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the football [Music] games [Music] oh my God super hooked upon his horse is a mighty wondrous thing as the Cavalry comes a charging and the Indian arrows saying Lord hide strong Trooper a hook you the West like a book Soldier true his fight never through never true [Music] the mountains are still only Peaks against the copper Skies the dusty Earth resounded as the trooper heroed by shining Spurs Army rig makes a man feel big give me Earth give me Sky let me live let me die as a trooper [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] artists to take nanches alive at any cost were carried out most of his Braves were killed or taken prison a handful escaped families were rounded up Village burned Lieutenant Jerome at the first charge was overpowered he and his men were killed in action no make that executed March back to the Fort will be slow because of the number of prisoners taken that's about it oh you want to sign General Sergeant Clovis hook yes sir never mind this sir hey Sergeant [Music] time for you and me to get something off my chest that's all the lousy water we got stand easy Soldier why does it say we gotta die of thirst to keep the dead from putrefying you've got your orders I also got a rash in a watercolor and I'm taking it Brian you've already cost yourself a 10-day Tour on latrine Duty one swallow and I'll make it your life's work don't worry Mister if you die of thirst I'll put you in for corporal sergeant over here up here sergeant this is white white Sergeant I declare I'm Sergeant hook ma'am keeps not saying nothing give it time but you got no idea what she must have been going through it's gonna be all right now man you just don't worry about a thing Natchez is the boy's father hey wait a minute you don't think that the boy man be yours you in Natchez you mean you let yourself whelp that butcher's kid you ain't no white woman no more you ain't just saying your dispatch we're bringing back a white woman begging Sergeant's pardonment don't you reckon folks back to post ought to know that they'll be rolling out the carpet Financial and a red skin mongrel just say the woman is the mother and the anxious child [Music] that must be the one thank you Whitaker take him to the guard house strange man the sergeant making such a point of honorable surrender for the worst butcher in the territory Emler Mary imler Cora Sutliff I think you've hit it sir Sutcliffe is that you this report says you're on your way to join your husband when the Wagon Train was attacked by a band or shirakawas you were the only one taken alive [Applause] this is Deborah Sergeant I can't even be sure if this woman's in a right mind hasn't she said one word since you found her not a word sir there's nothing here to indicate where your husband might be now ma'am I start an inquiry and see if we can't locate him we're sending nanches and his people to the reservation at San Carlos in a few days the boy can go with them I wouldn't count on Natchez going to San Carlos uh what I know him he won't he thinks the place is a pest hole a few days on the platform will change his mind am I to understand you intend to keep this boy what about your husband man you'll be wishing this child on him too doesn't she realize she's playing the fool he's our son sir but he's oh well it's not our affair where do you want Mr Sutliff to stay sir oh um put her in the empty quarters along Suds row yes sir you'll be fine there man you'll be all to yourself I am Adam what would your feelings be if I were in her place it doesn't even deserve an answer you would have killed yourself before you let it happen to you I wonder [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] he can come down anytime he says the word sergeant I know all he has to do is promise to take his people to San Carlos and stay there he won't I saw you untie his bones you respect him don't you he's a cruel treacherous man sir well he doesn't particularly care for me either he fights his way I fight mine putting yourself on his level or just a couple of dogs haggling over the same bone only it happens to be his bone [Music] leaving the way Whitaker you can have him sergeant [Music] boy goes with his mother Natchez that's the way it has to be who knows what has to be please Mrs Surplus I brought to address won't you let me in please accept it I'll put it down by the door [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Sergeant thank you sir Mrs Sutliff we've located a husband I should be glad to hear that Colonel Fred Sutliff the name is right and everything else checks it's got some kind of a ranch outside San Miguel yeah Tucson I dare say you run into a few complications I dare say sir and I know you won't let us down where do we start sir your little expense money on being your way before revelry take one of the men along his escort as far as the settlement where you can get the stage yes sir that's all [Music] right [Music] thank you hey circus we gotta do something about the chief right now you should be grateful I'm letting you make this trip lands on a train Duty too long he can turn real bitter all right that's it I'm gonna tie you down my belt oh kids don't eat Giants [Music] how many years you got to be married before you learn to handle a kid like that you talk too much Soldier [Music] [Music] you know who should be don't you the one we've been hearing about the one nanches had you look like a thirsty jackass sniffing out a rain barrel I'm human grab yourself a drink get back the fork yes sir Ryan forget you have to take these horses back howdy gentlemen sit down man can help you yeah do you think you could rustle up some cheese and crackers for might be obliged I guess we can manage that sergeant I'm going across the street to see about the stage bears and get my gear board won't be a minute just rest yourselves this ought to be Mighty interesting I've been to waste good vittles fat enough nanches his kid Mr Bean ah take it easy teach no trouble huh I'm right about him belonging to that Indian Skull might I die I thought so maybe you like having him but you don't have to come flaunting him around decent white women take care [Music] I'll kill you well gentlemen this young fella here needs some traveling clothes cause you're wearing that uniform don't mean we gotta help Indian leave-ins maybe some of you get out and scrounge up something for the boy to wear must be some small kids around this place get out thank you those were the first words I've heard out of you man Mighty powerful sentiments but they sounded real good I don't want to cause you any trouble no trouble thank you ma'am oh nice come on could you use your hat Sergeant well thanks the boys don't need hats only in winter season nearly time for Mr truth or sure you better be inside that course before he gets there thank you ma'am gentlemen all right folks you're traveling with the glory writer who makes fighting wages and don't wait for nobody I mean it'd be a cult anymore but he lost none of my pitch I'm a half Mustang and half alligator I'll get going your traditions hello hello hello [Music] [Music] dude [Music] the Indians he treats you all right he beat me once maybe it was right I wouldn't want it was the scores made me wish I were dead figured that but they stopped when I became one of them looked like them smells like [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] wow I guess it looks like what it is don't it when I hit that rock me and the wagon stop but the horse didn't how much to take me to the next town another two bits that get in Fast and made me lose half minute already [Music] windmills is my life he Clips windmills from Batavia Illinois I sell them you three together yes oh your wife's Anna no pardon me lady them moccasins find a more comfortable in shoes is that the fashion of these parts I mean your hair because of my chart looks for me any reason for it life if you choked me pulling my legs that's pretty bad out here so is the Flies this time of year best keep your mouth closed why'd you pick up that kid anyway Mr Trump [Applause] [Music] I got me a schedule to meet worth the trouble our friend here wants to ride up on the box with you or he'll find you up there healthy now wait a minute wait you get the idea that I'm healthy yeah I reckon he's right come along Mister you can watch me snap off Radley it's [Music] he me doing this to me ain't what he's likely to do I'd be worried about Mr it's her what are you talking about that's an answer is woman down there you hear the name Jess is the Apache you get her riled up and she's lucky to cut your heart out with a dull knife I'm gonna look Chevy you're bleeding up to fill a bug hole you know something uh Keto with your commander language I said all the makings of a sergeant [Music] [Music] Mr Wilson and it's right on schedule thank you Mr [Music] sorry Sergeant but the dining room's filled up [Music] we're not hungry [Music] and bucking the tiger again hey Cowboy see you lost your horse I swear blackjack dealer can see both sides of them cards and you ain't hooking no more ride with me just on the strength of your Jawbone son I sure wish you'd talk gentleman Mr truth you hung over so far I'm kind of hump on my bump on my back that's what a full boy gets for coyoting around without a man's Constitution [Music] thank you [Music] Luna Luna Kito [Music] good hmm clear cold water like it's dream back home [Music] boy seems to like the water too yes you learn how to swim yet no sorry about Wilson [Music] it doesn't matter [Music] cooking Wilson's kitchen used to be a mess sergeant [Music] [Music] thank you good thing nobody's hungry [Music] why don't you ask me ask you what how I felt when he put his hands on me was it like any other man that's none of my business that's not true every man who looks at me makes it his business I guess you're right I can't help they hate the Indian for what they themselves might have done but they hate me even more I don't hate you that's the difference that's why I can talk to you this way talking helps I got used to being his Squad it was just one of those things I had to learn and accept in order to survive but just now down there in the cold clear water watching my son listening to him laugh [Music] at one moment was worth all those years [Music] can you understand wanting so much to live I guess I got good reason to understand real well man [Music] thank you come haco don't cut yourself [Music] thank you I was once I wanted to live so bad I turned myself into a dog for a whole month I was a dog you ever heard of Andersonville ribs call it a prison camp Devil Himself couldn't have thought of a worse crawl in Hell All Around Mandina scurvy and dysentery Martian sick bacon all there was to eat never enough of that everything putrid inside now [Music] but maybe you don't want to hear any more of this you said talking helps there was a man dying a lung fever just waiting to die out of his head most the time having to love dogs and I found if I bark once or twice he'd give me some of his rations that's how it started and I used to wake up in the morning planning on being a dog got down my hands and knees to put on a good show a whole month I was a dog a fella died thinking I was one but I lived all depends on how hard you want to live I guess we better get moving man Tito [Music] [Music] new general evening YouTube up sorry to disappoint you Mr true but you got the pleasure of my company again [Music] there's some topic of Gentile conversation you folks would like to worry some no maybe you'll find me I just put in a couple of rough days for sun prick Wrangler got me coming and going [Music] if I start sliding general just raise the hook and give me a shovel [Music] foreign [Music] you were saying back there about the kind of thoughts men can't help getting into their minds that's different when the man's your husband you think I'm afraid to face him don't you no I just don't want you to fret about it my husband is good he's kind sure he is we were married nine years [Music] we never did have any children it's too bad Fred always said I was all he ever needed [Music] I'd always wanted a boy once he gets used to the idea and everything you won't be able to help loving people so you see that I really haven't anything to fret about that's fine man [Music] you must miss your family very much how can you stay away from him so long soldier's the only thing I know [Music] might be awfully lonely for me [Music] [Music] and see you and would take them take them through [Music] thank you sitting like that all night [Music] Must Be Stiff is a brand tonight [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] see the Indian strain anymore right [Music] you can't help that can no he can't oh it's like you don't answer me much as a Nurse Mate looks like there's some kind of a town up ahead uh just a change station church and Telegraph and a couple adobe's that's the end of the line for me something there to hold you Cowboy yeah Kincaid Ranch people spreading these are apart I gotta be peeling Bronx rotten out forming that nose and instead of sandal all I gotta do is to talk him into taking me on [Music] oh I wasn't expecting you Mr Jude haven't they got you driving clean through to Tucson yeah sure-handed ah you must be so worn out there's catching my second breast unions but you better change these poor weakling horses got three passengers for you and there's plenty of room Spanish ladies and a granddaughter the girls kind of refined so they laid off from the last days to rest up and the Rancher come down from Fort Apache American wagon dropped him off you better change him horses Juniors okay you can let me have that channel so unless you got the money for your fair well I'm busted you know Mr truth Stars don't always pay you when when I get some cash I can't hear you I'm Different in a woodpecker in a hail storm besides of companies on my tail of being today and easy going well you get the straight to a buzzer now you ain't leave me here naked without myself oh Daddy's a cowboy something on the seat in here must have dropped out of your pocket guess I guess you've been in some tight spots itself huh when I was a young squirt with more energy than brains Legends is this what you've been talking about Mr trude all right jumping luggage honey [Applause] he's nice yeah man raised the sun like that he can figure he's done something with his life but you have children oh yeah but they're girls two of them I was thinking about boys oh you got 15 minutes till breakfast folks hey what kind of a woman a kid you got there Mr trude passengers the old man here I'll be right in to get your biddles oh man okay super missile Senora both of Art it's too darn heavy for a lady like you to be told gracias Madam uh Sabi Americana senorita I understand English perfectly young man now if I can only speak it perfect we get along just fine the name is Travers Charlie Travers young man yes sir this phone foreign [Music] but that is just how I got my start on nothing yes sir Trail more than a thousand had a cattle from Fort Griffin clear up to Cheyenne now how did I get hold of that many Longhorns you're asking sat in on a poker game with the months wages in my pocket and Bluff them away into a pile big enough to choke a horse yeah I want to be satisfied to stop right there you're thinking oh no that's just the beginning yes sir I took all of that hard cash and every Center Credit I could Wrangle and I put me an outfit on the trail oh that ain't no lie yeah I bought my stockings what's eating you gotta get this message over the ranches just came over the telegraph nanches some of his braids broke him out of pork with me two nights ago he was last spotted over near Lordsburg now there's no tell him where they're at burn one of your horses don't worry about it I'll leave it at the station yard at San Miguel now see here you can do that you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you're gonna talk to you well over here now just busted off he's on the loose with some of his bucks I knew we had company I didn't know it was that fancy because the first thing come to his mom is getting a little fella back Indians are like that about their boy kids thanks Cowboy now I better get rolling and we'd better and super missile with me go I know what I mean yeah besides I owe you two dollars worth of something all right Mr trude you've been doing a lot of bragging now let's see a lean forward and really Punch The Breeze just a minute Soldier you trying to tell me how to run this Stage Line not me oh well you got the right man up here you just tell him to sit tight because we ain't like this touch Crown again we hit Tucson it's about 9 so here you're the Army you gotta figure something to do I'm carrying every cent I got in the world right here in this money belt shut up it's only right to tell you the fix we're in you know all about nanches but the thing you don't know is that we've got something here he wants back more than anything in the world what are you talking about the boy he's his son why haven't they attacked before Sergeant they'll do that when it's convenient for them if they don't jump us before dark we've got the rest of the night to get as close to Tucson as we can they're superstitious about fighting after the sun goes down just hold tight we'll start worrying hard when it counts inside cowboy and keep your eyes open see around the stage he snapped his great long sneaky whip again [Music] [Music] thank you everybody want peace I think so Sergio [Applause] [Applause] yeah whatever's coming around right how does it look Mr crude got a key here Kingpin vent gonna be fixed all I can do is try banging on either fix it or busted complete [Music] he wants a product [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right that was a proposition why did you turn it down just says he'll let us go if I'll turn over the boy okay to deliver misses misses her husband that kid is more Indian than white it won't hurt him none to be with his own kind look for the first time I've got enough money to make something out of my life you think I'm gonna chunk that all away just on account of him all right [Applause] how about you cowboy you've seen half the things you want to see you've been with all the pretty women you ever dreamed about you ready to die I remember some mornings when it didn't seem like such a bad idea you Mrs Sandoval isn't your granddaughter worth more than some half-breed kid I love my granddaughter if that is what you mean your grandma raised you up in a Convent and Santa Fe to make you into a fine lady and now she's taking you back to marry a rich man everything is waiting for you on a silver platter you're gonna lose all that just because she doesn't know what she's gonna do stop it leave her alone we better get a fire started blows up real cold here after the sun goes down [Music] thank you foreign [Music] maybe if we talk a little you wouldn't be so scary drivers drivers would be much applied to hold this Lantern for spell thanks [Music] foreign I was whistling it's all about a girl named consuelita and a fellow who's thirsting something fierce for a little simple wine she hasn't even got a glass anything else into which department [Music] do not well then she says last what shall I do quench your thirst I have not to offer with my lips [Music] kick that up no Convent it's an old Spanish song Spanish folks are kind of put a lot of storing things being good and all about they I mean like terrible set in their ways like this your idea hiding the girl away and then marrying her off to some fellow she hardly even knows my grandmother will receive him and say here is she whom you were promised their idea wasn't worth much even when it was new [Music] he's never gonna get that King King fixed in time to do us any good and they know that too those aren't coyotes we've been here that's nanches and his bucks having the fun just waiting for daylight to make us wish holy shackles they're coming off you've got to do something go someplace and sit down talk to her make her understand what she's doing I said sit down foreign [Music] just have to keep trying hope I don't run out of custom material from the good book [Music] I got fifteen thousand dollars money belt right here you can have half of it leave me alone you've got a husband waiting for you think of what you and him could do with all that money go away set for life you may even make him forget you ever spawn Natchez kid all you gotta do is tell a sergeant you want to give the boy back to his father you think I'd do that for money I'll give you all of it just let me keep a couple of thousand what else do you want I don't want your money I don't want anything from anybody don't follow me just don't follow me [Music] thank you [Music] what do you think you're going I don't know I don't care I'll run till I drop if nanchez finds me he'll have to kill me before he takes my son if you do any running it'll be by yourself coming with me boy veto hakko [Music] [Music] another parlay seems he did some thinking last night too [Music] you and me got talked don't listen to those others just listen to me ninjas I stood up against hook yeah I told him that the kid belonged to you I was on your side that's the Lord's truth look look here [Applause] money that's money Dinero fifteen thousand dollars yeah yeah that's yours all you gotta do is let us go huh you you can buy guns ammunition hey you can buy all the whiskey you can drink look at me [Music] don't kill me kill me no don't kill me [Music] thank you shoot that thing cowboy and you'll have those bucks swarming all over us do you think a Polly's gonna change that get down what are you going to do take him up on the Rock I'll be right with you no no no no no no put your gun to the boy's head do what when I drop my right arm pull the trigger but maybe this is your worst Soldier but I don't happen to be in the army I know I'm asking an awful lot of you but do as I tell you [Music] beside the quotes [Music] I replied [Music] Supreme [Music] each parrot had a natural right to deny it was a sin but trooper's Duty it was plain and so he chased a desperate game put the cheese give up this plane are put up money in the brain of his child my people have long called you face of stone they were wrong your name should be Heart of Stone I do what must be done you are more Indian than you know I've taught myself to think like my enemy I am familiar with your mind you will not let the blood of my son make you soft you leave me no choice and you think you have left me with no choice maybe you're more white than you know you love your son too much to see him killed with your people he would be like a bat neither a burden or a mouse a thing of scorn let him go with his mother and I pledge you will have a chance to walk with pride and honor you cannot speak for your people you cannot stand against them your pledge is worthless at least the boy will live I do not choose such a life for my son then I have no more to say [Music] wait perhaps our talk has not Fallen to the ground I do not accept your pledge but today you Cast Your Shadow over me and I must let you go tomorrow Sun may make my shadow longer you will remember this you will have it in your thoughts day after day [Music] sergeant would you tell me the goodness to answer a question if I can now that we are all safe it may seem an impertinence yes ma'am would you have ordered that the boy killed yes if I had to then you do believe one has his duty Judy can mean a lot of things oh mostly it means looking things Square in the face and maybe forgetting the regulations the rules very interesting search gracious [Music] why are we so solemn we should be happy most happy for you Mrs satliff your husband will be waiting for you in San Miguel your whole life will have a new beginning sure Mrs Salah like the night is saying we've heard that she is for that Sierra [Applause] [Music] can you read it [Music] heavy in Tucson for supper the Palace Hotel you can sit and lie in your fludes with turtle soup Fried Chicken dingleberries real bacon powder bread and all the pie with calf lover meringue you can eat thank you you put me off my schedule sergeant but you and the ladies welcome to ride with me anytime son real good [Music] found these on the seat Sergeant must have fell out of your pocket thanks [Music] just want to say thank you I think maybe I might have done some growing up on this trip they even know your name please I'd like to remember it Jeff Bennett man [Music] thank you Jeff and good luck General you too bub you got on your mind what I'm thinking a senorita you're going to be needing all the luck paint heart never filled a flush King savvy yeah who knows [Music] [Music] I don't suppose Fred knew just what stage would be on besides we got into life my wife doesn't always meet me when I go home on furlough I go to delivery hire Blackboard sergeant you're coming with me please [Music] thank you you were right to save the dress somehow [Music] Owen Mori it'll grow back [Music] [Music] you're afraid they didn't tell Fred about Keto see Colonel Weaver asked me if I wanted him to know but I thought it would be better if I were there when he finds out [Music] I was hoping you'd be waiting when the stage got in I've been kind of mixed up Cora so much to think about the Indian boy Fred all the way here I've been trying to think of a way to tell you tell me what Cora he's mine Fred he's my child I heard about it but I wouldn't believe it I know how hard it is for you to accept this all at once you and that Indian Natchez [Music] I just don't know why you had to bring the boy with you he's my child friend I couldn't live without him and you expect me to live with him well how do you think I feel when I look at her what about other people what do I tell them how do I even face him you should have left him with his own kind core his own kind is me he's mine Fred I I do understand how you feel but can't we just try excuse me Mr sudler what is it what's the matter my horse threw a shoe I like to fix it before dark I can't find a hoof knife [Applause] oh [Music] how long were you married when it happened nine years we live in Pennsylvania I came out here first and homesteaded and and I sent for her she never got here all those years no child just didn't happen so that's the way you're looking at it like I ought to be grateful to have any kind of son even won by a dirty Indian butcher well that's one way of looking at it or what other way is there the boy gave a reason to live and she's lived through an awful lot doesn't it count what I went through what I'll have to go through from now on I didn't say it was going to be easy first thinking she was dead then living this lonely miserable life and then she has to come home with this I don't want to talk anymore [Music] boy had his supper yes if you put a blanket on the floor for him to sleep on [Music] [Music] at the oncoming you know you're pretty lucky you don't have to think things up you just obey orders thank you [Music] a coral you don't want to do this thing to me [Music] I don't want to hurt you but can't we just try he's such a little boy he's not mine Coral spray I kept remembering once we had a good life I was ready to forgive you about the Indian forgive me but you had to go and bring his forgive me [Music] what kind of a man do you think I am she has no one else to turn to Mr Sutliff any reason for you to be nosy Indian soldier who lives there no I guess my job here is done [Applause] where are you going without my son I have no place here yes you have your place is here if you want it if you really want it I'm sorry Fred I've got to get away from here I'm her husband she belongs to me she doesn't belong to anyone now but the boy Cora forgive me for coming back for putting you through all this you're not going to take her you can take the boy but not her is this how you're going to solve it Mr Sutliff shoot me and force her to stay then what do you do about the boy shoot him too get in that wagon and leave by yourself Soldier you're not the kind of a manhood that's anxious jump off [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] with their leader gone through [Music] good boy takes things the Indian way without yapping I have relatives back East I I could go there is that what you want I'm 47. nearly 30 of them in the Army makes a man rough got four months into my last hitch you could get a room in the settlement near the fort months not such a long spell what about your family nobody's likely to get hurt there and gets defensive everybody in the fort trying to marry him off if you invent a family and stick to it it makes it a lot easier for everybody I think I always knew [Music] you gotta learn to speak English [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: FFF Full Free Films
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Keywords: full western movies, full western movies free on youtube, full western movies john wayne, full western movies in english, full western movies 2023, western outlaws movies, joel mccrea westerns full movies, free joel mccrea western movies, joel mccrea full western movies, gringo western movies english, western netflix, western hulu, free western cowboy movies on youtube, free movies western action, free movies western movies, best western movies of all time, western, action
Id: M93LKFelTGo
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Length: 82min 10sec (4930 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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