The History of Mad Moxxi - Borderlands

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having made her debut in the original Borderlands his second DLC mad Moxxi has become just as much of a staple to this franchise as any of the vault hunters so I'm here to go through and give you all we know and the history of mad Moxxi so far at least Moxie's origins as far back as they go is part of the ho dunk clan they're a large extended family of rednecks obsessed with fast cars booze procreation and the sort moxie as far as we can tell has always been very sexual and has never really gone through any effort to hide it the reason this is relevant is due to the clans obsession with procreation you see with the ho dunks there is usually a clan wife a woman designated to bear the children of primarily the clan leaders while it is never explicitly stated if Moxie was the ho dunk clan wife she did have a child with one of the leaders Jimbo ho dunk who they would name scooter many believe Jimbo is Moxie's first husband though it's never directly stated if they were just married or lovers at the time but scooter wouldn't be Moxie's only child's yet during her time in the clan Moxie would end up having a daughter named Ellie though we don't know who her father is a more surprising detail many fans aren't aware of his scooter and Ellie aren't Moxie's only two children while they're the only ones we actively see some passive dialogue from both Moxie herself and scooter allude to other children there was a time when I'd be out there on the front lines fighting jacks troops alongside you of course that was for kids and God knows how many husbands ago my reflexes aren't exactly what they used to be what happened to them who they are where they are we don't know anyway the birth of Ellie was a cornerstone in Moxie's life the hodong's declared she was to be the next clan wife a decision moxy was not happy about being very caring and protective of her children she grabbed both scooter and Ellie and left the clan appreciated sugar that reminds me of something Jimbo hodong told me right before me and the kids left his disgusting bandit clan forever he said home Darryl Howser number go hmm I'll never forget that fortunately during her time with hodong she had picked up some very useful skills due to the clans obsession with cars Moxie very much had the knowledge and skills of a mechanic that of what she would later go on to teach her children despite this she sought to completely abandon her connection to the hodong's she began to disguise her natural southern accent with a more alluring smooth and sexy one though it does manifest from time to time you haven't met the hoe dunks yet have you bastards every one of them they think just because you're born into their stupid clan you have to follow their rules date who they tell you to date murder who they tell you to murder and yeah good lord I am so glad the kids and I left that stupid clan for it Oh God Oh God did I go back into the accent oh no oh crap don't tell anybody she also wound up changing her attire and occupation predominantly as a bartender and bar owner she would later end up getting married two more times her second husband was a man named mr. shank while their marriage would obviously fall through likely due to mr. shank not being as straight of an arrow as she thought well there was some bad blood held between them deep down mocs he still does care about him her third husband was Marcus Kincaid the well-known arms dealer and merchant on Pandora unlike her other husband's these two would remain great friends and even allies after their divorce while she even to this date has only had three husbands she's had plenty of boyfriends girlfriends and just friends with benefits and even enemies with benefits as moxie continued to raise her children she would accidentally push Ellie away she tried to get her to work in her bar and more annoyingly to Ellie Moxie would try and get her to consider her looks more put on makeup lose weight and in general putting more care into her body because of this Ellie moved away to the dust to prove her independence he met Elliot lovely girl hates my guts I tried to explain to her there's no harm in putting just a little effort into your appearance a little Rouge here's some dieting there no requests I thought but a few years of that were enough to make her move out to the dust said something about making her own way that she didn't need scooter or I kids you know one of the more notable sexual relationship she had was with Lucky's aford he was the son of the leader of the Safford clan pretty much the moral enemies of the hodong's how she ended up with him we don't know but scooter holds a particular resentment and hatred towards him for busting his mama's girl in fact he would later go on to bury lucky alive because of it but Moxie never really mentioned him anyway because she's looking to settle down she eventually created and opened the under dome Colosseum it's a gladiator like arena designed to help her find a relationship to be in as a prize the winner gets to be with moxie my first husband was a dirtbag and it's she my second husband was sponge I figured by then that I deserved the Tour still wish I hadn't broken my boy my third husband was good with numbers and his hands we're still friends kind of we're civil I'm looking for my fourth you know on the prowl I don't know when I'll meet him or where I'll meet him out there for now I'll get my jollies off on bringing shame this way and this is where the original vault hunters come into play while the gameplay allows either Lilith Roland Mordechai or brick to complete it canonically to the story Mordecai is the winner and moxie and Mordecai date for a short time the relationship much like many would fall through due to Mordechai being too inattentive and a slight alcoholic they say money can't buy you love but it's a damn good replacement though Mordechai might disagree with that poor guy I offered him a rack Ives worth of guns and cash from winning the top spot in my under dome but he never wanted any of it if I had a nickel for every time he asked me to run away with him well I wouldn't need a tip jar that's for sure moxie later appears again in general Knox's DLC to help the vault hunters rescue Athena by killing her second husband while she does help you do this she feels saddened by his death you killed my second husband you actually killed him I know I told you to but I'm sorry I need a minute go get the girl I'll be in touch sorry to be such a party [ __ ] trying to make funeral plans and help you escape at the same time my late husband's cronies will be coming after you just take a monster off the old pier you'll survive the fall oh and poor went out for David I mean mr. shank for me her next and probably most important relationship would be to handsome Jack whom she left Mordecai for despite not being handsome Jack at the time the relationship still wasn't good he exhibited many traits which pushed her away like trust issues in him being a slight megalomaniac at the time this relationship definitely lasted a decent amount of time as Moxie would tell him of an idea she had for a space casino which he would later go on to steal and create for himself dude are recognizing some red flags she broke up with him but he would still remain infatuated with her he remind me of my last boyfriend think you met him name of Jack real charmer first always opening doors for me telling me I'm beautiful shooting anyone in the face if they looked at me sideways course then Inka clingy and I dropped him like a bad habit which as it turns out wasn't the best idea later on in time one of the bars moxy opens up is on the moon Elpis in the town of Concordia and this is where the events of the pre-sequel take place despite not being together anymore jack and his vault hunters seek out moxie to help stop the Lost Legion she agrees and has Rowland and Lilith help out through his endeavors but considering these are the primary events that turn jack into handsome jack moxie and the others see his selfish and megalomaniac tendencies rear their ugly head so when Jack goes on to try and use the Destroyers eye as a super weapon Moxie Rowland and Lilith all betray Jack and sabotage the weapon while Jack goes on to swear revenge on them later when he opens the Elpis vault Lilith smashes the vault piece into his face branding him and creating the alter-ego handsome Jack after he takes over Hyperion he promptly uses their resources to destroy Moxie's under dome for breaking up with him one step closer to rebuilding the under dome Jack didn't take it too well when I kicked him to the curb way he figured it if he couldn't have the thing he loved neither could I he sent his goons to burn the under dome to the ground I think he's planning to rebuild it in his own image but he's missing the stuff that made it great the flash the pizzazz the personality and his tits aren't as nice as Jack begins to use Hyperion to slowly take over Pandora Moxie is forced to move to the crimson Raiders town sanctuary where she runs her own bar she helps the new group of vault hunters from time to time giving them supplies and weapons to help take down handsome Jack once pandora is eventually free from the tyranny of Hyperion mr. torgue decides the host and offworld deathmatch tournament which the vault hunters take pardon mah see having lost her under dome is missing the Coliseum scene and so she wants to get back into it as a sponsor she winds up getting kidnapped by one of the competitors pyro Pete who hopes to prevent the characters from getting someone to sponsor them but he is killed and Moxie serves as the sponsor for the vault hunters for the tournament she promotes them builds them up and when they inevitably win torx tournament moxie blackmails him into getting the arena for herself calm down torgue you've got other things to worry about like giving me your arena so I don't tell your stockholders about this little tournament supposed to know that illegal offworld death matches are illegal sugar I think this is gonna be the start of a beautiful relationship to this day nothing has really been done with the Colosseum fast forward in time and we get to the headhunter pack mad Moxxi and the wedding-day massacre after having left the hodong's clan long ago she predominantly stayed out of any drama involving them unlike her children scooter having murdered lucky and Ellie having caused a full-blown war between them and those efforts here Moxie is hoping to mend the rift between the clans by planning a wedding between two goliaths each respectively from the opposing clan while the uniting of them does work it's only as allies against her and her family and the vault hunters are forced to kill the newlyweds oh hey I guess we did sort of unite the clans even if it's just so they can kill us I am ultimately this DLC ends in failure not really accomplishing much unfortunately while Moxie continues to run business as usual her son's scooter would go off on his own adventure in space helping the cast of tales from the borderlands where he would sacrifice his life in order to save the characters moxie and Ellie mourned the death of him and built a ramp in his honor Moxie would transfer all of the rights assets of scooters catch a ride business into Ellie's name in case you didn't know my son scooter he well he died recently he went out the way I always saw him as a hero I've said my own goodbyes but before we rushed off sanctuary I found an echo and scooters things says it's for you vault hunter I know scooter wasn't exactly everyone's cup of tea but he was a good man and that's one hell of a rare thing on Pandora it would have meant a lot to scooter that you did all this it did to me Thank You vault hunter during the commander Lilith and the fight for sanctuary DLC when Colonel Hector takes over sanctuary all of the residents are forced to momentarily find new shelter including Moxie so considering Lilith saved her life by the time Borderlands 3 comes around and the Calypso twins are running amok when sanctuary 3 is built Moxie takes refuge with the crimson raiders yet again on their spaceship she doesn't have any notable role in stopping the children of the vault the next time shields any relevance is in DLC one Moxie's heist of the handsome jackpot at some point in time Jack stole Moxie's idea for a casino and built it for himself Moxie knew of this for some time but could never really do anything about it so seven years after his death Moxie decides to run a heist on the casino and add it to her collection of properties and business ventures through this heist she is once again reunited with Timothy Lauren's handsome Jack's doppelganger whom she'd met during the events of the pre-sequel and the two work together to retake the casino from pretty boy who since taking control over it in Jack's stead while she initially doesn't choose to trust Timothy due to his connection to handsome Jack the end cutscene does reveal that she was capable of recognizing that Timothy wasn't anything like Jack from even years ago she did go on a date with Timothy who was pretending to be Jack but that doesn't seem to have led to anything between them at the time while this does leave Timothy with a smile on his face knowing that she went on a date with him and not Jack she just leaves off as a flirt and for now that's where the story left off with her her business empire is slowly growing from just outside bars and we'll see what she does next with her casino and arena that she obtained from tour one of the only other relationship that she was a part of that I left out was one with motor mama one of the competitors in torques tournament but Moxie broke up with her due to her being a cannibal and that's just a little too far from oxys taste while Moxie may not be one of the most flushed out characters she does have her own little side story going on her own stories primarily the relationship he's had because she is looking for that life partner but it's just having a little hard time doing it she's obviously very motivated running various businesses all around the world and even galaxies at this point he's a very loving and protective mother and it's because of all of these things that fans have come to love her too so anyway guys that was the history of mad Moxxi if there are any other Borderlands characters stories you'd like me to make a video on then be sure to leave a comment down below and like the video if you liked it but until next time I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 719,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox
Id: DmXQ-aUqF-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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