Borderlands 3 - "You Must Never Find the Seventh" | Nyriad's Warning |

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so a few days ago I released a video talking about how Borderlands 3 was not the war The Watcher was referring to I spent a lot of time in that video using Myriad's echo logs to deduce what the future held for the franchise but unfortunately in that video I missed what was probably the biggest talking point I could have forgotten though to be fair it's not that I forgot to include this my game just refused to give me Neary adds final message you see after you collect all 30 of Neri ads already in writings you can inspect the slab in tanis's infirmary for about five extra messages each adding their own separate and unique talking points and when I made that video the slab wasn't giving me her final statement which does foreshadow the importance of sirens in the future you you know now all that I know this was an epitaph not for myself but for the world I knew I have brought ruin to the sirens murdered the yridians and imprisoned a primordial force of the universe perhaps I have earned your hatred or your sympathy but that is not why I write these words I have told you the truth no matter it's hard edges before I can put my fractured mind to rest I must pass one more warning you must never find the seven the unheard-of seventh siren one that for whatever reason has become forgotten to time ever since Borderlands 2 it has been set lore that only six sirens can exist at any given moment in this game we learned that sirens powers weren't unique to every single host change there was a set of powers that transfer between person to person so far we know five-phase walk phase shift phase lock phase trance and the unnamed phase leech command on steals powers still remain unknown the six sirens always seem to be that one piece of lore we could trust regard sirens but now that's changed the irony of Nereids remark talking about sirens and all of the information she gives is she never mentions the rule of six she only ever refers to them as sisters or a sisterhood but never does she explicitly state that only six sirens can exist at any given moment perhaps it seems obvious with the seventh reveal warning but how she's talked about sirens in these echos is that they always make their way to each other even when one passes and a new siren receives her markings she always finds her way to the sisterhood it seems the will of the universe that the sirens be together our lives entwined like an unseen braid so if there was a seventh theoretically the sisterhood she refers to involves her she knew her and lived with her but what makes the warning bizarre is that it's almost like myriad knew the future why warn of a seventh siren if all sirens are drawn towards each other based on how history has gone it would be inevitable that they met so there would be nothing she could do unless she and potentially the others were capable of something it's almost as though near he had mu-7 sirens existed but something happened to drop that number26 from that point moving forward so she didn't have to worry about fate finding its way because she did something that would prevent the sevenths role in anything we must not find the seventh because the seventh is hidden somewhere undisturbed the most obvious theory would be a prison Nereids character has a huge emphasis on prisons it was the yridians who sought out her to help them contain the destroyer so if she had the power and knowledge to seal what may be the universe's greatest monster then what's to say she couldn't create some sort of other prison to contain a siren the bump in this idea regards the seventh themself you see the sirens didn't know how to stop their powers from moving to other hosts myriad herself didn't wish to pass on her leeching so when it came her time to die what when was the other sirens told her of a potential way to prevent the gift from moving on she wound up sealing herself in a vault on necro to fail when my atrocity was complete and I returned home I found no family to rejoin the others had fled our braid was unraveled my sisters scattered to the Stars but they left me a parting gift they told me where to die that my threat might never be picked up again when I have written my last I will go back to the yridian world to the vaults there I hope it works this would be a brighter universe without a leash and if I have my law correct that is white Irene is a leech - de Leon opened her vault and had sex with his wife there where tyene was conceived that is why she became a siren the point I'm getting at is Nuria took a shot in the dark as to how to stop the powers from moving one that did work but if she did in fact seal away the seventh there was no guarantee at the time that her powers would stay in her prison if she were to die of old age so that sort of leads into the other theory that this seventh is immortal or at least does not age that's why the powers haven't gone anywhere because someone still has it they're just trapped similar to the destroyer and all of the prisoners the yridians locked in vaults they just sit there waiting to be freed then again it is possible the seventh doesn't want to be found but for this to remain true from how long ago it was near yet knew this the immortal theory would still have to remain valid one of the interesting details about this reveal is that in my video I talked about Nereids theory of there being a creator a being that is the opposite of the destroyer but equally as frightening and how that may be the answer to sirens mystery the thing about that though is it has nothing to do with the 7th the 7th is a completely different and potentially separate problem to the future war near yet us a warning to not find the seventh yet she explicitly states that none of the sirens have any idea what their purpose is as the siren sisterhood we were the keepers of many answers but our own nature remained elusive we never knew our origins nor our purpose in this way we are still undeniably mortal so somehow the seventh is so dangerous or so powerful or so much of a threat that Neary adds final message to us is a plea not to find her while at the same time the seventh doesn't appear to hold the answers to a sirens purpose or if she does nuria didn't know now I'm gonna bring up something here that I didn't intend to but it may be relevant the proving grounds I wasn't sure if this was the right place to talk about this I originally intended to make a separate video and I still may but anyway all six proving grounds are looked over by the overseer one of the more intelligent guardians similar to the watcher the very small bits of story they give us at the beginning and end of finishing each of the arena's for the first time all call into question whether or not we are worthy to be introduced to their new boss for a lack of a better term volt hunter I thought you might show up sooner or later so so curious the fault and faults has been opened and it has been released prove your worth and I will reveal why the Masters maybe wait for you not humans open the vault of vaults but the Masters will determine who is at fault until next time warrior so you've returned persistent yes or stubborn or both are you so desperate to prove yourself then let us begin the business spot the first thought was hoping a light in the dark a little yes perhaps it will unravel next time Roger we were created for one purpose by our masters and we couldn't even do that right but don't blame us when a car breaks point your finger at the artificer not the car are you a cog vault hunter or an artificer or both prove yourself worthy Pelias not of the world has been broken those who sleep will soon be awoken not long now seeker the yridians were our masters but we failed them they gave the order then silence they vanished such as our faithful hunter servant to a master who has left the house so long ago proved to me that you deserve an introduction we were supposed to guard the great jail but no quarter for servants who fail but servant that is not quite right prisoner that is what I am until next time adventurer I am a prisoner but you fault hunter what are you hunter warrior hero no matter what name I use you returned to prove yourself time and time again but prove it to whom I wonder perhaps you seek a greater audition it has come to this one last trial but will your efforts be worthwhile that we will determine next time hero a final chance to prove yourself but will your reward be what you desire a prisoner in a Cell staring out at fathoms of a sleeping universe after a time how would you know whether you were prisoner or master consider this while you prove yourself one last time done and my masters have taken note would you like to know what they told me right before they vanished beware the vault hunters they will take your kinds place now I am free and you are chained until next time the yridians are all gone they said they were made to protect and defend the yridians but now they are all dead so it would seem that some of the guardians are answering to someone else who that is is still a mystery even after beating all of the proving grounds we've already met the watcher granted the characters were playing as haven't but there's a huge question mark on what some of the Guardians are up to so at the end of the day we have a war that's yet to come the possibility of there being another godlike being in the universe equivalent to that of the destroyer some new person who the more intelligent guardians are answering to and a seventh siren lost to time and you're telling me all of this is DLC maybe some of it but there's still so much going on all of which either have no connecting threat at all or a very microfiber of one anyway guys that was the crucial detail I fail to bring up in the previous video a 7th exists somewhere we are warned but we do not know why I genuinely want to know all of your thoughts on this topic the topic of the proving grounds the Creator literally any future lore you could think of let me know in the comments below also be sure to share this video around because I think the lore isn't talked about enough and I want to bring as much conversation and theories around it as possible so anyway guys if you did end up liking this video then be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe for all sorts of new Borderlands content and until next time I'll see you in the next video [Applause] [Music]
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 1,405,650
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Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, nyriad, nyriad warning, sirens, 6 sirens, 7 sirens, you must never find the seventh, eruptionfang borderlands, nyriad warning explained, borderlands 3 theory, eridian writing, eridian messages, nyriad messages, borderlands 4 theory, dlc, main, story, side, mission, nekrotafeio, borderlands 3 sirens, gearbox, 2k, lilith, ava, maya, tyreen, amara, fl4k, beastmaster, zane, operative, moze, gunner, proving ground meaning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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