Graham Norton Show S22E13 - Hugh Jackman, Zendaya, Zac Efron, Suranne Jones, Gary Oldman

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yeah it's really happening great so far guests eager to towards the midnight celebrations by the way if you are planning to have a fireworks demonstrations life please remember never return to a literal as it can backfire on you like a boy you know like a snap election to reason May got what you wanted for Christmas hindsight I do hope at home you you've got a drink in hand not so much to toast in the New Year what helped you forget the old one here in China it was the year of the monkey yeah in America you have the in American in the news this year no in November an American won the lottery in the UK Theresa May started the brexit process by triggering article 50 or is it's now called article fifty billion since in the UK will not give the EU a blank check and here is in September giving them up later this year Tim Farron resigned as they've dem lead it because of his Christian views on gay sex to be fair to Tim he did a very Christian thing when he resigned he gave up a seat to an elderly person yeah sliggoo there already talk of Vince Cable being replaced mind you it can't be the first time he's heard the words do you think he'll survive the winter [Applause] the performance by the leading ladies [Applause] the new music extravaganza the greatest showmen starting with the old singing all dancing mr. Zach [Applause] show that he's one of our all-time favorite guests it is mr. you jack [Applause] [Music] you're good yes thank you for joining us on this special evening some Australian I've been vomiting in 30 minutes did you all have a nice Christmas there best yeah I don't know where to begin what was your best present Zach what was your best present this is a good game I still have yet to get it for myself this year this festive season you can enjoy yourself you couldn't pull the old ripcord yeah you never have to be Wolverine again that's it 17 years of being on a diet you never need a little bit won't you miss looking like that yes know what people say to me how do I get ripped how do I get like that and I'm like man really it's too much effort for what it's worth like it takes a lot a lot of dedication a lot of time a lot of pain a lot of steamed chicken and not much fun like life don't do it it's not worth look 7 life out of Tanana be so much happier life is like enough your job is my husband is to look like crap that is your type how old were you when you kind of sort of working professionally in a business I think I was 13 when I got my first Disney Channel gig yeah and now you're in your early twenties now yeah was it was that your show your face yeah that was my first no it was shaking up that's my first Disney Disney show and that was uh yeah 13 years old Wow is that younger than you Zach are you were younger than that I was though yeah you were 13 on disease you know I was when I was 13 I was I think I was auditioning for my first play like local community theater my parents tricked me into auditioning for my first play Tony we were going to Toys R Us and we've got a strum you know how old are you here 13 how do you make your hair like that I went to a performing arts school and I'd lied about my age and said it was high school and I wasn't and I there were a lot of older girls there that were just fun to hang out with and they did that picture of the young Hugh Jackman can you see the boy who really wants to perform [Laughter] [Applause] totally focused on the camera the opposition would terrify is the greatest showman it's showing everywhere now it really is a festive treat it's a big musical extravaganza telling the story of PT Barnum who sort of originated what we think of as a circus so before we talk about it here's a taste of what to expect so tell me do you [Music] [Music] no one ever made a difference by being like everyone else [Applause] it's one of those things where you were like the part and you it's such a great fit you you seem to love being the showman I was seven a half years ago approached but yes I do I do kind of love it I'm a ham I'm a ham from way back and somehow I feel really comfortable on a stage I always have and I was involved in the very beginning so if I'm not good in this part I literally will never be good again because it was a dream for me for all of us well Zacks done of four times before but to be musical is a drink and and it doesn't come along all that often yeah and so we spent seven years we wanted to do something original original music and I think the music is phenomenal and we wanted to tell the story of the guy who pretty much invented show business yeah I love how that's pretty bad that you were so gung-ho was the first read-through where you couldn't help yourself he was so he did four workshops over four years so the final read-through there were about 80 people and every single one of them with a checkbook in there like so it was will this or will ánot happen based on this one performance we had an eight-piece Orchestra we had everyone there performing and the day before I had had skin cancer operations so I've had three or four of them and I had to get it done and so I I had 80 stitches in my nose and I plus up said great I'm back to rehearsal there to sing tomorrow knee goes dark there's like no no no you can't seem to Mauro you know because in May the stitches may come apart and I said you don't understand this is our make-or-break I've got a scene he goes you can't sing tomorrow so I went in made the announcement to everyone that I couldn't sing and someone was there to sing the songs for me but when it came to from that one which is the last number I was just so taken up by the moment I thought I'd seen the first line so I sang the first line I say in the second line are saying the third line and then I was saying I finished this song I mean it was a pretty good showbiz moment and I everyone seemed to be happy and I was like right and I felt this trickle and I went oh I went away and I went back to the doctor and had to have a bunch of those stitches redone and zendaya I'm an wheeler I'm a trapeze artist who falls in love with this guy yeah I sort of play made up character Carlisle and I I'm like a writer struggling or very depressed but successful and has a lot of money that PT Barnum convinces me to come with them and sort of help him on his journey to show business I want his money being bendy and doing the 2pz thing was there about when I thought you you overexerted yourself it was it in front of you okay see here's what happened all right so we're doing I'm not gonna name the person because it's embarrassing okay the point is we're doing a stunt in front of Hugh Jackman now I have very few scenes with Hugh Jackman and I was very nervous it was not you I was on my you know my A game cuz this is Hugh Jackman I do not want to mess up so we're doing this this this this thing where I'm basically up in the air and I spin down and I get caught and I heard a fart as a professional I was gonna carry on it was not me want to clarify right here right now who's not me so they're laughing the other person okay is laughing and he was laughing I'm like okay I were you just gonna like the tip if I ever farted from yea it would definitely be silent but deadly out dancing in showman I know that Michael Jackson was a real hero of yours now you you did you meet him well you didn't meet him there was a no no I never no no I talked to him on the phone yes how did that happen I would how did it happen I was I was in Paris and I was with Kenny Ortega we were promoting High School Musical 3 I want to say I was probably 20 maybe 20 21 at the time and we were at dinner and somehow I got at that was at the head of the table and Kenny was on the other side of the table our director can your taya guy and his phone rang and I remember I got this look like you want this I was like okay so I came over and it's like what's what's going on he goes it's Michael Jackson I'm like and I was like Hello and I heard this is Zac Efron I'm a massive fan and I'm an actor and you're like my hero and I didn't know what to say I was like kind of I was just at a loss for words and rambling on and he said that's really nice can you hand the phone back to Kenny and I was freaking out like I just talked to Michael Jackson he's my hero just trippin and I sat back down just a little dizzy and then all of a sudden the phone rang again and Kenny answered and I saw him kind of confused across the table and and he like looked to me again he's like you want to stick okay and he hands the phone he goes okay and I picked up the phone I was like Hello he goes oh this is Zach from high school musical and I was like yeah and he was like oh I love what you do I'm a huge fan and I lost it lost my balance I think I fell over in the wall I started I was like like literally I was just making a like slid down to the floor pathetically and professed how much I love Tim said like you're my hero you're the reason I do what I do like thank you so much Michael for everything and thanks for showing me how to dance how to be you know how did believe in myself out of how to I don't know how to shine you know and that made him cry crying to each other on the phone and he ended the whole phone call conversation with something along lines of hey Zach and I like stop crying for a second isn't it isn't it awesome and I was like what and he goes dreams really do come true down [Music] now in terms of circus in the world of circus oddly you gentlemen this isn't your first foray you did some fine clown work I did earlier in your life I was a clown of kids parties I think we've got a picture of it's a rented costume oh come on Bozek we really put zero thought into this but at the time and I was very good with a three year olds of four-year-olds party because I really just dress up you're done yeah yeah yeah and I remember once getting a little cocky and I did an eight-year-olds birthday party all you are hired to do is to keep the kids occupied for an hour we've got some mums and dads here so that mums and dads can drink five minutes into my stick this little eight-year-old kid who I hate to this day stands up mom dad this clown is crap and I pull out the thing I would I would juggle eggs I could juggle eggs and then occasionally I would crack one of the yeah so I just said hit kids eggs that were throwing eggs happening we walked out took off the wig and I never went back again that was it it seems like the procedure to learn special skills yeah and you can properly juggle Kenny I used to be on a juggle because tonight tonight because it's the greatest showman you know we were thinking about people's skills and special skills yeah so so there's thing those things like cuz right I'm not fruit if you want to talk about Douglas election fruit should we go oranges go oranges oranges [Applause] now you've got a physical a physical therapy oh yeah not the potty [Laughter] in terms of the the trapeze skills we do you still have them so if for instance the rosetta please could you just sit there shoes off and get on a thing and just go nuts oh no I mean oh yes [Applause] I hate to let people down button I have my son team here do not want to hurt myself well thank you very much only thing I can do is wiggle my ears see already were thrilled all you're really doing it she's doing it thank you you've been very generous with your skills on the show we've seen you controlling the ball and then you did the pole work the last time so I know that was impressive yeah I'm trying that photograph looks that he did that yeah that's for real yeah but not tonight my Paul dance you bring something very special so what special skill what party trick have you brought for us I don't know what it is my mom like blow bubbles of spit so what so I don't know how well this is good if it was to go as well as possible what should we expect to see all the things are happening I can see it you spit has to be just the right consistency how to do this she's gonna be so embarrassed I can form one okay laughter I can't do it your spit has to be just right mom I wish my mom was around she can sit [Applause] one more go [Applause] let's see if our audience tonight in any town so we asked what skills they have to offer tonight I've got some of their answers here where's Lucy where's Lucy now Lucy I don't understand your thing so you can do eggie eggie language okay so so how do we demonstrate this so I can translate anything in tag you say D well just a phrase any phrase ok nanny jackman do you have a phrase you would like to hear in Aggie Peggy I know you know more than you zendaya never farted on the set of the greatest showman second a Eureka Naruto very far Tara Couture Gonzaga circular arc after America very [Applause] where's ash ash that's what can you do spin on my head oh no all the spin on the head guy okay that's very good so hang on we might see you later but we won't see right now so that's Ashley the spinners head where is a Torah now Torah does an impression just the what do you just do the one right yes what is there more yes I love Gaby friend here what else can Torah do I used to be able to do the Queen what happened what are you going to give us I'm gonna give you civil 48 hours okay so Torah is civil forty and forty times Polly would you get Manuel for me now Mike with Mike now Mike might be a good companion trick for your moving ears Mike can it says here uniquely fold his tongue oh nice and close to Mike's mouth and and here we go Mike folding it problems are they your own teeth they are no yes not yet okay you know professionals are having trouble I do a mean Wolverine Wolverine then audience very good why not think about [Music] [Applause] we first met this bafta-winning actress on Coronation Street then as one half of Scotland Bailey but she truly grips the nation in the monster head dr. Foster please welcome Saran Joe [Applause] so showbiz Happy New Year Happy New Year we're Eve or something whatever it is it's making me a bit nervous with their tongues what Paulie is that special fighting it a bit like a dog that has had peanut butter no you weren't you weren't back here no no we try but she wouldn't see no it's too nervous I get very nervous before I come on things so kind of loud into you yeah we have met be fine oh we met at the river yeah good memory yeah with my husband as well is this mean of me this like you needed me but people you know we give interviews people ask a stupid question to be answered them yeah so in 2013 do you remember you were asked in a questionnaire what your greatest weakness was if I wasn't sat next to you Joe I would answer you but you're gonna say it anyway yes you said coffee her new Jackman [Applause] I went on to marry someone who also loved you and when we met he was winding me up before we met and he was getting knives I'm putting them on eat I'm saying when I meet you I am gonna do this because he loves Wolverine and we had a massive argument cuz I said why would you do that why can't you say you were great in the play nice to meet you we met and he's my husband didn't say boo to a goose stood in a corner and we went hi how are you he was so disappointed that you couldn't that you weren't like Wolverines really I think because you walk out that mighty roar and you as an actress you you were in the most popular show in Britain or in Coronation Street then Scott Bailey everyone loved that but dr. Foster you must have thought I'm really famous and then dr. Foster came along I know it's just gone mental yeah I've not done a show where people have just been behind it and also because you couldn't binge watch it you had to watch it once a week it had that kind of water-cooler effect and and you know for a character that was quite mental at times especially in season two yes yeah people loved it but also it was quite graphic so that must have been odd for you then just surround Jones doing a shopping I remember I told you this before but I was um I was in the woods with my two-year-old nearly two-year-old and I've done this big hate sex scene where there's lots of you know things going on in the kitchen I hope they wipe down the surfaces after that and you know but you know you do these things and you're just kind of like and I'm with my son and my son's just wants to pick up sticks or do you know sing songs with me in the woods and then people come in passing who saw you last night in that scene that was quite some I might yeah but not now resting you are arrested because you straight back to work presumably in the New Year in rehearsals a new play it's called frozen not the Disney version no I think that poster isn't good enough to avoid it's a 21st of February it's at the Theatre Royal Haymarket in London and it's not just you it's a really strong cast its Jason Watkins and Nina Sonya's it's who oddly they're both in w1a together I know which is a comedy and again ours isn't really comedy this sounds quite yeah yeah it's a psychological thriller three hundo and it's about a woman who loses her child to child goes missing and then she gets the opportunity to meet the person that was responsible for that and I read somewhere where how you feel because you're a newish mom that has kind of affected your brain when you read a script like this it could have a different switches been flicked do you know I don't know how you guys feel but so when I became a mom or I was pregnant I start I was attracted by like missing children because I've done three like dr. Foster and then I'm in a sky luntik thing called save me and that's about a missing child and then frozen is about missing so I must have been in the headspace where it was like the total opposite to one I was so happy in my marriage in having a new baby that I was drawn to these really dark stories I mean it does stop after this one she's got a kid not for long Cornish how long were you in Carter Street four years do you have any to it for you old you jackman knows what it is zendaya Zack no I've heard that I've heard of it yes because you were you know that's a huge deal to get a gig in Coronation Street oh god I mean you know I'm northern working-class oh my family just loved Coronation Street and and I used to audition all the time like almost every week because this theater school that I went to they just get all the kids in to audition all the time and they were trying to find a part for me and yeah my oh my Nana Bertha and my granddad Bob were like you know Spielberg Coronation Street Coronation Street it's been all downhill since then yeah would you not go back cuz k Madonna that she loved a good rock lots of it a lot of them were their husbands Steve look at that look at that some of them in the pub his I think guessing this is a Patrick's Day oh come on that's a good fight no sadly no one told her she wasn't shot Jesus planning her menu for dinner this course was the big final fight now was it that you weren't supposed to be doing this were you know my unis know this is a serious business it's done double Eunice she was meant to be doing that and then a car ran over her ankle so she got sent off and the ambulances will turn up and we were on the green room and of course they should have sent us all home but I've been budget and all that they said old Eunice has gone to hospital and she can't do the stunt now so can you do it and of course I'm finished I'm 22 and I think I'm gonna get the sack if I don't I went yeah I forgot to do this it'll we're just gonna hang you over the building and Tracey's gonna smash you with a log now tonight we're collecting people's special skills we've seen some Marvis skills so what might you delight if we're at a party what would you delight people with I haven't done it for a long time but I used to do a Velociraptor impression okay so what do you need anything for this umm maybe these shoes off okay Jubilee help without any no no I know that I can get them off it's you know the famous scene where the Velociraptor is looking for the children yeah oh yes in the kitchens yeah oh yes I dunno yes yeah I kind of reenact that I mean be kind to me imagine there's some children that I'm running after and they're all scared it's futile II I'm doing that at a party and there's lots of kids okay do you need to jump on a table or anything no I just need a bit of space this is good excuse she's an actress just explore the space good ok she's happy she's happy shake out of the way no I'm okay here no because you can be part okay okay we've got a little bit of music there little music goodbye career [Music] [Applause] VTOL in Woodstock for over 30 years and now gives a career-defining performance as the great Winston Churchill in darkest hour Oscars ladies gentlemen please welcome Gary Oh [Applause] double congratulations it's carry over not only are you getting amazing reviews but you've also got married I did get [Applause] August and I proposed to my wife Gisele as on the set of darkest hour so I was I was dressed as Winston Churchill yes it was we had talked about it but I don't know the urge took me and we went into the map room and the the in the what you know the war room yes went into the mat room and I said will you marry me and she said yes and then someone said Gary we need you on the set one of your first jobs you were in cabaret the music rapper yeah but it wasn't play playing say no yeah well you all know this the outgoing song I had a cappella five platter harmony and the outgoing song the last note is my starting note and I would take it from the piano and I would be backstage mm-hmm hear the note come out set up the lights would come up and I would start singing and these five Boy Scouts were all you know around the campfire thing and I am one night only one night thank heavens but instead of taking the note from the piano the trumpet in the band the trumpet drowned it out so I took the note from the trumpet which is it with the same note but it's impure it's not it's not the same as the piano and I get the note in my head mmm come out and I start singing and I realize I've started an octave too then it goes up back in the day I could I was like 20 so I started singing and suddenly realized oh my god I'm so I'm so off these five guys who had by then stopped harmonized thing of fun they are singing with veins and these five just five backs I remember I was in an amateur production of West Side Story in the eastern suburbs of Sydney and Ike and I had toned the role of Tony and it's a very high tenor role and I was I'm a baritone a high baritone at the time I could not sing those notes and I said guys I don't see their notes you'll be fine I said but I can't sing that you'll be fine and every night I would go out there every night there was three performances Maria Marie into the sound on the wings let me down the sound guy in the wings is like I mean it's fantastic reviews Joe Wright directed it opens here on the 12th of January it's a very specific time in the war for Winston Churchill yeah it's really five or six weeks 1940 Neville Chamberlain has resigned from the Premiership Churchill steps in there are troops in Dunkirk which we you know the this fear that will lose 300,000 soldiers in Dunkirk and also on the on the table is it's a it's a peace deal with Hitler and it deals with not only the crisis in Dunkirk but whether we will capitulate and basically surrender and do a do a deal with with Hitler so it's a very specific very defining my little moment in our history and also in Churchill's career and we'll talk about it's more but let's show people just a bit of your transformation into Winston Churchill you cannot reason with a tiger when your head it's one of the option in things like this the make up the wings can get in the way and it's it's beautiful I think it's I would say it's a benchmark in prosthetic makeup and would it take hours would it take hours or the whole thing took four hours okay so there's a face it's the fat suit and the clothes yes and and and but the attention to detail the the the cigars you you chose the special cigar I did well I did and I used to smoke I don't I don't smoke anymore and I got nicotine poisoning because I was on about 12 a day I went through $30,000 of cigars on the set quit the pop and I would do about 12 of them a days so I got nicotine but I basically had a bad stomach for the three months I was I was on the show and we had a Christmas break and everybody went off and decorated their Christmas trees and went out shopping and I went and had a colonoscopy every day pretty much they just just it was it it was just it was I think it was the compression in the soup dehydration the cigars and it it was a good surprise to pie Wow and can I just say so because I was really I really admired what you said about Michael Jackson I would never forgive myself Gary if I don't tell you you are one of the greatest actors to have ever lived you're one of my inspirations your look if you have not seen the darkest hour you will see one of the greatest actors alive give one of the greatest performances of one of the Great British characters of all time it is astonishing [Applause] selection of special skills on the show tonight a real treat am i right to say it's a it's a it's something physical yes yeah I don't know if it's very special or should we just see it well yes it's somewhat my my wife actually recorded it on an iPhone in the trailer and it's Winston Churchill doing James Brown so here is Winston Churchill this is so many layers this is Gary Oldman does Winston Churchill doing James Brown for the Oscar [Applause] our musical performance I know another one but before we do you I wonder could you channel channel your best PT Barnum right and give us a sort of recap of some of the talented talented people we've we've met tonight we've got at you a top hat and a cane whoever they are okay they are top of the cake so if you go to kind of the central ring you got it okay you can either here yes okay and you know do any twirly cainy business if you want to it's a great [Applause] oh here we go where are we ladies and gentlemen it is you use Yvonne the world's greatest talk show being titillated I said you have been at I'm totally nauseated you've got the mysterious agony sensational spitballs beat of Zendaya's wiggling is yes you thrill ladies and gentlemen to the savage beauty of the merciless Saran asaurus at the terrifying power of mics Wolverine grooving to the Godfather of Soul [Applause] bearded man drink like a fish and paid no attention to his guests [Applause] ladies and gentlemen oldie really wanted to see was a man spinning on his head [Applause] better way to end the show than a show-stopping number from this trio of West End divas performing one night only please welcome the fabulous leading ladies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Roche well thank you so much for doing that that of course is from the album which that now songs from the stage we just done so well congratulations clever Beverly thought of it you thought of it it was your idea but you know what you've got some bigging upset to give yourself with high five yourself in and having some coaching it was right here that I saw amber perform and the idea went so that's where it all came from then I saw CJ and I was like being again yeah we should do something together yeah yeah and it's one of those things it's like one night only I mean is this going to be an ongoing thing because amber you're out of here we've had so much fun doing it you know we're just trying to see like what this album is gonna do we don't really know what this is exactly but we know that we like the way that it sounds and the way that it feels and we're having fun well hopefully this goes on for ages cuz people are loving it the leading man is everybody we do have time for just a visit at the big red chair as it's a Hogmanay we're looking for stories with the new year's resolution or a new year's theme so who's up first hello hi hi hi keeping it simple producer dove so what's your name my name is Lauren Lauren lovely I'm where you from Lauren I'm originally from Canada but you live here now I do what do you do Lord I run a legal advice centre oh what's your news resolution not to get pissed on New Year's oh I think this way you a lot of people okay I'll figure out the story so a few years ago I decided to bite the bullet and brave the cold for 12 hours to experience New Year's Eve in Times Square so 20 minutes before the big ball drop when the guy in front of a waltz me in the face I immediately fall to the ground but to my dismay the guy next to me is peeing into a bottle my head hitting a bottle he pees all over my [Applause] to my dismay somebody's kissing on your head so dismayed does everyone use the restroom to copy books Brian he works there and everybody have to go in a for coffee fielding me near the front and you are told as you come in you are not allowed to leave to go to the bathroom it was like yeah yeah yeah and I said you know about eight o'clock it was like I need to go greet ahlian so they have to wait I'm grand thanks in yourself I'm good what's your name Lauren Laura are you from Australia Oh Australia okay good do you live here now yeah I live in London now okay what do you do Don I'm a corporate affairs assistant my New Year's resolution is to invest in better underwear oh good sorry I was just made my first public humiliation I was blossoming into a voluptuous young woman I was very self-conscious about it my family knew that and obviously as Australians they decided to tease me incessantly anyway we go away to a beach holiday we're all in bikinis I'm getting tased when the beach from my big boobs and in a horrible mood we go back to the house to have a shower for Jenna I go to the bathroom and I see my cousin who's a lot more voluptuous than I was I see her bikini there so I was like Oh put a bikini on show everyone and they'll be like oh we can't tease you anymore your boobs aren't that big so I put it on put the towel around me strut out to the lounge room where everyone is quip the towel off strut into the room just stand there handing my hips a night I told you oh they weren't that big and then there's this weird shocked silence and then they all started screaming covering their faces and I was like this is really rude and I forgot to put on the bottom hello hello hi what's your name Simon Simon what do you do Simon I'm an insurance broker okay there had to be one what's your new year's resolution to get some better friends well a long time ago I had a bad knee injury playing rugby and I needed an operation and luckily I had some private health care so I had I was recovering in my own room the day after the operation feeling pretty sorry for myself a knock on the door and it's the surgeon who operated on me he comes in and he opens up the huge bandage my I'm wear left leg and said okay well it's looking good but you need to stay still for an hour so let the wound breathe and I'll be back or one of the nurse will be back to dress it so just stay put so I said fine so he leaves a couple of minutes later there's a knock on the door round the corner come to my mates clutching a bag of half-eaten grapes sporting some grinning faces and clutching a pretty graphic porn mag but it was not they see my predicament I'm lying there I can't move and they don't so word they proceeded to take this magazine apart and stick every picture inside it on my bed on the window and the sheet the nurses were used to check my recovery and a parting gift was to depress the nurses button [Applause] that is it for today please say you executive I guess the leading ladies the tribes are Japanese with a very special show devoted to two of our greatest actors Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep ha wait till then have a very happy New Year everybody [Applause]
Channel: Last Show
Views: 2,431,520
Rating: 4.9000783 out of 5
Id: HNbsyhUFFTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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