Solving The Insanely Difficult 4 Piece Puzzle

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[Music] yo what's up and welcome back first puzzle of 2024 I haven't uploaded in a few weeks uh I was on vacation felt great but now we're back we're revitalized we're hitting the ground running and today we're looking at a puzzle by you Asaka now for those old school followers of the channel you know that we've solved a lot of used puz Les and some of them were incredibly difficult although they seem really easy and that that really is a type of puzzle I want to see and especially this one this one's called Echo 4 and we're looking at four pieces and apparently this is got to be difficult it says 20 minutes to solve we're going to try and obviously smash that and just like you're going to smash that like button subscribe uh I don't know leave a comment say something and leave me leave me a little Emoji or something a little emote in the comments let's let's get into solving Echo 4 by U Asaka Echo 4 by U Asaka how can this be a difficult puzzle if there are only four pieces well we're about to find out the goal put all the pieces into the frame there is no solution in the package materials acrylic Target Time 20 minutes can we beat 20 minutes 20 minutes counting down let's go dude four pieces how hard can this possibly be all right okay so both sides are the same I'm just like in terms of like uh material I mean there's no different finish on either side all right so they fit in like that and then my guess is like oh I see oh wow wait a sec oh okay so this one has to go like this it's done easy right and then maybe okay that doesn't go there that actually does fit there he's always got it's always so tricky with his puzzles because like you think it's like oh like there's always like an out of the box solution type thing and it can be very uh or it can be very frustrating um there with time so wait so this one fits here these fit here like this is what you want right when you get the puzzle you think oh I'm so smart this is how it's solved that's what he wants you to think and his puzzles are never this they're never what you think they're always some weird different solutions something like this oh actually hold on so this here and then what if oh what if like this right oh that would have been so good um yeah no okay that clearly just doesn't two of these do not fit lengthwise so what if what if this right and then no that doesn't fit there either that's just it so it's got to be something like this as weird as this looks oh right oh no cuz that just won't fit it won't fit in the frame I know a lot of you are thinking just put the things together and like make them fit that way like I'm telling you right now even even if you can do this here it's not going to it's not going to do anything this is definitely not the solution I can tell you from experience it's definitely not there's no way that that's going to fit in right and a lot of people will be just racking their brains trying to do the same thing over and over oh we open the world clock here hold on so we have to think outside of the box that is the goal now this will never actually that does that does fit that does fit just fit as well so that also fits but see that doesn't oh does if I leave this here would this no see that wouldn't even God is this the same size as that no there's more room on this side okay well that's that's really good to know actually there is more room on this side this is a rectangle it is not a square that will definitely help us out here okay but although it is a rectangle I mean there's there's just no way that two of these are going to fit in widthwise or lengthwise so therefore this is the longer side and this no this and this does fit with some room to [Music] spare if you're yelling at your screen right now just comment it instead help it out help out the algorithm this has to go under ooh maybe ooh what if there oh okay super interesting that we got that to fit somehow and then maybe here no okay that's close though that's the closest we've come so far we're very close but that obviously doesn't fit one over the other so they have to kind of merge that that is pretty that's a good snug fit here what if on this side oh so close no so close dude this side maybe maybe here oh maybe there's like some little loophole here oh dang all right well let's go back to like this we had this before but that takes up see how much room that takes up we have to be like this yeah on this side let's try that all right that's just yeah as much as that goes no it's not that is just not it this is just not the solution what a cool puzle that you can just have pieces that are four pieces dude how hard can this possibly be right oh also these edges are like this that might be a clue that we need actually they're the only ones I just noticed that these are like that there's a reason for that these are square and that reason might be because of something like that right um so therefore what if I can [Music] okay yeah there is a reason for that see how that fits like really perfectly in there too they really want you to put it like that don't they I mean that has to be the most perfect fit it has to be the the most perfect fit now the difference is that like see this triangle here also has it here and that's what's kind of throw me off because I can't put that in all the way and even if I did it would not fit into the frame this is getting pretty silly this has to be that's just not going to work at all either is it I keep trying the same thing over and over this isn't working longer side over [Music] here I really like this idea like that right there is like really snug but then this will not fit I repeat this will not oh oh will it no it won't what if I what if I do this is that a fit that is a fit and then obviously yeah that that's not going to fit there all right we're like half our time already up here I guarantee the solution is going to be something so silly and we're going to be like oh no why didn't I think of that want to think of that losing too much space here that's why I think it's something like this because although we're not optimizing space here we are creating a bigger Gap here which might allow us you know to get away with something and he he is no stranger to having like weird diagonal sort of solutions either so we got to keep that in mind you know we have a bit of an advantage knowing that we've done these puzzles before like that is that is the advantage that we do have here okay let's God okay what haven't we tried yet like we've tried [Music] everything oh what if it's something like that no that doesn't wait it's bigger this way so what about like this oh now we're getting somewhere now I believe we are getting somewhere does that not [Music] fit yeah the fact that one of these sides is longer uh is definitely a big part of this so orientation is definitely a key now knowing that still doesn't really help us out six minutes yeah this guy's a little ambitious thinking we're going to get this done in 20 oh look at that I mean it's not going to really help us at all but notice by the lack of me talking this is getting pretty intense over what are we doing here what are we doing what is really going on here okay oh that's interesting so stressful last thing you want to do is stress out when doing puzzles but that's on me for putting a timer that's on him for putting a timer on the [Music] box cuz no matter how I swing it two of these will not fit in you know but then that won't fit right or will it no it won't [Music] something like that so close oh so close wait oh oh God oh God so close okay this might be it this might be it oh come on come on baby come on baby hold on 20 seconds come on come on come on oh oh oh oh yes let's go let's go let's go 14 seconds to spare and we have done it that is Echo for by uaka let's go see I knew I knew that this and like I said he's no stranger to putting things diagonally and look how snug this is I knew that when I saw these two I started doing this and I knew there was something there and I just didn't put it together in my head that it was diagonally until literally almost the last second so that was very exciting so if you like this video and you want to see more puzzles maybe the ones like this we've got some other usaka puzzles but we also have so many other ones so maybe just like subscribe and comment below which type of puzzle you would like to see next thanks for [Music] watching [Music] sure
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 223,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: hph7ahkpt8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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