Can These Pokémon Breed?! (Quiz)

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greetings spooky fans michael here and welcome to candy's pokemon breed a pokemon quiz show that will test our contestants knowledge of pokemon matchmaking let's meet our contestants now our first one is wolfie more widely known as wolfy vgc wolfie you are a world champion in pokemon battling meaning you're an expert in having pokemon battle against each other but how would you say your knowledge is of having pokemon join together yeah thank you for having me you know this is a little known fact but before i was a pokemon world champion i was actually a world champion of love so i think i'm probably gonna do pretty well today that is wonderful to hear wolfie and our next contestant is john more widely known as pm7 you and i have made many videos over the years so i'm sure you have quite the expertise in pokemon matchmaking is that correct what now what are we answering in the show those are our contestants today who will be competing for the grand prize a plushie of mighty my new mascot that is available for you all at linked in the description below but only for a limited time i've never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life i agree gentlemen if you would like to win this mighty plushie you win by scoring the most points there will be different ways to score points as the quiz show goes on but in round one i will be listing a pair of pokemon and you tell me yes they can breed or no they cannot you will get one point per correct answer but if you fall behind here don't worry too much there will be higher point earning opportunities as we go on alright the first pair of pokemon in round one is like a tongue and flaffy i'm gonna say yes i'm gonna say it i think they can breed on principle no heavens no i i disagree i think they're both in the field two egg group i don't think uh liquor tongue frolics through fields wolfie if it's not in the fields not in the swamp you spend too much time in the battle stadium you haven't gone out and caught up with guitar how dare you go and glicky talk of all pokemon how dare you all right wolfie you said yes and john you said no are those your final answers yes final all right that is going to be 1.4 wolfie lick a tongue and flaffy can breed because they are both in the monster egg group frolicking in the field yeah flaffy is a monster it's a sheep wait hold on don't look anything up i don't want you cheating here good sir haha it is i grunty boy and i need your help very well i suppose we can take a quick commercial break so i got this home try on kit from the sponsor of this video warby parker warby parker offers eyeglasses sunglasses contact lenses and eye exams so you can have happier and more stylish eyes you can shop both online and in stores and glasses start at 95 including prescription lenses seems great tell me more about this home try on kit it's this really cool thing where you can order five pairs of glasses to try on totally for free at home they'll ship it to you for free and it includes a free return shipping label that sounds fantastic it's really convenient to be able to try on your glasses at home while shopping online so what's your problem oh there's no problem i just wanted to try them on with you so i could get your opinion you are a pillar of style after all oh well flattery will get you everything go ahead number one yes number two maybe number three no number four yes on others but doesn't fit your vibe and number five best one of all of them perfect thanks pal you are a fountain of wisdom if you want to try this for yourself you can try five pairs of glasses at home for free at warbyparker.commjtv linked in the description below now i'm off to return this and get my permanent pairs tata round one question two octillory and tentacruel this is this is a trap this is a trick question because they are similar opposites attract not similar so they are gonna it would squid away from each other and no sir no siree i also think no here i think there's like three water egg groups what do you take us for fools yeah no way i'm voting no on this one all right you both said no final answers yes yes all right you are both correct artillery is in the water one and water two egg group while tentacruel is only in water three i hate egg groups you are on the wrong show then round one question three huntail and audino huh i don't think one of those two is even a pokemon hun tale uh what is this you speak of until i feel like there's no way i'm gonna say no for this one i this feels like a trick question and i feel like the answer is yes but i'm gonna say no digimon can't breed with pokemon it's a no you're both correct they cannot oh you freaked me out for the curveball round one question four drapion and cersket good sir i don't know how this works i refuse to find out how it works but unfortunately i think it's yes the problem is i also think it's yes i'm pretty sure there's like a bug egg group i'm not positive i'm gonna say yes as well yes from both of you final answers world champion thinks drapion's a bug type i'm really rethinking a lot of things but i think i'm sticking with my answer but but but score a piece bug so that's not because the the baby form isn't it would be in the butt what did you what did you say the baby forms groupie baby yeah the baby yeah like like you know you get pregnant for nine months then you have a baby i apologize i had a bit of a lapse in brain power there anyways you've already locked in your final answer john what is your final answer last time i thought wolfy was gonna go for a bug move apparently he forgot bugs existed and then he went and six owed me so i'm gonna go with him this time because whenever he doesn't know what a bug is he's right somehow you're both correct they can breed they're both in the bug egg group i knew it i knew drapio was a bug all right round one question five hitmonlee and hariyama uh so there's a human egg group for sure and i feel like feels like they should be able to but i'm gonna say no i don't know why but i feel like one of them is in the field and one of them the human one well last question brought me up to losing a championship against wolfie hariyama makes me think i'm losing it to a championship against my good friend nick i'm in a box of emotions but i'm going with the opposite one whatever wolfy said nay i take the other stance all right so wolfie you said no and john you're saying yes is that correct yay yes that's correct with me all right the one who gets the point for this round is john wow they are both in the human-like egg group hitmonlee is male only though which means they can only make a baby makuhita abby baby baby sorry round one question six magmar and cachnia [Music] no i've lived among the cacti before and an evil fire duck would burn them down and the heavens know i'm pretty sure magmar is also in the human egg group and i don't think cacmie is so i'm gonna go no you are both incorrect magmar and cacnea are both in the human like egg group ah cacnea is not human-like round one question seven metagross and bronzong i said no my first thought is no because one is a spaceship and one is a bell it doesn't make sense but if it doesn't make sense but the pokemon world doesn't make sense they make baby yes the point goes to wolfy both metagross and bronzong are genderless meaning they can only breed with ditto that there's my vgc knowledge coming into play i knew it would come in handy at some point round one question eight aerodactyl and charizard uh i have no idea on this one no this is easy uh dragons are prehistoric creatures and they would eat nights like wolfy and then aerodactyls from a prehistoric age it would also eat wolfy i don't want to think about eating wolfy so i'm going to say no here no from wolfy yes from john final answers yep yes the point goes to wolfy aerodactyl is only in the flying egg group while charizard is in both monster and dragon i'm sending one to eat you mr host man no i don't make the biology rules good sir i simply test your knowledge of them round one question nine del caddy and pachari sue uh yield egg group sure i'll say yeah if i flip enough coins heads will be correct eventually i'm going yes again you are both correct el cady and patrice are actually double compatible they are both in the field and both in the fairy egg groups the final question of round one rillaboom and pharaoh thorn that sounds like it would be painful no i think this is where i i dropped the the no answer i i mean they're both they're both grass creatures but i don't no baby no i'm gonna say yes because i'm i'm not really i'm not in a mood where i'm feeling very warm towards willow boom so so for my for my own purposes i'm gonna say yes all right yes from wolfie no from john no i'm going i'm going with wolfie that man that means he was spited and he lost and him losing gives me a chance to win in the future wait so are you are you so are you taking my answer yeah i'm taking your answer okay i want jonathan to then this is the ultimate switch i knew he would copy me so i decided i thought the job was right the whole time oh no so i'll go no in that case oh so we have a wait what are your final answers he still probably lost a willow boom recently so i'm going with yes and i'll take no that means the point goes to john they are both in the plant and group double sadness insult and injury so the scores after round one are very close wolfie with seven and john with six it's now time for round two the format of the questions will be the same but for each correct answer you'll get two points wow two is bigger than one you guys are pillars of wit round two question one riolu and baniri i'm gonna say no easy yes the two points go to wolvie i'm pretty sure baby pokemon can't breed i'm like 90 sure you are correct ryolu is technically a baby pokemon which i have never understood it's technically a baby pokemon which i've never understood but it is one so two points to wolfie round two question two greninja and dragonite no i i don't think a frog would uh spend too much time with the mailman in the sky so i'm tough because i like what dragonite is obviously in the dragon egg group but it could be it could be in either the flying or the monster egg group and greninja could also be in the monster egg group so i'm gonna say yes because i i feel like there's a monster overlap here ninja and dragonite the points go to wolfie but not for the reason you thought they are both in the water one egg group why because it comes out of a whirlpool and pokemon snap i should have known round two question three torchic and slacking uh i'm gonna say yes my gut was no because it's so obviously different that you would think no but then you'd think well he's tricking us so it's a yes but i think you're on a different plane of thinking michael i think you are above that and you are ready for the switcheroo so with all of that i'm predicting your prediction with the prediction of predicting so what did i say again you said no i said yes that yep uh-huh that's yeah the points go to wolfy they are both in the field egg group round two question four execute and sligoo [Music] oh wait wait wait but you can't spell okay wait i'm gonna blow both your minds are you ready okay absolutely not i'm not ready you can't spell sligoo without gg but you also can't spell execute without gg so i'm gonna say yes oh that's so good he's so smart oh this is tough because i don't want to steal his his spotlight and go with him but he's also uh smacking my bottom repeatedly and i i only liked a few of those that was quite the exciting mental image he says you know i was thinking yes in the beginning so you know what maybe he's just agreeing with me that's how i lie to myself you are both incorrect they cannot execute is only in grass and sligoo is only in dragon oh round two question five blissy and i'll creamy i hate both these pokemon oh this is yes nah blissey doesn't feel that group i'm saying no wolfie no john yes final answers yep yes points go to [Music] i was wolfie it because of the fairy group he literally got it wrong oh my god blissey and all creamy are in fact both in the fairy egg group but both of them are female only oh why is all creamy female only it's a dessert before we move on to the next half of round two if you want to be in the coolest egg group of all of them the subscribe to m j tv egg group you can subscribe now and turn on notifications you're going to jail no i'm not subscribed to msjtv that is anyways round two question six macargo and boldore oh this is even worse than ferrothorn and rillaboom i don't like this one how is this worse than pharaoh thorne and willowboom cause they're rocks they're rocks they're both rocks what mikey thinks about in his spare time is what he thinks about in his spare time i'm gonna say no i don't like this one i side with you mikey don't worry yes i'm with you okay well the points go to wolfie i never support m and jc i learned my lesson's a tough way today macargo is only in the amorphous egg group while boulder is only in the mineral egg group round two question seven kangaskhan and agron yes a hundred percent they can totally totally yes i'm super confident john so you should definitely not copy my answer it's 100 yes i was confident of yes but i've been wrong on every single one and you've been right but you're almost never right because you actually know the answer you're only right when you think wrongly so you're confident so it has to be no yes from wolfy no from john final answers yep yes sure the points go to wolfie they're both in mine monster yeah i knew this one i knew this one for sure round two question eight polti geist and dust glops no because the last one was too good to be true and this one it seems too good to be true because they're most spooky boys but instead it's no they're they're spooky spooks i actually think this one's snow as well i'm going with john on this one oh no you both get the points polti geist is genderless oh round two question nine archeops and star you ah what no no no no no no no no definitely no no no no no from both of you i'm i'm switching wolfie's answer to yes but no for me it's i'm pretty sure staryu is genderless i'm gonna say no i'm pretty sure wolfy's answer is the ass minus now okay so you both said no final answer yes it's no that is correct for both of you is stario genderless it is and i actually i i made a mistake and i put down yes and then you said it was generous and i was like oh wait he's right i i wrote it down because both of them are in the water three egg group for some reason genderless pokemon have egg groups why is archeops you said archaeops right archaeops is in the water three egg group that is the single biggest crime that i've heard today that has to be like a labeling error the final question of round two but this is not the final question of the show so there's still a chance for john to come back round two question 10 crobat and decidueye i know the answer all right though because i don't know the answer so i don't want you to think i'm copying you okay so this is tricky because like crobat obviously and just enjoy the most bird based i feel like deciduous gonna be in the flying egg group or something dumb i'm gonna say yes i'm gonna say no because the last answer was supposed to be yes but he done goofed up and they were supposed to be so opposite and it's yes this one they're so similar so it's no nothing to do with the pokemon i'm trying to get inside the mind of the test maker which is the worst strategy anyone could ever use when taking a test all right so yes from wolfie no from john final answers yep yeah the points go to wolfy they're both in flying going into round three wolfy has a sizeable lead of 25 points to john's 10. however round three could tip the scales because it is the final round and has a maximum point opportunity equal to both of the rounds before added together not that i need that oh buddy it's okay round three is one question with 10 correct answers and our contestants will get three points for each correct answer meaning a total possible maximum of 30 points are you gentlemen ready as i'll ever be born ready born as a baby ready all right here is the final question the undiscovered egg group consists of pokemon that cannot breed under any circumstances not even with ditto the group is primarily made up of legendary and baby pokemon but there are 10 pokemon that are neither legendary nor baby name as many of those as you can and you may list up to 10. as a bit of a hint three of the answers are variations of pokemon species that normally can breed you have one minute ready go [Music] and time's up gentlemen wolfie would you like to list your answers first okay uh number one minior number two ditto question mark uh number three stone journer number four now this is a good one unknown maybe is that a legendary i don't know maybe number five komala it's a pokemon so that means the first criteria and it's always asleep so i think it probably can't breed uh i would hope not otherwise pokemon you're gonna have some explaining to do okay but here's where the big boys come in number six ash greninja that's a pokemon pretty sure can't breed number seven eternal flowet the event pokemon with light that light of ruin probably can't breathe that's not special uh the very magna zone pretty sure this guy can breathe but i think he shouldn't be able to um number nine this one might be right criagonal it might be able to breed but it might also not have a gender i don't know uh number 10 unfaizant because that thing shouldn't even exist and i want it to go extinct i agree with you there buddy okay john your turn i wrote my answers on a pink weekly planner cute i just wanted the audience to know first one is rotom if this is if if rodem doesn't count and you're counting rotom is the appliance i'll kill you just in case you screwed me on the first one i put zenmo darmanitan i didn't understand what you meant by forms if i'm correct there this one can't breed if that's not what you meant i was confused porygon i was running out of ideas but then i had a second wind and put unknown minior and criagonal three things wolfy put so they're not gonna help me if they're right i put hail form cast form to put you in a box all right no it was gonna be to make you happy oh put me in a box put me in a box normally has negative connotations we gotta force you to give me a point hell yeah that's not how that works but anyways i don't like this guy i wish he washy school formed don't know how these form things work pukamuku and pinchurchen they are pretty similar and i forget they exist constantly all right i have the points tallied the correct list is cosplay pikachu i thought it was a pikachu but i couldn't remember what pikachu was cap pikachu nidorina and neato queen which is one breed they cannot it's really weird a neato king can breed with a nidoran female but not need arena or nidoqueen it's very ironic i hate that yeah unknown battle bond greninja ashkarnaj i said that you did so that earned you points yeah and then the last four wolfie you might be upset about this dracazolt arc dissolved dracovish and arctivis i almost wrote dragofish just because i liked it but i thought i couldn't remember i could i couldn't remember i thought that you could read them though nope you you cannot they don't let abominations reproduce so with two correct answers from wolfie that brings his point total to 31 and with one from john that brings his to 13. oh look at that like a little palindrome congratulations wolfie you are the winner of can these pokemon breed which means you will be receiving a mighty plush to call your very own but for those of you who weren't able to compete today if you want to get your own for a very limited time linked in the description below thank you so much to both of our contestants and that is all i have for now until next time yeah gotta catch them all
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 947,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, gen 9, guess the pokemon, pokemon quiz
Id: -XTTs-j7HQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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