THE GOD START Torres - Civ 6 China Deity Ep.1

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hey spuddies potato make whiskey here and welcome to let's play civilization 6 now those of you who were watching my livestream the other day you would have seen this dark location that I accidentally rolled on my very first attempt to show you guys how different start locations can be analyzed if you want to play along with this save file go ahead and subscribe to the channel leave a like on the video then click on the discord link in the description head on over to my discord and find the channel that will have the save file linked as a download now I have actually played quite a few turns of this start location so I know quite a bit what to expect and I think overall knowing what's out there in the fog of war I think settling right here is the right decision and we'll talk about a little bit why that is it's because it's on fresh water I don't have to build an aqueduct it leaves me close to this mountain so I can use a campus here and I can build a couple of Wonders here and it also efficiently allows me to place another city on this river location and it doesn't block any cities out here to the west in a land that I know is there like the first thing we do in every game I'm gonna go ahead and settle right here and we'll be working that to food for production tile right from the get-go and normally I would go for a double Scout here but I think I'm gonna go for a single Scout I'm also going to be doing a little bit of planning here the first thing that I want to be able to plan is of course a campus I would also like to get myself a holy site here now you guys might say wow you're crushing a for food tile for a holy site yes I'm crushing a for food tile for a holy site because this is just the for food tile and I have plenty of other really good tiles that I can take advantage of I'm essentially trading a for food tile for a plus for holy site but with this campus right here I plan to get the great library I would also really like to get the oxford university later on in the game so I'm gonna try to make sure that I leave that open for myself and the reason why I want the great library is because it has two great writing slots and the reason why I want the Oxford University is because it also has two great writing slots because I'm gonna be trying to do a very interesting play here where I go for a lot of wonders with great work slots that's why I want to go for the App Adana I'm also gonna see if I can get my hands on the Oracle this game even though it doesn't have great writer slots it seems like it would be a pretty good thing to do starting off I definitely want to get my hands on astrology pick up a holy site fairly early into this game I would definitely like a religion let's swing our way up here to the north and I think there's a city-state somewhere over here to the west grab this tribal village that's boosted the wheel not exactly what I wanted but I'll take it and there is La Venta also I want to thank you guys those of you who came to watch my channel from this biffing Britt thank you guys so much I hope you guys enjoy it slightly a little bit of a different tone from like maybe some aspects content but I do try to keep it entertaining but it's kind of more focused on actually playing the game but we did meet levente first which is going to give us +2 faith in the capital and their mission is to trigger an inspiration for craftsmanship and I think I might go ahead and do that this game now I've got two turns until this city can produce another thing I'm gonna put two turns into a monument and then grab myself a settler also planning out some of our city locations for example I want to settle there on the marsh I know because that is the closest that I can settle to La Venta and we'll also be putting another city location on top of this the silk over here and I think that might even be the very first city that we settled so that we can sell that silk to the AI city has reached pop - let's go ahead and I would love to buy another time I'm gonna buy that - food for production tiles so that we can get out this settler super duper quick before we go for the holy site know that I think about it I'm gonna go monument settler before holy site anyway so I may as well finish the monument because I've got three turns invested into it already there's astrology when we do eventually grow to this tile I'll be planting that down to lock in it's a cheap price but right now it's not a priority and I think I'm going to go ahead and pick up mining so that I can place some mines on this tile once I eventually get my first builder there is the barbed caps that we are looking for I gotta go ahead and send my warrior down to deal with that a single warrior can take out a barbed camp with just the discipline promotion monument unlocked that's gonna let us pick up early Empire and I will be going for a fast early Empire this game because my goal is to crack out settlers and then use those cities to produce builders that I'll use to actually build the wonders that I want looks like another barbed camp spawned over here right on cue we'll have to try to deal with that as well that's gonna make my life a little bit more complicated because this settler needs an escort I think I'll use this Scout to do that let's get to work on foreign trade which will unlock a trader as well as move us in the direction of early empire we also unlocked our very first carrots and of course I'll be plugging in discipline and I don't need God King this game because I met the religious city site a city-state first so I could just plug in urban planning and get a little bit more production there's the boost towards craftsmanship which actually luckily enough gave us another envoy with La Venta so that tribal village actually provided me with a decent amount of value let's start hitting this barb camp to see if we can start getting rid of it should be a free clear here beautiful and we get three eros core as well as a chunk of gold which gets us closer to purchasing a very first builder and we also have our Pantheon now I could go for religious settlements here I don't think it makes sense to go for wonder construction speed as China because you could just use build their tragedies to do this I'm kind of tempted to go for fertility rites here which seems a bit wrong when I've got the religious settlement Pantheon here but if I get that early builder hmm I could do a lot of really good stuff with it for mining I could also go ahead and pick up divine spark to get a ton more great people point but really I would like a faith generating Pantheon or something that gives me a boost right now I don't have a whole lot of breathtaking appeal tiles to make earth goddess Pantheon really work here one thing I could go for man I'm actually kind of tempted by the religious settlements Pantheon now because if I get that out earlier I could translate that into fast extra builder yeah you know what settlers are just so good I'm gonna go ahead and pick up the settler Pantheon so that I can get started settling my cities just that little bit quicker there is mining I'm gonna go ahead and get this war you're moving towards this barbed camp over here he has a promotion which will heal him and give me more combat strength to take that out faster with the completion of mining I am going to want to unlock the library here I'm also gonna want to grab animal husbandry I don't have a pyramids location in this game which means I can't get jebel barkal or petra either and I'm not gonna bother what Machu Picchu I definitely want to get harbours fairly early into this game but that requires sailing so I think I might do like animal husbandry just to have the ability to get archers fairly quickly and unlock horses and then head towards riding now I managed to pop out to settlers really quick let's get to work on that holy site it is a plus for holy site and we can delete that and that'll be done in about five turns and then we can start making decisions about what we want to do with this city's production time to settle our very first city over here shabam this will be Taiyuan and we're gonna go ahead and go straight for a builder in the city so that we can send this builder over to the capital to build the wonders that way we don't actually have to use this city's productivity on wonders and we can continue to build things like districts and settlers now I also want to go for the Coliseum this game so I'm gonna go ahead and place an entertainment district down right there and place the Colosseum right over there as well my plan is also to surround this district in theaters squares but what I could actually do is if I move this entertainment square up to the left one tile I'll be able to put it here I'll be able to put my theater square here which will touch far more wonders and then my plan is to settle three cities along this coastline and all three of them should be able to reach the Colosseum with their own districts like the theaters square which will allow me to get really high adjacency on them and then I might put like a government Plaza somewhere in this area and then maybe some of the later on culture wonders for example the Bolshoi Theatre is a good option here as is Broadway the hermitage less so because it must be adjacent to a river but I could potentially be placed somewhere in my capital so I think I might do something like a ball joy theater over here just kind of like being prepared and ready for that that seems like a good as location as any and then maybe slap a Broadway in here well the Bolshoi Theatre is fairly easy to build but Broadway is a little bit more difficult that might have to be done in the capital and I don't really have a flat land tile in the capital to do that so I guess I guess Broadway will have to actually go over here it'll be a long ass time before we ever consider Broadway but having these things planned out at the very least let's just make sort of midterm decisions that don't block us from doing those things now this city is coastal and so it only has three housing so it doesn't make sense to work a ton of food because that food is gonna be halved in value very quickly but I will let it grow to to population fairly quickly and then I'll start working these regular production tiles and I might even try to get my hands on this tile fairly quickly in fact I'm gonna go ahead and buy that right away because this is just three production better than the tile that it was currently working and that's gonna mean that I get my builder about 15 turns sooner there's foreign trade which allows us to get a build a trader sorry and I will be looking to get a trader because if I can trade with levente I'll be in really really good shape brilliant there is our very first holy site now when you get your holy site whenever you get your holy site in your games you want to take a moment go up to the great people screen and just take a look see how many people are all already earning great people points if a lot of people are already earning great people points then maybe you should get your shrine maybe you should get holy site prayers right now it looks like I have time to stop off and do something else in the meantime so I feel pretty comfortable getting to work on a settler here another great tip that you might not know about if you have an annoying barb camp like this being a pain in your backside just go ahead and settle right beside it and it'll clear the barber camp give you the money and then this barbarian encampment isn't a problem that I have to deal with anymore I'm we're also gonna be getting a builder in this city as well again we're trying to transfer any of the production from these two cities over to getting these wonders online in the capital so the city can do other more important things thankfully Levin took very kindly helped me clear this Bab camp so I'm gonna go ahead and grab back get myself another three eros core we're already almost in a golden age and we haven't even really done that much stuff killing that extra little Scout with my worry there also netted me bronze working which is really really great especially because we're playing China one of the big advantages of China is that your inspirations and Eureka's give you a extra 10% boost towards the sides and culture of the inspiration or Eureka that you get not only that I should probably have taken a bit of time here to talk about Chinese bonuses but when you're building ancient and classical era wonders you may spend builder charges to complete 15% of the original Wonder cost and builders receive an additional charge and canals are unlocked with the masonry technology I have a couple of ideas of how I want to use that canal bit of information there and those of you who are watching the livestream are probably seeing that I'm playing a little bit differently but we get better builders we get better Eureka's and we get special improvements that will give us a ton of tourism unfortunate bit of a drought here that's gonna hurt this city's growth potential but I think I'm gonna go ahead and buy this grassland hill for my capital to keep this city growing and producing six turns until this settler comes out and we're only one turn away from getting the settler production card with the unlock of early Empire we're gonna go swing in we're gonna be plugging in colonization so that we can build settlers faster I'm also going to fortify this scout and get this experiment to kill himself on me and then I'll promote him to heal as well now I'm gonna go ahead and get ready to pick up my very first wonder this game which is the Oracle now seeing the location of this Broadway I'm kind of tempted to delete it because there's a really nice horse tile here and if I were to place an industrial zone right here and then also place the early unlocking canal right here I could get a very very strong industrial zone here which I believe is plus three four five which is a plus twenty production industrial zone when I get it fully churning away and it'll also provide factory bonuses in the local area I could do something mildly similar up here if I were to plug an industrial zone down on this tower but I don't want to use too many of my coastal tiles but there is a decent industrial zone up in Taiwan tanks to these two quarries now our first governor is actually a very sort of difficult decision we can either go for Magnus if we want to keep churning out settlers or we can pick a Pingala to be able to get really fast curator and pump out tourism from our great works of writing that we're planning on producing tough choice to make I think at this particular game because their capital has such good growth and production we can kind of get away with not getting provision this game I do eventually want to have surplus logistics but I also want to have LeAnn for the extra bill charge but I think for now I can get away with just getting Pingala appointing Pingala in my capital and picking up that extra a little bit of Science in production science and culture that'll help me kind of move on first builder is complete and I think I'm gonna send him straight over to get to work on the Oracle because I'm about to be ready to plant that down onto the ground we're gonna need essentially an endless stream of builders out of my cities but I do have a bit of time until I have the app Adana and the Colosseum unlocked so I think I can take the time to grab myself a monument and I want early monuments so that I can unlock these critical wonders a little bit sooner this settler is going to be heading down towards this direction as well I want to get all my western side city set up and then I'll make some decisions about how I'm gonna set up my eastern side cities let's also place the Oracle we don't plan to build it just yet but I'm gonna lock in where it goes just okay some kind of strategic resource appears on that hill or something now that we've completed another construction however it is a good time to check the great people of screen and it looks like nobody else is earning great people points so I think I could justifiably stop off for a shrine here but again I'm not under massive pressure and I probably could have gone for Stonehenge this game but I wanted this location to be where I put my scientific great wonders a trader wouldn't be terrible I could trade with levente I could also trade internally with my cities I could nab myself another builder I think I'm just gonna go for settlers here and try to churn out as many of them as I can with the unlocking of mysticism I think we're gonna head up for a State Workforce I need to make a decision about where my government Plaza is going actually and I'm kind of tempted to shuffle some of this stuff around like for example maybe the government Plaza goes in Chengdu now these cities are gonna want harbor so I need to kind of think carefully about just where and when I build these things because I'm not gonna have time to build everything that I want and so with that in mind I might change this Bolshoi Theater to be the government Plaza just because it on unlocks earlier and I'll get a similar if not slightly worse benefit and just kind of shift the Bolshoi Theater over a tile I could grab since rarity of La Venta here which would give me eros core and also give me their exploration potential I think that seems actually a really really good idea the eros core and even just like knowledge of where or their players are is really really valuable because now I can meet Norway and now I know Norway and I can sell him some of the goods that I have also he's kind of orange for some reason yeah I can go ahead and sell him silk he will buy that silk for four gold pattern for both pattern is pretty damn nice at this stage of the game I'm also gonna get mutual open borders he will make me pay for that that's fine and I'm also gonna send him a delegation to keep him happy I have a little bit of gold in the bank and he has a rather large army but I'm hoping that I can keep him from considering invading me now there's writings I am going to want to throw down the campus here but I also need to be kind of conscious this city needs to get to pop seven I believe because I need like the theater square can wait but I definitely need to grab the entertainment district and the campus this game so eventually I am gonna have to move Pingala out of the city and maybe move a settler production to a different city so with that in mind if we're thinking about what our early game wonders are I could also use builders to get the lighthouse online I think about now is a good time to unlock archery because I have met my very first arrival and so just having the ability to defend myself what I chose would be really really valuable to me I have a very like geographically isolated start and now I know pretty much everything about my island so I can now fully well it's not an island it's a peninsula but I can fully make any decisions I want like about where exactly I want to settle all you have to do is kind of count the tiles right one two three closest I can settle is here that'll grab all of these tiles but it's not where I want to settle hmm maybe not maybe it better be to settle over here for example where I'd get a slightly better Harbor and still get access to all of these tiles although I'll be it a little bit slower yeah I think that seems pretty reasonable here I'm gonna plop a city right down there unfortunately this crabs is in a bit of an awkward spot for me but there is a good city on the river opening here and I think I'm gonna put it on the south side so that I have a better chance of getting a good harbor at least with the information because I can't see what's on that tile here's a decent harbour to kind of tempted by this peninsular City problem is it has a very hard time being anything other than a naval city but this is actually a pretty good location to put liang and potentially some coastal wonders so I might plop a city right down here on this little Peninsula I'm also definitely gonna want to place another city as close to La Venta as possible to make maximum use of any of this land that I share with La Venta and then really it's just about splitting the difference between these two cities so I kind of have to choose where I want to settle in this little bit of an area if I knew if there was a reef in the area I would definitely consider putting it like if there was a reef beside this mountain I would maybe like settle here to put a campus or something but I think I'm just gonna go ahead and settle on horses yeah I think settling on horses here is a pretty reasonable thing to do will will maybe reassess that decision later on now that our builder is position on the oracle what we're going to do is we're going to come up here we're going to plug the oracle back into our construction queue use the Builder charge that will take three turns of the Oracles production off and then switch back to the settler this way we can actually put Builder charges into the Oracle and continue producing settlers I think I'm also gonna go ahead and plug in a GOG a so that I can start producing things like archers once I have them unlocked I also need to take a look at this city because it's definitely not producing enough production so I'm kind of tempted to pick up this horse tile and improve it when this builder pops out so I think I'm gonna grab that horse tile just to get this builder quite a few turns sooner now Taiyuan is kind of working a bad tile here I want to explain why if we go into this city view here you can see the housing multiplier is 0.25 that means any surplus food that we produce is worth one quarter of its normal value which means you see here we're getting +6 food per turn and that total food surplus is 1.5 so working this food tile is kind of worthless right now and I would be far better off if I was working a different tile what I might consider doing is buying another tile on my capital and then swapping this Hill out but certainly in Taiwan right now because the value of this tile is one food we're way better off working one of these two food one production tiles and this is the sort of like early game micromanagement that you should get really used to doing like I said swap in the Oracle use the bill charge swap back to the settler time to settle our fourth a city and it will be Guan Yu not an amazing city by any stretch of the imagination and we're also gonna get to work on a builder in here unfortunately I wasn't quite able to get myself a golden age by finishing the Oracle quick enough but that's not a very big deal I'm kind of okay with that we're nine turns away from the Oracle and three turns from a settler so I'll finish that settler and then maybe hard build the last of the Oracle maybe put a couple turns into it and then get this builder over there alright so la venta has a new quest for me which is to get a great general I'm never doing that quest like ever so that's just like a dead quest slot to me unfortunately but it is what it is we do however have a normal age and it's probably about time we had a look here at the great profit screen and now is about the time we want to think about actually sort of getting to work on that although if I get the Oracle I could maybe just use faith to purchase this so I'm not sure if that's exactly what I want to do but for sure what could be a good dedication to make here is exodus of the evangelists because I could spread my religion pretty quickly here if I put a bit of effort into it there's archery unlocked so we have our early game military decisions sorted out we can pick up a is relatively quickly we all can also get the work on the government Plaza in Taiwan after it finishes it monument so with the unlock of archery I need to make some decisions about which early game wonders I want to try to pick up and I think really it just kind of comes down to these coastal ones because I can feed builders into them fairly easily so I'll get to work on sailing and then move towards the left heel navigation we also have another governor charge I'm gonna pick up connoisseur so that I can get that extra culture because culture is kind of what's getting me out of some of these wonders like the app Adana Norway just founded a religion so that's a big problem that needs to become a priority for me so I'm gonna be switching away from the Oracle and I'm gonna be going in for a shrine I'll be using this builder to improve this horses and then finish off the Oracle let's get to work on our government Plaza in Taiyuan it'll take nine turns and it'll give us another governor charge that will allow us to promote Pingala up to grants and researcher now the big goal right here is to continue to produce builders I would love to stop for a monument but I need to feed like a huge amount of builders into my capital city to get this up and going another tribe of village under my belt that's 60 faiths that might let me purchase my great person a little bit sooner which I'm very happy about we almost have the shrine and you can see I correctly identified that a bunch of people are now going for a religion so I need to pick up my pace let's plant down our fifth city in Jurong and we'll go ahead and grab ourselves another builder in here make sure we're working a good tile that seems fine to me swap in the Oracle allowed to build their charge and then I'm gonna work one turn and then do another builder charge here real quick alright three turns left so this should complete it perfect all day stage Oracle we can now purchase people for cheaper faith and we still have a bill charge left over so I should be able to get my great profit relatively quickly once we have this shrine finished next turn and wonderfully as well this little bad boy will start generating tourism for me already in this game which is not a huge amount of tourism but the earlier you get tourism the better because it starts to apply really early into the game and there is Canada Canada is gonna be a tough opponent this game as far as I can tell but what we're gonna try to do is make friends with him we're gonna go open borders with him he's gonna make me pay that's fine he might actually pay me for my diplomatic favor here he's gonna give me seven goals per turn for ten of it which is perfect and I'll also sell him five horses for 18 gold beautiful that nice gold injection there will really help me out in getting some of my infrastructure online oh my god some jerk built the app Adana I am devastated the app Adana is actually a really really important part of this entire strategy and I hadn't even unlocked political philosophy when somebody built it that's really upsetting oh my sweet Jesus Christ Canada what is happening to you this is like what you when you roll into a bad neighborhood and you just see that like do a u-turn meme oh my god anyway in Gion i think we're gonna do one holy site prayer to finish off this this great person really quickly although if I just wait a couple of turns I can purchase that profit for a bit of faith so that's probably not necessary and instead I could plant down my campus here I'm not gonna be gone for the a putana maybe I would be better off planting down this so I might take a turn yeah I might take a turn to get a builder man I'm really upset that I lost the upper down of this game I feel like I'd be lined it pretty effectively I don't think I could have got to it any quicker really I didn't really stop off for anything except mysticism oh well sometimes you don't get what you want I want the granary to be able to grow this city I want more settlers and I want to builder to to be able to produce the the gate the Coliseum a little bit quicker because you need to have a fully built thing in here so I will have to offload settler duty to another city and it might actually be Taiwan because I have the government plans in here I might be able to get the government the settler card thing there the settler building you know what I think that's actually a pretty reasonable set of things to do so we're going to hold off on settling the eastern side of my continent for now and instead I'm gonna go ahead and pick up granaries and I might even swap out this colonization card in a bit oh don't kill my Scout that's not fair you're attacking Canada I would be amazed if Canada actually legitimately died to the AI barbarians but now that we have classical republic we can unlock autocracy if we want plus one yields to all for each government building and Plaza or our palace I think I'm kind of tempted to go over classical republic here to get extra great people points I'll be able to plug in massive amounts of these Knights economic policy cards like urban planning and colonization I think I will be pulling colonization out though and plugging in something else for example if i plug in revelation that'll mean I just get my great great profit just that little bit quicker we have enough faith to purchase our great profit I'm gonna secure that because I do want to religion I want to fight back against Norway's religion in Taiwan I'm gonna go ahead and grab the ancestral Hall because it seems like there's plenty of room left to settle and I'm gonna also be sending builders up here to improve this city so we can get that a little bit quicker I do need to make a decision about where I'm gonna go for the mausoleum I think I'm kind of tempted to get it in Chengdu so let's plant that down here and if I'm gonna go for the mausoleum I also want to go for kill what kiss on iwo plug that in as well even though it's relatively expensive this city has a lot of things that it's gonna need to do it might be hard pressed I might have to move some of this stuff around but this is kind of like the working plan I'm also gonna pick up a trader in my capital so that I can send that to Taiwan that will allow me to pick up a little bit more production and food in this city to start getting even more wonders and builders and all that jazz let's well how classy what the great scientist landscape looks like only person earning right now Canada so actually plugging in the great scientist card right now what I don't have anything else I really need to plug in I'm not building a wonder right now so corvy doesn't make sense I could plug in inspiration and potentially faith by an early great scientist like hypothec but someone else would be pretty good too all right let's go ahead and found the religion we'll be calling this religion the many wonders of the world because my plan this game is to try to just build as many wonders as possible so I'm thinking of taking divine inspiration here I don't need choral music because I'll be picking up a lot of culture from my theater squares I'm not gonna have a huge faith output to use it on something like Jesuit education so I really do think divine inspiration is the move here plus for faith is pretty good considering I already have I wonder built then I'm kind of thinking of something like church property that'll give me an extra little bit of gold it just seems like using this religion just to get a little bit of arrow score as well as some general power for my Empire let's go ahead and plug researcher into Pingala so that he is able to give me that extra little bit of chunk asides that'll help me not fall so far behind the a I kind of wish this reef wasn't here because this would have been a plus for harbor unfortunately I'm gonna have to settle for a rather subpar harbor in Gwangju I think that is a pretty good opening however we're about 60 turns into the game we already have a wonder I don't think I'll be able to get the app Adana but I might instead swap this and go for the wild card wonder the Forbidden City which will go in the exact same spot yeah I think that's it for the video thank you guys so much for watching please remember to Like subscribe and comment all that jazz I love y'all very much and I'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 613,759
Rating: 4.9287171 out of 5
Keywords: Civ 6 Speedrun, Civilization Vi, Civ 6 China, Civ 6 China Tourism Victory, Civ 6 China One City Challenge, Civ 6 China Strategy, Civ 6 China Strategy Guide, Civ 6 China China, Civ 6 China Tutorial, Civ 6 One City Challenge Strategy, Civ 6 Tourism Victory Strategy, Civ 6 China Gameplay, Civ 6 China Let's Play, Civ 6 Domination Victory, Civ 6 Domination China, Civ 6 China Domination Guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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