Diving into HELLDIVERS 2 (A Destiny 2 Survivor's Story)

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how do you envision the perfect game maybe it needs to have great PVP aspects maybe you crave mindboggling lore or maybe the game has to give you some inner peace or make you feel like a little kid again for me it is quite simple to be honest it needs to have exciting gameplay Loops good graphics well I'm a graphics junkie intense and someone difficult high-end content profound storytelling and most of all good community support and caring company behind everything now you might say that there are loads of games like that and I would would agree but for me personally some games just do not scratch the edge there have been only a handful of games that I played that ticked all of these and made me feel super engaged at the same time for me personally there have been only three games like that in the past four to 5 years they are cyberpunk Destiny 2 and obviously hell divers 2 cyberp Punk is a single player game so for now let's focus only on the online games that leaves us with only two you might already start to understand what I'm getting at if you have played Destiny 2 you know that its roots actually date back to 2014 Bungie's first Destiny game I have a friend who kept telling me to try Destiny 2 back in 2020 somehow I did not know what the hell that is and it looked stupid to me at first one day in early 2021 I finally decided to try it it got me so addicted that I did 120 hours in the first 2 weeks alone the game had lore game play armor sets dungeons raids nightfalls PVP even PVE VP I'm looking at you Gambit awesome exotic missions seasonal content gazillion guns beautiful locations I got so addicted that I wished I could rewind the time back to 2014 and experience everything since the early days of Destiny sadly back in those days I did not have a PlayStation and I couldn't experience it in the 3 years that I've been playing Destiny 2 I soaked almost 3,500 hours into it and I did not regret even a single one I even met most of my friends that I have now through Destiny 2 I made a CL with a Discord server and invited only the people I knew were going to fit in I built a community of like-minded people we even attempted and completed day one raids the Pinnacle of Destiny 2 content once we got bored we started doing low man raids which basically means that you go into raids not with six people as usual but you go in as two or three and not only that we tried and managed to do all of them Flawless without any deaths so you could say I became a crackhead at Destiny after all this time though during the last few seasons the community started noticing more and more that Bungie stopped caring about the game and especially about us players specifically after everyone saw what their 2023 expansion lightful was since not everyone here plays or has played Destiny I won't go too deep into it but as an example of their greediness dungeons that come throughout the year of the expansion have to be paid separately if you get the standard edition think about that for a second you have to pay 50 bucks to play the expansion and on top on top of that you need to pay I believe 20 more to get the content that should come with the expansion it should not be like this so that is the short version a few months ago I realized as well that it is not looking good for Destiny 2 and I don't really want to be a part of a game where the company that made it does not even care about their own Community now I kind of keep up with the game I keep up with the updates don't get me wrong I still love the game but now I'm being super careful for now I'm watching it very carefully before deciding on whether I should get the expansion or not I used to pre-order the expansion as soon as you could buy them I would probably keep playing it but this time something hit me different short breaks from the game did not help and I still feel this weird emotion towards Bungie and how they act after I quit Destiny I started playing Counter-Strike 2o for a few months and once I got tired of the cheaters hell divers 2 appeared like an angel from the sky and since I was still thinking about playing Destiny their relationship between me and Hell diver started looking like this we're going to be friends yeah you want to be my friend we're not going to be friend while I'm still thinking about Destiny 2 and wondering if I should come back or not hell divers caught me by a complete surprise and I started wondering how can a game be that perfect remember those points I made at the beginning of the video hell D checks all of those and goes way beyond that hell divers 2 reminded me of that spark I had when I started playing Destiny 2 the developers at Arrow had really caught my attention and I started to remember how it feels when the company actually cares about their players about their game and everything surrounding it yes the game of course gets repetitive after playing it for a while but so does every other game and yes the game is obviously not perfect but I hope it will be 10 times better than it already is in the future I switched to Hell divers too because I started having that same feeling I had when I started playing Destiny it felt engaging the world feels big it feels like you are a big part of something the Gunplay honestly just feels ridiculously good you can literally land in different planets during their night and day cycles un alive bugs and commi robots that is just insane this game hooked me so much that I want to be a big part of it maybe even help out the team leaders at Arrowhead by pitching ideas for some new and interesting content which by the way is already sitting in my head everything about this game just feels I don't know different and similar at the same time there's actually a few reasons why I'm telling you this story one of them is very simple I simply wanted to share my gaming journey and how everything went down and maybe you could even relate another one is a little bit different though the reason I told this story is because we can probably all agree if you play a certain game for too long you get burnt down and you need breaks this might happen with hell divers too as well but that does not mean that the game is bad so forther returning people I just wanted to say that you might see different content in the future I might even come back to Destiny who knows nevertheless I will always try to make my videos as best as I can as I'm editing this I completely forgot to do the outro so here goes if you like the story drop a like drop a sub I would really appreciate it I'm a growing Channel if you want to hear more about this uh you can always uh come over to my twitch Channel we can talk see how we connect and just chat in general So yeah thank you for tuning in I'll see you on my next video bye-bye
Channel: ultimateOG
Views: 1,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: crOgB0rh05A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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