The GREATEST Goat Of All Time + FIGHT breaks out with rival food reviewer!

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so we're going to put some stuff in the hot pot yeah what do we put in the hot pot so for us we're going to put that lots cream in it yeah the middle one it's a dope ring yeah last time on the best ever food review show we discovered some next-level roasted chicken oh look at sad look at this there is a massive hot burning coal flame in the middle honestly it looks kind of magical we drank some normal beer in an extraordinary way and this happened - you need to show you a full review show right here where we're shooting a food review show does that not seem ridiculous feels do you need to wear two bananas who is this guy it's actually very delicious this isn't spices but this time it's all about the goats goat is quite popular yes when's the last time you ate a goat three months ago so you like to have a goat like quarterly because here talking more popular but you know rock will take better what is special about the goat it would taste more curium and eBooks it's good for you have awesome and of course our drinking adventure would it be complete without a plastic bottle full of some mysterious dark fluids and we're going to be trying some rice ones yeah it's okay to drink beer and rice wine in the same night I suggest not yeah looks like a nice day back today so why not [Music] location - food - and most importantly drink - here we're going to have some of the famous populations right on why do a street food cereal if you've got a community what are you doing here I'm doing a porter maybe same thing you already do you're doing a poor review or food that doesn't even belong to this restaurant you listen a random restaurant makes a lot of sense you actually my first review we can both do a food review hard want a guy who can shoot a yummy ticket I think it's ever I want to yelling I can do a yelling for HQ I can do a really good yummy plate in you yeah what up don't you to show you are you show me mmm pop pop so Dave wonderful gift set Devin got here in Saigon can hate that I dig you wonderful quadroons born the goal and we're going to also be trying some Vietnamese rice wine we have tongue to the goat restaurant and they have offered us some of their fine family secret delicacies and that you do know you don't know wine is good if they give it to you in an Aquafina bottle does not Mountain spring mineral water this is some intense rice wine it smells like medicine yeah it smells like some traditional Chinese medicine it's very almost therapy and they said it has goats and urns jokes go dad so like the reproductive organs of a goat you want to try something yeah okay I'll do it yourself okay [Applause] so wrong it's a deep burn yeah it's like black licorice yeah I never had black licorice yeah you know you don't you didn't come up no you wanted to go down have you ever had black licorice now again okay it's like that pretty strong I would say 3540 percent that's real nice you know it place is very lively and energetic I'm going to go ask somebody if they would like to take a shot with me I'll be right back tight come with me don't be too I think Mia would be a good choice hi how are you doing Sonny best ever food review show I'll see you next time peace all this place is awesome amazing I'm is here people are pumped they're excited they're drinking they're getting drunk and what we're doing next is we're getting that go and maybe a little bit more than let's go we're about to eat some delicious goat meat but you can't take off a meal I'll go tea without some more material in our pipeline all right mwah are you very excited can't wait I'm very like equality minded just because you literally have my time but does not mean that you should drink captain all alcohol let's go for it you ready how do you do the cheers and Vietnamese Multi dope and together now oh hi you know what everyone else was dealing can we kneel okay already can you join us you want to join them together oh hi bye okay okay ready Wow it burns all the evil out of you I want to focus on this amazing meal before us we have what it's probably going to be a hot pot it is hot and then it's certainly a pot I know that from my culinary training they say the lowest print what is special about the breast part of the coat so you know what breast it would be like more tuna and big breasts nobody says I'm getting some cow breasts why do we say go for us let me read it okay so guys ha ha don't don't overthink it we've got some breaths here and it's the breasts of a goat that's all we need to know and you know what we just lost our hot pot privileges so I hope you feel good about that okay put it right or wrong you can leave this out right yeah it's nice and crackling wow this brings me back to what I was a vietnamese child put on some okra okra sounds really good and healthy and some morning pouring here good they brought back our hot spots I talked to a guy in back and I resolve the situation everything is cool while the Joad is cooking do we do something with the hot pot so is it boy yes they're boiling yeah this is always a big point in my show everyone knows it's called the hot pot reveal it's time for the hot pot reveal I've got a little animation that's going to play now wait for it it's time for the hot pot Rufio the hot pot reveal we all know this segment from my show is in boiling word it's boiling guys Wow it's boiling guys that was a great reveal Thanks what is that that means yes an inert innards oh yeah this poisons all about don't yes it's hard to pick up what is that mushroom won't know it thank God that is a mushroom I gotta go are you done already a little that's some skin yeah okay so basically they threw this dough in a wood chipper it's been for three came out the other side they just put it here for us we're going to put in a lot spray an image that is a joke brain yeah does it go through that so we're to turn it slide the dull brains right in there this is probably my most fun moment of today let's get back to our hotpot segment over here post up ice close over here time and we're going to do the brain slide everybody knows this segment for my show we call it the brain slide are you ready it's time for the frame slide and there it is Wow no is a successful brain point I think so this subete white gloopy glop medulla that's why they left in the pot here we go there's another mystery plate what's in that me goes in there more donors I am pumps let me tell you about a papaya that's kind of the fun part they say hey look we've constructed 90% of the to over you put the glue big blocky brain in yourself I think that's the love on that's something I'm going to remember tonight what Apple II think we're going to let that boil for a little bit and we are coming back to our beautifully roasted gilt breasts from here we take our rice paper we're going to put on some of our cook vegetables maybe on Oprah some of these herbs and then put our goats on there and roll it up oh that is nice it feels very hot and then starting to get a little talk or no - so we have the beautiful thought with the fermented tofu and our chili oil over here or you dip it in to take a bunch of this okay I'm going to dip it in running yeah one two three [Music] mmm deafening Oh show me your yummy [Music] spreading on my goal as a really interesting texture a little mushy it's a little like squishy I think squishy is the perfect word for it the texture it's squishy you have the herbs in there making it nice and fresh it's in the oil I only use a little bit and that added a ton of kick the fermented tofu when you smell it directly it might be a bit much for some people not me but that was actually really good yeah together one more bite father do you like it here we go whoa go rolls were amazing they surpassed my expectations wishy on their adequacy breast meat yeah I liked it last part of our meal for today we have this gorgeous hot pot so now we put on some noodles put all in there yeah yeah let's do it the noodle shot next we're going to put on some more hopeful step and now we're going to throw into grant complete some three-line in them we're going to boil that up how long do we need to wait for that look like what a few minutes because you don't want it to be two minutes later to our greens have been boiling away it's time for the last being a pot reveal of the night it's done for the hot pot repeat all would you look at that yeah nice and soft in hot potty or whatever oh that was nice some kind of intern and hat is absolutely green right there heading into broth oh there we go we go and see I just do it randomly you want to bring yeah are you your enthusiasm you had some goat breast and now it's time for the rest of the go yeah and I'm starting with a piece of brain stem right here oh that's a good brand I've ever had Jew Douga thumbs up we got a thumbs up guys the broth is so it's savory it's got a bit of fat in it and it's kind of potent in a way that anything you throw in there is what it tastes yummy yeah if you put a show in here and thirty minutes later it's going to be yummy I don't think that's not you don't think so let's try another beef I got maybe some liver here dang and this is some more brain right here whoo I'm not usually a hot pot kinda guy mm-hmm but this is uh the broth is almost like some kind of gravy mmm oh no I ate the whole thing here's what's gonna happen there we're going to eat all this food and we're not going to show you my back that's not what I do want to say thank you so much for introducing me to all the awesome food today and for you guys if you are interested in kind of Vietnamese booty experience leads it up one trip they're putting on cool tours in Saigon and boy and they are amazingly delicious you get to tour the city - link for that are in the description down below if you like this video don't miss it I'll search next party Oh incredibly spicy flexor [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 955,779
Rating: 4.9226842 out of 5
Keywords: goat hot pot, best hot pot vietnam, goat breast, goat breast vietnam, goat breast saigon, where to eat in saigon, where to eat in Ho Chi minh city, vietnamese food, vietnam street food, best ever food review show, Lẩu dê 45 Lê Quang Định, goat brain, goat udder, grilled goat breast, grilled goat udder, eating goat, foreigner tries asian food
Id: Io-JERql72w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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