Zepla is Back! One month of FFXIV! Allcraft

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[Music] rich you want to start yeah yeah sure uh hello everybody uh this is the second time that we have had zeppla on all craft and it's pretty insane to think about how much has changed since that first episode last time zeppelin was here she was still working on t she's managed to get the huge accomplishment of getting t down uh which i'll be trying to do soon as well and then you look at asmin and you know he came in as the pinnacle of neckbeard him and now he's giving away loot to cat girls spending most of his time petting them and chocobo racing and i'm pretty sure by the third episode he'll be a lalafell uh well that's probably not going to happen because i'm going to complete the ultimates before the expansion comes out and i'm not going to need to have to do that i don't know what that is there's never going to be a single like there's never going to be a reality where i ever respect or change the wall of fall it's not going to happen i i watched you meet people i heard the things you've said you were slowly actually quickly rapidly changing and morphing into a better person a la la fell um listen lala fells are like zeppelin hates a lot of thought was that boy you hate lalafells too right what no of course not no there's no way that you don't hate them if you considered a fair trade and a fair measurement if i completed an ultimate for you to change to a walla fell for one week there's no way that one week of a lalafell is equivalent to an ultimate unless you absolutely [ __ ] hate him i mean maybe i would just make the deal and assume that you thought that i hated it to that i would win no matter what oh so you wanted to be a lalafell i mean i wouldn't mind it that much so like really it's not bad for me at all but it's not like i have anything to worry about anyway [Laughter] everybody doubts me and i actually i'm glad i'm glad that everybody doubts me because if everybody's doubting me that means that i can only go up it's the same as like i would get bad grades in school and that way if i ever got like an 83 it'd be like okay all right that's pretty good and so i know i'm i'm gonna i'm actually thinking i might complete all three of them before uh before end walker that's current what my plan is all right pop the screen out hold on okay yeah you guys heard zepla she has nothing to worry about and i think after we heard asman talk we know that she's definitely uh she's definitely right in that feeling of security but you guys at home you don't need to have anything to worry about at all either especially if you download nordvpn using code allcraft i'm pretty sure there's a pat did you set up the panel uh spam spam the link mod spam otherwise otherwise we're gonna get fired and trust me i've been fired a lot of times in my life and it's not fun even after you've done it 10 times but you know what is fun final fantasy 14 and the three of us we've been playing a whole lot of it all of us are in a different place right now i'm currently going through the existential crisis because i play way too fast and i'm gonna beat the main story quest i was talking to zeppelin about it a little bit earlier and i'm gonna have that that terrible feeling of loss when i finally beat the entirety of the story zepp was going through the end game hunt content at the highest level uh and then asmin is chocobo racing so all three of us have very different experience we've been a lot to talk about what's so funny about chocobo racing what what's so funny is going through the content at the highest level of play and as one is truck bars okay so what about what's so there's uh there's a high level play in chocobo racing i've watched 18 different youtube videos about this okay are you in a high level of play on chocobo racing yes i am i'm trying to reduce the i've been inbreeding my chocobos to find the one singular chromosome that my chocobo will have and that chromosome will be winning okay there will be only one chromosome left whenever i'm done with him otc are you winning along right now you like doing doing pretty good or no no i'm not uh i'm not but it that's it's a process and it will take time in order to get to the point where i am winning a lot and i do get i do get top eight every race that's why that's my favorite thing about it is he keeps telling me that he's so good at it and that he's a master of it and i believe him you know he's talking to me about it all the time he'll call me like dude is what it [ __ ] is dude he's like talking about chromosomes he's talking about chocolate he doesn't stop [ __ ] talking about it and then i go into his stream and every time he's like [ __ ] everything i've never seen you not come in eighth place ever you are doing it so much that there was a day that i called you and it was it was half an intervention i was genuinely worried about you it was like poe level about to take a break because you're playing too much of a game i was worried that you weren't sleeping and [ __ ] and you just haven't won a single one i have won so many of them i cleared out my entire challenge log the only thing is that i don't win any of them on stream because it's rigged because people will go and intentionally use items on me to make me look bad but the moment i go off stream i win every game oh okay so it's only you're only winning off stream so that's right okay okay yeah i only went off stream i i save all the losses for the stream and then whenever i go off stream that's whenever i really farm out the levels and just kind of get work done that used to happen to my one friend uh ninja i don't know if you know him yeah uh yeah pretty yeah we're more um watch the stream all the time that used to happen to him a lot he's doing fine now i bet he is i certainly do i don't think anyone would have predicted this like it really feels like we're in the weirdest timeline where asthma gold is obsessed with chocobo racing like a year ago i don't think anyone would have believed that not only would he play palms 14 but he got hung up on like the most obscure aspect of the game that almost no one does i feel like getting fixated on the stupidest aspect of the game is the only thing that people could have predicted no i think that playing the game is what people don't know it's the most asthma thing ever like what like at like every single game i've ever seen him play like it's usually like an off stream he he calls me on discord and shows it to me for like 14 hours just him like look i bugged out this boss like watch me do the thing and he just stands there and like i i try to be supportive like the entire time i'm like yeah like you got it dude that's so cool but it's never actually playing the game ever it's never been playing the game well it's always something stupid it's like how i can bug a boss out in a wall and hit him and he doesn't do anything it's like it's beating the game in a way that it wasn't intended to be beaten beating the game at its own game beating yes beating the games game well well that's it we all lost the game just now oh my god i haven't lost that since 2007. oh my god i forgot all about that holy [ __ ] i used to get reminded i have a friend dylan that would tell me that every [ __ ] day that's so much yeah i'm serious yeah it's so it was something like if you didn't have any friends you knew about the game and this is something that you would uh know about it was like a 4chan thing that you have your everybody's playing the game and if you think about the game you lose the game and like it's just been something that's been going on for a long time and anybody that spent a lot of time on the internet by themselves back in the mid 2000s will sometimes bring it up okay wow that's about it so now i'm losing you've just lost it's it's too late you're already lost yeah you already lost it's too bad i don't really feel like it was that crazy for me to play another game like i played a lot of other games but i do think that like yeah like going into final fantasy like i was very uncertain about doing it because of like for me i thought it was weird that they moderated the game and it gave me the wrong impression like i thought that they moderated the game or it was like if somebody called me a poopy head they were just [ __ ] banned and it turns out that's really not the case and i'm glad about that but at the same time it does seem like especially recently that type of behavior does seem to create a better audience so yeah so i guess it was just a culture shock for you coming to a game where they moderate it yes where it's actually moderated and i'm just was not used to that at all and uh i think it's been nice i mean honestly like having because like i remember whenever i started playing and there was like 50 [ __ ] people that would just run behind me with their [ __ ] whales they had these giant storm out whales and they would just put them on there and then they would make noises like there's the girl where they're like just over and over and over and finally like squaring it they got suspended they got banned for it and i was like this is more than blizzard than blizzard has ever done for me i was so happy about it so like i do think that the community in general uh it has actually had a positive impact and it wasn't really as i thought it was gonna be like this draconian uh you know play nice or die but it's not the case yeah that's why i remember telling you like i remember you had asked me hey am i going to have to worry about like getting banned because i told somebody to get good or something and i was like well man maybe you could just be a little nicer like the way i had interpreted it was like you were ex you were wanting to come in and just give people a really hard time but i don't think that's the case at all i'm used to not doing that anymore as a streamer because i used to um i used to just talk [ __ ] to people like the moment that like anybody would make me mad or whatever and wow and what would happen because if people knew that i was like making content they'd [ __ ] report my ass and i got suspended so many times and i was worried they were gonna like suspend me for like six months or something and so like now i don't even really contact people at all i just kind of go and and do my own thing and keep to myself so uh it wasn't really that much of a shock for me and just in general like knowing if you'll get in trouble if you're like just overly hostile i think that like really they have about the same rules that wow does except for they actually enforce them i think that's really the way i look at it it's just so crazy like i thought that um and this is one of the the best feelings about playing final fantasy is actually looking back and going okay i was wrong and now that i've played this game i've learned and i'm better for it and i think that that's something that hopefully gets carried over into any other mmorpgs that uh play like i thought it was going to be so terrible to not be using a damage meter all the time i thought it was going to be terrible uh to feel like over-policed i thought i would be thinking about it all the time but it it ends up just being more fun because any time i'm in a group i'm not thinking about replacing people i have no idea how much damage they're doing we're just talking about doing the mechanics of the fight we get through now granted i'm not doing the hardest content the game yet right uh doing like men eye level synced trials in the story right it's not the most difficult content i know that i'll change the other content but i've met people because i've been a more positive human being i mean by the end of world of warcraft i was bald and screeching non-stop and now i i feel like a completely different person wait you were bald from world of warcraft he actually was like we'd have phone calls late at night and they'd be talking to me like be like theory crafting it's like you know how you theorycraft about like a boss well imagine that boss is our head and so we would be talking about like you know do you think like uh you know like how do you feel about this and i'd look at an angle and he'd be like uh you know it's it's not looking good and then he'd look down and be like you know uh he's like you knew me three years ago like you know where are we at now and you know he was like taking different stuff and i was thinking about it etc and now i mean that's a that's a full head of hair right there yeah honestly um there was uh there was a moment when i'll never forget i we were i was live too and as was on my stream and i bent over to pick something up and as was like [ __ ] look at that bald spot dude and yeah he started ripping me apart he started [ __ ] ripping me apart and goes i have a scuffed hairline than that [ __ ] [ __ ] and i i went into like one of the deepest darkest places that i've ever been in my entire life i remember i was you're welcome oh god that's the night i shaved my head which was all because of you i i like literally made it a sub goal because of you because i wanted an excuse to that's mid that's mid head shave oh my god that was the darkest timeline what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's back up okay you you lost hair because of world of warcraft or did you ever have you ever done horrific visions yeah i died [Music] i don't know but i think part of it was the i don't know it was just i think the real thing that was causing me to go through so much pain it wasn't any particular piece of content it was waking up and knowing that i loved streaming more than anything else like i genuinely loved streaming like i loved talking to the people in my chat i loved like there were so many great moments in the day but there were all moments when i was reacting to content not when i was playing world of warcraft um and i knew that every single day i needed to wake up and play wow and it made me miserable it was the thought of playing wow that i think caused me the most stress why that yeah see that wasn't really the case for me like i liked playing wow i thought playing loud was fine but like you did get to the point where like you've done like everything you know so many times it's like when's the new content coming out not for another six months why do you think they had you buy the the package for six months in the mount you know and so you're just sitting around waiting for the next thing to happen and and i do think that like yeah especially like the way that i've been trying to play through the story and everything i've tried to do all the content like one step at a time and and it's tried to i've tried to like like make it as large of an experience as possible and i think that's really what's made it enjoyable for me personally it's like i've really liked that a lot rich is it true that you got fired from blizzard because you were criticizing well that's what i heard i don't know if it's is it okay should i i feel like it's not very often that god you just have that on your favorites bar huh peckies wow uh okay so you know what i haven't talked about it very many times like should should i how far should i go go ahead just tell the story should i actually tell like all the stuff that wasn't even said just kind of how i felt like it went sure yeah i mean you can't just exaggerate i mean you could just make stuff up too if you wanted yeah i mean look here's basically what happened i i um i i worked as a commentator um for blizzard well i worked for a commentator for major league gaming which ended up getting acquired by activision blizzard and i was working on call of duty i did basically every single call of duty show for like three years and then maybe more i can't really even remember and then i did every world of warcraft show for around the same amount of time and uh basically what happened was there was a um there was a show that came up that i thought that i was working and they never told me that i wasn't working after all of those years of doing every single show they didn't tell me and they tweeted and that's how i found out that i wasn't a part of the show and that was the first time that i got fired uh and it was a very they didn't tell me anything i had no idea what was going on and the clip that peki's actually put up was basically me being like um or actually that might have been the second time or the third time i can't remember it was the second time um yeah i think that was the second time the first time i basically put out a tweet and i was just like i like just don't take it out on my friends who are still working on the desk everybody's on the desk is fantastic and honestly all the people who i know on the esports side of things are also fantastic this just is what it is and um i don't fully know what's going on because they they didn't tell me but a lot of it was just absolute uh i over time you know asman and i started all craft to try to make world of warcraft a better place and i think we did a really good job i i genuinely do uh hot it as well we we worked really hard okay let me stop you there uh did you say that like do you think that the reason they didn't tell you about that was because of incompetence or because of some other you know i think it's just was company policy not to tell me anything um because if they do like they if they actually had to give reasons like i was very good at my job uh pretty much nobody will say otherwise even if they didn't like my style on the job like that's fine but it's pretty hard in a personality driven position to like give a good reason right so i understand the company policy to a certain degree of not wanting to say anything especially because a large reason that i think that i was let go was because of my associations with a lot of my friends and uh because of the content that i was making with them and then the the time after that like he means me yeah yeah so like what kind of what kind of topics do you think you were touching that were prickly that were problematic for them like i realize you're just speculating here but is there anything that you think that might have had somebody over there being like i don't like that i mean they they loved me they loved me until until i was investing i'm telling you like i have so many friends who have done so much for me asmin it has always been and always will be one of my best friends but it just it is what happened like that is what happened and there there was uh i think that their policy on their relationships with a lot of content creators was just very bad and then after i started to get my own following as well that was something that they also didn't like because i could say things and that's a liability and the the final time that i got fired um i definitely deserved it like i would have fired me too uh based off of the things that i said um i'm sorry mr codeck uh you were always very nice to me um it just sounded really good you know it just sounded so good what did you say are you familiar with like the way that like a skinner box works no so it's basically a way to train a rat and the way that you train a rat is that actually yeah do we have the clip do yeah could we pull up the clip and and you could just see for yourself okay great i'm pretty sure it's my top clip of all time i would be honest i think it might be yeah uh oh i i see it it's being linked in my chat the title is rich has a mental breakdown and so okay yes uh oh absolutely let's do audio tell me when you watch this clip tell me if you recognize this person i don't need a break i need to uninstall wow this is a game made for [ __ ] anyone who's [Applause] why are you playing this [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] morons running around like ants in bobby codex maze look at his face like ants in bobby connick's maze yeah i mean i think it's pretty accurate did you take a red pill before you stream that day [Laughter] i cannot believe like a minute ago when i was like hey were you losing hair from playing world war you should have just played that clip you should just be like okay just watch this yeah you need to explain it like put it in the comments all the explanation i needed and yeah look i was i was definitely not not in a great place like let's be completely honest i i uh oh wait are you telling me that that you weren't very happy there like was that not was that not a good time at night yeah it's yeah it's so weird that you guys like there are so many other wow content creators that absolutely hated streaming wow and i realized why i didn't really hate it as much it's because i never played the game yep i never actually played the game i would just walk over and you know okay let's do two mount runs all right great let's see oh belly has got a new video great that's an hour out of the way and then oh there's somebody made a reddit post about me that's two hours let's talk about that and then also the comments as well and then read comments from the comments and then we'll talk about that and then by that time you know maybe uh oh look at that captain grimm came out with the video let's watch that and then okay let's play the game for five minutes all right so let's go do a transmog comp and that's the stream you want to know the best thing about what happened that night that night i'm pretty sure asmin uh rage quit a vision and hosted me and he wiped and i i literally said that day i went or was that a different day i never arranged quite a vision yes you did because you ho you raged quite a vision and right after i was cracking up and i remember courage was in my chat and i said out of vessels out of content out of hair and i i was like actually wait yeah i do remember i remember that spam yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i and yeah i and i i thought that i thought i was so [ __ ] funny and then i was like i'm gonna show off and i can do a vision right now never mind was that during the male muncher era for asthma yeah i remember that during the what era the male muncher oh god how do you feel about that like do you still feel good that you spent all that time doing that i actually was so like so there is a mount do you remember the timeless aisle zeppelin yeah okay so remember that mount hulon and it was like the big black serpent dragon that would fly around and he spawned like every hour yeah well anyway this was back in like 2017 and i spent probably four hours every single day farming for this mount and i would get invited to other servers i would be killing it on my other characters i would have other people inviting me people trying to bring me over me looking for it for myself and i did this for about three weeks and i farmed for who on day after day after day and the moment that i finally killed huan and i got the mount i had a midlife crisis because i thought to myself what the [ __ ] am i gonna do now like i was i spent 40 hours a week farming for this stupid mount and now i have it what the [ __ ] am i gonna do with my life and i i had no idea and so anyway what i had to do was uh i finally like went and i found another mount to farm and obviously like it's called gmod or whichever other one you want to call and so the mail muncher was kind of the same thing because i had taken a break out like dental work done so i came back to stream and i remember i got the mail muncher and i thought to myself oh my god now what up now what like now what am i gonna do now i'm out of content yeah because i would do that and like every single day like there were people it was about i think it was about like one month away from being on the same level of tim to tatman not winning a game in fall guys like everybody would just tune in to see it not happen and i was so glad that it was over i'll tell you i think that wow it's pretty good collection game i i don't think it's a great mmo but it's really good collection game that's mostly how you've been playing it from what i can tell yeah i stopped raiding like i said [ __ ] that rich i have a question you were talking earlier about how you felt like all craft made wow a better place how do you think that that's happened oh i i think we try to make world of warcraft a better place like it like okay wait a minute before you send that yeah hear me out from the very beginning basically so how all craft actually started uh a friend of ours hotted hit me up when i had started hosting and he was like hey do you want to make a podcast about world of warcraft and i was like yeah that would be a lot of fun we can talk about all the different things in the game and then from there we'll just have different guests we'll talk about everything first guest uh i think at the time probably like 5k average viewer streamer something like that named asmongold 6k 6k you make it bigger every single time uh but yeah 6k average streamer it came on and we were talking we were having a really good time and at the end of the episode we we end the stream and he goes boys what time next week dude well because i i just i knew how much better i made the show i mean it's like obviously i mean the show wouldn't run without me so it's like i mean obviously i'm gonna be back next week and i remember i woke up and i didn't know if you guys wanted me back and then you were like halfway through i think the second episode was with zarya if i remember right and i just like woke up and this is like you know a little bit earlier for my bedtime and so i got up at like maybe uh 4 p.m or 5 p.m and usually the show had already been going on and like i came on and i remember thinking to myself like man this show wasn't doing too well and then i came on and wow this was so much better like i really saved the show and then i just decided that i was part of the main show i mean that's pretty much what happened rich yeah yeah i remember we were all very excited about it and then we would have we but we had these calls and uh we we genuinely yeah we just talk about how we wanted to make the game better i remember asman at the time was talking about like the fact that he wanted to change the way they talked about certain things in the game i was talking about how you know we could try to create a better line of communication with the devs and we all really believed that we were doing something great and then one person accidentally let us have that the stage at blizzcon which ended up being an absolute disaster if you remember um it was an absolute disaster well you remember that we we wanted it to be free so everybody thought oh yeah that was a confusing thing but like people people ripped it and put it online and yeah it it it got there it got there but i i was relatively upset about that and then after that um i feel like you know a lot of our communication shut down because people left and then our good communication started to come back and then people got let go during the giant like uh you know situation that happened which one uh yeah when though when kaden got like a oh my god look at us you know they made me wear makeup for that uh they took me around back and they made me put on makeup uh so i wouldn't be as greasy as i normally am did you take a shower before you went on there um i i mean like well yeah because i mean like i like i would have taken a shower at some point before i went on the show like was it like a few days ago maybe probably yeah somewhere around there i mean like you can see like wait a minute i remember wait i i'm suddenly remembering around the time that this happened there was like i feel like i remember there being some kind of a reddit post or like you were defending yourself about how you smell and i remember you like you were like oh but there were people that met me at blizzcon and they said that i was not smelly like do you remember that that absolutely jasmine's never smelled ever i i actually like i don't think i don't smell bad at all because i don't sweat yeah i don't sweat i don't drink any water i just drink dr pepper well then i'm fine okay go ahead i bet there's there's dr pepper and you can't tell because you only drink dr pepper um you know what he smells like it smells pretty good asmin smells like somebody put expensive cologne on him two months ago that's actually the best way to describe ads and smell what it's it's like yes it's like it's like a like it's not it's not bad it's like a musk that has just lingered like lingered a very long time it's pretty manly honestly yeah you're right about the lingering part okay like it's not bad like he genuinely does not smell bad i i don't yeah if i don't shower for three days i will smell worse than asthma if he hasn't showered in two months exactly it's actually true people don't believe it and then they meet me and they're even people that comment while they meet me it's like this is a normal conversation for them they're like wow it's nice to meet you man i thought you would smell like [ __ ] and be disgusting and you are but not as much as how much i thought and i'm like wow thanks a lot man i really appreciate that yeah do you ever have people come up to you is that boy and like recognize you in real life no of course not because well i don't walk around with my bunny ears on so they can't tell i'm completely incognito it's like clark kent yeah no one can you're not you're in ukraine right so yeah i feel like actually a lot of people there do [Music] like watch a lot of gaming content like it's so popular there maybe they're just like less sure that it's me they're not as certain yeah yeah maybe they could be intimidated because it's like a girl it's like if you see me it's like okay this is this [ __ ] idiot wearing you know like baggy clothes and everything but it's like a girl it's like you know they're like oh you know i don't want to do that right you're the most obvious like you're the most it's like it's like if mark ruffalo walked around wearing green face paint everybody be like oh look it's the hulk you're always in like you're like a cartoon character in the sense that you're always wearing your work uniform you know like like you know how cartoon characters like they're always like doug always wore doug's clothes asman's always wearing asthma's clothes he's going to be walking around and what are you talking about everybody's always wearing their own clothes that's such a weird thing no but i mean he doesn't change like it's always this it's pretty much always the same shirt when we go out so people are gonna like they've done it here's an example here's an example zeppelin how many different pairs of bunny ears do you have i have uh three okay so it's about the same yeah because i have the blue shirt i have this shirt and i have the army shirt and then sometimes also wear the black shirt i have over 150 shirts but i don't like wearing those i i remember um i i remember um there was there was a the first time we met you were wearing pajama bottoms and a pair of basketball shorts thug life yeah yeah you were they were they were mario pajama bottoms right and then you were wearing the uh the the moccasin like the brown moccasins that you always wear and the thing with those yeah with those pants it doesn't matter who's wearing them everybody's gonna look for at least a second right so if somebody looks and then they know who who asmin is they're gonna come say hi you know what i mean like he's basically peacocking without even realizing he's peacocking wait what oh i i have a picture peacocking yeah uh that's whenever you go around and you're like showing off you want people to notice you etc that's what i do are you are you peacocking asmongold uh i'm about to be look at this right now no i literally just linked it uh peckies can you show that on stream go ahead nothing no go hard here becky's messaged me and he goes yo i have a clip of somebody saying asthma smells bad can i play it yeah yeah play it so the funny thing is remember the uh the white yeah the white mage that said that he met me at boyz con late night white knight that's him yeah he plays dragoon that's him right there in that picture from 2017. guess who took that picture uh wait was it you yeah yeah you guys made me take the picture oh no [Laughter] no i feel so bad about it but yeah those were the pajama bottoms that's completely normal yeah it's totally normal there's nothing weird about that at all this that's so real and be honest i uh i didn't hear any of it i i can't think when i see hassan yeah we're hanging out at twitchcon he's cool i like his song a lot actually me too yeah he and i got along real well uh it was cool to actually meet him and uh just talk about [ __ ] uh for sure but yeah i mean i i used to have this thing and like i told my dad about this and my dad didn't believe me he said it's not gonna work and i told my dad i'm like dad i have this new idea for like a fashion thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna wear pajamas i'm gonna wear shorts on over the pajamas and my dad was like that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard and i'm like that's true and then i started doing it it was kind of it was kind for like the first time i ever went to blizzard i wore that [ __ ] to blizzcon and i was like you know what i'm gonna go in character right i'm not gonna shower i'm gonna smell bad i'm gonna wear old clothes and i'm gonna give people the real asthma gold experience oh i think that's normal so you never yeah you never had people like recognize you even like fan fest and stuff oh i fanfest yeah of course oh oh but it's not like in real life right okay yeah it's uh it's it's i like the first few times it would happen it was kind of weird but it's not like really that bad nowadays i try not to leave the uh you don't leave the house the house like i try to just stay in the in either in my house or in the forest in the forest yeah yeah uh i am like basically i'm like very i'm like right outside kiev i actually i was thinking about i was thinking about uh going there sometime uh i'll definitely you know come on down rich yeah so many of my friends are there i've tried to make asthma go so many times so many of my friends are there from dota because huge there um i got extra space you all are welcome come on down anytime seriously oh my god irl rain iron irl leaving the house like i have to leave the house i'm telling you you would love ukraine man is it hot or cold there right now it's warm right now it's fine right now it's really good weather actually does it like snow and [ __ ] whenever it's uh it's like the winter well yeah yeah that's crazy it never does that here [ __ ] ukraine dude there's so much snow here yeah like cars are buried in the snow you got to dig yourself out of the snow like if you stand still for too long you'll be buried in the snow oh my god that's crazy what the [ __ ] yeah like it's that's why that's why ukrainians are so [ __ ] badass yeah like everybody's really jacked because they're just digging themselves out of the snow all the time you're like fighting off the yeti and stuff yeah you go out there as an american you're like oh my god what are we gonna do it's like it's like six feet of snow and then there's no problem take some say some vodka and just like start burling man use my bunny skills to burrow myself out of there man how did you end up there it seems like a long story like people don't just lightly you don't have to share it i mean i i've said it a lot of times on the shrimp so i don't mind okay but look i i don't really plan stuff out real good and that applies to my life also okay like yeah i left the us um in 2013 and i went to taiwan and um i didn't really have a plan for that like i i sold my car and i sold my computer and i had just enough money for a plane ticket and like maybe enough for a place to stay and so then i i got to taiwan i lived there i uh crashed at my friend's house and i got a job there uh which i mean i probably should have set that up beforehand but i got there i found a job i worked there for about a year as a teacher and then one day i decided that i just wanted to go somewhere else because taiwan was really hot and it was also really really bad pollution to the point that like my eyes were starting to get really red and stinging all the time literally just from the pollution and this happened to some of my friends as well so it wasn't just me and i was like i can't live here forever so i left and i knew that i wanted to go somewhere in eastern europe so i mean look i wish i had like a better more well thought out that's better than my story i mean it was kind of a yellow decision to come on down here and uh at the time it was when there was a revolution happening in the streets in kiev so it was really dangerous at the time when i decided to come on down good call and uh yeah i remember i was teaching kids english and taiwan at the time and there were some kids there in my class like five or six year old kids and they were like oh teacher ukawa you go to ukulel and i'm like yeah and this little kid is like oh what year was that five or six six years ago i guess for 2014. that's crazy so when i got here there was like barricades in the streets there was tents all over the streets i saw like burnout buses and stuff in the middle of the town and my mom was super pissed obviously that i made this decision to go to go randomly to ukraine uh but it it worked out i'm doing great you know you just gotta you just kind of go with the flow sometimes like if it feels right you're gonna yeah it's true it's fantastic or like it's it's i don't have any plans either so there's no more fires uh there's in the in the streets and it's safe now you so you can come on down for sure yeah both of y'all i i like this i absolutely love it like the food's fantastic the people are fantastic everything is cheap as all hell um like you you could literally you could go there and be like i'm gonna try to spend as much money as possible and spend the cost of one drink in new york on a full night like it's just absolutely absurd the the price difference and the people are just all so it's like high quality company you know i love it over there yeah it's it's awesome i mean it's are you scared are you worried i mean like i don't really leave the house you know it's just not one of those things that i usually do when was the last time you left the house besides going to wendy's okay okay besides going to wendy's or going out for food um okay besides going to like walmart too right because i went to walmart walmart we went to we got pizza that one time that was about six months ago or maybe yeah oh yeah yeah i did that and then also uh we went to that steakhouse and then s fanned ordered a 250 steak on twitch's dime yeah thank you thank you oh look nora is in the background look what who's that nora is that a dog wait that's a dog no dog that's a real one holy [ __ ] jasmine that's the dog you called the cat when you're reacting to nepal's videos the cat yeah that's my cat um that's a big one ukrainian cat yeah it's ukrainian cat those are a little different yeah they make them differently over that's why it must be so fluffy right that must be really fluffy for this time maybe one day i will leave the us i've never actually really thought about it like my expectation if i ever leave the us is that like i've made so many bad comments about like just different things that i just find like somebody somewhere that i'm gonna be like you know uh pulled aside by international police and put in like uh you know the un's guantanamo bay oh because of the bad things that you said on twitch i mean that's probably why hassan shaved you know yeah you think they're gonna they're gonna take you away because you said the bad thing on twitch yeah and then they might not have internet there that's the thing like that's what i'm really worried about because like like my friend cody was in jail and he said they had internet but they weren't supposed to use it so it's like i would be okay going to jail as long as i had internet but apparently that's not the way it works yeah yeah i'll be fine jail is basically just a hotel that you go to to write a book is kind of how i feel about it like you go to jail you finish your book you work out you meet some new friends and uh and and then you leave i i think uh i actually got detained actually one time while i was traveling and it was one of the weirdest experiences of my life i remember i was messaging asman during it i was detained in turkey for a little bit what why were you detained the dumbest reason ever uh i my dog had bit my passport and that spiraled into like bulls i was actually on my way to la viv uh i was like on my way to ukraine and i got stuck in turkey i was in turkey for for two days i got uh honestly i learned things about uh airport security i wish i didn't know like it was i learned a lot and then by the end of it they just put me in a hotel in the turkish airport and i just walked around and i just saw all of the people uh who had just gotten hair transplants and i was like is this like a is the universe trying to tell me something should i stay here a little bit longer it was a very weird experience oh my god and then yeah and then after that i went to i went i it was actually one of the craziest trips of my life i went to levive and i did it was the dota minor for it was the we play minor uh and it was like around christmas and then um from there i flew to germany for the dota major then i flew from there for race to world first did race to world first and then from there flew to i think it was where did i go london for um call of duty and then covet started so were you just flying from place to place or did you get a chance to like stay in these spots for a little bit and check them out to see what they're like i i would get a day or two and and i would go i would go pretty hard to like actually try to get a feel for for uh like get a feel for um the country and uh the people in the country and all that it was it was really fun traveling for a really long time but i was excited to stop when i did stop um because like i wanted to get some i i think asthma can attest to it i basically spent all of my time working for like five or six years and had no life at all i think like yeah like most of my life was the people who i would see on the road are talking to asmin and then uh i was really excited to get back and that's kind of why i started streaming but then we started otk i was working even more and uh it's been cool to try to be a little bit more of a person again i've liked it a lot yeah i mean traveling and working at that pace is just like i don't think that you can keep doing that for so long you're going to burn your candle at both ends you're just going to like there's a lot of hair get exhausted that's what's happened to me before it's like i've had like uh during classic wow or something i would stream like 12 or 15 hours a day or something what you're doing right now like aren't you doing chocobo racing like 15 hours a day right now though yeah yeah yeah i guess so i mean but like why is that i was calling for it i was like hey dude are you like are you doing okay like you're actually streaming like three times as much as anybody else uh you're streaming a lot yeah you are streaming a lot so like are you getting down time to like just just chill a little bit i'm chilling whenever i'm chokeable racing that is my version of chilling i'm chilling because all right so you understand how it works right is there they've got like the four star ratings of course yeah and i'm trying to get one with all four stars and that's my goal and uh one chromosome to rule them all i want to get down to that and if i get there i will win and everybody thinks that this is like this ridiculous like dumb idea or whatever but the way that i look at it is that i masked it out logically and i thought to myself okay chocobo racing requires almost no planning no preparation like outside of actually getting the chocobo ready and then after i have that it is one of the fastest ways outside of the gates and the fashion report and like the other like you know one time things that you can get mgp regularly so if i get this chocobo i am effectively making a but a good boy point farmer like he is going to be farming these tickets for me for the rest of time and from then on i will have this ready and i will never have to worry about it again and i'm i'm thinking like two years down the line whenever what if they add another cactus mount but this cactus mount is red and it's five million well guess what i'll have that chocobo and he'll have been winning races that whole time and i'll buy it on the first [ __ ] day i mean yeah i mean if you like it then i guess it's good it is good yeah yeah it's very good i'm going to get my cactus mount in just a few days so uh yeah i'm feeling like a real [ __ ] winner i'll say that for sure i absolutely am so i'm okay with that and uh yeah i'm in i'm investing that's what it is it is an investment of time okay so it's so it's all right then so so you've uh you've now cleared an ultimate is that right yeah you cleared the hardest one i did i did it twice now okay okay um all right how long did it take uh about 70 hours i would say holy [ __ ] but uh i had three or four people in my group that had cleared before okay okay so they kind of knew what was going on there was three or four people that kind of knew it was going on but still even then there's a whole lot of like adjusting to your particular group that needs to happen it's not like there's going to be one strat for the whole fight that's going to work for every group like you have to adjust to your own people for what everybody can do yeah the healers have to adjust right like that's like a big part of that fight yes the healer is that it's very intense i think that um i think you'll do it someday yeah 99 days left apparently you know the the thing is with um that i've really realized with a lot of the end game content in final fantasy is you have to be okay with the idea of going forward and back and then forward and back and then forward and back again and sometimes you just do you you have to keep putting one foot forward it is a real oh my god look i'm gonna be able to complete it it's not gonna be a big deal have you have you done the other ultimates though step one not yet uh i want to try that after like basically we want to re-clear t several times so that i can get all the weapons i want and then we're going to move on and do the others as well so instead i've just been doing i've been doing pvp i started getting into that actually lately how long did it take you to kill it the second time like how much reprog time oh it was the second time happened like very soon after the first time it wasn't it wasn't bad at all i'm like okay you won't have to re-prog what was that what was the second weapon you got i didn't get this i i still have the the totem that i can trade for any weapon i haven't decided yet i'm just going to keep the totem for now you know those the books are also badass those books all the books are badass i also really like the uh the astro uh the i'm getting really into astrology actually oh god okay uh so what about so pvp right i've heard a lot about final fantasy vp i've heard a lot of like negative things about it now that you've done pvp and you've been doing a lot of it i saw your stream and you were just like i've never seen i've never done it myself but like i could very clearly tell that it was pvp like how do you feel about it now that you've done it more um well uh it's definitely like it needs work okay like it's not perfect there are problems but i had a i've had a lot of fun and i am looking forward to the next time that i can do it i'm mostly doing the feast and uh i'll probably make a video just talking about my thoughts on it really soon so that i can just get it all out there but uh i think that the reputation that it has like all i don't think it deserves all the negativity that it gets because it i've actually had a lot of fun doing it that's not to say that there's not room for improvement there is but it's definitely worth trying it's good like it's very intense i've been healing it uh yeah if you get top 100 that's hard so do you think you'd be able to get top 100 or is that something you just have to be like super super dedicated for i feel like i'd have to be super dedicated i have no idea like i have no idea uh how hard it would be for me to get that that's crazy like yeah i've thought about trying to get into the pvp like for me like i'm very much a completionist so whenever i see like some of the achievements in final fantasy and it's like do like 2 000 mentor roulettes or do 200 duties or 300 with the uh the tank job or something like that that's a lot of [ __ ] work right now yeah i'm getting my mentor yeah chad already has all theirs yeah it makes me jealous when i see their crown so yeah i've been i've been working on it i'm going to be a really good mentor once i do i can finally rejoice you can finally what rejoice oh has there been like all right do you care about getting special mounts in the games upload or is that just like this matter well of course i mean that's why uh right now the mount that i'm going for is the dilubroom reginae savage mount the three-headed dog the service yeah yeah oh yeah so go ahead i'm just gonna say that's what i'm gonna try again and try to get the dog so like so whenever you kill the boss can't you just masturbate it to yourself no well this is like a 48 person raid and so like there's no way that i'm going to be in charge of this raid first of all i i'm not going to be the person leading that i'm gonna be joining it and uh it's like you would even if someone were to do that okay their reputation would be completely ruined okay but but on a hypothetical world wait a minute i don't think you can do that i don't know what i'm talking about it doesn't even feel you you can't you like everyone gets the mail why am i saying it's so boring i thought everyone gets it why did i say that oh what okay it's an achievement and like taking like handouts and stuff like that it's just like it makes it not feel as good and like i just don't think it's really hard for like a lot of the the newer streamers coming to final fantasy to understand that so if there are any like streamers or anything like that watching don't ruin your experience and like spoil it by just taking uh handouts you're really gonna somebody gave me the 50 million gold mount and you took it i didn't know what it was really they were like they're like this amount well like the guy so i'm like how much gold is this worth and people like it's 50 million and i didn't really know how much this was like okay and he's like i have billions of gold because i'm a crafter and i didn't feel as bad about it and i just warned it i'll be honest i just learned that [ __ ] it's cool it's like this little yellow thing and there's like little guys that are carrying you around etc yeah it's all right it's okay i mean i would i don't think there's anything wrong with taking that one because it's just for gil like who cares it's not like it was like massive achievement that you worked towards or anything not really i i don't know i have no idea like i don't know how much of like gold farming and stuff like that really matters but overall i do i don't know like i feel bad ninja looting mounts in this game because i know that people would work pretty hard for them whereas like in wow usually whenever you would ninja with something it's just because it was a rare drop and i felt good about stealing rare drops versus stealing something that people actually had to work hard for it's like a weird uh it's like ninja looting ethical it's like ninja looting ethics i don't think that there's a lot of ninja looting you can actually do in this game because most of the time it's just like an achievement that everybody gets like or like or something that's really rare that you will get from your achievement after you farmed and farm department of armed for it like the tiger or any of those other super rare mounts i heard about the tiger that's the one for all the hunts right uh yeah yeah that's the uh do you have that one there's the uh triceratops and there's the tiger that's from doing the hunts from doing the world bosses like i watched your video those look terrible to get yeah like you have to make hunts your end game for months to get those mounts and like that has to be all you do all day for a while but i mean they're awesome i think the tiger's really cool that's pretty sweet i've never seen somebody on the tiger like i've seen a lot of people on the cerberus mount but i've never seen somebody on that [ __ ] time wait i've seen i've seen one person pretty sure on the tiger so what's the amount that you've gotten so far that you like the most that you're most proud of uh the amount that i'm the most proud of yeah um it's like so so basically like you know the mount it's like so you get the all the horses and then you put them together and it's the super horse yeah uh yeah there's that one because like there was a whole cinematic and everything that played for you getting the mount yeah that was so badass yeah kieran yeah there you go karen that mount is so cool that's probably what my favorite is yeah i um i got the uh the 50 million gill mount and yeah i'm really proud of that one that must have taken you a while to get yeah yeah i i was surprised with how quickly i got it after um after i got my chocobo it was pretty quick and i just focused on it i played the content um thanks gremlow and uh yeah well i must have been quite a grind for you yeah number one fc on mid garcia-mar i i mean i uh i hit level 60 today i got my full dark knight armor i'm feeling like a [ __ ] winner okay like i am actually uh i've been enjoying the game a lot i feel like the story has picked up a lot and like at the uh in the middle of like a realm of born i was like okay when's this gonna happen when's that gonna happen but i remember going into it and people were always very negative about the story in a realm were born i don't know why i thought it was actually quite fine i know that they cut out a lot of uh you know fat and you know unnecessary quests but overall i i didn't mind a story in any real regard it was fine with me uh i hate hori boulder so much and that like that arc the hori boulder arc that was the first time i was like okay i cannot wait for this part of the story uh to be over like that that filler arc like you meet hori boulder and you're like wow i'm experiencing anime filler like it was the he's the most character ever i didn't like that part but then once i got back to ct it started to get really good um i started to get like way more invested in the story and obviously where asthma is at now was that was when i was like oh my gosh i was playing bad games before i played this game so are you super uh dedicated to lalafell now like are you on the lalafell train like um no i'm just doing it because it was a sub goal yeah okay you know i i wouldn't uh okay imagine uh having like your defining character traits as a human being be tied to something so such a small detail in a virtual world [Laughter] i'll show you for reference this is this is a pc this is me next to a computer okay you have to understand those upload that's a small it's like a miniature pc this is a really big pc yeah i don't understand i need a banana i just i don't understand the scale do you have a banana rich do you have a banana uh i don't think i have a banana can you draw a picture of a banana uh we have a graph here they cut off they cut off on purpose intentionally they cut off my feet to purposely slander me on reddit why are you wearing clown shoes rich because they make them taller yeah and so uh yeah i mean it's did you cry in the story yet i've cried multiple times yes no i didn't cry like the last thing good okay it seemed to me like you wouldn't admit that if you did but like was there a moment where you were like starting to tear up but you tried to play it off by being like you know the first time i cried actually like that like just touching the first time i cried was when nanimo got on rhubarb's arm and it was just so [ __ ] cute it wasn't even i just like i actually cried because it was so [ __ ] cute like a parrot oh and then she started talking i actually want to get i'm going to get a final fantasy tattoo soon i'm not sure which one but i was thinking about just getting nanimo tattooed right here at my arm so i could like that's really cute oh my god like i i guess like for me what was like one of the coolest moments i don't even really know like i feel like there were a lot of really good moments in the game i don't know like if a moment would make me cry like i've never really cried in a video game before over anything that ever happened in the story but like whenever dude raubon got [ __ ] like that like honestly i was so mad that he just didn't go crazy and start killing everybody yeah i was so upset about that i was like man this guy is like a [ __ ] battle-hardened warrior and it it will or i [ __ ] hate him man makes me so makes me so mad albert yeah yeah yeah elbow i can't tell you anything i can't comment on this at all i will say i think estenia is my favorite character this guy squares up with a dragon at any time any time he's ready to square up with a dragon like 100 of my favorite what's the last thing that happened to you asman uh we're going to the shower rand to meet uh yoshilado's uh mentor we haven't gotten there oh good part yeah okay i can say this because i already felt this way at this point in the story i actually did like a tier list the other day of like where i put all the characters just based off of arr and then like go and then i'm gonna do one for heaven's word eventually alfie was trashed here like i hated that little trust fund baby piece of [ __ ] so much every time he talked i was like shut your stupid mouth i don't care what your grandfather did you're not interesting uh and by the end like by the point asman's even in in heaven's word alfie's like one of my favorite characters in the entire game so that that's one of the things that i've loved so much about the story there were so many characters that i would have considered absolute trash tier at the beginning but then you know flash forward you're another expansion through and they're one of your favorite characters and you remember how shitty they were and how much they grew it's just fantastic i i've really been loving the game yeah it's a [ __ ] you still think he's a [ __ ] he is he's a bit you just wait where he's at but i mean just gotta wait and see that's one of the reasons we i tell people not to buy the skip potion because even if you jump into if you jump straight into chatterbringers you won't have all of that backstory to let you know how these characters have grown like you're going to miss out on all that and so you just lose all that context that's really important like shadow bringers i think dust down on its own is a pretty good story but um it's nowhere near as good as it would be if you could just do the whole do the whole thing normally yeah yeah i think like a lot of the people too who like they just don't know like if they skip they don't know where to look for certain things uh you know you you don't know where the eels are because you haven't played through that narrative portion of the story and i i totally understand though why somebody coming from world of warcraft would skip because i would have skipped if i played final fantasy and was not streaming i like and i keep trying to tell people that because it's so easy to meme and and say that people are like stupid for doing it and all these things but if i had considered playing final fantasy i actually told asthma i had considered playing final fantasy even before um what look i meme about quinn all the time but i actually will say i think quinn had to deal with way too much [ __ ] with everything that happened um i i think that quinn definitely didn't do himself any favors but i i understand how he got in the situation like that like i have memed about that quinn situation more than probably any other human being has but um i understand why he skipped and if i didn't think it would be a toxic episode of all craft i would have loved to have have him to actually have him on all craft and talk about why he skipped why his experience was worse because of it to almost be a warning to people to not skip who are coming from well but i i told asman this i was planning on skipping because in wow all of the content is so [ __ ] bad the storytelling is terrible there are some good stories and there is some good lore but you know where i learned them in novel videos not in the game because the storytelling in the game is not that good i i the things that i enjoyed in wow were the end game systems that eventually become outdated so then you don't want to do the old ones and final fantasy just isn't that game i knew that if i skipped everybody would say anything negative that i said about the game was because i skipped and that's why i didn't do it because i was like if if i do this nobody's going to take it seriously and you have to play it the right way and that's why i went and i did it the way that i did it too but like now that um now that there's been so many people right you have like a world first raiders like trying to like go over to final fantasy and try that out etc do you feel like that boy the community has changed in the past like couple of months that there's been so many people coming over to final fantasy well i mean it's definitely gotten a lot bigger and i think it has changed for the better i really do because before and i've said this a lot i do feel like the community was really a bit of an echo chamber before and really really insulated and a bubble and uh i think that having all these fresh voices come in and just so many people that like a diversity of opinions can no longer be ignored i think that's really healthy for the game and uh i think that hopefully it will inspire people to be more tolerant with other with others like boosting situation like i i get that there's some people that just do not care about story at all and so those people exist and if those people just want to raid and they don't care about story at all i mean who am i to tell them to do content that they don't want to do right but at the same time uh i i don't know if they could you know make sweeping statements about the entirety of the game in parts of it that they haven't gone through but to me it's kind of like if you go to taco bell and you just grab a hot sauce and you suck on that do you do you then have a right to an opinion about all the food at taco bell if you just had a hot sauce you just suck down one hot sauce i feel like if you have if you have you have that experience something so terrible happened to you that your opinion really does matter i i'm trying to imagine that that scenario that you go in and you suck down just the hot sauce but i agree with you i do not want to hear that person's yelp maybe you have an opinion about the hot sauce i mean that's okay you could tell me if the hot sauce was good or bad i'll take it i think that's the way i look at it right it's like if you're gonna skip the story don't go and say the story sucks right i don't know i think that makes a lot of sense overall okay yeah i i don't know like yeah that's good yeah i mean that's about it like i i have no problem like as i said like i have i have read a lot of the simerian so i have such a high tolerance for boring content that i don't even know whenever i'm being bored by boring content it's just unknown to me are you making the content more fun for yourself and so that's why you don't notice you're just entertaining yourself as you're going through it i actually think that i enjoy the game more because i'm streaming it i actually do believe that because because i'm streaming it what i'm able to do is i can actually enjoy just going through the story and i'm talking i'm reading all the characters because the truth is that if i wasn't doing that if i was just playing it off stream what would i be doing i would be skipping through every single dialogue maybe watching some of the cutscenes with the sound off and that was about it like i don't think i would be doing a whole lot besides that but what i missed something oh my god becky's on i agree i feel like final fantasy is like one of the rare games where uh you really really get to have an enhanced experience by streaming usually i think streaming you have to make a lot of decisions where you're like okay how do i make sure that i'm doing the most entertaining thing not necessarily playing the game the most fun way um but with final fantasy there are so many tools for the community to actually interact with each other and that's why i think it's a better mmo than i i know there's like a lot of talk of it's like rpg first mmo and that's one of the the biggest factors of why final fantasy is so good i actually think it's just straight up a better mmo than world of warcraft the world gives you way more tools to interact with people when it when it comes to uh i i think the look world of warcraft has a lot of store amounts the only game that i've seen that can pump out a higher number than the store mounts in world of warcraft is the amount of emotes that you have in final fantasy right it's absolutely mind-blowing the amount of emotes that you have just to deal with the fact that their shared space and player housing is is and bards and all of these other things i feel like i really can interact with people so that's fun on stream because there are more people to interact with the world has these different things like jump puzzles and things like that and to have the people around you and get to share those experiences is really good and also the community's just like so good about not spoiling [ __ ] you know a lot of people who watched asman stream had already watched multiple times some of the stuff that he's going through and they're genuinely like they're just trying to make sure that somebody has the best experience because they know that that's the best part of the game i don't know it's just it feels so much better than than wild does when you're thinking about how you want to stream the game well i've i've had some uh like internal debates about that a lot as i have been like i guess growing as a streamer and stuff over the past couple of years because when shadow bringers came out uh i streamed a lot of the main story requests and i wasn't sure if i should stream the main story quest or not because i was still just kind of figuring everything out and i remember i did not stream the last part of the shadow bringer's main story request and the reason for that was because for me it was becoming really emotional and i felt like at the time like now i'm fine with it but at the time i felt a little uncomfortable with like feeling as emotional as i did on the stream and like feeling like i was gonna cry and feeling like everybody was going to watch me like have this like tears of our eyes and like i was like can i really like experience this while everybody's watching me crying like they felt it for me at the end of the shattering story it had just started to feel like very intimate for some reason and uh at the time i guess i wasn't ready for that yet so then later on in future patches of shadowbringers i started to record myself doing the mainstream requests off stream and then i would just clip all the you know notable parts including parts where i did cry and then i put that all on youtube because i guess i felt more at the time i i guess i needed to work myself up to a point where i felt like it could be that emotionally raw on camera so i started doing that off stream just recording it and now i think looking forward to end walker i will be streaming all of the makes for requests this time like i feel like i've reached a point where i'm like i'm i'm good i'm comfortable enough but it it took a while for me i guess that just shows how emotional the story has been but shatter bringers like the experience that i've had in shadow bringers with that has been nothing like the other uh expansions like yeah there were some there were some moments in storm blood and heaven's ward but uh nothing like in shadow brewers like shadow bringers had just patch after patch of like super hard-hitting story that just wrecked me man yeah as long as as long as they don't kill your slaughter i'll be okay i've i've cried three times a day yeah that's the only thing i'm concerned about and uh everything else is gonna be okay so i'm all right with it i i've cried uh i think past month probably three times a day on or off stream i don't give a [ __ ] i just do it all the time which makes it like a lot easier on stream to do it i actually cried while watching asman stream uh the other day uh because he was streaming way too long no i'm just gonna get no way when he got me when he got to the end of the when he got to the end of the vault i actually uh i actually was like i was crying uh the the second time watching asmin do it was even more emotional because i was paying attention to way more details because i knew it was about to happen um so i'm listening to like the last words he's saying to his father you noticed that his father says his last words again i and i was breaking down and the whole time asman had no idea what was coming he was just talking about i had a feeling like i [ __ ] carried him dude i [ __ ] carried him dude he was a little bit too energetic he was a little bit too energetic at the very end he's like oh well this is all the night needs to do and you know everything like that i was like man any time that something like that happened to the story this dude is probably toast and like that's exactly what happened now i didn't know it was gonna happen right i wasn't sure but uh you know it's not that big of a surprise they hit you with moments in the game too where you know you you really know something's like bad's about to happen they're like say goodbye to your loved ones and you're like why is this a quest right now like like why the figures it's like they can go around and tell everybody your mission in life it's like oh god something bad's about to happen uh but yeah that that one hit me really hard i actually i don't know if you saw uh twitch they they deleted it so fast but they tweeted i think it was i think it was me zeppelin i think there was a clip of you there was a clip of me and there was a clip of somebody else and the the clip of me is literally me reacting to that end of the vault and and the caption was uh i think it was like uh metal or flashlight who you got or something like that and they just instantly just got like spoilers delete spoilers delete spoilers delete and they they they deleted it they deleted it metal verse flashlight who do you got seen that twitch tweeted it and then they instantly deleted it because they realized oh yeah it took a second for me to yeah yeah i'll see versus flashlight yeah yeah yeah very clever no no no i think i said it too that was the worst part i think that i said something like that uh right when it hit i was like oh it's metal versus flashlight he's fine and then he's just an idiot yeah yeah not fine but yeah i think that that's one of the things that's so unique about the game though is you actually do have to worry about spoilers with most mmorpgs you like really don't need to well yeah because they get spoiled because they're data mined yeah really everyone knows like you'll find out from the youtube thumbnail as soon as the public test realm is out yeah i'm not a fan of that i like how everything is a secret right because then that way you everybody gets to experience it at the same time i think that's one of the coolest things it's like whenever they've they've had like wow has had this before where there have been moments where like everybody sees it for the first time like they have like that sarfang cinematic where he fights sylvanas like nobody really expected that to happen that was so cool and i would like to see more games take that approach where you don't know what's gonna happen and everybody just plays through it and has that experience all at the same time i love that i think it's so cool i'm really curious how it's oh sorry go ahead well where are you going i was just gonna say i think i'm really curious to see how it goes when the new expansion comes out based off of how much everybody's gonna be playing and things like that uh like what it's gonna be like to stream main story quest early um i'm not sure i mean i guess people just need to look away like don't watch a stream on early access if you don't want to get spoiled like that just seems like common sense to me yeah so people will get mad about it i constantly yeah yeah there are going to be people that find a reason to get mad about it but i mean why are you on twitch if you don't want to be spoiled i mean that's the way i look at it too like i'm excited to see what it's going to be like because that's going to be the point where like there's no way for me to get like any sort of um of implication or anything right like you go into the game and you're experiencing the entire thing for the first time and everybody is so there's no way someone can spoil it there's no way anybody can mess it up or anything like that i think that's why i'm so excited for it because that'll give me the opportunity to like really have that new player experience rather than like having a new player experience that everybody else has already had yeah rich was talking about how he's worried when he reaches the end of the story how he's gonna feel like empty and it's like we'll join the club everybody feels like that we're just waiting for the slow drip of content it's like a little just a little bit just give me a little more it's like i actually saw a bell or posted a video today where he said that uh there was some kind of article saying that gaming is like taking drugs it's like having an addiction did you see them no i haven't seen it and i mean i i kind of feel like that with the story patches it does feel like i just get like i'm waiting for my next fix all of it and so that's how you're going to be one day well i hope so you'll get end walker soon after so you won't have to go without for too long i do feel like video games are kind of like a little bit like drugs but they're like they're they're like not bad drugs they can be they definitely can be that that's the best part is whenever they're like uh they're like drugs that way you can just like there's something really special about playing a game all day and all night and ignoring every single real life responsibility and human being that exists and then being completely and absolutely fulfilled and happy about doing it yeah like that is like that's like reaching maximum uh enlightenment yeah and and then right right after you beat it all and you achieve every goal all of your problems hit you again and you have to deal with all of that crippling anxiety and depression at once that's the the worst content patch keep setting new goals for yourself this is a new game uh i agree like there's something really special about whenever you are super super into something in a game and you want to wake up like at the butt crack of dawn so you can just get up and start playing that game because it's all you want to do like that's really awesome like it feels amazing to do that oh i love it like that's what it's all about is like waking up in the morning like i go to bed late i remember i set up for like 30 hours playing valheim once that was the best 30 hours ever because it wasn't like i wasn't it's like i finally transcended the mortal coil and i just but because that was some [ __ ] like that was supposed to like i had like honestly these races are rigged man like i i will like there will be like one guy that uses an item and the the npc will steal the item from me before i even get it it'll be like a cued action inside of the server log and i'll lose all my stuff and i'll lose and then my chat the worst thing about it is my chat watches me lose and then they think that i'm losing because i'm a loser that's the worst part about it that's terrible why would they why would they think that with with you losing over and over again no i don't know i think that they're probably just misunderstanding it because it's certainly not the truth like whenever i like i'm telling you guys each while you're entertaining you know like you're entertaining them you can't also teach them to understand you know it's hard to play it's hard to do chokeable races sometimes you know like there's a lot of strategy to it and planning and organization and uh you know like in-fight tactics and you know decision-making that you have to make it's a whole lot why are you zig-zagging so much back and forth what's the reason for that um i don't remember like i you have what about all this movement like he has so much lateral movement it's like what ninja was searching for on new year's eve in new york city i like it but he's got it here in this joke about it too unfortunately i think if you run into another chocobo it slows you down so maybe he's trying to avoid the other chocobo asses yeah yeah it does it absolutely slows you down it ruins it like it's absolutely awful if you do that it looks like he's avoiding them a lot here in the back well the thing is though is like i'm avoiding them but like yeah in the back but like look at me catch up though so like that's the thing is like at the beginning yeah i'm not winning but like then i i come up and i actually win in the end so it's like do i really lose no i don't because i'll probably win this race at the end of it and maybe if i don't win it's probably because i just got unlucky and it was rigged or something right because like if yeah i i probably get like fourth place in this one okay um or fifth place have you won oh wait i'll stream right that's right off stream you're winning uh i got i got fifth i mean i got fifth place i mean that means i beat three other people though and like those other people that were probably uh that were losing those are probably uh normal players and they tried to stream site me and i lost and uh it didn't matter like yeah it's okay like yeah you're beating me off here is that youtube video actually titled they're all stream snipers exclamation yeah yeah asthma gold rages and final fantasy 14. parenthesis chocobo racing yeah episode one of ten it's a one hour video i'm sure yeah listen like i'm telling you guys i i the chocobo is an investment he is an investment and mgp farmer for the rest of the time that i ever play this game and once it reaches once i reach ultima gold ultima bold that's going to be it there's there's not going to be any stopping me and i will whenever i get to that point i will i will challenge anybody in the whole world to a chocobo race and i bet i'll win as long as it's off stream you know what simply he hasn't played any triple triad i don't really do triple triad either i'm playing a card game [ __ ] yeah it's not something i really do it's just a distraction right maybe he should do triple triad why would i do that what is it not just a card game i mean yeah i mean it's just something you could do you know instead of ultimate well the thing no no no because like the thing is like i'll do ultimate at the same time like i'll do ultimate and then i'll go back and do more chocobo racing because i it like wouldn't it be a flex if i had an ultimate weapon and i was riding onto chocobo winning on chocobo you see what i'm saying wait is this yeah this and so we know somebody who has one of these and it's it's leveling up and soon it will get this big and i really really want to ride it but i know she won't let me i know she won't let me ride it but like i bet it's kind of it's got a lot of levels to go wasn't it eating quarters or something the other day like yeah i've got a lot of levels left yeah but it's it's got a while but like at a certain point i'll be able to ride a ride a real chocobo i i think that it will happen like because they just need to get the technology there enough to just change an ostrich a little bit and then it will become a chocobo like it wouldn't even be that hard this horrible idea these things are a lot these are dinosaurs they're super evil dinosaurs are good there's probably some good dinosaurs yeah dinosaurs turned into birds birds are nice ostriches are not nice man wait really well i mean didn't they win a war against like all of new zealand that's emus and it was against australia oh i mean that would be proof that they're pretty mean they're super mean i'm not worried about it at all okay like if i could ride on a real chocobo i would do it like i i would uh no no joke nothing like i would absolutely ride a real chocobo if i could actually get us ostriches to ride would you would would you want to do it yeah that thing needs more levels then that thing needs some xp it's going to get there all right it's gonna get there and by the time that i got it so chompy that's like the ostrich there zeppelin the first thing that it did whenever it saw me is it stole my drink it literally tried to it it took the little straw out of my drink and it threw it on the ground and it tried to get into my drink yeah it's asserting dominance yeah exactly like that that that's like that's my chocobo like this chocobo like was basically born wanting dr pepper yeah it's great okay see how much bigger it's getting that that looks a lot like a chocobo right there that's stompy yeah it got bigger that's what they do we got to feed him berries to to change his color we've got to get them ranked three food you would have to leave your house if you were gonna do that though yeah i know but like it would be cool to have one of these wait are you are you suggesting bringing it to your house maybe yeah i mean you could have like one of them in the backyard ride it down to the store i think that'd be really nice you know robert you're going to drive us through the wendy's drive-through yeah just let him know what's up you remember when we were kids the uh the like remote control robotic dinosaur that came out that everybody wanted do you guys remember that it was like it was like a white dinosaur kinda why why does that bird move like that robo-raptor because it used to be a raptor it's insane it actually looks it moves like it is a robo-raptor that is has a remote control with dying batteries my mom recently got me a triceratops uh wrapped like a little triceratops thing like that so yeah i still have one actually can we see it yeah i'll bring it back nice i don't know if i can find it 100 but i think it's over here oh my god that's exactly what i was talking about it moves the same way as the oh my god this thing was awesome is this no man's sky i i still have not played that game but i've heard it's so good now i've heard it's better oh he bites yeah he does bite he's got like four mouth sensors he can practically taste uh yeah now i uh i've been meaning to play no man's sky eventually because i've heard it's so like i've heard it's genuinely good now uh yeah but it still doesn't have the big old dinosaurs in it wait doesn't have dinosaurs well i mean it has them it doesn't have the giant ones like it was advertised here it is it's not very uh it's it's it doesn't have the little remote control with them oh wait wait here it is there we go look at him see does the same noise over and over again wait can you all hear that no wait y'all actually can't hear that it sounds like no there's no way that's crazy yeah it roars okay that's what he's hecking he's not roaring yeah he certainly is my mom got that for me as a president so i've kept it over there the whole time it's a cool dinosaur yeah it certainly is i do want to say like so obviously um you know we've got other games like uh a new world and um like lost ark these other games that boy are you going to play any of these other games no no no really why not i don't care about new world uh because it's just humans in it so i don't care there's no bunny girls there's no bunny girls in it yeah it's hard to go back after you've seen a cat girl isn't it well i mean for me it's the bunny girls what makes the bunny girls better uh well they are yeah uh they're more dominant okay they're they're they're like uh they're stronger they're more uh aggressive so they're more dominant and more aggressive and that's what makes them better yeah i mean to quote the devs and the the the famous quote in a dev interview step on me please did they say no they didn't about the vieira it wasn't about the pierre but we can't say whatever we can't we can't say what it is can't say what it is oh my god oh they're just better i mean they're like uh they're the ones that are in charge over there in the forest they've kicked the men out the men have to go like struggle to survive in the wilderness they're out there camping and i can barely find them while they maintain the whole town all the villages and all the government is all run by vieira oh my god that's that's so unreal yeah right are you kidding me it's completely true yeah like basically uh the lore is that the viera child is born without a gender and then it grows up and then one day you find out if it's gonna be a boy or girl and the boys have they have to go they're exiled basically they have to go out into the forest and then the women get to stay in town that's the actual [ __ ] that's such [ __ ] are you kidding me the the males are also shorter oh my god this is just wow this is so like yeah it's all correct it's like yeah right it's just oh my god i i didn't even know any of that about it at all like i just found out yashwata had a sister today and that like completely blew my [ __ ] mind i didn't even know that and like now it's like and there's actually a whole like a bunny girl supremacy thing yeah female supremacy for bunny girls yeah they they're the ones that ruined the the forest out there oh my god like if you've seen the male viera artwork you'll notice that they are camping they are not in town they're on a mountain camping yeah they're literally they're they're like it's just it's just the boys being boys on the top of a mountain wearing mid-drifts uh midriff like halter tops or whatever um it doesn't seem like that bad in existence i'm not gonna lie but if the guys are out there doing their thing you know just being being boys and the girls are doing their thing in town how do the genderless little vieira get born oh well they can come into town to do that and then go actually you know what being a male vieira sounds pretty good that was pretty good they just show up and then the females are like okay get out hop in hop out that is [ __ ] awesome wow um that's crazy and so yeah i was wondering because whenever i saw the male vieira uh the reveal trailer i actually thought it was a girl until they showed the face i genuinely thought it was just like another girl like it's just some other girl race but it turned out to be a dude it's crazy how different people react to the different final fantasy content in such varying ways because uh i i didn't care regardless yeah that was my reaction i didn't even think i didn't even think about that at all that's crazy like i was just like so uh i don't even know what to think about it yeah and then there's the guy oh my god looking good looking awesome oh my god marching off to go do like who knows one who cares it's just like what are they gonna go to war or something like that i have no idea even know what to think about it yeah uh well he's he's like i don't know doing so are they warriors are so are are the boys warriors or not yeah they're they're uh defending the forest they're like scouts so they're out there in the field doing the field work scouts oh my god yeah okay yeah he's gonna have to yeah that that's so oh my god all right look i'm glad that i'm playing my character there's no way i'm changing over to that i'm gonna i'm first global i'm gonna make one of them my retainer you know jesus christ take off a little bit of that weight you know yeah of course you know retainers help you carry your load i'm very much looking forward to getting an additional retainer i already have uh i have four retainer slots waiting is that right yeah i have seven i think we don't know how retainers work i uh have a full inventory at all time with about two spaces open and that's really sad yeah that's what i do and um i the thing is like if i got a retainer i i hope everybody knows like if i got a retainer we would reach the exact same point that we're at in like two weeks yeah you might keep only more i'll just keep getting more stuff and and like that's it so it doesn't matter if i get a retainer or not it makes no difference whatever you can keep getting more retainers i i i so every time my inventory is full i add another retainer um i i think it's like what like three dollars a month or something um i i yeah so i just add another retainer and then i just put all of my inventory in there i don't even look at what it is and then uh then i go back i start playing i let my inventory fill up i get another one another three yeah it's actually paid that that's the only uh pay to win functionality just get more and more retainers oh my god okay yeah maybe i can figure that out like i don't know like do you feel like this is the question i have about like end walkers like obviously like level 80 you have like a lot of abilities do you think final fantasy is going to run into the same problem that wow had with like just having too many abilities and like too many keybinds no i don't think so because they have to make sure that the game is playable and comfortable on console too so i feel like that's something that might discourage them from putting way too many buttons on like on your job but also usually jobs like if a job starts to feel like it's getting too many buttons they will just remove some like they're pretty good at making sure that uh the jobs change as they need to as expansions come like we already know that there's gonna be big changes coming to several different jobs in end walker but they haven't announced which ones yet so for now we can only speculate but i don't think any job is even in danger of that right now really okay so like it's something that they've done before though it's not like it's out of the question yeah they did reduce the number of actions before like they've already had to do that before they took away stuff that they felt was unnecessary to like not have bloat so i don't think that something that we have to worry about that's and that's very interesting because yeah like wow just had more and more and more and then they just got rid of them all in like one big fell swoop so i wasn't sure if that was really ever going to happen oh what about like the numbers like so like obviously the numbers are getting like a lot bigger in this game and do you think that like end walker will have like the same issues or like expansion like after end walker well they can have some issues there is going to be the stat squish in in walker like that's common really yeah and actually you should know that they did say that this might affect unsynced content so there's a chance that it could make the unsynced content harder they told us but they also said that they might add a well they will probably have to add a buff to you so that way yeah you it won't be as bad but we don't know right now how much will that buff compensate like how much harder will it be to do the onsync content later compared to now like we don't know that right now and so that's kind of a big question mark i don't know if it's i don't know if i should be concerned about that but like if you're looking at doing a lot of unsynced mount farms like for the birds and stuff i mean might be something to consider well aren't those aren't those birds like one and twenty or sorry not one twenty like twenty percent uh i'm not sure i did the birds in heaven's words so i don't know yeah i don't know how it's different now i'm getting raffles soon that's that's like one of the next mounts i'm going to be grinding oh yeah yeah i'm excited for that one but yeah it's not too bad to get it's not too bad to get people say five percent that's nothing well rathalos you can get it after you get 50 totems so like if you kill him on extreme 50 times you got it yeah yeah so i mean it's not it's not gonna be too bad yeah that one's like that one's like a definitive grind um i'm not worried about it but yeah i'm going to be doing it i'm going to hit 70 tonight actually zeppelin so i get bahuma today oh really yeah yeah i'm pretty excited i i've been like working for a while oh you probably still have a good bit of story left uh yeah i met uh i i told you where i was at yeah yeah i want to spoil asthma but i i saved all of my job quests to do them all at once so i'm going to go through every single job quest from the stormblood tonight and unlock bahamut i'm like yeah i'm like really looking forward to it i'm not gonna stall or anything tonight like tonight's the night that i'm gonna do the work that is crazy that is even more crazy is tomorrow friday tomorrow is friday tomorrow's friday there's no way that i don't get it by tomorrow yeah yeah you'll get it for sure like the thing is like i want to do all the heavensward raids i i think that like the heavensward raids are going to be like a lot harder than the realm or born ones is that right i'm kind of assuming that um yeah probably really yeah like okay yeah probably i feel like um it really depends on the raid though okay correct me if i'm wrong i feel like a lot of there are some things in arr aids that it's a little bit janky and by the time that you get to heaven's ward everything feels super clean and super polished like i the the one where you have to i forget what it's called but you basically the petrify goes out and you're trying to petrify the one the big like giant guy in coils you're trying to catch her hide behind him yeah with medusa that fight it's so good mechanically like i love everything about the fight but it still felt a little bit janky by the time you get to heaven's ward all of the telegraphs feel like they make so much sense like they do such a good job at really telling you what's happening without you even having watched a guide that i mean like i i feel like a lot of the fights were yeah there were those kind of unknown mechanics that like you just kind of have to know what's happening and like i i kind of like how it's like this is one thing i think wow does kind of well is it kind of shows you what you're supposed to do and maybe it's just because i played the game for a long time and you can play through the fight and kind of just expect okay you know if it's this type of a mechanic or this type of a circle you probably have to do x or if it's this type of a circle you probably have to do y or whatever so i'm hoping that like you know the heavensward raids like onward will have more things like that that are a little bit more uniform and it'll be easier to pick up on things well whenever you get through further expansions you're going to have more abilities on your bar so obviously it's going to feel better to just like have more buttons to press during the content like it will get it will start to feel better and better as your job starts to feel more and more like it should all he's doing is pressing foul cleave let's be honest yeah i'm playing dark knight now so i i uh basically i don't really pay attention to what i'm pressing i just make sure that i'm pressing did you get the nightmare mount yes you did yep you have to understand like i farmed odin for six hours straight and then three hours the night before in order to get his helmet i have the full set oh the the full set i'm not using it i'm not using it i'm just saying like if i if there was a situation that would i if i wanted to use it i could i'm not doing it of course i would never do that what are you wearing right now um i'll show you let me see uh let me see if i pulled up um i'm just curious wait a second okay uh did i just mess something up yeah what are you doing i think i just messed up my my camera yeah just you just broke the whole stream uh i didn't i didn't break the whole stream i just broke one part of it okay give me one second now i've got to restart it because i'm such a [ __ ] idiot see this this is what happens i i this is totally not my fault guys okay this is not my fault at all let me go ahead and make sure that i can open this up again why is it synced why didn't why does it look like it's synced it actually looks wait what what do you mean no i've got it i've got it i'm gonna be able to fix it it'll be okay look let me show you guys all right um actually you know what why don't i just do this this all right so this is my character right here this is what i've got going on i look good yo i look real good that's crazy right man y'all not even looking at me i look so good look at that dude i feel like the armor on everything like that it's amazing you see that rich yeah yeah i see you man i see you man it's so good i mean yeah it looks really good uh thank you yes i know that uh it's an amazing it's an amazing set it looks just so great and it's so well designed and everything and i put it together uh well basically i had to i would not really say it's hard to say whether it's really a full set because i have like different rings and stuff but other than that uh it's it's and the weapon is not really the same because like you could get the weapon a weapon could be something else too right uh-huh i think it looks great and i have a raccoon and the raccoon's not part of the set either so it's not really a full set it's a full set i'll go crazy honestly i honestly like oh my god it's only for for now for now it is that's it stop the clip please please i can't handle this i actually cannot handle it what what don't worry about it don't worry about it man i was a walkout i was trying to fix my computer i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure life is a simulation at this point oh my god yeah sure well i mean yeah it is of course rich fashionably yeah people making fun of my title fashion leader yeah you're right guys i i got first place in the fashion contest before i found out that apparently like this cactus mount that i've been farming for for like a month now isn't even that rare zeppo do you have the cactus mount no just because i don't want it okay all right thank god there's at least one person that doesn't have it i mean i should get it but i chose not to why not because i just don't like it it doesn't the the the the yeah really it's really stupid it's two million mg two million yep two million okay yeah it's a lot to spend and it just like i don't know i think it's kind of dinky i think i'm gonna buy the triple triad cards first they're expensive isn't there like a four million uh mgp triple triad card uh i have no idea i don't know about triple triad i don't wanna do that i don't care about it it's no it's just one million cloud is one million that's not a big deal dude i i remembered it being something like absolutely ridiculous how long do you think it'll take me to get one mill uh that'll take you uh two weeks uh two weeks doing the fashion report is a very efficient way to get yeah it's not hard i i haven't tried like i really actually haven't stalled that much in in gold saucer see for me on the other hand i've actually spent a lot of time in gold saucer and that's pretty much all i do like anytime that i'm not streaming that's all i do until like i get to the i'm gonna farm out a bunch of gear today and like make sure i have all that and then afterwards i'm going right back to gold saucer and i'm just going to be farming out those tickets all day long and doing more chocobo races you know what i've been doing actually um off stream is palace of the dead like watch a movie and do palace of the dead and try to like level uh level all jobs zeppel have you gotten the necromancer title from that no of course not why not i haven't gone for it uh it's just like it's something that would consume all my time for a while and there's other goals that i have right now like i want to get my ultimate re-clears i want to do the other ultimates and i want to do uh dilution reginae savage for the cerberus mount so like i just don't have time for that right now like it's it's it's very very very soul-crushing as well is it like uh how long does it take to do an attempt for it a couple it might take days might take a couple of days a few days to get through depends so you can like pause it and go back yeah well like you you do ten sets uh ten floors at a time it's like every ten floors you can leave assuming you survived those ten floors okay but if you die then you go all the way like you're it's over like you just start all the way up your progress from one from floor one oh my god it's really brutal if you do is it like you die once and it's over yeah well there is an item that you have that can re-raise you like if you die but it's a rare item to get in general yeah if you die that's it you're screwed i'm gonna do it are you reeling yeah i'm going to get it i'm going to get the necromancer title it's probably i think it might be the rarest title in the game it's probably like i probably can get it because like i don't have a job so it'd be easy i'm going to get it first no you won't i'm going to get it before him so it levels you up to 60 right because i just wanted to make sure that i like i had all my skills and everything ready like can i do it as a tank like is it like gonna be too hard as a tank or something like that uh i think there's some jobs that it'll be easier on than others like i understand red mage is okay i think gun breaker might be all right if you do if you do it on red mage do you just res yourself no because uh actually red mage doesn't even have a rez at that level but you wouldn't be able to raise yourself regardless i said what i thought that was the only button that they had i thought that they were just resume just well i actually i'm going to try red i'm going to try red i haven't tried it yet but it's on my list it's pretty easy to pick up it's very beginner friendly caster is that why everybody keeps telling me to play it yeah it must be it yeah of course it is absolutely yeah i'm gonna actually i'm gonna start trying to do that tomorrow and i'm gonna go in there i'm gonna see what happens and maybe i can just beat the whole palace of a dead probably in like one day just get it out of the way and that way i can focus back on chocobo races yeah that's not going to happen [Music] yeah i'll save the i'll save the rest of the content the day after frustration i don't know if you i don't know if you knew this zeppelin but uh that asman and i were actually two of the best world of warcraft players in the world before we came to final fantasy yeah yeah we were we were considered pretty we were big time gamers and uh you like now you know we're we're just like final fantasy you know it was like a bit of a vacation for us you know we're just like really enjoying it and just trying to have a good time so we haven't really brought um that skill that lays latent inside of us but you know soon we're going to we're going to really start popping off and stay tuned if asmund can clear can solo clear palace of the dead before end walker comes out then i will change to allah fell for a week a month okay a month if uh like up until the point that in walker early access starts because at that point i'm gonna change back to my main character and do the story on my main character because you want to have it on screenshots yeah i want screenshots and i want to do it on my character like there's nothing that's going to stop me from doing that so up till that point i mean yeah that's that there's just no way you're gonna be able to do it like in that time frame this is something like period oh thank you you're fine all right come on now all right so uh basically i have to yeah that's fine uh no the thing is that everybody always wants to doubt me everybody always wants to say it's not gonna happen we'll see what happens yeah we'll see no no we'll see what happens i'm gonna i'm i'm actually gonna start on i'm gonna start research i'm gonna start researching tonight okay and tomorrow i'm gonna do my first attempts i'm gonna look up all the guides i'm gonna look everything up it's not gonna be a big deal at all you don't even know what you're getting into you don't even know what you're talking about you're just talking [ __ ] constantly you're just talking out of your ass you don't know you don't know the dead is gonna crush you so hard it's not like it's probably even harder than ultimate like it's not just go ahead go ahead explain it explain it's gonna be easy yeah it's gonna be easy like i i the thing is that if there's ever been a challenge in the game i got every single mage tower challenge done back in uh in in legion i got every single challenge mode done i got realm first challenge modes i did a number of other solo challenges i have literally absolute i have absolute confidence in myself to do something that i know absolutely nothing about look as one yes i know you can do it and i i don't doubt that you can do it yes i doubt that you can do it in this time frame that's where my doubt is yeah you absolutely can i mean if anyone who's dedicated yeah but i mean this is something that takes people that are really dedicated to the content months to do it's not that's probably because they have jobs i mean true yeah let's say that you're at like um you know you're for 101 to 110 and you could just keep failing that over and over and over again right and then just keep reusing your save no you have to do it all over again i'm pretty sure uh if you want the title it must be from one to two hundred straight through one shot yeah that's how to get the title now i think that there is like one checkpoint where you could die and then start it i think it's for 100 and like you could use that as practice to save time as you're practicing but like if you got from 100 to the final four it wouldn't count to a title like it wouldn't count it's just for practice does that make sense it's gonna be mike i i watch like the thing is that like i've seen people killing chimeras and [ __ ] like that's a level 40 boss how hard could it be it's 450 it's 450 i think is it 50 to 200 yeah yeah that's the checkpoint but uh like it won't count like you have to do from one to two hundred like i said yeah i'm gonna be i'm gonna be honest man you know the worst part about palace of the dead for trying to do an achievement like this what really isn't very fun solo uh i'll be completely out like i i went through one is for casuals i think you will go crazy if you try to get this yeah actually i think it's not a good thing for him to try like i don't think he should do it i played i played like one through 50 solo and yeah and i died quite i did die multiple times as uh i thought literally thermitage i didn't have my jobs done yet like i leveled like five to like 30 in there and uh it was not like and i love that style of game like i like anything that's even rogue like adjacent and i was just losing my like it was not fun uh it's really slow yeah i mean look there's no there's no dishonor and just saying like if like if you try it and it's just miserable for you and you're not having fun at all obviously like all bets are off like you shouldn't be feel like you're pressured to do something that just straight up sucks that you hate right like it's pointless it's completely pointless i did that for 15 years you said one month right i didn't say one month no all right i did not say that i said i mean it's gonna take several months probably yeah i would imagine okay so now we're moving the goal posts is that right i mean what i've said was you need to do it before in order i don't know how long it's going to take you but i also think you shouldn't do it if it's going to be like horrible and not fun all right uh uh have you know uh during our after show uh i'm gonna be looking up uh strategies and finding resources and i'm gonna be spending all tomorrow planning we can literally during the after show right now man we could literally do it together and you can see i don't want to do it together i want to do it by myself and i'm going to dip your toes and i'll literally heal you as an astral no i don't want to train myself to do something that i don't want to be running without ankle weights if i need to be running with ankle weights or ankle biceps yeah i almost feel bad for encouraging him on this path because i just think that it's it's a dark path it is it is terrible like this is like this is this is a four-month stream break waiting to happen like that that's that's what palace of the dead is like everybody enjoy like make sure you show up to every single asthma stream for the next this is the thing that will drive him off the deep edge this is worse than p.o.e everybody say goodbye everybody say goodbye it's gonna take two weeks it's gonna have necromancer right there with the little the little brackets in there be like just like that it's gonna be so easy uh i understand the way it works right this is what i'm assuming right this is a very it's it's a it's a challenging dungeon it's a uh it's more so an endurance method uh it's also a large amount of knowing uh it's a large amount of knowing the way that the fights work and if you know how everything works you won't make the mistakes on top of that there's probably some degree of trial and error because you get abilities that are like roguelikes and there will be chances that you'll get bad abilities that do not work right yes so i assume this will probably take about 10 10 tries 10 serious tries uh probably one try where i could have gotten it and i [ __ ] it up and then the second try where i do it right it's all rng yeah that's what i think it'll be i hope you like traps i'll start there uh yeah look i i think that you know you've had and since you've come back uh from your last break i think you've had a pretty good run once deserved at this point and um yeah i think it's time for another break yeah this this will be the thing that pushes you over the edge now with this one if you're uh if your goal is to actually get to the point where you uh you don't come back until you get the the title i don't think you'll ever be back um this is i have a higher chance of getting invincible than you do of getting this title and i don't even have wow installed look he can do it he can absolutely do it just in the time frame that's that's all i'm saying it's just like i i respect asman so much as a video game player i genuinely do i think i probably respect him as a video game player more than most people do i've seen him at his absolute stream uh yeah most people think he's [ __ ] [ __ ] so i i think he's an incredible video game player i i really do i do not think you were going to get this and i feel like i feel like by saying this i'm pushing him even further i genuinely i don't look at him look at his face i do not know what he is right now i don't we're just like he can't handle it and he's just like yep i can't keep him coming we're feeding him what are we doing we have to stop it's too late yeah yeah you're enabling you're enabling unhealthy behavior uh i i will get this i'll figure it out i'll know what i need to know and i'll uh i'll be able to do it it'll be fine yeah i'm not worried whatsoever i mean look okay okay if you if you do it after in walker i'm going to do it for you no no i i don't want i don't want to do it after because then i'll be busy because i'll be with i'll be having to do the new content like i want to get out of the way now yeah yeah just get it out of the way get it done uh when are the raids coming isn't that in ground christmas time i think some savage uh i'm not sure actually yeah i have no idea maybe you would have time i'm not sure i mean you just do it like that's all there is to it i'm actually not worried or nervous or uh concerned about this at all i really think that i'll be able to do it mike now now that i you know what everybody's gonna doubt me i'm not even gonna say anything i'm not even gonna say anything because everybody thinks it's not gonna happen and it's the same thing with the ultimates it's the same thing and uh we'll see what happens all right you'll get the ultimates yeah i think that you have a better chance of clearing tea before end walker yeah yeah i think you're hotter than better than 100. [Laughter] right right of course of course absolutely yeah it'll be fine well i'm not worried about it so just just so you understand yeah what what you're embarking on yes you're gonna lose learn a completely new job first right you're going to have to you're so you're going to go through you're going to go through uh the quest to get a new job you're going to now get that new job now you're going to be spamming some of the early floors to start to unlock some of the abilities for those jobs you're going to learn you're going to learn that job in palace of the dead yes that's all going to be easy that's easy that's the start now you're going to be doing palace of the dead by yourself which is incredibly boring content i like okay i don't think i kind of disagree with you on like do you think solo health of the dead is i did solo uh i soloed pretty far i didn't make it to 200 but i didn't try like super duper hard but i made it to like four uh i don't remember if it was 140 something like that or 150ish so i played i've i've played it like the past week pretty much every um yeah maybe maybe the past four days like every night the first night i did it completely solo and it was okay like i didn't hate it like i don't think it's terrible it's not like island level like you you get to think you get to but the second i started playing with other people i was like oh my god this is fun and you know you kind of space out watch a movie like it's not like the hardest thing in the world just spam 51 to 60 over and over again for xp but to be in there with no end in sight only to clear the whole thing solo i imagine would get boring what i would say is that maybe the lower floors are boring but once you get into the higher floors where it's actually difficult it's not boring anymore at all like once it starts to actually be difficult in there it's like if you can manage to get through the grind of the lower floors yeah i'll stream the last two very intense because it's terrifying like any there's there's higher floors with one hit from one of these mobs that will kill you like you need to be kiting you need to be running around you need to be like playing at the best of your ability because one mistake like that could be it for you it could just ruin your whole run i think that admin will like that part really uh because i'm a bit of a fuck-up i don't know if i will and uh what what is what are you talking about i make a lot of mistakes i i do make a lot of mistakes i i'm not a precise player i'm a um that you're one of the best players in the world i'm very good at having bursts of skill and then having that be followed up with oceans of failure oh are you started i feel like i'm sensing a little doubt from you now what happened well no no i'm not saying i'm not is this starting to sink in what you've agreed to no no no no absolutely not well absolutely not no i'm not concerned about it in any way i'm just saying that it will be a challenge for me in that way because perfection is not necessarily something that i'm good at yeah it's fine look i mean no one would perfection like it's practice you know right you expect and you will have uh you know hopefully some luck in there too to help you out like maybe you'll get some get lucky with some abilities in there that will save you yes [Laughter] no that was some [ __ ] like this one was [ __ ] too that was some [ __ ] too people said i'd never be dark souls i'd be dark souls like that was no big deal dude the dark souls timeline was a dark timeline it was a very dark timeline it was an awful time one it was the worst timeline of all time once that it was actually like and you're you're putting yourself back into it right now that's actually what's happening here all dark souls every single day no matter what we were doing trying to start a company trying to do all crap anything no matter what was going on i just would watch your eyes darting around you wouldn't say anything and then somebody would stop talking you just be like and that was it it was the darkest timeline ever and you're putting yourself back into it right we were consumed he was absolutely consumed by it but why was he doing that i don't understand because i told my chat that i wanted to try a new game and i thought that the best game to begin variety with was dark souls and it was actually um uh it was not good because at this point i had not played any other uh games besides world of warcraft for 10 years and i was just so dog [ __ ] at the game that there are still people nowadays that come back and watch my dark souls playthroughs because of how bad i was and it was so entertaining for them to watch well that's good right well it wasn't the stream part that was bad it was the human part that was bad yes asman as a human lost himself right that's what i'm asking about that's what i'm asking about are you telling me that he was just on edge all the time because of this this game yeah i was really upset about it it was all he thought about it like there was no asmongold there was a dark souls player i had gone hollow it was just like filled with dark souls thoughts and like disappointment and like it was like it was absurd and then once he beat it like i didn't even really see the hat like i didn't see you feel that completed by it like i i don't remember you being like yeah i'm never happy whenever i whenever i accomplish a goal like that because i knew it should have happened yeah it should have happened like i knew i shot like i usually feel like i should have done it earlier so why are you going to do this right now but how could you have done it earlier if you were doing it like less attempts like i you know i killed a boss in 20 attempts that i think should have died in three something like that so you're already you're like punishing yourself even more yeah even when i win i lose it's a really great mindset to have let me tell you something it's so positive it's very healthy and just a really good way to look at things you should work on that oh i am are you palace of the dead whenever i get my plus 200 uh i will absolutely it's this is actually going to be so bad like i'm just telling you right now this is going to be so this is going to be terrible like i'm actually getting anxiety right now thinking about it i think you're more stressed than anybody rich asthma doesn't seem too worried i'm not like a little worried because mike he doesn't even know what he's talking about like he doesn't even know what he's getting into i have spent the past one month doing gold saucer dailies every single day non-stop for i would say probably uh like probably an entire month like eight hours a day because i wanted the cactus mount and i am now days away from achieving that cactus mount and if anybody thinks that i'm not going to be able to get this or the kugane tower or any of that other [ __ ] that people are telling me that i can't do that's fine i actually like it whenever people doubt me because that makes me feel better whenever i win um what is it about the cactus mount that you like so much it's uh it's what's a lot of people doesn't have it that's literally that's the thing that you have to understand the only reason he likes stuff is because he doesn't have it and then he gets it once i get it i don't want i don't want to use it i won't want it after i get it like i don't i don't really want it i just want to have gotten it all right the cactus sounds stupid but i need to have it i was like are you a goblin yes i mean you're like yes i i am that's that's the way i play games right literally i am a loot goblin and i that's all i do is i think about getting the next piece of gear i never sit back and think about oh wow that's so cool that i got that thing never i don't give a [ __ ] about it i only care about the next one that's it that's horrible i honestly don't know uh in final fantasy i don't even know how the stats work like that's how little i've cared about gear and that's okay you don't have to worry about that until later yeah but i feel like i i don't know like have you been playing the game that way so far has been are you like already thinking about well there's a number and if the number's higher i use the one with the higher number okay so so you you're kind of in the same place right now like you're not being like a complete loot fiend at this point there's no reason to because like there's no uh there's no real decisions to be made right because like usually you get like the full set of like high level gear and then there's no reason really to think about it beyond that yeah so yeah i think it's completely fine it's kind of nice you know like you don't need to open up a third-party website to figure out what's the best gear that you need like just get the gear that's good and you're done does that change when you get to like the late game is there a lot of decision making with hallyu gear or is it pretty much you're just going for like a best set no like you you you have a business you get all the things on the list and you're done yeah so i don't even worry about the numbers because the numbers don't matter it's just about getting the set i mean there's like a little bit of variation like for example if you want a faster set if you want faster cast times you want faster attacking speed then there's different there's a couple different disc sets to choose from for several different jobs but in general you just pick the one you want and get that yeah so i'm not worried about it at all like no i'm just playing the game having fun and it's like i i feel like when are you having fun like when do you feel like you're having fun in general like when i don't really have fun it's not about like fun well it's like but all right so let me think of a better way to explain it right because it's not really like fun to have fun and i i actually think only have fun in one scenario i and i could be wrong but tell me if i'm right i feel like the only memories i have of really having fun with you and this is kind of like in general it's just like whenever we're talking [ __ ] like that's like i only have fun whenever somebody else isn't having fun yeah that's basically what it has to have it's like a fun vampire thing uh that's about it and so like really it's about it's not about having fun it's about doing it because you can and just doing it and i don't know like it's like this weird fixation it's just it's it's stupid it's stupid but that's the way i do things fun is for online people yeah exactly a fun vampire no i am it's the way it works guys you remember that one time we were driving around in your car and i actually recorded the whole thing that was fun oh yeah when i was just sitting there talking [ __ ] about people and i was like oh we're gonna have to edit that part out and then this part and the other part too and i just have that recording i can now like like haven't even watched it because i'm too scared and then we chased that deer yeah i actually did almost catch a deer i i ran his ass down yeah yeah with a sword i would have got him yeah it was for the otk i mean that sounds like you're probably she's gonna pet you're pretty athletic if you could almost catch a deer how are you doing that you didn't even see him coming he was blending in with the grass yeah exactly yeah i i hid behind a yeah a shade of glass aggression yeah oh so you're like a commando out there not exactly where did you get all this tactical training well i guess dark souls yeah dark souls exactly thanks a lot i'll be totally fine okay like i'm gonna be honest like i'm actually about to sit down and like really start researching this palace of the dead thing oh my god yep i'm gonna do it look i'm gonna do it completely honest yeah just don't don't like actually don't do it just wait wait a little bit everything is going so well right now i'm gonna wait so tomorrow no wait wait wait like a month dude just yeah just wait a month continue to be happy what everything's so good like everything is so good don't do this to yourself man like just don't do it to yourself all right uh yeah start tomorrow start looking things up he's not listening yeah i'll start looking things up get it done uh it's completely fine i'm not gonna be doing it listen guys i'm not gonna be doing it on stream it's gonna be an off stream thing okay i'm just going to be doing this for fun that's all it'll be for fun yeah fun fun not really i mean that word i don't think it means but it's not what you think yeah the thing is i don't really have yeah it fun is a very interesting word for me okay it's hard to explain all right it is what it is but this is what it is it is what it is things are what they are yes they are what they are and they're not what they're not that's all i've got really to say listen zappa i want to say thank you very much for coming on like i know this show has gone on for quite a while but i do want to say thank you very much for coming on the show uh semi last minute and uh and being part of it semi last minute semi last minute free last minute i mean for me today about this and that's pretty semi last minute it wasn't the last hour it wasn't during the show i mean we've had people come on as gifts to the show while we were doing the show like this is i'd say like oh we plan it the day of that's pretty good right not the hour but like i can come on down whenever you need somebody like it's sure yeah well thank you very much i appreciate it thank you too i mean we've been doing the show for like honestly at this point four or five years and this is the first time we had a guest host it for us and it was really refreshing uh lincoln thank you so much for doing that me and my husband just got to show up today yeah anytime thanks for coming to the podcast i appreciate you all and i hope to have you both on the show again soon thanks for having me i really had a great time yeah don't fire rich it'll be it'll be one time too many actually i think that was hard i've been thinking about it but okay i don't blame you it's okay all right well thanks for uh thanks for everything yeah thank you all for coming out and uh also i want to say uh anybody who doesn't know uh please go ahead and uh if you guys want to link uh zeppo socials in chat and uh give her a follower give her some support uh she's made a million videos that we've watched already and uh i often refer back to your mount video whenever i'm thinking about the next one that i want to go after so uh thank you very much for that cool like a flex video a lot netflix yeah oh wait i have a joke i have a joke i prepared okay uh why do asthma gold's pants always fall off because the buttons keep popping off [Laughter] oh my god my all right all right yeah thanks a lot for watching guys i really appreciate it uh thank you thank you everybody all right bye zepwa thank you um rich and i will be of course doing the after show in just a little bit if you guys want to tune in for that and uh call in and everything like that uh we're gonna go ahead and start that up and just a few minutes but thank you guys all so much for watching i really appreciate it and i will be back online on saturday and we will probably be doing the final like uh probably like fours 180 to one to two hundred on saturday yeah i just get that out of the way get it done and uh yeah it's gonna be great i'm not worried about it at all so we'll see what happens guys it'll be totally fine i'll see you guys all on saturday thank you all very much for watching uh just stick around and we're gonna be moving over to rich's show in just a few minutes here but uh either way guys thank you all very much and until next time and until next time peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rich W Campbell
Views: 200,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, World of Warcraft, Twitch, Stream, Highlight, Comedy, Funny, Meme, Asmon, Asmond, Asmongold, Rich, Rich Campbell, RichWCampbell, Blizzard, Blizzard Entertainment, Shadowlands, Warcraft, Allcraft, Leveling, Experience, Good, Bad, Mounts, PvP, OTK, Mizkif, Esfandtv, Jschlatt, nmplol, Podcast, 9.1, patch, burning crusade, TBC, Classic, guide, release, Elden Ring, E3, Nintendo, Direct, Halo Infinite, Gaming, Trailer, Recap, Return, back, new, episode, Final Fantasy 14, FF, Final Fantaasy, XIV, MMO, MMORPG, pokemon, grading, scam
Id: 1L43W2VNUqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 51sec (8451 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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