The Hardest Pokemon Quiz I've Ever Taken

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- Greetings Pokefans, Michael here, and today I have a pretty chill video for you guys. A little while ago, I made a video where I attempted various Pokemon related quizzes on Sporcle, and I had fun doing that, you guys seemed to enjoy watching it, and also I've been in the middle of moving and needed a video I can make very easily, and so this is that video. So yeah, I'm just gonna poke around on Sporcle, see if I can find some fun Pokemon quizzes to do that are not ones I did in the last one, and that's it. So don't forget to subscribe if you like me, and let's dive in. Okay, so the first one I wanted to do was the listing all of the Pokemon, as many as you can in the time limit, from memory. I did this for gen I and gen II in the last one. Gen I, I got a perfect score, Gen II, not so much. I got like a B, I think, in regards to percentage of the total ones I got. I got like 80-something of the about 100. But this is the gen III one. And, aside from the first generation, which is obviously the one I feel the most confident about because I got a perfect score, this is probably the one I feel like the next most confident about because I've, Hoenn was was my first region, a lot of the Pokemon are very memorable as a result. So I'm gonna try this and I don't know if I can get a perfect score, but I hope I at least do better than in gen II. All right, so I've done no practice, take a hydrate or die sip, and let's get going. Start with the obvious ones, the starters. All right, got the starters in there. Gonna move on to, move on to the early game Pokemon, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Beautifly, Taillow. There's always that jump. You go in order and then there's a jump and you're like, what the hell was that jump? Oh, it's the Lotad, Lombre, Seedot guys, okay. Whismur, Loudred, Exploud. There was another jump. Let's go back and get Nincada, Shedinja, or some people call it Shed Ninja, which bothers me to no end. The Slakoth line, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking. Breloom, of course, Shroomish. I hit a wall, we're going to the fire types, we're going to the volcano area. Let's get Azurill and Wynaut in there 'cause those are the ones I feel like I'm more likely to forget. Let's get the desert, Cacturne. I tend to think of these in, like, locations. All right, let's get the fossils. I misspelled Armaldo, I'm wasting time. R, Armaldo, there we go. Makuhita, Hariyama, all right. All right, I hit a, if I can't think of one for like three seconds, you move on to some you can think of, and we're saving. So we're getting the pseudos there and then we're gonna get the actual legendaries, the Regis, Latias, Latios. No, no, no, Groudon, Kyogre, Jirachi, Deoxys. All right, let's do some other late Dex ones. I kind of remember where they are due to the guide book I had. I remember where they were in the pages. Gore, Gorebyee? (chuckles) Huntail, alright. Relicanth, Luvdisc, all right, I got those, all right. Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Gulpin, Swalot, Roselia. Ah, there's electric types, Electrike, Manectric, okay. Spinda, don't wanna forget Spinda. Oh, Wailmer and Wailord, don't wanna forget those guys. Sharpedo, Carvanha, Tropius, Chimecho, very pointless Pokemon. Oh, Wingull and Pelipper, gotta get those in there. Mawile and Sableye, there we go. Aron's line, Absol, Kecleon, I'm trying to think of Pokemon you find in certain specific locations, but a lot of other gen Pokemon are muddling up my memory of stuff. Oh, Swablu, not Swamblue, Swablu, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Solrock, Lunatone, I'm getting the Meteor Falls area of Pokemon. Barboach and Whiscash, Whiscash, as I like to say. A lot of the Pokemon I'm thinking of are in the Hoenn Dex. Oh, the ghost types, Duskull, Dusclops, Sidney's dark types, I don't have Corphish or Crawdaunt yet. Okay, Drake's team, I think I covered all the dragons. Steven's team, Claydol, I don't have Claydol or Baltoy in there. Can't believe I forgot them. They were desert Pokemon. Oh, Nosepass, of course, Roxanne. I almost forgot Nosepass. I am very embarrassed that it took me this long to put Castform in there (laughs). Could you imagine if I forgot? Oh boy, that would have been troubling. Think through your playthrough, Mikey. I keep thinking of like Chinchou and Skarmory. like rare Pokemon sort of in the game, but they're not the gen III Pokemon. Oh Milotic, there we go. Oh, Skitty and Delcatty. God, those ones are forgettable for me. I like never think about those Pokemon. Oh my God, the Gardevoir line, there we go. Wow, that took me, oh, Surskit and Masquerain, that's the last, that's that gap there. Okay, six left Oh man, I'm struggling. I mean, it's gonna be a pretty good score even if I can't get these last few, but I'm stuck. Oh, Snorunt and Glalie, there we go, okay. Oh, Meditite and Medicham. Okay, just two more around the Torkoal area cause they're better about location in the Dex order. Who's found around Torkoal and Spinda? Wow, less than a minute left. I don't know if I'm gonna get these two last two. Dang it, I was so close. Oh, it's Spoink and Grumpig. Let's go, 40 seconds left, I got it. The average score is 69%, but I got 100%. Is this the greatest moment of your life? No, I knew I could do it. I never had any doubt. Gen III is my jam. The gen I version, I got the last couple with like less than 10 seconds left, but I had 40 seconds to spare here. Look at me. I will say it was tougher. There were times where it felt tougher because I was thinking about like, when I did the gen I version, I was like, okay, where are Pokemon found? What Pokemon are on this particular route or whatever? And in the Kanto version, it's like, just where are the Kanto Pokemon found? But then, in Hoenn, it's like, ah, yes, this location has a granite cave, Makuhita, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Abra, Zubat. Nope, those are not, those aren't really here. But I got it. All right, I'm proud of myself. Let's try gen IV. Oh, this one, very aesthetically different than the other one. I feel far less confident about this one 'cause I've played through Sinnoh a heck of a lot less than I've played through Hoenn, and Sinnoh has so many Pokemon that aren't quite standalone, but they're connected to previous gen Pokemon, so you can't, if you get the one, you only get the one. Like, I'm going to remember Dusknoir, I don't get Dusclops or Duskull, but let's give it a shot. I have the same amount of time for fewer Pokemon. So let's see how it goes. We'll start with the, we'll get the starters in first. I forgot Monferno's name for a second. I was like, what? What is that middle one? Alright, got the starters in there. Let's move to the early game ones, Starly, Staravia, Bidoof, Bibarel, Kricketot, Kricketune, there we go. All right, what are the other early ones? Budew is early and, of course, Roserade goes there. Oh, who comes next? Oh, Cherubi and Cherrim. What are some other Honey Tree Pokemon? Munchlax, Combee, Vespiquen. Oh no, I misspelled it. I'm wasting valuable time. Still wasting the valuable time, there we go. All right, the Valley Windworks area has Buizel, of course, Floatzel, also has Shellos and Gastrodon. Let's get Burmy, Wormadam, and Mothim. Those are memorable just 'cause of how much John hates Wormadam (chuckles). Let's get Bronzor, Bronzong. I'm thinking of like Mount Coronet Pokemon so I'm getting those in there. And now, I'm thinking about evolutions. So I'm going, I'm getting those in there. And now I thought about Lucario, so Lucario goes in there. Let's get the Garchomp line. Let's get the babies that really didn't need to exist, honestly. Did I already get Munchlax? I did get Munchlax. I got it with the Honey Tree ones. What else was there? There's Bonsly, Chingling, really like the least necessary baby Pokemon ever. Chimecho should have gotten an evolution, not a pre-evolution. What else we got? Oh, let's get the fossils, Bastiodon. What standalone Pokemon is after Vespiquen? I mean, it might not be a standalone Pokemon, might be a new evo. I don't know about that one. Well, let's get the legends. Fialga, (laughs) sounds like a prescription medicine. Palkia, Giratina, Arceus, Meatran, (laughs), oh, some of these typos are pretty funny, Meatran. Cresselia, the Lake Trio, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit. Why do I have so many gaps in the legends? There are a million legends. Okay, well, I'm brain farting on the legends so I'm gonna move on to the more new evos of old Pokemon, Porygon-Z. Let me retype the whole thing. Gallade, Magmortar, I already got it. Oops, Rhyperior. Togekiss, and I pause. So we continue onward. I'm trying to think about gym leader and elite four team members. Ah, Hippowdon and Hippo, there we go. Oh I spelled it right (laughs). The Pokemon that are labeled as very forgettable but end up not forgettable because they're labeled as forgettable so often, Finneon, Lumineon, oh, Mantyke, that's a baby I missed. There we go. Oh, Tangrowth, oh Gliscor, of course. Can't forget my boy, Gliscor. All right, let's think through the gym leaders. We got Cranidos. We got Roserade and Cherubi and Turtwig. We have Lucario, she had like Lucario and Machoke and Meditite, so the rest of its not gonna help. Fantina had, oh, Drifblim and Drifloon. Okay, I got those in there. Oh, Croagunk. I like thought, Croagunk's cry, or maybe it was Toxicroak's cry, popped into my head and that made me remember them. I can't believe I can't remember all the Sinnoh legends just off the top of my head. My God, there's a buttload of them. That's weird that I can't think of the other ones. I'm not a Sinnoh expert. Boy, running out of time here. Five minutes, left in a lot of gaps. There's so many of the new evolutions, I'm having trouble remembering them all. Oh, Lickylicky. Oh, Pachirisu is the Pikachu con. Okay, that was that gap after Vespiquen. All right, I filled that gap. Yanmega, I got one more. Oh, the... the Team Galactic Pokemon, Purrugly and Glameow. Okay, I got those in there. The other Cyrus team members, I either already have or they're other generation. Saturn, I already have the Toxicroak. I have all of Cynthia's team. I have Garchomp, Togekiss, Lucario, Gastrodon, Roserade, Spiritomb, okay. Is there another baby Pokemon I'm missing? Man, and I still, I still can't figure out those last few legends either. Like my gosh, there are too many legends in Sinnoh. Why can I not remember those last few? Oh, Magnezone. I've used Magnezone a few times, okay Got one more of the new evos. Clearly there are like four or five more that I am missing still. Oh, Rotom, there we go, the one that's on the border of legendaries and not legendaries. I think I might, I think I might be out of steam, think I might have run out. I can't think of any other ones, yeah. Well, not a perfect score, but we'll see what my percentage was. All right, give me the bad news. Okay, 89%, it's a B plus. I forgot Ambipom, makes sense. Forgot Chatot, makes sense. Buneary and Lopunny, little surprised I forgot those. Forgot Carnivine, not surprised. Leafeon and Glaceon, oh, I should remember the Eeveelutions. Mamoswine, should have remembered that. Probopass, should have remembered that. Regigigas, okay, I should have remembered Regigigas. Phione and Manaphy, I see why I forgot those (chuckles). I don't find those Pokemon particularly memorable or interesting, especially, I mean, if you get one, you get the other, but like, I was never going to remember Phione. You have to remember Manaphy and then add on Phione. Okay, so a lot of these, I think, are Pokemon I think very little about. I would say the ones that I feel like I'm most, like I should have gotten Leafeon and Glaceon, Mamoswine, and Probopass. I feel like I should have been able to remember those but Chatot, Ambipom, Phione, Manaphy, yeah. Okay, not a perfect score, but I wasn't expecting to get a perfect score. I got, I almost got an A. Oh, this is interesting. So this is a quiz where you have to name Pokemon, oh my God, you have to name Pokemon moves that end in these particular words. This is fascinating. I think this is cool and I'm trying this. Okay, I had to zoom out in my browser so I could fit all of them on one screen 'cause if I was scrolling up and down, that'd be bad. So I apologize if this is kind of small, but I got to do it. Okay, so a little bit of prep before I get started. I wonder, when was this made? It was updated on November 19th, 2019, okay. So this should have Sword and Shield moves in it, which hurts my chances (chuckles). It shouldn't have any of the new, the new Isle of Armor moves. I don't know if any of them fit into here anyways, but ones I see I can get right away are the pledges and the orders. Those are like groups, I can get all those in there. And my God, there's a lot of punches. All right, yeah, let's go for it. Let's see what we can do. So Heal, oh, you get more than one, that's cool. Defend, Fire, that got a lot, Water, Grass, Ice, Tail. All right, let's look at, let's go through punches, Focus, crap, oh, Thunder. Why can't I remember any other punches? Let's move on, Head Charge, Flame Charge. Let's move on to throws, Storm Throw, Circle Throw. Let's move on to tails, Iron Tail, Poison Tail, Dragon Tail. ♪ Dragon tails Dragon tails ♪ Aqua Tail, all right. We finished the tails. Out, so Lash Out is a new move. Yep, nope, that's not in here. Lash Out would have been there. Poison, okay, let's get the powders, Magic Powder. Nope, okay, Magic Powder, I think, is a, that's a gen VIII move and that's not here, okay. What do you do if it's just rage? Ah, okay. So if it's just the end, I do have to just, so I have to type Slash okay, to get Slash, and I have to type Spore. Okay, I have to type Slam, interesting. Blue Flare is one of them. Pain Splits, another one. Spike Cannon, Hydro Cannon. Oh the swaps, let's do Skill Swap, Power Swap, Guard Swap, Heart Swap, Skill Swap. All right, no, I already got that, dang it. Now, let's try the claws, Shadow Claw, crap. All right, bombs, Seed Bomb, Egg Bomb. Let's move on (laughs). Anchor Shot, Scale Shot? No, that's an Island of Armor one and it's not in here, dang it. All right, let's move on to kicks, Double Kick, Blaze Kick. Well, let's move on to attacks, Multi Attack. Let's get dances, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance, Revelation Dance. That's an obscure one. Hoo boy, this is challenging. Oh, Freeze Shock. I have an enormously long hanger on my shirt right now. Freeze Shock, there we go. Isn't there like a, no. Storm, Shadow Storm, nope, not counting next D moves then. Ah seed, Leech Seed, Worry Seed. The Metronome MML stuff certainly helps with that. Cross Chop, I said Caross Chop, karate caross. Let's get the guards, Wide Guard, Quick Guard. That's all I got. Waves, let's get Sludge Wave. Are there any other fangs I'm missing? Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Thunder Fang. Oh, the Psychic, oh, I type Psy and that added several, Psychic Fang, Psychic, there we go, thank you. It cut it off for like Psywave and Psych up. Heavy Slam is a slam. Stun Spore, all right. Let's get some of the powers, Huge Power. Oh, that's an ability. Super Power, oh, Super Fang, of course. Well, I have, the power is one of the longest categories on this list and I don't have any other than Super Power. Oh, Aurora Beam is a beam one. Okay, I got that in there. Oh, Fiery Dance is another dance move. Energy Ball was a ball move. Wind, there's that many moves with wind in the name? Can think of Razor Wind. I still don't have a single storm move or out move. Are they counting Z moves? Savage Spin. Spin, yes they are. Savage Spin-out, okay, that changes things. I don't even remember all of the Z moves and they probably have max moves too. So max, okay, they did not put in Max Guard so maybe there's not max moves here. I guess I can get Trick Room. Oh, they did Tri Attack, Trick Room and Wonder Room was the rooms. I can't think of the last spore, other than just Effect Spore. Let's do some of the up. I think of Work Up, Bulk up. I mean, I have less than half. Yikes, this is a hard one. So much tougher to remember moves. Oh, Sucker Punch is a punch. Oh, Steel Beam. No, is it Metal Beam? Oh, they gave me Metal Claw. Should I just try like the different types and see what it gets me? Water, fire, grass, electric. I think I already got thunder in there. Dark, I got Dark Pulse. Ha ha, this might work. Ghost, I got psychic, fairy, oh, Fairy Wind. What are the other types? Bug? Nope, that doesn't work. Other types? Rock. Okay, rock got me several. Ground, sand, aha, it's working. Think of other types, Mikey. Dragon, already did that. Drake, nope. Ice, already put in ice. All right, what are the other types? Poison, I did that. Toxic, nope. Flame, fire, burn. I got Burn Out, ha ha. I can't believe I've only been able to remember one power move and two kicks. Oh, Triple Kick. I got Double Kick, you gotta remember Triple Kick. Low Kick, okay, okay. Oh, Parting Shot, that's one of 'em. Oh, Charge is a move in itself so I just had to put charge and that got me Charge Beam. Oh, Mega Punch and Mega Kick. Oh right, that's right, you only have to type mega once. Oh, Sand Storm. Oh, Rain Dance, that reminds me of Rain Dance. There we go. All right, I've officially gotten more than half. so that's good that I've gotten there. Have I gotten vine? Oh, Whip, there was, okay. I forgot about the Whip category so that's vine. What are some other words that commonly start attacks? Focus, Mist, Ball, Mist Ball, that's a move. Misty, nope, soul, stone, solid, iron, I already did that. Icicle. No, there's no spear or crash here. Quake. Oh, ah, dang it. Wimp Out, no, that's an ability. No, oh man, two minutes left. I got more than halfway but, wow, this is hard. Let's think of more waves, Sludge Wave, I have that (chuckles). Oh, Parabolic Charge. Okay, I got that. What other wind ones, shot ones? (groans) This is so difficult. Oh, Outrage. Did it just add a new line to that bottom and it didn't fill that one gap? Wait, what? Did you see that at the bottom? It just added a fourth row when I typed Outrage. Why did it, what? That was weird. Okay, anyways, only 30 seconds left. Oh, Ooh, Arrow Blast. Okay, I got another blast in there and there's one more fang I don't have. Oh, Hyper Fang, there we go. Oh, Hyper Beam. Oh, I'm an idiot. Okay, well I think we're about to, I'm about to be humbled. 58%, I did better than average. Oh my God, okay. Yeah, there are a lot of these that I'm like, ah, yes, that exists. Tectonic Rage, okay, that's a Z move, I never would have remembered that. Air Slash and Night Slash, those are common moves. Mike, what are you doing? Cotton Spore, Body Slam, Shell Smash, Bullet Seed, Diamond Storm, Leaf Storm, Magma Storm, Venoshock, Cotton Guard, Safeguard, okay, Mud Slap, Wake Up Slap, Fake Out, Roll Out, Ring Out, okay. Well, Thousand Waves, okay. There is a lot of these on here where I'm like I should have remembered that but most of the ones I did not get, I probably should have remembered. The power one, I really failed on. Ancient Power, Comic Power, Earth Power, Hidden Power, High Horsepower, Nature Power, Secret Power, Stored Power, I know what all of those moves do and did not remember any of them. That was a rough category. But where, are there some obscure ones in here? Moongeist Beam, I wouldn't have remembered that. I have never used Lunala. I know it's Lunala's move, but I just, I wouldn't have remembered that. What are some other ones I never would've gotten? Beak Blast, never would have remembered that. I'm looking for signature moves basically. Speed Swap, ah, I had all the other stats, I couldn't remember Speed Swap. Origin Pulse, probably would not have remembered that. Diamond Storm, wouldn't have gotten that. Oh, Powder is its own move. Ah, I should have remembered to type that, okay, yeah. This one was hard but I got above average. So I feel like that, I got substantially above average. So I feel like that's a win, sort of. Okay, so this one is interesting. So there's a Pokemon for every letter of the alphabet and each one meets certain specifications. Right, okay, so that's not true. So it's like, there's this many Pokemon that meet this specification. This looks tough because it does not evolve or it is not an evolution of another Pokemon, like, that's a lot. It's a normal, dragon, or ground type Pokemon. Oh boy, this'll be hard. I think let's finish with a tough one, yeah. Let's finish with a tough one 'cause I got progressively, progressively worse. Before I start, is there one that's like, okay, a Johto starter. It's a legendary Pokemon is there twice. So the Johto, when was this updated last? 2015, okay. So that helps. 2015 means that it's gen V and earlier because gen VI didn't come out till, no, no, no, no, I'm getting my years mixed up. It's gen VI and earlier 'cause gen VII didn't come out until 2017. Let's go for it. So it's a Johto starter, so let's try Cyndaquil. Oh, what? Oh, so D, it's a legendary Pokemon, so like Dialga. I understand, okay, this is easier than I thought it was gonna be. It's name consists of eight letters. A-M-B-I-P-O-M, nope. We'll come back. What's a steel type? Bastiodon, oh, okay, I see now. The first two letters of its name are E-X. Okay, so Excadrill is one of them. I understand now. It's an evolution of a starter Pokemon. Oh, it has to start with the letter of that particular, it's an evolution of a starter Pokemon, G, so Grotle. There we go. It's only a water Pokemon that starts with F. Finneon, okay, I got this. A Pokemon's name that starts with A, oh, there's not much time on this, okay. It's a dual type Pokemon that starts with I. Ooh, why can I only think of Illumise? Let's move on, a ground type Pokemon, Mamoswine. It's not a rock type Pokemon that starts with O. Oh, now all I can think of is Onix. It's a flying type Pokemon. Okay, Kadabra is the K one. It's a psychic type Pokemon that starts with J, Jinx. Seven dual type Pokemon that start with I, there's only seven. It's a fire type and/or a dark type. Houndour is both. There you go. I'll scroll down a little bit. It's a dual type Pokemon, one being water, Primarina. Oh, this does have gen VII. It's not a water type Pokemon that starts with Q. Why is Qwilfish the first one? An electric type that starts with R, Raichu. Qwilfish, Quilava. There we go. It's a ground type Pokemon that starts with S. Sandaconda? Oh, this is updated. All right, makes my life easier. I still don't have the A. A without, A-L-A-K-A-Z-A-M, Alakazam fits. All right, we can scroll down from there now. A dual type Pokemon that starts with I. Why can't I think of any Pokemon that start with the letter I other than Illumise, which is not a dual type, it's just bug, right. Yes, that is correct. It does not evolve. Oh, a Torkoal. A normal dragon or ground type Pokemon. That's Vibrava is one of those that brought, yep. Okay, the E is easy. It's name has an, oh, it has to start with, duh, it has to start with W. Weavile but you spell it wrong. Oh, Weedle, there you go. It's a legendary Pokemon that starts with X, Xerneas. It's an evolution of another Pokemon that starts with Y. Well, let's get the normal Zigzagoon in there. It's an evolution of another Pokemon that starts with U. A flying type Pokemon that starts with N, Noibat. There we go. Its name does not have an A in it, Ludicolo. It's a dual type Pokemon that, the I, I fricking can't get that one. (sighs) Oh, Infernape, there we go, all right. I finally got it. I remembered the letter I. It's not a rock type, evolution of another Pokemon starts with U. I can't remember any Pokemon whose name starts with U. That would be helpful. Oh, Unfezant, there we go. A legendary, oh, wait, I already put that. It's an evolution of another Pokemon that starts with Y. Yamper? No Yveltal? No. There's only one, that's hard. Seven rock type, not rock type Pokemon, oh wow. That, I'm failing on this O one and the Y one is just one. I gotta get the O one. There's seven different Pokemon I can think of, come on. And all I can think of is Onix. The only Y Pokemon I can think of are Yungoos, Yamper, and Yveltal. Yeah, wow, I can't believe I'm not gonna be able to think of a single Pokemon whose name starts with O that's not a rock type. Oh, Octillery, Oddish, Oshawott, Oricorio, Oranguru, yep. Yanmega, okay. Well, I was close. I got way better than the average. That's what we're going for, right. All right guys, that's where I'm gonna to wrap it up for this video. Thank you guys so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon who are helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. And if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So, till next time, Pokefans, you gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,209,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, quiz, pokemon quiz, sporcle, sporcle quiz, pokemon trivia, hardest pokemon quiz, pokemon challenge
Id: 2xn0klvzk3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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