Pots and Pans: How to make Thousands Flipping #potsandpans on eBay BOLO

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hi everybody hello welcome back to our channel or welcome if this this is the first video you're watching we are mel and dean and together we are hustling hooks uh follow our page on instagram that is where we share our day-to-day updates and motivations and today if you do follow us there this is an exciting video because we're finally getting around to talking about pots and pans that's garyvee has the mug life i think we're gonna patent our uh ourselves to pots and pans yeah yeah we just want to talk about pots pans pressure cookers um why we flip them how to make uh really a killing on ebay flipping like the most common household good that's super abundant because most people have them and i will talk a little bit about you know bolos about brands what to look for how much work it is really to to get them ready how to get them ready for a shipment uh we'll talk a little bit about cleaning uh we'll talk about you know sizes figuring out how to figure out uh what size something is if it doesn't have a quart um printed in it or what is it edge to that stamped in it and we'll talk about you know how much these things are worth and so on and so forth so yep and this is all our personal experience with pots and pans so first hand knowledge first hand for sure and uh if you haven't following us for a while we we do appreciate the support uh we we really do appreciate the community uh we want to bring videos that are going to bring value and uh all we hope for is that you take this information you go in your general area even if that's where we are and you go find this stuff and flip it for for for profit i mean that's what the intent is um yeah so let's get right into it we'll uh we'll pull some examples we'll talk about some bolos and uh we'll go from there first on the list revere where relatively straightforward to identify because they have a copper bottom you'll see that in a lot of the description and the listings and it says revere on the bottom so typically older ones are going to have thicker copper newer ones or not and what you really want to look for is the ones that are made in the u.s they're going to be stamped on the bottom the ones that are made in china the more um recent recently made ones they're not they're just not worth as much in the resale market this one doesn't have a lid on it uh it's a four and a half quart it's stacked around the bottom we haven't polished this one up this one is listed for sale i believe it's uh for about 30 or 35 plus ship the most experience i got with these is when i bought a large lot for i think it was like 250 or something along the way and we've sold maybe all but two pots loaded some up sold some individually in the last 90 days alone we've sold 11 of these for about 315 girls on average we find these for about five to seven dollars a piece so this is definitely a bolo revere rare usa copper bottom yeah and there's two cities um clinton illinois and rome new york rome new york and that's good when you find them with those cities on there and you know put those in the title because some people do look for those specific cities for whatever reason yeah some people like the clinton one some people like the new york one yeah there's actually a people there is a california one i don't remember what's what city specifically but they uh there are collectors out there and they're looking for like the ones that have the uh pre-patented information on it those are the ones that are pre-1963 so if you look out for beer rare and it says pre 1963 those typically do a little bit better than these that are you know typically from the 80s 90s you know some from the 70s so just some information on revere bear so that's definitely a bolo to look for okay this is wagner ware magnalite we love this stuff if you guys do follow us on instagram you know that this big one is out the door it's sold this weekend for 205 dollars i picked it up um three days before it sold for fifty dollars so quick turnaround time on these generally speaking and really good profit margins if you get them at the right price uh this one is a 13 quart there is a 17 quart one out there that goes for like 250 300 so that's sort of the whale that we hope to find one day i feel like uh we're on one of those uh tv stores we're like they're talking about like buy this pot right here so that was my job i think one thing i'll just note real quick super easy to identify obviously on the bottom it's going to tell you magna light the other one is going to be sydney old magnelite usa another way to identify these is look at the handlebars they're super specific to this and look at both of them they're they are longer uh right hand and this is a duck jaw bin and this is called a just a regular pot no roaster pot so and they come in like smaller sizes and i picked up a bunch recently for in some random pots and pan spots and i knew from the photos that these were magnalites so i told her i wanted them because i could see that there were a few in there um and the original lids do sort of match the handles there um something to kind of watch for there these are awesome made in usa and a lot of them have the what type of pot it is that says 4248p so they're pretty easy to search that way on ebay for sell through weight and to find one to list similar um that makes it helpful one thing yeah one thing i wanted to note on these two is that they actually don't have a weight there's no way to identify the size quart from what i've learned in the us the easiest way to identify a pot or a pan is by quartz size so one trick that i want to share with you is when you're listing these of course you definitely want to include the dimensions one is going to be that diameter so that's just going to be a tape measure from the top to the bottom and then the height of the total item if you're doing this dutch oven you definitely want to do the the width and the length or vice versa and also the the top uh if you have something at home that measures a quart or something that measures a cup four cups is one quart or simply use something that's one quart and pour water in it continuously until you get to that quart size and that's how you can easily identify it and put that in your search um i'm sorry in your title for easier search so just a quick tip on identifying sizes if it's not stamped on the bottom yeah and then a friendly reminder to reuse that water we give it to our dog or we water our plants yeah or we drink it be nice to the planet as well that's right um couple notes we in the last 90 days for magnelite we've sold 475 and that's just four purchases one of those was a double so is that five listings so that was like an average of ninety five dollars a sale for manulife that's pretty awesome yeah yeah and hopefully you can get them at a good enough price where that's a great profit margin for you yeah for sure so definitely a bolo magna light sydney o wagner wagner also makes a lot of cast iron if you find that stuff for relatively cheap some of those are worth 100 200 a piece so definitely be a lookout for flea markets are a great place um of course you know your thrift stores et cetera facebook marketplace where she found all these yeah and i hear that people find them at the bins all the time farberware that's the next one uh farmerwear is kind of like a we we talked about like identifying or crossing them we would call this like a b you know not an a or it's like a b list celebrity farmer we're easy to identify typically super shiny chrome tops with this it's like a round ish um knob i guess you can call it uh i'm not sure if it's gonna zoom i'm not gonna try too hard the bottoms typically are gonna have fiber wear uh on the bottom and what we typically do with these these single small ones these are like a quart or three quarter quart quart and a half they're not worth much about 15 bucks a piece 25 bucks a piece so we typically do is we light them up with bigger sizes and then of course the more you have with lids the better stainless steel made in united states you're going to find that a lot in this video also cast aluminum made in the united states you're going to find that a lot there are some exceptions but that's something to look for so farberware another bolo you can find an abundance of these estate sales garage sales of goodwill typically we'll find like three or four of them at a time in a thrift store because you know someone donated their their kitchen so b-list celebrity farberware yep i'm i'm gonna make a side note about farberware i recently picked up some um vintage percolators and one non-vintage product by farberware kind of pots and pans um same genre right household stuff they have sold really fast for an average of sixty dollars for those percolators i only paid i think four bucks a piece at goodwill so if you see farberware um especially vintage fiberwear check it out yeah just look it up you know how to look stuff up on ebay if you don't uh dm us on instagram and we'll teach you how i think they say super fast on the percolators yeah and they do they are super fast for sure so be less celebrity farmer bear cutco so coco is an old american brand where people would go door-to-door and sell it so it's harder to come across this is the first cutco i think that we have found super rare and i actually picked it up thinking it was uh it was with some other anime pots and the goodwill sticker was over the cutco part but i have sort of the same style stamping so i was like oh it's an emily pot got it home it was actually cutco so great mistake on my part um this one has a aluminum core made in usa hear that theme coming across main usa and it doesn't have the lid uh we might go try to pick one up that fits it at the goodwill these can sell really high like a hundred dollars plus high so this one we currently have listed as as uh 80 or 90 of free shipping um yeah fantastic brand fun fact drew at uh drew flipson trips he actually used to sell door-to-door cutco he shared that with me in the dm which is pretty cool and he said he made a really good commission off of it which is awesome yeah stuff that has been sold door-to-door is harder to find like the rainbow vacuums those also sell really well i know this is a pots and pans video we're just going to decide speaking of a door door um there's another brand that we believe is door-to-door called kf or kitchen fair we don't have an example of it but that brand is crazy and i'll want to tell you about it because she's the one who found it i'll just tell you how much she paid for which is 50 cents yeah uh so we find it i just picked it up at a garage sale because it had the 50 cent sticker on it and i picked it up because it was a cotton pan and then i looked it over and it said made in usa this was like all right 50 cents like i might even bother looking it up so we get it home and this is like a unicorn of pots and pans this thing was so small i'm gonna put some pictures for you since it's it already sold it sold super fast so this is this is that just a little just a little saucepan a little guy had a wood handle and a wood knob and a wood knob on top really good condition and it's what do we sell for 120 105. 105 just for that little pot and pan so they're not very common on ebay super rare very rare good stuff great self root rate um this is what the bottom looks like it's got the kf which i had never heard of before and that stands for kitchen fair and along with this a good tip is to pick up the pots and examine them check them out because this made in usa sign it was just really really small on the handle so you probably can't even see it in there it's just right on the inner silver part between the handle and the pot so it was really small markings so but because it said made in usa i knew there was probably at least some value in it so definitely take your time and look stuff over if it's something you haven't done for sure anymore and i'll add a quick tip on that if it's not marked if it has no name on it if you're not familiar with it just leave it alone because what you're end up what you will do is you're going to stack a bunch of pots and pans in your house that you're never gonna sell look for things that are branded it's so simple don't don't don't create a market for something that doesn't exist because walmart and target and all these large retailers are continuously selling garbage chinese-made cheap pots and pans because that's what people are buying for low amounts so you definitely want to skip all that don't create a market if there's not a market already while we're talking about unicorns and super rare ones one brand that i've never heard of that doesn't make any sense definitely a bolo item salad master which i just think is a weird name brand for pots and pans yeah you don't make salad in them but they call it salad master if you find the stainless steel infused with titanium pay up for that stuff because a set of like 10 which is like five pots and pans and lids that sells for like a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars i had uh found one set of random pieces at an estate sale and it sold for 500 um within a few weeks as i said which is pretty crazy so bolo salad master great brand to look for emeril is another good volo brand uh emeril is a chef so i think that he's these are mostly popular because of that one of the rare ones that aren't specifically made in usa or at least they're not stamped made in usa but one thing is that they are copper clad and that just means they have this ring of copper you can see here on the bottom so it's stainless steel copper stainless steel so that helps with the cooking and they're they're nice they tend to be a little bit i think um shinier and that's how we can kind of pick them out in the store they have sort of a brighter um sure there's a polished stainless steel yeah for sure yeah this set the one she's uh holding is part of that set that i picked up today for 50 bucks we're actually going to show you how to clean one of them um after we're kind of talking about the exciting stuff but yeah emerald i actually didn't know mundo told me that that that person was a chef and speaking of shelves the other one that you should be looking out for is wolfgang puck we have found wolfgang puck a couple of times just little skillets and they sell pretty fast for about 25 bucks a piece so they're kind of like a b-list bolo but definitely what to look out for because you might be able to find a set of them so wolfgang puck and emerald emerald one of the parts that i picked up in this slot is an eight quart with a lid it's worth about a hundred dollars just by itself so definitely a good one to look look out for great seller a great sell-through next one household institute a pretty rare-ish uh definitely vintage definitely a usa made not the greatest seller definitely a b-list celebrity for sure but it's pretty straightforward it's stamped household institute it's aluminum it is cast aluminum and you can tell because they're just like the magna light they're relatively thick as i try to shrink my giant body into this camera they're really relatively thick they're they're cast aluminum pieces so we've sold one recently for 50 bucks it was a dutch oven dutch oven is a great search term you can find it all the time and it just basically means a long gated pot to put a chicken in right or whatever dutch people eat yeah well yeah terry you're dutch if you're watching this video that's that's your stuff man i don't know why you guys call it dutch uh dutch ovens uh anyways be list celebrity um we have a few of these for sale now average about 30 to 50 a piece plus shipping um definitely vintage definitely made in the united states um again a b-list bowl nothing too exciting but just another another brand to look out for yeah and then on our last list for just regular pots and pans is amway so amway uh is actually a local company to grand rapids and so i looked him up because they said you know made in us and this one was actually made in canada yeah um but i looked him up also out of curiosity because camoy and they sell really well if you can find a set of them they can sell a couple hundred uh the bigger pots sell for 100 plus just for a single pot so we found three and we listed them separate so we put them on our b list also because they're just not as common so yeah i i have no idea if uh where else they are i'm sure they're international uh like melissa they're in an international firm they're they make all sorts of stuff from from like shampoo to shoes to pots and pans so they're a big manufacturer yeah that was actually i was surprised because i've never heard of it and when she brought him home and i looked at the sell through rate it's about 130 percent sell through rate for amway queen and that's the only one that was made in canada the other two were made in the us against stainless steel um us you know same common theme as as before are we missing anything talk about emerald oh pressure cookers let's talk about pressure cooker canners which is the exact same thing pressure cookers or pressure canners whatever you want to call them um first thing i really want to tell you about is is the basics of a pressure cooker this is coming from a person who's never pressured the damn thing in his life but i know how to sell stuff on ebay so i found out that these sell relatively well so this is a mirror they all have the same concept they all have this lid that kind of tightens it and locks in but one thing that i wanted to point out is that each one of them is going to have a gasket ring on it the gasket condition is something that you definitely want to look out for and disclose i've seen them as bad as like they're so old and crusted that uh a buyer actually messaged me he was very happy by the way but messaged me and said hey like it took an acetone bath it took like hours but i finally got it off and then of course to really good like this is a very good condition um gasket ring it's it's almost like new and take it out twist it sometimes they crack and and are appealing and are basically useless yeah exactly you just wanna twist test yeah just tell them uh it's made out of rubber just like any gasket it belongs on the inner side of this uh lid and then when this lid goes on top it just simply comes in you twist it to lock it the other thing i wanted to talk to you about is this little piece this is not a polo brand i found this randomly at a garage sale it's just not a good seller so i haven't listed locally for like five or ten bucks to get rid of it if i can get this thing to open this is why it's not a good brand the reason i wanted to open that is because of this little piece on top this is from my understanding the the proper term for this is it's um it's a little piece that almost acts like a vessel so when you put it on top and the right pressure is reached this thing will kind of shake around uh and tell you so it fits right on top it fits loosely and then as this thing as the pressure is there i don't know if you can hear the noise it'll kind of tell you like hey you've reached your pressure yeah like a tea kettle whistles and pressure cookers yeah uh and then the other thing too you want to note about these some of them have the units attached but this mirror is more modern so the unit is actually attached to it it does not come off they sell better if you have it the other thing i wanted to add on top of that is that most of them are going to come with a rack that's going to hold your cans when you're pressure cooking them and there's going to be a base plate and if you have the the base plate and the rack and it's a good gasket and of course the brand is good definitely something you want to pick up these mirrors are good to look out for presto is another brand to look out for we've done really well with prestos we've sold a couple of them for 150 range and then another one to look out for is um yeah that's the one nero presto oh all american this is the cadillac of pressure cookers that's on our bolo list to find is that brand that's the brand all american yeah they're pretty wild some of them i mean a lot of them are being sold on auction on ebay and they range from like 150 to like 700 500 400 it's crazy and i'll mention one more thing about pressure cookers some will have a gauge right on top of them too just to tell you if you have the right pressure when you're canning your whatever you're canning so pressure cookers definitely a cousin of pots and pans definitely something you want to look out for jiggers gaskets racks base plates lids of course and then the brand and one thing i wanted to mention about pressure cookers because i'm usually the one doing it is the cleaning of them so when you get them this is unnecessary to say that so one thing i i wanted to mention about pressure cookers is the cleaning uh this one i've already cleaned but usually um so this one i didn't like do the scrub thing for you can see in there a lot of times when we get them they do have this browning um almost like they're rusting i think that's just what happens when they're used to hdf yeah um with the process but they clean up really nice this one i just did last night so as you can see it's there's no yelling or browning on the inside of that anymore um it's aluminum get yourself a nice uh steel wool cleaner and bar keepers friend and then we'll kind of walk you through kind of what we do yeah the other thing too to look out for on these units is the cord size it's super important people want to know the dimensions and the court size so they know how much they can actually pack in there when they're doing their canning and also the seasonality we wanted to talk about just a little bit if you want yeah so pressure cookers um are used for canning a lot so when you think about we've been we've sold six in the last 90 days it's summer right now which means people have planted their gardens and long term end of summer they're probably thinking they're gonna can some stuff like canned tomatoes do some pickling all that good stuff so it might be more seasonal with pressure cookers we're not sure yet this is our coming up on our first school year all right um and then what in summary before we we start doing some cleaning why pots and pans i've said this before on instagram i'm to keep drilling it into people's heads one they're super easy to ship they don't break they're made out of stainless steel aluminum etc they're not going to break you just need a little bit of fill so they don't bounce around you need a box two easy to identify three no testing it can't be broken right there's no unless it's cracked in half four or seven whatever number we're on they're super easy to identify look at them just look at the brand name don't look don't sell stuff that's not branded um everyone uses pots and pans that's that's the other reason they're so abundant that's another reason i think that's reason 13 or 14 now just sell pots and pans i'm telling you we've we've sold thousands thousands of dollars i i wanted to do a drill down of how much we've actually made after pops and pants then i didn't want to do it because it's too time consuming we've sold a lot of pots and pans and we're gonna keep drilling it because it's just such a great profit margin i mean that fifty to two hundred uh we've done a lot of like three into thirty three to twenty five five into fifty et cetera et cetera so and if you get the right brands they generally sell quick so it's not taking up a lot of your inventory space for long usually and if you don't remember anything else about this video if you forget all of those brands when you're walking into a goodwill just remember look it up if it's made in usa that's that's pretty simple yeah usa made is going to sell for you let's do some cleaning okay so a couple things of what to expect a little tarnish is totally normal with these vintage pots and pans uh it's usually not as intimidating don't be afraid to pick them up even if they look like this if you follow us on instagram then you've already seen our before and after if you don't go to our page in our posts i did a recent before and after of this crazy burnt bottom on a wagner magnalite night and day and it didn't require too much effort just a little bit of extra scrubbing so here's like these are the ones that i picked up today so you can tell right this one is not bad this one needs a little bit of scrubbing and then this one is like man do i really want to deal with this so mondo's gonna just quickly demonstrate what products she uses and how she gets these cleaned up really quickly so when they're really bad i do a solution on the stove and i'll just use the actual pot that i'm going to be cleaning a lot of times it's those pressure cookers when they have that brown in the middle or the old aluminum pots and pans and it's just um lemon juice about half a lemon give or take i just use lemon juice like this so i just kind of splash it in there baking soda uh one to two teaspoons um and two teaspoons of a detergent and then water of course so i bring that to a boil and then i bring it up a couple times to the sides because that's what you want on there it kind of almost bleaches it and then when that's cooling i save that solution and if it's super bad i'll even pour it into another baking dish and put the bottom of the pot on there because that's where you see the most wear and let it soak there for a while and then when you come back to it it's a lot easier to scrub off other than that um this barf keeper's friend this will probably take care of most of this stuff for you if it's not too bad and steel will yeah and all this is your best friend all of that stuff that's that's back there obviously water is is relatively free that's like you know these things are like a dollar or two at the store so in like all in total you probably have six dollars right there and that's going to be good for probably like 30 pots and pans depending on how bad they are so uh first step take the pan take the pan imagine it being clean there you go wet the pan pour some bar keepers friend on there and just scrub and then just scrub so that was a total of uh three minutes i think and this is already where it's at so um i'm obviously gonna do a little bit more uh detail it but in three minutes that's a that's a really good return on your investment yeah it went from like looking like garbage to looking relatively good and it just needs a little bit more detailing and once it's detailed it's ready to be listed yeah but you can really see how it uh just really does shine it up so it brings out the copper brings out this steel and when you take a photograph of that it'll just be super shiny it'll sure it can almost look like neo there you go cleaning relatively straightforward super super super inexpensive materials six bucks for all of it and then of course our friend the water and there you go this is how you can sell pots and pans on ebay to make money relatively straightforward this is echoing into my ears and it's starting to hurt you to wear your hat possibly on the sides yeah what it's called i'm like a circuit or whatever yeah there you go you guys thank you so much for all your support we really appreciate it we love this community i hope this video brings you value you have to wear the whole thing you need a bigger one wear the magna light anyways follow us on instagram if you're not already we appreciate it uh leave us a comment tell us about your pots and pans uh tell us that you learned something from this and um that's our goal so hopefully this helped you we wish you nothing but the best to go out there hashtag pots and pans later bye
Channel: Hustlin Hooks
Views: 54,290
Rating: 4.9587774 out of 5
Id: IojixxC5ESI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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