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oh they're fish you poop fish that's probably not good for you there's a giraffe taking a dump in here and some kind of octopus squid oh and other things what's up guys and welcome to room six six nine so we're student five two seven three nine on our way to kangaroo 101 and all of a sudden of riot breaks out and time freezes really unfortunate coincidence so now we have to find our way out of this riot and we have to do so without time moving forward now before we get started I need to admit that I would have never found this game if not for the video that Matt Shay made on it a couple of days ago so I'm gonna leave a link in the description to his video and I definitely recommend checking it out after this one because he's gonna have found a lot of stuff that I probably won't the game it's just so jam-packed that everywhere you turn there's something that you want to comment on like here I'm sure when the riot broke out most people went with the typical breaking burning time freezing you know the usuals but they decided to go with the stair walk surfing to moderate success I can't actually tell if that's a guy or a girl but I can tell that they're screwed oh no somebody lost their pet banana we're gonna have to keep an eye out from okay maybe we can track him down room 666 is free due to classified reasons want to see your degree course in there right a to the University okay that's kind of we here hurts speaking of weird man ma'am are you okay is the gnome holding you hostage because if he is I want nothing to do with it gnomes are terrifying even if time is frozen for everything except electricity what so can i know how to get past okay yep that that's definitely electricity what are you yesterday I had the freaking best evening ever it was super rainy and the street was flooded and I just took my surfboard and surfed the whole night not even freaking lightning stopped me oh that's interesting because lightning is stopping me right now and there's a little puzzle icon there and there are surfboards thank you I'm guessing staying up the whole night was a little bit rough a couple dozen coffees later I'm sure you guys will be fine so can I take one of your surfboards there we go that's really clever so can I rotate you to get you through the door I wonder oh oh oh careful vote for dogs I would vote for dogs I'm sure dogs would have it so that this isn't going to be a problem anymore huh so should I take you with me I'm gonna get more text explaining how to get past stuff I'm just gonna leave you right here I don't think anybody's gonna steal my phone because of the whole time being frozen thing yup definitely seeing more of this riot so you guys are filling balloons with paint and then people are having some kind of paint balloon tennis volleyball war in the middle of the hallway you got to admit that it's a creative riot right no you STFU oh student team for undergraduates students helping students I see yep you guys are doing a stand-up job here really helping maintain the peace no look look what's happened on your watch look what happened to this man's pet banana you should both be completely ashamed of yourselves you had it well within your power to save that poor banana you've got a Armada back there I was gonna say you've got a single laser rifle but no they have a whole bunch smug look on your face never even helped them okay room 301 this is where they're getting all the paint from Oh blah blah non-story relevant blah blah blah so they're painting a model ooh that's very creative not bad also creative I like your kangaroo chicken your chick Aroo now I know that this one looks bad but it's definitely more along the lines of casually explained art style and then this guy is just straight-up painting you that's uh oh yeah that's a little bit creepy when your mouth turns into a three you know things have gone wrong man are you even trying you already jumped up out of your seat in excitement for your terrible painting that isn't even of the subject right you have a giant squeezable bum in front of you okay we need to squeeze this bum for science because time is frozen and I can do whatever I want okay this is yours now and there's no yeah blah blah blah okay shut off get out of the way oh it's art even though you're all terrible I still need to choose a winner of this art competition and I choose the woman who painted the kanger acun now I need to know does it keep its eggs in its pouch because that would be adorable and I'm still not a hundred percent sure what it is I'm doing here but there was a second phone I believe yeah there was one right here between the paint stuffers let's see here those damn sports junkies are holding us back with a stupid barricade always wanted to get through that and just cut through but how isn't there a scissor or something for you and your imagination okay so we're looking for a pair of scissors what's your problem dude I mean ma'am sorry it could be kind of difficult at times Oh people are dying out here oh you painted a door and he ran into it and it looks like the little birds around his head are frozen by time either interesting biblical arts student getting the last laugh on the stupid jock excuse me sir I'm just gonna squeak by here I don't want to step on your man button you've already had it bad enough I think they're the scissors okay can't get through here though because the door is blocked I will get done gotta love a little motivation on the walls on null janitor's closet I can't get through here either but I feel like I probably need to write because that would lead me out to the scissors you guys aren't gonna get out of the way any time soon there is no time what am I saying spare keys are for emergency only if you need one talked to the janitor office in room three one three oh I think that is three one three right his three one two is behind us yeah so I need to look for spare keys when I get in there but I don't need a spare key to get through I do need five dollars to buy a baby tree however oh the riot is over people wanting to decide what room 666 is gonna be so some people want it to be a spa others wants it to be a creative sanctuary interesting well I'm sure turning the entire school into a will accomplish the heck we are for free female hygiene products nice yes hello key I'll be taking you thank you very much so oh this guy must have gone into the janitor's closet and broke out except for this is a puzzle itself so maybe I can get over here somewhere what are you doing in there all you took a wicked deuce I guess is that a deuce on the floor between your legs what is that oh there fish you poop fish that's probably not good for you there's a giraffe taking a dump in here and some kind of octopus squid oh and other things well la-dee-da unfortunately the door is locked so we're not gonna get to see it but I'm sure it's incredibly romantic anyway right somebody proposing even in a bathroom stall what a lucky girl so let's just find our way through here really weird so I have a key let's try using the key on a bunch of doors does this do anything no have to be able to use this somewhere I need to get the scissors oh maybe I can use this on the janitor door I don't think so because it doesn't say that this is a puzzle yeah so I need to find something that requires a key I'm just gonna kind of touch it against right you're not a door you already figured that out for me I was a little bit busy with the art contest so I never took a good look around here maybe there's something useful around here okay what do you have to say oh my god Marco is so cool you are so right he just told me the last time he got detention he escaped through the window by climbing an easel he is so smart right right I'm just gonna borrow this easel really quick freakin Marco man he's a genius so let's just I guess spin you around like that and then that oh oh there we go should I have brought the key I left the key I don't know if I could have taken the key oh I don't need to take the key right because now I can move you out of the way and open this and I have the scissors I can't get through there you seem to be having a real bad day oh yeah bird poop will do that we've got gardeners trying to save their trees and nurses trying to save students I'm going to assume that those red paint and not - for every student who's died in this balloon war we got our scissors so now I should be able to cut my weight sorry sorry man bun scuse me we should be able to cut our way through this net and then I guess I need the key for later just hovering around here oh okay that's pretty fancy all right so you just hang out right there and now it doesn't fall because time is frozen clever okay so we'll just put you there and we're free to move on step one block way step to take key well if one block the way and I've got a key now so I guess I'm gonna have to use this up ahead I could take it with me anyway do not enter what is going on over here oh they're not laser rifles they're nerf guns college students terrified of nerf guns room six six nine is the name of this game there's more I've been curious why this whole game is around 666 because 669 is the one of interest curious why they have razor wire and nerf guns room is under lockdown interesting okay where did I put my key I need to make sure that I don't just have that loading somewhere and I lose it we're where did it go okay it's right here it's at the door okay we want to spa Dean sucks but we want room 666 free pizza and no pants I totally get on board with all of these things Oh what room is this six six eight six six seven six 69 so is this 666 [Music] under construction Oh No or dead pet bananas that's a real shame what is going on over here really you're smuggling people's pet bananas and then selling them for $5 who would pay $5 for a banana sir banana pets will slowly eat you whole that is the fate I have given you six seven zero so this has to be 666 this doesn't look very consenting ma'am you're about to get your butt pinched and you've got a Lego piece Ella and Hector are sitting on a tree well good for them why do I have a random piece of Lego curious okay well we could take you with us uh listen man I told you there was gonna be burning there was gonna be breaking there was gonna be filling rooms with water and making a lovely habitat for mermaids wait what there was a puzzle oh I probably need to put you out with you Christine don't give up on your dreams keep sleeping I am mad oh damn the women's field hockey team is coming you don't want to screw with them so how about we make our way through the Trojan horse that they're building everything I see surprises me more and more can I open you a can okay good so weird oh I never even saw this yet there we go okay and I'm guessing this was probably a hint to figure that out Lego is so cool absolutely I mean we build a whole working door except for the handle Frank was supposed to build oh yeah where is he even last time I saw him by the fire I see okay so now we're in here and there must be something of interest going on in here what are you guys doing building some kind of freak head Lego dog don't let the banana guy see it okay he'll sell it on the black market so this lady brought her entire toolbox to build up pot or whatever reason I can take her sob but I don't see any reason for the hats and I can also take this and it looks like it can screw through class so maybe I can try this on the aquarium to put out the fire this big red X there so that sounds about right yeah yeah there we go okay so now I should be able to squeak fly cuz I would imagine if I touch this yep yep yep fire just like electricity still hurts I didn't bring the key and I didn't bring the saw and I don't know if I need them or not I guess worst-case scenario we can always come back so we're just gonna slip by the electrical fire we have one power bar two power bars three four five six power bars yeah that'll do it stupids are you in the air because you're firing this so hard that it's like a jet pretty wonderful one hallway is burning down and meanwhile the next hallway is a winter wonderland is this the ski club that let us in the Dean sucks good wonderful you're making some high-quality signs here dude I really appreciate it the leaves the kittens the dicks it's just grade-a stuff what I need to I need to bring a key to get into the dean's office I see at a time like this what do you think the Dean is up to right the whole school is in riot and he's locked away in his office filing paperwork chilling out on Facebook being a kangaroo listen Dean hops a lot okay we need to have a word your school is a mess you're a mess you're just barred up in here with all of your terrifying gnome army wait a minute you're not the Dean he's the Dean where did you get a kangaroo to dress up like you I am so confuse imagine and awesome environment he here he doesn't need an awesome environment to escape okay well then would we have here oh oh hold on assign room 666 official permission hereby I declare the room 666 with immediate effect for free use to the study program of art or sports sincerely Dean hops a lot oh I get to make the decision I'm trying to think back at everything that we've seen and whether or not one party was better manners than the other but I don't think that was the case they're kind of equally at fault like the arts people would fill up balloons with paint and give it to the sports people to throw at each other and that kind of thing so I'm just gonna pick sports because I don't want the women's field hockey team to clobber me can't imagine the arts people are gonna be all that happy with this oh so this is what we turn the room into a spa and a bar and a lounge always be the best that's actually pretty dope but I think that's gonna be it for room six six nine guys I guess we'll never find out what was in room six six nine now that I think about it but it was a really good game I'm honestly surprised that more people haven't played this because when it comes to little gamejolt or hto or flash games there aren't that many really good ones but this was well put together and a lot of fun so hopefully you guys enjoyed it and if you have any more recommendations for silly games like this or if this developer has made anything else and be sure to let me know I think as much watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,974,352
Rating: 4.8216438 out of 5
Keywords: room 669, room 669 game, room 669 gameplay, room 669 walkthrough, room 669 playthrough, room 669 funny, room 669 funny moments, time freezing game, room 669 let's play, funny indie game, itchio game, game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: iTcillcgYbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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