Solving a TOP SECRET UFO Puzzle...

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foreign something to ask you something's really come up that's important um if you would text me and let me know when is a good time to call you I don't want you to call me um I just need to run something by you okay thanks bye you're probably wondering how I got here right now and well it's a long story that we don't have time for because you see after working at Area 52 for this long you're bound to run into trouble you're stranger yet trouble seems to find you [Music] foreign agent Ramsey if this letter is reached you is because they know about our research and are on their way to the storage unit now with Bob's help we've managed to prepare the experiments for you so that by the time you receive this you might be able to continue our work and extracting the 115 and somehow integrate it into the Craft's engine we've added fail safes to prevent Agents from discovering our work so it won't be easy to decipher but I believe you're the right person to figure it out use this key to get into the warehouse I've also hidden a cassette under my old desk watch it in case you need to refresh your memory [Music] best of luck your pal at area 52. John [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER because he'd been telling me he knew someone who'd been hired to work at an ultra secret military base near Groom Lake we have no idea the interview would still be of interest 30 years later I'm known for working at a classified base known as S4 out in Nevada desert they had one of the reactors out of the crafts which was an antimatter reactor I was given a demonstration on how it worked of course there were other obstacles that were very severe that identified themselves as FBI and the whole thing was like a Twilight Zone episode Chris I need you to solve this UFO puzzle [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] ladies and gentlemen this has been over a year in the making labisterium has sent us the most epic puzzle if you guys aren't familiar with the story of Bob Lazar allegedly worked at a secret Air Base next to Area 51 called S4 where he was hired to reverse engineer an alien craft his story resonated with millions of people Jeremy Corbell filmed a documentary about Bob Lazar What attracted you to Bob lazar's story and compelled you to make a documentary about it yeah so I like everybody else I was curious if Bob Lazar was telling the truth a local scientist who worked at Groom Lake said to be where top secret weapon systems have been tested over the years she has asked that his identity be shielded exactly what's going on up there what's going on up there could be the most important event in history I left a link below that you guys can watch it is extremely compelling and is one of the most interesting stories that I've heard in years possibly in my life so lab Serum is created an immersive puzzle a one-time only solve it costs about forty thousand dollars so I wouldn't if you guys just don't mind hitting the like button that would be really appreciated kind of nervous we got a big setup here this is going to be a big deal also we have two T-shirts that we are launching thank you to Shopify for sponsoring this video Shopify is an easy to use all-in-one platform for anyone who wants to start a business or side hustle and if that is you I recommend checking out the starter plan to help get your feet off the ground I personally have been using Shopify for years and have trusted it for each one of my launches which helps me pay for these videos it's helped me to sell my products on all major social media platforms and has helped me scale my business by introducing me to the resources I needed the marketing tools like newsletters Shopify forums the analytics and especially the apps finding and downloading the perfect app for your launch among I don't even know how many apps they have there's so many and they're so easy to add like recently we just got the digital download app which has helped us sell downloadable content on our website for the first time I'm super thankful that there's a Commerce platform out there that puts the Brand's Vision First allowing me to be as creatively free as I can possibly be without feeling overwhelmed so for a free trial go to chrisramsey or click the link in my description foreign like this video subscribe let's get into it so we've gotten this letter from this person who put everything in storage here now before I get to any of this stuff so I'm not sure what this is I don't want to tamper with anything we're going to go over here we're gonna open this I've not seen it I've not opened it I don't know what's in here they've been hiding it from me here we go all right USAF Federal property returned to Area 51 Operation Center Nellis Air Force range the accuracy of these documents already is uh is very pleasing to me it's very Canon [Music] oh oh get out of here okay so one of the really important things that Bob Lazar mentioned so the journalist George Knapp first broke this story I believe in the 90s and when he first came out and talked about where he worked he mentioned a few things a few things that ended up coming true decades later one was the use of element 115 which at the time did not exist there are elements with higher atomic numbers which are stable even though they don't occur naturally on Earth and we can't synthesize them in particle accelerators these are the elements in the 114 115 range which don't appear on a periodic chart 115 is what Bob said was the fuel source the power source is a reactor which uses this element 115 as its fuel two this is a bone density scanner he said it was more accurate than fingerprints and it was what they used to get into the bases and decades later they actually found a picture of one of these to corroborate his story the interesting thing is when you walk into the facility or even to leave they have a hand reader I was told that it has to do something where it measures the bright light measures the bones in your finger they're unique to each person that sounds like something out of a TV show but it it it's exactly the way it is when I showed Bob that photo it was literally the first time that he had seen it a photo of it since you know he had actually put his hand in it I never thought I'd see one of these again but I tried to explain this to people so many times and they either didn't believe me or say yeah yeah sure and there it is there it is and this is just so cool so I guess we scan [Music] oh no access I don't have I don't have access all right so over here we don't have access to this what do we have here we've got rubber gloves not a good sign radioactive material is this transactinide highly flammable do not smoke keep it keep Out Of Reach of children there's a liquid in here corrosive oh my gosh all right we got a lock box screwdriver [Music] return to Area 51 operators there in Nellis and so some type of strong box here weird [Music] piping weird little I don't even know what this is [Music] we got a letter multiple letters great [Music] May 8 1987 you managed to get it out of area 51. that's insane I'm sure that together we'll prove the whole world that they exist you're not alone a friend of mine who also works at Dreamland in the fuel section told me that he managed to obtain some material that should be very useful to you I will have him send you the package major Jesse Marshall I'm guessing that's what's going to be useful it's just more things okay hold on this box out of here [Music] oh my God Bob lazar's ID badge at S4 it's got some type of Cipher on the back as well or some type of design [Music] how cool is that and a picture of a UFO [Music] 21st of February 1979. might be a clue hold on before we get to this we got this here oh this is uh his original sketch Bob lazar's original sketch that he drew it's depicting the field of gravity around the craft caused by the engine here [Music] area S4 for The Joint Chiefs of Staff unidentified flying object so we've got S4 a map of S4 it looks like [Music] and a letter here June 12 1991. I changed my mind about you I believe you I am sending you the material that he transmitted to me I will come to see you as soon as possible to help you in your research I've secured the material in a portable safe the code is in the envelope code is in the envelope [Music] desert blast the Woodstock pyrotechnics desert blast is an invitation only event and the exact date and location of D of DB is kept secret until a few weeks prior to the event to avoid a deluge of spectators interested parties may fill out the application form and submit for approval June 10 1986. Jeffrey I've received your letter I do recall running into you at the area 51 cafeteria however please know that I can't afford to break into government fingerprint readers uh nor do I wish to do so okay this might actually help us get in there I've gotten in too much trouble with my disclosures without George Knapp I would already be in one of my Uncle Sam's secret prisons I owe you my freedom to being put in the spotlight I doubt you've been able to get any material out of Area 51 I tried but it is impossible I will not come to see you or to see what you have spoken about if this is yet another attempt to damage my reputation I will not fall for it the USAF U.S United States Air Force will not silence me in this way and blame me for stealing top secret material please leave me alone Robert Scott it's from Bob Lazar they said the code is in the envelope this is the envelope here 1986 this is four digits negative okay we still have this as well and we got all this radioactive material [Music] this is intense I'm actually kind of terrified right now [Music] classified [Music] this is a hanger and some type of uh design on the hanger [Music] oh my goodness what is this [Music] looks alien if something goes in there this is this right [Music] I think it's time to check this out I'm putting my gloves on for this I'm not taking any chances moscovium 115 this is element 115. there's a serial number here 37c879 classified extremely secret level three Radioactive I don't know if I want to touch this I mean at this point I'm going to die of radiation poisoning anyways oh that smells foul hold on a second what is this experiment experimental agglomeration process by chemical solicitation it's got a little screen on it oh another clue an email from Jeffrey Lorenzen to Albert Cummings 1998. Dear Sir I've received your request I know that our material is experimental and that there is no written instruction manual for the moment our technicians have however shown your staff all the manipulations and precautions to be taken to obtain Element 115 since we have created this material for your needs I find it difficult to understand the information you're missing you have to connect the machine take the fuel out of its protections place the non-agglomerated fuel in the agglomeration tank then place the Regent in sufficient quantity via the plug without making the agglomeration bath overflow then manage the power and exposure time settings which allows you to obtain 115 conglomerated at the bottom of the basket you will have to dry it before integrating it in the compartment provided for this purpose you will then need to connect the four over pressure tubes and the 115 stability element should activate from what you tell me you seem to have forgotten all our recommendations try not to irradiate yourself like your predecessor oh man we will not bear the responsibility of your failures twice see so this is the instruction to I guess extract 115 I guess this is we've got to put the 115 in here and then we got to add the liquid how do I know how much liquid we just put it in this is the liquid here foreign get a shot of this okay I don't want to overflow it this is intense I'm this is actually pretty intense it's bubbling I'm just going to press start 176 seconds oh my God all right that's going to take a little while let's let that sit for now we'll get back to it in a second all right so now that we have that what are we looking for here we're looking for the code to this lock box which he said was in the envelope I'm guessing that was the envelope with all of these things in it so maybe it's this 1979 what did we try last time 1986 no I've secured the material in a portable safe the code is in the envelope this was all in the envelope how do I know what the code is it's a majestic pass too which is for those of you in the know we're looking for a four digit number here somewhere two zero zero three eight oh no 6722 it's right there written 6722 is badge number okay we have a cell phone with it we have a cable foreign Yorkshire got a flying saucer mystery object found on Scarborough Moores as unusual hieroglyphics okay these might all be Clues we got some type of thread some type of red thread got screws here another picture of a flying disc for Joint Chiefs to staff Declassified in full Authority Chief records P.F Carter Jr vice admiral usn director that is that looks a lot like the UFO bottles are described the sports model oh there seems to be some writing here like almost like alien writing you've got a signal symbol here symbol here symbol here I see three of them yeah okay that might come in handy oh check this out yes camera archives hack amberdue well it's just a camera oh wait maybe it's maybe there's some oh my God look at this there's a symbol that appears so that's a clue so sick so we've got one symbol here not sure what that symbol means but it is there okay so that's interesting archives where the archives have Bob interview well it's an actual interview balbazar during late 1988 and early 89 I worked on the propulsion systems of extraterrestrial vehicles for the United States government the hardware and Technology I was exposed to should be playing proper hands of the scientific community and it is the right of every person on Earth to know that there is physical evidence which proves that there is life elsewhere and that at least one form of that life has been here how long is this video I don't know if I should listen to this whole thing is it how long is this one installation group link when I went to work I was flown Karen airport in Las Vegas to area 51. it might be good information for a lot of you out there who don't know Bob's story but I encourage you to go watch the documentary instead pause this go watch that come back what else is left on The Archives here UFO evidence oh the famous Tic Tac videos that's so sick also a design of our t-shirt all right so archives check now we go to hack no device found oh foreign to unlock this okay we also have these things these go together oh we have those little bolts these connect somehow oh they probably connect on this thing it's done oh my God let me get my glove on get ready moscovium there it is and it's pure form it goes there okay so these look like they might go here and this almost looks like ah this might look like it shows me how to connect them oh this is interesting how do I know which one goes where though all right let's just try to figure this out real quick get the camera get a good load of this yeah all right so this maybe there's only one way that these fit right uh yes that looks right that also looks right then this one so this one first this is the lowest one oh this is more complicated than I thought more complicated than I gave her credit for what does this one look like now we just have to uh but the thing is does it go in first that's the uh the question right there so close he goes there but I think I might have to like pass it through that's good that's good good finally foreign how Wild is that that's a cool puzzle I've never solved anything like that you might even say it's out of this world we'll cut that all right um I'm gonna screw these in I guess I got these uh screws here do a screwdriver you guys think of the puzzle so far leave a comment this might be a good time to tell you I did start a new YouTube channel left the link below I can't wait to see what's in that this has all been so cool so far solid the moscovium is contained now what another device found oh I don't know if I'm supposed to take this apart but they did give me a screwdriver so to hell with it you got to go before they find us anyways that's the right size if they didn't want me to unscrew it they should have put different screws in it right am I right oh there's a small port in there it's gonna be hard for you to see but uh it looks like oh it looks like this analyzing device found hand scanner place your hand on the device to gather data hand detected Gathering data to create fake ID enter name my name registered implementing data into scanner oh my God look at this thing go look at that this is this is insane data successfully implemented device now recognizes user did you see that this whole thing just budged like this video you ready oh my God [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is the sports model this is Bob lazar's the UFO that the craft that he worked on it's got lights on it right now [Music] this is absolutely beautiful wow I cannot believe what I'm looking at right now that is insane oh my God [Music] oh God all right we got more things to work with here let's bring this over there we got a picture of Neil Armstrong here okay nice [Music] February 18th 1985 I've received your letter I know that you know that I also know I know what you're thinking it seems impossible to me we know that they will arrest you before you can do anything they probably know that we know that they know that we know it's impossible that they don't as a show of good faith and to prove to you that I have connections and that I know I am sending you this picture of AE it's on the which proves that he also knows and which proves that they have known for many years like me do you do you also think that the M project that enables us to win the war came from you know who MJM Majestic okay thank God this is highly classified look at this picture Declassified and full it's a picture of a UFO here not sure what that means nice pins got it ah briefcase another letter a telegram a piece of paper whatever this is okay we need more room people okay looks like part of a blueprint some type of craft maybe or a room maybe lines up with that somehow we got a telegram Western Union telegram November 24th 1993 things are moving in high places they know they're cleaning up it seems that the first lab experiment has gone wrong the subject has alluded to the government they are arresting any question and questioning everyone who may have seen or known anything about Area 51 I fear for my life get your Affairs in order we must protect our discoveries another picture two pictures these also have [Music] they look like they also have little messages on them that's a craft there that's so cool all right let's get we got the pictures get the pictures together we'll need these in a second I'm sure oh yeah in this thing ah [Music] it's a black light you think I regular light okay we've got three digit combinations here [Music] send me a picture frame maybe not yes it is just a picture frame after all does seem to have like a black light element to it what's that oh document folder over here oh my gosh what the hell is this okay it's the blueprint to the craft all right time to set this up and a one can you guys see that over there we got all sorts of names here disc craze continues this is a this is a clipping from Roswell astronauts land Neil Armstrong got Bob Lazar up here inspired by the by an astronaut he told me he was recruited by a governor Robert Lazar 1977. Abra Lazar Woodland Hills California third Mana Powers bike with a jet engine looks like it might attach to the craft itself but we might be missing another piece we were given these ropes before and if anything I've seen enough Conspiracy Theory videos and movies to know that these have to be hooked onto something now there's these alien symbols and these alien symbols probably mean something and I've seen these alien symbols before one of them with the phone which was on this alien symbols found so that gives us a word [Music] or maybe I have to follow the symbols what's funny is these uh these images are all taped but they all have tiny puncture holes can you see this look at this little puncture hole here's what we're gonna do this hole John Glenn's or astronauts here Robert Gates true that is William studerman Lincoln fower Jesse Marshall so now that we have those in there we got to somehow find a way to connect these and make sense of them are there names here Carter no we do have Neil Armstrong we do have Neil Armstrong so that's good we have Bob Lazar we have balbazar we have Neil Armstrong inspired oh inspired by an astronaut he told me he was recruited by a governor what if it's not Neil Armstrong or what if it's the other astronaut was he a governor I don't think Neil Armstrong was a governor so okay do we have any other Clues here disc craze can ah look at this look here secretly recruited by NSA in 1982. NSA one of these guys has to be the director of the NSA I gotta I gotta Google something and he was NSA Lincoln four Fowler Lincoln Fowler we'll take this from here and we're moving it over to Lincoln [Music] looks like it makes an X 157043 go look at that one five seven oh four three right there that's our code or one six one five seven oh four three here we go one five seven oh oh my God there is no more okay I found a way to light the UFO but I almost blew it up it's too dangerous I hid 30. UFO I had 30. it was number 30 here oh that's a black light there but now we're talking oh I get it I hid 30 UFOs they want me to find look at this camera can pick that up right there yeah you're just gonna have to trust me on that you see it well so there's probably 30 of those hidden around so we'll find those there's so so many things in here there's a map and a compass oh my God this is insane I feel insane I feel like I'm gonna go insane this what we built [Music] we built this this goes in there whoa [Music] this is always supposed to be on or only when I press on it let me just tighten them up oh that's sick oh nope how cool all right time to play with this bad boy oh there's tiny symbols you see all the symbols in there which are those alien symbols all right well that goes in there for now I'm guessing we'll have to figure out what those symbols mean in a second can we bring this somewhere I'm gonna bring this I'm gonna bring this on the table I don't know what I don't need anymore but this I probably don't need all this radioactive goop envelope envelope envelope I'll need a I'll need a place to work as well so we'll put the UFO on this side here this is the most insane moment of my life I'm like a kid in a candy store but instead of a kid I'm a grown man instead of candy it's aliens don't judge me another UFO down here can you even see that on camera if I back up like this can you see it's like faint down there if there's some type of clue on here I don't know what I'm supposed to do with all the UFOs I'm going to find all these UFOs I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with them there's oh there's two more on here well there's one more here we got another one here and we had a symbol with the phone on that by the way let me go back to that phone oh [Music] excuse me insane [Music] just in case just in case it decides to take off okay so we're gonna find all these things now we're gonna make a pile of them there's like a mini game I don't know what this is going to give me once I have all these [Music] and there are symbols there are like alien-like symbols on these things too alien symbols here so we'll keep this one aside this one has like little this one too has another little alien symbol wait this is the craft oh this is this here [Music] whoa hold on we've seen this before okay okay there's a little bead in here and I guess I've got to maneuver it oh well camera's not gonna be able to see anything here but I have to go down sometimes and have to go up sometimes you see as I go here and this way all right well I'm going to stop this for now because I don't know where that's supposed to go so I'm just gonna leave that there for now and go through the contents of the briefcase here but this will be useful oh what does it say this is a translation of this uh we can read what it says here calibration this is thanks what thanks back Earth this is a whole thing that we're gonna have to probably Cipher or decipher um okay we do have symbols here though I've seen these symbols before this one here there's a faint symbol right here I hope you'll be able to see that but that one means protection oh we got a UFO here this ancient picture there's two UFOs here there's one there and one there bunch of letters here again you've got the word protection here again okay memorandum for the deputy secretary okay so this here is some type of oh there's different UFO portraits on these photos and each portrait I guess you take two of them and they make up a word what those words give us I do not yet know but that is very important to know confidential stat Project Blue Book here we go more symbols here more alien symbols once again we've got a solar system of some sort or multiple solar systems another UFO stamp you can see that one nice and clear another one there and then we have these which are like overlaid papers that need to okay coordinates from NASA this is all this is we're not we're not even close to being done ladies and gentlemen we got more UFOs here another UFO we're gonna we're gonna make sense of all this in a second hang in there for now we just need to uh another one there okay Einstein oh look at this what's Einstein working on huh yeah that's right I found these photos in NASA archives at the Johnson Space Center in building eight I'm sure you will find them interested in Gary McKinnon wait Gary McKinnon isn't that the guy that hacked NASA and found out that there was actually a Galactic Federation that they were paying for and he's wanted by the government in Hideout right now and so that's a weird one it's on a beach and there's this giant like sun eclipsed in the sky there's another UFO there and we got a map and a compass we're getting to the bottom of this folks we are getting to the bottom of this there's an X here in Nevada Test Site okay obviously we've got a lot to do this is where the real game begins [Music] foreign
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 806,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: _Qk51EgWEN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 46sec (3046 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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