The Graham Norton Show Season 24 Episode 7

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Pizza K on the way his comedy shuffle coming up in 55 minutes first Friday night fun with graham and guests and they're a gorgeous bunch boy tonight is one of them right now good evening everyone my name is Michael Buble and it is my great pleasure to say welcome to the Graham Norton Show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tell you we've got a lot of packed show for you tonight my sofa will be groaning like posh what year the Spice Girls were reforming yes just one story the news all around the world this week I think all I need to say other words scary ginger and baby midterm elections the Democrats won the House of Representatives which is a setback for president Trump cause he described it tremendous success tonight package or hey to be fair though Trump did managed to you know rally his core support though from this picture of him and Melania voting he didn't even seem to trust how his wife would vote I knew that he's looking to make sure he knows how to make an ex [Applause] [Music] thrilled and the Kings win franchise and sword is Eddie the Eagle now he's stealing for the rich in the new Robin Hood please welcome with the very first time turn Edna [Applause] [Music] chuckling Jeff drive on the Great Scott speed please welcome back Carrie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's a four-time Grammy Award winner who sold over 60 million records worldwide now he's back with a brand new album and oh how we've missed him please give a warm welcome back to our friend Michael [Applause] [Music] nice have a seat everybody welcome along first time for Tara nice I'm very very excited Carrie you've been here before nice to see you and Michael you've been your lot and I ever say lovely to see you all but so happy to see you know because you know I think we all know you've been to hell and back and it's just see you back and smiling and in the world thank you so much I'm Carrie just the sofa smell familiar to you just your husband was sitting on it last week mr. Musgrave no no I Eve you've cleaned up pretty well as you say mr. Musgrave what you like yeah mr. Mumford mr. Mumford and of course you and your husband you were at the Royal Wedding I mean the good one Harry and Meghan's there you are walking in yeah yeah you weren't there no no I didn't even know they got married it's a lovely day it's an object but how early do you have to get there I varies I think I think we felt we should get there quite early we also were watching television and Oprah showed up which when you realize that you were later than Oprah so how long were you sitting there before the thing I don't know I mean I wasn't probably I wasn't counting I was seriously how many hours were you sir so we get in and it's a lovely day you've dressed up it's all very much in once you're in are you in are you unlock down then yeah yeah well yeah kind of the main problem was that I didn't think that there would be a toilet so I didn't drink anything so I got quite dehydrated Oh is there a toilet there is a toilet yes oh yeah but I didn't know all these rumors about what they wouldn't wouldn't be and I didn't know so I've just made it very safe oh those are things that normal people don't have to not normal people excuse me but like at a normal wedding you don't think will there be a bathroom and then even weirder you think you don't think and what happens if Oprah comes in after like SWAT teams in the sewers and things beneath where you're you know so you kind of have to make provision for all the craziness like did you know people there did you did you speak to anyone else to is like a Royal when you were walking past if you look into drains to see if you could see eyes I was just I was super focused on just not falling over quite so good I didn't realize you are actually you were brought up in Wales yeah that's true no I know a lot of people think that that I'm the sort of street kid from London or not no matter you do sounded quite like you don't sound that Welsh now that I speak to speak to you well I'm not that way yeah I sort of I think I'm a bit of a mix of things my family from Liverpool so I'm a sort of high high chair in there but I feel very well I was raised to the Bristol if I think there's a few people from Aberystwyth in tonight can I get a little hair yeah like he raised his hair which works well on telly well what about you guys could be ready to carry cuz your mobile mom's well my mum's well yeah and my dad is actually from Liverpool no because you are going for us what song you singing oh thank you the most romantic song I only have eyes for you which is to me so beautiful you know to just happy so much and love that you don't care about what's happening only that you just have eyes for that one person that's what the song is about and that it is off the new album Michael Buble do we say love or do we I mean do we pronounce it love or what do we do oh because you asked it because it's a heart emoji yeah you know what I guess you say Michael Buble love you know you know me and you know if it was up to me I would not have had the heart emoji I would have had an aubergine [Laughter] michael buble little over here well no but love is appropriate title because these are such romantic songs yeah I mean listen I you know as we we we go through a lot I've gone through my family has been through a lot and and it's weird you know Graham it's not just what we went through but it's looking out into the world and seeing all of this craziness and there's divisiveness between races and there's politics and there's there's even sometimes between men and women and I just I just thought man I just want to put something for you to fall out to the world and I keep talking about this and I don't know if I'm finding the most or the most distinct way of saying it but man there's enough negative stuff out there and I just thought God I've been blessed to be able to do this and to make the songs I love and the art I love and the way I love and I want to make a baby-making record because I hope my said that the album by the way is out November the 16th if I didn't say that yes called aubergine don't Google that love everyone love was there in time when you know obviously you stop making music have you come back to the power of music over an audience with a new appreciation of what you can do you know I think I never my romance with with being creative I don't think it would ever went away I just think I knew that it had to be put aside to deal with well what was more important yeah you know through that now that my God thank you God my my boys good and our family moves ahead it has left me with a different perspective on life and that perspective has made it so that I can enjoy my my connection with the audience with you with you and it's funny we were backstage and I just feel so strongly that it's given me this beautiful chance to enjoy life you know more full way and not have to care about what the cynics oh the critics are some stranger that all I don't want to know you know the ignorance is bliss of being able to come and just be real to myself and real with my friends and family and real to to even to my god you know and like not have to worry about stuff so it's been and you know what money absolutely radiates from you meeting you backstage you are one of the nicest people I have ever met on first anything you are a gorgeous women [Applause] the other great thing is so it's not just Noah's health but it's also a new little girl in your life Jim hi yeah a new baby girl how could you see that that just I have we have a beautiful three-month-old named vida yeah you have you have to so you understand you'll understand the two young sisters their eight and six I just left them in my flat oh come on not alone I'm taking them to New York this weekend see frozen oh good oh my word pageant my oldest Oh Bryn oh we're meeting the princesses as well which is crazy exciting costumes on because we met them when they taken the costumes kill not wish your daughter kind of like water who's he I just I just I didn't you meant that nothing close you see they had no yeah and I said like I'm going to see frozen no we expected yeah no wonder they're cold now Michael it's not just us here in this room that please your back everyone is so happy you're back you must have seen this thing that goes to us every year this does them all for cards you only have one Christmas album you notice I don't find that as funny as everybody else whole friends I have literally send me like the thing that I have and send me and go promise you I get it and I think I hate you no I mean yeah God very good Christmas album yeah but I mean now there are people that really think that I live in a cave there really are but this is this is a mad statistic and I mean your Christmas album has been the number one album every Christmas in Australia since 2011 what do you mean it makes more sense do people lose it like if you've got it why is it number one again the next year what call to the copy well do you know how how smart and wonderful the Australians what is that they they did stream it they download it they buy it it makes a good coaster it's crazy because you think Australia I mean when you don't they it's Christmas is so huge there and it's so different obviously but yeah I am so so thankful for the money I'm getting this year Zach of Australian dollars came out like a few this woman she's getting extraordinary views and rightly so for your performance in your new movie wildlife it's out tonight and it's based on the novel by Richard Ford and it's a domestic drama is that that's a fair description yeah well it's me and Jake playing husband and wife Jake Gyllenhaal we don't know him the amazing thing I think about it is that it was directed by Paul day know who's Paul Dana sunshine and warm peace and he's this incredible actor and has always wanted to direct and this is his first feature like he's one of those actors you see and you go I'm I might stop now I know he's that he made me cry watching war and peace in a scene where all he does is eat a potato he sits down at the end of it and he like do you know there's a potato farmer right down he started to well up who knows the end of war and peace and he's gone through the whole thing he sits down he starts eating and eats his potato and I was anyway so Paul directed it so it is as a domestic drama and it sort is told through the eyes of this fourteen-year-old boy and it's sort of about that thing that we all experience when we see our parents for the first time not just as our parents you know that argument Lee over here or you know when you start to understand they have a history outside of you they have they've had relationships and things that are going on that you don't quite understand and you know things that you overhear that you don't wanna know see things that you don't want to know it's kind of in that zone a little bit well we've got a clip this is a you reacting to the the news of your husband's new job talk to your father tell him not to act like a fool I have not been foolish I put my name on a list I waited for my chance and now they finally have a place for me you don't know anything about fires you'll get burned up I've been reading about them I know nothing reading about them you've been studying up don't turn my words on me gene dad what's going on your father is leaving us to go fight those wildfires what Dad white absolute sorry you won't take a job in a grocery store but you'll go out with a bunch of deadbeats I'm just gonna kill what is it pay what what does it pay dollar an hour [Music] you don't know what I'm doing the action over week and one of the things you do in in the week is you go for a drive question long drive and I was sort of that is that you okay Mulligan behind the wheel oh no no it's me on a rig with a car driving the car okay yeah now is this because you can't drive I couldn't drive I now can catch how many how many tested you passed on my sixth I filled the first I got it I doesn't matter how many why how did you why six what did you do like well four of them I was nine months pregnant literally and I was panicking I was like why can't have kids without having a driving license so I booked two tests both times I was nine months pregnant that's four before the first one was but when I was prepping for never let me go a million years ago and they wanted me to drive a manual car so I tried and I failed and the car I went back down a hill and always hit Jeep and it was you know but anyway now I can drive it's not me driving the film okay but did you learn in a stick shift in the end no oh man also you got an automatic yes I did that yeah that's not driving add objects less than a year ago I passed second time I went through a few I I mean we had some creative differences with some of my more of an issue of style yeah I'm a newbie too but as I remember they they're really like they it's not like you were a bad driver they they take things off if you don't put your hand perfectly anything or you know signal when you turn four now than they ever have been that's yeah learning skills Taron when you did Eddie deagle could you ski at all before you do that movie no that's a flattering photo throughout that film no I couldn't ski and and I was really bad at it I still can't I still can't ski I'm gonna put it down to a lack of sort of aerodynamics down I couldn't say it no I can't not a very good skier but what about but the jumps did that like did they did you have to start the jumps yeah and they what they did is they sort of tied a rope around my waist me looking like a giant teddy bear it's a cute photo it is now lots of new skills on display in your new movie Robin Hood in which town plays Robin Hood it's out on the 21st of November before we talk about it here's a look at you in action I can buy 200 a second yeah you could fire two hours a second you think you're faster kill me but you bun you've killed hundreds of us what's one more okay okay too slow you have to learn some archery yes can you do that what catch an arrow no no no yeah I did a fair bit in advance I was trained by this guy called Lars Andersen who can fire nine hours in four seconds he's as like a kind of freaking nature amazing amazing Archer so I learnt in advance of shooting and then spent spent weeks doing it honestly had bleeding fingers and then got unset and properly never fired a single I think it kind of helped with being familiar and the strengths needed for it because it's all real weighted but yeah I don't know if they wanted you to do it you could I mean I could have done Robin Hood we haven't seen four it's Robin Hood it's set in it's kind of Oh world yeah so it's just sort of it is set in the kind of 1300s with evil England but it's got this kind of element of modernity to it so there are elements of industry and it's a kind of world that's not particularly recognizable as our own you know Nottingham was shot in Dubrovnik for example and it looks all very pristine and beautiful and it kind of serves to highlight the contrast between the the kind of abuse of power and the fact that all of the rich and privileged people are living in excess and all the other people are pushed to the fringes of Nottingham where they're living in squalor Auto Bathurst directed it who was behind pretty blinders and so that kind of modern spin on something that's period was kind of really interesting and I think he's done a great job but before you said yes I hear you had some rules Young's that you would not allow yeah I mean the chief one being I wouldn't wear tights cause of all the fittings they just seemed to get smaller and smaller so now I mean something that kind of resembles like sort of snugly fitting track pants or something I don't know no they're not they're very stylish they're very very stylish and the other thing of course you've just finished the Elton John movie what could I have yeah that's you as a result this this hat is both functional and stylish I've had to shave my head because I had all my hair kind of thinned out for the role and my hairline shaved up okay it was it has been probably the single greatest experience of my life making Rocket Man and I'm incredibly excited to share it with everyone Wow yeah because now you are you're meeting up with Elton this weekend apparently yeah I mean I don't need to pick up that name because you dropped it for me he's been he's been amazing actually really really supportive and and he's a producer on the movie but we've kind of really gotten to know each other a bit sand um actually I got my ear pierced for the role and he gave me his first ever diamond earring as a gift before we started sorry euphemism yeah that's something I don't know about I'm horrible you am i right in thinking that in the film you do the singing yes I every notices me yeah yeah I mean I knew you could sing you can see I'm not gonna piss off up to Bruce Lee backs [Applause] lovely to meet you make bay of you know both of great singers you both do you sing - yes I every sing that she excuse I know it because I've watched her in the movies where she's saying she's great yeah now you together it's a supergroup I'll be the manager I'll Drive the automatic van Michael you did a thing I'd you know if you still do it that you you kind of borrow from famous singers they're kind of you does little little techniques that famous singers use and you kind of think I'll have that oh I still and everything in everything everything you know Tony Bennett used to say to me when I first met I might ask him for advice and he said steal from everyone steal from the mall he said if you steal from one you're a thief but if you steal from everyone you can call it research yes I steal from everyone yeah could we hear it in your when you were singing can we hear in like other things other things that you do and we gotta go oh he got that from oh for sure like you know technically I like Dean Martin was one of my favorites and he used to drop his epiglottis and so it would sound effortless and he would sing your no but it is somebody loves you and he would have this very yeah I forgot how much I like being out here Elvis Presley he would he again he would had this really fast vibrato you know and he would do this why this man only foods and he would do this password Sinatra would sing hard on his vowels hard like almost over the top on on his AZ's as though everything was I have got you you boo bee doo doo doo doo well I was gonna have a little goat Buble yes [Applause] that's me Carlos it cries and a cradle all night it's like a jellyfish like a crazy the thing [Applause] yeah we're taking a break again I was excited about the Spice Girls but now I don't care right time to meet our final guest this acting legend has graced stage and screen for over 50 years starring gods and monsters Lord of the Rings and x-men now is embarking on a mammoth one-man tour please welcome [Applause] Hey well I'd like to see you in tights we can offer you a jegging and right back at you I didn't Aaron's a big fan of yours I am yeah I am I'm a huge fan of yours I actually saw you play live when I was 17 oh I did I saw a lot of you when you played [Applause] [Laughter] no I was doing a production of King Lear when I was 17 in my auntie and I travel down to Stratford to watch oh I'm sorry it wasn't any better amazing I just been doing it again in another production a hundred years in a row and that ended on Friday and Here I am in one piece [Applause] because you're embarking on this tour in McKellen on stage it's going everywhere from January to September ending in the Olivier at the National so it's a one-man show right yeah and how did it come about how did this happen well I'm beginning to wonder it's always been I've always wanted to be stand-up really you know yeah because I think that's the greatest discipline for only performer to be able to stand in front of an audience on your own and keep everyone entertained alright I'm going to be 18 next year so I thought why wouldn't it be would it be a good idea to go and visit 80 different theatres with with whatever show I can come up with so that's what I'm going to do it's all good to start in London I'm going to do a London tour one-night-stands coming to a theater near you and then when I've done that I'm gonna go around the country and I'll go to my old up north so my first Shakespeare good little theatre that's an amateur theatre at my old school Bolton School where I did some acting that's on my birthday 20th of May I'm going to be in Bolton town hall doing the show and then that's where I'll have the party and then oh my god I'm going to Bala Mina where my relatives came from a long time ago in Northern Ireland and Derry and both of us and then I'm going up to Scotland and mur International Festival etc said ending up where I've never been before which is Orkney that's that's the end of it all and then we're coming back and having a party at the Olivier theatre at the National whatever yeah that'll be busy but that'll be fun is that Ian's mic that's hitting a Scott I think your scarf I don't have to say [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] now you mentioned bolted in your school yes this is so sweet I haven't seen this picture before this is you in school and you've sort of changed a lot and not changed at all this is you in there what you're giving well that was a play called fry bacon and fried Bunga sand Elizabethan play written about Shakespeare's time and I was playing the young heroine might see the boy in the sixth or madly in love with Joanne to try and find him Brian those quite handsome that one I don't know I mean it's a good game but I'll get it yeah he might be just out of shops I think yes dear and people obviously get very excited when you go on tour in places rather what you've got a blue plaque haven't you most people have to die to get a blue plaque did you got a number of blue Oh have ya I've got one on the house where I was born in Burnley but I I did go and visit it on my second and a visit to Berlin because we left when I was two myself and I think they put it on the wrong house no this other one is in Liverpool I think or Leeds it's live but we thought it was Leeds but I think it's Liverpool yes yes well what was that doing there I think I can tell you what you were doing there I'm tell you what you're doing there see a McGill had sat here on Table five and enjoyed a jacket potato and a latte [Applause] where'd you know where that is it sits on the University campus Oh found yes was it a nice potato Liverpool's looking gorgeous these days since they've done it up Oh [Laughter] [Music] when I was a kid and it was a dangerous and dirty and dank place pre beetles everything but now of course it's it's spanking it's terrific oh it's beautiful now yes in the show obviously you'll be you know as you said you'll be talking about Shakespearean doing scenes but you'll be also telling stories about your your life and I know people you've worked with there's a story do you think dangers trying to ask me to tell another Maggie Smith story no every time I see her she said you've not been doing me again [Laughter] [Applause] I was gonna say Judi Dench tried to tell a story about you and her Buckingham Palace mm-hmm do you remember this story in the throne room yes yeah it was a very posh occasion every occasion of Buckingham Palace is posh as well I was sitting next to the Queen's late sister Vanessa Kirby Princess Margaret so the banquet was over and you were free to go around and there was a sound of music playing you know perhaps there's a dance going along so Judi and I went along the corridor and into what we both felt was a vaguely familiar room there's a little band plank and we had a little twirl around the room and nobody else there I said I think this is the throne room you know where you got made a daemon I got made a knight and you know the two Thrones that for the Queen and her concert I said but where are they she said I don't know let's have a look so we we went on dancing behind the band and there behind this sort of partition but the Thrones so we sat on them it brings out the worst in you Buckingham Palace I was doing an event there a sort of part of a concert and I was given a dressing room which was it was a guest room at the front of Buckingham Palace and you looked out of the window you were right next to the year that the bulk the balcony and I thought well I could just go out there and have a and they're looking down the mouth suddenly there's a - searchlight on me and below there's a policeman say sorry and don't forget you're in Buckingham Palace well about six months later I'm going along to get some metal on this occasion and as we came through the gates there was the same policeman he said oh not you two again don't give you two again yourself and judi dench you haven't done this yet you're going to be working together soon I believe we are in the movie of cats who you giving Gus is the cat at the theater door my name as I ought to have told you before is really asparagus but that's such a fuss to pronunce that they usually call me just gas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but look if you're making a group I'm gonna have the invitation is so so open but you might well ask how did you prepare for being a cat how do you prepare for being a cat well at the moment I'm looking for the inner the mugginess is within us or not doing very well at it I thought of going on a cat's diet you know two weekends just eating cat food but I've always thought that tinned cat food smell as if it might be rather tasty to learn how to walk like a cat there on two feet and do a bit of poor action would you be in tights oh is it that costumes like the and Judy is in that and I think we're going to have a little little numb brief number together Oh lovely oh I've always wanted to be in a musical on stage and I've never really made it so that this is rather late in the day it's better bit of a dream come yes Hollywood has you've been in a couple of films I don't you know yeah yeah yeah but no no no no I would do anything you know it's might be a leotard going spare you know this is this is uh IIIi don't assume that you know anything about my life for me but it's been a while he'll Canadian Canadian whether you're married I'm married this is uh no I just I been I haven't been in this atmosphere for a while I took a couple years off and yeah and uh but I always loved this show and I like to go to the wax museums with my wife and today I was talking cuz I go and I've been fascinated by the culture of celebrity these people that are iconic than you and that I love and that I watch movies and I'm just a person and I go and I see the real close to the and I when I come on your show I feel like I'm like I'm just a fan and at the wax museum I stand really close myself just looking you know and right now with you I'm just find myself staring creepily at you just wanting to reach out and touch you I'm just so happy that I get the opportunity to do this like this are you not in a wax museum yourself you must be no not speak no you are surely the Canada ball of wax Museum I got moved to Blackpool I was here I should go and visit you when I play black good luck with your tour 80 dates that's amazing in McAllen every time Michael you are going to go over and sing for us your band awaits oh the plans have changed there are now four of us are the stars out I don't care if it's cloudy because I [Music] but I can't see thing in the sky cuz I only have eyes for you I don't you know if we're in God or on a crowded Avenue you are you saw em I have maybe millions of people go by but they are disappear [Music] can I live a day without I need your not by my side maybe millions of people [Music] you know I only I buy for you [Music] only half [Music] [Applause] just reminded me the album is love or aubergine for the 60 that's gorgeous Michael really nice really lovely and thanks for the band and everybody in New York's really beautiful right nearly it before we go just time for a visit to the big red chair hi I do [Applause] retire Dean I'm overtired hello I have high hopes for you sir what's your name Andrew Andrew lucky you're here Andrew yes okay good wave I'm Andrew Manchester Manchester and what do you do I'm an architect an architect a posh proper job here we go are you really an architect I am indeed okay I'll be going story wait it's not really a story it's it's more of a party piece oh oh yes well I I'd like to perform it for Sir Ian as well as a fellow old Balto nyan oh thank you oh yes okay here we go it's popcorn [Applause] was he walking Oh ninja I'm sorry she's so good hang on so hard he did not want to go but that's our architect was he doing Tata Tata Tata that's the one yes song properly that's what it is I wonder what his building is alike this may address that is it for tonight police a huge thank you to all my guests Michael Buble [Applause] children in need but we'll see you the Friday after that with a packed sofa take that Joel I said Ruth Wilson Stephen Fry cycling champion Guerin Thomas and Oscar winner Nicole Kidman I'll see the boys [Applause] now with Idris Elba's return confirmed in series 5 coming soon to BBC one there's never been a better time to acquaint yourself with DCI Luther watch the box set on iPlayer now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Essio Fuzulu
Views: 980,814
Rating: 4.8881226 out of 5
Id: bbztrTUBuKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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