The Complete, Unabridged Timeline of Borderlands

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That took care of almost 2 hours. What am I supposed to do for the rest of the time? I NEED ANSWERS!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/thatoneotherguy42 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'd be glad to, if I hadn't watched it yesterday...

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DarthMaul22 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I literally watched this yesterday as it randomly appeared in my recommendations. Great watch, and I actually watched the whole thing.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/azifs 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm just happy to expose more people to this well put together video as I think amidst all this amazing gameplay loop some forget there's really good, in-depth story and lore worth digging in to. Personally I'm more invested in shooty, shooty, bang, bang stuff when there's decent story to back it up and Borderlands even in this regards doesn't disappoint.

Just thinking about upcoming Friday makes me all giddy inside, can't believe it's been 7 years. What a time to be alive. 😅

Again, all credit for hard work compiling this video goes to EruptionFang. Thank you.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ne0mega 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thanks! Excellent and really interesting universe. A lot of info and makes a lot of sense for me as quite newcomer, i might need to watch it again, day or two before Friday.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/novemb10 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
with Borderlands 3 so close to release I've decided to explore the timeline of the game that invented the looter shooter genre and explore how such a barren desolate world filled with all sorts of likable and zany characters managed to grab the hearts of its audience for the past ten years through the sequels pre sequels and all of the shiny loot thrown into your face is a deep rich lore buried within its history so sit back relax and let me tell you a story the story of Borderlands begins long before the events of the game long ago in ancient alien race known as yridians inhabited the universe while not much is known about them the yridians were the first recorded species to inhabit the world of Pandora using an aura called iridium to create extremely advanced weapons and technology the yridians were responsible for creating the faults which contained such technology within also within these vaults or monsters the vault monsters all hold a variety of different uses most of which be yridians created themselves some vault monsters like The Sentinel protected knowledge of the future and others such as the warrior were designed as weapons of mass destruction however some vaults were even used as prisons one such prison costs the yridians everything the yridians entire civilization was wiped out attempting to contain a god-like being from an alternate dimension known as the destroyer their efforts worked as the monster was imprisoned locked away within one of their many vaults as a safety measure the yridians left behind guardians to protect the vaults from freeing creatures like the destroyer as well as protecting the last remnants of their society also within the vast universe of Borderlands or women known as sirens their background and history are unknown but their powers are incredible usually distinguished by the tattoos running across their body only six series can exist at any given moment fast forward millions of years to a more modern day a weapons manufacturing company known as Atlas are the first ones to discover the ancient alien technology on the planet Promethea Atlas had managed to reverse-engineer the alien weaponry to create and manufacture designs of their very own in doing so it brought Atlas to the forefront of weapons manufacturing which was extremely profitable word spread very quickly of Atlas's success and rumors of vaults began spreading across the universe as others would be in search for such treasures other such mega-corporations would take inspiration such as Hyperion and all other such weapons manufacturers would exist such as Jacobs malli Wan TD or pork Vlad off and many others though not everyone was in it for the vault much like Atlas doll would explore other planets in hopes to find a vault and claim its riches within one such planet the two corporations would fight over would-be Pandora a very barren and desolate world doll would be in the forefront of Pandora's exploration as well as its moon Elpis providing many supplies and benefits for the residents of the planet Dahl offered free echo HUD's to new settlers on Pandora during the short-lived gold rush era in which hundreds of people ventured to the planet to uncover its vault Dahl was also responsible for establishing the echo net communication system so travelers could stay in constant communication with each other during their explorations research facilities mining stations and trading posts all pop up around Pandora thanks to Dahl researchers scientists and archaeologists are all sent to the planet in an effort to uncover the secrets of the vault one such researcher is Patricia Tannis on the opposite side of dolls practices however much of its labor force was made up of criminals and mental patients to reduce on cost Alice was also present on Pandora not allowing the vault to go so easily into the hands of its competitor they had deployed their own military force known as the Crimson Lance led by commandant Steele a siren to uncover the fault and claim the treasures within alongside scientists to learn more about the world general Knoxx however is the first general of the Crimson lanes having spent the majority of his life as a soldier Dahl was not atlases only competitor however as Hyperion was also present on Pandora they are the company responsible for the new you stations as well as the claptrap units because of this Atlas would begin working on something they called the the gorgeous project which would allow them to trap and control the vault of the traveler and moving Iranian vault jumping from location to location unfortunately life on pandora is not so simple as the corporation's had landed during the planets seven-year winter and so when summer rolled around in the local fauna came out of hibernation things went south Pandora became a treacherous terrain to explore and the money being put into it wasn't making a return as documented by Tanis after 493 days a planet-wide Exodus would occur day $493 corporation just shut down their mining operations here on pandora I think they are insane or that is whoever is making the decision is insane iridium mining on this planet has been hugely lucrative for Dahl and has funded my project it's been especially profitable given how low their labor costs are I wonder what they'll will do with all the unpaid convicts they've been using to work their minds I wonder if any of them will be my friend Dahl abandoned all of those who resided on the planet as it was more cost-effective that way the criminals and mental patients would be set free and later go on to become the psychos scavs and many other hostile inhabitants on Atlas's side the Crimson lands hired bandits to overrun a mining city named old haven one successful the bandits were killed and the area was used to build a secret underground facility for the Quartus project the mining town was built on top to keep its secrets hidden away Patricia Tannis in this time however has become completely obsessed with finding the vault as it has driven her to develop psychosis her research team is all killed and she's the last remaining researcher of her squad much is learned about the key and its function from our time on Pandora one of the more important details is it can only be used once every 200 years my program was able to decipher quite a bit more than I had been able to understand before it will take a few days to fix but I was able to find many peated instances of an event that takes place every 200 years its repeated many times with a symbol that looks not unlike a circle with an upside-down V in it it's possible that this is the vault and something about the vault happens every 200 years day 481 it's true it's all true my program it did it program program I'm now certain that the vault is here and that the symbol has something to do with opening it I checked and triple checked my findings and it all seems to make sense it looks like there are extreme measures to keep the vault secure but that it can be opened every 200 years the vaults contents must be extremely valuable maybe better than the Atlas tech but I cannot reveal this information to anyone just yet if I'm wrong done and if I'm right the suits will claim it I must find the ball to myself I found something I think it is the key to the vault it proves the vault is real and that it's here on Pandora that can be mine I also learned it by my calculations we're near the 200th anniversary of the last vault opening within half a year approximately if I leave now I will never make it back in time I will stay stay 684 I seem to be unable to leave camp anymore I've collected all of the information I need to be able to find the vault I'm overcome with terror and instantaneous paralyzation upon any attempt to leave my confines I believe I have some kind of psychosis whatever it is I'm a prisoner of my own Jail and I will not be able to find anything without help from an outside party I will put out feelers to see if I can get someone on this rock to grant me assistance perhaps I can send an offworld message to attract some vault hunters some company would be lovely Tanis then managed to uncover fragments of the vault key which were then stolen by bandits and spread across Pandora meanwhile on Pandora's moon Elpis the situation was not much better Dahle constructed a mining called need to tap the vast quantities of liquid methane found on the moon Concordia was the primary port between Elpis and Pandora Dollaz moon military force was led by Colonel Sarpedon when she and her team were exploring a dig site they uncovered remnants of yridian origin which would change all of those who came into contact the following day due to dolls extensive mining efforts the surface of Elpis began to crack and split open resulting in many deaths the moon's atmosphere was lost lava poured out of the cracks killing many of dolls workers those who resided on Elpis primarily fled to Concordia in seek of safety this event would be known as the Kraken Inc kernels are Pathan and her military force however would be exposed to the vault by the watcher a mysterious yridian alien with telepathic capabilities giving them knowledge of the future in hopes to prevent it Sarpedon and her force would turn against doll going under a new name the Lost Legion sworn to protect the vault and prevent the future they witnessed dolls efforts go unrewarded now having fled both Pandora and Albus Atlas and IP Rhian however would keep presence on pandora though these mega corporations wouldn't be the only ones in search of the vaults as treasure hunters also took interest these people are known as vault hunters [Music] we finally reach the events of Borderlands 1 as for vault hunters named Roland Lilith Mordecai and brick arrived in the town of Firestone led by the mysterious woman named angel after clearing out the nearby bandit population they meet some of the friendly residents of Pandora including claptrap doctors ed scooter and Marcus who dropped them off earlier dr. Zed has medical vendors around Pandora but spends most of his time in his infirmary scooter runs all of the catcher ride stations which helps explorers dizzy struct vehicles to drive around the vast terrain and Marcus's main draw is selling weapons with the help and assistance of such residents as well as angel our four vault hunters encounter a bandit boss known as sludge coming across and already an artifact in his possession which is revealed to be part of the vault key commandant steel commander of the Crimson Lance has declared rule over the plain so any in all already and artifacts are to be turned over to them or face opposition at this time the vault hunters make their way into the city of New Haven the residents driven out of their old city have since relocated to the middle of a junkyard town they meet a woman named helena pierce the administrator of the town who believes what it is the vault hunters are looking for Patricia Tannis is as well she gets into contact with her and then she with the vault hunters who lead them to her location the vault hunters do indeed possess part of the vault key and so Tanis directs the more than capable group around Pandora collecting the various pieces scattered around the land once the final piece is collected the vault hunters are sent to kill the Bandit Lord Baron Flint as Tanis tells us that he holds the last piece upon killing him it is revealed that there was no fourth piece and Tanis simply wanted baron dead commandant steele claims her in Tanis are working together which Tanis never refutes though she claims the Crimson Lance came and stole the vault key against her well she asks for the vault hunters to be exonerated which Steele refuses and throws Tanis in a Cell Steele then takes the echo net offline the vault hunters proceed to the crimson Enclave a crimson land space where they rescue Tanis from her cell who instructs them how to reactivate the echo net systems with tan is saved the vault hunters go after steel and the vault which is be prepared to be opened after fighting through the Crimson Lance soldiers as well as the guardians designed to protect it our four heroes reach the vault moments before Steele uses the key to open it what is found however is not the loot and treasures legend spoke up instead they are greeted by the destroyer the monster that wiped out the yridians millennia ago it was locked away due to the danger it posed to the universe as if it were set free it would destroy everything with nothing being able to stop it commandant Steele and her forces are blindsided and immediately killed by it after its release you have failed to listen to commandant steel I've warned you time and again yet you persist on ignoring my orders the contents of evolved are rightfully the property of the Atlas corporation but you [Music] [Music] they achieve works sergeant get your team ready to go inside fortunately for the vault hunters the form the monster takes on Pandora allows them to be able to kill the alien in its mortal form this creature may be immortal in its own realm but in this reality it cannot survive without a host and that makes it vulnerable when it becomes flesh and blood it can be hurt even killed you just need to know where to aim after a hard-fought battle with the fate of the universe at stake the ancient alien is slain and the vault hunters are rewarded with the legendary loot with their tasks complete and treasure is more or less fulfilled the journey seemed over for these four Roland and Lilith would begin dating and the key is subsequently returned to Tanis and angel rests easy as the vault can't be opened for another 200 years opening the first vault however came with some unforeseen side effects it triggered the release of a purple element called iridium to spread all across Pandora the Hyperion Corporation would quickly begin moving into the Pandoran system to capitalize on the new element a Space Station still under construction known as Helios would hover over Pandora with their journey finished to the four are soon contacted by Athena who when we meet her his former crimson Lance she's been trained since a young age to be an assassin for the Atlas corporation general NOx was initially against using such highly skilled warriors on a planet like Pandora but after seeing them clear out t-bone Junction he approved of them I told you idiots we don't need assassins here there's nobody on this spin and sting nugget of a planet you couldn't just kill with a heavy rock and I can do attitude Athena and the rest of her lady ninjas would be better served on a planet where the air doesn't taste like armpit sweat ignore my last message the assassins might actually be kind of useful Tina's girls cleared out the roads around to you bone Junction didn't leave one bandit standing Athena had different goals to that of Atlas she went to Pandora in search of her long-lost sister Jess and told general Knox that once she found her she would leave Pandora with her sister though general Knox didn't exactly care she asked permission to look for somebody named Jess in the villages nearby which I granted seems like a nice enough kid which given what I hear you guys do to the assassins when their children is pretty damn impressive Athena smiled today that's kind of creepy she's got back from our recon around oh three hundred said she had a good lead on this Jess chick she'd been looking for I just kind of grunted at her she wouldn't stop talking all excited so they were sisters or something said she'd been looking for since she was a kid said that they'd escaped and or together once she found her like I said nice enough kid don't screw her over her up pissed in an effort to keep her in the Corps the Crimson Lance ordered a code 64 on the village where Jess resided unbeknownst to Athena in the midst of the confusion Athena wound up killing her own sister sending her on a tirade you [ __ ] what the hell did she do to you to deserve that you're a code 64 on a village knowing full well her sister live there but he'll say she took out her own sister and all the confusion because you ordered thermals only you had a tie up that one last loose and just to keep her in the Corps so that's what happens when you know too much to leave but you're too good at your job to die she realize what she done she she's got a little stabby she's in the brig now properly ship her back to Atlas HQ tomorrow god I hate this place while detained for a short time she managed to escape and swore to exact revenge upon the Crimson Lance as well as the Atlas corporation with the help of the four vault hunters the already wounded Crimson Lance would meet their demise killing the last remaining general Knoxx the Atlas corporation would flee from pandora and abandoned acordes project having lost most of its profits athena would wander pandora killing any remaining Allis employees or stray crimson Lance soldier she found our characters are also introduced to Moxie the alluring hostess of the under dome Coliseum she is the mother of scooter and quickly becomes an ally of the vault hunters Hyperion now the only company to have interest in Pandora perform an experiment to rid the planet of vault hunters ever since their arrival guns have flooded the market with cheaper still functional weaponry and IP Rhian intends to put a stop to it they program one of the original claptrap units to assassinate the vault hunters by making it more capable and intelligent giving rise to the robot Ninja Assassin claptrap this goes awry however as the robot realizes how unfairly he and his brethren have been treated so claptrap starts the robot revolution all of the claptrap units rise up in the pursuit of freedom one of the Hyperion representatives mr. Blake aids the vault hunters in dealing with the claptrap problem the units are eventually destroyed and the revolution of failure as the remaining claptraps are returned to normal with the Crimson Lance finally destroyed Athena seeks work as a hired gun while Roland Lilith Mordecai and brick begin assembling an army of excrement Lance soldiers abandoned by Atlas who are rebranded as the Crimson Raiders and swear to protect Pandora against Hyperion and its future threats now seems like the appropriate time to bring up a Hyperion programmer an engineer named Jack as well as the true nature of the events in Borderlands prior to the events of the first game Jack was a married man and had a daughter with his wife who he named angel much like Lilith and commandant Steele angel was born as one of the six sirens when she was a child Jack tethered his daughter to an interface harnessing the powers of her siren ability granting her control over most technology the events of this action remain muddled in history Jack claims it was angel siren Powers which killed her mother which was why he was forced to create the mechanism in the first place while others believe it's a made-up excuse to justify his actions yeah I know you think I'm a monster you think I am slave angel but you didn't see what she did to her mother I had to restrain angels power to get that eye jack is a very smart and clever man though his position at Hyperion would lead you to believe otherwise this was ultimately the reason he was eager to take risks to work his way up the corporate ladder the vaults intrigued him though he was not capable himself to uncover one so he used his daughter to get the attention of four vault hunters to discover and directly lead him to a vault he intended to capture the destroyer and use it for himself and create a weapon which would kill all of the bad guys however after its defeat he instead settled and obtained its eye and implanted it onto the Helio Space Station and dubbed it the eye of Helios his intention was to use the super weapon to wipe out all of the bandits and psychos on Pandora so the planet could begin to become a more peaceful and civilized environment though he'd yet to be able to act on his plan as Helios was still under construction the not fully built helio station was then attacked by Sarpedon and her lost legion hoping to use the eye of helios to destroy Elpis thus keeping the vault safe and the future they saw unfulfilled so under attack by an army Jack sends out a distress signal for any mercenaries willing to help reclaim Helios as well as search for its vault the former Crimson Lance assassin Athena is one of the people to accept the contract alongside the mercenaries Wilhelm and Nisha Timothy who has undergone facial surgery to pose as Jack's doppelganger claptrap one of the original units reprogrammed to be a frag trap and aralia heir to the hammerlock family fortune who later bumped into the vault hunters travelled to Helios to rescue Jack saved the space station and uncover a vault each of them were recruited for different reasons and have backstories of their very own long time ago my dad bought me a dog his way of apologizing for moms temper love that dog took her to school carried her on my shoulders held her close after mom was done yelling and growling and punching he used to fall asleep with her in my arms one day my dog got bit by a frenzy crush hiding in the tall grass eyes went red lips went blue acted normal otherwise though I thought maybe she was immune maybe I caught a break mom did her usual thing she hurled a glass at me I tried to catch it I've gotten good at catching whatever she tossed but it bounced off my hand and fell on the dog not hard enough to hurt it but its eyes went even read her lips even bluer foamed ripped from its jowls and it lunged at me suck its teeth into my neck hover my own screams I could hear dad whimpering the dogs snarling and my mom laughing after dad patched me up I grabbed a shovel and bash the dog's brains out oh man I am so late me sir oh no I'm sorry the other Hyperion piece of metal crap that can open doors for me I'm sorry I can do more than open doors sir we see how far PTP units can be programmed to do anything from open doors to miss assassinate highly important territory officials yeah yeah it's just wait you can actually do that lightly I want stage two revolution myself there were lots of guns and a lot of dying you'd think I would have at least got it so the better benefits out of the whole thing but no demoted back that door opening servitude yeah yeah yeah got it just shut up and open the door I'm late for the quarterly meeting sure thing sir Oh lovely afternoon and thank you for using Hyperion robot services let me know if you have any other portal rific needs oh I will I most certainly will when you say failsafe what is it that you mean exactly I mean exactly that John all the cl4 PTP units have a unique failsafe that prevents them from being tampered with yeah like bandits this stuff but not other Hyperion personnel including other Hyperion personnel just feel lucky you didn't pick the one that spontaneously combusted or you'd have more than a migraine from too much base thanks for all your help docket that guy if I can't get rid of claptraps dance protocols I'll have to work around them hey angel yes Jack run an analysis on how many subroutines we'd have to include to minimize the potential that my prototype won't drop what he's doing in sing karaoke Jack what is it angel there are too many variables to allow for a complete overhaul of the prototype systems you may just have to settle for a flawed product or try a different model collapse are outdated by three generations with marked improvements now that's not the point the newer versions don't have this space or flexibility I need to make this work I need someone that can think for themselves but can't disobey an order like say don't open your presents until mercenary day sorry perhaps if you rerouted some of the L cash and bypassed memory sequencing yeah well hey that might actually work when he's lose most of his memories but come on it's just a robot it smell like s feelings or anything it's complete I am your steward by designation see how far PTP Hyperion robot Class C plays it just factory settings to meet duties before to believe it finally can you hear me what do you remember yes remember what our are you my father I know you are you guy am i dad dad you are not dead now shut the hell up your new designation is that far for gtp Frank trap you are a merciless killing machine got it okay thanks for giving me a second chance god I really appreciate it what oh no you are so stupid whatever you're welcome Wilhelm you've risen to prominence as one of the foremost mercenaries in the galaxy but you had humble beginnings did you not a life no different from any other what spurred you down your path of ultraviolence what confluence of events we're changing winds of circumstance and privilege led you to sit right here in front of me dictating your autobiography as a kid I was good at fights let's move into later years puberty the teenage years a difficult time for anyone perhaps more difficult for you yes coming from a violent childhood a broken home possessing little intelligence tell me how did you get on with your peers take me inside your mind when I was a teenager I was good at fights what about the man you are now who is real hardly enforcement what drives him what are his likes his dislikes please give me an answer which does not include the word fights I like shaken robots this has been an extraordinary waste of time what's the point of you Wilhelm what do you even want out of life I'm really good at killing people I want to be a robot that's pretty weird mr. Lawrence oh yeah that's me Timothy please go through the door to your right your interviewer will be waiting for you do I need to sign some papers or through the door please no oh wait how do I know this isn't some scam to get my kidneys you applied for this position because you needed money Biggers can't be choosers but I okay alright I'm ready very good Timothy how are you feeling i what happened what is the last thing you remember I was there was a door and and you were there you asked me some questions and then I woke up here hmm seems the anesthesia were using is still causing substantial memory loss nurse collect all my notes on experimental post-traumatic stress therapy I've got some ideas doctor I hope these were not to drip no not until he feels it we need to make sure the nerves weren't damaged during the surgery surgery surgery relax I'll fill you in on everything my name will be check I work as an engineer for Hyperion doctor I still sound like myself that will be fixed with a voice modulator implants now that you've signed these forms for the next 20 years you'll be jack cheese when do I get paid soon report to medical chamber seven experiment commentary day for visual transformation complete and all records deleted Timothy Laurence at least on paper no longer exists and neither do his secrets Jack will be very very pleased hey there sexy what of course who else would I be talking to you see any other gorgeous strangers in this place ah no guess not what's your name or should I keep calling you sexy oh oh they name's Timmy Jack but you can call me whatever you like the man who bought me a drink works for me ah barkeep uh I'm sorry what do you want shut you even ask or I'll just go ahead and yeah why you never bought a girl a drink before no but that's another story let's skip that and go back to the part where you call me sexy okay I could get used to that is it done yes he's you're spitting cursing heroic image perfect did you tell him that the process can't be reversed I don't think it'll be an issue I think he's rather enjoying being you with all your endowments oh yeah I don't want to think about that listen I need you to get him up here ASAP I want to brief him before the other vault hunters get here he'll be on the next shuttle okay great that's go hold on what is that alarm going off for doc I gotta go I think a claptrap got stuck in a servo coils again god those robots are useless it is here the events of the pre-sequel take place not too long after the vault hunters arrival are they quickly overwhelmed by the Lost Legion and an alien referred to as The Watcher a jamming signal is preventing the use of any fast travel stations leaving everyone stuck on the space station because of this Jack sends the crew down to the moon Elpis via moonshot in hopes they can find the source and destroy it our characters run into genie springs a junk dealer who helps the vault hunters get to the city of Concordia here they meet up with Rowland and Lilith who are on vacation but most specifically Moxie who assists them in disabling the jamming signal which allows Jack to flee from Helios the Mareth the mayor and sheriff of Concordia formerly under Jack's division of Hyperion had struck a deal with the Lost Legion in exchange for money in power when confronted by Jack he fires his weapon missing resulting in Jack killing him himself in an effort to retake helio station jack formulates a plan by using a robot army to do it with him with the assistance of felicity an AI formerly in charge of running the doll warship drakensberg and Gladstone a Hyperion technician the vault hunters go to an old doll factory where Jack and Gladstone create the constructor a Hyperion robot capable of dizzy struck ting an infinite amount of loader BOTS Felicity is installed against her well and as retaliation for doing something that will kill her she turns against jack but the vault hunters neutralize her wiping her memory making her compliant after rescuing a few other Hyperion technicians Gladstone proposes the idea that perhaps there are other traders working against Jack and for the Lost Legion in a similar vein to the Mareth Jack finds the idea worrisome and so he murders the scientists via airlock in front of the vault hunters as well as Roland and Lilith in hopes to snuff out any traitors for what it's worth I am really sorry when the team finally make their way back to Helios Jack and the vault hunters with the assistance of their robot army confronts ARPA Don getting into an all-out firefight with her until she is inevitably bested she reveals the location of the vault begging that Jack stop his pursuit as many would die before being killed by him hold your fire I'm not done with her yet it doesn't matter what happens today your fall is coming yeah yeah cool where's the vault hidden beneath the tangle of chemical filth I've seen what lies inside it you can't wait you've seen inside it the vaults open you must turn back the power within the vault would trigger a chain of events or the vaults already open huh cool well I've steel with that laser core meanwhile on Helios a scientist named Professor Nakayama begins work on an AI prototype hoping to cheat death by uploading a patient's conscience onto the computer his obsession with jak makes him the perfect candidate I'm going to take Jack's personality and back it up in a computer Roland Lilith and Moxie have begun to see Jack's descent into madness and so the group decides to turn against him they continue to pose as allies getting the vault hunters to the eye of Helios where they tricked jack into overloading the Destroyers eye and destroying the super weapon completely betrayed Jack rushes to the vault hoping to claim its contents before anyone else can he is met with opposition by the yridian guardians and the remaining lost legion soldiers capable of pushing through and reaching Ellis ear the vault hunters face the vaults guardian The Sentinel after a hard-fought battle the Guardian inevitably Falls and Jack arrives just in time to claim the artifact within giving him visions of the future and the vault hidden on pandora housing an even greater power than that of the destroyers as the visions flow through jack Lilith arrives and punches the artifact into his face branding him and setting him over the edge completely fake bastard wasn't he nicely done keep an eye out for that creepy red one I don't want to get interrupted wait what that's it that little thing the hell did I know why oh my god hi gay I understand everything [Laughter] hey-ya handsome I'm gonna kill her pumpkin kill them all Oh first you're gonna find me a doctor then we're gonna wipe those bandit bastards off the face of pandora and then then work on awake the warrior the what it's gonna be so good we're gonna scorch the freaking planet and fire there's gonna be screaming bandits were gonna die left and right he adopts the identity of handsome Jack and kills the Hyperion CEO and president harreld Tassadar mr. Tanner's been replaced sweet cheeks starting today you're working for me call me jack honey handsome Jack now in control of Hyperion he begins his search on Pandora so he can kill everyone on it Athena originally intended to leave Jack wanting nothing else to do with him as she had also seen the power go to his head her and Elpis resident Janey Springs settled down with each other in the underground city of hollow point on Pandora Jack on the other hand learns of a secret weapon known as the H source hidden away within the claptrap unit so he hires Athena and the other vault hunters once more to retrieve it for him the crew is sent inside the mind of claptrap battling bugs viruses and subroutines learning more and more about the robot with each passing moment a dangerous subroutine known as shadow trap attempts to steal the H source and use it for himself to get revenge on all humans however he is thwarted by the vault hunters who managed to get the H source to Jack giving him access to all sorts of new weaponry blueprints and code he then uses the 8 source to destroy every claptrap unit in existence believing them to be useless as well as a mistake Kate Doe Tassadar is ultra secret designs latest Intel and the program codes to eliminate any product line I goddamn choose like say those pain in the ass bumbling screw-up claptrap units you're not serious Hey so good to be the king baby he takes the honor and pleasure of shooting his claptrap personally hyperion then dumps the shells all around Pandora claptrap is dumped off at windshear waste an icy hospitable wasteland where shadow trap having survived his encounter with the vault hunters releases himself in the claptraps unit rebooting him bringing him back to life [Music] he is later found by a man by the name of sir hammerlock aralia s' brother who fixes claptrap restoring him to normal leaving him the last of his kind a bit of a fighter with that job finally finished Athena cuts all ties to Jack disgusted by his actions and his constant unneeded killing she returns the hollow-point to live with Janey however much to her displeasure Athena continues working as a mercenary for money not too long after her return she accept a contract from an old man named Felix who hires her to protect his two daughters Aurelia also leaves Jack and disappears into the universe to continue her hobby of traveling and hunting dangerous creatures while Nisha Wilhelm and Timothy remain loyal to Jack Jack and Nisha would also begin dating he takes over the mining town of lynchwood and gifts it to her for their anniversary making her the sheriff Jack then began focusing all of his efforts into obtaining the warrior an exacting revenge upon Pandora and the vault hunters he uses his daughter angel to gain surveillance over Pandora and control over the echo net system he opened mining operations to extract all of the iridium on the planet where at some point he uncovered the vaults location these operations were also extremely profitable with all of the money and failure of Alice's adventure on Pandora Jack purchases the rights to the company claiming ownership over it as well though not doing anything with it also purchased was a diamond pony named but stallion a byproduct of iridium is created known as slag it possesses many mutagenic properties which Hyperion would begin experimenting with many local species were tested on and so are many humans it's dr. Samuels the test subject is still conscious you can't expect me to sorry baby I can't hear you over the sound of people not being injected with iridium right now see this vault key didn't make iridium come out of the ground for nothing right so one such man would be a vault hunter by the name of Creek he develops disassociative identity disorder adopting the personality of a psycho back when we were saying that she can taste the bloody a dragon guess not however maintaining an inner voice set on keeping him on the path of good if you ever kill an innocent person I will destroy us no that's the deal you can kill as many of the deserving as you like but the second year acts touches the flesh of an innocent I'll end this all of it a razor to the veins just like that fugitive we tried to grab on hair on remember I'll take that as a yes yes other such test subjects were a mother father and their daughter Tina both parents would die but thanks to a grenade Tina hid in her dress she would manage to escape Hyperion commencing slag injection on subjects supplied by the Hyperion liaison known as flesh stick at some point she ran into Roland the two would develop a close relationship with each other saving one another's lives on many occasions with more and more power flowing to his head he ordered Hyperion to enact corporate and military control over Pandora crimson raiders would be hunted down for opposing Hyperion and an informant named Shep Sanders who he ran into in the first game sold out the location of New Haven where many crimson raiders were located prompting Wilhelm to destroy it and kill everyone Roland Lilith brick-and-mortar Kai attempted to protect the city and its residents however they inevitably failed almost getting killed by Wilhelm before retreating brick is captured and tortured by Nisha who kills his second beloved puppy dusty let me tell you something about brick we snagged him during the fall of New Haven he never sold out his friends but his puppy it was this little brown thing once I wrap my hands around its neck brick lost it you could barely hear the crack of the bone over his sobs I mean actual sobbing like a baby it was pretty embarrassing later when Helena Pierce and a group of residents attempted to flee Jack captured Pierce and personally executed her before ordering Wilhelm to kill everyone else we've hijacked the train that runs through the dust if all goes well we should get to sanctuary in a day's time Hyperion hasn't diverted any troops from New Haven to pursue us and a sandstorm has devoured their nearest frontier town just oh damn it hey everybody how are you Jack here what is the meaning of this I'm sorry what was your name Pierce well miss Pierce and please don't tell me it's mrs. Pierce and break my heart this train doesn't belong to you so why don't you turn around and face me pumpkin this train was commandeered legally under the holy nutballs what happened to your friggin face oh yeah how about this lady I don't even know what to call you you tell me why you look like you head-butted a belt sander and I'll let all you go right now my husband gave me a stack pearl ring the pearl release Congress inducing pheromones oh you know what I am so sorry I just forgive me what where's your husband now he's dead that is a heartbreaker but we've got something in common with him now at least oh crap did you see your head like Oh will he'll kill these savages Oh BRIC eventually manages to escape the capture of Jack finding chef Sanders and killing him for his betrayal which Rowland didn't like made a real scene of it when he escaped my jail Lois guy swore revenge for what Jack and I did to him said we turned him into a band at the moment we killed his dog I hear that after brick escaped our custody he tracked down the guy who betrayed New Haven to Hyperion somebody named Shep Sanders brick gouged his eyes out with his thumbs and cracked a skull open like an egg all while poor chefs scream for mercy her friend Roland kicked him out of sanctuary after that you vault hunters think you're different from bandits but you're not with the loss of New Haven as well as the death of his second dog brick calls it quits and decides to leave the group Mordecai isolates himself however still working with the Raiders Roland would then break up with Lilith so he could focus on Hyperion and the Crimson Raiders Jack attempts to eradicate them and they are all slowly pressed back to the city of sanctuary after their breakup Lilith decided to drop blood shot bandits away from sanctuary under the alias fire Hawk and thanks to all of the newfound Iridium her siren powers are mysteriously increased jack also tracked down the vault key to its current holder Patricia Tannis who was tortured into giving up the object visit to your little friend Tanis and we ours we ripped it out of her broken fingers but we let her live because that's what heroes do they show mercy Jack then begins using the iridium from the planet to supercharge angel speeding up the vault keys process he then begins sending out messages to lure in vault hunters to Pandora or he systematically kills each and every one of them will arrive on the planet I need him yesterday I found someone with great potential his name is zero or at least he's called that no one knows his real name and no no no next I hate those mysterious warrior types no nine times out of ten there's nothing actually special about them who else you got playing zero surveillance footage free leaves falling from trees snow drifting onto the ground corpse did that guy just speaking haiku so what's this zero guy doing on pandora in the first place uh huh angel you got a brain the size of a planet's don't give me her Oh from what footage we have of him I can't even tell if zeros human or not well what did he mean not human he's a robot an alien what huh evidently zero has been on Pandora for a few weeks I have satellite footage of him conversing with the locals roll it angel [Applause] shut up sake what do you want a ninja guy I decide by the way your fruity has talks this sounds like you're putting a challenge tan at sake sorry I swear it's impossible to keep that boy's mouth shut you were considered to challenge them I guess this isn't really the vault my masterpiece you cut off his head holy skank son you decapitated Z what why is your helmets a zero he was no challenge my skills have not been tested there are some pretty dangerous bandit plans the creatures around here or the vault alien power lots danger a real challenge huge challenge this is a dream the vault my masterpiece well when you're right you're right angel I think this year okay will do nicely the team you dispatched to the village of a house has returned sir no problems I'm assuming not quite they were unable to secure the village Oh run that by me again only one member of the occupation force made it back alive he has two broken legs he lost an arm and sunstroke seems to have driven him completely insane but he keeps saying one name over and over yeah what name Salvador we've got some satellite footage from Ovejas taken shortly before our occupation force arrived [Applause] Salvador for the murders of the man known as blunt crack craw Friday and spit stain you will now be hanged by the neck until dead have you last words in your defense they were bandits they tried to kill me abuela yes yes yes you have attempted to convince your fellow villagers of this many times anything else to say regarding the murder of these men oh it was fun come again killing those men was fun killing bad guys is always fun what the hell who are those men attention fairness your town is now property valkyrion corporation vacate the premises or we will open fire Hyperion host Hyperion this must be some mistake sirs I think you've come to the wrong town I've managed to recover the last echo recording from the OVA house occupation force Jack let's hear it quit your whining you still got the other one besides you'll kill George actor shut up my town what what do you care but I was gonna hang you nobody's perfect now why did you come here handsome Jack's orders we're clearing our bandit villages and looking for vault hunters what a vault what are you stupid I may be stupid but at least I can walk cab roam the halls sir alien treasure unimaginable danger oh that sounds fun alright you're free to go crawl on back to your amigos Oh it'll take me days to get back to my unit you maniac you bastard ah four five or call me Salvador yeah I like this guy put him on the list sir I may have found another potential he's a commando oh yeah where is he now he's been captured by bandits they're torturing him Wow I'm already impressed just listen [Applause] what's that ring you're carrying pre boy oh you got a wife a pretty wife ex-wife you ain't her type she prefers men who have more brain cells than teeth huh Oh tell me where she's at I'm gonna pay her a visit doubtful these aren't thermos with the rest of the battalion you got a sweet piece of ass waiting for you back home what the hell are you doing on Pandora blood getting to know the friendly locals you know I think I think Soulja Boy's here to collect a berry on us and I think you got paid in advance ain't that right damn you got me where is it you slag where's the money come on guys don't hold it against me I just wanted to turn you idiots in and have the town you stole the money from chanting my name is that so much to ask for okay where's the boy money it's it's in there what this little box thing it's a storage deck unit just toss it on the ground and it'll it'll open fine no storage stick there you go Sheriff those are the guys who robbed your bank last week I accept cash all right here's your 10th out warrant says 20,000 the warrant also specified alive fair enough the hell you looking so sad for you still making more money than anyone around here I'll see in six months that's not the money it was just easy you know too easy what's the matter you didn't get enough glory in the military oh there was plenty of glory just the kind that winds you up on this hellhole of a planet angel are we hearing this live right now yes why get the hyperion truth network on the line now 9,000 10,000 there you go Thanks got any other morons you need brought in yeah we got the stokke brothers grandma Lopez hungry for excitement Fame eternal glory wait a minute turn that up the Hyperion corporation needs your help to search for the lost alien vaults of Pandora see the world fight dangerous creatures get rich beyond your wildest dreams become a vault hunter today huh you uh you still want to hear the rest of the bounties nope sorry sheriff I think I just found the new job brilliant the radio advertisement was a very nice touch sir Thank You Joel do me a favor and put this accident guy in the list will ya a young high school student by the name of gage had a science fair project gone wrong she created what she refers to as deathtrap who accidentally murdered her fellow classmate after being shoved by her while facing expulsion her and her father booked a train ticket and fled to Pandora so Marcy's project won first prize and I earned third place you third please that is what we call poetess people and it's really unfair because I okay anyway mercy started gloating she started pointing to Muffy at me and then she pushed me it's okay that's when things got messy deathtrap recognized Marcy as a threat so he gave her a quick slash with his district claws no big deal that's what it's supposed to do and I must have miscalculated then last night when I was adding the discord circuits because the second his claws touched Marcy's skin she kind of like um okay she exploded she like every where it's in things eyeballs I don't know it was gross anyway sorry after they finished cleaning up Marcy and the auditorium I was escorted to the principal's office which I've never been to before and I found out that I wasn't getting expelled or arrested for what disrupted Marcy I'm getting expelled interested or was drafted to Marcy and Marcy is not getting any sort of recourse for what she did to me which was a serious shove and I'm traumatized because ha I called my dad and got him to create a distraction he's very brilliant with things like that I'm not gonna go into the details about it but let's just say that it involves a golf cart and a lot of gasoline good job dad so that I could slip away so anyway long story short I'm currently at Ko casting from the cozy confines of a trans planetary shuttle dad and I figured I should probably head somewhere where the cops in there hmm crime buster BOTS couldn't find me so so after a teary farewell I love you daddy I grabbed a ticket to Pandora which I I mean III have always been kind of interested in vault hunting but who knows maybe here my talents will actually be appreciated and I won't go to jail for being brilliant third place I mean seriously bastards a vault hunter team comprised of Axton maya salvador zero gauge and Krieg are lured the Pandora thanks to the efforts of Jack seeking excitement Fame or simply a challenge the new vault hunters all appear to be admirable foes but one siren seeks answers Maya who spent her life raised by monks ventures to the planet to learn more about the mysteries of her heritage and what she is I found a potential hunter sir you'll definitely want to hear this she's a siren what unlike Lilith she seems to have no connection to iridium but tell me everything no I have no information on her parents but as a baby she was left with the order of the impending storm at home there an order of monks who rule the planet of Athena's the earliest surveillance footage I can find is from four years ago play it people owe a thenis after years of training and preparation the order of the impending storm is ready to reveal your savior speak Maya speak to your subjects uh what she lacks in eloquence she makes up for in power no this Maya will protect this planet from all forms of evil from sophist Godiva ward now's not really the time child for years you said I'd be out there exploring not smiling and giving two speeches your place is not to question child now smiling wave keep calling me child and see what happens jackass brother sophist I found something yes what is it research notes from an archaeologist on Pandora Pandora the planet of convicts and cannibals yeah it sounds incredible but this archaeologist says that sirens have some sort of connection to iridium and the vaults Maya that's enough if I travel to Pandora I could learn even more about my siren lineage that's enough we have fed you trained you protected you the people of Athena stuck to the order of the impending storm for guidance and protection if you were to leave this planet would be defenseless you keep saying I'm gonna defend this planet I've trained for years but I've never actually fought any of this evil the orders always on about your time will come I promise besides this planet has everything you could possibly want please child retire to your room don't call me child I apologize please retire to your room Maya know what's going on what is this today is a great day Maya today your training is finally put to use who are these people terrorists criminals evil men you will destroy them as is your duty this is what you have trained for what to execute unarmed men do not question me child these men are a danger brother Harker bring the first sinner forward yes brother sophist on your knees sinner Oh what is this man guilty of do not question me what do not bliss and file to execute him ah to hell with it what are you doing child put me down put me down files now 27 years for 27 years you've been using me to keep these people frightened haven't you you don't understand shop you didn't want me to protect this planet you wanted me to keep it scared keep me locked up so these people would do what you asked nobody's gonna disobey the order if they've got to face the wrath of a siren is that it you know nothing child you have so much left to learn you go don't call me child everyone get out of here you have nothing to fear from the order anymore I'm leaving where will you go child Maya to Pandora I'm gonna find some answers angel yes Jack find her with the new group of vault hunters gathered to a single location Jack's plan of killing them all doesn't go as intended they survive his attempt to kill them on their train leading it to crash in the snowy Tundra of wind sheer waste they encounter claptrap who leads them to sir hammerlock who resides in the small town of liars Burke all the while angel directs the vault hunters once again swearing to help them defeat Jack and put a stop to everything hammerlock instructs the crew on how to get to sanctuary so they can join the Crimson Raiders upon arrival they are informed that Roland was captured by the Bandit Firehawk who as we established is actually Lilith she tells them that he was grabbed by the blood shot bandits and he sends the vault hunters to rescue him thanks to the efforts of Scooter sister Ellie our characters are capable of sneaking into the base to free Roland upon freeing him the characters all learn of Jack's intentions and Roland's plan to take him down they are sent to retake the vault key which they believe is being transported on a Hyperion train with the help of tiny Tina than a 13-year old explosives expert and a rear ik routed Mordecai they derail the train causing it to crash what they find however is not a vault key but instead Wilhelm as the plan was anticipated all along the vault hunters are capable of killing him and retrieving a power cord that was in his possession they bring that Power Core back to sanctuary to be used as its new shield however after installing it the core forts his sanctuary shields to be dropped allowing Helios to open fire Wilhelm was an admirable foe taking on the likes of the original vault hunters however handsome Jack much like he does used Wilhelm his plan was always to get that core into sanctuary and so he had poisoned Wilhelm prior to his encounter with the vault hunters ensuring that he would lose the fight so Wilhelm nearly killed your vault hunter friends a couple years ago and you just blow him away like any other grunt yeah that's because I've poisoned him before you guys fought worth it though to make you think I didn't want you to have that Power Core but spoilers I did with Hughes's moonshots raining down and sanctuaries defenses compromised in a desperate attempt to escape Scooter uses a mechanism he installed throughout the town to lift it into the sky and iridium charged Lilith uses her siren powers to teleport the whole of sanctuary to another location leaving it crippled siren angel assists the vault hunters back to sanctuary hoping she's on their side while Rowland and Lilith have some well justified trust issues with her it isn't until she reveals the vault key is with her they choose to listen however to get to her there are multiple obstacles that stand in our character's way these include the likes of a death wall a defense bunker and a voice-activated passcode Mordecai's bird blood wing is also captured by Jack where slag experiments are performed on her until she is inevitably killed while it is believed by many fans the jack body double killed an opportunity was Timothy his transformation at the end reveals it was simply some minor technology keeping him disguised whereas Timothy has undergone surgery to look and sound as much like Jack as possible the fate of Timothy Lawrence is unknown along the way brick is once again recruited and agrees to help the Crimson Raiders take Jack down with brick now part of the main crew he sends the vault hunters on some missions to the town of lynchwood destroying property killing people but most importantly raising hell for Nisha she winds up challenging the vault hunters to a duel stating either she will die or they will it is here where Nisha loses her life and brick got some closure with all the pieces in place the vault hunters stormed the Hyperion base and faced the opposition of bunker though it is incapable of stopping them after finally coming face-to-face with Angel and learning of her true siren origin she instructs the vault hunters to kill her as it is the only way of preventing the key from being charged and our characters comply after the death of angel jack teleports behind an unsuspecting Rowland and fires a bullet through his chest killing him while managing to capture Lilith in the process so we can finish charging the key she's dead Jack just lost his only way to her waking the warrior we got the vault key but this isn't over yet we gotta find Jack and take I'm out Lillith take the ball kita tennis I'm going out to check language what's that saying don't pick a fight with a man with nothing left to lose see I'm gonna show you just how much you have to lose and I got the most powerful siren on the planet to do it with Lilith kill the vault hunter we've got a date to keep with the warrior [Music] with the vault already uncovered he takes Lilith and brings her to its location ordering as much iridium as possible to be transported to them Rowland's life affected many characters someone who had hit the hardest was Tina who in a removed voice line from the game expresses her sadness upon hearing the news instead thank you thank you for telling me please go now without Roland or Lilith it leaves Mordecai and brick to lead an all-out assault through the eridium blight and to the fault the vault hunters arrived just as the key is charged and Jack opens the gate releasing the warrior with a vault monster out for blood our characters use every skill and weapon in their arsenal to take down the vault monster killing it Lilith is freed from her confines while jack is killed that was Roland exhausted by all of the trouble vaults tend to bring Lilith intends on destroying the key though just as she's about to do it a map accidentally pops up showing the locations of many more vaults spread across the universe wait a sec let me you don't want to touch this thing right now trust me slow down there I nearly bought it back there hey Lilith where the hell were you guys five minutes ago if it weren't for the vault hunter we'd all be dead I think that's our way of saying we would I figured that if I never see this key again it'll be too soon it's been a fun you alien pieces what the those faults you know what that means yeah no rest for the wicked with this newfound information all of the vault hunters split up traveling off of Pandora in search of new vaults while others remain on the planet while on an expedition with sir hammerlock the vault hunters encounter Professor Nakayama holed up in a crashed Hyperion ship though he would meet his demise falling down a flight of stairs his body is then recovered by a traveler and collector named shade with Jack dead it leaves his job position open for the taking on Helios a Hyperion executive named Saul Henderson takes control of the company Mordechai would get a new bird Talon and due to the trauma of Jack's death but stallion turned herself into an immobilization on Helios the events of tales from the borderlands remain a mystery its branching narrative provides for many outcomes different character motivations as well as whether or not certain individuals live or die Borderlands 3 confirms its Canon within the overall universe but the definitive series of events are still unknown I will try my best to give you the story of what happened however certain aspects are subject to change back on the planet of Pandora in the underground city of hollow point 3 con artists Felix and his two adopted daughters Fiona and Sasha set up the con of a lifetime creating a fake vault key which they intend to sell Sasha's boyfriend August is tricked into believing it's real and manages to pique the interest of Hyperion executive Hugo Vasquez into purchasing the item at the same time while this is happening a Hyperion middle manager named Rhys is seeking a promotion from Henderson only to be shocked after seeing him launched out of an airlock by Vasquez who has now claimed control over Hyperion instead of a promotion Vasquez demote Rhys to assistant vice janitor just after letting it slip that he had a deal to purchase the vault key as a way to get back Vasquez Ries with the help of his friends Vaughn and a vet planned to steal his deal from under him with a briefcase filled with ten million dollars recent Vaughn head down to the surface of Pandora to the town of prosperity Junction after getting into a quarrel with some of the local bandits a vet sends down a loader bot to help them while heavily damaged the loader bot helps with most of the bandits before fleeing with its life recent Vaughn however make it safely to the world of curiosities run by shade were bodies of Professor Nakayama boom and commandant steel-trap are displayed Rhys recovers a data chip from Nike Amma's body and shade introduces the two to Auguste and Sasha who possessed the fake key in the midst of a deal gone wrong the key is broken revealing it was a fake all along too recent Vaughn as well as Auguste realizing he's been betrayed to make a bad situation worse the Bandit leader bossanova crashes into the middle of the deal with zero in hot pursuit with all hell broken loose bossa nova steals the money and flees amidst the rest of the confusion recent Vaughn attempt to hijack Felix's Caravan only to be taken prisoner by the three hoping to not be thrown out of the moving caravan the two Hyperion employees reveal that they can track the money and reclaim it so the two sides form a temporary alliance Reese then plugs in Nakayama x' day to drive into his head which shortly after he collapses while unconscious Vaughn traces the money to an abandoned Atlas warehouse where bossa nova has bandits and psychos compete in the death race where the winner is gifted the briefcase while infiltrating the base the group separates into teams sasha and reese get trapped in the facility and sneak their way to the arena running into a familiar face while Vaughan and Fiona become contestants themselves once our characters are gathered to the arena the briefcase goes on quite the comical journey bouncing from location to location vehicle the vehicle until it is inevitably in the hands of Felix bossa nova is killed by zero and just when everything is seemingly fine Felix chooses to betray Fiona and Sasha taking the money for himself depending on the actions in-game Felix can either escape with the money and return later or be blown up by the bomb inside either way this betrayal falls heavily on the two girls with all the destruction in the arena it left a lot of loot lying around and so our group begins dis Alvis for anything that might be valuable while searching recents that falls into an atlas cellar containing the hidden gorgeous project two mysterious pieces are recovered by Fiona and Reece and when combined lead to the location of a vault a hologram then appears of handsome jack which only Rhys can see thanks to professor naake Alma's work the data drive that was obtained had a copy of Jack's consciousness and when plugged in allowed him to manifest himself through the eyes of Rhys the rest of the group however come across a bunch of old recordings talking about the gordas project the first is from Athena who at the time was on her rampage killing any and all Atlas personnel and the following two are from an atlas general stating how the gorgeous project is too dangerous for a woman like Athena to get her hands on so it was locked away intrigued by everything the group plans to go to old haven to uncover the mystery of the vault angry at his actions Vasquez begins sending moonshots towards our characters location but thanks to the efforts of loader bot he rescues them and they attempt an escape in the caravan a bad situation is made worse when Iraq hive appears splitting loader bot from the rest of the team the caravan is damaged and thanks to rhesus Hyperion tech he manages to use the moon shot to take out the rock - unfortunately recent vaughan are thrown from the half destroyed vehicle leaving them stranded in the desert after travelling across the land for a short while they come face-to-face with Vasquez wallowing in his own victory for too long however gives Reese enough time to cause a distraction leading loader bot to rescue them flying them all the way to hollow point to rendezvous with Fiona and Sasha after recent von were flung from the caravan the two women made their way to hollow point to seek help from the mechanics scooter his cat deride business has slowly been expanding on the world of Pandora he develops a crush on Fiona and is more than willing to help the two sisters then return to their home and begin rummaging through the old trinkets Felix left behind Fiona finds a gun while sasha refuses to open hers while here they are attacked by two hitmen CRO gran finch hired by August's mom valerie a bandit boss for the scam of the vault key the two managed to escape and run through the streets of hollow point narrowly escaping death Athena also makes her appearance to fulfill her contract of protecting the sisters though that would be unbeknownst to them after safely making their way back to scooters garage and reuniting with recent Vaughn they all leave for the abandoned town of old haven after some minor exploring they managed to discover the hidden Atlas facility underneath the town this small victory is short-lived as they are all ambushed by Vasquez and August they hold everyone at gunpoint and have recent Fiona used their artifacts to join them together within the machine to release cordis a metallic sphere the facility's security systems turn online Fiona very quickly creates a distraction allowing her and Reese to sneak into a shaft headed deeper into the facility meanwhile the others fend themselves off from the security drones and Vaughn and Sascha reunite with the others when the team make it out of the facility they are faced with Valerie the woman in charge of the original vault key deal when August and Vasquez exit the facility themselves Vasquez attempts to explain himself but is shot and killed before Valerie can execute the rest of the group Athena shows up saving them and scaring off Valerie and her goons revealing Felix's contract in the process when gorgeous is finally activated it turns out to be a robot designed to locate the fault of the traveler but before she can do that there are a few necessary pieces required to do so with Athena now part of the crew the characters all make their way to an atlas by Odum situated far out in the tundra where they meet an atlas scientist named cassius who is saved from being murdered by Athena he was sent to pandora to study the ecosystem and the plant life on the world he reveals the location of the upgrade and so the characters all split up Rhys and Sacha head out to turn off the security systems while Fiona and Athena retrieve the upgrade everyone else remains with cassius when the characters Oliver unites all hell is broken loose Valerie and her goons attempt to steal cordis and her upgrade while Athena is caught in the middle of a fight with Burke and Mordecai whom valerie has hired to remove her from the picture Vaughn makes an admirable attempt to subdue Valerie but ends up getting beaten up by the end of it when things are all settled down the characters all loose fiona is subdued Athena is captured by the vault hunters and the final gorgeous piece is in handsome Jack's old office on Helios so Valerie tasks the team on what she believes is a certain suicide mission back in sanctuary Athena is tied up and held at gunpoint forced to recall the events of her time working for Jack on Elpis by the time the story is finished Lilith determines she doesn't like what she hears and orders her soldiers to fire on Athena however The Watcher appears telling if that war is coming and they need all of the vault hunters they can get that was when I left handsome Jack's employee you regret teaming up with Jack yes now do what you will kill her why No if it weren't for people like her our friends might still be alive ready this ain't us lil dissipate you fire now is not the time for bickering all such as war is having and you will meet over both countries you came here Gaugin accident however while searching for new vaults had come across aralia on the planet of Ekta similar to athena she was to be executed for her assistance in the event of the pre-sequel however thanks to the Watchers message she is taken captive and brought to sanctuary guess who's back from hunting votes on other planets did you miss us and I'm the nerd what's the deal here you guys first Lillis it's like hook the bolt on Epke and then she's like don't kill the other vault hunters bring back the one chick you found war is coming no you don't aralia is the meanest what's all this about Athena and some Guardian and war umm I'm Athena I was relating to present company the story of how Jack rose to power back to the events of tales from the borderlands a plan is formulated on how to sneak through Helios Rhys will go disguised as Vasquez while the others pose as employees meanwhile all of the others return to hollow point to seek help from both scooter and Janey in building a spaceship which scooter is more than happy to do with a plan in full motion and a spaceship successfully launched into space the plan hits a snag when the corpse of Henderson hits the rockets damaging the ship both scooter and Fiona head outside to detach the Rockets however scooters hand would get caught in one of the machines he makes the noble sacrifice and launches off into space allowing the others to carry on their mission I gotta catch a ride [Music] all right ciao it's probably in but you see marks here Lu tell them I did some awesome [ __ ] okay it's been real [Music] ow [Music] [Music] his sister Ellie would then take control over scooters business by the time the team makes it onto Helios the plan very quickly goes south event had been secretly working with Vasquez this entire time and depending on the player's actions you can either forgive her and gain her trust once again or get her killed at multiple occasions Fiona and gordas had taken up the roles of tour guides however access to Jack's office is restricted hallo jack who's been whispering in Theresa's ear this entire time informs him of a hidden trapdoor he has leading into his office which forces Reese to climb up through it gaining access to his office where he retrieves the final upgrade from Jack's trophy cabinet of memorable things amongst them include a feather of blood wing his ex-girlfriend Nisha's cowboy hat and a deed of atlases ownership rights Jack doing what he does best manipulates Reese by getting him to sit in his chair so he can feel what it's like to have the job position he's always wanted in reality the purpose was so Jack could leave Reese's body and be uploaded into the Helios whose computer system he still wants a body to walk around however so he plans on using an exoskeleton he intends to implant in Therese however Reese would escape to stop Jack the only way that's possible is to destroy Helios his Power Core Fiona Sasha August and gordas are all betrayed by Finch and Kroger who kidnap Sasha gorgeous and her upgrade at the reactor core Jack does everything he can to try and stop Reese to no avail the Power Core is destroyed and with no Power Core Helios is forced to crash-land on to Pandora surface as the Hyperion employees all begin evacuating the station loader bot sacrifices himself as the rest of the characters launch in escape pods while Helios crashes onto pandora with the characters all split up Reese awakens amidst the rubble after making his way back to Jack's office he comes to learn Jack is still alive he once again manages to jump his way in Theresa's body and attempts to kill him though Reese would destroy any and all cybernetics keeping Jack alive this includes his mechanical arm the cybernetics in his head and ripping out his own eyeball once and for all killing jack for good he then retrieves atlases rights and claims ownership over the corporation becoming its CEO by the time Fiona wakes up from her pot she searches for her sister only to see the vault has been opened she finds Valerie shooting at gorgeous now a gigantic robot as she is the reason for the vault monsters release if destroyed the monster will disappear Valerie is soon smashed by the traveler killing her Gord is pleased with Fiona to destroy her as she can't stop the traveler to which Fiona and Sasha fire a rocket at Gorgas destroying her unlocking the vault monster away once more the characters lives then moved on Sasha and Fiona returned to hollow point where they patched up August while Rhys went back to cashes his facility where he got all new cybernetics and began running Alice as the months passed by both Rhys and Fiona received echo beacons leading them back to where it all began prosperity junction it is here the mysterious stranger kidnaps the two forcing them to recall the events of their journey they venture across Pandora coming across pieces from their story along the way the whole ordeal leads them back to Helios his crash site where Kroeger appears with a captured bandit in exchange for recent Fiona the stranger accepts the deal only to strangle Kroeger moments later the Bandit is revealed to be Vaughn who had survived thanks to the efforts of cassius and the two tracked down valerie when the vault was opened Vaughn searched for his friends but wound up taking many of the Hyperion refugees forming their own camp now reunited they are all led back to his home at the Helio site where they interrogate the stranger who was revealed to be loader bot hi he had survived to the crash of Helios and witnessed his friends destroy gordas feeling betrayed he went on to implant himself into the exoskeleton Jack intended for Rhys and went on to formulate a plan to restore gordas and bring her back to life he kidnapped Rhys and Fiona under the guise of the stranger in hopes to understand their side of the story hoping their actions could be explained which they wore he had scavenged the remaining gordas parts that were scattered across pandora with the help of his friends they all formulate a plan to keep gordas alive by killing the traveler due to its teleporting abilities Vaughn creates a plan to detonate a bomb within the monster to [ __ ] it without the ability to move they would shoot the helios moonshot cannon killing it Fiona and Sasha are tasked with the bomb various options are given to the player as the team you wish to assemble when chosen gorgeous is restored to her former glory and the vault monster is summoned gorgeous is hesitant about this rematch considering how the previous one was such a failure however Rhys reassures her that it'll be different this time Rhys and the rest of the team enter gorgeous fighting the monster while Fiona and Sasha manage to make it inside with the bomb while protected by Guardians the bomb is capable of being planted however when they make their escape the detonator is out of range and so Sasha sacrifices herself to detonate the bomb the bomb is detonated and the traveler can no longer teleport they managed to fire the moonshot hitting the traveler where it is killed the victory of capturing the vault is short-lived as sasha is still alive from the explosion while on the verge of death one of Felix's gadgets resuscitates her bringing her back to full fighting glory with the mission successful and the vault there's the team begins Gavin all the loop but recent Fiona head towards the vault itself upon entering they are met with ancient yridian surroundings and a chest which lies atop a staircase they both open it together and disappear as the vault takes them away would you like to do the honors it's the last one it's only right that we both open it this is the best part kind of hoping you'd say that you after the events of all of the games gearbox surprised everyone with an unexpected DLC for Borderlands 2 titled commander Lilith and the fight for sanctuary with Jack and the warrior defeated the crimson raiders set their eyes to the stars they must decipher the map and prevent the vaults from falling into the hands of those who would wish to do harm Lilith refuses to take leadership of the Raiders however before they can proceed sanctuary is attacked by Colonel Hector an ex doll soldier the city is flooded with a mutagenic gas causing the vault hunters to flee sanctuary leaving the vault key with him I do not understand why we haven't left Pandora yet we are nowhere closer to finding the vaults this map is the most important scientific discovery in all of human history and Mordecai is using it as a coaster does that matter we don't even know which planet these are yet I don't like flying blind sanctuaries home together using spit and wishful thinking she's barely staying in the air let alone leaving the planet we got to do something people are talking about disbanding the Raiders saying pandora don't need us now that Jack's gone we need a leader she don't want the job Mayan and can you blame her sometimes when you're the one calling the shots people get hurt and I'm making a choice is still a choice so then we have no plan no working ship no leader and a soda can on the vault key lael we need to make a call what do you think Elly that ain't the engines lil this is Lilith sanctuary is under attack all civilians evacuate the city immediately crimson Raiders to me sure what we're made of damn after the bulky Lillith that's too many of these pendejos this is Lilith all crimson raiders pull back to HQ just tell me where to point this sumbitch come on [Music] yeah time to change the world oh so does this Hector was once the leader of a large unit of doll soldiers doll promised them all they would receive a planet all to themselves thanks to their efforts on the battlefield something that was described as a personal paradise what happened however was they were sent to pandora to be used as a mining force his men wanted to revolt against Dahl for lying to them but Hector calmed everyone down and they proceeded to do what was ordered in their mining efforts he and his squad would find an yridian artifact and present it to their superiors what seemed like a victory would only once again follow with betrayal Dahl collapsed the entrance to the mine locking them all inside to die he and his men would begin to develop an unknown disease when Cassius lack la main would stumble across them and begin performing experiments Hector would trick Cassius into creating a gas that would change Pandora forever foraging in an abandoned facility I came across some old old miners dying of a strange illness when I explained I was a scientist their leader welcomed me with open arms he was most curious about my research into biodomes before I left he asked that I inspect the health of his men and eaze what suffering I could apparently they survived a mining accident of some kind before meeting the scare of one 9:1 crew I feared my life's work died the day Atlas abandoned me but the spores I've discovered in these miners lungs fill me with incalculable joy Hector has promised he will retrofit this door facility with state-of-the-art equipment if I use my research to make Pandora more inhabitable we have titled our new endeavor project Paradise I've always found it odd that this planet soil lacks the essential building blocks for mature flora yet while the land itself resists growth from desert to tundra I discovered a way forward upon careful observation the same spores that fill these men's lungs can be found in the Greater pandora atmosphere who take a deep breath caches measure twice change the world once a breakthrough of the most gaseous variety while observing the miners one expelled an indomitable vapor oh how great but as i gagged and gasped I realized that this unsolicited fart yes my path forward I will develop a gas to spur pandora's indigenous spores into a period of accelerated growth now the question becomes how to ensure this gas can not affect humans despite my inability to create a gas safe for humans I'm certain another breakthrough is around the corner I will make Pandora a paradise and afterwards other people will say dashing bespectacled scientist single after the vault hunters teleport away from sanctuary they run into Vaughan the Helio space was overrun by Hector and all of the Hyperion employees were killed by the gas after that Vaughn somehow worked his way up as a bandit war chief the vault hunters use his base as their own temporarily Mordechai would become infected by the gas leading to our characters to search for a cure Tanis uncovers its creation was by Cassius and with the help of Vaughan we managed to track him down unfortunately when we find him he is already infected and as a final request he asks that we kill him the vault hunters comply getting a sample of his blood which they used to create an antidote Vaughn also sends our characters to retrieve but stallion with the help of tiny Tina and brick she is retrieved and returned to safety due to her loving and caring nature Vaughn decides Tina should take care of her anyway thanks for saving but stallion I got a real soft spot for the old girl you know but I'm real busy with bandit stuff and you know saving the world so Tina could you take care of her for me now immune to the gas our vault hunters reenter sanctuary to take it back Hector inhales the gas mutating him even further and forces the vault key in his body as a countermeasure if he dies the key is lost forever after his defeat Lilith makes the drastic decision to use her siren powers to destroy Hector the key as well as sanctuary with so much lost Lilith officially takes control over the Crimson Raiders and sets their goals to the stars however not before saying that she needs to find the key as she knows it's still out there you finally stood your ground fire Hawke but it's too late you ball hunters so blind I've seen the true purpose of the map it leads to power you can't possibly imagine sanctuary is part of me now the vault map is part of me you can't destroy me without losing them both your dream dies with me what what do you think you're doing making the cul Lillith shrinks a laugh lil are you okay yeah it's God Lilith that was awesome there's the free feet remanded hey rolling would have done the same thing [ __ ] holy crap I'm so jealous I wouldn't go that [ __ ] I'm cool I'm cool I calculated that there was an 86 point four percent chance that sanctuary would have exploded as soon as it reached escape velocity perhaps I should have shared that with you sooner sanctuary the map everything's gone hey you made the call we're all still here nothing else matters I guess you're right so uh what now up there Hector showed me the map I saw the vaults connected somehow part of something bigger I don't know what it means look we may have lost the map but we never needed it before we have to find the vaults before they fall into the wrong hands we have got to keep searching and that means leaving Pandora but I can't go with you not yet someone has to rebuild the Raiders we need new blood new badasses if we're gonna be ready for the next fight find the vaults no matter how far it takes you no matter what happens you will always be crimson Raiders [Applause] [Music] well old sanctuary went out in a way that would have made scooter happy killing a big-ass tree that was a nice speech back there lil really took the old heartstrings but why is it that you're really staying here that volt Maps still out there le and when I find it then I can leave Pandora I'm a halter to that string bang [Music] and all of that leads to the events of Borderlands 3 when we meet our new set of vault hunters 5 years later so for now that was the timeline of Borderlands if you enjoyed the video be sure to LIKE comment subscribe as more videos about the game are soon to come out thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 3,161,729
Rating: 4.8968582 out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands 3, borderlands story, the story so far, borderlands 2, handsome jack, the complete borderlands timeline, lilith, roland, athena, mordecai, brick, borderlands 3 release date, eridians, borderlands story so far, eruptionfang timeline, the story of borderlands, the complete unabrided timeline of borderlands, gearbox, 2k, bl, bl3, shooter looter, the story of borderlands before borderlands 3, the complete unabridged timeline of borderlands
Id: _wvb8jAKsno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 45sec (6345 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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