MONEY IN THE BANK | Tales From The Borderlands - Episode 1 Zer0 Sum

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to tales from the borderlands finally I've been saying I'm gonna play it for a really long time and I was just waiting for the right time to get in and do it because I had a lot of other series going on at the same time and I felt like I didn't want to pile them all on top one another and I'm going to do this the same way I did life for strange where I'm gonna do each episode in one giant video so this is going to be episode 1 I've heard that this series is really really good a lot of people have been saying some really good things about it and I was putting it off for a really long time because I said that I didn't really like the borderlands games at least like the story and the setup and all those types of things some parts better like but overall it was just pinning so I was not this game but a lot of people were saying you don't even need to like Borderlands to really like this game because humours North characters you're good stories but salute really intrigued me and I wanted to do more of these types of games so here we go tales from the borderlands and might have to restart though because i got in to see if everything was okay so we go search trap to rewind I don't know what I'm doing okay here we go this game adapts to the choices you make the story is tailored by how you play so this is made by Telltale Games the same people who made the walking dead and the wolf among us so expect a lot of stuff to be very similar to that story of immense fortune and unthinkable peril Coffee well I have some time the borderlands of Pandora were told to contain mysterious alien treasure troves filled with advanced technology and incredible power for the people called them and to seek one out was to earn you the title a fault hunter at least by me you could say handsome Jack was one such explorer Janice could be seen as a reader like handsome Jack from the game's secondary corporation Hyperion and died trying to claim Pandora as his own histories attention is fickle my friends it will remember those pirates like handsome jack but forget the adventurers who risk it all for less obvious rewards stories Allegiance those are much better at getting at the real spirit of things stories remember both sides of detail whoo got it let's do anything I don't know everything's okay let's go so everything was frozen prosperity junction the future is on Rails I really like the art style of Borderlands as well the cel-shaded look to it it's very cartoony looking pretty neat I like it hello Fiona come on we can work this out it's a tree Baker the owner there's some sort of radiation leak I don't know Reis company man you okay so I play his restain let's try Baker I love Troy Baker's voice there's gonna make this so much more pleasant I got like a matrix thing in my head who are you what is happening where are we going uh who are you I like his voice that what this is about look gorgeous is bad business if you want a real hot investment I am on the ground floor of some property on food okay okay okay oh no no no no lotta cool ads just start talking just ripped you start when you're getting dragged through the desert and of course right that guy's like oh that's pretty like I his voice reminded me of legion from Mass Effect I guess it all started with the promotion see I'd spent my entire career at the Hyperion so suppose that makes me one of the bad guys in this story and handsome jack he was the baddest guy of ammo flog it must feel good just like you take it it's yours right everyone I always thought it was sort of cheesy but but hey here which resulted in a company over fluids when handsome Jack died it somehow got even worse it took some time to trade in a few stabs and select backs a new haircut and the health of a couple friends I was on my way to get the promotion it was gonna change my life scratch that our lives for the better I was a little distracted it was a big day for us luckily Vaughn yellow eye before I've been training them 9 or 10 things what's the first thing you're gonna buy ah gee baking I do his payroll Vaughn your best friend the money man hitting a fraction of what he earns Oh respect this we write this at lunch I'm a man for food I figure I could get much seems like a good place to start well then we're starting with 3 of whatever's most expensive sure and wine pairings for lunch we're gonna get twisted bro if I'm not puking up $500 in food now call this afternoon that we are doing it wrong we're meeting with Abed afterward to celebrate she booked us a table yep sounds good why are you I have a feeling this is gonna sound up to get you to this point do I regret some of it sure I do every night it haunts my dreams but that doesn't matter now because you made it you deserve this man and don't ever think you don't and we made about the Iridium mine that's just a one-man operation we made it okay we're in this together if I'm moving up we're all moving up you can be certain to that I appreciate that reason you know people around here have short memories when it comes to that stuff you me event we're gonna run this place oh yes we are looking forward to it we're not going to are we hit that Hyperion face on oh right how's the Hyperion face like a sneer fake smile razor bruh fake smile hey we need some kind of sending it's a little too friendly right now okay say what tilt your head back like if you asked me if there's anything up your nose so the Hyperion look is the high look hey mr. Henderson a seed race I'll just be a second no I wasn't talking to you yes I'm the budget Warburton yeah but I don't want it yeah I know Patrick Warburton Toys Center look don't concern yourself with why okay Jerry concern yourself with with oh and just send the car over when it's ready company didn't even ask us ah Vasquez your Hyperion nemesis in other words douchebag McGee said if I'm reading the situation right and I usually and you're not too happy about it either this all came together quick where's Henderson I was promised a promotion but over your new office where's Henderson it's for the better at least for me so where's Henderson yeah you're going to be reporting to me and I want you to know the promotion that you worked so hard to get that's still coming to you well that's a relief this is about more than that race it's about your future in this company no he's such a smarmy [ __ ] I'm in that chair for the exact same reason why north is north why the handsome guy always gets the girl and why every spaceship in the universe is shaped like a [ __ ] it's destiny race and men real men men like me make their own and you could hold a grudge if you like no harm no foul your thoughts are your own but bad things can happen when you swim against faith sometimes men find themselves standing in the way the Hendersons destiny you don't want to be that man Wow I have timed that better than this promotion is going to take you out of the way of other people's destiny and put you on your own path and that my friend is why I am promoting you to Terry why is it my new car did you struct it in my office yet basket talking low August cool listen I actually have somebody here with me so are you buying this vault key or what cuz I'm still interested I guess I'm you're a computer yeah it's just that's a lot of money to get together on short notice whoa buying a vault key are we use master look around the office for info on the deal but yeah I love magic Warburton's voice he's like Joel from Family Guy hey Wade okay let's look at Pandora what are the biggest scumbags always have the best view you literally had the same view in the hallway let's look at Roscoe's only less so was Henderson gonna give me his job it seems that way ah poor Henderson sucking up to the guy out the window oh man poor dude let's rotate computer I'm not doing anything rescue to activate echo I know I'm all like cybertronic and [ __ ] whoa Pandora 178 million kilometres satellite one natural moon The Doors potential for profit is rivaled only by its potential to kill you within minutes of setting foot on the surface that's lovely baskets if you go pvasquez homosapien teemo fun he's 35 blood pressure where do we care about his blood pressure rock and roll lock and load ain't no thang ironically okay let's look at the deal holographic computer monitor cost expensive class hi he's ready you go fastest currently viewing one encrypted file let's look at it dude am naked cybertronic wizard pokey world of curiosities okay unknown energy matrix yridian petrol gifts a pet dragon just wait okay I can only be down I thought you were mr. big I'm gonna need another [ __ ] love his voice I wish I had his voice hi before we were so something by the vault key I think it was something about buying a vault key just like that by the vault key right you're like a kid sounding out the words I'm sorry all right your promotion yes Anderson was a fool he didn't know his place he needed lesson number one humility but you I respect you Rhys that's why I'm gonna make sergeant vice janitor are you dick no no boss now Reese I do whatever I want report the sewage Scout 23 effect what a dick I'll make you regret this better get in I install on the back of your head cuz you never know when it's gonna be creeping up behind you oh oh oh I'm your buzzers get used oh this is what I'm talking about when I say humility that was lesson number two don't make lesson number three about a number two what don't make me crap on the floor make you clean it up miss Reece thank you I need my trashcan empty well sit down thank you what the hell out our deal he get to the stars he just did no no no this can't be happening I'm finished on the finished you know this place is there's blood in the water and everyone could smell it nope no no they can't not yet unless you don't click trash can sorry you were saying something I interrupted you Reese why are you cleaning up trash I thought you were getting a promotion a promotion Henderson's dead what are you sure yes she's gonna ask him yourself he's floating outside in space that prick Vasquez you threw Henderson out of an airlock and demoted Reese to trash man holy crap so does that mean you're not buying event your other best friend requisitions and lunch leech that's that I like the lunch leech part I love lunch just trying to lighten the mood and I didn't lose my wallet so if someone pays for me who's gonna pay Vasquez I don't know luckily stander we steal his deal steal the vault key we steal his deal what I'm talking about what are you talking about Vasquez set up a deal on Pandora for opal that must be why he got the promotion the only thing Hyperion cares about more than money is its Balki's it's perfect not only do we screw over ask Eze nice funky ass kiss like a billion dollars more yeah but we need ten million dollars right now to me yeah oh please done what I'm not gonna lie that was impressive I'm in accounting and it's what I do ten million bucks is chump change around here the time anyone notices we'll have a vault cool well looks like you boys got it all figured out I'm gonna go eat alone call me if you don't get you know we need you we need your help your requisitions master we need that stuff yes please yeah maybe a loader bot or two things get dicey look it's one thing stealing from a bunch of poor suckers on Pandora you're talking about stealing from Hyperion Hyperion Hyperion friends help each other steal stuff so it works no candy bars i buy you that lunch she seems like a lady who likes food a lot done we only got a couple hours go withdraw the cash I'll get you guys clearance to Pandora get you geared up and issue you a standard Hyperion Town Car what standard really you can't spring for premium falling down oh sure yeah convertible so just so I got this Drake you want me to get you a car to drive around Pandora that leaves you less protected yeah steal something no no don't worry I've got a car in mind mmm is it like a tank cause we kind of need one of them hello there a trans veil game series whoa dude you look nice oh man oh nice oh we saw ass kissers hair what an intro man that was fun okay this is a badass [ __ ] centered on my camera the way I want to be ah hit my finger and snap my hat our that hurt waiting their [ __ ] stupid ass SMAC medium it's my fan they credit Benton I don't really first let's do it has seen better days wait that's where I was earlier oh god oh god oh god Oh hold it buddy what what do we even oh crap I think we I think we killed him really okay person what with care it's only a sky we didn't suffer it didn't suffer 20 seconds before that happened well at least it didn't suffer yeah I guess sucks though yeah sucks what's just a skank oh god it's not even dead oops boy don't look back you still alive kinda so what are we saved someone asked where we got the money I mean what do we tell people we should have a story manhood prefer not to tell them that we stole it for my charity Vasquez go over well it's for charity we can just say it's for charity what does that even mean we say it's some sort of open a vault for Pandora's kind of deal people love stuff when it's attached to a charity they hardly ever question their intentions that's true no I guess I'm just now more acutely aware that I have ten million dollars came to me is all in a neighborhood back planet keep your eyes open bond you settle down hey you know thanks keep your eyes open for the place okay I don't want to be here any longer than we have to yeah get in seal the deal oh really listen one tap on the arm an event can send down a loader bot if things get too entertaining that's true and she gave me this it is a stun baton I do not know how it works neato hey I can't wait to be in that chair you me event I mean we bring this key back and they're gonna make us the once and future kings of that place for sure they'll send in a crew to use the key um that's it let's just get the key first kick one step at a time each time yeah yeah come on it's in the bag but we need the bag first have a bad feeling about this place trackers beep beep beeping but I don't see the place it's the world of curiosities right yeah do you see yeah Hey no good ask one of them hello seem normal ish hate asking for help you can still just find it yeah keep asking for help we're on a very strict time limit here Reese um we've $10,000,000 step team we're finished I mean come on man we're gonna get in trouble I was at the Hyperion symbol looks like a TIE fighter don't you think let's go knock at the Porta Potty you have to knock first you see you gotta knock first just in case somebody's open you can't just walk into the man who's pooping that's disrespectful you gotta you gotta respect a man who's pooping sorry you dead sir excuse me but do you know where the world of curiosities is he's sleeping right well don't trouble yourself we got it what are you worried wait it was the thing on this a minute ago we can look at a note hi hey do you know where the world of curiosities is okay is it behind you is this the door to us oh I have a special eye that I can use its guide carrot local food contents 64 percent skank meat 35 percent other made one percent smoked wait what's the other meat don't tell me it's people awaiting results a sign a sign food tester in hospital okay porta-potty Duke Hoyt you're going to see your squat down lay out Duke portable chemical toilet manufactured I'll probability of containing loot weirdly high why you always get a [ __ ] to Anna loot in the toilets in the game for the Pandorum with a Titan ass make sure your toilet is tightened glass I like that motto okay let's just go talk to the meat guy cuz he seems like the most important one here mmm hi how's it going excuse me sir hmm excuse me sir do you know where the world of curiosities is stay in the car Vaughn it should be around here you lost what are you here for what are you Brian why do you care a simple business deal is a simple business deal few papers to sign and then we're out easy huh those the papers of a sort toad give it away you wake suckers ruin this town you know that Alice were bastards but at least they had the good sense to fail who call the wambulance turned everything of smoke listen all we want are directions to the world of curiosities that's it okay we get that and we're gone gone hey little man what's in the case nothing hey kitty cat show us what's in the case back off sir give him the look give me evil eye okay now look before we get oh they're like convention hey you're pooping a minute ago bandits you know what we got here Reese do they got a couple Hyperion warmongers ah no no that primate oh he looks like a guy from killzone already really just hello primary shield or machine gun um the fence is the best often yeah I'm gonna go defensively I don't wanna kill people goes sticky longbow grenade or rocket Archer what we do with Iberian workers no oh yeah I like that do it Wow you're gonna hand over that case or you're handing over your heads your choice hand over your head let's talk about this loader bot what Dario Oh got quiet all of a Sud transformers Robots in Disguise oh yeah ah [ __ ] until they came out already piece of cake okay nice one the loader pods have been getting smarter and smarter I like to think we all have Oh what's up thickness it was really hell to go good come on dude yeah never robot let's go me at these qqqq eat whoa I like them oh when you gotta go you gotta go oh that's bad so many member what way back way back well no and then why these cost so much oh that's bad Lauterbach go get the car yes late loader mine I do come on oh no thanks get him oh it was like a curved one I didn't know what to press get him get him do something take up whoa nice turned baton this is done cannon down got it right yes device oh this thing oh hey sickness this guy yeah in the knees oh I want one in real life what hit like people with it get him oh oh in the goo that's [ __ ] get up please aah rudiger killerman gorilla and No man no thanks oh yeah you could have avoided all of this okay okay okay loader bot down then shoot them weapons armor power optimize Oh primary secondary this modification plates you usually turn break that [ __ ] son shields worse means yes oh nice one you know nice shot where are you guys coming home for your television place more common reference bro hello turbot we could andris just tell it to run yeah evacuate they're not telling us blow up my leg no turbine loader bot with store that is member c-chief no oh I know more about my firstborn loader bot yeah you know probably not I can't believe we're alive me neither I mean I never want to see somebody's brains come out of their nose not ever again that's probably a good thing that was the single scariest experience of my entire life which can probably be over by now but it's not it's kind of fun for some reason it's funny those guys a lot of those guys oh come on it was a little fun right God honestly stand there and tell me that it didn't feel kind of great to kick all those guys asses okay yeah awesome but I'm sure it was as traumatic as it was fun no probably gonna need some therapy in the future you know that right we'll be able to afford it all right let's just find this guy August by the key Oh and get the hell out of here yeah this is pleasant these things look important can I look in them man I don't I look at the sky schools or whatever but look at this super impressive cases back there that looks like they have loot bully mom let's look at it does every animal on this planet have to look like a giant monster yes it's very visually appealing let's go down look at this dude can I walk faster nope this is it who are you seated man he looked like John Lennon alright you know the stuffed animals was one thing but this is taking a turn I really don't want it this way to the world famous home of Pandora's luminaries come face to face with icons of the planets turbulent history and how do we have to ban darlin luminaries thank you weird megaphone dude right right I like explosives we mess around with them you look like the guy from fear and loathing but Johnny Depp Liam Doran resident has fine dining connoisseur shade he will be oh not insane at all me not into this at all ma'am this is a cool place Hey see I played Borderlands 1 and 2 where I played all of Borderlands 1 actually finish it but that was like when it came out and I can't remember half the story professor Nakayama was obsessed with calling handsome jack no witty rejoinder you must be more traumatized than I am hey you still got his Hyperion ID chip really keep it Iberian pays out a nice bonus for recovering those things sweet Jay okay we got a new thing stun baton briefcase and a D Drive okay good to know hello there ma'am Steve you have a hole in your belly ruthless leader of the Crimson Lance caba daba steel her leader this came to an end when she was cured by a monstrous tentacle she later died a second time after having been resurrected as some type of cyborg zombie Magnus can we just get on with this yeah moving swiftly through ah let's let's not knock on the door walk in oh it's locked or not on are you serious this feels like we came in the back door somewhere yeah I don't know if we can get out there with the murderers all over the place maybe one of those bodies has a key or something and we just missed it Wow and if we just randomly found the key even that would be amazing video games look around for a key can I use this thing to look around steal is's Steve's brain to the brain of commandant steel military-grade carbon nanotube polymer a brain still includes augmentation by INEC oh can I can i click ok moving on what do you have you had an ID chip can I look at anything else dead guy's arm what he armed foreign containment detected contaminant detected analysis iridium alien mineral use frequently weapons processing despite best attempts does not work as a male enhancement weapon new run link cannon slang fresco my camera self-inflicted oh yeah oh yeah well what a crazy person attach a robot going to their Gooden arm to their spine professor naake I'm a crazy person yes the answer is definitely yes um oh he's here whoa not in the least bit insane your life how are you my courage are you [ __ ] just handsomest Devils I've seen in ages [ __ ] wah kiss you [ __ ] you're doing what what is that what what is this it's just part of the like some kind of bride or something since the moment we walked in it's just being one big freaky puppet show so Hanks I'm shade this is my world of curiosity let me tell you right off the very bat I am deeply sorry that you strapping young pressures of gentleman here have to witness it in such sad disrepair oh it's nori looks better we are closed for renovations yes small but that doesn't mean you have to leave of course here to make a deal we're looking for August I mean we can do other things listen we're to make a deal all right we're buying a thing there's nothing valuable you know anything about that I know a lot of things about a lot of things and this thing in particular your Hyperion right here for August yes yeah if you want to buy something strange and illegal this is certainly the place to do it I like your style hey how'd you do that see you later crazy dead professor dude my grandpappy he's the one who came up with this place he was a real thinker you know a real lover of animals still is actually because he's definitely not dead but the place itself what happened he gets stuck in traffic you August you Hyperion guys you're usually so punctual you're just early find it's almost killed us excuse me I don't know explosions outside but you know we had to mow down about a couple hundred bandits just hundred in the goddamn doorbell just in time for the spring collection yeah that's Pandora for you it ain't a frigging bug stampede some jerk-off is using your for rocket practice all right well I'll just leave you to your business things then I'm August but I figure you know that already are you Nona north the guy with the key recognizing all these voice actors and no voice actors as kids coming ask is is sick bastard he was just the go-between the middleman the puppet the pigeon thought I'm the one who's buying the key yeah well I guess as long as you got the money one Hyperion bootlickers as good as another yep so what's your name just so we're all asked is my name is ten million dollars you want my name my name is ten million dollars for all you should care you're a vault key to me okay that's it okay look I don't know what the hell you think you're doing but this is not how I operate all right I expected Vasquez and I got you yeah so let's all get fast I mean I'm trying on AI trying huh are they trying you're trying so let's try again my name's August what's yours September its Reese Reese Reese isn't that what I said sure you're gonna get a taste the Reese's Pieces in a minute let's do this so we can move on call the fists okay so let's see the money Ching cash only for this deal uh-uh no I know how this works we see the merchandise first then you see the money yeah all right all right the baby wants its bottle finder nice hair freakin big are these vault keys pretty big you never see anything so pretty in your miserable lives this thing will practically dance at your wedding state-of-the-art alien crap it's good gorgeous freakin a right it is okay so the way I usually do these things wait what I I just don't like it I got a I got a feel what feeling you mean you said when I started to get a feeling about something that I should tell you and that we should walk away right what are you possibly feeling right now friends here we're good here everyone relax we just want to buy the key from August and go yeah it just wants to buy a key from me I just I just don't like it they've had this dumb attitude on their dumb faces since the moment they walked in hey what are you talking about and why why wouldn't they show you the money huh what's up with that ah oh yes sir and oh no sir and oh I have the money we agreed upon right here nothing you're saying is bad nobody does that and especially Hyperion or monkeys but rather bomb a small village then okay okay I mean we're not Hyperion [ __ ] Sasha because I should listen to me right I know you don't trust Hyperion yeah you think and I know you have zero reason to trust us but I'm telling you we're not like those [ __ ] in fact we're trying to get back at one of the worst [ __ ] up there and we need that key to do it so please take the money and let us screw over one of the biggest jerks on Hyperion yes please so you're saying this key will get used to screw over some wretched Hyperion stooge that's exactly what we're saying all right I'm sold yes let's do this well just wait just wait August everything's fine now I mean I don't know if you really think no no it's okay the feeling's gone August let's do the deal it's a bit weird now I don't know maybe today's not right for this ah damn it things are weird if you have a feeling she said the Bastille it's gone wrong we should definitely do it uh the bad feeling is gone August she said so herself we still got a deal here there's no problem let's just um I'm sorry guys I was I thought I was gonna deal with Vasquez and now this I just I just think we should call it off until I I think things are square maybe another time fellas hon we're here we should just do this really no I've made up my mind August wait briefs it'sit's your department to something um stop what am i doing what's going on he's got a smiley on his pants am I like sure locking the [ __ ] out of this blow his mind break his heart hello blow his mind he seems like bowing his mind would be a better option August I don't know break his heart he seems nice you don't know it yet know what this this is it you can't see that one day maybe 10 years from now maybe 10 months maybe tomorrow you're gonna think back on right now and scream to the stars for mercy of death just so you'll not have to live in the wondering of what could have been yes that chance by the throat what if I had beaten my fears taken what was so rightfully mine what if I had one yes you are bringing it you come in my life you know class scheming Pandora stop nice haircut you're lying Hyperion jackass get it started my eye sucks cuz I'm trying to get in your lying mouth Fiona con-artist also you to listen accomplished okay I'm embellishing how the hell would you know anyway you weren't at the deal of course I was you dope I can't believe you still haven't figured that out I need the moment am I gonna play his first sight no my turn for what tell me your side of the deal you couldn't have asked me first you kidnapped me but baking in the Sun with racks dive-bombing me for the last ok I get it this fraud conveniently left out the most important part of this whole thing which is no like okay ignored bars in the vault hunter showed up the butcher showed up I don't know the vault hunter showed up its might give it stop freakin problem man huh right oh wow wait wait wait wait how is that the most important thing did you forget the part about it all being your fault come on that was not my fault not all of it are you making a face under there I can't tell what you're thinking if no okay okay fine but let me start at the beginning oh cool I didn't know I play these two characters this is neat I like this I'm having a good time I was born here on Pandora in a city casting shadow known as hollow point it's in a cave anyway for a long time it was just me and my sister just a couple of kids stealing what we could to survive until we met Felix we tried to nab his wallet not only did he stop us he showed us how to do it better we've been working together ever since the Phoenix there's a jack she's waiting and waiting for America to show a latest scam was our biggest yet the one that would set us up for life that sounds how can I say a lot of these stories start out the same way Fiona relax there's nothing to be nervous about Felix raised you and a little life into a life of crime in a little life of crime there looks good if all this is offense worth is cut you'll be selling it to some Hyperion stooge it should be good enough to pull one of them damage too many people have seen a vault key real or otherwise don't the paint may still be wet be sure not to let anyone touch it there are only a couple spots to worry about does it look really nervous not to risk it do you think this will work if I didn't we wouldn't be doing it that's true hey you're a pro this is what you do your sister may have brought in the mark but you're the one that'll close the deal by playing whatever role you need to to get the job done she introduces you as a tiny psycho your squat down okay that first introduction is who you are I have the shiniest meat bicycle wanna see this show time when she gives you your role you play it as best you can the deal came together much faster than uncomfortable with but it's worth the risk so it's best to take precautions against the unforeseen the purple sky is not the type of place you walk into without a back-up plan under Sasha her sister what's that for it's only for emergencies one bullets that's right you'll always be able to talk your way out of more situations than you can shoot your way out love those guns whoa wet paint no touch so the key was fake all that time god damn it emergency only got it okay bank account I have $10 meet your sister at the purple skank got it wherever the hell that is where do we go this way got it oh nice look at sick man hello sick man oh you're very single you get it all out I guess okay cool look at lootcrate I'll open lootcrate do it go faster faster to get more money or not figures damn it come on man I want the cool [ __ ] is there anything back here what does Q do we're gonna have a bank account with Rhys I had a mechanical super i/o hollow points where art and culture flourish all right let's just go whoa hey hello how's it going no psychos killing him she did sorry girl's gotta eat ooh oh I stowed from a dead guy no no dead gay but a dying guy oh I feel terrible but I am a con artist right okay hey okay nice parking look at the crash vouch spaces fighter this [ __ ] let's talk detector are you a Detex Ari no one's getting in here today pretty lady but yeah bTW zone Tector hole dunk grated violence about it everything else crime function oh there's the buyers don't tavern down the road does a hundred bucks mean we can skip all this well sure that works nice ears bro Alex of the way tester she's the VIP we've been reading new as my sister Sasha kid sister partner and crying dang Sasha why didn't you tell me she was with you that's so sorry ma'am now you're the one who has the dead guys money on your hands I can't believe that worked oh dear tear down poser you don't put my face up like that silly sweet what's up drinking guy wait are you the guy they don't like the guy who was doing the meat vending stuff look at other drinking guy caught drinking guys everywhere okay nice let's go talk to session August is with someone else so we gotta say she has some trust issues he keeps asking about you so I'm just gonna tell you everything I told him it's a lot great so here's the setup your Lydia stress we're old friends you're an archaeologist that stole the vault key from a dig site on even six but you're originally from Eaton five you contacted me and we met at PI repeats just after mercenaries day to talk about the deal okay you provide the key on August and I go make the deal then we split the money three ways the rest of it you're just gonna have to improvise did you get all that yes it's a lot I know but oh gods wife to remember this this isn't my first rodeo good good oh that better not come up later oh [ __ ] Tommy long time that's right which is why this is all gonna work you say hi to the missus okay will do August buddy yeah yeah boss make sure Tommy gets home all right sure thing boss it's again wait oh you're gonna beat him up no August hey August this is hey Sascha tells me you've got something really cool to show it's Lydia right Strauss Sasha's told me a lot about you that's me Lydia Strauss sorry about the delay I hope I didn't keep you waiting you are dude not commenced ahead of Molly one shieldon shocked me real good sorry about the mess boss won't happen again well that was exciting I'll bring us over a couple drinks then start mopping up that blood I don't wanna have to get the floors redone sure thing babe let's get to business well he came in cuz he thought we got shot okay skip out on his tab yeah something like that I like your styles place you got here yeah does the job breaks about even which is about the most I can ask I will see the little dude seemed so nice so how long have you been an archaeologist Oh getting out there in the dirt and covered priceless artifacts long enough to find a vault key well that seems like the perfect you did not seem this like confident when I met him as rhesus interesting where'd you say you found this again ah [ __ ] refresh my memory it was uneaten six cuz I was born and eaten fight you don't eat in six at a dig site there right even six Marcus is always talking about that place says it's really nice oh it's nice when you find a vault key there is thanks oh I'm uncomfortable oh I'm uneasy alright let's have a look of course don't touch it's pretty sure is boy I thought that that you're grabbing my high exactly by the gonads in a minute if you don't [ __ ] let go it's radioactive what are you talking about she's helping you out August how do you figure you never heard of iridium poisoning I can't say I have yeah well you're gonna get anything you from a couple of hours of puking your guts out well thanks for that just say something sooner next time no I'll call up Vasquez he's been chomping at the bit for this thing Vasquez it's August are you buying this bulky or what cuz I hey wait do you have me on speaker seriously no look I don't even know what obstinate means so this is going back to when I was recent the room gonna move this thing's got it I know what obstinate means the Siberian guys get uncomfortable around people that sound - Papa they expect a nervous small-time Pandoran [ __ ] so I give them what they want no ma'am this thing is hot well I got office so if you want it you got to get down here No we'll be there soon that ain't good enough buddy boy I ain't that guy can we get more money out of them it is a fault ki I tried already ten million is the most that could bring in cash not one for a paper trail can't blame a girl for trying look let me make it crystal clear I want ten million dollars that's right we'll be waiting for you sure well yeah you say hi to your we cool all right this Sasha will hold the key since it's clear you don't trust me alone with it and seeing as I just had a guy killed in front of you I'm not even offended bring your gun baby got it so that's it she'll let you know what it's done where to get your money let's go sweet we cool man we'll follow in the caravan sounds like a good idea oh nice gone we're in position let us know when they arrive I have to say I was surprised when your friend grabbed my hand like that oh yeah sorry she's a little possessive what was I supposed to do I don't know but grabbing the hand of a murderous psychopath would not have topped my dad worked out no you tell me it's fine at least you kept him from touching it it was actually because he's definitely not dead all right places well what happened you get stuck in traffic oh this is cool like the nerves in the way it works but you know we had to mow down about a couple hundred bandits just so we could bring the goddamn doorbell just in time for the spring collection yeah well that's Pandora for you it ain't a freaking bug Stampede some jerk-off is using you for rocket practice all right well I'll just leave you to your business things then I'm August but I figure you know that already yes Vasquez coming there are two guys here but neither of them are Vasquez he may have sent some lackeys didn't want to get his hands too hard that's why she had a bad feeling now it all makes sense oh damn it one of them has an e coli implant what do we do we need to disable it Felix we need to disable it yes okay yes good thank you there's a small EMP device in the chest over there grab it for me while I assemble it detonate it's funny because Rhys isn't that smart anyway thank God come on how you find anything in here it's about palm-sized and has a small circuit board sticking out of it can't you come over here and find it it would be quicker is this it yes that's the one okay maybe not you found it this will generate a low-level electromagnetic pulse that should be enough to scramble his system but you need it close to the keys Sascha on my signal you need to get the case over to the vent behind you how the hell do I do that I don't know figure it out ah I get it often the back that'll give you access once you're in I'll talk you through stay in the shadows the walls are paper-thin odbc don't be her go hurry this is cool that's way she was like I have a bad feelin and she took it like right over to the vent I said want to see that other dude don't see the ninja don't have long how I get inside okay move pull pull the thing apart what's that some Jack I'm the only handsome jack around here now haha really solidifying my my handsomeness by that laughs oh good there you go perfect try to keep pushing okay got are you in position Oh Moses in event oh hey it's moxie got it we're sisters we know what we're doing Hey look I'm Batman I came back to my special place he's a weird I'm shade pleasure to meet you I know it's hard to trust but I'm a people person and I'm Fiona delighted sometimes if you want to talk to someone not decomposing yeah sure sure just get out of there I need to get through I've gotta go where are we now see anything so pretty in your miserable lives I'm not there so where are we go up go away you're looking for that girl right there yes spot to peek without getting cold let me come with you I would a creep in a long time since I had any friends fine just stay quiet and make yourself usual you you've got a new friend Oh move to the end of the vent oh god I didn't know I could move then I see that my guys must've been really dumb all right it's ready so you're saying this key will get used to screw over some wretched Hyperion's do nice that's exactly what we're saying all right I'm sold that's why she acted so weird again are we gonna join your friends you know we're gonna sit here and play the quiet game so if you see him trying to scan the key give us a signal Fiona when you hear the signal activate the EMP got it now I've made up my mind August wait priests this is your department do something August what come on man that's not what he did dude ten million dollars what ah that's what really happened you make a good point oh okay I get it because he told his version of the story where he was all cool and he'll of the volcano was all shining he's about to disable you didn't see you the mechanical hand as well and that's when sword ninja dude shows up right bossa nova musician that would it's a Buddhist like this a murderer nice I think his name to zero Oh God they were definitely not invited Dinah's over I can't imagine how this could get worse ah he's a cool character God take a robot ninja Hey oh thank God thank you little bandit dude don't finish the shot another bad feeling I have a bad feeling and he even thank God he's a bad shot save your bullet risk a shot I don't want to shoot him save your bullets I don't wanna kill him I don't wanna kill him do we make a good choice oh god I don't kill people Thanks let's just not have any more surprise oh come on are you really trying to steal our now hold on it's it's not what it looks okay it is but I am really sorry okay give us one good reason we should shoot you and drag your bodies out that door out of my way I don't like it when people that's a nice pair of man where's that ninja dude he was pretty neat I think we lost so why do we do with them give them cake yeah what did you do with them huh I mean other than try to con us out of our money you weren't even supposed to be there well that didn't stop you did it at least the money was real as it turned out we had good reason not to I'll go Sasha this much from a start she knew not to trust them I just thought she was being paranoid he's a different eye and a different hand yeah yeah tell the nice man what you did to us next you know in our time of need tell me what you did then we tried to throw him out save the bullet the fall will definitely kill them what really happened no actually that's exactly how don't miss a knife here in where you can find the money tracker I can follow it again even if you get that case of money back you won't be able to open it it has a biometric lock it's impossible to open without me all right what the hell is going on down there I should be talking to you this long I'll take the signal watch your back right and hey be careful up there that I will please try not to get yourself killed can't promise it an ID from another employee we're not allowed to talk to other employees so you've got nothing the Nakayama dude I don't know Nakayama dude the only two Hyperion guys left on the planet ah I still have Nakayama is like d/dr creepy black ops projects like that have to be higher security clearance than us yes look just give up the act Hyperion we're just trying to stall us and when I buy it I'm gonna be able to take you straight to the money uh hang on to something look and learn you can keep wandering around the desert or you can look at me quite a feeling this isn't gonna go well hey buddy I guess food got the tracker working where is everybody Vaughn everybody go yeah look at family photo let's look around guess these three have been together for a long time nice cute nice to meet you miss moxie not too shabby that crazy Pandora kind of way the amount of cosplay that's come out of moxie from this game test I'm still impressive for con artists hey they're nice people okay we just kind of dick them over slightly maybe let's go say hey it's night time where are we we watching Quidditch that's a cool view it's gonna whoa what happened we got tired of looking and learning so we decided to wander the desert we looked and learned that you drool all over the floor while you're unconscious I track the money while you were out quiet this place is crawling with bandits you guys are literally talking the exact same level whack your head right after you plugged in see I told you I'd find the money remember you telling me that I was the one to figure out that rust buckets navigation systems if some of that stuff is even older than Atlas tech so the case is in there someone Wow what is that place looks like some kind of abandoned Atlas warehouse doesn't look abandoned to me yeah it's more like every bandit on this side of the planet is showing maybes like a destruction derby do you see any way to get inside recent that's Atlas tech you should be able to scan it look at the bandits the local color status agitated [ __ ] not armed very a diverse range of lunatics murders Psychopaths yeah whose hooligans Roughnecks Mad Men and near duels all excited about something probably murder I mean it seems like the type of thing they would get excited about mining crane Atlas cranes trains and automobiles division Hades effect excavation arm extended warranty no one anticipated their efforts on Pandora they left behind hundreds of mining rigs and cranes like this one lousy letter bugs done it am I done am I finished counting I think I'm finished can okay maybe not well this is their leftist can I'm right-clicking I won't let me kick back oh oh oh there's a thingy over there whoa did you do to get zero good is gone you know how they are worse than bandits can't we just go in the same way the vault hunter dip we're not wall tonton Sasha silicon I got this yeah I'm sure you do it's awesome okay there's a thingy on the right something wrong fine what electronic access hatch that hatch goes down underneath the building but it's okay so you found a way in now remember to get in and out of there quickly we've already taken too many resistant wait it's great you're not coming along somebody needs to stay in to take to get away I'll be waiting for your signal got it got it Gramps and feel Sasha be prepared what about us we're nice we've gotta weigh in but how are we gonna get down there have you forgotten about the bandit parade going by we jump that's the easy part first we find a crafty hiding spot then we make ourselves friend Fiona and Sasha find covering where it is this is cool well actually take our new pal or stroll havens this I'm steve-o okey person drawing books out way to feel this is not having a secret entrance which leads us to the briefcase everyone got that they're gone excellent damn it we found another way down all right [ __ ] you guys after you my weight would have worked who did you get down man this games got some great humor I like it whoa whoa what's going on Jana I got this okay just give me a second mm I'm Iron Man Fiona Fiona open up please it's pitch black in here hey Vaughn open up buddy hello what's going on you were hoping this would happen you wanted to separate us so you could pick us off sashing I'm hurt I'm hurt that you would think I can't believe I trusted someone for my parents keep moving you're not running the show you got a better idea okay fine would you like to do we should keep moving excellent idea if only I thought of that can i scan anything No won't let me open up my eye fun do you copy come in Vaughn take it open my eye maybe still disabled he's on the move it's closed we have to hurry but it was a train gorgeous prototype calibration it's not the thing to go at the server socrata money we have the money just shoot them you have a gun that's what they're there for right you got no problem pointing it at me you can't take out a couple of guards guns make noise noise attracts more guards if we do it quiet then we won't have all the bang bang sounds that the bang bang sounds crap we have to get to that lift yep easy I'll take the one on the left do you get the one on the right oh do you think you can oh I think I'm okay I know you had period guys don't like getting your hands dirty oh I'm not worried about me cuz I took out a dozen bandits earlier today are you sure you can handle it are you serious good game but I haven't seen you in action you just make sure you don't scuff your nice little shoes okay hyperion boy yep there Skaggs can can we get our osius can we go come on yes please time is of the essence time is money and all that literally okay just like a training sneaky sneaky okay watch what sasha does how did okay she did it she jumped on his back and broke his neck okay got it thumbs up now we just have to follow the exact same procedure the exact same procedure okay finding it quite difficult Wow Wow nicely done I don't need that right now let me just get that oh thank you [ __ ] ninja we need to get the lifts working it's all old Atlas tech that was funny man haha not he does not got it this game knows humor I like it damn it it's locked the password what about I can hack it then do it what is the password is like Apple packet use your super secret special come on really I thought we were past this past this do you even know what Hyperion means to us on Pandora no the havoc they caused here the pain it's crazy up there two things actually aren't so great at Hyperion right now yeah feeling the weight of your corporate overlords Aria good what the hell was that nothing the power system starting up hey pretty good how is it up there anyway [ __ ] we're up on that base there only what's it called Helios right Helios I mean what's it like being an emotionless cog spinning away bloodthirsty brutal soul-crushing love to find corporation in the whole wide universe is it fun is it something you like I'm just curious look it's not that easy nay everyone's more than happy to climb the corporate ladder even if it means using your base or a rung sounds awful it mostly is I have this I have two two cultures getting to know each other I like it don't take my baton you your stun baton it's the junior four thousand can I can I see it hold it I guess I should say what if I say please did that make it easier for you you promise to give it back yes pinky promise yeah don't hurt yourself oh look at us getting along don't hit me with it that's the case with most corporations not quite does she give it back and yeah okay I'm impressed thank you I suppose you're not completely useless after all thanks I really appreciate that yeah I get the lift moving I got in but it didn't give me the right clearances so I need a second hurry up oh god am I gonna open up the wrong thing oh definitely the wrong thing also the wrong thing can you press the other buttons please quickly now other buttons what give me a second what was that your attorney let's zero - there you go ah come on really louboutin oh he's like ninja from how many of your solids sure you're really cool really cool it's exactly how I'd be in real life yeah you really need I like you you're a jerk or as I feel like meeting other like youtubers who I had watched for a really long time when I met them in real life was like you're really cool I like we well in my head I was on the outside I was like I'm cool hey we got a glasses face and Hadley you guys really know how to accessorize what are you two doing here oh hey what are you doing here it's a funny story actually what are you doing here is more like it yeah okay yeah you're not really supposed to answer a question with a question I already know what I'm doing thanks my question and what would that be Wow okay that's aggressive don't be shy I rip the cars for the drive see that wasn't so hard was it prepping cars huh sounds pretty interesting so you guys drivers or what we're after D I'm sorry I realize this is rude but I really don't like you you just always look like you stepped in something damn car or vehicle or whatever okay do your job whoa all right that's a way to go about it there's no need to be rude sorry to inconvenience you yeah you should let's start over if you're not official drivers Wow pretty sure I'm supposed to shoot you in the face there's no need for that we're official drivers okay we're drivers really huh you don't look like any drivers I've ever seen then I guess you ain't see enough wow that's very presumptuous this ain't exactly my first race let's either quit acting like it and get our ride for the grinder right it was like a Jedi mind trick Oh looking for hey I got something that might interest you if you're racing you should look the part I'm not gonna give him away for free but you want to look like a team pick these up after the last race floor was littered with them okay psycho mask is there any way I can have lowered ooh nice choice thank you okay if anyone asks you didn't get these for me I get going right away I like this guy I like it cool he fell off the [ __ ] bike nice clean space station tabulating columns of beautiful numbers my master smells weird is your look the important thing is away from that hmm this is bad this is bad yeah what have we gotten ourselves into handsome psychos motor chariot thingies Unser's it doesn't matter we're inside as what cows yeah it's so Mad Max man gods gods for guns you don't know what do we do stop complaining I'm getting so sick of having guns pointed at me we need to find Sasha and Greece I hope they're gonna be okay but I hope that about us even more I'm sure they're fine but you need to get to them I just don't have a yeah that's what's upsetting me do you need to get rid of their Hyperion guys yeah I guess we win the race and they just give us the money make it sound simple it is simple I can win a race I'm good at racing kind of I mean I've never done it before crank it down it's in the bag if we win this race we get the case right if the deal of a lifetime is really only worth it if your remaining lifetime is more than 20 you can do this bro my line of work I have to be good at reading people seeing their true character and you Vaughn you can do this I know you can you really think so yes yeah now you're having a good time you just gotta let loose rev the engines on your life it doesn't matter just you know enjoy the moment I could get used to this yep just don't hurt yourself hello how does a jackass like this become a leader of anything my friend I think this guy wants to eat my eyeballs we didn't do anything if you let him kill me you'll never get the money yeah sure I will Felix can bypass any lock he'll have your case open faster than this guy can eat your yogurt but you can't defuse the bomb sync to my bio signature bomb there's a bomb in the case yeah dorrance are all crazy you do know that right drivers drive keep the taillights and flash fires good try not to die that too let's also train do that that's a good idea it looks pretty dangerous life calm we can win this crowd also known as that big every Wednesday wherever oh yeah Eliezer Mack we got this very worried give twenty cheese in case you get the case no dude really come on he go whoa hop on guns really it's unfair the cheating just moons but I got a feeling you're gonna want to hear what Hyperion well what my ticket is sling stop get your cybernetic career up here with the funny don't spoil it would you business it did scratch mine that bed scratches that guy no here we go come on get him chase our little dude let's shoot that one yes good don't eat the case did you eat it is that hurting you at all no whoa hey running away I'm running away that is not a good idea run jump you go slide to the right do the chat chest like zero help where's your sword there it is Oh God look he's got a powerful chest we just want the money oh god I don't know we found the dude and an intestine there yo whoa come upon many times have we been really close oh no it's our turn let's ride [ __ ] can cost me a little benefit and also [ __ ] you hate doesn't lose Thank You people day jump Johnny Oh God here we go okay don't worry about it thank you that's big good no you go jump jump buddy Thanks go get the little one hiccup nice not yet working on it do you see your face ah come on man that's a little close to spiky death Spinneys drop can I jump now push there we go got it nice oh my god Oh careful QQQ you have been afraid kick the cycle you go thank you I like this okay oh you're very confident on absurd that's bad jump jump little boy jump here attaboy nice that buddy Nikki nice we just get the case of it you get out of here this bad nice Wow nice it's a wheel back in control baby yes korban out you can kick you kick you kick you kick it kick it kick it kick it got it we're going to kill you until you die from E hi nice go get the big dude yeah okay oh you're in the race you were at the race so now you get the case thanks Felix any luck everything worked out right what a jump to jump one feel right Felix what's wrong I Fiona don't betray me don't do it bro I guess old con men are pretty rare looking at him right then I thought I understood him maybe for the first time in my whole life didn't stop me from being a pissed-off I hope one day you will understand perhaps you'll even find it in your heart to show you old man let's Felix what happened I mean I'm taking them all I'm sorry for it really I told you to never trust it any this is the only way to make you understand Felix don't do this we're like family we are family that will never change be sure to take care of your sister keep around what a dick call Fiona go run 1 a dagger up an atom where's Vaughn is he okay goodbye I don't think it matter what I think oh god someone's gonna crash into a spear now nobody gets the money okay okay officially the worst day you're still lights a smiley face oh oh he's life or not Wow how are you never bossa Nova's dead I don't think he was lying gorgeous is not here don't sweat it babe that's one less bandit lord we have to worry about there's plenty of time for sweating later once you come back to me for your reward my quest is not done my reward for you is gonna be long hard and powerful gorgeous remains out of reach it's a rocket launcher yes a new window I like him so now what we Sascha about what happened with Field Op okay I don't want to talk about it right now why their friend Felix tried to take the money for himself the case exploded but he got away so we have no money no vault key nothing yeah that's over I mean what do we even do now check the bodies take anything valuable it's not like there's gonna be ten million dollars do you have any better ideas hey came to Pandora now you get to live like we do wait for more powerful people to kill each other and then take their stuff so did we win the race a TD or shield cool this jump can't be worth that much that pistol over there is worth at least a hundred bucks oh good we just need a hundred thousand more of those and we're all set what is your arm worth okay wait there's two more are you okay I'm fine loader but save me stay up there yeah are you dead yes stay up there and be careful or is unstable oh yeah we kind of figured that out I think I'm okay good because it doesn't look like there's a safe way down to help you so fake your way out of there what's down there secrets I'm beginning to think I'm right hey de Botton Atlas weapon parts there's a bunch of old Atlas prototype stuff some tack there's like a few weapons where yeah I know you all went down oh cool too dangerous shy no way the endless silver one of the rarest SMGs on Pandora meat well this is down here sir vault key down you're by any chance a retro at lassie oh I thought things were just a rumor look it tells time and it's a calculator just give me a math rubs doesn't work a lot of money sort of I mean yeah it's not ten million dollars worth but man to the right people Atlas tech in mid condition like this is worth a hell of a lot to collectors some my period execs bite just to put it on their trophy shelves and gloat and unreleased prototypes at that I mean who knows what this is worth fuck-all alright Sasha to grab what we can and get out of here quickly no telling when those bandits will be back we better do the same reason what's behind door number two would you like to do the honors it's the last one it's only right for us both to reveal it that's the best you nerd yeah I was kind of hoping you'd say that all right ah a different eye that's why I yellow now recent identification required so is it just me or does that look incredibly valuable and there's two of them so I don't have to stab you it sinks like all the bigger half pick up core pick up core I am calling this one okay all right to pick up both Oh cuz I controlled both characters that looks like the yellow-eyed that he had or maybe not maybe I'm confused yes thatís not the yellow I here is it does the thing zero is looking for we got what we came hey Pandu see there's a crowbar around we're gonna do the side of fries secret stash vault and then I'll probably kill handsome jack what devil on your shoulder I got an achievement which was never real technically we found it Savannah blew up yes you discovered the gordas project yes it's a game not really I mean one way or another everything on Pandora is leading you to a vault I'd actually agree with her on that Oh rarity I'm sure so what happened next ah then that's shooting okay okay that was a lot of stuff to go in at once you are offline go online see your sites I am not offline I'm very much online my internet is fine what are you doing Who am I to see your sets okay refresh my choices can I not see it come on man oh gotta press space what did I do oh come on I can't see okay nevermind well that was [ __ ] awesome good god this game is good what a strong opening first episode I love the characters I love the setting I love the story I love the voice acting is top-notch everything he was just really good I really liked that the humor was on point that's funny the thing I liked the most about it is that the characters coupled with the humor that came out of it was really really good also zero is like the coolest character ever I really hope I get to see more of him he's like a robot but his face projects like it mode recons that's awesome a really glad I started to play this I'm gonna try and keep the episodes coming frequent enough it's not gonna be like two weeks until the next one but because there's such long episodes and I want to give people a chance to like sit down with spare time and get a chance to see the full episodes for themselves they can kindly split it up themselves if they want I know it's a lot to take in all at once it's like what two hours I think okay I don't know because I kind of split up the recordings just to make sure everything was safe but I know it takes some people watch it all at once if they have the time but other people like to split it up to 15 30 minute chunks on their own hour chunks whatever so to give people enough time to watch it all together I'm gonna wait like a couple more days until the next one as they do in most games so expected within the week I don't know cuz it takes a lot of time to sit down and actually record them myself - so I can't like just sit down and record them all and a bunch because that just takes up an entire day to do so anyway this was awesome I'm really glad I played it and I can't wait for the next four EPS think there's five total as these things normally go and I gotta do each of them as giant chunks again and this is really cool I really hope you guys enjoyed watching it if you split it all up that's your choice to do what you want if you watch the entire thing all at once you made it to the end you're probably as hungry as I am right now but anyway thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch die like banana face oh my good boys and boys Allroad why think about the future when you can rewind time to the past the courts cooperate it was gonna be this long if we're gonna do it all in one episode um hopefully it doesn't take four half weeks parental wait to play the rest oh I'm actually really intrigued as to what's going on I really like the narrative structures they took for it as well and the way they capped it all off very good I like it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,512,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Tales from the borderlands, tales from the borderlands gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, full episode, full, complete, all in one, lets play, let's play, tales from the borderlands jacksepticeye, soundtrack, choices, story, characters, story driven, telltale games, borderlands, funny, hilarious, episode 1, zer0 sum, zero, vault, vault key, handsome jack, plot, twist, ending, rhys, fiona, loader bot
Id: FIqq6EQPr3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 54sec (7794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2016
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