HARDEST Guess the Pokemon Cry Challenge EVER

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- Greetings, Poke-fans! Michael here and today I am going to be attempting the toughest Guess The Pokemon Cry Challenge that I have ever attempted before. I've only attempted like three total, including this one, but that doesn't matter. This one is still the toughest! Several years ago, all the way back in, I think, 2016, I posted a video of me doing a Guess The Pokemon Cry Challenge on a Japanese Pokemon site. You would play the cry and you had to guess which one of three Gen-one Pokemon that Cry belonged to and I did very well, I got like all of them right. And then, about a year and a half ago, I want to say, me and Jubilee competed in a Pokemon trivia night competition at a (mumbles) place back in Texas and we won the entire thing, because the final round was guessing Pokemon via the cries and I knew all of them and crushed it. As you can see, I have the trophy to prove it, trivia night champion, we got these trophies and also those big globulous Poke-balls. But this cry challenge I'm going to do today is going to be much tougher than either of those and let me show you why. So, I am going to do this challenge and there's two reasons why this is tougher than any other Pokemon cry challenge I've done before. The first reason is that I know the Gen-one cries very well, Gen-two pretty well, Gen-three very well, but then after that it gets fuzzy. I'm not sure I'm gonna know a single Gen-eight cry. So that's reason number one and reason number two is my intention is to guess without the multiple choice. My multiple choices will be an entire generation of Pokemon. So my idea is, I will have the cry right here, notice I have cropped it, so that you can't see the options, then I hit play (electronic bleeping) and then I guess, without looking at the multiple choice options and then I go to the multiple choice options and see if my guess was there. If it was, great, I pick it. If it's not, then I do the multiple choice thing and I get half-points. I'm not keeping score, but it's not as powerful of a victory. However, as you saw a little bit earlier, when you select a guess, it goes immediately to the next question. So, this one was, what? (electronic bleeping) Okay, that's Jigglypuff. So I'm going to have to click Jigglypuff, but before I click it, close my eyes, click it, scroll back up without looking and now do the next cry. (electronic crushing) And then I can do my next guess and so forth. So I think that covers all the intro explanation stuff, I'm gonna go through each generation, do one set of ten and if I feel like I wanna do more after that, I will, we'll see how it goes, but I'll go ahead, oh, also, I'm supposed to do that thing that YouTubers are supposed to do. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, yay. But anyways, let's start with generation one. Now, what is this first cry? Need to turn it up on my speakers a little bit. (electronic squealing) Uh, that is Golbat, all right. All right, there we go, all right close my eyes, click, you'll see the options, I will not, scroll back up. (electronic warping) Okay, this is one of those cries that multiple Pokemon have, just at different pitches. I wanna say it's Lickitung, but it might be Hitmonchan, oh it could be Seel too. (electronic warping) I think that's Seel. 'Cause I think Lickitung is deeper and Hitmonchan is higher. Oh, it's Dewgong! Curse you, Seel and Dewgong! (low electronic buzzing) Okay, I know this one. (low electronic buzzing) I know this one! (low electronic buzzing) (sighs) Is it Sandslash? (low electronic buzzing) Okay, I feel like it might be an electric type two, but I know it's not Electabuzz, I know it's not Pikachu or Raichu, I know it's not Voltorb or Electrode and I know it's not Magnemite or Magneton. So, it sounds like an electric type, but it's not, I think it's Sandslash and it is none of those, dammit, it's Tentacruel, okay. Oh, what a waveform this has. (electronic fluttering) Okay, that's Fearow, right? It's either Fearow or Spearow (giggles). (electronic fluttering) I think it's Fearow. No, no it's not. Is this another one of those where they're the same? (electronic fluttering) Yep, (electronic fluttering) it's one of those where it's the same sound, but just different pitch. But I know, of these four, it's Shellder. (electronic fanfare) Is that Growlithe? No, no it's not, I'm failing at this terribly! I know, of these four, it's Wartortle. See, of four I can get it, but out of the entire generation, it's much tougher (electronic crashing). Oh, is that, uh, (electronic crashing) is that Jolteon? No, wait, no, that's Pikachu. (electronic crashing) That's Pikachu. Okay, that would have been embarrassing if I didn't get that (laughs nervously). (electronic moaning) (electronic moaning) (anguished cries) I know this one! Okay (electronic moaning), I can't shake the mental image that it's something quadruped (electronic moaning). Is it Ponyta? Dang it! None of these are even quadruped! (farting) (electronic moaning) Okay, this is the toughest one so far, I'm not sure I know. No wait, I know Doduo and Dodrio, they're like (imitates electronic tune) So this has got to be Nidoqueen. (electronic tinkle) That's Poliwag. (electronic tinkle) It's another one of those ones where they're the same. (electronic tinkle) I was right! (laughs indignantly) Those two have identical, okay, it's like the Charizard-Rhyhorn situation. (electronic crooning) That's Arcanine. There we go, finally I got one without having to see the choices. All right, this is the last one of Gen-one. (electronic crashing) Has that cry already been played in this set of ten? (electronic crashing) I can't shake the feeling that that's Growlithe, why do I have Growlithe's cry stuck in my head so much? Or I keep thinking it's Growlithe. (electronic crashing) I gotta guess Growlithe. Nope, it's Tauros. What is Growlithe's cry? (high pitched bleeping) Wow, completely different, all right. Wow, Growlithe, you've really let me down today (laughs). But I know this one is Tauros. Okay, is this ten out of ten? Like, this is Tauros, right? (electronic crashing) Yeah, okay, that's Tauros. 'Cause Koffing's is like (imitates low cry) and then Slowbro's is like... I think Slowbro's sounds like Machoke's and then Cloyster's sounds like Fearow's (imitates electronic jingle). So, this is Tauros. All right. Admit it, you mastered this generation. All right, Golbat's right, Dewgong was right, Tentacruel was right, Shellder was right, Wartortle was right, Pikachu was right, Nidoqueen was right, Ditto was right, Arcanine was right and Tauros was right. Okay, so once I had the choices, I got every single one right. The only ones I think I was able to get without seeing the choices were Golbat and Arcanine. I thought I would do better than that, oh, though, Ditto should count! Ditto should count 'cause Poliwag and Ditto have identical cries. All right, now onto generation two and I'm definitely going to do even worse. There might be some where I don't even get 'em with, like, having the choices. All right, question one (slowly warped crashing) Oh, that's super familiar. (slowly warped crashing) Ooh. I wanna say that's Houndoom. (slowly warped crashing) I'm guessing Houndoom, I gotta just go for it. It's Typhlosion. Dang it. I mean, I can tell it's Typhlosion of these four. Question two. (electronic tune) That's Scizor. There we go, Scizor's got a very recognizable one. (electronic shrieking) That's Skarmory. Oh! Am I gong to do better in this time? Yeah? Skarmory's cry is iconic (imitates electronic shrieking) Okay, I screwed up and I forgot to close my eyes before I clicked. The only option I saw was Crobat. If it's Crobat, I'm gonna know it's Crobat. (electronic squeaks) That is not Crobat, that is a grass type. Is it Jumpluff? No, it's Bellossom. Okay, yes, all right! Okay, this absolutely counts, 'cause all I saw was Crobat, so I did not see Bellossom at all. All right, closing my eyes this time. (mid-range electronic ringing) Ooh! Oh, I know this one. (mid-range electronic ringing) Is it Ledyba? I feel like it's Ledyba, I'm going with that. No, it's Gligar. All right, well it was a bug-adjacent thing. (short electronic whine) That is either Sunkern or Skiploom. I'm guessing Sunkern. (claps) Let's go! (electronic buzzing) What? I do not know this one at all. (electronic buzzing) Granbull? 'Cause it just sounds like a deep-voiced thing? Nope, yeah, okay, wow. I think this is Forretress, just by process of elimination, 'cause I know it's not Gligar, we just heard Gligar's. (electronic buzzing) Yeah, this is Forretress. I can guess from these four. From scratch, no idea. (high-pitched electronic ringing) That's Sneasel. Yes! (low electronic grumbling) (moans) Is this Piloswine? Nope. Nope, I just don't know this one. (low electronic grumbling) I think it's Pupitar, I'm actually not sure whether it's Pupitar or Smeargle. I'm gonna guess Pupitar. All right, last one of Gen-two. (electronic whining) (electronic whining) That's familiar. (electronic whining) Is this Umbreon? Nope, dang it! (frustrated laughing) This is Quagsire. All right, how'd I do? I've eight out of ten correct. Okay, so, interesting, I think I got more from nothing, but there were some that I just had no idea. So, let's see it. All right, Typhlosion I got right, Scizor I got right from nothing, Skarmory I got right from nothing, Bellossom I got right with choices, (blooping) Gligar I got right with choices, Oh, it wasn't Sunkern? Oh, that's so disappointing, I could have sworn it was Sunkern. (squealing) (high-pitched squealing) Okay, yep, nope, I just got my Gen-two, tiny grass types mixed up. I just thought... Yep, moving on. All right, Forretress I got right with options, Sneasel I got right from nothing, so that's three. This was Magby?! (low electronic grumbling) Wow, I just did not know Magby's cry at all, I thought it was way higher pitched. (rising electronic buzz) Okay, I should have remembered that. (dissonant electronic chord) Yep, all right, I didn't know Pupitar's at all and clearly didn't know Magby's at all. And then I got Quagsire right, okay. So, Gen-two was interesting, because I got more right from scratch, I got three for sure, in Gen-two I got two and then ditto was kind of a weird one, but then I got fewer right overall. All right, Gen-three, I'm feeling reasonably confident about Gen-three. I would say Gen-one I feel the most confident, aside from the ones that are, like, identical. Gen-three I'd say I feel the second most confident. (low electronic clanging) That's Swalot. And there we go. (high electronic laser beam) Ooh, that's Azurill. (high electronic laser beam) There we go. (low electronic groaning) Oh, that's one of the Regis. I think it's Regirock. Yeah, I think that's Regirock, because Regice is like (imitates falling electronic pitch in slow motion) and Registeel is like (imitates climbing electronic tones) They all sound crazy in the anime, but I think this is Regirock. Oh! Hello, (mumbles) yes! (electronic grinding) (groans) That is Vigoroth. (claps loudly) Yes! (laughing) All right, four for four. (electronic tones oscillating) That's Gorebyss. (chortles excitedly) Let's go! (melodic electronic chiming) That's Deoxys. Oh my goodness golly gee. Incredible. (electronic rattling) That's Banette. Yeet. (electronic gust of wind) That's Slaking. Oh my god, am I gonna get all of these? (electronic tapping) That's Nincada. (chortles gloatingly) Final one. (high pitched bleeping) Oh, my god, Taillow and Swellow have such similar cries. (high pitched bleeping) I'm guessing Taillow, I think it's higher pitched enough to be Taillow. (claps) Yes! I've mastered the generation, I got all of them right from scratch, not seeing the options. What I said about Gen-one being the one I was most confident in, clearly that was nonsense. I think what it is, is that I know Gen-one and Gen-three, I know those cries the best, 'cause they're the games I've been playing the longest, 'cause Gen-three had Kanto and Hoenn, but Hoenn has far fewer cries that sound the same. I don't think Hoenn has any cries that are wholly identical, like Kanto does and so I think that's why I was able to get all of Gen-three. I'm very pleased, clearly I'm a Hoenn baby (chuckles). But now we move on to Gen-four and this is where things are gonna maybe get bad (low growling). Oh, that's Lucario. All right, well they gave me an easy one first off. (electronic jingling ending in a whoop) Did they really give me the (imitates jingling) whoop? Did I really? Of all the Gen-four Pokemon, I got the (imitates jingling) whoop? Okay, this is Kricketune, come one. They gave me an easy one, then they gave me an even softer ball right after that, okay wow. (electronic farting) Oh, that's Skuntank, 'cause it sounds like it's farting. (electronic farting) That is a two-pronged fart cry and it's Skuntank. Yep. (electronic giggling) Ooh, I know this one! (electronic giggling) Oh, god, I know it, but I can't quite... (electronic giggling) Ooh, what is this? Is it Shellos? I think it might be Shellos. Shellos, however you say it. Oh, it's Turtwig. I had the body shape somewhat correct. (laughs) (electronic warping) Is that Gliscor? Thank God, it would have been embarrassing if I didn't know Gliscor's cry. I love Gliscor. (slow electronic scraping) Is that Palkia? No, Palkia's is just like a roar. It's just (softly imitates roaring). (slow electronic scraping) This sounds like a legendary, but I know it's not Dialga, I know it's not Palkia, pretty sure it's not Giratina. Is it Arceus? Is this Arceus? (clears throat) Excuse me, Arceus. Is that his cry? (slow electronic scraping) That's my best guess, just process of elimination with legendaries. Oh, it's Regigigas! (exhales) I knew it was a legendary. I didn't think it was Regigigas, I thought Regigigas had a much lower pitched cry. (melodic swoop) That's Roserade. Yeah, it's not a Cherrim, for a second I was like, wait, is it Cherrim? But then I remembered Cherrim is like a weird (sings), type thing. That sounded nothing like it, but I know it's different. (electronic bells and tapping) Oh man, that is something technologically advanced. (electronic bells and tapping) Ooh, I've got a couple different ones in my head. Bronzor, not Bronzong, I know Bronzong's is different. Magnezone? No, I don't think it's Magnezone. I think it's Bronzor. No? Okay, well I got the technologically related thing. (high pitched melodic boing) That is so familiar. So familiar. (high pitched melodic boing) Is that Combee? It's something small and cute. (high pitched melodic boing) Is it Budew? Or, no, is it Mime-Jr? (whooping) Oh, it came back to me, let's go! All right, last one. (echoing pulse) Okay, that's Manaphy or Phione, I don't know which one, I think it's Phione. Ooh, yes, let's go! I got 'em all right! Oh, cool! Oh wait, that's right, I kinda knew. There were none, once I had the options, that I had doubt. Okay, how many did I get get without needing the options? I got Lucario, Kricketune, Skuntank, I needed the options for Turtwig, Gliscor, needed the options for Regigigas, Roserade, I needed them for Porygon-Z, Mime-Jr six, Phione seven. Well, I got seven of 'em without the options. I did much better in this generation than I thought I would. That was my second best, just behind Hoenn. All right, generation five! The newer the generations get, the worse I'm gonna do. That has not been the trend so far, but we really are getting into the ones I don't know as well. (high pitched drilling) That's Durant. Oh yes, all right! (low pitched drilling) Oh no. (low pitched drilling) I don't have a clue. I'm gonna guess, uh, Klang? No way! (laughing) I thought it sounded robotic, oh wow, I can't believe I got that. (electronic blabbering) Oh, I know that one, that is so familiar. That one is so familiar. Is it Tympole? No, is it Timburr? I think it's Timburr. Nope, I don't know what it is. I know it's either Simipour or Whirlipede or, excuse me, Simipour or Maractus, but I'm not sure which one. Yeah, this is one I didn't know, I'm gonna guess Simipour, but I couldn't get this one from scratch. (low whirring) Well, that certainly sounds legendary. The last options included Kyurem, so that's the first one that pops to mind. (low whirring) I'm gonna guess Kyurem. Oh, it's Gigalith! I'm sorry buddy, I love you, but I don't know your cry that well. (high vibrating squeak) Oh man, this is another one I know I've heard. There's so many Pokemon in Gen-five. Gosh, every Pokemon I'm thinking of in my head isn't even Gen-five. Venipede. Yeah, I did not know this one and is this Karrablast? I'm pretty sure it's not Dewott. I'm just gonna guess Karrablast. I didn't know this one at all. (electronic shooting) Ooh! (electronic shooting) Krokorok. No? (groans in desperation) I think it's Zoroark, yeah. Yeah, it's not any of these other three, so by process of elimination, it's Zoroark. (single echoing blast) Is this Tepig? I think it might be Tepig. Nope, and I'm not even sure which one it is of this, because all of these are small. I'm gonna guess Rufflet. (watery echoing bounce) Ooh, that's a water type. What water type is that? (watery echoing bounce) Is that Frillish? Oh, I got it, okay, phew! Redemption. (mechanical squeak) I have never heard this cry in my life, I am confident this is fake, this does not exist! (mechanical squeak) I don't have a clue, I'm gonna guess Petilil. Oh my god, if this is actually Petilil, I'm going to... I think it could be either of these, but I'm going with my gut and like, if Petilil's here, I'm picking it. (faint gonging) Oh man, I have no idea. (gonging) Something big, one of the big Pokemon. Is this Scolipede? (gonging) Okay, not Scolipede. Well, by process of elimination, it's Beartic, so this is the last question. I got nine out of ten, right? Okay. So, Durant I got from nothing, Klang I, miracle, got from nothing, Simipour I needed the choices, Gigalith I needed the choices, I got that one wrong, wow, that was Dewott's cry. Man, Samurott's my favorite (mumbles) starter, I don't even know Dewott's cry. Okay (laughs). Zoroark I needed the choices, Rufflet, I needed the choices, Frillish I got from nothing, Petilil I miraculously got from nothing. I just thought it sounded small and grass-like, I could have easily guessed Cottonee. Wow, I can't believe, Klang and Petilil were miracles and then this one I needed the choices. Okay, so I got four, so that's pretty solid. Pretty solid getting four without seeing any of the choices. All right, on to generation six. (high pitched tinkling) Excuse me? (high pitched tinkling) Is this Carbink? No, no, it's Vivillon. Oh boy, this one's gonna be rough. (low roar) Oh, is that Trevenant? (low roar) I think that's Trevenant. No, no it is not, it is the lion, which, upon further inspection (low roar) makes a lot of sense. (trumpeting blast) Oh, that's Pangoro. All right, I think I finally got one! (chuckles) (complex technical noise) Ooh no! Oh no! That's so recognizable, but it's not coming to me. (complex technical noise) (imitates tune) Heliolisk! Heliolisk. (claps) Yes! (low whirring) Is that Trevenant? Okay, I knew Trevenant's cry was some deep grumbling type thing. (whirring tone rising and falling) Well, all right then. That just sounds like a lawnmower trying to start. (whirring tone rising and falling) I don't have a clue, I'm gonna just guess Gogoat. I think it also might be Avalugg, I don't remember either of their cries, but I guessed Gogoat, so I gotta go with it. If I get this, that's a miracle. I'm having a weirdly large amount of miracles in this. But now that I listen (whirring tone rising and falling) I feel like part of the reason Gogoat popped into my head is 'cause there's kind of an underlying sound of like a goat braying. (whirring tone rising and falling) I don't know if you can hear it, but I gotta go with my Gogoat! (laughing) (electronic pinging) That is one of the swords. (electronic pinging) But I don't know which one. I think it's Honedge. Aw, nuts. (high pitched whirring) Oh, we know that's Xerneas. (chuckles) Yeah, that one was easy. (quick electronic whirring) That one's not a real cry. (quick electronic whirring) Um, Quilladin? I'm just picking a Pokemon who's cry I couldn't ever come up with in a million years. Yeah, no, okay I don't know. I know it's not Greninja's, but I don't know the cries of these three. I'm gonna guess Skrelp. All right, last one. (electronic chirping) That's Panchum. (laughing) Would have been easy to guess, even if I didn't know it was Pancham. All right, this is the last one? How many did I get? Oh, I got all of them right! Okay, so how many did I get off the top of my head? Vivillon, I needed the choices, Pyroar I needed the choices, Pangoro I got off the top of my head, Heliolisk I got without help, Trevenant I got without help, the Gogoat I miraculously got without help, Doublade, I was close, but didn't get it. Xerneas I got without help, Skrelp I almost just got wrong and Panchum. Oh, I got six! I got more than half of these off the top of my head. That's insane, I can't believe that. I think it helps that Gen-six just doesn't have that many Pokemon (laughs). All right, time for generation seven. Okay. (slow whirring) I think I'm gonna do pretty badly in this one. (slow whirring) That sounds like a dog barking and then growling. (slow whirring) What dog Pokemon are in Gen-seven? Are there any? The only thing that's coming to mind is like Gumshoos, so I'm guessing Gumshoos, just 'cause that's the only thing that's coming to my head. Oh my god, I am fired. I thought of dog Pokemon in gen-seven and didn't remember Lycanroc, I hate myself. It's been a long time since I've played through Alola, okay, I haven't played through Alola since Ultra Sun came out, all right. That doesn't excuse it, but I am still very embarrassed. Ugh, just leave me alone. (electronic garbling) Oh, I know that one, (imitates electronic garbling) that's Pyukumuku. All right, I got one! (laughs nervously) (high speed whirring) That's Tapu-Koko, that's one of the famous ones. Yep, all right. (low frequency whirring) (low frequency whirring) Jesus, that's just some generic large beast grumbling. Buzzwole. Okay, yeah, no, I don't even know this with the choices. I'm guessing Golisopod. This sounds the most like Golisopod to me, but I am not sure. (tape warping slowly) Ooh, that's Toxapex, or is it Mareanie. Oh no, I can't remember which one has which cry. (tape warping slowly) I think it's Toxapex. (claps) Yes! (warped bleeping) That's Bounsweet, Bounsweet has an extremely distinct cry. There we go. (whirring and crashing) What the hell? (whirring and crashing) (imitates whirring) explosion! (chuckles) (whirring and crashing) God, I don't know. I don't know. Naganadel? Nope. Oh, is this Torracat's cry? Or is this Golisopod's cry? I feel like I have to guess Torracat, 'cause I kind of committed to Golisopod on the other one. 'Cause I know it's not Tapu Lele, I know it's not Solgaleo, so I'm guessing Torracat. (squeaking) That's an electric type, very clearly Togedemaru. Let's go! (muffled electronic chuckling) (imitates muffled electronic chuckling and hisses) (laughing) Oh no, I don't know this one. Oh man, I got nothing. I got nothing. (muffled electronic chuckling) Yungoos? I'm picturing some kind of small mammal. Oh, yes! Okay, I didn't actually have nothing! Unless it's Rockruff. I don't think it's Rockruff, I feel like I remember Rockruff's cry actually sounding like a dog. All right, last one of gen-seven. (warped electronic bloops) That is a plant. That is Morelull or Shiinotic. (warped electronic bloops) It sounds tiny, I'm going Morelull. Oh, yes! All right, nine out of ten correct. Okay, which one did I get wrong. All right, Lycanroc, I'm still so embarrassed, I couldn't even remember Lycanroc existed. All right, Pyukumuku I got off the top of my head, Tapu-Koko I got without the options, oh it was Kommo-O, dang it. All right, I just didn't know those cries. Toxapex I got off the top of my head, Bounsweet I got, Torracat I needed the options, Togedemaru I got on my own. Yungoos I got on my own, Morelull I got on my own. Wow, seven! That was much better than I thought I would do. I feel bad, like somehow gen-one and gen-two were like my worst, (laughs) whereas I was expecting gens five, six, seven, to be much worse than gen-one, but I'm getting more off the top of my head. Wow, I guess this is just a side-effect of gen-one just having a lot of repeat cries. All right, the final one, the one I'm very convinced I'm going to be the worst at, because it's gen-eight and I've only played through gen-eight once, so let's find out how it goes. (repeating electronic smash) Yep, that, God, no idea. (repeating electronic smash) That just sounds like something crashing through a door. (repeating electronic smash) Breaking a wooden crate is what that sounds like. What's a Pokemon that would break a wooden crate in gen-eight? Who we appreciate. Oh wow, oh god, I have nothing. I'm just gonna say Arrokuda? Nope. Yeah, I just didn't know. (electronic smash) I did guess Arrokuda, though, and Barraskewda is an option, so I feel like I have to guess that. (tinny squelching) Oh god, I don't know these at all! (tinny squelching) Impidimp, I saw Impidimp on the last one, so it's fresh in my mind. Nope. Okay, I know Dracovish's cry. I know Grimmsnarl's cry. This has gotta be Silicobra. (flat whirring) Yeah, no, nope, don't know this one either! Drednaw? (flat whirring) Oh, Centiskorch, I remember Centiskorch has a deep cry. So, I'm guessing that from the options. (high pitched bleeping) Is that (mumbles)? No, no it is not. Wow, dang it. Okay, it's gotta be Milcery. (high pitched trumpeting) Scorbunny. (high pitched trumpeting) Please be Scorbunny. Yes! I got one! All right, that's all I can ask for is one without having to see the options. (electronic splashing) Well, it sounds like a water type. I'm gonna guess Arrokuda, because that other cry that I feel like it kind sounded like this and I guessed Arrokuda and it was Barraskewda. I'm gonna guess it's Arrokuda, 'cause it's a similar cadence, but higher pitch. Ooh! Ooh! Might also be Dreepy, we'll find out. (deep crashing groan) Oh, man. Dragapult. Yep, nope. It's either Obstagoon or Rillaboom. I know it's not Milcery, I know it's not Copperajah, Copperajah sounds like an actual elephant, so it's very distinct in that regard. (deep crashing groan) I'm gonna guess Rillaboom. (repeating deep electronic squelch) (disgruntled sighing) (in a British accent) I don't know these Pokemon's cries! (repeating deep electronic squelch) It just sounds like a monster barking twice. Perrserker? Nope, not here. (repeating deep electronic squelch) I think of these, I think it's Sandaconda. (deep and gravelly growl) Oh! Ooh! This sounds so familiar, but I feel like the Pokemon that are coming to mind are previous generation ones. Runerigus. It sounds like a ghost type to me. Nope, wow, none of these are even ghost types, I guess it's Carkol. Well, all right, that's a sadness. All right, last one, last one of the video! 'Cause I've definitely recorded long enough for this video to be long enough. (metallic scream) That is Hatterene. (through clenched teeth) It's not Hatterene?! Dragopult?! Because I've already seen the other three and selected them? Dragopult has a high pitched cry?! (metallic scream) Yeah, it does and I forgot. Okay. How many did I get? Eight out of ten. All right, so wow, that was Falinks? (repeating electronic smash) Man, how did I not know Falinks's cry? What is Barraskewda's? (deep whooshing) Very different! (repeating electronic smash) Wait a second. (repeating electronic smash) Did I get Arrokuda right? (echoing watery pinging) So, my logic of, Oh that first question, that's like the three barks, (repeating electronic smash) I thought it was Barraskewda, so I applied that three bark logic to Arrokuda. (echoing watery pinging) It's the same rhythm! Wow, that's crazy how that logic, I didn't even guess Barraskewda right, but I figured out Arrokuda because of the- that's crazy, what are the chances of that? Okay, so I got number one wrong, Silicobra I needed help. What? Wait, that was a Centis-(crashing) (electronic whooshing) All right, well that one I was never gonna get. (electronic pinging) Yeah, I needed help for Milcery, got Scorbunny off the top of my head, Arrokuda, miraculously, that's the word, off the top of my head, Rillaboom I needed help, so don't put the counter up, Mikey, Sandaconda I needed help, Carkol I needed help, Dragapult I needed help, so I was only able to get two off the top of my head in gen-eight, which makes sense, because it's the very hard generation (laughs) and it's the newest one, but yeah, gen-three I crushed it, I think gen-four was my second best in regards to how many I got without needing the guide. I wanna say that's right, and then I think it was gen-six and then gen-five, and then seven. Oh, well, I can't remember. You know what, somebody in the comments will tell me how I did. I remember gen-three I did the best (laughs). Thank you guys so much for watching, and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon, who are helping support me, independent of, uh, not great ad rates on YouTube right now. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below and if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now, so until next time (mumbles). Gotta catch them all!
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 2,542,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon cry, pokemon cries, pokemon cry challenge, guess the pokemon, guess the pokemon cry
Id: rjTligScRuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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