FULL Graham Norton Show 13/12/2019 Dame Judi Dench, Jennifer Hudson, Hugh Grant, Matthew McConaughey

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Oh [Applause] so I'm here [Applause] you're all the show horses the good news the good news is we won't be talking about the election so the thing is for you watching at home we are recording this on Thursday night so as I speak we don't actually know what the results will be exciting isn't this like waiting for results of the sex clinic would it be herpes or chlamydia we just don't know we're gonna get something given given the lateness of the hour we best not hang about so let's get some guests on we have a special performance and pretty strong superstars Coldplay [Applause] but first we've got two stars from the new Brit gangster flick the gentlemen one is the quintessentially British actor who went global after Four Weddings and the other is the cool American dude turned Oscar winner please welcome Hugh Grant and [Applause] [Applause] two of the stars of a new one is the powerhouse singer and actress who won an Oscar for her breakout role in Dreamgirls the other is British acting royalty with an Oscar 10 BAFTAs two Golden Globes and a Tony - her name please give a warm welcome to general 10 and Dame Judi [Applause] I like Jennifer told I said what's all about Judy is obviously all about you oh it's always all about Judy but welcome to the rest of you but now if anybody obviously got drinks and things but should anyone want to top-up what be more delicious ladies and gentlemen than a refreshing glass of where is the title here it is Dame Judi quench thank you thanks yes have you tasted yourself ending oh okay do you want a little bit why not yeah oh you're quite frothy aren't you to do when I went off in my hand I'll put another glass you're a dame oh really yes it's quite yes that goat rights is wrong the healthy yeah why not Shelby pass anybody else yeah please Oh Matthews oh all right bit of Judy for Matthew there you go you got a chaser you like carbon what good what barban bourbon yes no you know anymore for anymore okay lovely you're going down really well Judy putting that on the poster Judy not bad now Jenna Barton's here you are Oscar winner working with Dame Judi Dench strands Road Webber all this and yet I heard you on carpool karaoke talking about that you worked in Burger King mm-hmm but you would sing in Burger King yeah but what would you sing um just any old song or may I take yo it was a mic at the drive-through I mean I thought I needed the single knit so yes because we hear the beat we never pull up mmm that was my opportunity right there's a microphone I'm singing it and Matthew McConaughey are you now professor Matthew McConaughey I'm a professor at the University of Texas you really are the one yeah I do actually it's on a collar like you show up and do it yeah started a class there what do you profess I profess it's called script to screen it's how the journey of script takes to get to screen so they get to see the science behind the magic about how movies made well see you've been explaining that for two days on this press junket and I still don't understand any of it so like it wants to Messer and we did with the gentleman Arquette yeah the original script which was 80 pages we gave to this class okay then we showed in the next script which was a month oh hi oops how a developer then in biological order then we showed them the shooting script then we showed them the first assembly then they see the final movie they go that's very different beginning how did that happen that's another way to skin a cat another way to make a movie and I tell you we know you're good at it because and this would really terrify you if you were professor ever you are there's a website called ratemyprofessor.com how am i doing so well five five quality five best cast ever he really knows his stuff work for great class here's another one mazing fester but I feel he'd be great at acting and here's another one this person that can you can you read can you read that on them get your pen and paper ready all right all right we've got these films couldn't be more different so we're gonna start with a much-anticipated big screen adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's cats it's out on the 20th of December and before we talk about it here's an excuse of glimpse of what to expect Jennifer and Judy urine it but a great cast we saw them her Taylor Swift's in anemic Ellen rebel Wilson idris elba and that you play old Deuteronomy and I'm ready that normally that's been played by a man is that in the original yes brand message okay and very beautifully but they didn't need to change it today well I suppose it doesn't change change the idea that this is some old kind of clapped-out old cat but the thing is with with the CGI you know you're wearing Greek green leotard and spots or whatever you and I thought I knew the kind of cat I was I've had cats all my life and but when I saw saw saw myself I suddenly realized I turned into this this cat I had of my own called carpet once who was a huge fan who are you oh yes and of course you get the big number yeah memory man and I whisper did you back say but when she does memory how amazing is that it just cast yes it's so it's just fantastic and I just wonder in terms of because the Tom Hooper thing you sing lies yes right so doing it because when you see the film I mean you're so emotional singing that song you just raw and ranked and yet you are heating all those beautiful notes how hard is that that was challenging you know because sometimes I sometimes say do you want me to cry oh you want me the same because I couldn't do both at the same time so I had to find a balance to be able to sing and give you the song but bear the emotion - yeah you know which could be challenging but you are just a great big soggy mess by the end I'm gonna tell you yeah form cuz Dreamgirls I am Telling You is another one of those numbers was that harder than this or is this harder than that well see we're Dreamgirls it was pre-recorded we cats I say they say sing the song life with the emotion and all like 30 times so every time it was if it was more draining from the tears like singing a song like I could do this all over again but the emotion that drains you you know it must be amazing for the rest of you on sets to hear Jennifer sing that song I'm shy weren't you going off to do something that I said yes and and I remember her saying she was like in darling you have to go all the way you go all the way to the Academy Awards Kim knows that so much she just didn't you know she doesn't she doesn't save herself in any way yeah and but then in a sort of twist of fate you could not write this at 38 years ago you were cast as Grizabella in the original show yeah I think we've got a picture this was you as posed Bella all those years ago and so tell us I mean I've got a lot of people know the story but tell us what happened I was playing Grizabella and the Gumby cat and we went to pussycat school with Gillian Lynne for months and then we came up you were coming up to the first night and we were I think three weeks or a month away and I was tap dancing there's a lot of cockroaches and Wayne sleep and I heard a gunshot anyone who's had this happen will know you hear a gunshot wound banged you off and you slap your Achilles tendon oh and that's what happened and then I was going to still play Grizabella because Trevor said to me it's all right she's cute doesn't matter if she's you know hobbling and using plaster and everything and so we moved to the New London theater and I fell off the stage went and got myself attacks you went home it's a hospital where you had a visitor very key it's Android Webber and he brought you a stuffed cat now you ground you knew Andrew Webber what he was even younger than that did you I knew his mum yeah his mum taught me the piano for a week and then I resigned Oh child I don't know why oh I thought it was an ongoing thing I wish I wish I do you know a great composer of musicals by now no I don't like it something creepy about her place she made me sit on telephone directories I was very tired but nevertheless so many of them are near the ceiling played piano for a week as well is that one oh yeah but for a different reason I had to quit um drugs no 11 years old and ten I had piano lessons and I really didn't like him so but my mom was he you got to go in the other room and play piano and the problems she told me was that she she would start to hear that Oh play with both hands in there Matthew because I was only playing with one hand cuz the other hand I was playing with myself career lasted a week as well okay yours wasn't as creepy as that you the worst thing I've ever done in life I think you agree we in life we are either I think dog people or cat people I think Judy you were very much a cat's person is I am a cat person yes well yes and we during the war in York I was brought up with 17 cats and two brothers I've always had a cat until about a year ago oh no not get you dear kitten for Christmas no no reason and then Jennifer you've got a hairless one thinks we've got a picture of you and that there it is that's dancing the cavity the hairless went and then that's Grizabella on the other side no very very cute that's hard to love but he's so affectionate and loving that's why he's a big I think don't be aloof if you look like that okay he's cute did you get them cuz of the movie well yes I told Tom Hooper when I was on the set I said I'm gonna get a cat named it Macavity and then I'm get another cat and name it Grizabella and so that's the cavity and Grizabella okay I know Matthew Pagano I would say dog person I have both oh you've both you've got many dogs and cats okay yes like just roaming around or kind of roaming around that's good sometimes it's good with that I like both sometimes it's nice cuz cats are so independent right you don't have to do the things with them and they come up in their affectionate and they're just kind of easy they like their own time I like my own to the dogs you know need more affection any more time yeah ya know you got you like cats up to a point on the whole I adore them but I don't like it when they suddenly jump on you yawn cat oh meat in your face turn around and show you that I find that objectionable we did have a cat going over it was a very strange situation because it came to possess my mother like evil spirit it started with my mom used to do funny voices for all animals if we passed the sheep she had a funny voice with sheep and a pig etcetera and then the cat arrived and she started doing this cat voice but it really took her over and it was a horrible horrible person my mother was a lovely woman church-going Christian philanthropist rather proper and the cat would say [ __ ] feed me [ __ ] sometimes we'd say mom you said that darling I promise you I have no control over the very odd situation right after guys getting to know I'm so much better so that is cancer that's out next Friday but our second film tonight a very different beast it's called the gentleman it out on New Year's Day this is the latest Brit gangster movie from die Ritchie and so although it is a British film an American lead in the story Matthew so how does that happen who are you why are you here Mickey I come to England to sell England to the English basically a marijuana kingpin have a multi-million dollar hundred million dollar business and I'm trying to retire elegantly but all the misanthropes around me won't let that happen so things have to get quite ugly yeah and who are you you I'm and slimeball I'm a I'm a private investigator working for a tabloid newspaper which of course is witty casting I couldn't really resist it can you tell us anything about the clocks it's one of those plots where it's very twisty turny everyone kind of betrays everyone out it's not really worth it Graham its snatch better cuz we're it yes that's on the poster yeah let's watch a taste of gentleman round you've gone full Meryl Streep on this I mean it's it's we're very similar Act nobody it's kind of transformed I think we've ever seen you is it I think I'm an extraordinary diverse actor anyway it's a pretty much 180 degrees from Four Weddings and a funeral is it based on a specific person or no not really it's you know Estuary is creepy i actually i doing the act of compare campaign I got to know some probably really sleazy South London private detectives who worked for news of the world and things like that and over the years they've gradually but come over to our side I've got a crazy friend in the campaign who just keeps bringing them to my birthday party so where I'm having a nice birthday party every September he says oh and I'd like you to meet Glenn he hacked your phone for a year oh hi Glenn last time we did it he said and here is um this is a big gray knobs he burgled your flat who come in make yourself I don't think you know where everything is anyway so they're now mates and I was able to use them a bit from you know search yes and being kind of amongst all the the British actors did you come up with kind of British isms did you learn phrases you didn't know before Matthew Roku I mean quite a few look if you're gonna work on a Guy Ritchie film he's really sort of defining new vernacular a whole new language kind of writing a new Webster's dictionary almost in the film but there's one the one that you rich use so eloquently in so many forms is the old Jeremy Jeremy long the Jamie Jeremy Hunt Jeremy Hunt you throw it around there's wonderful ways the beginning of sense middle afterwards later this next time before and it's a term of endearment 95 percent the job that's what they tell you here's the thing all set you grant who was it who knew about the connection between you and Guy Ritchie and your dad's you like caps like yes we've known this forever that he is his dad and my dad fought together in Malaya in the 1950s and when we did it we did a film before a man from uncle and we had this picture of them standing there looking quite butch with another guy I had a third officer in the same regiment who turned out to be the grandfather of someone else working on the Man From UNCLE and we thought it was also charming we then recreated the picture we got the costume department to drop everything they were doing for the film and recreated this picture to please our parents with so this is the original that's to be sure that's your dad in the middle right yeah and that's John Ritchie yeah and then this is the grandfather of one of the production systems we've got his name of course just crew yeah and then the crews grandfather yes dude he's just yeah yeah and then here's the recreation weekend you really didn't go to a lot of trouble there's use your dad right at the person yeah we don't know who that still don't know who that is another student yeah and does your your dad still around to it does he remember this picture I thought he would be delighted with it he couldn't have taken less interesting never know you never know what he's gonna like but he like Shahrukh he sees your work yes he does and uh he loved Paddington too I took him to the premiere at s2 square he's sat chuckling away and then halfway through he turned to me and said very good is that a real bear okay he's 91 but for God's sake dad he's talking you know it's not a real and then when I did the Jeremy thought think the BBC oh yes yeah I always go round to see him on Sunday nights and I went round one Sunday night he said now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute isn't your buggers film on tonight so called a very English cowboy he said what I want to watch it I want to and he said I've got a television on the top floor if you could tell me how to turn it on we'll watch it together so who end up and dusted off this TV and put it on and I thought it's not gonna be dad's cup of tea you know ex-soldier and he did very well until the scene when I went in with the towel and the jar of Vaseline our next guest he's a four-time Grammy Award winning singer with 16 million records sold worldwide always register welcome mr. Michael [Applause] [Applause] so nicely lovely to see you how are you it's good thank you ladies to again yeah I get it cuz I went to see Michael in concert yeah yeah yeah it was so good I saw you Phobos world it's very good it was nice too because I could see you there was a point where I was singing and I looked back and all I saw you you had to think of glass of wine I did yeah I saw it very clearly and the other you're doing this I was I loved it I loved it you you've worked with Jennifer haven't you yes I was on her special no and we've we've met up at different things yep and have you met Dame Judi Dench before no we have now yes sure I don't know does Matthew know that he plays a special part in your life uh no probably not please I play a special part yeah can't wait to hear this Jose well I mean I my wife and I sleep with you almost every night yeah and every night there's an app called calm and I have insomnia and he has the most beautiful voice and I turn it on and I just hear where hello everybody it's me Matthew McConaughey I'm gonna tell you a bedtime story and I just do this oh ho honestly got to the bar because my wife is from Argentina she always was like you have the man talking again stop being in the bed again it's great though I love it cost me 80 bucks it was more worth out have you know we've got a little gay because I do sort of as you reading swords but you are actually putting people to bed this is this is method economy on the app tonight I hope to send you after peaceful dreams with that very thing in mind let's your eyes closed and your breath fall soft and slow as we begin our story which it just might rekindle that sense of wonder it's hard to keep going the score is actually really cool now of course it is at nearly Christmas time and it's like you own Christmas Michael boo ah well thank you yeah because was eight nine years ago yeah so like I know you don't you're not interested is but like Michael bublé's Christmas album has been the number one album in Australia every year since it came out like that's me it's weird no wow yeah yeah I think Graham you know me so I I don't love talking about it cuz I generally like the holidays so much that I never want to feel like I'm pushing something well talking of Christmas Jennifer Hudson you you love some Christmas yes I do yes you've got a picture here this is your four mentioned cats and dogs enjoying your family photo and still looking at spawn of the devil over here that's gravy peas I got three dogs two Oscar Grammy and drink oh so they represents that that era and then the cats but when you decorate your house I mean it takes days and days yeah how many days um well it gets done like the week of Thanksgiving and so the same people who do the O'Hare Airport that's my Christmas lights and it's literally lights up the whole block and I get best Christmas lights every year you ever get a plane landing in your sled no Michael you were telling you you're not that interested in get him talking about your album you're not interesting your chart position the record company will just love this well you leave it to other people even your music videos you you're in them but then you don't check them no I don't want to know the results of anything I have like a rule in my life if you work with me if you work for me I think it's important to have integrity in your work and do what you do and but at the end once it's done I can't control if the people like it love it what where it's hearts how many things that sell I don't want to know because if it's shitty mm-hmm that sucks is bless you didn't they send you was it your last video they said they wanted you to check and you went oh yeah the video for this I had a single called love you anymore and so I went out to the this beach in Malibu and I shot beautiful it was a beautiful model who did it with me and I didn't want to look at it because I don't look at stuff and so I came home to my wife and I say hey babe can you just look at this and just tell me if I'd if there's places I don't look good or I look fat or whatever like you know and so she looked at it and then this is true to this is not making this up she looked at the video and she looked at me she say who is the [ __ ] in the video am I you know you're an actress my wife's an actress she has love scenes all the time with these good-looking guys there I said I was just on the beach with this girl decided I didn't dude I did nothing maybe we held hands in the video and she said why because Mike she made you smile no she made you smile so good because I know your real smile and I know your fake ass red carpet smile big you're here now but you're coming back in the summer yes to do what to their outdoor gigs but they're not there in places they're beautiful places well yeah I love like when I came back after I'd been gone for a while and hey this long I yeah yeah the first show I played was Croke Park which was its beautiful parks beautiful outside there was I don't know how many people 70,000 the first gig back that was my first I said to my manager can you just let me ease back in I always think Ronnie Scott's and there were 70,000 people uh but I love the outdoor thing I think it's really romantic for the people to come and bring some wine have a little picnic basket and you know what I mean listen to these summer here before we of course yes we gotta say it yeah the same equation terrible yep so Michaels here now Michael back in the summer but what rainy day in February you're thinking I wish I could spend some time with Michael Buble well now there is an opportunity because with great celebrity come great honors particularly a wax figure now Judy are you would wax figure yes put you out of your misery and told you you all because we got a picture this is yeah better than Daniel looks like a sulky Russian he does so good now Matthew you have one I'm not sure if your family would recognize you it's not it's not terrible but but it's not great this is I don't know where this is okay cerebral it's it they're winning what was that I can do that again it looks like a tribute act now weirdly Christmas you know this Christmas you nights waxy you and waxy me I thought I'd been melted down well I think I've been melted down as well but when we both existed this was Madame Tussauds Nativity samuel l.jackson there's you I don't know who Jesus is but I like man even your wax figure looks embarrassed automated than some of my performance but now the latest person to get a waxwork is Michael and you haven't seen this have you no I have okay so I am here it's in the studio this is so creepy here it for me it was weird but Beauty it was creepy this afternoon when I saw it because it is good this is good okay okay so Michael Buble is going to meet his Michael Buble so madam G's also brought it here tonight which is very kind of them and you guys should look forward don't look over look forward I'll lead you over here okay okay I don't know don't run it for yourself don't hang yourself see there already he's here she's Derka Derka hot this really look anything like me it does something okay here we go so here we go Michael Buble me Michael Buble here we go Wow he's anatomically correct Oh really was it's not like looking in a mirror because it's that's what people see this is uh well those eyes look so much like me yeah it's like they wanted it to look like you that it's okay wanted it to look like you much more than the people who made mine inside 30 20 years this homegrown band has created chart-topping hits and become one of the biggest music acts in the world here to perform everyday life from the new album it's cold ways thank you very much that is from the album same name everyday life great record it is really good that great it's great and it's because I was playing it and it's a proper album yeah unlike all our others here well no collection of songs they kind of you've got interesting quirky things in between your recipes and yeah that sort of stuff yeah dance moves the top tips and yeah is it this year or next year there's going to be 20 years since we got together yeah next year since our first album came up 20 years I mean that's I think this is your first ever photo shoot and bear in mind this is the photograph they approved there were worse pictures from this photo shoot again there they are it seems unlikely that they would be global superstars at that time we were only really eating pasties and Mars milk you get from the service station yeah oh yeah that kind of chocolate emails yeah and that's all we would eat and we thought we're gonna look great there's no problem and we didn't remember anyone to tell us what to wear what there wasn't a stylist yeah we paid this guy 8,000 person never never saw him again look at Coldplay now and you're kind of you know gods a new tour of the world everything and you're sitting beside Hugh Grant yeah Hugh and I know you were a fan I'm a giant fan of you likewise likewise you want to see my tattoo I sent him fan mail as a 40 year old man so recently have recently yeah not so much since the restraining order thank you but every time Hugh is very grumpy that is that yeah whatever Rockstar [ __ ] off and then starts flirting with your other half and so you know about to you it was about it was after a very British scandal I thought you know I'm gonna tell you that I think is wonderful because I've loved his work ever since he started 45 years ago I really have and after British scandal and Paddington - I just thought I think I just wrote hey I'm a I love you and he replied and it was very gracious crap on music that's why I I've been you know I've just I've only got two records one of them's Godspell and the other one is the band of the Grenadier Guards we're thrilled that you played first tonight it was a gorgeous performance lovely song good luck with the album Chris Martin Coldplay before we go at this time for a visit to the big red chair who's there hello no no no Christmas jumper what's your name Holly Holly no are you a Christmas baby no I'm a summer baby it's summer baby and your parents someone Holly okay where do you live Holly Putney Putney yeah pop me Holly from Putney and watch a story off you go and so it's kind of a two-parter so I was running for the school bus and I ran into a car and realized that it was actually a Hugh Grant driving she ran into the car she didn't you didn't hear her he was driving a school bus no he was driving a car she said school bus you know she was running for the school that's not a red clear story back from work through Chelsea and I was just playing on my phone as standard and walked into someone and really looked up and it was Hugh Grant again and he was they were cute Liz Hurley and I was just like oh my god so yeah I'm sorry I just keep running into you the water story but never hurt there you didn't hit her at all the good you came out of that story going anywhere well should try one more here we go hello hello your hair is fine your hair that's fine my name is Lisette and that what you do does that I'm a part-time estate agent a part-time estate agent okay very part yeah whereabouts to you was not sell houses in doggy walking lovely so if you part-time house hunting she's your woman off you go with the story so um I had to take my mother to the optician because she had the arm from her glasses had fallen off and she's she's an attractive elderly French lady but she doesn't she's been here for decades but she doesn't always understand all the nuances and English expressions anyway there we are sitting in the waiting room and there's a bit of a delay so she's chatting with the lady next to her who asked her well what have you come in for and my mother said oh well don't worry about me I'm not going to be very long I've just come for a little screw the door opens and out comes this elderly white-haired optician and he's sort of sauntering along in front of us sort of shuffling along and the woman starts laughing next to and leans in and says I don't think he'll get one here love this fire website is this very dress please say huge thank you to all of my guests I'd Chris Martin and Coldplay [Applause] which parts are rubbery Williams Gavin si sees Ruth Jones and Rob Brydon after Henry Cavill ad from Star Wars the rise of Skywalker Daisy Ridley and John boyega I'll see you then goodbye
Channel: Sd Tv
Views: 690,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FULL Graham Norton Show 13/12/2019 Dame Judi Dench, Jennifer Hudson, Hugh Grant, Matthew McConaughey, Michael Buble, Coldplay, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton Show 2019, TheGNShow, BBC, BBC ONE, Graham Norton Show S26E11
Id: zfLrCHNF3-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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