're at the plus one ballistic skill hey man I'm a Stern Guard veteran all right I'm a firstborn I don't remember exactly when this uh this one takes place but I've been alive probably hundreds and hundreds of years no I want the armor there we go that was a terrible grenade oh [ __ ] whoa is the HUD lore accurate oh absolutely not a Space Marine HUD has 9 000 little beeps of bobbles on it for all kinds of reasons but that would also make it look terrible in a gameplay perspective so out there we weep this these Space Marines have a lot of guns or have a lot of uh um what is it called a lot of grenades this game does go pretty hard so far I won't lie the devs know what they're doing they set out to make a doom game and God damn it that they are they doing a pretty good job so far there are going to be so many late 30s early 40s uh Warhammer players that are going to cream their Jorts over this game Kareem it was this the end of the level thing hell yeah foreign [Music] wait I missed two Heretics sector imperialis the streets are quiet too quiet the stench of heresy abounds looks like the local militarum's defenses didn't fare too well descend through the hab purify as you go oh he they even call it the hab they even called the hab these these I I wonder if it was a requirement for each Dev to listen to three [ __ ] um books narrated by uh uh Jonathan Keeble before you're allowed to work on the game God damn it chat this is definitely your fault and not my fault this is your fault why didn't you tell me that I was muted earlier chat you you absolutely I hate [ __ ] I'm so stupid I'm so sorry God damn it don't you [ __ ] weird don't you [ __ ] pause champ me [Music] minus one AP don't classic me don't [ __ ] classic me Oh I thought I could maybe charge through that all right Mr Game Devon chat I have a question for you obviously so far your soundtrack goes pretty hard but is there a specific level with a specific soundtrack that you believe to go particularly hard a personal favorite mind you oh there's the the golden Laurels oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yes yes foreign split the horrors split let's go soundtrack is dynamic so depending on the environment level intensity the action will ramp up accordingly yeah but that's not what I asked I asked if you got a personal favorite why are you up here with the uh with the administratum political answer there are no set soundtracks hard to give a favorite all right very well your answer is accepted [Applause] Granada wait Tango sucker what is this secret discovered is that just like max ammo or something it looks like a big ammo crate so oh oh here we go oh wait grenades are down there I love how the cultures just screamed like I can't tell if they're screaming in like chaotic anger or if they're more in a sense like oh my God it's a [ __ ] astarties shotgun foreign [Applause] hell yeah listen chaos is a hell of a drug all right Timmy also hey life tag thanks so much for the resub my friend I really appreciate it oh boy iron Halo you ready wait is that like a no it's not like it looks like a Minecraft pressure pad oh Max contempt the the Laurel's Victory or whatever they're called I forget what they're called The Laurels in particular ooh weird zinc and stuff one second chat quick text uh quick test text message to some people uh all right oh yeah shotgun strength three huh how funny is there a map no there's no business there's a map shotgun strength three bolt gun strength four got it I love that I can't wait for the plasma gun to be strength eight maybe seven ah here we are that's where I got a key over here funny sounds the cream strength so strength three is very low uh in the world of Warhammer strength three is very low but it's fine oh my God because we're fighting cultists I probably just won't be using it against uh Marines at least not much machine Spirits praise the omnisiah oh it looks like like an insta death or something oh set a flavor you ruined 9th Edition all right I don't know what the machine Spirit does uh with this with the shotgun but it's got that green skull on it so I'm gonna keep using it baby oh uh flamers were just really really really good uh when the demon codex came out that people were literally building lists to Tech into dealing with flamers key I will say it's kind of rare you actually use shotguns in uh 40K as a Space Marine so it's kind of cool to use normally it's the classic Bolter or equivalents foreign oh I love the the choir or just the organ or whatever is playing in the backgrounds wait yeah wait can we have the heavy Bolter when can we have the flamer my inner my inner um uh salamanders is needs needs it all right I know there is a melted gun [Applause] it's always so fun running into enemies like that all right Yee oh the the sound of the space ring smashing into the ground is so therapeutic yep Kraken bolt magazine oh the machine Spirit upgrades the weapons they do more damage depending on the enemy's strength gotcha uh yeah k-sons were really good because you could uh put uh flamers into them we got ourselves a kraken mag now huh giving me some some Death Watch feelings feelies here you know oh right the key here we are that took a lot of shots that took a lot of shots oh [ __ ] A tourmy anyway yeah cracking rounds baby oh big slam sounds flamers dead flamers all right I love the way that they did the um the pink horror splitting wow charging an enemy flamer normally not a good idea malum kaido oh now we know his name malam kaido I am death but this is foreign well a heavy stubborn cold just actually put down more damage than I thought they would imagine getting body checks by your by your uh your cousins from the the current Legion a blueberry body checks a 10 000 year old war veteran oops I pressed Q to swap weapons sometimes and I'm gonna keep throwing grenades all right oh [ __ ] militarum plasma gun Renegade goddamn gun sounds good as hell oh you know that's a good point can I Dash midair no I can't oh my bit rate oh yeah are you also missing both arms oh [ __ ] there's a tourmy over there oh [ __ ] oh you can you can Dash jump though foreign this is not God mode this is not God mode I still you can still take plenty of damage oh I [ __ ] that up foreign Cannon oh crap all right that's not Reaper Shane can that's a um uh Reaper Auto Cannon I'm out of ammo wait there's a gun in the center I didn't even notice the ships there's a [ __ ] plasma got in the middle oh there we go hey Terminator there's no way I can't overcharge this thing there's gotta be a way I'm gonna accidentally kill myself with this gun there's no way I can't trigger okay I'm scared I just finished this entire section I'm gonna wait a little bit warning redactive signature is volatile in this area okay I'm gonna try it in the next level [Music] no 99 [ __ ] silence Martyrs the only available route is through the Habs Mausoleum tread carefully through these sacred bones who knows what Spirits you might awaken God damn it are you enjoying us so far it's [ __ ] great all right so over charging it lets it fire faster but I noticed my contempt going down it was taking Health from me let's go ah snugglings they're dead so anyway these guys know how to make a good shooter it's really smooth it plays really well it's optimized extremely well which I mean I know it's it's like a you know Boomer shooter and everything like that so optimization is not as tough as something that's super high fidelity or whatever but um I only have only I've only ever gotten a frame drop once so that's when I load into a brand new level in which it loads the entire level and it's like a half stutter and then it's back to normal so far it's it's really working out well holding his ass I don't like how the nurgling sound kind of cute because that's kind of the whole point also uh Mr red dough thanks for the prime sub my friend welcome to the Stream enjoy absolutely zero ads emotes Etc et cetera Etc all right so we have a key uh card here and then so we're gonna go this other way yeah the man right the man's [ __ ] goat seeing me we have another key card here so there's two keys there's an upper pathway as well let's try that stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop Space Marines what was that nobody look at that look at him go oh big big jump yeah oh stop wasn't quite as exciting as I would have liked it's fine I'll be a shotgun day right now I'd say oh another whole shotgun I mean when you think about it a Space Marine should no have no problems dual building shotguns maybe not no problems this is a Space Marine based shotgun this is like a like a normal civi shotgun oh [ __ ] whoa we got a renegade plasma Gunner I gotta be careful that's gonna hurt oh yeah whoa hello here you go have fun kids play with that back in my game in the 50s we used to play outside with rocks here's your [ __ ] Rock Grandpa mobile infantry made me the man I am today missing legs foreign I have to do it sometimes you know I gotta do it Tony Stark killed these Heretics in a cave with a box of scraps oh boy uh hello so we've done a zinch level so far and now we're on a nergal level there's the key uh the first level was a simple heretic um astartes and cultist level so I wonder if after this we might get a corn level and then a slanesh level at some point as well fight some um big booba demonets and then a bunch of [ __ ] blood letters and maybe even a bloodthirster in the uh in the future who knows agitating medical artifacts a little bit uh all right truly the most important question of all how are the jiggle physics in Warhammer bulk gun oh we're back here oh yeah that's right because I got the I got the key it's so far so good I love how the nerdlings are wearing death guard helmets makes you wonder if I might find fight some uh bubonic astartis in the past or in the future wow this dude's spitting there vomit at me I gotta be honest I don't know if the game is just not overly hard or if I'm just a gamer but hard mode is uh I'm breezing through this right now now it's not exterminatus mode mind you but uh we may need to try some of that out next time around as true it is only the beginning it is only the beginning external exterminatus Perma death run incoming oh man you know normally I'm not into that kind of stuff but I might be a little into that kind of stuff more plasma gun resting place of Imperial Heroes found and descended to continue oh there's some big Mexican tent over here wait last time this happened there was a gun is there another gun available oh my God I just got hit by I think a plasma gun that hurt really bad it did say descend below to go to the place of Imperial Heroes foreign armor of contempt as they say what was that what is that something is teleporting and making a mess oh there's a plague it's a it's a thick tone fires plasma gun at nurgling the proper use of the imperium's finest weaponry foreign God damn they keep spawning in I wonder if I need some close the portal no this is like a level Ender I think oh no remember how I said I was a gamer now I'm starting to actually take good amounts of damage I actually need to be a little careful here got licked I got a [ __ ] I'm stuck foreign I might be able to pull this off let's go let's go Purge complete I was actually starting to get pretty tough I was actually very close to dying there suffer not the heretic to live oh I'm missing a key probably up above there or maybe not maybe down oh down below that's right there's the Hall of Heroes a bunch of caskets among other stuff and then there's that piece couple Relic Shields and stuff ah go through here hello key step stop step stop step damn it's even more to this level hot damn all right Captain key wait do you guys hear the sound of the shell ejecting on the ground hold up foreign wait why is that like the best show clattering sound I've ever heard wait why is that actually really really good why the hell does does this bulk gun this is this fun like Doom uh type style retro shooter have one of the best uh ejected shell sounds out there yeah Foley artists my guys good goddamn job holy [ __ ] proud of y'all extend my regards please also egg uh morning breakfast finish King maker yesterday gotta say if I wasn't already wasting the Imperial Guard I would be starting a night Army really good book definitely recommend yeah I know right dude if I see a knight in bulk gun I'm gonna cream my Jorts cream them I don't think there will be one but I might okay looks like I'm about to get um yep ambushed again Purge all right give me The Buff I actually don't have as much health as I would like I'm looking for some of the higher volume enemies right now I'm seeing her oh there we go I'm seeing some Renegade and auto gun cultists for the most part I should have saved that for later it's all right my face is my Shields we've all been taught properly big big big bug or big toe big toad oh I'm dying I am dying yeah holy [ __ ] that hurt oh oh we're good all right come on it is Wednesday my dudes where is where's the Wednesday nurgle frog what does that sound what does that sound like a doomsday Bell Shin is coming action is coming what is that why is that the feeling I'm getting right now oh cracking bolt gun magazine that is a chaos Terminator let's go oh that was a little bit hard glad I found that weapon when I did okay suffer not poof oh I am a sturgeon Dr Han joller Dr Han joeller Medicare resupply thank you servitor skull Anderson a trench coat your name always makes me laugh I started paying my sister to pay Amaze before I was wondering if I can get some pointers criticism on my color scheme uh drop it in the minis and painting channel the Discord and I can hopefully look at it later today at the moment though it is bolt gun time 100 kills come on [Music] that's such an oof
Channel: Bricky EP. 2
Views: 207,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricky, Big Brick, BigBrickyPlays, warhammer boltgun, boltgun, boltgun playthrough, boltgun let's play, boltgun 40k, warhammer boltgun game, boltgun game, warhammer, warhammer 40k
Id: iVuieZz2XJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 15sec (3735 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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