I Killed Every NPC in Oblivion

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[Music] I was born 87 years ago for 65 years I've ruled as tamriel's emperor but this story is it is about him and how he killed everyone [Music] thank you believe it or not I have never actually played Oblivion well that's not totally true it must have been like 10 years ago now but I just booted up the game made a Khajiit that looked like Chester Cheeto and then didn't actually play the game part so if you count that as playing then I'm an expert while I may not have played Oblivion I have committed genocide in both Skyrim and Fallout both being other Bethesda games so Oblivion shouldn't be too different the big difference will be that all the stuff you guys know and love about the game will be brand new to me I've gotta say I'm kind of excited we've got a lot of work to do so I'm not gonna waste any more time introing let's start killing every NPC in Oblivion okay wow I forgot how insanely ugly these characters are so in Skyrim I was dump this here will be dump a thin dumps grandfather or great grandfather I don't know he's an ancestor of some kind murder just runs in the family what's up with starting the Elder Scrolls games as some kind of prisoner and why is this bag yapping at me like he's not in the exact same place you are going to die well we're not in the same place for very long because I've got a date with the emperor what the hell are these third person controls feels like I'm flying a plane oh my God I guess we'll just stick to first person huh this camera angle they got when talking to people is gonna take some getting used to it's it's so close to their face now this first section here was a decent tutorial sure they kind of just toss you into it but that's a good thing sometimes I don't always want my hand held and when I do I'll call your mom she's a nice lady something I noticed that I don't like though is that weapons have durability this is one of my least favorite weapon mechanics in video games I had the same problem with breath of the wild but it just makes me scared to use my weapons a classic case of what the kids call gear fear regardless though I do like the feel of the game the movement the speed it reminds me of how Super Smash Brothers Melee it's much faster than Super Smash Brothers ultimate but it's ultimately like less polished and and then ultimate has a generally slower Pace but the gameplay has been more specifically refined I don't know after a little while you are faced with the choice of your birth sign most of them are a bit complicated some have some drawbacks with them but the one that really stood out to me was the most simple of them all this Steed but yeah I want to be 20 points faster right after this the emperor himself Uriel septum gets carved up like an Easter hand and I'm tasked with taking the Amulet of Kings to a guy named Joffrey before I can do that I have to choose my class I didn't know this was a thing in the game and if I'm being totally honest I I don't know if it really matters but I ended up choosing the warrior class because I want to kill people as soon as you've picked your sign it's just a quick jog through the sewers and wow the world is so uh it's it's old the first thing I did was explore I thought about going to Imperial City but figured out how to wait on that I laughed at this guy who couldn't catch a fish got lost a little I killed a Highwayman and took his armor and reached Joffrey Joffrey asked me to go somewhere with him and I learned that I can fast travel the places I haven't been yet that makes my life much easier our first place in this long long journey is kavach hey look a normal looking person oh and the city is under attack from literal demons but a normal looking person felt a little more pressing I rolled up to the city and was immediately asked to help save it I'm a nice guy Well for now so I entered my first oblivion gate at first the Oblivion realm thing was really cool I'll talk about how my feelings about it evolved later but at least at this point I loved it in this gate there's two people that I need to make sure die first Inland a Kovac guard I think who got in a bit over his head and second a soldier I was sent in to save manine gonell turns out you can't actually kill him by conventional means AKA I can't stab him so instead to make sure he died I use the console turns out he's actually essential and when essential characters die in Oblivion they just get knocked out which is so much better than Skyrim so my solution was to turn off Collision push him out of the cage make him non-essential and then Old Yeller him we have officially killed about 0.003 percent of the people I need to kill for this video we've got some serious work to do with them dead I wrapped up the Oblivion Gate by taking the Sigil Stone it was transported back to kavach it was a pretty neat Adventure I'm sure it won't get old right guys immediately following that the remaining kavach soldiers and I stormed the city and took back what was ours actually it's not mine I don't even know where the we are I heard about how you helped the guard Drive the Daedra back well done Jesus Christ is that Sean Bean and taking back gavage we've lost some soldiers along the way bummer for them I guess Kovach saved I went back to winning priority with Boromir and oh my God there's assassins here and Martin is a beast by Lord that guy shreds we found Joffrey alive and well and it turns out that he's part of the blades that's right the guys you hear about in Skyrim but instead of hearing about them I'm living it and I really should have played this game by now Joffrey instructs me to bring Martin to Cloud ruler temple with the blades all reside when we were here Joffrey asked if I wanted to be a blade but honestly I felt like the story had been moving so fast up to this point that I'd better not commit myself to anything yet you see when doing these challenges I usually do it in three phases prep Slaughter and cleanup the prep phase the phase I'm currently in is by far the most important phase I need to take very careful measures to make sure that I don't lock myself out of encountering and inevitably being able to kill every NPC this is I killed every NPC in Oblivion not I killed most of the NPCs in Oblivion for now I just want to make my way through the main quest and not make any trouble for myself later the next step in completing the main quest is to visit the Imperial City wait you're not the grand champion but since you're here have you heard of dumpy Kong he's the best did you know you can join the dumpy Kong Discord for free chat with dumpy and other community members about your gaming interests and keep this one just between us if you'd like to support dumpy further consider becoming a member of the dumpy Kong YouTube channel for five dollars a month where you'll get access to exclusive behind the scenes content related to each video dumpy releases anyways gotta run who the this place is God ginormous my current task here is to track down the Mythic Dawn cult the cult responsible for killing the emperor and I'm pretty sure they're the ones opening the Oblivion Gates don't quote me on that Boris and I set up a meeting to trap them and then I got murdered a lot they killed me so much it was absurd but anyways I have the power to just load back from a quick save and they don't so I eventually killed them and they killed Boris but barbarous I don't I don't know rest in peace I wasn't in the script I just thought that was funny it wasn't even that funny it took me almost a half hour to get out of these stupid sewers which I'm pretty sure is my fault but I'm gonna blame the game for that one stupid game what's not stupid is the cool message in the Mythic Dawn books it took me a while to figure it out but look the first letter of each paragraph has a big letter they form a message that says subscribe to dumpy oh wait sorry nope I read that wrong it says green Emperor way where Tower touches midday Sun huh what the does that mean thankfully there's someone much smarter than myself to help decipher it and it turns out green Emperor way is a spot in Imperial City and if you go there at noon you'll find a map written on a gravestone that has the location of the Mythic Dawn's Shrine drawn right on it yeah I could have figured that out if I wanted but I just want to give the NPCs a chance to catch up to my Superior intellect yeah anyways I went to the shrine barreled my way through and killed Ruma Cameran one of the figureheads in the Mythic dance cult oh and Julius or Julius it's okay I got jump scared by the statue right after killing him oh Jesus Christ dude that scared the out of me felt like I deserved that I was a little tired after beating on Julius so I took a quick beauty nap and was jump scared Again by Lucian LaChance God man what is with a dark brotherhood with people in their sleep I'll come back to this guy later but for now he's on Hood watch my target dead and my heart sufficiently stunted I cut the remaining Mythic Dawn members down like younglings and traveled back to Cloud ruler Temple to report to Martin I guess he's kind of the interim Emperor now so that's neat I killed some spies around the temple and then Martin told me to go find a Daedric artifact I found a book in the temple that mentions The Shrine of Azura so that's where I headed next turns out for Azura to even talk to me I need some glow dust just like high school all over again now I'm a idiot and literally right here on this willow wisp there is glow dust but I did not know that so I went on this stupid ass long-ass access adventure to find some stupid glow dust that was right in front of my stupid face the whole stupid time be seeing you I did find some in the Imperial City though and brought it back to Azura so that she would be my friend my new friend asked me to go to the guted mine and kill some of her once followers so that they can be brought the piece of death I like killing people it's no secret by now but these guys were rough I was literally cowering in fear from these Orcs tried desperately to come up with a plan to beat them the plan consisted mostly of shooting arrows and running like a tail tucked but it worked I killed Shrek and Fiona and my new friend gave me her star definitely not like high school now the next very large Mindy section of the game is incredibly boring basically all you do is go through oblivion gate after oblivion gate after oblivion gate after yes I'm gonna do this for each oblivion gate because I need you to know how many there are after oblivion gate after oblivion gate after oblivion gate after oblivion gate I'm pretty sure I got them all I do like the idea of the Oblivion Gates but I don't think that game eight of them were necessary and spoiler alert there's another one later but for now with the gates taken care of I have a new task to get Tiber septums armor to get the armor I gotta kill a bunch of ghosts which man I hate these things might be my least favorite of the enemies foreign [Music] I killed all the ghost guys that you're not supposed to actually kill for good measure and then got the armor which guess what I don't even get to wear it all that work just to give the armor to Martin Boo by the way has only been reading for the last goddamn month while I have literally been to Hell and back several times sorry Martin I think you're a cool guy and deserve to be yelled at person who needs to be yelled at is the stupid Apple keeps making fetch quests my god dude I went and fetched the welcome Stone like a good dog and brought it back to Martin too Martin can I have a treat I'm sorry I did it again you look great in that Armor man with all this bull gathered we launched a full-scale Invasion against the forces of Oblivion and okay yeah I stood there and watched everyone fight but I need people to die that's like the whole point of this video Joffrey ended up dying which I didn't know was something that could actually happen and shortly after I entered the Oblivion Gate myself to shut down some big evil machine this part was cool they gave me a time limit which was just different enough to get my little brain the juice that needed to enjoy this I summoned my inner Mario 64 speedrunner to get through this action as fast as possible and I eventually reached the great Sigil Stone grabbed it and shut down the oblivionator the game's over now or so I hoped turns out that this just put a dent in mancar Cameron's plans oh yeah I didn't talk about him yet I guess he's the head of the Mythic Dawn or something and he's the one trying to summon merun's Dagon oh yeah I didn't even talk about him yeah daigon is the Daedric prince of Destruction and I guess mankar wants to summon him so that Dagon can destroy the world or something goofy to fully foil main car's plans I need to travel to the land of paradise a Daedric plane created by mankar himself this place was a little trippy a little quirky even I fought a Daedra that I couldn't actually see because this game has awful fire effects I watched some people Sizzle in lava battled some more Daedra and pulled up to where the cameras were hiding let me tell you guys something about myself real quick I have this blind confidence that I can do literally anything I'm not sure where it comes from but I am always 100 positive that I can do anything at all so I will often run into situations without properly preparing and that's exactly what I did here this is three camera ants here and between the three of them I was getting down I was getting dunked on over and over I was looking through my inventory looking for some magical savior but had no such love that was until I found the sigil Stones I had literally no idea but it turns out the central Stones allow you to enchant your weapons and or armor so I used the great sygil Stone to enchant my Katana and called it my last hope with my last hope I was able to cut down the Cameran Trio vanquishing mancar Cameron and putting a stop to his plans thus saving the world or once again so I hoped my hopes were quickly dashed when Martin and I traveled to the Imperial City to find that it was under attack Oblivion Gates had opened in the city and mayroon's Dagon himself was there I was talking mad Don Martin a little bit ago but honestly that guy is alright I tried fighting Dagon myself but stood literally no chance the only person that did was Martin Martin harnessing the power of the Amulet of Kings transformed into a big dragon and was able to defeat mehrun's Dagon actually saving the world this time and sacrificing himself in the process Martin you were all right but for real this time I've beaten the main quest and have been deemed the champion of Cyra Dill unfortunately I'm still not even close to done yet beating the main quest is just the very first step towards killing every NPC I still have many many more quests to do so let's not waste any time the next major quest line I started was the Dark Brotherhood I actually like the Skyrim dark brotherhood quests a lot so I had pretty high hopes for the Oblivion version I started off by killing Rufio a task given to me by Lucian of a chance back when we first met with Rufio dead I had completed my first Dark Brotherhood contract and was now officially a member as a member I was invited to the sanctuary where I met gokron holy do I love this guy oh for example this one time I had a contract to kill a little Nord girl at her birthday party she asked me if I was the jester so I said to her no I am a messenger of death you should have seen the look on her face hahaha anyway she won't be seeing age six okay well he's a little crazy my next Target is Gaston a pirate Captain who Captain Captain to sword are you all right sir we we heard a clamor captain we're coming in oh my God that scared the out of me this moment a moment that some people may not have thought was very significant was a major shift for me the way I saw Oblivion up until now I felt like Oblivion quests were in a word uninspired but this moment showed me that maybe all the good stuff was hiding behind the cluttered main story again it was small but these sorts of moments are really important in making a game feel special another cool part in these quests specifically is that each contract has a bonus for example you'll receive the bonus for the next contract to kill a wood elf named banlin if you kill him by loosening the mounted head above him on his wall the head will fall kill banelin and will look like a complete accident I did this successfully and received the bonus a dagger called sufferthorn the next contract was even better to go all the way back to where we started this game the Imperial prison and visit a familiar face that's right that yapping atoll I almost felt bad for how good I felt killing him that makes sense the next contract was a bit more complicated you see the problem with this contract is that I'm not actually supposed kill anyone but for this video I need to kill two different people one that I know disappears forever and one that I'm not totally sure about so I want to kill both just to be safe but long and short of it is that motier a familiar name from Skyrim needs to fake his death he gives you a poison to kill him and an antidote to revive him later the person who needs to see this fake death is hides his heart an Argonian who motier owes some money to a struck motier down with the poison and then attacked hides his heart because he doesn't come back later if I don't kill him now I then just left moti air for dead and held on to the antidote I failed the quest but thankfully that doesn't actually mean too much because the quest line goes on regardless the next Quest was much less complicated I pretty much just run and gunned this one I killed the Target and his lackeys and was on my Merry way this questline just keeps on giving the next Quest is to kill a bunch of people in a whodunit sort of party which is just cold I had a lot of fun here I'm not even gonna lie I've been harping on this questline for a bit too long but it's just so good the next contract is adamus filleda a fan of some kind who who's trying to bring the Brotherhood down I killed him and his bodyguard and then was given some pretty serious orders to go meet with Lucian with chance himself that toe couldn't turn his security system off but I reached him and he turned my whole world upside down it turns out there's a rat in the Brotherhood somewhere and it's up to me a brand new and not very tested member mind you to kill everyone in the sanctuary genuinely could not have seen that coming well people Let's cross some names off the list shall we oh yeah [Music] why brother why ripdb Luciano LaChance is who I report to now but instead of talking directly to him I pick up my contracts through dead drops I won't waste time much more with this questline but I had a lot more contracts to go until I reach the next section all this fighting all this killing just to find out that all of these people I murdered are actually members of the Dark Brotherhood and someone was swapping out the dead drops that is so incredibly funny and such a good twist I guess I can't feel that bad for killing assassins am I right well this narc problem in the Brotherhood has gotten pretty bad and the higher-ups decided to take action they thought the rat was Lucian and they my man up like I have to blur this but trust me when I say they didn't show any like this in Skyrim this is wow after I went with the remaining members of the Brotherhood and met the night mother certainly wasn't expecting to meet her we're finally at the end of the quest line and it turns out the trader was some random guy named Matthew and blah blah blah everyone's dead including the night mother that was a mess well what are you guys say we do the Thieves Guild questline I spend way too much time gushing about the dark brotherhood quests so I'm gonna fly through this one all in all I'd say that the Thieves Guild was pretty mid in this game they play up the character of the gray fox a lot but then when you meet him he just asks you to do a bunch of things for him like he's not capable of taking care of his damn self at least you get the boots of Spring Hill Jack which by the way ended up getting glitched onto my character permanently meaning even if I took it off I still get the benefits of the boots while being allowed to wear other ones kinda neat if I'm being honest now I jump like a big frog guy so it was worth it I guess then by the end of the very quest line it turns out he's just some guy who goes back to being his normal self and living his normal life and now you are the gray fox I don't know about this one I wasn't exactly sure where to go from here I did a couple side quests one of the quests was really cool actually like a most dangerous game situation not sure if you guys read that in school but we did and it was great but basically I was being hunted by some rich guys for sport and ended up killing them all I did some other quests before settling on the Knights of the Nine quest line this I had no idea what to expect from this one like most other quests though there's a lot of fetching to do I got a helmet I got some gauntlets I got some boots a shield some other nonsense all leading up to rebuilding the sword of the Crusader with that sword I would face umarillo whose umarel you ask I don't really know I wasn't really paying attention gotta lost me after grabbing all that stuff I'm gonna be honest with Uma real dead though I saved the world I think again I zoned out on that one that's that's my bad I killed all the night ghost guys though and I got some cool armor which I like a lot I plan on rocking this armor for the rest of the video the next quest line was the Fighters Guild there's no fighter skilled in Skyrim so like the Knights of the nine I had no idea what to expect here I was pleasantly surprised with this first Quest where a lady was putting food outside another lady's house which was drawing mountain lions into her basement if that is not the most Petty I have ever seen I don't know what is also this mother was just screaming at me the whole time them all you do well you haven't there's one in my basement right now go get it chill out dog my God not like it's not smelling lines I guess it seems like the Fighter's Guild is just a little bit of everything because my next task was to kill some robbers we're kind of jumping all over the place I know I delivered some weapons I killed a bunch of people I can't exactly remember what for it all kind of Blends together after a while I killed some guy with a cool name azani Blackheart I killed some more people kidnapped a guy and beat the out of him before he killed himself and then wiped out the entire Blackwood company after all that Insanity I was promoted to Master of the Fighters Guild it's pretty crazy how fast that stuff happens huh biter scaled 10 out of 10. if you guys watched my I killed every NPC in Skyrim video then you know that I'm not a fan of the College of Winterhold quest in my notes I wrote Under sarthal is such a dog Quest and apparently I didn't have fun looking for the Lost Books you need to find because I later wrote this questline sucks I guess you could say I'm a glass half full kind of guy and our next quest line is the major skill which is essentially the precursor to Skyrim's College of Winterhold that being said oblivion's quests have been pretty hit or miss so far so I'm hoping this one hits and hit it did it starts off a little slow you have to get a recommendation from each mage's Guild leader to actually become a part of the guild that means you have to do some sort of quest for each of them you gotta get a book save some guy save another guy but in his dreams this time actually I don't remember if that was part of the major skilled Quest it just happened and I really wanted to mention it because it was really cool I got a staff get an amulet and then my favorite one the Ring of Burden quest one of the leader guys is a real and basically sends you on an impossible Quest he wants you to grab a ring at the bottom of a well right but the ring is a hundred and fifty pounds so the last guy who tried to get it drowned but he's not as smart as I am because instead of picking it up I just levitated it all the way back to the guild and got my recommendation I like stuff like that really makes you think a little bit after you eventually get into the guild you get to make your own staff which is really cool I made a staff of paralysis figure that would be pretty useful later on I won't talk about this questline for too much longer but there's a surprising amount of killing that goes on like a lot actually I don't think the Mages Guild tops the Dark Brotherhood of the Fighters Guild for me but it's not bad I enjoyed myself for the most part and like the College of Winterhold I became the archmage at the end I can't even cast Fireball I finished a lot of big quest lines so I figured I'd knock some smaller stuff out next I did the sanguine Quest and had to kill a bunch of NPCs in a cheater way because they don't come back later then I went to jail for making people naked you know just your average Wednesday then I did a quest that led me to finally have my mental break that I always have in these videos the quest itself wasn't a big deal basically you kill some scuba dealers and you're done but for this video I had to kill the guy that gives you the quest because he will disappear forever after this Quest and again read the title so I attacked and killed him I try not to use the console unless it's absolutely necessary but because I murdered this guy in Cold Blood the Knights of the nine relics deemed me as unworthy and I couldn't use them anymore here I stand alone in a shack filled with men slayed by my hand having rightfully been deemed unworthy I took some armor from a guard I killed climbed into a dead man's bed and took a nap where the hell unworthy unworthy unworthy useless mortal meat [Music] huh okay let's do this the Shivering Isles dead took me longer to complete than the entirety of the prep phase thus far it's like an entire other game to really get anywhere though you first have to deal with the gatekeeper a massive flush machine made solely to kill instead of doing all the extra stuff like getting special arrows to do more damage to him I just summoned my inner Levi Ackerman and diced him up then I went and laughed at his grieving mother the NPC interactions in this game are just phenomenal it's it's so good sometimes I met Shea goreth he then sent me on one of the best quests in any Elder Scrolls game ever I lovingly refer to this Quest as the DND DM Quest you take the role of Fate decider person and can either kill these poor adventurers or drive them to Madness name of the video blah blah blah but it was a really funny Quest and I liked it a lot immediately following this Quest I got attacked by Knights of the order for a second I thought they were glitched and their armor wasn't rendering or something but nope they just look like that like I said before there is a lot to do so I won't bog you down with everything I did the house of dementia quests and then the house of Madness quests I did become the Duke of mania though in case we were wondering and as soon as I did everything started falling apart sale became an op the gray March started in full force I'm not even gonna begin to explain the gray March I rebuilt the gatekeeper to be really strong gonna regret that later and found out that Shea goreth and lag were the same person all along who's jiggle like uh should I go wrath I guess I killed some more people bought a shadow clone of myself who dropped a really cool sword called the shadowrend such a sick weapon killed some more people and then went up against lag himself I know I've done a awful job of explaining this entire storyline but chicken lag is basically the god of order the opposite of sheikhorath who is the god of Madness I think something something like that and it turns out they're the same guy and I don't know man this story hurts my head I did manage to defeat Dragon lag thus also defeating Shea gorath and then I became Shay agarath no I am not kidding well I'm God now goodbye everybody [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] where where am I if I beat off now is it a threesome with that fever dream over I am quickly approaching the second phase of this whole operation I just have a couple small things to do first I cleared battlehorn Castle I killed a skeleton pirate I killed a bunch of people who with my friend mazoga then I killed mazoga I killed a handful of other people before starting the last quest line I need to do before the slaughter phase the Imperial City Arena this Quest is very straightforward talk you what you want to be a combatant wait you're serious aren't you kill now that's the this goes on for a pretty long time and I think if I had started this Quest earlier on in the game then it would have been a bit more rewarding but I blew through most of the fights with almost no effort I did have to kill pork chop which was really sad then eventually after enough fights you can challenge the reigning Champion The Gray Prince first though you get to pick your nickname and look at this the Tamriel Terror sound familiar after soon there's nothing standing between the Hall of Valor and dump the terror of Tamriel I guess it really does run in the family they talked the champion up so much throughout this questline that I thought he was gonna be really really hard but he was easier than some of the other fights I had leading up to his felt a little bad honestly but uh hey I'm champ now as champ I have a fan a loving fan a worshiping fan a passionate fan ah hey I wish there was a word for it when I asked you guys in a YouTube Community post who's your favorite Oblivion NPCs were the NPC that came up the most was the adoring fan I'd never heard of him before playing the game myself but I could just tell from him that he was golden but instead of showing him the wonders of the world and being a great shining example of Glory and Honor I figured I'd torture him by dragging him around everywhere with me and making him watch me commit genocide thus chanting His image of me before slaying him by my own hand so that should be fun speaking of slaying I think this is it I'm gonna start phase two please sit back relax grab a bowl of something yummy this is the slaughter phase foreign [Music] thank you [Music] how could you do such a thing [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] you may have noticed that I didn't show any kills in the Imperial City yet and that's because I wanted to talk about the game a little more and figured I could show the Imperial City massacre in the background while I do now like I said earlier I hadn't really played Oblivion up until now and I see now that I was really missing out Oblivion was a fantastic game sure there were a lot of quests that felt the same sure the DLC wasn't always fantastic sure the combat is a little lackluster but that's all sort of expected when making a game of this scale especially back in 2006 there are a lot of Great Character interactions and scripted moments and something about Oblivion feels like there was a little more love poured into it than the other Bethesda games I've played like it doesn't take itself quite as seriously and that makes it a little easier to enjoy for me lastly I of course have to comment on the NPCs I've killed a lot of NPCs in my day and Oblivion was less sad than the others and more entertaining the NPCs were fun to interact with even if I was murdering them Lucian LaChance the gray fox even though he's just an Omega The Gray Prince Romina veranim GateKeeper and of course the adoring fan rest in peace my man thank you guys for watching I'm glad I finally played Oblivion I get why you guys wanted to see this game so bad let me know if there's any other games you'd like to watch me destroy and I'll see you guys next time ggs everybody thank you
Channel: dumpykong
Views: 116,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oblivion, skyrim, npc, I killed every npc, elder scrolls, elder scrolls VI, elder scrolls 6, elderscrolls, dumpy, dumpykong, bethesda, eso, elder scrolls online, starfield, starfield npc, starfield trailer, bethesda game
Id: AR6VRfov3mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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