The History of Krieg - Borderlands

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having made his debut as a dlc vault hunter in borderlands 2 krieg's insane and maniacally funny ramblings drew the attention of many players the premise of a dual personality led many to take an interest into a psycho with a conscience so it's time i give you the history of krieg now while krieg has gotten more flushed out as a character it is important to note that a lot of his past still remains shrouded in mystery in the simplest of terms what little detail we do know about his life is that at one point he was married with a wife and one kid his job was that of a mercenary very akin to a vault hunter frequently getting paid in loot and weapons for whatever reason however his job eventually took him to a hyperian research facility whatever it was he intended on doing there failed he wound up getting caught by the workers and loader bots and due to the nefarious experimentation going on he could be used as another subject to be tested on a hyperian researcher by the name of dr benedict was working on an experimental drug while it's never quite specified what the initial intent was it is safe to assume that it was either meant to create super soldiers or some kind of weapon but like any experiment they needed test subjects the drug wasn't having the intended effects however the subjects began feeling no pain but most drastically of all it induced an extreme form of psychosis and so dr benedict instead of trying to use it as a tool began toying with it more as a weapon krieg found himself just within the horde of experimentation he was locked in a cell strapped down exposed to the gas tested on and so forth he became a prisoner unable to escape he even made a friend with a rat which he named tawanda what's that noise is someone there it's okay i won't hurt you little friend here's a little crumb from my dinner you can have i'm just gonna sit here nice and still it's up to you if you want to come out well hey there pretty aren't you just the cutest little thing it's nice to meet you looks like you and i are both lab rats in this place i'm called krieg i think i'll call you tawanda you know i needed a friend let's agree to help take care of each other over the experiments he was unable to resist the effects of the gas he found himself becoming more and more hostile slowly losing grasp of his sanity he found himself really struggling for it when he was forced to kill other test subjects who had been fully taken over by the psychosis what have you done those those people they they didn't deserve that did they they didn't ask to be here to be broken down and twisted into violent murderous beasts they were innocent once and you just you just killed them like they were nothing what makes you better than them we have to hold on to our humanity our sense of right and wrong innocence has to matter or we're no better than benedict we have to hold on to one tiny threat of goodness or we'll lose ourselves completely next nap songs for the garbage people who's there who said that this was the first instance of psycho krieg taking form but what made krieg unique was his ability to resist the gas he was not immune to it but while he watched as it made everyone around him insane murderous beasts to him it made him feel small it's not exactly known why this is the case or if it was just his strength of will but by refusing to succumb to it it only made him more of a target for dr benedict subject 24c or perhaps i should give you a name you are different after all perplexing an aberration really i'll admit my first inclination is to eradicate failure but perhaps you have something to teach me yes about the minds of the psychotics what allows you to resist me some innate quality the others don't possess a chemical irregularity or are you just special well we've all the time in the world so let's see just how special you really are experiments on him increased more and more until he inevitably broke krieg gave up he felt hopeless he didn't think there was anything he could do and he just waited and hoped for someone to save him and so he let the psychosis consume him except that's not quite what happened yes the split personality took him over but it was different to all the rest it seems the psycho self is still a reflection of the host it was created by while saying krieg had given up all hope it left psycho krieg to the body and he refused to give up the fight before the true psychosis could settle in psycho krieg locked away all of the anger rage and insanity that was trying to take him over he chained it up and kept it from consuming krieg's mind unbeknownst to him with psychokrieg now in full control of the body he was capable of fighting back dr benedict killing him and escaping the facility after this he fit in quite normally with the other psychos of the world now free over time saint krieg re-entered the picture but not in control of his body more of a passenger his split personality was the only one he could talk to he found it difficult at first but fortunately being from the same mind the two were capable of understanding each other even if they both spoke very differently look we've gotta talk we're not getting along and i wanna figure this out my deposit is written a parchment of skin yes i understand you but i don't always understand you you get what i'm saying someone watches from the window will that boy come out and play what do you mean i'm not too serious am i he knew quite well the bloodlust the insanity made him possess and so he set some ground rules he was not allowed to harm any innocent if his psycho self broke this moral code he would kill himself if you ever kill an innocent person i will destroy us oh shut up no that's the deal you can kill as many of the deserving as you like but the second your axe touches the flesh of an innocent i'll end this all of it a razor to the veins just like that fugitive we tried to grab on hera remember ah get out of my head i'll take that as a yes yes and this was his life for who knows how long wandering as a passenger in the out of control truck that was his body but everything changed when he met maya one day when wandering some train tracks he spots her and immediately recognizes she's one of the legendary sirens he's stricken by love at first sight she's the most beautiful woman i've ever seen tell her she's as gorgeous as a thousand sunsets tell her you need her help tell her to rescue you and care for you and whatever you do do not scream the word poop at the top of your lungs i'm the conductor of the poop train while she understandably confuses him as just like all of the other psychos on the planet she's had to kill when he saves her life from one of the rats sneaking up on her together they fend them off and she realizes that there's something special about him she makes the bold move of asking him to join her but while his inner voice tries to do what it always does and explain the situation logically the psycho translation always winds up different because of this no one ever really understands him but what he could only see as a miracle happened maya hears his inner voice hey wait a minute where are you going don't you want to come with me train's leaving the station big guy last chance i remember this why don't you want to come with me buckets of chums felt naked on the ground i told her we had nothing to offer we'd been out there on our own for so long just fighting to survive and that's when it happened she heard me there's more to life than just survival you big dummy don't you have something worth fighting for and in that moment i realized we did ah universe of yeses that's the spirit she just like that gave him purpose and it seemed like she was the only one who could understand him and help him and this is where the events of borderlands 2 come in while it seems like axed in salvador zero engage all seemed to be perfectly fine with his inclusion it seems that lilith had a harder time believing but maya vouches for him i don't know can we trust him he saved me lilith he's a psycho how do you know he won't turn on us or try to eat us i saw into his eyes they were different he's not like the others but he can fight well that's for sure all right he stays but watch over him okay our backs are against the wall maya we've got enough to worry about trust me he's worth it you're the terror of deep waters calmed a similar sentiment gets shared with mordecai and brick as well and while sane krieg is capable of understanding their concerns psycho krieg has a much harder time with this he believes they do see him as a monster who cannot be trusted and slightly antagonizes all three of them through the rest of borderlands 2 he assists in the takedown of handsome jack and hyperion which i'm sure he was ecstatic about obviously the rest of the dlcs would take place with his involvement but the next time he really becomes relevant is during the son of kromer x dlc during the victims of vault hunter's missions various assassins are sent to kill each one of the characters but each of them are killed by an ally of their respective character in krieg's case an old hyperion scientist wanted him dead for his escape long ago next guy he's probably freaking dead already his hyperian scientist named clements he wants krieg because you killed some dudes when you escaped or something i don't even care at this point yeah great figures he was there for the birthing he brought them into the metal fun palace so she could start the party but he was killed by someone named sammy salutation psycho man i'm sorry as a slice wound sincerely sammy it is widely believed this sammy is the hyperian researcher dr samuels who also conducted experiments on tina and her family as jack refers to her as sammy but this is currently unconfirmed though it seems likely throughout all of these ventures he and maya became closer and closer to each other many occasions arose where both his sane and psycho self wanted to express themselves one such occasion was a dance look at her go she's not a bad dancer not at all she's got rhythm and grace but what's really captivating is that she doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks she's doing her own thing into hell with everyone else i can't take my eyes off her she's so uniquely herself i wish i had the guts to join her imagine that me dancing i could never i mean could i come on man just let go let loose dance impress the girl one foot in front of the other [Music] psycho krieg also really fell in love with her and even wrote her a poem all right i'm up now what's so important you had to wake me i scraped my soul raw and scribbled the black scars on the pulpy page a poem really rip open your ears for my inky river yeah sure yeah let's hear it but make it quick all right murderous the lady smiles and singes my salty blood and my purple cage crushes my soul my lungs drink fire my heart pumps reddened mud her voice riddles me with all the holes oh that that's the end will it splatter the pretty lady's heart yeah she's gonna love it after the events of borderlands 2 maya had to leave krieg for the time being she felt like her purpose was still left unanswered and so she went back to athens to learn more about her siren origin and protect the planet while this tore up krieg it was something she felt was important easy krieg it's okay you heard what lilith said sanctuary's gone but we're all still vault hunters including you pooped out by the vengeful richtus you aren't just a psycho anymore not to me not to any of us not it got two knives entwined i can't stay i have to go to athens i left those people defenseless and i have to know more about what i am it feels important torn apart from pretty lady don't worry big guy i'll be back i promise krieg on the other hand after the events of the commander lilith and the fight for sanctuary dlc joined the b team alongside mordecai brick and tina he fit in quite well amongst the crazy cluster one mission the crew went on was at a meat packing facility what creek was running with the bt for a while we had some great crazy times once we had to blow up a meatpacking plan to deal with a bandit problem long story so there we are right it's raining meat down all around us and well i never seen creed so happy also during his time on the team he taught tina how to speak psycho okay big guy look there's a bomb ass bandit party going over there and they're only letting in the craziest mukablekas tina's gotta go undercover so i need psycho lessons lick the wombat flay until dawn oh [ __ ] are we is that are we certain okay okay okay romance the wombat lick the sun subjugation for the mind tickle lick the wombat flay until dawn flick the cheddar biscuit become sean huh lick the wombat fly until dawn lick the wombat fly until dawn unending catastrophe i did it ha ha i did it lick the wombat lick the wombat like the wombats thanks craig i haven't had a good teacher since roland huh you want to come to the party there's gonna be a rager yes the teeth poop in the chalice yeah we will cover your chalices pandora he also at one point tried to eat talon which made mordecai a little uneasy around him a morty won't admit this but i think he's always been a little uneasy around three probably just cause three tried to eat talon once though but eventually he left the team to focus on himself he thought over time he might be able to convince his psycho self to transfer control over to him or at the very least be able to speak normally and in a way that can express his real emotions he isolated himself in a cave where he would spend his future time teaching it took years of work but i can finally express myself even if it's only in the silence of this cave quiet can suck a railroad spike through my skull lovely imagery but of course you don't like it there's no faces to slice open with a buzz axe but trust me it's for our own good that we touchy touch with a whip crack on my own backside if we ever want to see her again you're gonna have to learn to let me take over never with the blood scream will we well that's up to you i guess can you keep it to yourself blast off yeah we'll keep working on it i don't know how long i have until it happens again but i need to remember her i need to remember her face maybe if i can just hold on to that someday i'll see her again and i'll tell her ripping jaw bones off the torture meat no damn it can't believe i'm still stuck with you after all this time yeah i'm never settling until the dead bloat rises inside my carcass till death do us part huh terrific maybe we can work out some kind of shared custody situation with the spinach is always thirsty for the meat juice great well at least i can finally speak a little bit even if it's only in here alone or at least as alone as i can get ugh friends forever now shut up i thought i could control it i was getting so close i can't see her again until next snap songs for the garbage people yes yes but only for the garbage people we do not kill the innocent die little man i'm not going anywhere and i will take control sooner or later i'm not going through the castration ringer just work with me here man we can do this you just need to listen to me a little bit more i'll rip the ears from my own skull and eat them raw i'll take that as a no i kind of missed the thrill of the hunt when we used to hunt down those fugitives and mercs for the highest bidder stalking and sneaking and tracking we were a highly trained predator yelling madness at the midday moon and now we're this a ranting rambling lunatic who can't go five minutes without screaming the word blood can too oh you're actually listening i thought you were just tuning me out blood nightmare there it is well it looks like i'm stuck with you for now at least you will not rip the meat man from the small man apparently not okay let's practice just say i've missed you so much oh i've missed the helmsman with my parade harpoon so close so close let's try it again i've missed you so much i gotta spin axe with your blood on it less close maybe we can try another one how about don't be afraid i won't hurt you don't don't be a don't be a walking skin suitor i'll rip the hoses off your chest don't be afraid i won't hurt you don't be afraid or i'll hurt you i'd call that progress i got my revenge on hyperion thought maybe i'd come back after that but i'm still stuck with you am i ever gonna get out of this i have to poop now so do it who's stopping you at least i get some time to think while we're busy with that dropping anchors in the sick pit with fiery reigns sometimes there's a kind of poetry to your nonsense isn't there even when it's about that to completion yes yes we're very proud of us he did however stay in contact with the crimson raiders even doing a few jobs from time to time when the children of the vault began to rise up lilith had sent him out to one of their strongholds to deal with them even at the end of it all they all shared some drinks oh cree there you are come on we're headed to moxie's next round's on me yeah you ain't gonna want to miss this me and mr targ are going to arm wrestle last time we broke the tail i got 20 on brick you want some of that action buddy i wanted to say thank you to let them know they'd made me feel at home and i'd never be able to repay them for that but what i said was straight through the anus [Applause] hell yeah i love this guy yeah classic creed hope we see you there craig and this is where the events of borderlands 3 take place while krieg is not present in the main story a notable event that would occur would be the death of maya while out on a mission she lost her life but before it happened she recorded one last message to him krieg i know i promised when i left pandora that we'd see each other again a lot's happened since then i met this girl she's a real handful just like i was she's headstrong impulsive and somehow twice as stubborn but she's just a kid and she needs better guidance than i had the reason i'm saying all this is yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure if every siren knows when they meet the person they're gonna pass their gifts to but i did ava is my best shot at leaving this world a better one right now i'm at the end of a thread of sirens spanning thousands of years and i can feel each and every one of them still here with me and [Music] if that's possible then i know that death and time can't take you and i away from each other i'm too stubborn for that so if i go just know that i'll see you in the stars big guy i promise news of this event eventually made its way back to him as did the echo he seems to have taken the news partially better thanks to maya easing the thought that death cannot separate them but as time eventually passed on tanus wanted to study the psyche of a psycho and thus she creates a device that allows one to explore inside someone's mind krieg offers himself up as the experiment and this is where the events of psycho krieg and the fantastic foster club take place it is important to note that by this point sane krieg had gotten fed up with his inability to control his other half and wants a way out after tanus's whole experiment is over throughout this dlc you relive various moments from krieg's life primarily viewed through the lens of psycho krieg and his own feelings due to this you encounter evil versions of mordecai brick and lilith as he believes they don't like him but fortunately sane krieg calms him down and corrects the true feelings the others had you also saved maya from the train she was boarding when they initially met as well as re-escape his imprisonment from hyperion throughout this whole journey it allows sane creed to understand his other half better through their ventures the characters open up vault holla the aspect of krieg's insanity psycho krieg locked away all that time ago but this came at a trade-off to open this locked gate sane krieg was forced to lose all of his memories he had of the past the life he lived before the birth of psychokrieg became lost for the vault to open so now that the cage had been opened the characters were forced to face the psycho reaver the embodiment of all rage and anger inside of him trying to take over once everything was all said and done sane krieg understands everything his psycho self did for him not allowing him to be consumed by insanity fighting for his life when he had already given up and seeing life from his perspective this all gave him the inability to be torn apart as they are one entity as for maya her memory still lives on in his head and she's still the reason he's gotten as far as he has but for now that does it for the history of krieg he's still living in a cave somewhere but he's gotten some much needed closure on many aspects of his life he's come to terms and has even found an understanding of his other personality but that's not to say that it's all over he still had a life he's forgotten long ago but with that said if there are any other characters you'd like to see me do the history of then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time i'll see in the next video [Music] you
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 374,586
Rating: 4.9582357 out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, kreig, psycho, fantastic fustercluck, dlc 4, borderlands krieg, history of krieg, maya, siren, a meat bicycle built for two, echo log, konrad hold, kreigs mind, psychoscape, hyperion, krieg past, kreig family, bl2, vault hunter
Id: AEtfxWea3dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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