ALL CHAOS SPACE MARINE DATASHEETS - 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Rules

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all right now that I've properly gone crazy and completely skipped over the death watch uh with which you know I mean it's fine like there's seven total death watch players out there I'm sure they'll be okay uh we can get into to real factions now actual dark God loving factions right now we're not gonna go through all of chaos at one time good God no good good God no uh we're gonna go through them one by one uh but we're gonna start off with the one that I care the most about because it is one of my favorite armies it is the chaos Space Marines uh sisters always have top spot but right under sisters guard and like CSM are kinda tied but uh good old um night Lords are just they're really up there for me so we are going to talk exactly about all of them uh chaos Space Marines and there's a lot to answer because we don't have a lot of uh of answers for a very specific things um so it's extremely excited so to agree to go over the whole thing again they're army-wide ability is dark packs which is every single time you shoot or fight you can give every weapon in that unit lethal hits or sustain hits one and then afterwards they must take a leadership test if they fail it's D3 mortal wounds it is uh make very questionable deals with the dark Gods to kill things faster there is this truly nothing more chaos Space Marine than that right there so past that there's also a little thing that shows how many of certain you know other Army faction things you can bring uh the amount of points basically so you want to bring in a whole bunch of uh circus Marines plug Marines Etc you just bring in this uh 500 points for Strike Force though we don't know what the Detachment rule is so let's do that oh Detachment rules okay um when mustering your army each time you're such a starting unit a heretic Stars unit from your army if that unit is not an epic hero and does not already have one or more of the keywords listed below you must select one of the keywords listed below for that unit to gain uh note which units gain which keywords in this way on your army roster each time a unit with one of these keywords makes a dark pact it gains the associated ability below until the end of the phase interesting so it affects entirely the dark Pact and it has these things restrictions uh you cannot use corn for a cycle that makes sense a character unit with the leader ability can only be attached to a bodyguard unit with the same one above that makes sense you can't have a nurgle Lord with with a Sonic legionaries all right so corn blood fairy in the fight phase of this unit's weapon gained the lethal hits ability this phase as a result of dark pact unmodified Hero 5 of squishy critical hit okay so fives and sixes Auto wound in melee for corn during the dark pack that's actually extremely good and maybe a little too good not gonna lie uh zeech is the exact same thing except it is um in the shooting phase yep nurgle oh oh These are all um basically the same thing nurgle is shooting sustain hits one five up and then slash is sustained hits one five up in melee so it's uh it's five up or become sixes in shooting for zinc and nurgle except it's just lethal and sustained and corn it's uh you know lethal and sustain fight and fight um and then undivided is Glory to chaos Eternal model this unit makes an attack reroll a hit roll of one I don't think there is any situation in which this is not better I think a dark God is always better like like every time um yeah I I don't think they cost points it says you just he does not already have one or more of the keywords below you must select one of the keywords listed below for that Army you're for the unit to gain okay um I mean I'm not gonna lie uh this looks incredibly strong uh this is this is setting off my warning lights in my ears saying uh this looks a little too strong um we we've noticed the issues that come with a lot of situations now granted you have to dark packed uh which means that you there's a good chance a good chance there's a chance um that she'll just take D3 mortal wounds for your efforts and that could you know that is an issue and you only get this when you dark packed so it's specifically for that and only for that but I'm not gonna lie this is looking a little good um like uh particularly on vehicles I think uh zinch Vehicles might end up being really nasty Auto wounding crap wait if you can uh it's like one of the keywords listed below heretic studies units epic not epic hero oh yeah yeah I guess maybe Vehicles don't have dark pact on their data sheets well we'll find out really soon won't we um I'm not gonna lie this is looking really strong uh I I honestly would have maybe had other choices instead but um oh boy I don't think glory to chaos would be better in any way shape or form I think that these always I think um from a because because sustained hits is basically plus one two hit think about if you if you hit with um on threes but sixes generate an additional one it's kind of like you were hitting on twos because you gained the extra one that would have been the twos right if it's perfect obviously uh there's a lot more um swinginess in it obviously how many sixties you roll there's a lot of that from a a general a general like average perspective exploding six to sustained hits one is plus one a hit so in a sense this is plus two to hit in the shooting phase of your nurgle plus two to hit in the uh fight phase if you are sonesh and then this is depending on what you're fighting with lethal hits like big tanky stuff so it's a lot better than reroll wants to hit in a ton of ways so all right we'll see how that turns out anyway strats infernal rights your opponent's shooting phase oh Target it's until the end of phase worse than the attack Target oh it's literally just armor of contempt wait wait wait hold on your opponent's shooting phase or fight face just after enemy unit has selected his targets One Hair take a start using Army they'll selected as a the target of one or more attacks so in the phase each time I attack targets your unit or something yeah was armor of contempt 2cp on the other ones I thought it was one CP hold on hold on yeah it is one CP what the heck what the heck guys what the hell you just slap us with the the worst version Oh two CPR more contempt what the heck ah whatever Eternal hate one CP one heretic starters unit from your army that was looked as a target of one or more of the attacking units attacks fight phase to the end of the phase each time a Model news destroyed if the model is not fought this fate ah so it's a fight on death with plus one if you are corn fight on death on a three up is pretty solid that's very good wait don't Space Marines have a fight on death it's two CP for the fight on death though I think but I think it's final and death no matter what only in death to do the ends I think it's like I don't think there's like a roll and whatever profane Zeal you're shooting a fight phase until the end of the phase each time a model in your unit makes an attack reroll a hit roll of one and a re-roll a wound roll of one if your unit is cast undivide you instead re-roll a hero and wound oh [ __ ] oh that's really good although that's a good reason to take chaos and divided never mind I've changed my Minds full rerolls are way different um oh crap one CP for that holy crap oh God oh yeah space range looking really good um they're looking really good oh no oh no skin shift what I have to read this with the dark cause and the powers of the warp on their side cast Space Marines can cheat death altogether their foes look out in horror as killing wounds knit themselves together in a cacophony of hideous cracks and squelches and shattered armor reforms such a blessing the harajick of stars are both slowing far greater and far less than they once were that is crazy um one Heretics authorities unit from your army one model in your unit regains of the three lost wounds in addition if your unit is a zinch unit below its starting strength one destroyed model excluding characters is a return with full runes remaining ah so it's basically the dark packed heel um that the master of possession could do uh just the heel part but if you're zinc it's the heel plus the revive except it's only it's um uh it's actually three not D3 that's pretty cool uh and then we saw we saw a dark obscuration that is um basically give a unit stealth which is minus one I hit uh or uh lone operative basically which it with nurgle is really good uh like really really good one CP for this is crazy um and then a natural swiftness I'm assuming is the sonesh one to the end of the turn your unit is able to do a shoot and declared charge which is turn it fell back uh but if it's you can do it also in a tournament which in advanced so Advanced and shoot in charge of your slavesh I'm not gonna lie these are looking really good uh I'm a little worried because I I don't like it when my armies are busted I like them when they're like a nice like a minus I like a nice a minus when they're an S it's it starts I'm like oh um but uh we're looking at we're looking uh look good we're looking a little strong okay um all right so enhancements ah the towel oh one two three four five there's five oh okay sick of burning blood add one uh only oh because there are only on the undivided corn nurgle Etc okay uh corn model only add ones the attacks and strength of the bearer each of the Bears unit makes a dark pack in the end is straight into the phase add D3 to the attacks and strength characteristics instead um it's pretty corn it's pretty cool uh zinch each time the Bears unit makes a dark pact take a leadership test for the bear if that test is passed you gain one CP so it's an additional dark pact I'm assuming uh so it's two two tests one for the death one for the pain and one for the uh leadership that extra CP this is pretty good though that's all ICP um orb of unlife uh at the end of the fight phase roll one D6 for every enemy unit within six inches of the bear add one to the result of the Bears who made a dark pack that phase on a four up that enemies you suffers D3 morals all right so it's just you run in there and you go blah which is a pretty nurgle thing and then Slane the bearer has the five of them paint ability Oh that's oh it's model it's model okay I thought's unit he's from the bear uh shoots or fights as the Bears unit made a dark pact actually the Bears was resolved those attacks like one mute that was hit by it okay battle shock cool cool makes him do a battle shock test and then cast into volume he's done the Bears unit makes dark packs of the women's gain ah both they gain both abilities um okay okay I would say that the library hereticus would be probably one I would take thanks to the stratagem I originally was not so interested in casting invited I've changed my mind um the one CP Strat for full re-rolls to Hidden wound plus lethal hits plus sustain his is kind of nutty uh God and then I would probably take the eye of zines this looks really good and uh oh I do like orbivon life but you have to get up to them so I'd probably take I don't know these two for me undivided in zintra Autos the other three I don't know they're all pretty decent they all have some good I for me I guess it would be probably intoxicating Elixir depending on what I'm putting it on demon Prince um Disco Lord something big all right let's get in here Abaddon the war master okay the war Master the war Master calls and you must answer I'm going to adjust this so it's a little bit easier to look at there we go all right um we've already seen the war Master before he is a leader nine wounds two up five or five toughness not crazy but he's a leader that's the whole reason as a leader he's uh not as crazy with like his stat line um yeah if he does not fail the leadership test he gets a CP on with dark Destiny uh and then his various abilities are fully rolls to hip which is uh pretty crazy and actually makes the actually makes all the the under the chaos marks and stuff really crazy because he has all of them if you never you notice that he has all four marks so with four wheels rolls to hit it's actually terrifying because oh God that's so good because on five up that that changes everything for these guys it would actually make me want to run the sustained hits one instead but I guess you get all of them wouldn't you you would just get you would just get all of them good God um the floor painful is really good and the re-roll is also good for the bowel shocks and stuff so all very very solid um he can be attached to legionaries or Terminator squads and he must be your warlord which makes sense because David on all right I mean that's all we just saw most of Avalon already so we can move through Harkin Harkin has T4 three up save Five Wounds 12-inch move um he is chaos undivided at the moment I don't think he gets anything he's epic hero so he doesn't get anything else um so he has the Hell spear which is assault sustain hits D3 which seems to be the new like beam weapon is a sustain hits D3 that's like his house been adjusted uh which is a bit bizarre but uh hits was it strength AAP three three damage yes pretty good um same thing with the Hell spear for the extra attacks exact same profile in melee but he also has Harold's talim which is six attacks of 522 with Precision which is not too bad M um well this model is leading a unit each time the my model student ends a charge window sites one enemy unit with an engagement Ranger rule one D6 for each model in this model so you're not on a four period okay so they have the um I'm assuming you can be ran with Raptors yeah so um he runs with Raptors and then he like slams into them and does Mortals while an enemy unit is within six inches of this model and the battle shock step that enemy unit is below the starting strength that must take about shock test this ability cannot cause a unit to take two bowel shock tests in the same phase so it's the classic uh my uh you're losing if you've lost anybody you have to take battle shock I mean it looks fine you know the Mortal wounds on the head taker are the thing that I care more about uh he's not particularly tanky or anything um but uh with with some right hits you might he might hit pretty hard uh depending I I need to figure out if you gain like sustained hits does that go on top of the sustain hits you already have like if I dark packed him in melee for sustained hits does that give him even more I don't know I don't know so I need to figure that out all right uh here on the blood Reaver so T4 three up Five Wounds pretty classic um four up in full he's also on the vitam tyron's claw is a somewhat souped up heavy flamer something too crazy there uh you've either got his exalted weapon which is the exact same profile as Harold uh Harold five two two or the claw itself which is four two one like a sweet mode I'm gonna talk a lot I get like hiccups in the morning I don't understand why what the hell that is all right the Tyrant of bad AB well this model is leading a unit added one to the OC characteristics of models in that unit that's all right pretty good um okay he's got a redeploy that's also very good the red Corsair move okay that's pretty good too and then his uh his funny monkeys knowledge thing once per battle when an enemy unit ends a normal events or fallback move with a nine inches of this model unit uh it can and now it's engaging range you can make a normal move into D6 okay so he basically is just kind of a movement guy he can get closer or fall or go back or whatever he needs to do uh and then he also has a redeploy and he has extra OC and you know he ten attacks at four two one certainly will hit especially if you uh do a um dark pact which means he will be re-rolling ones to hit which was actually really good considering he's wounding on twos all right uh he can be put with Chosen and legionaries I'm kind of interested in the avadon can be brought with chosen all right the demon Prince so the demon Prince is T10 T10 to up save and 10 wounds ah he's not a leader so demon Prince is not a leader okay he has a four pinvole which is all this is is a huge buff honestly but that makes sense because he can be shot now um he has the infernal Cannon which is the fun gun thing at five one two so it's a heavy Bolter uh that hits on twos all right basically heavy bull turn and then he's just got hell forged weapons so ax or doesn't matter six attacks at 823 or 14 attacks at 601 pretty good pretty good and then he has his demonic Allegiance which is if he is Quorum he adds two to the strength of his weapons which is pretty good he goes to 10 and a and eight if he's zeench he gets three more shots with his gun it's actually six shots of that gut is pretty good uh if he's nurgle he's toughness 11 and if he's he moves 10 inches not eight uh you know all these things are pretty fine um his daily demise funny enough so while a heretic Stars unit is within six inches of this model each time arranged attack is okay to him on that unit that model has oh he gives the benefits a cover Eastern small shoots for fights while resolving those attacks you can reel one hit and one wound all right so he's got a um the the Eldar thing the the reroll the foresight re-roll one hit one wounds interestingly he gives a six inch Aura of cover huh didn't really expect that I mean he looks pretty Juiced you know he moves decently well he's got pretty good uh overall overarching stat line T10 10 wounds especially with a four-up involve he can be shot though so he might just die immediately or he might be pretty good I don't know uh we'll certainly have to see um he looks good though certainly and then uh yep no nothing changes to there as I said what about the winged one all right here's the winged one so the winged one loses the toughness he goes to T9 um but he gets an extra four inches of move and of course fly uh same thing with all of the weapons however there are some differences over here and then sitting with all this uh each summer model ends a charge move such one enemy with an engaging range of it and roll 1d6 for each of the model's remaining wounds for each four opt-interm unit suffers one moral wound to a maximum of six of the models engaged of this model's remaining wounds oh God it's like 10. 10 for UPS to a Max of six that's pretty good that's actually really good that's a big slam directly in the face of them uh each time this model ends a normal or advanced moves like one immunity it moved over it must take a Bioshock test well that's a good way to Force battle should I just fly over them and cause problems you know I I will say they actually they both if they're the same cost seem relatively balanced the faster movement is really great and the Fly will get you in there plus slamming into them will do a lot of good Mortals uh but the um other demon Prince is a bit more a bit more strong with its re-roll one hidden wound and uh Tanki it's a tanky basically the the ground demon Prince is a uh tanky one to buff everyone else and the flying one is just go out there and murder which is kind of the whole point of demon Prince's originally was a flying one was go out there and murder that seems kind of neat baby is bile oh Mr bile he's uh one acolyte yeah one acolyte he of course is casting divided because he think gods are cringe she doesn't think they exist um he is a leader with a final female pain makes total sense uh he has this wacky old Needler at anti-infantry to a pistol three shots at two one two it's infantry basically uh and then his melee is the six attacks the rod of Torment at five one three pretty good two more attacks with his fancy uh medical tools and one you know shitty attack by his surgeon um if this unit is attached oh so who can be attached to chosen in legionaries oh that's pretty good um if this unit is attached to a unit at the start of the battle until the end of the battle add one to the strength characters who ended up to quit by bodyguard models and had one of the toughness of bodyguard models oh [ __ ] that's very good T5 legionaries all right uh once per turn when it attacks allocated to a model in this unit if this contains Fabius bile you can change the damage characters to zero ah so you put the attack onto the Acolyte and it blanks it the first time the students Fabius bile model is destroyed roll one D6 on a two up set it back up on the battlefield as close as possible whereas destroy him um with full wounds remaining if his mom was attached to a universe destroyed it must be tied oh wow it's literally a Celestine it's a Celestine revive hot damn that's actually solid extremely solid damn plus went into strength and toughness of the of the unit too damn bile you actually they're not too bad you might not be the greatest thing ever but I mean with the right like big brick of chosen or something like oh that could actually be pretty nasty good job bile you actually might have a point this time Cipher lone operative yeah no [ __ ] um see four up involt T4 Five Wounds all right so Cipher's got his bull pistol and Plasma Pistol both with sustained hits one both assaults six attacks with the bolt pistol at four one one or three with the Plasma Pistol at 832 and then six attacks with his big fisty fists once per battle after your opponent uses a stratum he has a vect all right so plus one to the cost of Strat is pretty great each time an enemy unit is like to shoot if one or more of those targets uh attacks targeted a friendly heretic Star as you know within three inches of this model actually the enemy unit has finished making his taxes small can shoot as if it were the shoot phase but all but when on dude someone's only Target huh so he has a shoot back at either him if they fire at him or nearby units um but his guns are only 12 inch range so they have to get really close which means they can shoot him uh so I'm a little unsure about that because it just means that once they can shoot him that means that they're able to uh you know uh he could shoot back then I'm not sure how useful that ability will be I'm giving him a vector's cool though it's I mean effect is always great so that's that's nice to have um means guns are certainly not bad but it's just a little iffy um he doesn't have a mark though either which is unfortunate there's no there's no chaos undivided or anything down there so you won't get reroll ones to hit if you dark packed him to shoots which is really unfortunate um master of possession okay some non-epic Heroes now uh t43f or classic leader stuff um so uh right of possession is his witchfire it's a two-shot pistol with massive anti-siker and precision at 432 or 633 um so it is basically just a a trying to you know you're trying to possess the guy like and trying to screw with his brain um and yeah Master possession is a pretty anti-siker guy it's kind of his whole shtick um to to screw with other psychers the staff of possession is also anti-siker two up and four attacks at six one d three um it's it's fine you know it's like a little bit of extra shooting it's not the worst thing ever but The Demon King in part here well this model is leading a unit add one to advance and charge rules made for that unit and models and you don't have the six up field no pain advantage of charge 60 I mean yeah that that's not bad you know here's a fight as well I forgot about that part um once per phase when while this model is selected to shoot or fight it can use his ability if it does this model's unit suffers one mortal wound and until the end of the phase each time this model makes a psychic attack I don't want to hit and wound roll which is one that hit win wound roll for this thing right here which like it's fine I guess nothing that special it's not really it's not really uh really grabbing me it's not really grabbing me um I like this except I feel no pain in the advancing charge thing there and I mean like these two shots are like not that bad but I'm not quite sure if he's really grabbing me overall as a units not like he used to chosen Legionnaire and possess oh he can oh he can be brought into possessed uh changes things maybe a little bit okay he has an eight inch move oh okay I changed things a little bit because giving possessed advanced in charge and I feel no pain is way different than giving legionaries and chosen okay maybe maybe it's about to be possessed the chaos Lord all right so everything here is what I expected bullet pistol puzzle pistol the whole thing Demon Hammer is uh hits on threes eight two two devastating wounds that's that's a thunder Hammer this is all what I expect him Lord of chaos is the exact same thing as rights of battle uh Target with a strategym for zero CP even if it has already been used uh I won't lie with good old chaos um undivided getting two full rerolls to hit a wound could be insanely good uh we'll see how that turns out uh chance for Glory once per battle at the start of the fight phase of smoking disability if it does until the end of the phase improve the strength attacks armor pen and damage of melee weapons equipped by models by one all right all right not not like amazing amazing but it increases the damage which is pretty cool uh attack strength armor so if I just write him with like a power fist let's say he bought he bangs that out it's six attacks at strength nine ap3 damage three you know this actually is pretty good now I think about it maybe I was talking too much [ __ ] that actually isn't too bad at all right so so the generic Lord has basically the same thing as the Cs as the regular space stream one writes a battle which is fine um chosen legionaries are as two main things and uh yeah what's the accursed weapon yeah it's just a power up with an extra attack that's right all right um cast Lord and Terminator armor has the same thing um he has a Combi Bolter or a Combi weapon God damn it with all that crap his exalted weapon is basically an accursed weapon but with damage two he has pared a Curse weapons which I'm assuming are the the lightning claws which have the exact same stat line as Lightning claw and then uh each time showcase so he has Lord of cast but he also has half damage far up involves six wounds two all right half damage and I'm assuming you go with Terminators yeah all right nothing too crazy yet sorcerer he literally has a Smite it's the exact same thing this is a Smite D6 shots Five One D three or six two D3 devastating wounds hashers Etc force weapon it is exactly a Smite well this model is leading a unit minus one from the hit roll that's pretty good each time this model selected to shoot or fight after resolving his attacks like what an immune that's been hit by one or more attacks that has the psychic ability you must take a leadership test if the test has failed so there's D3 Mortals okay so you smite someone and if they fail the leadership has to take D3 models it's pretty good honestly it's actually pretty nasty too because if you uh dark packed you can as a sorcerer you can actually make your Smite really really good either through rerolls or perhaps um zechian lethal hits or actually I would probably take the nurgle one nurgle sustain hits on a five up to possibly pop that devastating wounds all right cool sorcerer chosen legionaries again yep Terminator armor sorcerer is same deal for the most part except obviously stat line uh his chaos familiar lets you blank a Save which is very cool that's nice but um and then no warp time while a small is doing a unit you can re-roll advance and charge rolls hey that's pretty good if you're coming out of uh with the Terminator Squad coming out of deep strike hey hey hey hey hey hey hey at the start of the shooting phase one psycho with this ability can use it if it does select one immune within 12 inches and visible to that cycle and roll at 1d6 I want to take these three Mortals um and I'm gonna two up until the start of your Next Movement phase each time an attack targets the enemy unit improve the AP by one okay no more turning off involves which makes sense because we've for the most part completely removed that from the game minus the vindicare Assassin I think um that is okay so it basically just makes your AP by one which considering how guns are nowadays in 40K I would say that's actually pretty cool and and genuinely worth running so uh warp time sorcerer with uh Terminators making all the storm bolters like AP1 you pop down hit him with the thing with uh death hex and give rerolls to charge eh not too bad oh Lucius Lucius all right so he has a souped up heavy flavor which is cool do a sword and lash of Torment is eight attacks at five two two with the Precision rule to kill some characters which is a very lucious thing to do he has fights first which is very nasty nowadays and while he's leading a unit the models also have fight first which is also really really good holy okay um armor of shrieking Souls each on this model is destroyed by an attack made by an enemy unit each time um that unit must take a leadership test if that test is passed the enemy suffers D3 Mortals the test test is failed the enemy unit suffers D6 Mortals if moral is inflicted in this way destroyed that enemy unit set this model back up on the battlefield as close as possible to where it was destroyed and now with an engaging range of any enemy models with D3 wounds remaining if the small was attached to unit that was destroyed once we sit back okay that is absolutely hilarious that is okay I'm sure fans of Emperor's Children and Lucius are very happy with this so because the idea is that if you if you kill Lucius and you take pride in killing Lucius you like become lucious that's the whole the whole problem with him hence the armor full of faces um but so if you it says if he's destroyed it doesn't say in melee it just says destroyed so if they fail the test they take DC six Mortals and if it kills the unit that killed them then he just comes right back alive which is absolutely hilarious there's a lot of things that have to happen for this to work not only do you have to have them fail to test but you also need them to die because it says the enemy unit not model needs to die by the D6 mortal so there's a lot of very specific things to come out but if you roll hot enough and they roll poor enough it can be pretty hilarious I like that a lot Lucius also yeah noise Marines okay the Disco Lord I've been very curious about this Galore is one of my favorite models 10-inch move T9 two up save 10 wounds uh with a five up involve naturally okay nothing like not insanely tanky but he's okay he's actually squishier than the than the foot demon Prince I'm a little surprised by um he has the Bale flamer which we've seen before it's very solid now uh or the auto Cannon is the other option you can take which with it being damaged three now might actually be something you might consider over the Bale flamer but not really for me also the Bale flavor lost some range so actually even more of a reason to maybe take the autocam um he also there's also the magma cutter which was replacing the technovirus injector right which type of virus injector is an anti-vehicle one extra attack now at three three two eh that's not great I don't love that I would probably actually the mat wow this I'm turning this all in my head no Bale flamer no title virus injector we're using the auto Cannon magma cutter build what in the world who am I actually might hit the Bellflower still um but but the magma cutter sounds a lot better got what in the world um goddamn so uh he has also his impeller chain glaive at 622 with four attacks with Lance and then four extra attacks the blade Limbs and Tails at six one two okay so he has actually been dropped in power substantially um he has way fewer attacks overall less AP um and all kinds of things uh less damage with a technovirus injector this it's actually a pretty significant drop in terms of melee damage the range is about the same but this melee is actually down a lot no mechatendrils either um no four extra technical tendrils once returned at the start of the opponent shooting phase like one enemy vehicle you within 12 and visible you must take a leadership test if it uh oh God it's like the other one we saw subtract one from the hit roll and if it's passed is not eligible to shoot at all okay which is very strong at the start of your shooting face looks wanted to be enemy vehicle unit within 12 of this model so the end of that phase so my hair is going to start his mama makes the type of targets that unit we really wouldn't roll up one okay so he's got a little bit more of like a character support role now as opposed to just a pure murder man um corrupt machine Spirits as we mentioned before probably won't come into play much because your opponent can move out of 12 if they have the ability to you can always block them in or get them in melee and that can cause real problems but other than that it's still a a good thing to be scared of especially with a 10 inch move um as for a spirit thief that is not bad because you just at the start of the shooting phase you pick the vehicle within 12 which means not only can your army reroll would roll against of one against it but so can you and it's a wound roll so the Bell flavor will work um for the vehicle corrupting guy he doesn't really do a great job at killing vehicles um maybe with Lance it might be a little bit better but he doesn't do much if you I mean you might gain one extra attack for two damage against the vehicle or techno virus injector but if you want to really kill Vehicles I'd take that magma cutter honestly and then get up really damn close into their Grill and just burn them huh yeah hmm oh oh he himself is not a vehicle huh that's actually a pretty substantial Nerf as well because that means he can't fire into combat or out of combat he can only choose bolt pistol so at least in combat he can only pistol you huh Because unless mounted have a have a different have a different rule set but I don't hmm I don't know if they do I don't know how to feel about disco dorm I feel like he might be losing some points hopefully all right the warp Smith uh two up save but pretty standard stat line besides that he has all of his funny little tendrils his multitendril his plasma tendulums flamer tendril all kinds of little weapons to go along there uh and also he has his melons itself which is either his warp Hammer which is fine or his exhausted weapon which is a fight he really doesn't do much what you're here for is this uh three inches it gets lone operative cool and the command phase regen D3 moons and added one of the hit roll cool and then at the end of your movement phase that's what enemy vehicle unit within 12 inches they must take a battle shock test well I mean that's that's okay it's fine we can put on havics yeah I mean eh this is fine I'm not really writing anything home about that it's okay it's it's all right no whatever all right exalted champion this guy was always kind of meh uh let's see copy weapon or bull pistol whatever exhaust weapon five five two two well small is leading a unit out of one of the hit roll that's great each one of the smallest unit makes a dark package until the end of the phase add D3 to the strength characteristic of Mouse clip by this model that's also good imagine if you gave him the corn and then you gave him the uh the corn um enhancement where you get an extra D3 strength and attacks as well so it's 2d3 strength and then D3 extra attacks and then hitting an extra I mean you know it's not bad um it just makes an attack too just an attack in general so plus when it hit for attacks overall might actually make these all the champion pretty good and it's also it's also a lieutenant so chosen Allegiant Aries can also be attached with it along with the Lord which is which is genuinely not too bad all right ah the dark Apostle what can you lead a cursed cultists regular occultists chosen in legionaries I'm kind of shocked you couldn't lead a possessed Chris crozius yeah it's all about the same kind of expected four pinball okay well this model is leading a unit that contains a dark Apostle model each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack add one to the wound roll that's very solid once per battle at the start of any phase like one heretic stories unit that is Battle shocked and within nine it is no longer battle shocked to cool chaplain ability the star of the fight phase this unit contains one or more dark disciple models you can select one of those models in one enemy unit with an engagement range of this unit then roll one D6 on a two through five moves Immortal on a six they suffer D3 Mortals that dark disciple model is then destroyed Okay so you just sacrificed your little dudes uh one like one time just go go get him buddy and they just dies and does Mortals that's hilarious it's such like if you want it you can also use them as ablative wounds as a way to keep the dark Apostle mostly alive because they also have a four up interval but that is actually hilarious you can just go get him buddy and he's just in that face matches oh he blows up that's really that's really really funny oh the dark immune so there's the cult demagogue and then there's all the other models which is this one's four wounds and then the other models are one wounds they can lead them assuming yeah of course they call this thing called this mobs so uh cry about a pistol they have the warps curse which is a kind of mediocre Smite for the most part but nice little beep kind of smite ability there um the commune Stave has devastating wounds with D3 damage and strength three um there's the blades that in four two one which is actually not bad um this is so silly it's just such a silly stat line uh you can reel the test for the chaos icon cool that's cool for the dark packs ability nice uh and then the faithful flock is five up involve for the unit all right once per battle in your command phase of this unit contains demagogue it can use its ability if it doesn't until the end of the term this unit can declare a charge in which it Advanced and each time a model net you makes an attack add one to the hit and the wound oh so you can just take this this dark commute and throw it with some accursicosis fly your ass up there and then just one time murder everybody I I mean it's not great this this whole unit overall but I don't know how many points it's gonna cost um because it's just it's really really wacky and strange and I I don't know I don't know how many points it's gonna cost but with like a large enough cultist mob you know it might it also just makes an attack in general uh which means you could probably do it with any kind of shooting weapons as well I'm not quite sure if it's good if it's necessarily good enough but it's kind of funny and it's awesome models so you know all right we've already seen the legionaries um they're looking pretty pretty tasty uh we really wouldn't roll off one on an objective marker in melee all melee based kind of stuff and then of course the Cavs I can I come for dark pact um goes with the 10 Legion areas so everything were pretty pretty Classic on the cultist mob has the grenade launcher the firearm uh the flameware heavy stubber brutal close combo weapon or close combo weapon it's meleeer not um they have for the dark gauze which is sticky objectives which is pretty good actually don't mind sticky objectives being placed onto the cultist mob they only have one OC but was stickiest actually not too bad I might take a squad of 10 just to put them in the back line sticky the objective and then leave uh which is should be pretty alright um and then we have the accursive cultists which are uh one wound mutants and three wound torments they all have the same toughness now though and then Blasphemous Blasphemous appendages I'm assuming they're the small guys and hideous mutations are the torments um D6 yep uh three to six torments and five or ten mutants so the same thing there uh not too bad on the hits uh they all have a successful in a pain of course at the start of either player of each player's command phase you can return either one torment or three mutants each oh oh uh you know with the dark commune giving them the involved to possibly shrug off more damage you know maybe maybe there's a little thing here plus this is actually a lot of attacks for the um torment with with not terrible strength and damage so might actually be worth it these guys are so cool I love these models so much Terminator Squad all right here we go please be good makes a dark pact until the end of the phase each summer models even makes an attack you can re-roll the hit roll oh it's pretty good it's actually pretty good and just rear all the hit roll huh and you dark pack these guys you might lose one but full reels to hit is very good this is very very good uh okay here's the most important parts damn it for every five models in the unit one model can have a pair of accursed weapons no full squads of dual lightning claw Terminator still gosh dang it ah whatever um a cursor weapons here though and then the occasional you know maybe twin the cursed weapons which is what an extra attack and twin length so full reels to wound so yeah not bad um but you can take you can have them all have Combi weapons which are this weird wacky profile that we've seen so often but with the devastating wounds and Mortals you can put out commie bolters full Heroes to hit you know I mean it's it has its power I will say that the comic Bolter is a little bit worse now because they don't have the the thing that lets you um like bulge discipline out to 24 inches uh but you do you can mark them and when you dark pack them fully Rose to hit with like lethal hits might actually just make your bolters kill tanks so with like the nurgle Mark or something or maybe it's the Zenius Mark Maybe they look fine they look fine nothing is really wowing me about them besides the spoiler part overall they look pretty good they look like chaos Terminators they look like about what I expected them to be um nothing about it's too crazy ah the master of executions five attacks 722 precision and devastating wounds while this model is leading a unit each time that model in the Universe Attack the target student below ah okay reload the hit roll if they are wounded real the wound roll there below half it's the classic executioner style and if you kill a character you get a CP yay yay Wahoo sweet fine by me chosen Allegiant Aries and you can also put this if another character has been added so it's a nice little additional guy possessed they are T6 now oh hello uh three wounds cool they have four attacks each at five one two so they have had a AP drop and an attack drop uh they lost an attack and they lost an AP um still a good nine inch move though they have a five of involt nice they have the chaos icon they can take which oh whoopsie they have the chaos icon they can take which allows them to reroll their their dark pack test which is also very good uh Unholy Bloodshed when it makes a dark pact until the end of the phase they have the devastating wounds ability that makes a lot more sense so uh you would probably want well it depends you would maybe want to dark pack them for sustained hits for the hope of getting sixes to wound for those Mortals especially because their AP isn't that High um so you might want to give them like the the on a five up sustain hits ability but I guess it depends on what you're fighting five up lethal hits depending on if you give them like nurgle or or corn um still though that's uh this is actually really good how big can you make them the 10 still yeah I mean reroll the test the icon devastating I mean they're gonna run at you and they're gonna really hurt which is their whole entire points so sweet very nice chosen okay I actually care a lot about chosen because they're most of my favorite models um they still have the three wounds excellent excellent um they still obviously get their cursed weapons or their pairs of Curse weapons their power fist to hold nine yards common weapons Etc they have the chickens icon this unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge in a turn in which it Advanced or fell back so it is oh so they have advanced and charge and fall back in charge and advance in shoots that's very good that is very very very good huh okay okay with three wounds and the speed at which I can throw them out there oh my hmm that is that looks pretty nasty oh my God speaking of nasty this goddamn noise Marine all right let's look at the noise Marine uh weapons blast Master single frequency heavy nine two three three shots or varied at six one one the Doom siren being the the flamer and then the Sonic Blaster being just the normal shots or whatever in the shooting phase I've seen his shots like one enemy those hits they must take a battle shock test okay so they what do they have again they start with bolt guns but you can give one of them a blast master and then the rest uh Sonic blasters on one in the champion of Doom siren and they have the chaos icon I mean they don't get the extra damage within half or anything so kind of whatever I I was never one of those people who spam those Marines as CSM they were not my thing so I kind of just went along by with that but uh I mean blast master has always been known to be quite powerful from a gun point of view so hey you know maybe you get some good stuff they're not really wowing me ah the Venom crawler I love the Venom crawler 12-inch move T9 and three up night wounds cool excruciator cannon six shots at six one two that's about what it was before this minus an AP the tendril's end claws 612 as well pretty much the exact same stat line no it's literally the exact same stat line for both in melee and shooting the end of the new phase if one or more attacks made by this model that phase destroyed what are more enemy units until the end of the battle add one do the attacks characteristics of this model's weapons thanks to Soul Eater it has to have destroyed a unit though not a model which is a little bit worse if it was a model it'd be kind of crazy it'd be too strong actually but pretty funny um but it's at the end of any phase so maybe you'll shoot today so just make sure that the Venom crawler gets the last shot off so make sure he gets the last shot off um oh he has two excruciator cannons oh he has six shots or 12 shots oh oh he has 12 shots Crusader Cannon six two Sous Shader cans he has 12 shot holy crap that's actually very good I dark pack this guy all the time he just destroyed an entire Squad of okay maybe maybe Soul Eater is going to happen more often than I thought damn he shoots what the heck okay okay uh bikers T5 three wounds um outmaneuver the that's the the pull off at the end of the opponents turn and put back in somewhere chaos icon that means the bikers are not extremely exciting to me one through six they're cool the models are so bad I just don't run them uh but you know they have the the usual like weapons this seems to be about the same I'm just gonna skip right past it because it doesn't do anything fancy Raptors okay this matter is more to me because the night Lord's inside of me um T4 three up two wounds while enemies within six inches of this unit each time they take a bowel shock or leadership attract one so they still have their Fierce tomorrow at the start of the fight face each enemy with an engaging range of one or more units must take a bow shock test okay that's actually uh not too bad that's pretty solid overall they have the classic bull pistol and chain sword which is a fine group and but you can only see a power fist or in a cursed weapon and so on hmm okay fine by me sounds good I like that idea I like that ability that it's a great way to Bow shock actually matters now so it's a great way to make it genuinely interesting and force it on your opponents as for warp Talons they have four attacks of five two one they're classic twin linked lightning claw ability they still give their five up info but if they decided to fall back if the enemy unit is not battle shocked your opponent must take a desperate escape and if they are they extract one from the results for the desperate escape attempt so a pretty classic case uh I think there was a was a death company or some other unit had the same thing which is um they die on like a one and a two if they fall back but it's a one two three if it's the other one so yeah good old all right cool whatever towns havocs Havoc Auto Cannon is two shots of course at 912 the heavy bolster we've seen last cannon that we have seen uh these guys are hitting on threes by the way as they are not taking the move and shoot a heavy penalty very interesting they're still T5 also the reaper chain Cannon is eight shots of 501 and of course they have a flame around the sergeant each summer model this unit makes an attack with a ranged weapon you can ignore any or all modifiers to the hit roll and any or model modifiers to the ballistic skill characteristic of that weapon oh interesting so they are hitting on threes all the gosh star in time not gonna lie four alas cannon havocs with chaos undivided and that stratagem looking kinda spicy not gonna lie um or honestly uh havocs with the uh exploding fives with the last cannons might also be rather spicy they both seem pretty good so we will see uh pretty good though can only take up to five of course but uh not too bad not too bad all right oblits are Five Wounds t7 so Five Wounds wow uh two up save and a five of involve they are two to four now so they have to be minimum two interesting uh the flesh mail guns we've already seen what they do you either have the melta the new melta variant or the anti-blast type thing or this estate hits one uh the crushing fists are still pretty good you know they hit pretty hard for the most part uh and then it says once per battle when this unit makes a dark pack it can use its ability if it does until the end of the phase ranged weapons have the indirect fire ability [Music] oh that's not good why is that not good the range might not be that long but these hit really really really hard not only do they hit Harem but I can Mark these guys with chaos undivided slap them with a stratagem and next thing you know we've got full re-rolls to Hidden wounds on melto bissells that have indirect fire and I only might take mortal wounds because of that but even if I roll the worst mortal wounds I will still be alive I would need to fail on average three dark packed tests to kill an obliterator one okay this is frightening um I guess we'll see their points I guess we'll see their points because at the end of the day that is what the big equalizer but this is a little spooky a little spooky don't know if it's gonna be good um 24 inches is not that far but it's far enough so well we'll find out we'll certainly find out [Music] all right now for the rest of the stuff that's a little bit less uh overly important um land Raider of course has seems to be the exact same stuff as the regular land Raider um you know have the soul shedder last Cannon is just it's the god Hammer last Cannon or whatever um that's the whole thing uh cannot take obliterators which is interesting to nope the Predator Annihilator is a twin last Cannon the twin link thing we roll a damage roll of one the annihilator thing it seems like all the similar uh the same thing I saw from each of the um each of these uh the Marine ones Destructor improve the AP by one when firing at infantry which is actually maybe actually worth taking um so um The Vindicator there's the Sheed Shield of course and Demolisher Cannon no pretty classic nothing crazy here yet all right the file here the filer T10 the 14 wounds five up involt three abnormal and it's got all the father Canon is D6 plus three ten one three so it's basically the same as the leave and Rush new Canon it would appear um then every other Canon that it has is pretty classic the defiler Clause is 16 strength 16 ap3 D6 plus one with five attacks uh and the scourge is replacing his head to an heavy flamer for three extra attacks twelve one two Eastern's model makes a normal move or Advanced move it can be moved over friendly monster vehicle mods if they were not there small can move over train features that are four inches or less in height as if they were not there that that's not a rule that's not a real rule defiler man you needed a real Rule and then that rule on top of that rule I mean it's a good stat line though solid like big chunky tank thing good guns could be pretty good we'll see okay and then there's the forge fiends ectoplasm plasma cannon D3 shots and strength 10 ap33 oh that's actually pretty pretty solid the Hades autocannon is six shots at eight one two so it'd be 12 shots in total or three ectoplasma shots so 3D 3 or 12. um there's a good choice for both though I won't lie if it had the jaws instead though it would have five attacks of 702 instead of the plasma cannon but without any AP it's a bit iffy each time this model selected to shoot it can use this ability if it does until the end of the phase its ranged weapons have the devastating wounds and hazardous abilities I see I thought they would just tell me that if I dark packed it like when you dark packed it has both so if you take three ectoplasm Cannon plasma cannons you can give them all devastating wounds but then you'll need to take three hazardous tests which means you'll at minimum have a 50 chance of failing one which isn't that bad but it's three mortal wounds and if you roll really bad that could actually be a huge deal ah still not bad though the forged feet overall still not too bad he's got some good use uh the hell Roots here with this big hell brute hammer and five attacks 14-3 D6 plus one God um he still has all the usual hell brute plasma cannon is eight three three these three shots yeah um classic Dreadnought style thing there all right and this model is cool with two hellbrew weapons they have the twin linked ability or two helper fists I mean also fine um while a heretic star days unit is within six inches of the small each time the unit makes a dark pack to the end of the phase its weapons gain both abilities confirmed by that pact instead of one oh nice idea to have a hell boot around just to give you all the kinds of stuff you need might actually be a pretty pretty handy ability just have the hell roots hey maybe maybe I'll come with Miss Salon sure we'll see what's a close combo ah yeah all right all right hell Drake Hayes autocannon is six shots eight one two or the bail flamer actually find a reason to take both finally hell Drake Claws anti-fly and devastating wounds gonna just pick people apart from the entire era they decide the target's a fly unit I wanted a hit roll good for its melee and for the auto Cannon and that's about it t912 wounds it is a is nice that it's anti-fly not anti-aircraft because then it can hit things like um flying Dia princes or seraphin squads or other jetpack guys like you're just picking them out of the air instead of just having to be only good at dealing with other flyers so that's kind of cool might actually be worth taking a hell drink Mauler fiends the magma Cutters it has which is only the two magma Cutters which replaces its last or 10 drills with two Mega Cutters if you want it um or last 10 rules are six attack seven one one and the fists are six attacks at 14 2 D6 plus one big chunky punches um and you can re-roll advance and charge rolls and you could ignore any modifiers to its move or Advanced character or move an Advan sorry move advance and charge characteristic for it and it's got a 10 inch move now this thing's flying 10 inch move T10 12 wounds five interval this thing's flying this thing like this is like a punch this thing will punch a punch real hard uh Rhino it's it's a rhino I'm skipping I'm skipping the rhino oh the chaos bomb hideous mutations D6 plus two is the same as the torment if I have a feel no pain the start of each player's command phase one model student regains of the D3 wounds T5 four wounds hey all right it's it's fine four up save the feeling of pain is nice they come in squads of ah squads of two darn it only squads of two gosh darn it no more single spawns oh my God the corn little skulls oh good lord okay t13 24 oh my goodness uh demon Gore Cannon Gore storm can't I mean I mean I don't get into the lower skulls too much like some people love this model I don't dislike the model but I don't run the model I don't have one um God damn the damage on this thing the 2d6 shots at 1433 26 shots at seven two two I know you don't get to take all of them but what is that Gore storm Cannon Haze gallon Cannon great Cleaver of corn so it's a 12 at 8 to gore storm is D6 plus three at ten to three and then skull hurler though good Lord how do you that get replaced with the Gatling can yeah I would do that great Cleaver according his five attacks at 16 4 8 or 15 attacks at eight two two yeah this thing will just murder everything at sights um in the fight phase of this model is finished making its attacks and this model destroyed one or more enemy units this phase each enemy within six Mustang a battle shock test yeah I would I wouldn't blame you I wouldn't blame you on that one one bit I've been volunteer yeah only three up saved though kind of funny holy hell ah the noctolith crown okay so this little fortification here the classic six inch range of lashing warp energies which is just some extra attacks um t11 14 wounds while a friendly heretic Stars models wholly with a nine they have a four up involt nine is not too bad either that's actually pretty okay uh each time a range detects allocated to this model if this model is not fully visible to every model in that attacking unit because of this fortification okay so it gives cover it also gives cover that's cool while an enemy unit is with an engaging range of one or more fortifications from your army this unit can still be selected as a target of range attacks but uh let's hope it still up and start with a hit roll dude I'm okay so it's the fortification rule so basically you're taking this to give cover to your units and give them a four up invol and if they get too close slap them with sloppy juice it's fine oh hey vashtor it's fine it's okay I liked it better when you can get CP I like to Bear when you can gain CP from it but I mean the fourth info within holy with a nine is not too bad it's not the worst it's not grayish but if you take an Abaddon you can also take that but if you don't want to like use that one you want to use other things instead of that for Abaddon that's also an option but this is [Music] it's okay all right now for the real real guy wait I'm gonna skip them real quick it's true Guardsman Squad felgore beastmen oh these are all the kill team boxes right okay yeah I don't much care about the kill team boxes we're gonna we're just gonna skip them out outright we're gonna go to the only person that actually matters here that's Vash store sorry Beast man I I in Trader guard Squad I do not give a [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] about him Vash store the arcophane so let's give him a look Vash store is T9 to up save and 14 wounds with a four up involved he's not a leader or anything his Claw is a the same as it was before but this time that's actually okay because it's got an extra AP than a normal flamer and extra strength so that actually might be useful the hammer though his anti-vehicle strike six attacks uh devastating wounds nine one three so okay so it's actually got a good chance of doing like six to nine Mortals to a to a vehicle which is very good uh but it's also got sweep mode which uh might do like seven morals to a vehicle um no it doesn't have devastating wounds sorry I also have Street mode which can deal with uh other kinds of infantry and stuff like it from Vash store very anti-vehicle Master mechanisms um well a friendly demon vehicle is within six inches of this model add one of the strength characteristic of weapons equipped by models in that unit okay so that's gonna generally buff up things like the forge fiend and stuff that's pretty cool all right at the end of your movement face select one enemy vehicle even within 18 inches and visible to this model until the start of your Next Movement phase have the move characteristic models in that unit and stretch one from the attacks characteristic of mail open script by models in that unit okay still a little bit Maddie can't heal anything um still kind of God damn upset about that because that's the whole point of the master mechanisms but I do like the buffing of the demon vehicles and I do like the crunching of the opponent's Vehicles having the movement is pretty nasty and reducing the attacks uh can also be pretty good depending on what you're using it on um and you know his stat line is not too bad he also moves really fast and flies so he can he can get some smacks off he's not like he's not like wowing me totally but he can he can do something depends on his points um okay overall gotta tell you uh there the CSM are looking really good uh maybe a little too good I'm a little spooked they have so much power in their stratagems so much power in this entire keyword thing right here good Lord and um there are enhancements are also well they're pretty good they're not they're not the craziest thing but some of the abilities that they have and the the powers they have particularly the fact that you can like use rights of battle you get a free Strat and if it's one of these strats it's it's solid is solid um there's some crazy stuff that you can be using here and oh like it's it's good it's real good man I I am super impressed by CSM overall I I think they might actually I don't know we don't know points yet but I'm a little like right now they're looking super powerful I need to find out if um sustained hits gives you more sustained hits if your gun has sustained hits one does using a dark pact give you more that's all I need to know um yeah thanks for watching this I will uh try to get the other factions out um no promises just because tomorrow I think is like Imperium and that means sisters in garden and studies and I also play those things and then I think necrons are after that so it's like forgive me for not coming out with uh chaos nights you know so we'll see uh thanks though so so much for watching and I'll see you all later bye
Channel: Bricky EP. 2
Views: 35,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricky, Big Brick, BigBrickyPlays, warhammer, warhammer 10th, warhammer 10th edition, 10th edition, 10th edition 40k, warhammer 10th edition rules, warhammer 10th edition 40k rules, warhammer 40k 10th, warhammer 10th faction focus, warhammer faction focus, 40k faction focus, chaos space marines 10th, chaos space marines 10th edition, chaos space marines index
Id: XZLpstEmDBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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