The Graham Norton Show (FULL) S22E03: Nicole Kidman, Colin Farrell, Bryan Cranston, et al.

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oh good evening everyone I'm Jane Fonda welcome to the Graham Norton Show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm excited because we've got some great guests on the sofa tonight really good I think that's not always the case I mean not so long ago I've had a massive disgusting wine stain on it yeah I'm sensing excitement in the room are you all excited no why yes did another exciting week a brexit dogs they're going well I tell you they're saying now if we don't get a deal it could lead to please not taking off the country want to go to medicines I mean who knew Brenda would be so difficult to organize well that's what everybody yeah everybody I'm not saying the EU were giving the UK a hard time but here's Angela Merkel and Donald Tusk getting ready to meet David Davis tonight including later a first-time visit but to the show by Hollywood legend Jane Fonda [Applause] a producer political activist she even created the original workout video that video so and eventually it helped millions women to get fit and developed right hand muscles in a generation of young man there will alter music and chat from the Irish pop sensation to create some of the most iconic sketch characters of all time in Little Britain here to talk about his new memoir it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] debate offers award-winning performance in Breaking Bad now he's bringing a stage version of the classic film network to the National Theatre please welcome Brian [Music] you film the killing of a sacred deer one is the golden globe-winning star of in Bruges and the lobster the other is the Oscar ting star of the ours Moulin Rouge and big little lies please welcome : Beryl and Nicole Kidman [Applause] I feel like you're my roommate I see you so often Nicole show I think I'm one of the most frequently no seriously your hearing loss now of course you just come from your premiere yeah we at the London Film Festival yeah I would have worn this even if I didn't have a premiere to come on this is TV we'll talk about the film in a bit but this is nothing the couch of all work together Nicole and Matt you've worked together yes I've held a knife to your throat yes you have upside down I was upside down we did Paddington together are you in the sequel really you hang me upside down yeah I think that's it yeah yeah yes I was worried I was worried the blood was running to your head and you were gonna get brain damage oh it did happen did the head you upside down for a long quite a while yeah and it's really really hard to act upside down it's really hard to remember you should try doing an episode of this show upside down but the two of you work together in Total Recall the new Total Recall yeah much better improved it was great to work with him Asli and yeah yeah but you well I did get injured you know do room I don't know if you remember this but so we we did I we were I was his antagonist and we were having this climax scene and and they it was in a pub we did two versions of it so there was this pool of water about eight nine inches [Laughter] ladies young Jane Fonda and we were wrestling and fighting and trying to knife each other to death and they heated this water for us because we were in aford quite a while but the problem was is that every crew member was also stepping in it so they would come in do makeup hair wardrobe lighting they would the script person would come in the director we can all bring their shoes into this pool of water and we were splashing after splashing well at the end of it what happened was that I got pinkeye I got pinkeye and then he told me that he actually defecated in the water genius to foil your writing saying please oh Lord if you can hear me give Bryan Cranston pink eye he answered I'm sorry I wouldn't see in the cinema you were very butch sacred dear it goes on general release on Friday the 3rd of November I have no idea how to describe this film I've seen I've watched it so but luckily I don't have to you guys are here oh if you go Nicole take it away as well and we're here with the lobster how do you think what's it about I don't know two hours I mean it's called the killing of a sacred deer which already lures you in right yeah and it's a director called Jurgis when Tomas who directed dog tooth and he directed the lobster and he's a very particular filmmaker and we both loved him and the film is is like nothing you've ever seen before that is true kind of is and even because I think if anybody saw the lobster I loved the lobster it's forgiving tax doesn't prepare you food this because it's it is funny in parts but it's it's dark well he thinks he made a note no comedy doesn't need the directory's bananas I mean he wrote the screenplay with his screenwriter the two of them you say teenis they're both great and they won the Screenplay award it can I think they've won that for luck the lobster as well they're wonderful wonderful writers and you play a married couple you're a surgeon yes a heart surgeon cardiothoracic surgeon and the film opens up with a with an image on an image of a heart filling the screen that's beating and they actually shot a real live oh my god triple bypass quadruple bypass on the day and they had he had was very bizarre I was there it was gnarly look well know where he signs off on us yeah man is he okay yeah he made it he's thank thank off but he signs off a living he okayed it and the operation was a massive success and it was well that's the thing I mean you walk into it you walk into a barbecue restaurant and you smell burning flesh and if you have any carnivorous into Nations you go oh mouth-watering this all smells really good when you know it's a human being oh it's not quite as it smells like it's cooking well yeah cuz what they do is they obviously they they cut the skin and then they start cauterizing the bleeding as it's going and but my favorite good noise but my favorite bit was when they they saw through the sternum directions amazing really disturbing and the only person that couldn't leave because we all took a different turns to step out because I went green I thought [ __ ] I'm going over and I could feel yourself I got very nauseous but the only person who couldn't was the focus puller in films they have a focus puller who litter he's watching the monitor and wherever the focus is placed they're moving a dial to keep the lens moving - and the poor [ __ ] focus puller had to stay there the whole time you know did you say it was a quadruple bypass yeah for such a place it was only supposed to be a single one but they had to do four takes [Laughter] watching medical films because my mother was a dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse educator and they would come home and that's what we'd have to watch his kids and that's how I learn about sex and everything from that you know films to do not wait to educate medical films yes sit and what's a family squirming with behind us and we'd be like are you kidding yeah but I knew everything I went to school with all the info look at a clip this is the two of you attending a charity gala the guy that made it told me what was in it you know I can't remember now but it is very refreshing would you like me no thank you to me we try it it's really delicious maybe use this all I haven't touched it he hasn't had a drink in three years hi Gigi teas elevated transaminases good on you for not drink well I wouldn't say no to a cocktail if you're offering of course I get you one right away we should go soon yeah it's really he's got surgery in the morning he needs to get some sleep it's still early we've got surgery in fine okay how are the kids they're doing very well bob has started piano lessons the teacher says he's very talented now we have to get him one so he can practice at home I just haven't gotten around to it yet I'm renovating the clinic I'm on the phone all day our daughter started menstruating last weekend yes she's a little scared but she's okay now you haven't seen her in ages not since last summer at the school choir recital you and Mary should come over one night for dinner you really shouldn't stay late either drink that cocktail you ordered get yourself home we've got to be at the hospital in six hours time to go down yes good night no nothing I must also mention a big little lies because that was a tough category unbelievable I know but I mean I really feel like that Reese and I won that together because know she feels that way but I mean it really isn't any I will tell you this when you because we produced it as well and it was so much work to get it to the screen and then to have it sort of embraced in the way it was so it really is ours and also Loras and she leans and and so we I mean the five of us worked our butts off to get that thing made and produced and it's it's been a fantastic journey and we've got a picture of you at the Emmys there you are big graduate Alexander Skarsgard you are so provocative Graham why are you showing that it's a lovely moment of celebration the show my husband too like Keith is applauding the kids good kiss nice everybody did kissing because Dan I've did everything with Ali I'm like you know that's we saw it gorgeous husband who I love more than anything in the world and I gave Alex a congratulatory kiss and he's like a a mannequin yes [Laughter] laughter here actually Keith was here with you and he has been very tight-lipped about your 50th birthday celebration alright so what how do you organize he did some fireworks and other stuff and will draw a veil there she comes misuk also donkey right 30 years yes not yet closed very 2029 you you tell a story of young love I think you were on your honeymoon in Europe yes and you were on a was it you were driving but on a train we went to our travel agent to talk about this we were mid-30s when we got married and we knew that we wanted to start a family so this was like it we wanted this honeymoon to be really spectacular it spent five weeks in Europe and it was all over so we started in Switzerland we're gonna rent a car and then go to Italy and the travel agent says oh by the way instead of driving around the Alps up and over you take a train is a flatbed car it takes three cars bumper to bumper on a flatbed car and then they put you know you and then you go through the Alps by the way he says wink wink there are three tunnels the first tunnel is about five minutes the second tunnel is about eight to ten minutes the third tunnel is 50 minutes long if you're a honeymooner and I said say no more so I told my wife and she exhaled and said okay we're on the train there's a van in front of us with a bunch of Italian family is in front and behind us I mean as close as you are I can see the people behind us two couples two Italian couples and so we we start going and we go into the end it's a massive experience emotionally and physically and the wind is whipping through in its pitch dark you cannot see well and it's it's fascinating and we come out of the tunnel into the station and I say to Robin that's one we start again we go through the second it's dark can't see anything we come out of it that's to start the third tunnel wait till it's absolutely pitch dark here we go it's a small rental with the stick shift and I am like trying to get my trousers off he is trying to lower her chair and we can't see in that you cannot see anything so it's all by feel amazing one thing I learned for sure is that never be completely nude when transferring from one seat over the stick shift keep your trousers on and do it afterward nd can't see funny I would recommend it [Applause] so we are in flagrante as they say and I don't know where to put my hands or something and my wife is just come on just do you know now what's happening is that my eyes are adjusting I can see her profiles - the beautiful woman love her with all my heart and I could see her and it's or her pretty face and it's great and I think the eyes are getting no the eyes aren't getting used to total pitch-black what happened is that we were coming to a station I'm like this I can see the the two couples Italian couples in in the car behind us with their wine and the women ghosts are bad stop it and my wife says those three words to you who every husband wants to hear get off so I get off the Italian family the the grandmothers turning that struggling to put the trousers back and I never found that we never found out if this was a gag if he would if this travel agent did this on purpose knew all along it wasn't 50 minutes it was more like 15 a lot happening you want you've got a new film it just played at the London Film Festival as well right less flag flying yes yeah what a cast Steve Carell Laurence Fishbourne and yourself directed by Richard Linklater yeah yeah what's that about it is a group of guys who knew each other in the war and in the Vietnam War and this is now 30 years later there's a task that they they have to do and it's a film that really explores male bonding male friendship the depth of which you feel like you're a friend to someone it's very funny it's very emotional we're very happy with it last flag fine we look forward to seeing that and you can all see Brian in the flesh live on stage in network of the National Theatre from the fourth of November this is the the stage adaptation of classic 1976 right for 76 so how did this happen how did you get involved in it I was shooting a movie here in London a couple years ago and I had lunch with Evo van Hove who was our director and he said the National is doing this movie as an adaptation into a play would you be interested in playing this character his name is Howard Beale and Howard Beale is a he spews this venom of a very iconic line I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore and it it has a lot of resonance in today's world talking about fake news wrapping news in an entertainment package and that sort of thing and what is real what is honest how what is our responsibility as as news givers to be able to you know service the people in danger and in this version is it all set in a restaurant or some of its at the restaurant no evil van homes he's very interesting very eclectic and he there's a couple scenes in a bar and a couple scenes in a restaurant so he has decided to have a real restaurant and bar on stage with the actors eating and drinking while we are performing so for a premium ticket any person can be onstage eating and drinking and you are as close as I am we're doing see it sounds a terrible idea come and see it actually I have actually got to I'm not gonna say when I'm coming so they want one of these to rub my house but I am and come and sit in the restaurant but if I do I forgive me because I might if I'm having a good conversation I might ask you to be quiet when you're there Matt yes behave Oh what are you getting sing you know because Brian he takes no prisoners oh really I would be very upset well it's not you might get some reviews yes yeah I thought I was thinking up and trying to get onto the National thing there has been some poor behavior in the theatre was it in broad all the way yeah I was doing a play on Broadway and it's normal to see an audience go side to side as they're looking from one actor to it to another very natural but what isn't natural is to see this happen and then drew my attention there was a kid in the front row won one performance about 17 and he was doing this constantly on them the hell is that and I go over a little closer as I'm talking and I take a look and he's on his phone he's texting he's like did it what's going on I'm in a play it's okay just doing this and I started to get angry and I and I I changed my blocking when I had a big speech that was full of bluster and I know that there would be a certain amount of expectorant that would the target and I was spewing you in the West End and because you're a movie star in a theater something people have access to you our audiences kind of less respectful of that fourth wall or they um well I had to address the audience a lot in the play I was doing so that was you know at first when I started I was really I mean my stage fright was was a lot but no I I love doing the play because I got to interact yeah with people and it was a much filming and taking photographs and stuff I have terrible eyesight distances very well so that helped me everyone's blurry right now that's a little yeah so that helps isn't active because it's all blurry and you can kind of create this world of no cuz Matt when you were doing stand-up I mean that audience interaction is so kind of intense terrified I mean there's nothing there's nothing you do back and in in your book you talk about a gig I think was the Irish the guy in the audience oh yeah well I was a Colin Farrell I had must apologize if I am going to tell you about this because I can't really do an Irish accent very well I can do three Irish accents badly so I don't know which one I'm gonna do yet let's do it nobody's getting worse as well I can do I can do they're really like you know the really old-fashioned sort of funny little corn I can do that I can do I was him boys on that one I'm talking about military [Applause] I write about this in the book so I I started doing stand-up comedy when I was 18 years old and one of my it was quite early on I was probably only about 19 and I was doing a gig and there was a guy in the audience who was just heckling everybody and every comic was going down badly and I realized and it was you know I had this routine I'd worked on but I realized there was no way I would be able to do this routine so I got up on stage and instead I just made my entire routine that night about him and I basically really humiliated him from the stage and the audience I don't think I was particularly funny but the audience there was such relief because this guy had been terrorizing every act on the bill including the compare and if the compare can't control the room you really are in trouble and so I was there and I was like the hero of the hour but there when I got offstage he came up to me he was about six foot five and this big anyway that was fully duh that was really funny now I'm gonna take you outside I'm gonna beat the bollocks out oh my gosh it was just a joke you know I'm just playing with you mate actually know me here in front of my wife I'm gonna take you outside give you a taste of your own medicine went oh my goodnes just mucking about I was just I was just that I'm just joshing with you and he just went back and forth the stories in your book bat Lukas little me my life from now what is it a disease but it's eight is it I said yeah yeah it's my autobiography but I just I tried to my mind is all over the place so I thought I know I'll I'll just I'll make it alphabetical so like B is for baldness G is for gage is for Jewish but it is it is my whole life and the work I've done and working with Nicole Kidman mmm who doesn't know who I am because I'm blurry KKK no you're not o is for oh look its thingy yeah that's a chapter but here's a thing right I've done many wonderful projects in my life most people ask me about is actually what it's like to be famous that's what people I mean I don't feel famous other so far with these you know icons here but but in Sainsbury's I'm famous people ask me about yeah about about what it's like so I've written a whole chapter about what it's like to be a B Lister yeah they do catchphrases yes but often sometimes the wrong ones I get people come up to me a lot are you bothered are you bothered I'm absolutely fine dear because you're actually mistaken me for Kathryn Tech she gets people coming up to her going no but yeah but yeah do you get mistaken for Colin Firth do you yeah who has me by an Oscar in at least 10 inches right a lot of decorum but yeah sign up for a gym once and the woman got on the phone she said I'm just gonna sort out your membership he went yeah Colin Firth you were telling me backstage that you you did your first one of those was it a comic-con oh I did a comic-con recent I did it I did my first signing convention because I've just spent a year and Doctor Who as a companion and so lots of people said please come into a convention so it's alright I'll I'll do a convention and the great thing about these conventions is people dress up as characters that you've played and so or just dress up as different sci-fi characters and different film characters and yet so there was a lady next to me whose job was to sort of hand me photographs to sign and and stick the name of the person on a post-it note so I could sign and what-have-you and one guy came over for an autograph and the woman next to me who worked for the convention said wonderful you've come as Lou no she meant Lou from Lou and Andy you know the character David played and he went now heaven it was very embarrassing and so I went no he cause he hasn't used commerce who have you come as he goes haven't come as it so there was one guy who was really really really shaking when he came over to me and I thought well you know I am an icon and proposed to his girlfriend in front of me oh then we thought of the three of us did a photo with I really enjoyed it yeah I really enjoyed this these ones are hard to do and I think you've done a great job thank you Matt Lucas little me my life from eight is it very good thank you this Hollywood legend is a double Oscar winner for juice service and an author activist and work out pioneer it could only be the great Jane Fonda [Applause] [Music] excited I'm gonna join the show a lot you all are so funny and I got us I'm so glad lobster was mentioned because that's I just you were so good I love that movie so much thanks a minute and then there's you congratulations for your Emmy you were so brilliant in that show big little lies talking of the Emmys Tokyo Emmys we just played the the 95 music and at the Emmys at the Emmys it was so great to see the three of you back together again the reaction on the night I mean did you do you know people are gonna go that crazy to see the three of you back together no I never expected anything like that but but dolly did we're gonna get a standing O Dolly in the 95 and that music it sort of came later they came to Dove during the movie yeah well she arrived one day and you know she has these they're not real she'll tell you that that long nails and she said anything at all yeah this is real yes she likes to moon also we went drinking we were driving on yes not which he arrived one day is that our tattoos is that story I never saw any tattoos no no but she pulled lily and I produced the movie so she pulled us over and she said I think I found our song and then she starts playing her nails like a washboard and she started singing nine to five and Lily and I looked at each other and our hair was standing on him yeah it really did now it Jane Fonda you're in town for a very special event at evening with Jane Fonda yeah yes that's embarrassing that that it's this Sunday and unfortunately I am doing the interview but there will be a Q&A with the audience we'll get some decent questions now because you have this enormous back catalogue of films are the films I should avoid are their movies and don't enjoy talking about what came into my mind no I don't care what you I'm prepared for anything but what about virgins what about burned all the ones my husband Barbarella was made by a husband and you didn't like that film but you sort of made your peace with it now yeah our marriage was falling apart he was directing the movie and I had to do all these things like I have to be shut into a bird cage and have birds pooping on me and picking at me and you probably we've all done him I like birds Megami some of the things people do now in movies it feels like it was really nothing but it was not an easy movie to do but then years later when I had a sense of humor again it took a while enjoyed it it was you know it was kind of campy and yeah I suppose now because of your body of work you know people say Jane Fonda they think you know we need to say December birthday of course it's the winter solstice it's December 21st and you will be I'll be 80 yeah [Applause] much less be working at my age I'm working a lot yeah big race in fracking vibrators for older women with and recently you were just reunited with Robert Redford also on Netflix and it's hot you have to be careful how you say it our souls and our homes in our I don't do they only insisted that title [Music] oh my god when you first work with Robert Redford nearly 60 years ago yes yeah what an amazing this is like bookends of your life you know in the beginning of our movies together we checked into a hotel as newlyweds who hadn't done it yet and at the end of our careers we're making well no my career's gonna keep going but his won't at the end of his career movie where we're checking into a hotel to do it for the first no we were shooting the scene I thought this feels familiar a Bob you're a number doll we didn't remember I mean he is stopping now what he says but he won't freeze well he should [Laughter] wasn't last long yes we do I just leave this woman I think I bow it your cheat you are so talented Oh studied every having no idea you're lucky because anyone who can go hear her talk cuz you'll hear stories bit about you Clute and come on I I could I could do you could do my story oh I would love to talk you do my stories I'll play your roles view it from the back naked and eyes wide shut oh I have her crows frame whatever I thought you were gonna say it wasn't that it's very rare than something others over and I don't know if any of you have any of you been arrested no rape flee sister not for the same noble reasons that you I've never seen your mug shot is there a mug shot of you somewhere nah dad's didn't have film in the camera I spent one night in the clang and that was it alright drunken issue because your your mug shot I mean you really you use this month you you sell the picture on you do mug t-shirts mugs what I like is that the fist bump is its see I'm double-jointed so they put the handcuffs on but I can slip right out why why were you arrested Oh God Oh big Nixon had it out for me and he they had missed I was flying in from Canada and they had me stopped at the airport the arresting officer told me with orders from the White House and in those days I used to take a lot of vitamin pills and they were all in little plastic envelopes mark BLD breakfast lunch and dinner and they said I was smuggling drugs it took a month for them to you know to find out that they were vitamins but I was told it was Nixon Wow just one one last story for en Jane Fonda clearly a formidable woman a businesswoman an actress activist tell us the story about babysitting your grandson in a cabin of a bear yes oh yeah and I wasn't even married to my room I was I was a bear my proper bear my grandson was in a crib in the corner it was a cabin it was a tiny cabin and and a bear came to the screen door and walked right towards the crib and I knew what to do what you do when a bear comes into your room is you open whatever you have on and you roared you want me to do it yeah the very urinated on my antique rug and then turned around and walked to where the hole in the screen door was and sat down and I pushed it I've never touched a bear before and slammed anyway that's my bear story well what an amazing grandma that's the best one Oh keep it there at Dave father Eddie was a member of the biggest boy bat in the world that is now a chart-topping solo artist singing too much to ask this is Niall Horan [Applause] waiting here for someone only yesterday were wrong [Music] you smile back in me and you face lit up the Sun now I'm waiting here for someone [Music] do you feel of why's it only I don't think you know the shadows dancing without you for first time [Music] tell me there did you [Music] so laughs basket is too much [Music] either too much to ask [Music] someone's moving lots Demond ah the drive our gadget naughty we're close man we see you figure me son [Music] watch this son don't be messed up with that's without you [Music] soon as [Music] too much [Music] the shadows dancing without you for the first time my heart is open you walk right into nighttime here did you [Music] dancing without you [Music] tsunami there [Music] this allowed ask sooo that's all I'm asking he's a too much to ask [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are we all in looking a bunch you're good everyone's good fine look you've earned - you've earned it well done I think he's old enough though you're in England now that is off the album flicker there it is look he's on the back as well that's him as well that is quite a close shot isn't it yeah yeah enjoy those now next Friday the a yeah we've got that and then a world tour yeah it's serious Niall you're not messing around yeah I like Turin to be fair some people that doesn't suit I like it 24 I hear you good friends are on the band and stuff so I'm sure it'd be good craic yeah but you're playing massive venues aren't you everywhere all over Europe all over the state South America Australia New Zealand everywhere yeah Wow I mean so it's gone as well as it possibly could have yeah mostly you don't know what it's gonna be like you know obviously there was fans there from one direction and stuff but it's been it's nice to to have seen new fans come along with this this kind of music that I've been making and it's just been it's been a nice experience so far how do you describe the music you're making now oh that's by like puns like Fleetwood Mac the Eagles and oh drop list until a Jackson Browne and crosby Stills and Nash oh so a lot of the rest of the album is can have done that and obviously being from Roland comes with a lot of singer-songwriter so yeah yeah it's in there somewhere yeah write a song called arseholes of the night [Applause] [Music] and the tour thanks recess now listen that is it for tonight a break no time for red chairs so oh sure please a huge thank you again snarl orange jazz singers regular comedian Jeff white hole actors Jared Butler and Jeff Goldblum and former US senator and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton [Applause] keep it here for comedy with Josh another career disaster looms Owen is dating pop star Diana Vickers and Kate just can't keep her called next here on BBC one [Music]
Channel: Shadow Heart
Views: 265,021
Rating: 4.8210292 out of 5
Keywords: Nicole Kidman, Colin Farrell, Bryan Cranston, Matt Lucas, Jane Fonda, Niall Horan
Id: Du4wpx8uw28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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