The HINOMARU Puzzle is a form of Torture.

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[Music] [Music] this ladies and gentlemen will be a bit of a challenge uh let's read what it says back here hinomaru Japanese flag puzzle ip21 the international puzzle party in Tokyo Japan August 2001 designed by pavl Curtis crafted by pavle Curtis with help from Kaden Enterprises okay so this is pretty cool because normally the packing puzzles that we see that are in tiny frames namely the ones from U Asaka uh which we've solved on the channel those don't I mean they're pretty new so this is like from a long time ago you know we're talking 23 years ago already so an earlier version of those packing puzzles now looking at it right off the bat I feel feel like this is going to be pretty easy but you know you can't be sure like this piece feels to me like it's the middle piece right and this is obviously not the middle piece this is one of the ends but well I guess I guess it probably sits lower so my okay so it has to be something like like that right is that correct like that should be in the middle like this is just my logical sort of brain trying to work it oh let's start a timer here um yeah I don't think the goal here okay I feel like the goal here might just be to be going symmetrical um oh but then this piece interesting these the same exact size I think they are but I suppose because the circle it could no see there's an angle to it here it's got to be down here I feel like this is going to be simple but oh oh wait this one but uh famous last words this is coming along pretty nicely oh we're going to have to have like a vertical one here or something right for that to like one on each side even oo that messes everything up because only one of these pieces has nothing on it hold up okay that's nice oh but maybe this one wait that doesn't fit there this doesn't fit you can't fit yeah you can okay right catch him my drift here whoa this this is one of those like upon further inspection becomes harder and harder cuz I have too many pieces left and that Circle seems pretty complete what okay hold on that's kind of cool but again yeah cuz that could that could be like this o ooh But ultimately nothing's happening we're still we're still left with these whoa this is a smart puzzle wait a second wait oh oh my God how did I not see this before wait did you guys catch this 3 minutes in okay oh my God all right this just doubled in difficulty wait this might be easier than we thought then this puzzle is pretty deceptive I will say all right so what we're going to do is I'm going to try to replicate what just happened but I'm going to try and do it in a way and I wonder if there's just one solution there probably only is which is what makes it like exponentially harder yeah I guess circles are tricky oh that one would work [Music] no obviously doesn't work but but but we have successfully made a circle now this circle oh that's interesting okay so that works this one doesn't really work and neither is that one so is it just a corner thing does this corner thing work that does work what's on the other side of that we don't know that but then there's no yeah the bottom corner one doesn't work there or only one of these squares so these two h Huh okay I do like this though this is cool all right what about this one and that gives us this which could be here which would then free up this one which is a full one yeah we're still we're still on the it's still the same problem we switched some pieces around but uh still the same problem still left with actually this problem's worse we need to free up uh the white ones the ones that have nothing on them right that's what we need to free up right now that's not one of them but it might help us get one right because this one has a bottom corner so and that is a white one so what if that went there okay freeze up a white one now obviously we're missing the one that goes there now which we don't have so could there be another one that has that symbol and we just kind of work at it in reverse this here it is that is not it [Music] okay how many of these have blank sides can we count we're just going to start over here how many of these have blank sides 1 2 3 4 that exp okay well these are definitely oh they might not be oh I see because we could do this right we could do I think we should start here I don't I don't know if this is going to really be it because it feels like that's too simple I feel like it's going to be something like this or or just you know like this type deal I don't know maybe not maybe I'm wrong [Music] yeah yeah I fear that this isn't correct I can't be sure but if one's in the middle and maybe it's correct on one side but maybe the other side has a little Corners like uh this one side has Corners one side does not maybe that's I'm trying to think of like what's the most if I were creating this puzzle what is the most difficult variation that I could think of and I think it would be something like [Music] that now we need to free up white one so we got to replace some of them so which ones can I replace does this one replace any it does not does this one replace any of them this one replaces that one does this one give us a blank one it does not but let's take it for now and maybe this one will replace one that we need right so let's check this one out does not replace that and that one's a solid one so maybe we leave that one there gives us more options okay so this one now this one we said we can replace there what about this side we said we can replace there yeah so this is a no this one I mean we have a a blank so we kind of need to keep it what about this this one can definitely replace the top one and this side can that replace any side it does not replace any of the other sides so this one we can replace with this one which then frees up this which is this again uh which just gives us a solid piece so that doesn't really help us so this solution looks uh uh Incorrect and I think the reason for that is that we have two of these sides here I think we can only be using one of them and which one do we use well we're going to keep the blank one and we'll put that one there so now we have a blank one here now we got to figure out whatever this replaces so this obviously uh might work still if you had something like that right that actually works very nicely but do we have another one of these I don't think so cuz that be like 1 2 3 four pieces that all have identical so I don't think that that's the solution either I think it needs to be out there yes no it can't obviously can't be that because because of this it's quite ideally that would look something like that but then we're we're uh yeah I don't think there's another one two three could there be a fourth one that has the dimensions we need let's have a look we're going about this logically here trying to keep our minds okay that one that one that's it no all right so there are only three of those pieces so this configuration is completely impossible uh these would have to be vertical and then we're just left back [Music] here we need that side that's the thing oh so close can this one replace one that has a white back that one just goes here and then this one replaces this one and that one takes maybe the place of this one hold on and then this one must replace this one this one oh no so close Okay this one replaces this one this one then we're just going in circles here that one goes go there going in circles pardon the pun yeah now we're just literally turning in [Music] circles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well first of all can this one replace any that one can replace this wait if that one can replace that what's on the other side here this one can go back here what's on the other side of this one is this one good for anywhere else it is good for here this might be it we might have found it I think we might have found it um this one now can replace this one that's a solid one okay we need a blank and a solid now we got two solids if I go here then we're just replacing the same part again and we're back to here this one here can replace this one this one this one it's not giving us a new [Music] piece again just one off okay can we play with this here let's start with uh this one here can this one replace something it can it replaces this but if I replace that this replaces this which gives me a blank one which is perfect we're still missing a [Music] corner this is just the darnest it is really we're coming up on an hour now all right so obviously this can configuration is wrong we've tried each and every way uh this is the wrong configuration which is fine we'll just find another configuration Let's uh let's try this keep this top corner I like this top Corner a lot and instead of going this way let's go vertical here okay here do this it doesn't really look like it fits so I'm not going to do that that fits a lot better I think no can't do that because it's Square there so this needs to be if we're going this route this one has to be full to be one of those pieces which we don't have here right it's this piece here this needs to be a piece that's there all right let's try it out so this one can't replace any of them so we're going to leave that one there this one are we in the same stupid cycle that we were just in by the way no this one can't replace any of them either so it has to be this one this one has to be able to replace at least one if not two it uh definitely replaces this one and this one that becomes a full one this full one I mean that's not bad if we can get another little corner there that'd be kind of cool it would be a little symmetrical though which I don't particularly like if I was like I said if I was building a puzzle I would want this to look as random as possible but for the sake of trying we'll do it anyways replace any of them it does not wow [Music] okay [Music] holy cow no oh I thought I had it I thought I had it we're in the same predicament aren't we as before that's good that looks so [Music] good same thing over and over the same thing over and over I'm just repeating the same things over and over black black Corner oh hold on okay this is pretty close um I need a corner piece here this one doesn't matter which one I need a corner piece here or do I I definitely do is there oh that piece would work here right but now I would need one for up there do I have one that can replace one of these this one can replace that one therefore this one can replace no no man oh man oh man okay hold on there we go one two three let's go oh you know what threw me off this doesn't even look like it fits together I don't like that that's throwing me off big time wait is there like a one of these have a corner piece that I could switch out with it no cuz then it wouldn't be blank on the other side right yeah I guess that's the solution but uh it was that I guess was like the red herring I was always looking at that I was like oh it fits so nicely and then it just didn't but this fits nicely so I don't know very cool and definitely a lot harder than expected especially when I flipped it over and found that there are two sides to these but we did get it uh took an hour and 20 minutes I would say I mean that I feel like that could have taken me another hour you know but I think after staring at a puzzle like this for so long your brain starts to understand uh different routes that you've taken sometimes it doesn't but other times it does and you kind of go uh intuitively at some point so it is kind of nice when that happens but difficult nonetheless let me know what you guys thought about this puzzle uh and also we're gearing up for a big puzzle solve coming up soon do you guys prefer let me know in the comments you prefer jigsaws tiny puzzles you like the big extravagant ones do you like the story lines or do you like just the solves let me know just curious thanks for [Music] [Music] watching
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 262,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: sb3fQQ-IskU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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