Please, Don't Touch Anything - All 25 Endings Guide

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hey there guys this is Pharaoh 2091 and welcome to not really a different video but kind of different video for my channel this is a full guide to please don't touch anything a quirky little game that I recently picked up and had my eye on for quite a while but I recently went on sale basically you're just like an employee in front this weird machine the game yeah says please don't touch anything but you know you're freaking tempted to push in do whatever stuff it's like I don't know what to do so I'm labeling this video as a guide and not technically let's play because I showcase saying I will be showcasing all 25 different endings of this game and explaining how to get each one now for a let's play I typically kind of sit down relax don't really usually blind and it's kind of mess around and like phlegm around everywhere here I know Zechariah I'm doing this is actually post commentary as well and his name suggests it's a guide to show people who are struggling with the game how to get all the endings that are missing and it will be a sequential order so each edit like I'll first I'll get first get it for something I'll get a second ending next so on and so forth I won't be I won't be jumping around everywhere so for first ending you know so I'm not really doing anything and that's the point you want to sit just not not do anything for a full minute and that is simply that and anytime you want to go ahead and end or resets or do another thing just click that restart button that wouldn't go all over again simple as that for the second ending all that you're gonna want to do is keep smashing that button you want hit it 20 times you know that after a number of times we push our button different things happen we'll get into these items later on all you want to do right now push it 20 times you can't do anything else the third editing is very simplistic we're gonna start of course our off by pushing that button but now we have that switch we haven't even touched we flip it came to anything else let's push the button again there's a countdown and we blew it up oh my god you're terrible human beings the fourth ending is where things get a little bit more involved well push up on a few times to bring up the Roman numeral panels you see right here if you look at the instruction panel on top left it knows that there's look something looks like a ladder on the right however if you got like tilt your head to the right you'll notice it's extra Roman numerals we put in the code 1 3 2 2 3 1 memorize that thing because we're gonna be using it worst times we have these paneling is in this lever or just work on a lot right now push it to the left again another number panel said well know what I do focus on the equation on top left don't worry you don't have to solve it let's just focus on numbers on the top eight three six seven we're never using that quite a bit as well we do then we have a great and another numbered panel show up but let's go ahead just focus on a grid for right now you knows how we have while the evil number 666 number of the beast and a pentagram now which you actually want to try doing so what I mess up here is drawing that pentagram on the grid now I have like the those few parts right correct right there like it was out when I was messing up my bottom there was I was a little too close he actually went beyond the second row in a second the last row that's where you want to put the last two dots so I don't know why they kept messing that up or why I didn't realize that sooner but there you go now you can scrape a little image you feel a little uneasy and we go on to the next ending this is the ending where we actually get to use an item that we have a disposal so you want to push that button 15 times to get the hammer appeared on top left don't worry about that screwdriver we're using soon enough you know what a hammer is used for besides building things smashing things like a monitor and a little question block of course I'm gonna push it but what's gonna happen well Illuminati's watching you the game crashes on you however it was really quick here's a little image there you see those symbols on each corner memorize those so you're gonna be needing it later on but going on to our clips is six ending now put in Roman numerals again and I'll push that to the left instead of using the eight three six seven one folks on the bottom there the eight - three - don't worry about solving it just put those numbers in let's actually push to the go to left and just like back the movie back to the future oh we're going to the past except this is like really in the past oh my god but now that we want to pass when should we go to the future so go ahead and push that right button and you're gonna be going to the future looks pretty grim - next Valley those are actually two different endings you can see from the image that there is pretty cool you're gonna see a little references so like a little bunch of different stuff start this game it's gonna be fun this is the ending where we actually get to use our screwdriver now it's like finally cuz you notice like that thing the top right that panel - come on ask screws it's begging to be unscrewed that's exactly we're gonna be doing as you can see well we got color panels that's what I'm supposed to do with this if you don't your instructions up there you notice the word grab it's been spell right there G rbb how about green red blue blue it's a little while to figure out but look at that another ending everything I've inverted kind of cool now for the majority of endings coming up here a cup gonna be following the same thing here where we're gonna put in Roman numerals it's always going to be the same code 1 3 2 2 3 1 a lot of times are gonna be pushing it to the left now we're always gonna be almost be always using this code 8 3 6 7 I don't think were gonna be using a 2 3 2 anymore let's actually focus on the bottom right panel now and you look at the top left it's out of order 1 2 4 3 as I said that simple Maxwell lab is at least for this time around oh my god a black hole furnace ending we're actually doing something a little bit different with that lever you know so we kept pushing it to the left how about this someone want to be a little bit rebellious let's go ahead and push it to the right oh my god are you kidding me oh yeah there you go you know so we have two buttons 0 1 and that thing in the bottom will mess of it later go back to the instruction panel and we see the word work and we see like dots blue and red ones we'll just go ahead and assume that the blue ones are zero and the red ones are one so we're gonna get 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 and in doing so not only are we gonna get a cool little robot attack in the buildings or attacking the city we also get a cool reference to Futurama I love you bender now before we actually get going with this new ending you'll notice on the bottom right a new things appeared don't worry about that for right now we'll get to it soon enough if right now we're actually gonna be focusing on another piece of the machine that we haven't touched yet and it's those green buttons to the left there if you go and miR instructions on top left you'll notice that there's arrows pointing to a top left top right top right top left push those buttons in that order and it's as simple as that and not only are we gonna get you if I was attacking the city we'll get a nice little reference of space invaders now this ending is a little bit more involved but first of all we're gonna be following instructions have been using throughout the year so far and that's putting in a Roman numerals pushing that lever to the left putting in the sequence of 8 3 6 7 and as is worth something new comes into play we're going to be focusing on the bottom right panel again but if you actually take a look at instructions so you see liked all those e equal signs and 1 & 2 well this is called the look in save method you see that we have 1 1 1 2 in to 1 that means we actually put in 1 to 1 1 so we actually have one number one one number two and two number ones and we get this little thing maybe got a mess around with it it almost sounds like the music in the background actually does and we want to repeat that it's as simple as doing right right middle left left left middle right yeah that one took a little while for me to figure out because I'm not so great when it comes to rhythm and music but enjoyable nonetheless now for this ending I hope you guys know math don't worry it's not too bad I'm sure many of you guys know this you'll know what I mean once we get to it but do you do it first let's go ahead and do it under normal set instructions and right here you want to stop and go ahead and get that screwdriver out now do you see those wires right underneath that monitor go ahead and clip those okay like a new little thing opening up right here in the bottom left we're gonna be inputting numbers using the green panel numbers now you see you don't do it I've been avoiding it and we actually keep hope present press it four times to get a name here Paisano Leonardo if you actually look up on Google the find out that is not other than Fibonacci you guys from the Fibonacci sequence basically where each number is the sum of the previous two numbers so if you know what the Fibonacci sequence is it's basically starts at 0 1 1 1 plus 1 is 2 1 plus 2 is 3 2 2 plus series 5 3 plus you know so on a source so on and so forth that is a Fibonacci sequence and hopefully you guys knew that and Google helps he really does I hope you guys have your clicking fingers ready because you're gonna be using it quite a bit for this ending put in the Roman numerals and at this time it comes a green panel if you look at the instructions again yeah you said top left right right left we see the bottom it says the word correct you'll flip it and that means that some push a bottom right to bottom left bottom up bottom right we get two little things here don't worry about the top right there d4 we want to be messing with this it says 276 and keep pushing that gray button and it's like oh my god yeah you're gonna want keep pushing that until you get to 276 else go go ahead and skip this for you guys I really hope your fingers aren't killing you by now once you get to 76 push that red button and vegetation takes over like I said I really hope your click a finger doesn't hurts because well there's something later on that you're probably not gonna like details like minigames I adore them and this game generously gives us 1 & 2 access it lose that keep hitting that restart button until we get city boom and for this lending we're gonna play a little game where we are an airplane dropping bombs on a city yeah I know doesn't sound really good but it's a game now as you can see every single time that your plane goes off the screen it gets lower and lower so what you have to worry about is you want to take care of the buildings are tall enough because it could easily hit them and have to restart the game again if you do mess up just keep clicking that restart button until you get steady boom again easy as that now what also is interesting about this uh if you don't miss any of your bombs like if it doesn't hit the ground and it hits all the buildings actually give them treatment clever baron this was the first time I actually did it by the way so I was like oh sweet now see those words a little bit messed up see that we have the letters Y our B&B remember that for something later now we're not entirely done when it comes to minigames in this in this game just yet go ahead and get out that hammer instead of actually while hitting the monitor let's sit that button it's like oh god Al's going on you notice that now our cursor is the hammer speaking of minigames few guys like whack-a-mole because this base what's gonna be happening here you want to attack that disturbing little thing in the middle once you get rid of all those bloody sacks and just let you guys know this is time you see that blood trail in the middle there the hits restart that's that so each sack takes three hits I want you're done with that kill the thing and you succeed as easy as that it is a little bit of a time crunch but it shouldn't be too bad if you just pay attention and like sap that's that you get this weird image honestly I don't think you need this for any of the other endings it's just there to mess with your head now this ending can be a doozy if you really don't know what to do first off give out that screwdriver and remove the instruction panel on the top left you'll notice like it's like oh my god I have three clocks it's like what's going on some of them are green some aren't well the whole premise is we actually want to get all three of them to green and you'll notice that wall to do so you basically have to get your system time to midnight so either you can wait till midnight to play the game or you can do what I did and just manipulate the systems on my computer to get to midnight and once that happened you actually get another little piece of the puzzle to get the ending and it's this printed thing right here you have a couple of blue dots and red dots now from the bottom top you want to put in as many red dots that you have so I it's always different every time you input this it's always going to be a different combination it's not necessarily going to be mine what to do so apparently the Deathstar decide to say hi to us and blow up the city usually to blow up lands but now it's just a city remember how I said how I hope you're clicking fingers weren't hurting it yeah this is where you're really going to be using it so let's again bottom right bottom left bottom left bottom right you noticed that number six is a little odd yeah I think you guys know where I'm going with this so quickly enough I'm gonna go ahead and just showcase how even the middle one is also kind of painted red with the number six I think y'all know exactly what I have to do now and this is where I hope clicking finger doesn't hurt I'll be back let's head get to that little magical number few minutes later and we're finally here at 666 go ahead and push our button we're not done yet do you guys remember those four symbols for Illuminati ending yeah this is where it comes into play now what you want is you want to keep those four symbols lit up not probe not push them down the ones we want to keep our two bloodshot eye the arrow and the arrow but the hourglass the key and the two waves and what you do so you get your get your ending and for all that work can you get dancing and smiling buildings hooray to really understand how to get to sending it's really beneficial I've done all the preview sending so far first off go ahead and put in the Roman numeral code put in the correct green button sequence so we have that D for keep that in mind for something we're gonna do later on go and put in a regular code of eight three six seven and let's also get out that screwdriver and remove that instruction panel because there's something I didn't mention yet and that's that handles numbers so we have like the d1 d7 and all that now you don't want to grade how alphabetically goes left to right and numerically it goes up and down that's exactly we're gonna be doing here it's a great so first off just to tell you being four go together so OB second column fourth row and we kind of follow the same pattern for d 1 d 4 that's how we unveiled it and we all seventy-seven he knows house kind of like a parent already it's almost like shaping like a cross for our diamond so now we're gonna go to F 4 and we get a diamond it's like oh pretty cool we're not done yet now we're actually be focusing on the green set of numbers again you know now you see the panel on the left that says don't do it we have four zero two zero yeah that was a little cryptic but in doing so we'll get this weird little thing it's like okay get out that screwdriver and do you remember those letters how we got at the city bomb ending it was you yellow red a blue blue or why are BB and we got that little weird thing can't do anything with it yet but we actually not have the diamond then we push it then we get the ending I kinda like the music here so yeah that's why one of the first settings that it's really involved that requires you to have done the previous endings to kind of get the hints needed to figure this one out here's an ending that you guys would probably love you guys play another memorable indie game which how you have what haven't actually played yet you want to go ahead and get the second ending which is like pushing bun 20 times reset here we get a waiting input I believe this happens after you like five endings if you push a button more buttons come out and you push new ones and even more buttons come out and that is the premise of the entire well i'll descending you want to keep pushing the new buttons that keep coming out now if you have good memory a memory then you can probably do c zhilie but for me it's like crap I'm not really sure what I clicked I'm I didn't click so sometimes you can just go ahead and just push them all until I get the correct inputs there's no penalty for doing so sighs wasting time and we already got that ending easy as that that's the Stanley parable reference there which I never played but I do have I don't know why why that's so but you guys ready for another indie game reference yeah papers please I love this game recently played it too now we saw that item for a long time but this is where we're actually gonna be using it now look at the ending which line deny him but for the hell of it you know let's see what happens when we actually try admitting him uh nothing happens so let's go ahead and now deny the guy far what's the name the guy Fox something I don't think I'm saying it right but if you guys need me for Vendetta well there's that as well but uh there you go I just love the I have the music and everything it's so freakin awesome the sin that can probably be easy to miss if you haven't really been paying attention every single time I press the red button there was always a little arrow now you don't click on it but you keep clicking in a direction you're gonna keep getting new arrows and basically you just keep following the arrow until you get to a another piece of the puzzle I just never mentioned it because like I mean I think I've noticed to be when I first was first playing on like my tiles that are an arrow there and then goes away after you push the button a second time or so but you keep doing this until eventually you get this grid but it's kind of like a puzzle and I'll do so here's a quick way top right down there top left boom boom boom I'm not sure what the name of that type of puzzle is but it's like you're pushing a button on my other lights up and it's called in a cross section I always seen the Professor Layton series but that's the proper way doing in six steps now this ending let's just say kind of revolves around the theme of space and to figure out how to do a lot of this stuff it was a little weird ah either you just have general knowledge of it or possibly just look it up I'm not sure I don't look it up cuz I was little stuff I was like I'm not sure exactly what I do here but that little lamp now they're actually using it you know it's not like there's hidden right writings everywhere it's pretty cool granted I don't think I look at every little thing cuz it's actually like one piece so we actually want to pay attention to for a time being and there's always reg right there to the left of the screwed panel you know that they we have numbers here like 0 to 31 41 basically that means the position of the number is going to be there so 0 is going to be the second third position one is going to be in the fourth position and two is going to be in the first position now that was kind of an extra step just to use that lamp um obviously you need to do that if you didn't know what what the code would be so 2001 I don't think it supposed to be a reference 2001 in space labs here maybe it is but regardless put in 2001 and we get this dialer now you can mess around with it inside what am i how am I supposed to spell out and you'll notice that the only thing you can't spell out is the word Pluto and it makes sense if we're going with the whole space planet theme can you pull it out push that button we get a key so we're not done yet cuz we're stuck where how am I supposed to put the key get the screwdriver out unscrew that panel you guys know how Mars kind of label is Red Planet but just put it all right and now we have a key hole to put a key in hey once you do that we launched into space so yeah this ending was to me odd I had to look things up cuz I was like I'm not sure how you supposed to figure out a way to use Pluto and get that key and all that but it's there hopefully I helped you guys out with that one alright ladies and gentlemen the last two endings let's get to it first off we want to get that lamp that we used in the last ending because it's going to be very beneficial for the sending as well and Google will probably help you - because I'm not sure how many of you know Morse code on top your head you see that the word dot is lit up so that means we need to know the Morse code for a word dot which is - dot dots - dash - we don't have dashes and dot's but we do have ones and zeros substitute one for - and zero for dot you get 20 for funding it's like okay what about the last ending what do we do how do we activate it well it's as simple as hitting that restart button hey man man I need to take a bathroom break say your phone moment.we what is the panel for I don't bother just a coffee machine why is it so strange I don't know she's appeared here one day sometimes he shows ads on the screen you don't a coffee while I'm gone there's red button but don't take too long did you push our button what happens to blow up the city yeah we get some coffee and we get the credits so ladies and gentlemen this has been the full guide to get to get every single ending - please don't touch anything granted I touched everything but that's how you're gonna be able to get all 25 endings so yeah I mean this might not have been different from any other let's play that I do but um I just wanted to label this one as a guide because I just simply want to showcase to anybody was having trouble how to achieve nearly everything this game grands I didn't get I wasn't going for the achievement but I just want help anyone who was stuck getting a certain ending that's why I got all in sequential order and I'll be in timestamps in the description below if you guys need to look for specific ending so well that was that for today's video and uh well hopefully I'll get back to making other LPS well in the future so as usual thank you all for watching and I'll see you guys for what the hell I plan to do next I love you all I'll see you guys later
Channel: Pharaoh2091
Views: 4,226,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LP Please Don't Touch Anything, Please Don't Touch Anything walkthrough, Please Don't Touch Anything playthrough, Pleade Don't Touch Anything guide, Please Don't Touch Anything commentary, Please Don't Touch Anything gameplay, Please Don't Touch Anything review, Please Don't Touch Anything Pharaoh, Let's Play Please Don't Touch Anything, Please Don't Touch Anything all endings, Please Don't Touch Anything All 25 Endings, Please Don't Touch Anything informative
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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