The History of Maya - Borderlands

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having made her debut as one of the six new vault hunters in borderlands 2 maya very easily phase locked her way through to the fans hearts so it's time i give you the history of maya so far as an infant maya was very quickly identified as one of the sirens and thus she was given to a group of monks known as the order of the impending storm on the planet of athenus athenus like many planets had its own vault but this one had been opened for some time here another past siren named queen dido had ruled over the planet in its recent history a lot of studying and research went into sirens here and while unknown it seems sirens are often drawn to athenus for some reason but that remains an in-universe theory there's no place in the galaxy with more siren than athenus must be something in their water or sirens were drawn to the place by some sort of i don't know call anyway after queen dido passed away the order of the impending storm took over athenus and decided to try and exploit sirens for money and power not all of them but a select few of the higher ranking monks and this is how they got their hands on maya we don't know if her parents sold her for a price which the monks were offering or what but the fact of the matter is maya would be raised on athenus for about 27 years the order used her as a figurehead and presented her as the public's goddess and savior they would use her to instill fear unbeknownst to her for the longest time and by doing this they could extort money from the residents after years of training and preparation the order of the impending storm is ready to reveal your savior speak maya speak to your subjects what she lacks in eloquence she makes up for empower know this maya will protect this planet from all forms of evil from sophists could i have a word now's not really the time child for years you said i'd be out there exploring not smiling and giving speeches your place is not to question child now smile and wave keep calling me child and see what happens jackass due to the order's very controlling nature she wasn't allowed to do much a lot of her time and quote-unquote training was meditation which she slowly began to hate more and more through meditation i see everything eternity the whole of existence and right now it is boring the hell out of me i'm all for meditation but this is ridiculous the monks told me to respect silence to treasure the moments of inaction so that combat could be even more invigorating now i truly understand they didn't know what the hell they were talking about this silence reminds me of the abbey i hated the goddamned abbey over the years her siren powers would develop and she got more control over them but by the sounds of it the monks kept a lot of the research and information about sirens hidden from her this fueled her curiosity and in combination with all the meditation she was frequently forced to do she yearned for a sense of adventure and danger the monks would make empty promises to her that she would get to adventure but never follow through with brother sophis i found something yes what is it research notes from an archaeologist on pandora pandora the planet of convicts and cannibals yeah it sounds incredible but this archaeologist says that sirens have some sort of connection to iridium and the vaults maya that's enough if i traveled to pandora i could learn even more about my siren lineage that's enough we have fed you trained you protected you the people of athens look to the order of the impending storm for guidance and protection if you were to leave this planet would be defenseless you keep saying i'm gonna defend this planet i've trained for years but i've never actually fought any of this evil the order's always on about your time will come i promise besides this planet has everything you could possibly want please child retire to your room don't call me child i apologize please retire to your room maya all of this eventually came to a boiling point for maya she was tired of the same empty promises how she was being treated as well as finally realizing how the order was using her against the public and so she turned on them and chose to decide her future for herself no please no what's going on what is this today is a great day maya today your training is finally put to use who are these people terrorists criminals evil men you will destroy them as is your duty this is what you have trained for what to execute unarmed men do not question me child these men are a danger brother harker bring the first sinner forward yes brother sofis on your knees sinner oh god not hurt not her what is this man guilty of do not question i promise i'll pay i'll get you your tithe just don't let her near me what do not listen child execute him out of hell with it what are you doing child put me down put me down child now 27 years for 27 years you've been using me to keep these people frightened haven't you you don't understand shut up you didn't want me to protect this planet you wanted me to keep it scared keep me locked up so these people would do what you asked nobody's gonna disobey the order if they've gotta face the wrath of a siren is that it you know nothing child you have so much left to learn you don't don't call me child everyone get out of here you have nothing to fear from the order anymore i'm leaving but where will you go child oh maya to pandora i'm gonna find some answers she chose to explore pandora she's heard of what had been going on on the planet with its vault as well as the iridium which had broke its way to the surface recently and so she believed that she could learn more about herself and sirens by opening the vault on the planet jack having used his daughter to spy on athenas learns of her interest to come to the planet and much like with the other vault hunters he puts out a message to lure her in unlike the others however jack has significant stake in maya's siren powers so he's much more interested in capturing her day two on pandora nobody here is used to seeing a siren half the people i've met want to worship me the other half want to turn me over to hyperion still it's a nice change of pace from the abbey at least here the bad guys stab you from the front i haven't found a shred of info about sirens the closest i've got to elite on siren history are legends of an alien vault it's not much to go on but it's something maybe if i find this vault i'll find out where the hell sirens come from or maybe i'll prove brother harker right and take a bullet to the head five minutes from now we'll see how my week goes it doesn't take much to draw her in all of the vault hunters jack has lured to the planet previously have boarded his welcoming train which he then proceeds to kill them on while maya is waiting for said train she comes across a psycho of the planet named krieg which she believes is hostile while krieg is going through his own problems incapable of expressing his feelings through words like a normal person having gone through a psychotic break his inner voice falls instantly in love with maya and he tries to express this while maya initially opens fire on him and tries to kill him it draws the attention of some nearby rats krieg winds up being capable of speaking and saving her life turn around pretty lady and she realizes that krieg isn't like the other psychos that she's come across she proceeds to board the train where she meets axton salvador in zero also having been lured in by handsome jack on their ride they very quickly realize it isn't a welcoming experience as jack uses his loader bots to try and kill them while they are capable of holding them off part of jack's trap is also a bomb he proceeds to blow up the train as he's done many times prior and dump it in windshear waste but jack's plan doesn't work everyone survives but surprisingly axton salvador zero and maya weren't the only ones on that train after their encounter krieg had latched on to the outside of the train and followed maya and for the first time everyone's also meeting gage a young high school student who had stowed away on a train in a different car fleeing from the police having been wanted for murder and this is obviously where the events of borderlands 2 take place they meet claptrap join the crimson raiders and feel an obligation want to get revenge on handsome jack while also opening a vault through this time in their experience all of the characters would bond most specifically krieg and maya she would to a certain extent understand him and his emotions while it is highly unlikely that she had learned of his inner voice trying to emerge from itself krieg was capable of expressing himself in his own psycho ways which she understood anyway jack is inevitably killed and stopped and for maya it's not too significant of an event she did come to pandora to learn about sirens which didn't really happen i think it's implied that she learnt a little bit from her interactions with lilith and slightly with angel but all in all she didn't gain too much the one thing she did get was the adventure and exploration she wanted but she and the others would continue to work with the crimson raiders for a little bit as well primarily in their search for vaults during the sun of chromerx dlc the characters are sent to rescue sir hammerlock who's been kidnapped as well as celebrate fertility day while here the son of one of the bandits the characters killed on their journey named sparky flint tries to get revenge on all of the characters through various assassins the assassin sent to kill maya is a siren hunter named mordo sofis he is the father of brother sophis who maya killed on athenus before she left maya you'll like this next dude he's a siren tracker named mordo sophie's father of brother steven sophie's that dude you ganked back on athena's and boy oh boy is he just itching for vengeance however before any of the assassins sent to kill all of the vault hunters get their chance tanis kills maya's assassin and leaves a note behind for her believing she holds a greater purpose in the future dear siren though i find your physical attractiveness confusingly repulsive i feel you will have an important part to play in the coming days knowing this i elected to poison the siren hunters through various means i shan't go into detail about suffice to say they involved a beer bottle and a straw made of anthrax sincerely a friend huh i'm attractive however eventually much like her initial decision to explore pandora she decides to branch off from the others in her own direction while her sense of adventure has been fulfilled her curiosity of sirens is still left largely unanswered she realizes that despite being trapped there for 27 years athenus is the world in which information regarding sirens lie this in combination that without her on the planet there is no one to protect it and so she informs the others that she's leaving krieg is most upset over this news and tries to stop her i'm just calamity easy krieg it's okay you heard what lilith said sanctuary's gone but we're all still vault hunters including you pooped out by the vengeful richtus you aren't just a psycho anymore not to me not to any of us i'm not it got two knives entwined i can't stay i have to go to athens i left those people defenseless and i have to know more about what i am it feels important torn apart from pretty lady don't worry big guy i'll be back i promise maya would return to athenus the order of the impending storm is still there but isn't as corrupt as it once was not only would maya be the protector of the planet she practically ran it her and the other monks made sure life lived as smoothly as possible no longer being constricted maya began to learn more about sirens from the archives on the planet and her skills and powers would improve but one day when one of athens's merchant ships was returning to the planet she came across a stowaway named ava her parents had been killed and she had been stealing to survive when ava tried to steal maya's book maya somehow perhaps thanks to the records that she had been studying on athens was capable of recognizing that ava was going to become a siren so instead of killing her she decided to train her as an apprentice she was a stowaway on one of our seasonal merchant ships we crossed paths she tried to steal my book and instead of throwing her off a cliff i decided to train her as my apprentice the real reason i took ava on as an apprentice she's going to be a siren someday and i want to make sure she's ready when that happens it is also very probable that it was not inevitable that ava became a siren rather maya had learnt of a way to pass down her own powers and she took ava in as a fail-safe maya would teach ava in a very similar way that the monks brought her up as well lots of meditation and no real adventure while some of the monks were very corrupt it seems there was value in how they trained maya anyway maya would continue to teach ava in the ways of how to use her phase lock ability while also continuing to learn and grow herself from the documents fast forward through time a bit and we reach borderlands 3. the children of the vault are running amok on pandora but more importantly in their quest to eat vault monsters they had allied with maliwan to get vault keys so they could open the vaults somehow someway maliwan had learnt that a piece of prometheus vault key was hidden away on athenus in their already opened vault how the piece got there or why they were hiding it is currently unknown but the peace is there and maliwan invades the planet to get a hold of it having already met up with the crimson raiders and joined their side they are sent to athenist to help out maya and stop maliwan they managed to fend them off and maya had also finally been capable of consuming iridium some things she's never done before but it seems as though she learnt in her training i've never been able to use iridium the way lilith does but i found a technique in this book that might change that anyway she leads the characters into the vault and gives them the vault piece so the planet will stop being targeted due to the crimson raiders needing assistance once again maya joins them once more the next time maya has much relevance is when the vault key is completed and they are sent to kill the rampager hidden within prometheus vault maya joins them and together they almost but not fully kill the rampager after the monster's defeat ava shows up as similar to maya before ava is tired of following orders and yearns for that sense of adventure and danger this understandably annoys maya hell yeah that was awesome ava i told you to wait on the ship it isn't safe here and this a chance to see a real vault look at this place ava you're not a vault hunter yet there's a lot more to it than running headfirst into danger right yeah totally vaulthunter you should go inside take your time i need to have a chat with my apprentice once the vault key is looted the calypsos show up and while maya attempts to fend them off this is unfortunately where maya is killed be ready while her powers would go on their own journey inevitably making their way to ava as she had planned maya's story ends in the vault for now sirens even after they're dead seem to have some connection to the living world maya at the end of the day was just a really cool person she was raised as a figurehead and goddess but that never really went to her head if anything it helped her choose to go back to athenist to protect the people on it but most tragic of all her promise to krieg can't be fulfilled but anyway that was the history of maya undoubtably one of the most popular characters fans have come to love with from predominantly a first person perspective if there are any other characters you'd like me to do the history of then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time i'll see in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 230,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, maya, siren, maya the siren, history of maya, borderlands history, blue hair siren, krieg, maya and krieg, echo log, order of the impending storm, monks, maya borderlands 3, ava, maya and ava, eruptionfang borderlands history, epic, epic game store, phaselock
Id: CJf2Ekkfsp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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