The History of Patricia Tannis - Borderlands

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[Music] having made her debut in borderlands 1 patricia tannis has very quickly become one of the most important and relevant characters to the universe as a whole since she's been around for so long she's been the subject of several retcons regarding her story and motivation so i'll try my best to explain where things branch off and have since changed well next to nothing is known about her childhood and past before her involvement on pandora one of the very few details she tells us about her parents were that they were blue collar isotope designers my parents were blue collar isotope designers not a hyper phd between them this in and of itself was a slight retcon as in echologs found in the first game tanis says how her mother held no interest in science a detail important to tanis is that she's actually autistic suffering from aspergers in her case this causes her to have difficulty with social cues being incredibly awkward and inappropriate in what she says at times she also suffers from a lack of empathy emotions don't quite affect her the same as everyone else hardly if at all it's hard to say if she even had a childhood to begin with as she states that she's never met a child these bandits naturally migrated to the training area like children to candy or so i've been told never met a child but i'm certain i'd hate them it's clear that her early life was very isolated regarding her motivation and the career paths she took this also faced various changes over time in the events of borderlands 3 it said that she didn't choose to follow the path of her parents footsteps instead initially deciding to become a vault hunter after hearing tales about typhon de leon the very first vault hunter needless to say it didn't take long before she realized she was not fit for the profession of vault hunter her brain was undeniably her strong suit so instead of hunting vaults she chose to study them and uncover the iridian's origins but in borderlands 1 her echologs clearly express her disbelief of things such as aliens fancying herself as a woman of science so the reason her echoes might seem a bit off in the early stages are because her character motivation has changed over time either way both of these paths led to her getting a job for the doll corporation as a scientist and archaeologist who was tasked with the research in uncovering the vault on pandora she alongside a group of researchers were all sent down to the planet during its winter cycle meaning the harsh dangers of the flora and fauna were hibernating the research commenced studying a nearby dig site patricia tannis doll scientific advisor day one on planet pandora i have been assigned to this sector by my superiors to find evidence of abandoned alien technology similar to that found by our competitor the atlas company in the ruins on prometheus technology that many believe made them the superpower they are now this kind of find seems astronomically improbable on a rock like this but my benefactors believe in it enough to waste my considerable talents i've only been here for three hours and i already believe this planet will be the death of me scientists do not chase myths and legends day 43 on pandora at least i believe it to be the 43rd day i've been here the moonlight cycles are difficult to get used to the planet rotation day is over 90 hours long the people that inhabit this salted dust ball are as ignorant as i've seen in this galaxy when i attach scientific inquiry to something like the vault i'm greeted with silly nursery rhymes and slack-jawed soliloquy about a man who knew a man who knew a man they drift off into a stupor where i half imagine they're drunk or brain damaged and are unaware of my continued presence if i believed in hell i would contemplate how it compared to pandora ironically such a belief would align me with these neanderthals eventually the winter slowly began to come to an end and the animals came out searching for food her research team suffered many casualties from this this is the 76th day i was woken up hoping i was having a reoccurring nightmare we spent more than 36 hours earlier today relocating our campsite closer to our dig site only to be ambushed by local wildlife that's hungry coming out of hibernation half of my staff was eaten alive or killed by skaggs i survived by hiding under a colleague of mine who was being devoured on top of me his name was carl my emotions are deadened and i grieve for none of them in point of fact the only emotion i felt was that of joy i felt joy because his chair was always more comfortable than mine i took his chair and then i noticed the emissive glow on the rocks at the dig site despite this the research began to yield results as they had found evidence of the iridians but still eventually tanus would be the only researcher left of her team day 119 i sat in the shower in tears for just under an hour this is interesting considering we haven't had water for days i equate my ever decreasing sanity with that of the population of my dig site with the investigation of the symbols and glowing patterns at the site we finally unearthed arguably certifiable proof of the existence of alien life having been here on pandora but this celebration was lonely as i only have two colleagues left and i'm not too fond of the fat girl cheme i've been told that scientific discovery requires sacrifice but i never understood what they meant until now day 172 the fat girl cheme was crushed under an alien ruin that collapsed today she didn't die right away and begged me to put her out of her misery as she choked on various fluids and bile i hesitated because she was the last one alive that wasn't me as she was choking and coughing and dying i tried to enjoy the interaction i imagined to be a conversation as i knew it was the last i would have for a while i finally got around to smothering her so that i could continue my research i could tell that she regretted the decision the scags have been waiting for this meal for a while they will not go hungry tonight she slowly spiraled into a psychological insanity she became more and more obsessed with finding the vault and speaks and treats her echo recorder as though it were another person patricia tanis chief scientific advisor doll corporation day 224 the only conversations i have anymore are with this echo recorder i've developed a relationship with it some cycles i sleep with it and others i make it stay outside of my tent my waning ability to discern logic from insanity is becoming cumbersome i've been translating around in writings in between arguing with the recorder you went off for a few hours during my last sleep cycle i heard you sneak out if i were to pontificate i would infer that the eredin writings show a class-based society that was quite capable of both leadership and of armed conflict as i work i spend the majority of days having conversations with people that are not there two days ago i explained to my mother how the translation program i was writing would greatly help me understand exactly what all this aerodyn text i've been attempting to decipher actually means my mother has been dead for 16 years she was never actually interested in science to begin with i'm unsure if i'm quite to the point of no return but my stubbornness which i got from her in the first place will keep me here putting up with her until i find exactly where the vault is or until i drive myself so far off the edge i do not remember why i was doing this in the first place day 457 this is exciting i think i might strip naked and run around to celebrate but i'll i'll do it during the dim cycle for fear of prying eyes before overloading and melting four of my computer's 13 qubit operators my program was able to decipher quite a bit more than i had been able to understand before it will take a few days to fix but i was able to find many repeated instances of an event that takes place every 200 years it's repeated many times with a symbol that looks not unlike a circle with an upside down v in it it's possible that this is the vault and something about the vault happens every 200 years tonight for dinner i will have eggs day 481 it's true it's all true my program did it program from program i'm now certain that the vault is here and that the symbol has something to do with opening it i've checked and triple checked my findings and it all seems to make sense it looks like there are extreme measures to keep the vault secure but that it can be opened every 200 years the vault's contents must be extremely valuable maybe better than the atlas tech but i cannot reveal this information to anyone just yet if i'm wrong i'm done and if i'm right the suits will claim it i must find the ball to myself find find but just as she had begun to really crack at the mysteries of the vault and make progress doll at this time made the call to abandon the planet their losses far outweighed their successes and so they chose to cut ties to the planet they did inform tanis of this decision telling her that she should leave with them but her obsession had taken over by this point she chose to stay on the planet and further continue uncovering the iridian's past day 493 doll corporation just shut down their mining operations here on pandora i think they are insane or that is whoever is making the decision is insane iridium mining on this planet has been hugely lucrative for dahl and has funded my project it's been especially profitable given how low their labor costs are i wonder what doll will do with all the unpaid convicts they've been using to work their minds i wonder if any of them will be my friend what why are you always so jealous of me getting new friends i'm turning you off day 578 i haven't slept in three days i just ate six bugs in alphabetical order starting with caribou saronitins ending with a dessert of tetris entalata the information i've uncovered from my automated deciphering has me closing in on the location of this event an event i believe to be the opening of the vault echo recorder and i are not together anymore but i wish him the best and we remain friends so that i can keep recording these messages he agreed because we need to complete what we set out to do and document the intensive search for the mythic fault it's not a myth it is real day 616 sometimes i wish i had never been given this assignment and never come to pandora doll has asked me to leave the transmission said it's time to go everyone has left except the criminals who they've let loose they won't be my friends so i had decided to return to leave as doll has ordered but then i found something i think it is the key to the vault it proves the vault is real and that it's here on pandora that it can be mine i also learned that by my calculations we are near the 200th anniversary of the last vault opening within half a year approximately if i leave now i will never make it back in time i will stay maybe one of the convicts will be my friend her research would yield many results uncovering the location of the vault when it would open and even the key that would be needed to unlock it day 653 today is my birthday i've been alone for an incalculable amount of time a convict accidentally crossed over into my encampment this morning and i allowed him to look about before i shot him in the back several times i was immediately filled with regret upon doing this because the human contact no matter how awkward would have been nice i've decided his name was leslie and he had a troubled childhood where people would make fun of him for having a girl's name and the torment eventually led leslie to a life of crime and debauchery there was a tattoo on his bum that looked not unlike the name patricia i might have imagined a tattoo the experience compelled me to move the vault key fragment i found so that it can be safe it's extremely important so i've given it to the man known as crazy earl he's not crazy he doesn't like people the valky will be safe with him i also gave him my underwear she initially has a fear and inability to leave the campsite she's been held up at but thanks to an accidental sleepwalking accident she overcomes this fear and begins to explore pandora a bit more once again day 684 i seem to be unable to leave camp anymore i've collected all of the information i need to be able to find the vault but i'm overcome with terror and instantaneous paralyzation upon any attempt to leave my confines i believe i have some kind of psychosis whatever it is i'm a prisoner of my own jail and i will not be able to find anything without help from an outside party i will put out feelers to see if i can get someone on this rock to grant me assistance perhaps i can send an off-world message to attract some vault hunters some company would be lovely day seven one eight i woke up outside the camp today i don't know how i got outside but i seem to have overcome my inability to leave this will be my last recording before i scatter the echo recordings as far as i can my echo recorder has clearly gone crazy and if i'm not careful i too might go insane i will come back and resume my research when i have rid myself of this two-timing recorder this is patricia tannis signing out as mentioned throughout her echoes with crazy earl for example she did come to know of and sparsely interact with other residents of the planet most of these would be for the purpose of her research of the vault she allied herself with anyone and everyone who could potentially assist her in this goal this included the likes of bandits she would get various resources from them as noted by marcus kinkade since she's not buying any products from him he figures she has some sort of arrangement with them this would come to bite her in the ass as the vault key she had obtained was stolen from her and scattered across pandora setting her back a little bit and this is where the events of borderlands 1 come in by now she has become well-known amongst many of the residents of the planet for her research when the vault hunters roland lilith mordecai and brick come to the planet in search of its vault they are naturally pointed into the direction of tanis over time she winds up sending them out to reclaim the key that she has lost and throughout each trial and tribulation the key winds up getting reformed to its former glory a bit of a problem came in during this process however while the vault hunters were gathering the pieces tanus was visited by commandant steele the leader of atlas's crimson lance force another mega corporation similar to doll atlas is also trying to find the vault and no doubt within their time on pandora they heard tale of the researcher who was making headway in her field so steele paid tanis a visit expressing their common interest she recommended sending the vault hunters out once more to kill some bandits which tanis agreed to do because it sounded like something they would enjoy but thanks to steel it's all disguised under a ruse that they are hunting another vault piece tanis winds up sending them out to kill an old former associate of hers baron flint but as the vault hunters are out dealing with him tanis does go ahead in trying to use steel and her forces to try and uncover the vault however she wound up getting betrayed once tanis led them to the vault's location steele betrayed her took the key and locked her up fortunately the vault hunters didn't take her deception too personally as they rescue her and open the vault where they fight the destroyer to be blunt tanis didn't gain many answers from this event undeniably what transpired was important to her research but it just significantly raised more questions than answers because of that her search in uncovering its mysteries continued in the meantime roland entrusted her with the safeguard of the vault key while he and the others went off to pursue other ventures tanis does make another appearance in the events of claptrap's robot robolution she has the characters gather various pieces of scrap from claptraps for a very important side project of hers by the time it's all said and done it turns out she was building an android which looked like herself so she wouldn't be lonely in the meantime tanis would have a whole new mystery to solve as the opening of the vault led to iridium breaking through to the planet's surface so she worked to understand its connection to everything also developing were her social skills despite her interactions with the vault hunters her social inability still failed to go anywhere she continued making friends with various other inanimate objects including some very important ceiling chairs fast forward in time and eventually handsome jack comes down to the planet seeking to awaken the warrior and rid the planet of its bandits since jack was secretly orchestrating and observing the events of the first game he knew full well of tanus and the vault key and so considering he needs it for the warrior he seeks her out initially tanis was incredibly resilient to jack's attempts at taking the key she was tortured not only physically but emotionally as well she was tied up stabbed and forced to watch her ceiling chairs suffer the same fate as well i should discuss the scroll event in the room the reason for my relocation was an elongated and systematically unpleasant torture at the hands of jack's cronies roland and his well-defined pectoral muscles were kind enough to entrust the vault key with me after the awakening of the destroyer not to be confused with the warrior seriously though so nothing alike oh right torture i asked nicely on several occasions to take proper precautions against bacteria on the instruments but it fell upon idiotic ears as they cut into my flesh over and over i would fade in and out of consciousness and whisper to the ceiling chairs that it was going to be okay clark was afraid at first his four legs trembled against the cold ceiling but he knew he had to be strong for me then they went to work on his brother philippe philippe i just philippe was so brave he was so brave for me when the rotary saws began to ply his legs from his body clark cried out for his brother even when one of the torturers inadvertently sat on him and muffled his cries the last thing philippe said before he passed on to the great wooden beyond was i love you paddy i love you and then he was gone the vault key was inevitably taken from her and for her own safety roland forced her to move to sanctuary where she would be safe she is most uncomfortable here as her social skills had yet to improve but she did swear revenge on jack for what he did to her it's lonely here in sanctuary sure clork prattles around on the ceiling but it's hardly the same jack has taken so much from me jack has taken the only happiness i've ever had in his asinine quest for the warrior and more power revenge is as pointless as music but on this occasion i will allow myself the revenge i will allow myself to aid in his downfall mark my words jack you're going to die she had a most troublesome time acclimating to sanctuary and its residents as even the slightest bit of interaction caused an involuntary physical response i am going to die roland forcibly relocated me to sanctuary for what he claimed was my safety but the slack jaws who populate this city make my flesh scream a young woman said hello to me today i stared back at her my mind screeching as i looked for a way to escape this unwanted interaction as my face grew red with nauseous stress a blood vessel popped in my nose and a jet of crimson shot out of my nostrils splattering us both with blood she screamed and ran away as pleased as i was at the time i fear causing fountains of blood to shoot from my face will not be a viable long-term strategy for avoiding conversation despite her new life she couldn't stop her research the mystery of what jack was doing haunted our thoughts and it was vital in helping the crimson raiders in their efforts against him her hypotheses slowly but surely began yielding results the same questions occurred to me today as i was pinning a disemboweled skag to my front door to dissuade others from approaching it what does jack want with the vault key was the key simply charging the entire time i possessed it before jack crowbarred it for my bloody hands was it waiting to unleash its alien powers on pandora to make iridium appear from the very ground was it preparing itself to unlock even more alien ruins i will delve deeper into this question after i soundproof the walls of my home that i may be spared the incessant laughter and joviality of sanctuary citizens i have uncovered legends of an ancient alien warrior the legends tell of a magical key that can bring it back to life if my hypotheses are correct which they always are the legends may be speaking of the vault key also a young man told me i was pretty on my way back from the grocers my reaction was surprisingly tame i only spent the next three hours dry heaving into a bucket over time something unexpected happened to tanis as despite everything she's been through and is comfortable with she feels all right with roland and the others she's still not completely overcome her social inability but it's progress and she feels comfortable enough to stay in sanctuary helping out yesterday i had a conversation with another human being granted it was only a conversation in as much as my grunts of social terror could be taken as human speech but roland did not seem to mind he asked me why jack hasn't revived the warrior yet if he has the key i conveyed that the key needed to be charged by iridium hence jack's mining operations he nodded and silently wiped the streams of my saliva from his face i returned home confused not only at his lack of disgust toward my behavior but my lack of disgust toward him for the first time i felt as if i could actually live in sanctuary for the first time i i feel as if i might be okay thanks to the information she provides in regards to what jack's plan is the crimson raiders are capable of planning accordingly within the story of borderlands 2 as a whole she doesn't play too much of an active role her job is to learn more about the iridians and things relevant to them this is an exceedingly difficult task as information is hard to come by she commences her research within the confines of the crimson raiders headquarters occasionally sending the vault hunters out to do menial tasks for her probably the most significant event relevant to tanis throughout the story of borderlands 2 was the death of angel jack's daughter and the siren possessing the phase shift ability the power to communicate and control technology there's still much mystery surrounding what happened here but whether by choice of angel or complete happenstance upon her death her siren ability found a new host in tanis making her one of the legendary sirens she would confide this information within lilith as she too was one but ultimately they chose to keep this information a secret both of these two would also have involvement in creating digi-struct peak a training facility for the crimson raiders amongst tanis's knowledge involves the installation of digi-struck technology but for the most part her involvement in this was its creation and color commentary throughout within the seven year time span between the events of borderlands 2 and 3 much of her time and effort would get shifted from iridian research to that of her siren powers without the constant uncovering of vaults there's only so much she can do but now that she's in control of her own power she can perform various tests and analysis for the sake of her and the other sirens she tested her powers underneath an old doll mining installation primarily on various bandits and psychos across pandora particularly with the communication aspect she would learn quite a bit especially under the tutelage of lilith who was more than willing to help guide her with however little she knew fortunately this combined with having become acclimated to the crimson raiders and her social skills improving she couldn't possibly separate now she stayed by lilith's side as she took up leadership and this is where the events of borderlands 3 come in the crimson raiders hunt for vaults takes them to space and alongside this comes more research for tanis to gather she plays a role not only in the siren storyline for obvious reasons secretly charging vault keys and the such but also the iridian storyline as the two overlap per usual much of her dialogue is left to her seemingly incoherent theoretical ramblings of the alien sirens and their connections to vaults and each other she spends her time in her lab studying and documenting the various vault key pieces that are brought to her with her assistant greb a mechanical toothbrush thanks to her siren powers she can communicate with them not quite in the sense of conversation though she does physically speak to them but more in a way that she can feel what they're feeling and translate that in her own way she learns plenty of their connection to each other how they work and what they can do the vault hunters mainly just provide her with the pieces while she does her own thing she does end up getting pulled into danger when after the vault on eden 6 is opened she is kidnapped by troy calypso and given to the duo of pain and terror so they can kill her for their audience she finds herself in too much of a pickle to allow someone else to save her and so she is forced to use her siren powers to reveal to everyone that she is a siren when she really changes her tone is when they uncover the whereabouts of typhon de leon on necro tefeo the vault hunter who initially inspired her on her journey she is ecstatic to meet him and even flirts with him a bit ultimately it doesn't lead to much but she does get the opportunity to work with him which is invaluable in and of itself for her this of course is short-lived as he ends up getting killed and while it's not in echolog form tanis did express her feelings towards his death in her journal which says i regret that i was not able to speak with him more to tell him how much she inspired me how much whether he meant it or not he inspired all of us all of this i sometimes wish i had an easier time speaking to people on the rare occasion i have a feeling i'd like to share speaking is often the most efficient means of transference the tricky thing about feelings is they're fleeting by the time you need to share them all too often they're already gone i guess it's the same with people a rare look into the emotional side of tanis the vault hunters would go on to stop tyreen and save pandora but as for tanis she returns to her research one side mission she sends the characters on is to uncover angel's past more specifically her siren ability to imbue memories into objects anyway after the events of borderlands 3 one of the various categories of research she feels like dipping her foot in is the likes of psychos she enlists krieg to serve as a test subject so she can get a look into his mind and potentially find out what makes a psycho a psycho this all of course takes place in the fantastic foster club dlc but by the end of it the results are mostly inconclusive and yet again just another minor stepping stone to a greater picture but for now that does it for the history of patricia tannis definitely a long one but arguably single-handedly one of the if not the most important character we've gotten in terms of deeper lore and story regarding iridians and sirens now she's definitely a peculiar one but one i find incredibly relatable if there are any other characters you'd like to see me do the history of then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 118,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, tannis, patricia, history of borderlands, tannis echos, siren, history of tannis, patricia tannis, eridian, alien, research, dahl, backstory, patricia tannis echo recordings, full story, angel, lilith
Id: AfWVnXBE3ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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