World's Expensivest Shrimp!!! From Farm to Fine Dining!

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this it's one of the most expensive shrimp in the world one of my favorites this one cheers cheers cheers guys shrimpies one shrimp is sticking his little arm oh they're like the poor man's lobster if you had to choose between one lobster or eight shrimp here in southeast asia they come in every shape oh wow oh my gosh and price around ten bucks at a shrimp three to four times the other shrimp we just had in this exclusive series we're demystifying high-end cuisine and following high-priced ingredients back to their source today we're going deep into the world of shrimp joining me today venturing far outside the city to a shrimp farm oh no it came back i want to see how locals cook up this tasty treat oh my god compared to one of the most premium high-end restaurants in town do you know what makes these so expensive it all starts right here today we are in vietnam's mekong delta a place that's famous for growing shrimpies and it's actually very rare that we're able to film here you see there's some interesting kind of spiritual belief here that if you have people come and film all your shrimp will die really yeah these shrimps are like extremely camera shy this is not a joke when it comes to filming permission we've been refused by over 20 different farmers all for this reason luckily this man allowed us onto his farm regardless of this superstitious risk that rumor is gonna go a long way already we convinced him using sound reason and plenty of cash i'm glad that money can cure all that worldwide there are 2 000 different species of shrimp some are pretty and some are monstrous have you ever had some fancy shrimp like lost like straight i know yeah what's the biggest shrimp you've ever had that okay that's a pretty good shrimp here in asia they're producing 75 of the shrimp the entire world consumes and most of that shrimp is raised on a farm farms are easier cheaper and a better option for controlling quality it's no different for today's unique blue-handed river product this particular river prawn it doesn't really produce a lot of profit but you can get profit all year long okay so it might not be the most money but it's a safe bet overall exactly this is one of the most commonly eaten shrimp in vietnam these little guys tend to be pretty low maintenance as long as you make sure they have enough oxygen food and that their living space is clean why is this such a good place to have a shrimp farm first is weather so it's only had to season like rainy and sunny that's it and second thing it would be the water it has to be like a little salty only like five to ten out of a thousand mr faye starts the shrimp rearing by dumping one hundred thousand two day old shrimp into one of his ponds so what are these fish natural fish natural fish yeah he didn't put any fish here it just happened to be there very convenient you can see the difference in size from the two-day old trip to the 14-day old trip they are seriously tiny it's pretty cute but i don't think i get full with that it would take around four to seven months to sell that's way longer than i thought yeah i mean it's so small you want to hold it did you kill it uh i hugged it with my fingers and i took his breath away oh my god oops oh no it came back alive yes he was playing dead to put even more fat on their bones these shrimp stay here for a full seven months before heading to the before heading to the market these river prawns are some of my favorite shrimps ever i just didn't see it for most of my life i'm sure you're used to it it's no big deal but the fact that they have big spooky blue arms is amazing to me yes is that oh my god that's their phone okay either that he got a phone call or north korea is attacking seafood seafood seafood mr tan has been managing his own seafood supply for 25 years one trip is sticking his little arm oh my god i mean i got scared that freaked me out offering a fresh selection from all over vietnam but this is his best-selling item the river prawn from the mekong delta right there oh yes okay [Music] i'm saying oh he's missing one claw that's a big shrimp field that's clogged it's like a wet carpet oh oh my god oh this one is thick aside from river prawns local folks also commonly eat what the rest of the world eats like these white leg shrimp and tiger shrimp these have a beautiful stripe pattern on their back hence the name oh tiger prawn it's one of the most commonly farm raised shrimp anywhere most of the shrimpies you see here have never ventured into the wild these guys are all farm raised in fact 98 of all the shrimp you eat come from a pond farm somewhere and only about two percent are wild caught this monstrosity is one of the wild ones this one is a mentos trim mantis shrimp now i actually i have tried the mantis shrimp before in hong kong oh they caught some plastic because they don't want them to fight with each other the owner takes a moment to swing by and inform us which means it's very powerful so can it hurt you yeah what does it feel like oh yeah it had a hole it went right through oh and we're back okay so actually this isn't the same mantis i tried in hong kong there are over 400 mantis species and this is one of them oh oh my god that's his arm instead of a dangerous punching fist these guys are equipped with some seriously spiky arms resembling that of a praying mantis so they're still not to be messed with this is nearly three to four times the price it's very tough to raise them in the farm because they have to be consistently in really cold water and there's a lot of technology to be involved to raise them to this size so it's very hard but straight from the market this food is already pricey but before we see it get the high-end treatment i want to see what local eateries are doing with this fancy food right now um we're here in an abandoned factory it's a large space it kind of has a cool industrial vibe like big fans and they have a fish tank behind you over there baba restaurant is offering a tank-to-table dining experience specializing in river prawn hotpot and all kinds of seafood but i've got a better idea people don't usually do this but today we've brought our own seafood here this is great i've never seen this preparation before can you tell what he's done to cook it he didn't cook it that's right our first meal of the day is prepared green that means the shrimp is raw that's right we challenged this chef to push his creative culinary skills and what did he do well almost nothing but that's on me he just kind of stripped the tail away and then he's left the head so you're like ah right it's a shrimp we like to reassemble stuff back together yeah i like that oh now that is pretty big for eating raw oh my god give it a little bit of a dip [Music] what do you think that's a bit big for eating raw yeah it's so fresh that is so firm i wouldn't even buy through it right i'm gonna take a smaller bite this time okay let's do it it is softer it's like tender but the meat itself is kind of stringy and so i wonder if that's because it's old people say lobster when it gets really big or old it's not ideal so i wonder if that's the same but overall fun i think this would be a good drinking food yeah and our final course our second dish features these praying mantis shrimp first he removes the sharp dangerous bits but keeps the cool parts these guys have never been in the deep sea but at least now they're getting deep fried then stir fry along with fried pork fat chili sauce garlic more garlic and actually more garlic dude that is huge it's not a shrimp alien look i gotta be honest i'm not a huge fan of this kind of shrimp it's bad it's got teeth on its arms you put your thumb in here it'll make you regret it look at this this that's the part it's like it's weird to get it out it's hard to get it out oh wow that's a clean one i'm gonna put some of these pork and garlic crumbles inside the body cavity like it's a little shrimp taco cheers [Music] it's good it's good yeah it has that strong like aquarium taste to it actually it tastes like crab meat to me i mean it's got a hint of that crabby kind of sweetness it's still a bit mushy the texture it's not like a normal bouncy shrimp overall pretty good i think it's really good is that worth paying three to four times the other shrimp we just had okay now you're ruining it from it i think it's good but it's not that expensive it shouldn't be i don't think it can be made much better than this even here in this abandoned warehouse looking restaurant this big pile of shrimp comes in at 83 dollars it's an expensive ingredient no matter where you are but now we're headed to one of the classiest spots in town seeing how they turn up the heat and the price on this tasty treat our final destination square one chef sunny located inside the park hyatt hotel here they're offering high quality food with a luxurious backdrop what do you like about working with shrimp in the kitchen personally i love shrimp for me it comes down to the cooking technique whether you over cook it make it tough you undercook it and it's raw for the wrong kind of prawn whatever it is to cook it with some respect what is the wrong kind of prawn to have raw because we just had the river prawns not really you shouldn't eat those i knew he was gonna say that because it's fresh water we got parasites did it come from the river or it was farm raised you should be fine hey we should be fine we'll know within a couple of a couple of hours oh boy oh it's coming soon let's talk about another type of shrimp we haven't covered yet the cabin carabinero the carabinero yes this comes from the mediterranean around spain it's one of the most expensive shrimp in the world it's right here i'm looking at it this expensive delicacy is one of the world's most coveted prawns renowned for their size and their color which they get by feeding on pink plankton these are actually recommended to eat raw it's one of my favorites this one here these fancy imported shrimpies are slightly torched for 10 seconds do you know what makes these so expensive come down to consumer demand there's a business behind it as well but for sure these amazing tastes i think when you try them it should be part of the explanation why they're so expensive okay then the chef places it on an oyster shell and tops it with haman and berico one of the finest hams in the world okay so what does the foam do it's a flavor it's made out of a hokkaido scallop we make it just like a cappuccino just like a scalloped cappuccino i feel fancy a great visual yeah cheers guys oh wow wonderful soft texture no stringiness and there's oyster in there there is we take the oyster and we make it into an emulsion similar to a mayonnaise this is your own creation it is i like it big fan can i have 12 more for our climactic shrimp dining experience we'll see the humble river prawn served two ways now how elegant is this huh so let's talk about it first jasper grilled prawns step one put a stick up its butt area and roast remove the shell and place it atop a bisque eat with caviar and an herb emulsion imagine if they just like boiled your body liquids and then they put your body like on top of the body liquids that's what they've done here with the shrimp that's a good bite [Music] cheers sauce is kind of gentle buttery almost creamy with plenty of that shrimpy essence in it it's not super powerful and you can see here like the shrimp is not cooked it's still like you can have that firm texture still of the raw shrimp right i think this kind of shrimp is just kind of a stringy shrimp yeah i don't really mind it it's fine but overall good yeah i would like more of them that's the whole point of my dining yeah i know something happened from the abandoned warehouse six giant shrimp and then we're here we have one trip our final dish has let us hear the caramelized river prawns this is a more vietnamese inspiration going into this dish first making the caramel sauce a combination of sugar and vegetables along with fish sauce and soy sauce begin to cook down on the side the shrimps are blanched with onion and ginger add coconut oil the sauce leaks and finally sneak in some chili and peppercorns oh it's got a giant head and a little tail so i'm going to pull oh the tail kind of comes pretty easily cheers mmm that might be my favorite yet oh wow [Applause] so to me that tastes much more traditionally shrimpy a great dense bouncy texture cooked all the way through very satisfying great comfort food i don't know if it's supposed to be well do you feel comforted yeah like it's like warm when you eat it together with rice testing yeah like a family vibe i would say right a good sharing food if you had more meat to sharpen shrimp it's one of those foods like oysters where it's kind of everywhere whether you're at a super local market a street food stall or a place like this kind of everybody has access to shrimp but it's all about what you do with the shrimp i'm curious that the people watching this would consider this a fancy food or just a normal meat but to me it still feels fancy maybe that's because when i was a kid i was in the midwest far from the ocean and it was just hard to get my hands on shrimp eating shrimp cocktail like once a year at christmas was like amazing but for you you grew up with shrimp i'm surprised like the first one i never thought of making shrimp that way so i do believe that to make it feel fine dining then it has to do a lot with the cooking technique as well and not just the ingredient itself i totally agree shrimp cocktail ain't got nothing on shrimp in asia once you get outside boring old traditional shrimp there's a world of possibilities you never knew existed welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodies pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food around the world graphic tee we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece big thank you to twin for joining me today can i get a normal handshake oh a normal one that's not a normal one i did my best you can follow her on instagram polite dms only gentlemen that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,161,345
Rating: 4.9235353 out of 5
Keywords: shrimp, expensive shrimp, worth it shrimp, best ever food review show, mantis shrimp, carabineros shrimp, white legged shrimp, tiger prawn, river prawn, shrimp sushi, raw shrimp, vietnam street food, where to eat saigon, where to eat vietnam, park hyatt, sonny side, park hyatt food
Id: PPdP1iW57bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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