PokéTuber Reacts to Beating Emerald With Only Castform

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- Greetings Pokefans, Michael here, and earlier this year, I made a video where I attempted to beat Pokemon Alpha Sapphire with only one of my favorite Pokemon, that is not very well endowed in the stat department, Castform! Hell yeah! There were multiple reasons I chose to do that challenge in Alpha Sapphire, but one of the biggest ones is that it's a generation where TMs do not break. What that means is that I could change my Castform's move set to have it specialize in a particular weather that differed depending on the boss battle. So for example, I fought Flannery with rain, Wallace with sun, and Drake with hail. Yeah. But then I became aware of someone else who did a Castform solo run challenge, but in an older game where TMs do break and therefore changing the move set up is not so easy. That challenge is "Can I beat Pokemon Emerald with only Castform?" by Mah-Dry-Bread. I've been watching Mah-Dry-Bread's Pokemon play through challenges for a while. And he does ones that are a lot harder than the ones I attempt, because I like it when things are fun. And I asked permission to make a reaction video to his Castform video, and he graciously said yes. So make sure to subscribe to Mah-Dry-Bread, link to his channel will be in the description below. And he does very regular Pokemon challenges. So, if you don't like how infrequent mine are, there you go. I have seen many of Mah-Dry-Bread challenges, but I have not seen the Castform one. So I'm excited to check it out and I'm just gonna be reacting to seeing how he's able to pull it off, if he is. So, without further ado, don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Since 60% of my viewers are not subscribed, which is a hell no moment. And let's dive into my reaction to "Can I beat Pokemon Emerald with only Castform?" All right, here we go. Oh wait, no, here we don't go. I need my gamer goggles, hell yeah! And every time I film something with these glasses, I don't notice that they're dirty during the day, but with all of the filming lights, it like, makes all the little bits of not cleanliness on there much more noticeable and I like, have to clean them before every single video I film wearing them. Side note, if you're someone watching this video who happens to be working for the company that makes these glasses, just hit a brother up for some sponsorship stuff, you know, if you want to. Okay, now I'm ready to go. I'm going to hit play. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Hey everyone, Mah-Dry-Bread here. Pokemon Red with only one Beedrill was a really weird one. So let's- - Pokemon Red with only Beedrill? Oh, that doesn't sound- Wait, that says Butterfree! Oh, that's the nickname. Okay, (laughs) that was a moment. I haven't done any play through challenges in gens one or two yet, because I started Pokemon in gen three. And so, gen three is like the oldest Pokemon I'm used to. So whenever I play through gen one or two, I'm like, this is so old. The Pokemon box is terrible. How did people live like this? - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Let's do one that I've been getting requested nonstop for a whole year now. Today's the day that we finally figure out, would I be able to beat Pokemon Emerald with a team of only one Castform? Castform's stats are actually- - Wow, a year! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Pretty good by the standards of the Pokemon I usually use on this show. - (laughs) Castform's stats are good compared to the Pokemon that I use, is not a sentence I think I've heard anyone say ever! Castform, I mean, that was something I realized when I was doing my challenge, is that early game Castform is the strongest Pokemon. But then as you get into the later parts of the game, yeah, it's not the strongest. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] 70 in each stat, making it a total of 420 base stats. You can make your own jokes. My level up- - Oh I did, trust me! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] As soon as he hits level 10. And after that, he has access to tons of weather moves and- - Okay, I didn't know this, yikes! (laughs) So I always thought Castform got hydro pump, blizzard, and fire blast by level up. I know it gets hurricane nowadays. I know it didn't always get that. Cause hurricane is not a gen three move. I was not aware it did not get hydro pump, fire blast, and blizzard. Like, wow that sucks. (laughs) This really will be a heck of a lot harder than the version I did! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And weather ball. So he's pretty usable. The TM move list is also very- - Pretty usable, okay. Well I'm just like, wow that's garbage! (laughs) And Mah-Dry-Bread is so used to using Pokemon like fricking Magikarp that he's like, "Wow, this is pretty decent!" (laughs) Also, one thing I should mention in my Castform challenge, I didn't go with weather ball at all, because I just, I completely forgot that using it under weather doubled its power. I thought weather ball only changed its type, but no, it becomes 100 base power if you use it under the weather, which was something that I was not aware of. So I'm sharing that with you now. That's why I didn't use weather ball in the original Castform play through, Cause I didn't know! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Very impressive, giving us even more type coverage by adding things like thunderbolt to our potential move list. - Castform's move set is not one of it's weak points! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Better than what I usually have to choose from. - Oh yeah! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] His main gimmick though, is his ability forecast. It makes him into a fire form during harsh sunlight, water form in the rain, and an ice form in hail. - Yeah! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Weather ball, that will get stronger and gain a new type along with the weather. This is actually really powerful. In fact, this might be- - News to me after I've posted mine! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] To be honest. Like always, I'm writing the script as I go through with the challenge. So, this part is being written before I've started. Everyone comment down below and guess if I can win or not. I'm pretty confident that I can beat this one. I don't wanna get too overconfident, but I think this will be an easy run. That's kind of why I put this off for so long. - So two things, Mah-Dry-Bread and I, despite the fact that we both do Pokemon play through challenge videos, clearly do it differently. (laughs) First off, the production process. And he writes it as he goes along, as you just said. I write the whole thing, I do the whole play through then I write the whole script, because then I can speckle in jokes and foreshadowing and stuff. I know literature. But also, I think it's so funny about our different scales of difficulty. (laughs) Like, he's confident this is gonna be easy compared to all the other ones that he's done. And he's not gonna use items in battle, if you see that at the top, which is something. And like, I'm just like, "No items in battle? "No!" (laughs) And I was like, "Castform solo run in gen three? Nay peasant, it's entirely too difficult "for a king such as myself!" Alternatively, you could interpret that as, "I'm a giant wimp!" Which honestly like, if you're calling me a wimp in regards to the difficulty level of Pokemon games I decide to play, I'm good with that. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Even though people have been asking for this nonstop since I started, let's explain the rules. In combat I can only use Castform. I'll need other Pokemon- - Standard. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] To use HMs, but I won't be allowed to use any of those Pokemon in battle. - As I did, yes. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] No glitches or exploits, no items in battle, only pokeballs, held items- (speakers drown each other out) - The no glitches or exploits, yes. I did my own Alfa Sapphire. I don't have a hacked 3DS, I don't know how I would have. But also the no items and battle is something that I have, yeah. Like I said, that seems too hard for a feeble simpleton such as myself. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] In combat are allowed. Also, if you enjoy this video, be sure to like, subscribe, and ring the bell for more. let's do this! - Same for my channel! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Use the universal Pokemon randomizer to replace Treecko with Castform, so we can do the whole run with it. I named him Mallow, because he's a cloud person. Our nature is hardy, so no- - Is that a reference? Mallow, cloud person? Is that just a reference to marshmallows being like clouds? Or is there a character Mallow in Pokemon? She's not, she's a grass type chef. This is either a reference I don't understand, or it's just marshmallows, clouds, similar things, not scientifically, but in appearance and apparent texture. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Changes. Our actual stats are almost perfectly even and we're at level five, so we only have tackle. We're normal type right now, so at least we get the same type attack bonus and then it level 10 we get a load of really useful early game moves. - Which is honestly, nice. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] The first main fight was a completely one sided beat down. First form starters aren't really gonna have the stats to handle us right now. - Yep! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Very quickly, we ply through the early trainers and when we're fighting one in the forest, we hit level 10 and learn water gun, ember, and powder snow. - Water gun, powder snow! Ember, coverage god! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] I can't even this good of type coverage in most of my Pokemon challenges. I actually ended up getting to Roxanne's rock gym at only level 11, lower than her Pokemon. Water gun brought her first Geodude to a sliver, but we got hit by rock tomb, lost speed and she used a potion to heal. We took her out on the follow up- - How's Nosepass gonna go? That's not four times weak. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Last is Nosepass though, and it's only rock type, so we aren't double super effective against it. We go shot for shot with water gun and tackle for ages. But because she has both an Oran Berry and a potion, we just get one hit away from taking her out. Considering I level up during the attempt though, I bet I'll win on the second try. - Oh, okay. See yeah, that's the tricky thing about the way Mah-Dry-Bread does challenges, is because no items in battle means he loses a lot more often. If you haven't watched my Castform video yet, please watch it. I like views. But a spoiler, I'm warning you now, this is a spoiler for my Castform video. So if you have not seen it, click off and go watch it now. Five, four, three, two, one. I beat it without even losing once. I did not lose a single battle in the entire time. But if I could not heal in battle, if I could not use in battle healing items, I absolutely would have, especially to like, that Vileplume and like overruled rain, so I was forced into being a water type in the rain against a grass type. Yeah, woulda lost that one. I healed a lot and that was the only reason I won that! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Both of the Geodudes this time and it actually levels me up to 13. Weirdly enough though, we actually do worse against Nosepass, because in the end, Roxanne used a second potion. On the very next attempt though, we ended up winning because she used one last rock tomb. So, we still got a fast win. Would you look at this, we're past the rock gym in an Emerald run and we're not level 25. (Michael laughs) Next up, I'm going to have to do either- - That's true, beat it under level! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Work towards the electric gym, but decided to try the fighting gym since it's worth experience for now. The electric gym is always really tough anyway. - Are you not worried about money though? - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We don't make it past Machop. - Okay, actually, I was just saying, so, he's attempting the fighting gym, knowing that he's probably gonna lose, because he wants the experience. And I'm sitting here thinking that's gonna lose you a lot of money, which is not great. But I guess if you're not using healing items in battle, you're not as strapped for cash. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Type until we can change the form with our weather. So, they do a lot of damage. I decided to go level up off the trainers on the beach until we can learn our first weather changing move. - Yeah, I did the same! I trained in (drowned out by other speaker) to get rain dance, make myself not- - [Mah-Dry-Bread] But rain dance is the only one I want right now. And I replaced water gun. I know it seems really weird cause I'm giving up one of the same type attack bonus moves with it. But this is a strategic choice for the long term. I won't need a water gun again until I get water ball at level 30, but I will need tackle to deal with the water types for a little while. Plus powder snow can freeze and ember can burn. Water gun is just water gun. Even after getting to- - So that's interesting. So, he kept only rain dance, which is what I did, but I kept water gun around. I don't recall, I think I might've deleted powder snow just because water and ice overlap a lot on what they're super effective, well, ground. (laughs) I feel like, wow what else is ice good against? Just re-watch my video. I explained my thought process in my video. And I don't remember it now. (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Level 20 and using rain dance though, I still can't beat Machop. We take far less damage, but we also have to keep wasting time keeping the rain going. I was hoping for good freezing- - I one shotted it with water gun! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] He thawed out the same turn. Cause that's just- - At like the same level, so. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Brawly used to potion. I'm gonna have to come back when I'm stronger or have a new move. Let's fight our water gun- - Water gun woulda worked! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] First is Wingull, so I tackle it twice to take it down. Second was a total tactical failure on my part, water gun was the first move to replace, but I should have done this fight. We have nothing that's affective against Combusken. We're weak against it if we don't make it rain and we do almost no damage with tackle. I'm probably just gonna be stuck grinding until level 30 when I can get weather ball. I decided that every two levels I gain, I'd try the fighting gym again. - Okay. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] At level 22, it's actually going really well. We do just the right amount of damage that Machop got taken out by the third hit with the crit. - Aw yes! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And his Meditite, I just kept using powder snow and tackle, easily getting us the win, because he was just using focus punch and failing due to the damage over and over. Last was Makuhita though, and his vital throws were way too strong and our powder snow was way too weak. We really didn't last long. - Wow, this is just, yeah, it's such a clearly, just such a different experience here. Cause when I did it in the Castform replaced Mudkip. I didn't hack in the Castform, but I just chose Mudkip and then got a Castform egg as soon as I possibly could. And so, my rival had Grovyle, so my Castform was just like, just beat it with Ember. Yeah, not having water gun to beat the Combusken is (laughs) yeah, I would agree on the tactical error part. But it's fine, there's a lot of video left. You'll be fine, I believe in you. But also I'm feeling pretty good that I be Brawly first try, you know, much easier game where I bred my Castform to have very good IVs and a modest nature. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] 24, the fight goes almost the exact same way. It's pretty frustrating that a large part of the fights luck is based on Machop at the start. At level 26, we do a little bit better, but it was mostly just because he didn't use vital throw as early. At least we are really close to getting a new move. - Believe in yourself Mallow! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] At level 26, this time not using rain dance and powder snow, instead just tanking the super effective hits and staying normal type so the tackle gets powered up by the same type attack bonus. We do much more damage and almost take him out, but we still end up going down. (Michael screams) I'm starting to think that at level 28 I can finally win this. - See, this is why I make challenges easier on myself than Mah-Dry-Bread does, because Mah-Dry-Bread is just like, "Oh, couldn't get it here." Like, how many times has he fought this freaking Makuhita? (laughs) Like, on the, I'm like, "God, that's so frustrating! "You still can't beat it!" And I'm not even doing it! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] At level 28 we get back to Makuhita, our tackles are doing way more damage than before and we easily take him out. It's crazy how a few stat points can completely change a battle this early in the game. It's a shame I had to level up eight times just for this one gym though. - Yeah, that's a lot of grinding. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] This time I'm just able to tackle my way through the entire fight, but not without taking a lot of damage in the process. Double kick mixed with focus energy for crits when we're still normal type is really rough to deal with. - Yeah. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] While fighting trainers in the electric gym, we finally hit level 30 and replace tackle with weather ball. It's a normal move with 50 power and 100 accuracy. - Yeah, yeah see, once again, if I knew about the power doubling thing. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Change his type accordingly. That means we have a 100 power water move with the same type of attack bonus because we'll change the water form. - Yeah, okay. Yeah, I know it's good. I didn't know about the doubling of power. I just didn't know, okay? I didn't know! I kept water gun, cause I was like, "Oh water gun, it's only like 10 base power points less and I don't have to set up the rain to use it and get water damage. And rain dance just has very little PP. That was my thought process, but it would have been stronger. It turned out fine, okay? Like I said, I didn't lose! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] For the fire gym. That'll be awesome. Electric gym time though. Water ball takes voltorb to a sliver as he hits us with spark, but he used a super potion, so we had to hit him two more times. Electrike is second. - What is weather ball's PP? Is it only 10? That was another draw back of that. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Ember does a small chunk of damage. We get paralyzed off- - It was so fast, I can't see! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We Ember again to bring him to a sliver, but he uses a super potion. - Now Watson's team is brutal in Emerald. All the paralysis is a lot. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So, we're below half health. Last is Manectric, but we failed an attack early from paralysis. So he quickly took us down with a few sparks. - Oh no! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Even if we weren't paralyzed, we might not have won that fight. Failing that, I decided to fight the trainers in the area and just try the fight again at whatever level that makes me end up at. It took a solid half hour, but we're now three levels higher. We know- - Good, yes! Good, use your power! Go Mallow, Go! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And paralysis us. But, he only gets one shockwave before we finish him. - Stupid Magneton! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Manectric actually ended up being pretty easy, because the way his health landed from our attacks, he never ended up using a super potion. Honestly, if not for that we would have lost. - Oh, spicy! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] The next story of the game is where I'm gonna have to both fight team Magma and then the fire gym. But considering we have rain dance and a water ball, I'm really not that worried. The Maxie fight starts- - He keeps calling it water ball! (laughs) Is it technically water ball when it's raining? Yeah, but, (laughs) I just think it's funny! I mean, it's water ball now! It's water ball currently. (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Attack, but we just made it rain and swept him easily with powder snow and weather ball. - Oh, he said weather ball that time! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Was a total sweep with weather ball once I started rain dance. - I'm such a jerk when it comes to like, "Ha ha, you said something wrong!" I do that to PokeMEN7 John all the time. Calls like, cause Doublade "do blade" and I'm just like, "It's double blade!" - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Usually this gym is really hard, so I'm happy that it went well. We have to get back to Petalburg city though. So on my way, I picked up the root fossil. I knew that if I didn't say what I took, you'd all ask, actually now that I think about it, everyone ask anyway, comments are good for the YouTube algorithm. Next is the normal- - They don't actually matter that much. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] I start my rain dance right away as Spinda confused us- - I mean they're good, yes. But it's not much of an effect. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We still hit our weather ball for a one shot. Vigoroth also got one shot by weather ball. - Yes, go! Oh god, belly drum Linoone! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] But, because all he did was belly drum- - Ah, terrible memories! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Confusion, and finished him. - Oh, oh, oh you got it! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] The rain stopped, so I just rain danced again. He wastes his turn using counter, so on the turn where he can't attack due to his truant ability- - Oh, that's so much damage! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Seeing as he's just spamming counter, I just use rain dance on the turns where he can attack, and he goes down very, very easily. - That's how you beat Slaking. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] With that done, we get surf and I decided to go straight to the abandoned ship. - Ice beam? - [Mah-Dry-Bread] The areas really small. - No ice beam, you need dive. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] At all required, so I usually don't even go here, but it's really easy to get the TM for ice beam here. And ice beams are awesome! - Oh no! I'm misremembering things! Yep there's ice beam! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] At some point, I just wanted to get it early. While we're on the TM hunt, I also shut off the generator in the New Mauville power plant. - Thunderbolt! You get thunderbolt so much earlier in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, than ORAS. In ORAS, you can't get the Thunderbolt TM until after you stopped the Groudon or Kyogre, which is like, man, it was so nice to be able to get it so early in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Freaking ORAS is like, "No, the move is too powerful, you must wait!" Wait until I have seven badges and the legendary? Like, come on! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Then gen three, since so many major trainers love water type Pokemon. This'll probably carry us through some really awful fights. So on our way North, we have to do the weather institute battles. They're so easy that I never bring them up, but because we get a free Castform from it, I thought it'd be funny to show you. Sure we can't use this Castform. But she was still really helpful. She was holding mystic water. It buffs her water moves- - That's true! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Power by 10% in this game. So I move it to Mallow- - That's true. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] To power up hi weather ball during the rain even more. After that- - Mallow's like, "Thank you sister, "I will take your mystic water power." (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] May fight, and this is usually a really easy one, but it's always raining here and she actually resists water really well. - Oh yeah, the always raining stuff! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Absolutely, insanely bad confusion luck. I actually almost lose, even though she's just using lame moves like- - So, I think, so the thing with like, the rain on some of these routes near Fortree that it's actually dependent on the time of day and like, the day of the week. But with like, if you're playing, I believe, if you're playing on a ROM, the like, it doesn't have, like on an emulator, it doesn't have the in game clock thing. And so, it's like, whatever it decides it is, it just always is. So that's why it's always raining. It's like with that, with Shoal Cave, you like, can't properly like, make the tide change. Cause like the DS emulators, they will just take the clock time on your computer. But at least in my experience, the game boy advance emulators can't do the same. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Like absorb, but we do get the wind on the first try. The flying gym is next, but naturally it was a totally one sided beat down. - Oh yes! Go Castform! Go Castform! Go Castform! Yes! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] The team Magma leader Maxie. - Don't you just love seeing Castform one-sidedly defeat everything? It's fantastic! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Pokemon, so he doesn't really stand a chance. Next is the psychic gym, it is a mandatory double battle. So, I filled out the team with Magikarp. Right away I make it rain as our Magikarp goes down. - That's that Magikarp. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And we get hit by earthquake. I then use the water weather ball to one shot Claydol so he can't sit around earthquaking us forever. - Good call! Claydol's a problem! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And Xatu finished the round by setting up sunny day, turning us into a fire type. - Oh boy! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] I've decided to ice beam Xatu. - There's the first sun version! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] As he uses calm mind. Solrock nails us with psychic and we're at half health. Then they hyper potion Xatu, so our next ice beam couldn't finish him off and we got hit by psychic again, even losing special defense. - Yeah, double battles in solo runs are hard! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Finishes off Xatu, but Lunatone came out and one last psychic finished us. This is always a brutal fight. - Yeah, especially if you can't heal in battle. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Sunny day by making it rain again. I got farther, since I could take out Solrock and Lunatone, but by the time I did, Xatu had powered up his special attack so much- - Ooh, multiple calm minds! (groans) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] I try one more time, this time replacing ember with thunderbolt, just in case I can get paralysis to stick. I did the same opener to deal with Claydol and this time is Xatu didn't use sunny day. So I instantly took out Solrock with a water weather ball. - Yes. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Xatu made it sunny the next round, so I switched to thunderbolt and hit Xatu as their whole team was just using calm mind. (Michael groans) The second thunderbolt took out Xatu, I made it rain to switch back to water and he was still just using calm mind. So I brought it to red health with weather ball. He used calm mind again, and I finished him off. - Yes, go Castform! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Last, before the final gym, we have our one fight with team Aqua's leader Archie, but he's just Maxie with a water type. So, Thunderbolt was great. (Michael laughs) Finally, on to the water gym. Luvdisc is a one shot with thunderbolt. And second is Whiscash, first ice beam for solid damage, but he uses amnesia. So, I switched to weather ball for a physical attack. Earthquake hurts a bit. - Oh, I didn't even think about that! Yeah, weather ball, if it's like, if it's the sandstorm or no weather version it's not a special attack. Fascinating! When I fought Wallace, I just like, was like, "The sunlight!" Cause I really hadn't gotten to use the sun much and I wanted to use it. So, I was just like solar beam, solar beam, solar beam! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Potion, so it took three more weather balls to end him. Sealeo survived thunderbolt with a sliver, hit us down to 26 health. - You jerk! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Then we finished it. Crawdaunt was a one shot and last is Kingdra. Ice beam did a bit- - Oh, I hate this Kingdra so much! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] As he used double team. (Michael groans) The second ice beam hit again to bring him to low health. - Screw you Juan! Screw you Juan and your dumb Kingdra! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Then we finished him off with one last hit. - Oh, you got him, no he didn't. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Last, before the Elite Four, is the Wally fight. Altaria is double week to ice, so one ice beam took it out. - Yep. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Second, is Delcatty who missed us, so we had to take him out in two hits. Third, is Magneton. Ice beam isn't doing much, but the second one freezes it solid, so it only hit us once. - Ooh, ice, ice, baby! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And last, is Gardevoir. Thunderbolt does decent damage. - How much time is left in this video? Wow! The league is a lot of this video! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Lets off a future sight. Our second one paralyzes him. But because of the synchronize ability, we got paralyzed as well. Then for the rest of that round and the whole two following rounds, we were both fully paralyzed. That's five actions in a row. I've never seen that before. - Wow, that is crazy! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So we took damage, but we attack next round and just finished him off. That was nuts! Let's take a look at our stats before we try the Elite Four. They're really not that bad for level 57- - You're only 57? - [Mah-Dry-Bread] But they are far from great. The Emerald Elite Four is usually quite a bit harder than the Elite Four in gens one or two. So I don't think I can get away with winning at this low of a level. - Yeah, I don't think so either! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Just to see how I do, but I don't expect to get very far without at least a few more levels. Last chance to guess if we can win or not. Let's do this! - Yeah, no! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] First is dark trainer Sidney. Right away we use thunderbolt on Mightyena, but get hit by sand-attack- - The highest level in the league is higher than you and you're just a Castform! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Of our health and we finish it with another thunderbolt. Sand-attack is the worst. Shiftry hangs on from red health from ice beam, but gets frozen solid. But they just use full restore, so don't celebrate yet. Another two ice beams hit though, so it does go down. Cacturne dodges the first ice beam and hits us with cotton spores to slow us down. - Oh, slow Mallow. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] When we were hitting ice beam. - Mal-slow! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Faint attack brings our health down even more as we finish him off and we're in pretty rough shape. Crawdaunt is next and we could totally one shot him, but he ended us. Considering this was my luckiest of 20 different attempts. Thanks to sand-attack. We cannot win this without better stats. - Yep! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] I'll try again at level 60. I still got sand-attack- - I was right! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] This time we didn't miss the followup, So we're still healthy. - Mine was like, over, mine was a lot healthier! (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] A second one hit to bring him into red health. - Higher level. Well also healthier, cause I used in game healing items. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So, he's healthy again. Interestingly enough, our next ice beam ended up one shotting him. He must've been in a damage range. Cacturne was a one shot. - Oh yes! I love when you surprise one shot things. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Last is Absol, but thunderbolt missed and we got hit with a weak rock slide. Our second thunderbolt missed again as he used swords dance. And finally, our third one hit for decent damage. Rock slide did a lot more damage this time thanks to swords dance. I hit weather ball for a solid chunk of damage, as he slashed all the way down to red health before we finally finished him- - Believe in yourself! Yeah! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Second is ghost trainer, Phoebe. - You did it! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] First, is Dusclops who spams protect and has pressure to ruin our power points. - Why turn into the rain here? - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So, I just used rain dance as she protects. - You stay normal! - If you stay normal, they can't touch you with the ghost moves! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Second try worked and we take her down. The first Banette is a one shot with weather ball, but on the second one, the rain stops, so I try to ice beam- I guess it is more powerful. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] She missed Will-o-wisp and I ice beamed again for a critical hit, taking her out. Sableye- - I used shadow ball (laughs) to beat Phoebe. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] As it hardly hurts us with faint attack. We hit it again to take it to a sliver. She uses double team, then she healed. We hit two more ice beams to bring it to a sliver again. - Double team's the worst! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We got crit with faint attack to lose most of our health. Then she healed again. We crit to bring it back to red health. Then we miss thunderbolt, got hit, missed ice beam and finally finished it off. Naturally, the final Dusclops easily took us out. Once again, things like double team and sand-attack are super frustrating to fight against in a single Pokemon challenge. - If it's not 100% accurate, it's 50% accurate. If double team or sand-attack has been used, it's 5% accurate. - All right, I'm gonna have to grind more. If I'm gonna go through power points that fast, just trying to beat the first two members of the Elite Four, then there's no way that the few- - Plant Leppa berries! Wait, I don't know, I don't know if those will grow actually on an emulator. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Considering that I also need to get lucky enough or strong enough to start getting runs where I have enough power points by the second battle to still make it to the end of the fight. I might just have to get strong enough to one shot Sidney's Mightyena, so that I stop losing moves to sand-attack. I tried to re-fight them every few levels, but I'd often just lose to Sidney again. So, I really do need these levels. At this level, whether or not I get past Sydney is just luck. Finally, we get another good shot at Phoebe. This time it goes straight for weather ball after rain dance. - Nice! Okay, now you're at a level! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And Sableye before it stopped raining. - What was mine? I don't remember. I feel like when I'd be at mine ended up at like, a little over 70 I wanna say. I wanna say that's where mine was. So he's starting to get there now. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Critical ice beam for tons of damage, tanked an earthquake, hit another ice beam that she hung on from thanks to a berry. She healed with a full restore, so I had to use two more thunderbolts. She hit another earthquake and finally we take it out. We really aren't doing much damage. I should've just used weather ball more. Third is ice trainer Glacia. - Yeah! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Sealeo hung on with a sliver right away from Thunderbolt- - Oh hell yeah! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So we just turned into an ice type and didn't get hurt. - Look it, there it is! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] She used a full restore, but a thunderbolt and weather ball took her down. Walrein is second, so I thunderbolted for big damage. - When I fought Glacia, I was like, "Should I just like, let her do the hail? "Or should I like, just like brute force it?" And I think I set up sun. I have to re-watch it. I should've re-watched my own video before I did this, but I think, I don't actually think she ever got the chance to set up hail when I fought her. Cause I just like, just obliterated things with like, fire moves in the sun or maybe not even in the sun, maybe I just blasted with fire moves. I don't remember. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Took a solid quarter of my health damage from surf, then finished it off with another thunderbolt. Glalie is next, so I use rain dance knowing my weather ball could overpower it. We take an ice beam for almost no damage then one shot it with weather ball. - Yes! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Another Sealeo comes out and turns it to hail again. - Wow, I really should've got weather ball, but it's fine, scald is good too. All right? Scald worked for me later. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] But naturally, I just made it rain- - Gosh, I should've just kept weather ball. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And one shot it with weather ball. Fourth is dragon trainer Drake. And finally, for the first time in a while, we had a really easy fight where I just swept his whole team with ice beam. - Yeah! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Took a few more hits- - No hail though. I used hail against him and that was fun. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] The Pokemon champion Wallace. Right away I thunderbolted Wailord to bring him to almost read health. As he nailed us with blizzard for a quarter of our health. He then full restored, so it took two more thunderbolts- Wailord is so freaking bulky! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Second is Tentacruel and tanked a thunderbolt pretty well. - Very good special defense! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So this run is probably doomed. I finished it off and next was Ludicolo. Ice beam for a bit of damage and he starts double teaming right away- - Oh, this Ludicolo! That ruined my- I love Ludicolo, but his Ludicolo double teaming was a big reason I had one failed attempt in my Emerald with no new moves challenge. I hate double team! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Battle wasn't even close. I'm gonna have to grind until thunderbolt hits a lot harder. I've been looking over the TM list over and over trying to figure out a solution, but I'm just not seeing one. - Rain dance and thunder! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Accuracy be way lower and I'd be making the fight really unreliable. I could learn solar beam, but it's too slow. If I use solar beam with a sunny day, then I'd turn into a fire type Castform and would get taken out by Wallace's strong water moves. - Well, I mean, you'd cancel out the weakness. It would be the same as if you are a normal type. Rain dance and thunder! Rain dance and thunder? You could like have the TM in the back and then like, swap out one of the moves for thunder right before the battle. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] It sucks to suddenly need to grind so late in the run, but you gotta do what you gotta do. - I mean, thunder! (laughs) You just buy the TM! (laughs) To be fair, I don't have experience with fighting Wallace in this run, cause I did alpha Sapphire. The champion is Steven and I just used a mix of scald and flamethrower depending on the Pokemon I was fighting. But like, thunder's 100% accurate in the rain! Does have pretty bad PP, but like, you could do thunder and thunderbolt, just saying! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Eventually, I had leveled up all the way from level 70 to level 82 and I still lost because I can't out muscle Ludicolo. The worst part is- - I mean yeah, it's Ludicolo. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] That his only weaknesses are flying- - Ludicolo's got great special defense. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We can't learn any attacking moves of any of those types. - Yep. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] This is getting a little worrying. I went ahead and made a shell bell so that we can heal a little bit while we deal damage. I worried that this could backfire though, since I kind of want the extra water power from the mystic water, since I'm worried that I might need to use rain dance and weather ball to beat Wallace's Whiscash if I get that far. You know, just overpowering it with our strongest move. I ended up at level 84 getting to Wallace again. This time Wailord is a one shot with thunderbolt- - Oh yes! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And Tentacruel missed his toxic, so I took him out too. When toxic hits, we pretty much instantly lose. - Oh, that's interesting, I didn't know that! In modern day games, toxic if used by a poison type cannot miss. Like, even if you're like, digging or flying, but turns out that's not the case here. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So, that was important. Ludicolo is still spamming double team, but we hit two ice beams. He takes a 51 health from us with surf, then full restores and we just keep using ice beam. Every time I get hit into red health, he just keeps using a full restore, hoping that'll- - He's gonna run out, right? How many do they have? - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Lucky with our accuracy and land tons of hits. By the time we take him out- - There we go! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Our health is about half. Whiscash is next and is part ground, so I decided to just use rain dance. He uses amnesia to beef up his special defense and we hit a weather ball for pretty big damage. He uses amnesia again though. So we can't quite finish them off. I still use weather ball since it's the strongest move we have, but he hits earthquake then full restores since he's in red health. - I mean, the more damage you do, the more you heal with shell bell. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Earthquakes have gotten us below half health as our rain ends. So, I just hit one last weather ball to finish it off, since it's now a physical attack. It's a lot weaker when it's normal type, but he beefed up his special defense a lot. Water Onix is next, so we lose attack to intimidate- - Water Onix? (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Since he's double weak to electricity. - (laughs) Is that what he called Gyarados? Water Onix? (laughs) Why is that so funny? (laughs) I mean, you could call Onix Rock Gyarados! Like- (laughs) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] And it tanks a Thunderbolt pretty well and badly poisons us with toxic. But we're faster, and we manage to finish him off with one last thunderbolt. - And then to the win! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We're in the hall of fame- - Yes! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Challenge, but there's a post game fight and I'm actually pretty confident that we can beat this. - Oh, he's doing the post game Steven fight. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Steven stone is in meteor falls. - Do you guys want to know a fun fact about this Steven fight? I've never done it. (laughs) I don't think I've ever done it! Like, even when I was playing Emerald as a kid, I think I knew it existed and I was like, "I don't care." I just did the Battle Frontier stuff. I don't think I've ever actually done this Steven fight in my entire life. Because like, all the other times I've played through Emerald since being a kid, have been for like, videos and stuff. So I just like, finished and like, the main story and then didn't do anything else. So yeah, I should probably do that fight at some point. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Now that we have the post game. So I go straight there to give the battle a try. Skarmory's first, and I'm incredibly lucky that I took it out in one critical thunderbolt. And because that thing usually opens with toxic. - Nice! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Armaldo is next, so I start my rain dance, tanking an Ancient Power for a solid amount of damage. Then one shot him with our water weather ball. - Yeah, weather ball! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Aggron is another one shot- - This entire video has just been an exercise in humbling myself. (laughs) Because I didn't know weather ball doubles in power and I'm feeling very silly for not using it in my run, but it was fine, I didn't lose! (groans) - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Ball, we crit, but I don't think I needed that crit for that honestly. Cradily is fourth, so I ice beam it for solid damage. He hits confused, right? And we managed to hit another ice beam for the knockout. Claydol's out. - This move set that he's using for Castform is just, a master class in why bolt-beam is a very good combo. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] So I make it rain right away, so I can tank meteor mash without getting instantly crushed. Then weather ball him for way more damage than I was expecting. - Nice! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] He hit psychic for tons of damage and ate a berry. - But weather ball KOs from that range. Yeah, there you go! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] We managed to hit the finishing move on our very first try at Steven Stone. - Wow, that's wild! - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Well, that didn't go exactly how I expected. - (laughs) That's pretty funny! It took took Wallace multiple tries, but like, Aye yo Steven, you want a beat down too? See guys, Castform, clearly wonderful Pokemon. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] Lots of bumps in the road early, reasonably smooth sailing for the bulk of the middle. Then I had to grind up so many more levels than I was expecting just to be able to beat the Elite Four and the Pokemon champion. Actually beat Steven first try though. And in fairness, that run was way easier than most of what I do. I really hope you guys liked that challenge though. - True. - [Mah-Dry-Bread] I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do for next Saturday's Pokemon challenge yet, but I'm thinking of Pokemon Fire Red one. - I don't know what I'm going to do for my play through challenge video that I will post in one week. These once a week play through challenge. Entire play through challenge in a week? See, the reason I don't do these very often is cause they take so long! (laughs) I got all the other videos to make. And but like, how do you do that? Teach me your ways of efficiency with play through challenges! Cause mine like, take forever to like, play through an entire game, write a very long script, film a very long script and then have my editor, Katie edit an extremely long video. (laughs) A week? So final thoughts on that, clearly Castform is a lot better than people give him credit for. Was able to be a game by itself without any in battle healing, which is wild! A massive shout out to Mah-Dry-Bread for letting me make this video! It was very entertaining! Great job! Just wildly impressive at how much more difficult the challenges that he attempts are! They're like, Oh, so much harder than the ones I'm willing to do! (laughs) Thank you guys so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon who are helping support my channel and my business and life and stuff, independent of fluctuating YouTube add rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content I recommend these videos here! All right, that's all I have for now! So till next time, big events, gotta catch them all!
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,327,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon challenge, mah-dry-bread, mahdrybread, castform, solo run, can you beat, can you beat pokemon emerald
Id: PspkIvMz8wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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