Can an Average IQ Defeat "The Cube"?!

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yo what's up and welcome back today we're looking at the color Cube by Quest box we've done a few of their puzzles in the past a pirate chest a Harry Potter theme puzzle they always come through with amazing solves they're a mix of tactile and electronic puzzles logical thinking and they're not too easy a lot of them are really tricky and really smart so the engineering Behind These is really well done and I'm looking forward to doing this but before we do that check out first dot shop we just launched some uncut sheets of the v6s and they are half off all of the uncut sheets at are half off they make for Great Wall displays I've got a few back here hanging they're just really nice pieces of art that you guys can check out so like 50 bucks at without any further Ado let's get to solving the color Cube look at this colorful Cube let's have a look at every side before we start solving side one these are buttons by the way you can press these there's a key here I think this is what gets it started we got some type of diagram here yellow side we've got tiles so many dials we've got what looks like speakers I guess over here on the green side we've got this little maze that we gotta run through more buttons something here purple side this just says turn it not sure what's going on here blue side a little square with a little hole and white side the final panel that will pop open after this is completed so let's get it started there might be some music here okay we have a little light flashing here okay okay some pretty sweet music here uh does this go here that looks like it might be a fit hey if you're ever wondering what could I do to help these channels out of this content I really like well just like the video like the video Drop comment subscribe that type of stuff really goes a long way all right well that doesn't really do anything so we'll leave that there for now maybe that'll do something after okay I push that in I'm not sure I'm supposed to do that there you go oh wait it comes out the other side oh here we go okay it's showing me I've got to use my muscles to pull out to pull this out oh cool dude that's so sick they never ask you to force anything so happy they asked me to force something all right so for now we've got these so loud this thing let me just put this aside for now we've got these okay and we've got this this looks like a face of a clock here we've got a three digit combination some type of button oh does this go here something on the inside here man this thing is just full of surprises I'm guessing this is the next step okay big circle small circle big circle is that some type of Clue big circle oh now this red one's flashing wait oh so blue mint go on the blue side red is now on the red side so now I guess we got to solve whatever's here right does that make sense oh [Music] all right that one's flashing so that starts it over so it goes here can I just keep going okay there's the Finish does that not work wait what oh so I have to follow the directions I see okay this is cool if I go here boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I don't understand oh why did this one have three this one has three little lines this one has two little lines how bizarre okay let's try again so hit here down one hit Maybe one two hit up one hit over hit down down hit two overs over here up two is there down two over three one two three that's the next one so it's there up one here over two here did I miss one oh is it because oh we start on that one that's what it is so we start here now we got it all right and now we gotta go over one so one two three now okay now this is gonna work foreign yes what now oh purple here purple purple why is the same turn maybe I have to open this up first uh so maybe I use these hold on a second and this goes here and now this goes here and maybe now this open yes oh cool oh my gosh okay so I've got these things as well we've got a top hat a sword and a star and then we've got these and this one has a thing on it okay we've got a triangle here a bunny a telescope a shield this one just has like a knob on it and this one has nothing okay so I'm thinking first of all let's try and because this does have the same shape as that other thing so this is a top hat n n what is that n what [Music] z262626 that says 26. it's 26. okay 35 or 53 35 26 35 14. okey-dokey so I gotta figure that out now well let's try making a circle actually easier expected so this goes here again nope this one yes now this one huh and this one boom that light lights up oh sword goes with the shield the star goes with the telescope and the hat goes with the bunny okay this is the starting point it's a combination wait [Music] wait oh one and four [Music] two and six ah so it goes star hat [Music] sword star sword hat star hat sword star sword hat star hat sword star sword hat okay star hat sword star sword and foreign yes let's go I think the sound bugged out I'm not getting any sounds which is nice I didn't really enjoy that music anyways we're on green now so Diamond circle square circle triangle circle triangle Diamond circle square Diamond circle square it's a diamond Circle Square I have to do it in one sequence I can write this down a trusty notepad let's go Circle square triangle Circle square triangle diamond Circle Square triangle Circle Square triangle and diamond for the Finish yeah oh now it's flashing yellow so we go to Yellow which is here this one looks complicated we got this as well we've got like a clock here which matches the clocks here and then we've got three individual circles so I don't know what they mean we got arrows on these things and we've got a three digit combination so foreign so they're all starting at one o'clock right about there now you can notice there are little holes some of them are darker some of them are lighter I don't know if they make numbers exactly but they are shapes like if you look here it's this one this one this one this one and then these three now I'm I'm wondering if in the negative space there might be some type of number but it doesn't seem like it pretty sure whatever it is that I need to complete the yellow side or I would be in here and I'm pretty sure that is the combination so two numbers that are the same one number that isn't but other than that I have no way of knowing it'll just do we'll go one zero one zero two two one two three one three three two three four two four four three four I'm just following the shapes the circles five three five five four five whoa we got it okay well I hope that wasn't the solution because I'm I'm obviously missing something really simple somewhere but uh I didn't seem to find it but we brute forced our way through which is totally acceptable in my book what is all this oh my God all right okay arrows up ah oh they're numbers you see the shapes I drew out before that would be like two three four five six seven eight nine zero oh maybe I wasn't supposed to see that some of them were depressed a little bit could that be I don't know maybe no that's impossible and then we have pins let's take these pins out oh my God so many pins all right numbers we need to get all right here this one and if I put it in here would it be up yeah it would be up okay so here is this meant to help us figure out the numbers because I don't even think I need this right now this one's four you can see it four this one would be five right like this oh there's a line in the middle and this one be nine this one would be three and then this one would be two did I do it I did it and we don't need these pins then those are just I guess markers to help you see them more clearly because they are quite faint I'll put these back all right it now says red oh red blue yellow purple green white red blue yellow purple green white [Music] foreign oh my God uh I got a surprise in here this is uh that's so funny Antoine put I guess Wes's second uh playing cards in here these are Wes's deck you know I love a good surprise that was actually quite fun uh if you want to check these out these are West's playing cards Second To None they're available at Wes is my best friend and these are his cards and they look pretty cool this is the sensor deck these are the Jokers they come in alphabetical order by the way if you're wondering that is the Ace of Spades really nice cards and then core cards all have censored two blank cards for some magic tricks and the back design which reads little seconds here they're super super sick looking by the way printed by the United States playing card company so you know the quality is good foreign here we go this is the puzzle solved so inside Antoine left me a little gift which I always do appreciate but that was a lot of fun I did get stumped at the Yellow Part a little bit because of the combination I'm still not sure how to how I was supposed to find that combination if I did it the correct way which is a weird way of doing it so I believe there's probably another solution that I didn't understand but we got through it and it was a lot of fun let me know what you guys thought in the comments below and we'll see on the next video peace peace [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 689,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: dX-rqg0H584
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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