Graham Norton S18E14 Ralph Fiennes, Tracey Ullman, James Nesbitt and James Bay

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hey everyone it's the first show of 2016 and it's my new year's resolution I'm gonna be taking part in dry January yeah it's dry white wine come along it's 2016 it is ready 60 a good break some of you still on it we've got a great first show of the year for you some great guests including one of the stars of the original cold feet which is coming back later this year did you know this yeah now I love cold feet and apparently even the Queen huge fan of cold feet which you'll remember my guest in that infamous rose scene mmm what happened to that rose all that perk bottom he's been in some of the biggest British TV dramas of the last two decades cold feet Murphy's Law of course the missing now he's back in Stanley's lucky man lucky me it's James Nesbitt she's an actress comedian singer writer with a faster Golden Globe and seven Emmys to her name now after 30 years she's returning to the BBC with a brand new sketch show it's the fabulous Tracy Britain's finest actors he moved us in the English Patient made us laugh in the grand Budapest hotel and terrified us as Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter films please welcome the first time to the show the great great find that was just showbiz greeting though you have said hello back there right yes all again yeah you didn't just sit back there kind of going don't look at it keep it fresh keep it fresh do you know each other do you we do well if and I do you yeah and the biblical sense yeah but but James you directed by rail I was dragged if I read was beaten up by real from the film version of Shakespeare's koi aliens which was amazing I was very scared I hadn't done Shakespeare a long time so that is your believing at drama school am with you actually a long time so long ago it was Wow it was I'm still together he was a bit older than me you'd never know I was here but yes not really to come and do that much brilliance but it would allow and now it is a new year and it's a very happy new year for one James Nesbitt because you were on the honors list I was yes well you are oh yeah you're not Tim struck off for anything you still owe me for the show those yeah what did you get what you get I got an OBE Oh yes actually let's choose an excuse you and your mom dad both sit around well mom's not around no dad was very pleased dad said about bloody time actually my friends my friends I think we're pleased I mean one of them Jason Ferguson Gregor friend of mine he said order of the bear lambda bout time what's exciting it's a day at the palace for my work from me and my girls do you know who you're getting yet uh no you get different people do but if there's a whole family of them oh there is no there's no to them I do I wasn't aware that um there's like a pack of cards I figured go to the palace tier I don't know I mean awesome thought Mike Edward okay no because of you what you haven't got anything yet you should you're you're genuinely posh tracey ullman I've a feeling whatever chances you have to rule me I'm getting your I chose no because in the new show yeah you do a version of one of them yeah do you yes Camilla lovely time being her I'll present you with your baby I'll do it now would you like how to do it yeah I love being her yet because it's quite specific how she is yeah what is it is it when do you do I did with in my show which comes out next Monday we'll talk about it for you this your bit right don't don't shine the light there right now and yeah a genius genius makeups and things and mime various people yeah but she's tough she's a tough she's a tough character your Camila yeah she bakes a lot and she's you know dealing with horses a lot and she picks up the phone and it's Charles Dawes hello sex yeah like it's very affectionate very affectionate gonna get one of those things at the palace no you're really not yes is it odd that your very first show in America was the one that spawned the Simpson yes so did you like are you a creator of The Simpsons I breastfed the yellow people yeah yes we the bodied little cartoon segments you know his bumpers on the show and there was this blue hair and of Marge I remember that specifically and then I was so busy doing all these parts on the show and then they came hissing we need something to do record the voices you know 2-under and generally okay I know it's wise so she was March up dan dan Castellaneta said walk away Tokyo p21 would be so he's homework and that was in that very first week and then that boy who knew I knew it was big I think I went to Italy again some of my holiday and there was like Italian you know Simpsons a bath for me oh yeah The Simpsons started on my show and work yes ray Fiennes how busy are you so we we think we just enjoyed you in your last outing as M in inspector and you're sticking with that now you're M forever for a while and I've got one more I think and then it's up to them whether they they want me back they'll watch me that's your dream job I mean you you were a bond geek I was a bond geek when I was a teenager yeah is it really you would do trivia quizzes on I knew all the Vaughn books inside out I could I can't ask mastermind questions now but I read them all at least three times Wow so it's like it must be I knew what about kiss you Suzuki and solitaire and garlic brand and honey child Rider yeah but assuming you wanted to be him not him yeah not to piss on your parade that's a kid you weren't taking one day I might be him you're in it Tyrrhenian be happy French is great very happy but here's the thing you are coming back to the stage and then it's all about you in the master builder is up the Old Vic just from the owner here previews on the 23rd of January opening on the 3rd February now a glance a cursory glance to this audience and you can guess they know they're obscene there any webs an insider so for the couple of them who don't know dude what's the master builder about and master builder I'm glad midlife crisis no and into his life walks a young 23 year old girl catching catching him wants him to build a very tall erect tower that goes high high high into the sky and this is a proposal that excites him a lot you don't need to be Freud hey I'm working with a fantastic young Australian actress called Sarah snook who plays the young girl she is seriously gifted lady she inspires you she dads she inspires me to build a spire yes you did there all the way right yes very good as well a lot I would say a lot of people me would imagine when you get to the level of success you've achieved in films though evident ation to walk away from the sort of heavy lifting of you know seven eight shows a week and the the kind of the long stretch of that but no you keep coming back to it well I love it this is an amazing play I believe and I'm working with a great director Mathu watches who's fantastic and for me there's nothing that beats being in front of an audience and feeling and the play evolve in front of them you tell them a story and every night it's different and you go on a journey which you it's not the same as filming good have you been in the master builder yeah I played the master but at drama school how tall was your spire I've never had any complaints no I am after having it in fact you should have seen it when we were dancing I was near above you but I'm yeah George hall yes know the performance George Hall all the students were talking George Hall he was the a director of a head of Santa his critique afterwards he looked at me and said Jimmy you missed so I'm it wasn't a great performance I give so I hope you'll do better I'm sure you the reviews are in red light go miss was it in a Shakespeare play where you had your costume your what do you call that thing what they call a wardrobe malfunction I had a major wardrobe malfunction I was in the Shakespeare play a comedy called Love's Labour's Lost and I played a character called borough Newt who has an amazing speech about love very romantic speech full of ardor whether it's off the back of a very high comedic farcical seen my suddenly it stops and he launches into this lyrical passage about how important it is to love women and I had these very tight moleskin britches and as I got into my stride they split but that's an odd place for them to split what can I tell you just I'm glad I was not going commando that day I had red polkadot underpants on people think it was meant to happen no they're good we attempted to do it every night we was barely holding it together finally I got to the end of the speech we got a round of applause - Luke panto but you've not done bloody Panta at Margaret I'm 30 years ago I was Dick Whittington a Newcastle now that's theater for shabby cuz I got bit depressed up there and I was eating his tea room a lot Carrick's I need to go on and I was got a bit shall be in my stockings you know the Dick Whittington I go hello children are you going to be my friend the middle kid wait no what mouth jumbo all right watch your neck chatty you know no bastard in the front like all the nuns are in with a coach party horrible you've spin star back up and scarred by it Scott Webb Scott rave you haven't given up film because you're a new movie is a bigger splash yeah which one is that jug vagary 12 February and it's a fantastic cast you can see they're Tilda Swinton to go to John soon yourself Mateus sure nuts shouldn'ts now it's a love Olmos on love quadrangle we love quadrangle yeah man that it's such a I think I've ever seen you play a part like this before you're kind of wild in this I'm a wild and crazy guy you really are but the idea is that so that the people who kind of share a romantic history yeah are all thrown together on a Greek island it's an Italian island Colleen I'm not a Greek I'm Pantelleria it's an island between Sicily and Tunisia okay yeah near Greece No and your character is the ideas you are trying to kind of rekindle a romance we have come back to reclaim Tilda Swinton it was a rock star who is a rock star on holiday recovering from a throat operation with a younger boyfriend lover Metea sonnets uh-huh and I come back I was her beau in the past and I we split up and I passed her on will pass my friend Matthias onto Tilda I've put them together and gone and I've come back to reclaim her because I realize I made a big mistake well this is the clip for the bigger splash and in fact it is it's a night out on the town just having you're starting to - whoo Tilda still the back who's resting her voice yeah we're very kind of relaxed very free you're very we see a lot of you we see you inspire me in miniature I think we find all their the potentials completely naked yeah everything everything it'll check everything okay ah good for ya know basically just the girls I'm proud of you but no children does it - she doesn't yeah try seven have you ever have you ever memorized - no I've not done enough yeah you know prosthetic ones I do prosthetic one yes no I have no I've never been asked but would you would you who maybe you're being asked now look ray Fiennes as L sit over here whatever good we've seen you you've done the TV nudity we have we saw it in cold feet yeah no I know David Justice just bummed oh yeah that you know yeah that is really around your audience is really weird too long to see that II know I have I don't know a bit I said the last job I did because when I did it without guy that when I do it there the dress of the fiddle it was a guy called Greg a big unusually and sort of the business a big butch live from Australia actually on this one from from Manchester called great and nobody out if I remember his name is Pierce of them like these are the products of my memory but I mean he was reminded but only he um he spent all day having to reapply that arre stick the rules that lambda and he after that job he disappeared with a as he went history no one has ever heard from me and in the last job the last job I've just finished in Belfast I had to do a fair amount of um a day of sort of nudity and sex scenes and stuff but they they covered my bits were there whether we well soon say we so that's a nice process he thanked me out with a poach um but that kept coming upon something that they again the dress was sooo features called she's have to spend a day kind of reapply I mean it's not eat these jobs aren't easy I mean I'm sure that's well why she went into this know she can't have thought oh look what I'm doing today and the new cold feet are the scripts ready have you started filming at what's happening always start in old fit we start in we're starting to three weeks time oh yeah so we've got a read-through now sure I haven't seen a lot of them for you know well I'm seeing Jordan for 12 12 years really I mean we didn't sort of get together you know it's just you we didn't sort of deliberately keep apart we just the nature of the things in doubt so we're all gonna see each other in two weeks and the scripts look good and we're you know I mean they tried to get to do it for a number of years and I think it wasn't quite ready and you know they hadn't quite sort of like the UM various zeros on the cheques and I will always wear I just so I had a back though she was just in Midsomer Murders well she's not in and of course cuz she dies of course she died she she survived in Midsomer Murders that's a feat for a guest star bailed on her so we've been waiting 12 years for you cold feet we waiting even longer for Tracey Ullman to get back on the BBC it's 30 years already years but you must be shocked that it's tough to you um you know I just never got offered a job in this country seriously I'm always coming and going and I'm just really flattered to be asked and Charlotte more as the new head of BBC One and my family more is the head of comedy these two girls just asked me to come in and said you know what did anything you'd like to do in the last time I was at the BBC it was all men in bowties doing the goons what would watch National Service Dukes interview a traffic warden ha ha ha a good time you know I had a great time with Lenny and David and you know it was a long time ago and then various things happened and I know I was back at the beep it's yeah I've absolutely loved it that a brilliant time so this is Tracey Ullman Show yes Tracey Ullman's show starts next Monday at 10:45 I legends funny and I've saved you outside it sort of it's hard to go with a sketch show that has fresh characters in it but this is it really does well it's Britain today to me it's a melting pot it's this global hub and it's a 24-hour period of Britain and people come in and people go out and people get try and get in and people get thrown out and they just the I'm famous people within it and there's a through story of what happens from dawn to dusk and I it's tons of different things and lots of impersonations which I've never really done before you know but and yours now so the famous people you do people like Dame Judi Dench Maggie Smith Angela Merkel the Angela Merkel there's a cell home in Angela Merkel they're really dude is I just want more more of Angela Merkel mercury I love her since that she's always with men all the time was really Sony and Cameron and Obama and she wants to just be with girls and she thinks she's I've got these ideas that I think she thinks she's very sexy and everybody is everything right now they're I'm six bomb six bomb and then I wanted to do her with her friend and um she does her arms like this anyway she sings that every sing we discovered you know she sings beautifully she is terrific ginger well vision win a 1982 piece I was about right so I don't know I want it to be her oh I am her do you come up with the funny bit first like the the joke or do you kind of think I can do them right be something funny for them yeah yeah I wanted to be a series of national treasures because that's what we have in this country and by kevin and andy kevin says Landy Riley came up with this wonderful idea that Judi Dench can get away with anything because she's a national treasure so she can shoplift suddenly to make her and then I got this brilliant makeup and then it comes from there and anyway what is it we've got a clip this is you as Dame Judi Dench being a national treasure at the supermarket makeup florists my genius makeup artist yeah we were filming in Richmond actually and people yeah I might do panto there this year and people thought we've filming something from bond a couple of them got convinced it was great that it you know Dame Judi Jen oh that was she gonna make of it Rafe you sure love it oh thank god oh really should I start show gonna become a Charlotte I've only wanted back on bond because oh you worried together together you now you are her yes yes she wasn't happy that I took over as M really oh man why not well cuz I replaced it Oh in fairness that would piss you off so yeah my name is in the first one I appeared in my name is Mallory yeah so way of getting back to me was to call me Valerie time I meet this is hello Valerie as you Nix thanks for housing to do if you stay in that Judi Dench makeup all day long as you don't mind the prosthetics and and the costumes cuz if you hate prosthetics and things don't you I don't love them no but don't you like you choose jobs to avoid them after Voldemort I did I have yeah yeah it's cuz a lot of that as prosthetics on Voldemort actually to be on something volume on not so much there a lot of painting and boy yah yeah very little a teaser did I that's your less rounded I shave the beard all right yeah well there was no moment when you got a new the Voldemort look was working when you were on set I knew you met yeah I passed by the script supervisor has a little boy he was on set mommy his son maybe her her son I think it for five years old and he might pass by this little child I just looked at this point he is burst into tears it cost you the cost you musta helped as well is it's quite frightening the costumes actually wasn't that it was just a lot of flowing silky stuff as I kept tripping over I had these tights on underneath and they're ladies tights and they ripped in the ladies sites other other wizards well they're not that they're not the sort of tight see we're at the RSC oh okay which we did in a problem what happened was that the tights used to work their way down to the gust the gusset of the type I sort of around my knees so I couldn't walk as elegantly out as I would like as well them all so eventually then I said to the dress of could use called Neil he's very sweet he was always had his head up my skirt trying to adjust things and I said would you mind cutting them off so I had a garter belt so for most of Harry Potter underneath the roads I have very nice garter belts you spotted for everyone now now here's the big James despot in The Hobbit you see I look at this picture of you in The Hobbit and I think well that's not bad it's a hat and a beard yeah but in fact there was loads of aesthetics went on oh I was uh there were there were early starts in the morning yeah I mean it took quite a while and I'm sure if you know it's some and if you're doing it for listen it was extolling that the look and the way they created and I admire and applaud the incredible detail and artistry boss after two years texture we did you send us a picture of what so under the earth you cook so that was me boy that's me getting up in the mornings before I go how long did the whole thing every morning I suppose about three and a half hours yes wow that's beats working for 11 I'd like to be in a film bang is it really in fact didn't really want you to look like you in the in the Hobbit thank you yes there is some truth to this Nosler dinner oh no no no that was because I get I constantly and fact twice today every day I get confused with the actor John huh John Hanlin who was in I don't think I look like him at all well good picture John Hannah where's Anna John Hannah right now come on yeah you do look I wouldn't mind living Megan there it looks bad you know the split on each other yeah but I get all the time and right at the beginning of the whole I went for a dinner at the private dinner with Peter Jackson and his partner and one of the head of Warner Brothers she were you know at the behind the movie and I walk till he said I am so excited you're involved in The Hobbit I loved you so much and sliding doors That's not me I've still never already understood did he think they cast John yeah no job that's why I sign John's um NIM quite often besides Mike I have to get to the point where people come to me and go I love Jenna for ways and a feel and I say you asked that Auden poem it's so beautiful I love our stop all the clocks John Hannah then quite often I'll do James now as well you can see them walking away and going oh man cuz what do you get you get so you get well I get mistaken for Liam Neeson oh you did yes for me so I've been complimented on my performance and taken to your wonderful educating Rita so much mother do you really get genius I'm Judy Wallace's well I don't have a picture Julie Walters well I do we've got a Liam Neeson believe Neeson but I don't you do look pedigree like Liam Neeson well upon it if it one thing in common those two boys oh that's all I'm sir scratches head doesn't understand but does he do frickin does he get confused for you yes he's been complimented on his English Patient everything sounds rude here's the did cuz being in The Hobbit it's obviously a big franchise like that did it make you a cool dad for your girls no they um I mean they're they're much cooler and funnier than me I mean the eldest one from a very early age she was very funny she was startlingly quick being able to speak I know she was talking when she was just two and she had a sense of humor very early on there was one time I was driving when she was about two and a half and it was just the two of us in the car and I was driving and I I broke wind and there was this five-second pause and from on my daughter's nose from the back of the car came another minging fart by James Nesbitt where does I come because Tracy you seemed to like in like the idea of being an embarrassing mother you do you just become a permanent figure of fun as you get older with your kids I did something really embarrassing with my kid Johnny a few years ago when I was still having to buy him swimming trunks for his holiday you know you take the kid to buy swimming trunks he's like come on let's go so I took him to this kind of fancy boutique place and around the corner they didn't have anything really and it was like speedos and he's not a speedo kind of kid but no he liked anything with a bit of an elasticated waist you know quick-dry gusset I should've just done two British home stores but I thought I'd take him somewhere nice and I saw this very gorgeous young black assistant you know good amongst the rails doing stuff and ice excuse me can you help me my son's looking for something elasticated waist quick-dry gusset you know he's a little chunks targeting man Johnny's going and mum mum mum I'm gonna tell me I'm gonna ask the man I think I'm Columbia let me just let me get mum mum this kanya worst you might gain oh I guess you think I'm cooling on we're working in this store that's okay I thinks I'm cool hey yeah yeah poor Johnny and I didn't give it up so I'm getting in the lift I was like actually I'm terribly sorry but then Johnny's like enough now but this was British home stores no take the kids well james nesbitt super cool now and because he's bringing a sky ones big adaptation of Stanley's lucky man which starts on Friday January the 22nd and was this is fan Li he created all the Marvel characters yeah I know I could cook did Spider Man and Thor and Iron Man and Captain America I think all those things quite a long time ago but I think this was a something he had always thought of well he used to be asked what would your superpower be and he liked the idea of controlling luck so this is a contemporary sort of quite glossy fast-moving thriller set in London in which London plays a big part actually and it looks at me isn't about a cop who's down on his luck he's a compulsive gambler of others who I play and he meets this mysterious woman who after spending a night with her at a casino where his law is finally won some money he spends a night he wakes up in the morning with this ancient priesthood upon his wrists ah which seems to be able to control luck but there is a price to pay so it's very much of that genre but for you of us beats just fun like it doesn't be watching it I just thought as an actor you must love doing well it's just Marge I mean I'm particular the bag of stuff I had done recently this was a very different it's a the notion of luck is something that appeals to all of us you know what is it doesn't exist not count me control and there's a thriller element to and London as I say London just looks and me as and it really does it looks something slick and beautiful yeah and the shard is actually um the shards got a bigger part than me sighs features prominently there this fire we can bite that oh yes but look quite often I wouldn't I realize the dragon was going and could you just move just maybe step just to your right a little bit and I'd be like oh yeah well is we've got this is such an action clip it's real kind of the proper James Bond speed boat alright well as close as I'll get but but you really do this beep oh no I was doing I mean that and in these days of health and safety uh it's astonishing this was allowed to happen because when you watch this I'm doing it and I'm scared and the book was more in control of me than I was in control it was terrifying and we're going through the thames bar I think at 3 in the morning okay let's look I was fine when I'm driving the boat there there's there's a man like a sort of up my knees and at one point he's gone Jesus still dying alright it's time for music now this man's weight for this was a statistic this man's debut album chaos and the calm was top 10 in 51 countries yeah now he's got three Grammy nominations performing best fake smile please welcome James Bay guitar her Gracie that's thank you so much Wow the energy of that that was fantastic thank you so much I you know it's an honor to kick off the year well is it kicking what it does offer there tell you that is good for me outfit chaos and the calm now it's selfish area but presumably everyone's got it now I mean it's sold amazingly well yeah it's um oh yes oh yeah it man to thank how many people you know uh happy yeah that's exciting thing and there's a possible the Grammys win all the Grammys oh it's that it's like Valentine's Day or the day after that's what about how I remembered it I mean - 15 great 15 15 February listen someone will make sure you're there we really annoying as sure as the 15 I get it yeah thanks for doing that great performance and good luck on the 15th of February all right thanks a lot James Bay therefore we go years of the big red chair who's there hello hello okay what's your name grim is this okay I'm from Glasgow originally okay lovely and then where would you live now well I'm currently working in London okay what do you do so my brand manager for a well-known pharmaceutical company oops I got michaud's de Pape alright grab off you go via the story so the first thing you need to know is that my girlfriend and I were bought naked in bed and so talk 20-story yeah not exclusive and we were in a train carriage traveling through South Africa and I was one of those really quite old locomotives so it was like an old carriage wouldn't only had a partition door and so during the night my girlfriend not just me and says did you hear that I'm like northern here I think I had to get up and check obviously I'm so being completely naked I got up and tried to put my chose us on because I didn't want to tackle bandits start from naked obviously um all of a sudden the train starts to slow down and with it being an old coach system they started to collide together like domino effect and I sent me careering through the partition door straight into the next cabin and I landed straight on top of the woman that was in the other cabin no it's at that we'll went when her husband woke up oh and looked at me and I realized I was sitting on his wife's face big red chair you can just contact us by our website after this very address that is for tonight please say a big thank you to my guests this is James Bay general origin the irrepressible Miriam margulies and Friends star Matthew Perry I'll see you there
Channel: the graham norton
Views: 424,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2016
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