THE END OF THE UNIVERSE - Tasty Planet Forever (Ending)

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picture this scenario the gray goo eats all of existence and then digests all of existence and then craps out all of existence would that make him the creator of the universe would that make him God is God a gray goo monster and do we come from his bomb what's up guys and welcome back to tasty planet forever and for today's episode the universe is canceled we're a little gray goo has already gone from being so small that he barely exists in a puddle on the floor to the size where he can sprint around the surface of Mars and eat people whole and I know that we people like to think that we're the center of the universe but the truth is there's a whole lot more universe out there that's going to get eaten well we were big enough to eat people but it looks like in between episodes once again the gray goo has been fasting and now he's back down to size where he can only eat plum crumbs on the floor of their habitats I gotta ask why are these places so dirty do they not have space janitors this is supposed to be the future and trust me okay I could appreciate the fact that you can't predict that all this crap but is gonna fuel the monster that eats all of existence but at the same time do you really want to be walking around on this wet from covered to home hardware of a floor I'm actually really curious what else Mars will have in store for us other than dirty floors because we've never really been on an alien planet roaming around eating stuff before we've eaten alien planets but that's always been in one giant bite-sized chunk you know everything leading up to that who's always on Earth Mars might be a whole lot more boring than Earth come to think of it it might just be dust and rocks the scattered stupid messy person but you know fingers crossed for an alien titty bar maybe we should give the people of Mars the benefit of the doubt okay there's no telling that they were the ones to make this mess maybe it was the Robo dogs they're up here too right and if they're anything like regular dog it's a good chance that they were the ones to do this maybe this is what happens when Robo dogs poop they just release a bunch of nuts and bolts and capacitors the good book does say everybody poops no exceptions except for me I guess does the great GU poop picture this scenario the gray goo eats all of existence and then digests all of existence and then craps out all of existence would that make him the creator of the universe would that make him God is God a grey goo monster and do we come from his bum I don't suppose either of you have some kind of logic processor or maybe there's one lying around on the floor somewhere that I could use I really need the answer this question maybe we'll find out I mean if this is a direct sequel to the other tasty planets then that's probably the case right because the gray goo ate all of existence that was nothing left and then it just came back all of a sudden everything reappeared and the gray goo was tiny and frozen on Mars that's what I think happened you know what I think that's what I'm gonna make Kane and for tasty planets this is actually an angry deity recycling all the universe once again feed me all your algae bars and space weed humans and then be assimilated into the greater goods that's this stuff are we actually gonna break out of this place we're only at like half size now and that scale is just worthless it gives us absolutely no indication as to how big we're actually going to get but I can see the outside world okay so they have a whole lot of walls and robodog's compressed gas storage containers yep that's the surface of Mars that's what I'm going for I wanna get to those walls oh never mind I want to get through the airlock and then I want to break out yeah are we gonna get to the point where we just completely devastate Mars this is actually a really big level it's almost surprising the scale that you can go through in a single level okay they have some kind of super-powered solar golf cart would that be a rover it doesn't look like a rover there's really only one way to find out you are a rover a delicious delicious Rover so is there just the one space station we still aren't sure what the status of Mars is maybe it's colonized just to the roof but this could be both 2.0 for all we know it's 28:57 right now they've had a good 40 years to get stuff done they're gonna have to get stuff done in the dark from here on out though because they're not gonna have any more solar electricity or hallways or transportation oh boy yeah there are a lot of things going on here I'm just gonna say it right now if this campaign ends with us eating Mars and that's it this will have been one of the most disappointing games I have ever played like tasty planet has to end with you eating everything beyond what is imaginable not just a solar system not just a universe everything I have to go far beyond I think the last time we ate all of existence on a turtle's back whatever the Christ that means I'll go for turtles again I wonder if we're gonna see any more crazy futuristic cities around here or this is it because this really does look more like a martian trailer park to be honest yeah they've made a lot of buildings but they're not all that impressive I still think we're just gonna move on to eating mountains and mountains I don't know what else is there on Mars we're having trouble just finding specks of water there isn't exactly a whole lot of landscape our next level is called spaced out are we finally going to it into space this isn't quite what I expected hello fellow crew members it is I the new recruits I was down on the surface just seconds ago and way bigger but I guess I shrunk myself down and hopped in a rocket yeah it's hard to go from a planet to space it's a lot easier to start in space and then heat the planet so I'm guessing we just need to fill up on crew members preferably the red shirts they won't be missed and then we can get through this airlock well I'm seeing a wide range of shirt colors but they're all acting like red shirts like did you guys miss a day of training you're not supposed to run straight into danger especially not man-eating danger can I just leave yeah okay here we go that's the stuff now we really get started this is a very phallic looking space station I gotta say okay yep didn't want any of that that escalated quickly okay we're in space that's as good a sign as any next up we have ray out in space which I really hope means we're gonna get to the point of eating stars how did I go from eating a space station to eating a star and being chased by some kind of intergalactic ray what is that I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the creators of this game just said screw it we want to make a level based around a pun on the word ray and we'll just tell people that there are I ain't space-rays out there people would believe it okay there's people to think the world's flat I didn't really expect them to be squishy it sounds like you're stepping on a pudding cup a pudding cup the size of a solar system okay if that's what's waiting for us at the end of existence I'm in the final level of tasty planet forever is called forever feast and it will begin us all the way down at Zepto meters once again eating quarks and being so small that we barely exist come to think of it this might end up being one of the biggest levels and tasty planets like ever because we have to eat everything the weight last episode and everything that we ate this episode and then go even further beyond that my mind is racing now trying to think of what we might have in store for us I don't think we're gonna see any new stages with the smaller stuff because they were really thorough in all of the different things going from protons and neutrons to nuclei not even full molecules just their nuclei and then two molecules and so on so forth but they're gonna have to change some stuff right there's no way that we're just gonna shoot off into space we have to get to the point where we eat all of Mars so that's gonna change and then we just skipped a whole lot in between we went from being the size of a space station to the size of a star that's a lot you guys actually told me in the comments of last episode that when I finish a level I can hit a little I icon to get a detailed list of all the things that I had eaten but in my mind I thought that they would break down all of those items for example right now I'm eating a bunch of hydrogen and oxygen nuclei because we're in a puddle of water so I'm essentially even water but if I eat an ocean would it be one ocean or would it be a hundred billion trillion quadrillion hydrogen and oxygen nuclei it's probably for the best that they just say one ocean because at least you have some context but I don't know that'd be really crazy math too and as we all know people are clearly playing this game for the math and not for the eating crap listen okay I know I'm a nerd you don't need to point it out I'm just gonna eat things for your entertainment don't mind my stupid commentary do you think Disney could copyright strike water because their molecules look exactly like Mickey's face that a possibility honestly I wouldn't put it past any company at this point I have no doubt that they thought they could they would we're getting to the point where I'm eating quite a bit of water and iron in this puddle and I'm really curious how we're gonna transition from being in the puddle to running around on the floor like that's one of the breaks in between levels they kind of skip a little bit and I don't know how they're gonna make those transitions work but now we could just vacuum up this entire puddle somebody's got to do it you said everybody else is skipping out on their chores just roaming around the space station diving into aliens mouths but don't worry I'm on it I'm not 12 Oh cleaner I'm actually a mop apparently a nanometer-sized mop but a mop nonetheless oh right I completely forgot about this stage we still have to move up to the viruses the bromo virus chunk and then what because this was interesting okay so now we'll take on whole bromo viruses oh we're just eating little tiny chunks at a time that makes a whole lot more sense and then we'll move on to the bacteria phages I think this might be my favorite size in any tasty planet game and I know having a favorite tasty planet size is very weird and specific but they just did such a great job representing all of these little completely crawly germs and bacteria viruses and all the little things that we know very much about we don't know a whole lot about space rays but this is stuff that's well studied and it's definitely cool to see it in action again didn't really expect them to be this squishy everything is very squishy in this game maybe I'm with squishy never thought of that that might not be the sound of me like fighting down or stomping on them it's just my soft poop like body enveloping them so that's a good point poop doesn't poop so maybe the goo doesn't poop in which case is this the end of the universe I still can't get over that whole poop is God we come from God's butt birria had earlier oh it just struck me at the end of one of these levels when we were eating the microorganisms not the bacteria but the bigger stuff we thought that we were in some kind of petri dish but nothing ever came of it they kind of skipped the whole jumping out of the dish thing and I really hope that that's gonna be the transition because I would love to jump out on some kind of scientists base it's just what we aliens do if we're not eating people then we're jumping out on their face and putting our babies in their stomach and having it burst out their chest are we there more than one random gray goo what's the thing I still don't know anything about this creature and I really doubt we're gonna get any answers I'm asking all the stupid questions well there's the source of all the iron that's floating around in the water all the Martian space dust and the giant hairy boob creatures yeah these are more than microorganisms I was talking about let's try not to piss them off because we're now getting to the point where stuff wants to eat me back life is nothing but sunshine and lollipops and unicorn farts when you're small enough to not worry about predators but now it's a dog-eat-dog robo-dog world and things are definitely going to get more aggressive I could really use some more of these saggy tits on stirrers to get this guy off my butt I'll cough is more of them now here we go you probably knew I was getting out of hand didn't you you wanted to be a hero you wanted to save the world and now your poop it's so funny I get a lot of comments on these videos saying stuff like you know what's with you and poop you know why you making so many poop jokes or what's with you and once you're always talking about eating the booty and things like that and you know the answer is it's game about eating you know digestion is part of eating and pooping is part of that it's the funnier part of that it's also really difficult not to make these jokes when things look like some kind of albino turd raft in for rubber bands then again I did say that they have boobs for faces and that has nothing to do with Google button so you know what sue me I think we're actually yeah you see that oh no old on that looks like the edge of a petri dish to me so it shouldn't be long now as long as I stop getting eaten by these guys don't put up a resistance okay I really don't appreciate that stop it come on come on just a little bit more oh so what happened to the puddle from the comic because this isn't a puddle it's just a bunch of drops of water amongst garbage it doesn't make any sense at all I still wish that it was a petri dish like if they saw something weird was happening they picked me up they put me in a petri dish they observed I guess if I jumped out at them I was only what seven millimeters it would have been like having a snowflake land on your face but still where geez I know you're out there somewhere I can tell usually there's a big nose waiting for ya there we go giant laser nose has no idea what's about to happen I don't care if you have a laser snoot okay you're still going to be my food where the other one's over there we're gonna hide in the corner I don't think so no Blair witching in space is that a thing please tell me that's not a thing Blair Witch in space because if it's not it probably should be yeah it should be somebody get on that holy crap is this ever a long level I've already been doing this one level for 25 minutes and were less than halfway through I did not expect one level of tasty planet to take over an hour this is why I edit so much out by the way I know a lot of people would love to see like the whole experience but I just kind of edit out the repetitive boring stuff you know once you see me eat one person you really don't need to see me eat one person over and over again for like five minutes all the space we though it definitely got it down all of that can I get through this airlock now please come on oh no no I thought I could so close come here you helped me get through the airlock so that I could go gravich the universe there we go that's the stuff excuse me nerds out of the way I can understand why humanity might see me as one of their greatest adversaries but at the same time it's not my fault that they shaped their space civilizations like candy and rappers they could have easily just given me candy with wrappers and I would have been happy for the little time I guess you know just to sprinkle some on the floor with everything else there's not a whole lot left to see here now okay bit more zoomed out gonna plow through this all a bit quicker and then are those craters as always there's only one way to find out it is a Martian hill I called it I knew that's what it was gonna be because what else could it be and then a crater yeah you know what tasty planet is anything but unpredictable I don't suppose we are just gonna devour the whole planet underneath us are we I guess technically we've done that to earth before it's just kind of surprising a little bit oh now we're getting places I can kind of understand eating a mountain but how do you eat a crater like a crater is the absence of material taking more away would just make the crater bigger what are those mountain ranges so I'm guessing these little perky knitting's that we've been eating aren't exactly the end goal we want to move on to something bigger and better like whatever you were almost like a scar I can't wait tell no Martian mountains just a mountain range the scale is kind of off but sure I'll take it I'm not a picky eater okay I'll take whatever you put in front of me watches not even be on Mars watch this be some kind of soundstage on earth or not okay well that ramped up real quick we finished off the mountain ranges then both poles and decided screw it we're taking off see you later now we're gonna go devour an asteroid belt we've made it to space finally like 15 episodes of this game but we are now in space and eating space junk in the mega meters and were comparable to Mars oh hey earth long time no see I'll be back for you in just a second I need a couple more asteroids just gotta get a little tiny bit bigger maybe oh don't tease me like that gotta be smaller planet around here somewhere right I'm sure we could get mercury perfect Venus and Earth yeah you're gonna go in order I see how it is Jupiter is gonna be a completely different beast but maybe there's something else out here yeah Uranus I definitely want to eat Uranus it's not a butt joke shut up 136 mega meters Oh Saturn okay Jupiter well there goes our home solar system all we have left is this one star all these other little stars floating around so where are the terrifying rays they have a lovely buffet of stars out here or they did at least yeah they got red giants and more red giants because I can't see all the smaller ones anymore whoa okay are those galaxies probably galaxies right but I thought all the lights in the galaxies are supposed to be stars for the most part so why are there star is bigger than galaxies that's weird Wow okay and they really burn the other thing you really got to wonder about is if those are galaxies then what oh it's a nebula okay alright and then there are bigger nebulas like I said I can't even fathom the scale I have no idea what's going on I'm just eating bigger and bigger things but I was gonna say he's you gotta wonder about the stuff in the background right because is it just one giant thing behind me or is it a bunch of little things intertwined it's probably just a bunch of what I'm floating around in from a distance I'm so big now that they haven't even given my size a full name I went from Giga meters to a you and I would imagine that this is the universe right all of these nebulas and the background would combine to make up our universe and then if we eat all of that then there should just be darkness I suppose and then I could maybe dine on darkness as deserts I get it the purple and green stuff are nebulas that's wonderful what's with the Christmas Alliance oh okay okay Christmas lights hurt don't touch maybe if I ask really nicely I can touch just a little bit star cluster weird whoa okay so now we're moving on to star clusters and I am per sects in size did a per second measurement of time am I losing my mind I remember now it is a measurement of distance and Han Solo uses it as a measurement of time I knew there was some kind of stupid mistake with it that everybody used I obviously have to point it out because I got nothing else to commentate on there's just a bunch of white fluff balls in space it really goes to show just how amazing life is just think about how we were in a little tiny drop of water seeing all these amazing things and now that we're up here looking at all of existence and it's just a bunch of floaty colors pretty much I think there isn't that much going on to be perfectly honest maybe whoa whoa that's that's real weird I'm so little what okay yeah Oh try to nipple at the little tiny ends of these things this is different now so is this the universe might be the galaxy not entirely sure but in no matter what there's always a tipping point and we've reached it oh it is a galaxy to galactic dust I see it's gonna say I can see my eyes now but it's hard to miss them okay elliptical galaxies so now we're moving on to eating entire galaxies which make up the universe okay I got it everything's under control I think some of these galaxies are devouring other galaxies you saw that right little ones smash into the bigger ones they just kind of get consumed they become one slightly bigger galaxy does that mean I'm a galaxy technically right I'm sure there's a lot of stuff living inside of me they might still be living not entirely sure you know it doesn't matter you know what a galaxy doesn't need to have life like I said life isn't the center of the universe so you know what if I want to be a strong independent galaxy I will be as the newest galaxy my first decree is that you all stop eating other he's okay I'm the boy who eats I'm the one who gets it all so please stop it follow my rules the biggest one is the one who sets out the rules that's how this works right galaxy groups no no there will be no unionizing in my universe whole galaxy groups now oh my god okay we're getting near the end though like that's the thing once you get up to the repetitive parts which is pretty much most of space you're really just going for that end game you want that ultimate payoff of devouring everything here's an interesting thought if you were living in one of these galaxy clusters and you were eaten by the goo would you even notice we can't even see that far out like your son would still be there your solar system would still be there it would be one giant unit inside the goo so bro we know we're inside raikou right now just waiting for him to poop really I'm the God around here okay you're a false prophet I'll prove you wrong yet get away from me you Flying Spaghetti Monster I should have known right I should have known you would be here and that they wouldn't I I spared you giant spaghetti monster for now now you will see my true glory as the one and only God why did I let him go there I thought that was gonna be the end I thought okay yeah there won't be any turtles because they've done that before they just decided to go with something else like the Spaghetti Monster okay that's really cool that is really cool I like that so now we're eating universes technically what they're identical to quarks which is the smallest known thing that we started at so we've come full circle so what's gonna come after this there has to be something after this right they're not gonna make me play one level for a full hour get to 50 Giga parsecs and then see absolutely nothing you have to be kidding me okay that was a really cool ending though the fact that they made it come full circle actually gave me goosebumps I really appreciate that but still I wanted something more than the spaghetti monster that I let go free you know what I think that's gonna be it for tasty planet forever guys and I gotta say the gray goo didn't live up to my expectations as I had hoped but I just wish that we could have seen more of that from this game no I and I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a penguin to be flying through space eating galaxies but does any of this make sense does any of it honestly make any sense it doesn't need to I think sport watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,958,624
Rating: 4.8297467 out of 5
Keywords: tasty planet forever, tasty planet forever ending, tasty planet forever finale, tasty planet forever grey goo, tasty planet forever goo levels, tasty planet forever grey goo levels, tasty planet forever walkthrough, tasty planet forever playthrough, tasty planet forever final level, tasty planet forever black hole, captainsauce, captain sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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