Civ 6 - T157 Deity PEACEFUL Science Victory - Part 1

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hi everyone welcome to this DT difficulty standard size standard speed countenance game with Rome I'm going to aim for a peaceful science victory so and I'm going to make it quick now when it comes to place in the capital I'm definitely going to settle on the luxury this gives us extra food and some really good tiles to work early on there's also seem to be a river starting on the left so I'll explore that with my warrior now let's start with a scout and read research mining now peaceful DT science victory definitely depends on a good map in which there is room for you to expand and we have to settle quite a few cities and we have to make all these cities all these settlers so this seems like an okay location to settle a city definitely on the hill could gives extra production and it has good housing good kills oh this is just amazing we we've got a city state early on now I'm playing this game with drone because Rome is quite special and the biggest benefit that Rome gives you is essentially every city starts with a free monument so that means +2 culture from every city we make so the plan is going to be to make as many settlers as possible as quickly as possible now this is actually my third game that I'm trying third map that I'm trying the ceiling in the first two maps toward foreign trade we need to get to early Empire wished as quickly as possible so that we can get cheaper settlers definitely urban planning card it is superior to the Pantheon card just beats everything up all right so this is my third map that I'm trying out this evening in the last two maps in the first 30 or 40 turns the AI forward settled me so much there was simply no room for me to expand and could even for cities so hopefully that won't happen on this map but if it does let's get a Segway if it does I'm going to switch the wick tree condition to military and forget about peace and just expand so what I'll be trying to show in this game is a very interesting strategy developed by Chinese players and I was able to read a little bit about it on SIF fanatics it's something they call the three theater districts strategy this seems like a good place for a city every nation lives by exchanging and we get some resources good shops some may be here or next to it we can decide that on that a little bit later alright so let's move towards early Empire like I said Rome gets a monument in every city oh that's beautiful great write-up we will get that this also looks like a good location for a city it has some good early production alright the cards are cool so Rome gets a monument in every city so we don't really have to worry as much about the first few Eureka's we just need to rush to the theater squares as quickly as possible deserves more credit than the wire of a sole miner Wow third city state this is a really really good start what does this one give an amenity beautiful beautiful really good start alright I'm obliged to make something out of this start let's get animal husbandry and let's see what's Oh huh but no invoice there is an unmet player so who is our first name I think this looks like Gilgamesh so now to keep the victory peaceful and visit Rick we need good relations with the AI but on DT the modifiers when they first meet you is really really crazy and if we move the warrior next their capital they're gonna slap us with -7 modifier and then denounces a few turns later so I think I should just Park the warrior there and another thing I think I really need to forward settle Gilgamesh because if I don't you will definitely forward settle me and then we can forget the peaceful victory Gilgamesh is also really great oh this is just amazing we've got plus for production toward units in our capital which means we can use our capital for the setlist we don't have to use other cities plus four times fifty times that's 200 production that's almost one late-game settler extra more importantly they'll be coming faster so I'm gonna park here and hopefully he won't hate me as much ah hello hello alright let's see send delegation if you want good relations with the AI first thing you need to do is send delegation let's try to declare yes so Gilgamesh has this agenda where he likes friends and let's sell the luxury perfect let's take the lump gold Gilgamesh has this agenda where he likes declared friends so if you try to declare friendship to him on the first turn or two you might succeed and then he can stay your friend pretty much throughout the game alright won't turn to set lah this looks a little bit better I think we need a capital to have a balanced growth so that it can continue churning out settlers but let's purchase a builder all right he's wounded he still didn't settle all his cities Oh perfect beautiful looks like we've got all the city states around us which is just amazing now Gilgamesh still didn't settle all the cities so I just need to protect this location to the left and hopefully he will decide then to expand to another side all right let's move all right the Builder is there to improve these tiles so we can get a little bit extra production let's get another settler so this is a good increase so we can get extra production and we can get a few Eureka's in the in the process all right and hopefully Scout will find there he is there's the settler I just hope he's doctor aiming helped by location already there's a bar up somewhere [Music] [Laughter] all right so what do we do now I'm gonna stay there to see where Gilgamesh is going all right so I can see the Scout settler has three vision but the Scout can't see me so maybe I'll have enough time to run away perfect if there are no jobs in heaven then when I die I want pottery and because the first next text that we want to research is definitely going to be the irrigation this will give us new luxuries and the plan is to sell these luxuries in fact throughout the game I will be selling all my luxuries and all my resources to the AI for gold the Chinese players have noticed that all right just stay there that this declines the AI propensity to wage of war you try to move here see the thing with the AI is it really loves to make cities that are three tiles away from the capital so maybe he'll settle in place or maybe he will want to settle where my warrior is we got an extra builder so this is a great start and it is going to be a great game all right let's just let our city first oh he's there and the Scout is chasing us we have to run away from that Scout let's get this goodie hot first there's another city-state amazing thank you alright alright so maybe this is this is three tiles exactly now I might lose this settler the Scout is wounded though so maybe he will just chill lose the state workforce that's perfect saves us a few turns of culture ouch now my only hope would be I can get there all right now my only hope here would be if he moves the settler to where my warrior was and then I can settle there all right no more city-states at sea so we should turn to the left I guess he moved he moved it was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down our wha with air conditioning from their windows wish you all right this is amazing at the Barb and we are safe all right let's put some production into a builder and then we're gonna start making our first district very very soon I think I could use this builder for my new city yeah research irrigation and improve and sell the silk all right who's the craftsmanship boost irrigation perfect eleven turns to draft drama and poetry this is of course going to increase we were already making ten culture Rome is just amazing so let's put in these production toward settlers because we really need a lot of them as soon as possible I will be aiming to make nine or ten cities but the trick is I need to put balls we lost the camp I need to put all cities out before turn 70 because otherwise it will be too late to make any impact all right let's get another luxury yeah let's get this one back more service yeah the card really really helps the settlers are already at 140 production and that's just huge right there's a wonder an enormous and lofty column of flame but I think the wonder is too far for us to settle let's get the hills [Music] perfect we got the first hand on expansion with Gilgamesh no there is really it's a good relationship feel happy in the good Father's hand there is really a lot of desert toward the top one more builder this is an amazing kickstart it's gonna be a good game so after drama and poetry we'll be placing a few theater districts and we'll be moving toward political philosophy in an attempt to change our government hopefully we won't suffer a Barb's attack in the next few turns but I'm quite used to not having an army when the barbs come to attack it's totally ok I see people constantly worried and starting their game with a slinger to prevent barbed attacks but the trick is what are the barbs going to attack we don't have anything there's even there's two towels they can pillage so what you know right mind trance the next city will speed this up significantly so the Chinese players were figured out the strategy and they realized that Pericles is an absolute monster that can finish a peaceful dat game in in 10 turn in 150 turns because of his unique should I chop the chop really don't mean much it's 50 extra and it's 140 so now so Pericles can finish in 150 turns due to his unique ability getting 10% culture per city state getting cheap theater districts and getting an end boy every time you finish a theater district but I think that Rome can match that maybe not fully but really come close so we're going to see that in this game there is also there is also a great save game on SIF fanatics posted by I think the user called rogue star from China where he finished a peaceful DT game with Rome in 165 turns so this one is going to serve as my inspiration as well and finally a big thank you to a safe fanatics user called boy and son who did provide some translations and helped us out with understanding the theater district strategy and how it applies all right Sumeria has settled the city down there which is so far everything's perfect we just now need a few more Sibley's German poetry get ready for luxury swing cities and already 13 culture beautiful beautiful let's get the warrior to heal and we'll use the warrior to help us escort the new settlers I also need to explore a little bit to the top of my city to see is there a room for a not a good City what's happening somebody got eliminated no ha expanding in horses what where where where oh really we found our first scientific city-state that's great no there's no way I can kill this Scout with my warrior we'll just run away what I'm going to try to do is deflect him so that he doesn't go back toward the camp camp but instead tries to go to the right so let's work this town and let's get the Builder to improve the horses we'll be selling that as well alright faith that's good five more to Pantheon now I'm really going to pay careful attention to where I settle my first cities and if you're watching this Game two with a goal to improve a little bit the biggest tip that I want to give is make sure your settle your cities properly so that they actually and give you a good production number one thing that I see with all these YouTube playthroughs is even with famous and especially with famous youtubers is they keep settling absolutely worthless cities it's like shooting yourself in a foot yeah especially when you have to settle a city that means an aqueduct to reach for population I mean I mean that's just ridiculous so I'll try to settle all my cities properly and hopefully throughout this game you will be able to see how big a difference it makes to how quickly your empire gross so let's get another settler do that shop or just wait cool second thing that I see with people deciding on where to settle is they consistently planned all these luxuries and even what's it called districts in the second and third ring tiles around their cities not realizing that these border expansion is really really slow in in save six Rome is a special case because it starts with the monument so you get your first tile first two tiles really really quickly but even then without good culture output your expansion is going to slow down so when you're settling a city make sure that you're planning essentially just based on what's in the first ring and maybe two or three luxury tiles and maybe another tile in the second ring because this is what you're effectively going to get in early to mid-game everything after that is quite late alright so let's start a trade that's not really much I really expected a little bit more now diplomacy wise if you want good relationship with a sieve you have to exchange open borders but one three five alright let's take all his gold but I've got a good relationship with Gilgamesh already and I really don't want to give him open borders condemned he'll march ossetla in the middle of my cities but I will try to exchange open borders and stay on good terms with all a eyes alright we're gonna get there [Music] where's this settler going to go sorry Scout I'm a little bit worried that the Scout might ah alright we just take the settle back and we'll be there in the turn as a good note the other Scout has been deflected so there'll be no barbed invasion soon all right shall we get craftsmanship but that will increase the cost of my theater squares chops are still worthless maybe I should just save this job for something else later all right you can't really - wait let's get mysticism we would have gotten this boost anyway but it's okay all right so far so good now just as a reminder I'm playing with the CQ UI mode and I've got it set to remind me to change policies at the end of the turn whenever possible all right let's let's put our districts let's change change change change changed good good let's put all our districts quick theater square 88 production it's pretty good that's pretty good theater square 88 great 38 r-squared now the original strategy goes build three theaters squares I'm going to build five just for fun and this is going to be a really culture heavy game the plan is to get all the possible great writers and really jumpstart our science through incredible culture so let's see whether it works all right let's move toward the archery I'm not going to be building campuses anytime soon and let's finish craftsmanship [Music] all right let's forget the Builder and start working on the theater square haha sent delegation she already knows for other a three other AI that's amazing are they all in this continent see that's the thing - seven this tells me she's going to hate me throughout the game but she's friendly with others that's just how DT works I guess alright we don't have anything to sell [Music] 92 out of 170 we should still wait you stay there wait explore this continent is really funny all this desert and then there's worthless terrain up top we've definitely not going to settle there I would love to see what's left of Kumasi exchange let's exchange open borders I forgot this will improve our relationship a bit do you want to pay me then I accept that as you can see there's a barbed Scout going through my territory but I'm really not worried like what is that Scout going to do collegiate I'll speed up and let's sell the horses let's sell this to Gilgamesh 7 that's 210 what would you give me let's sell horses to Victoria cause she's a little bit further away from me 160 and I can sell this one too Gilgamesh and 455 busts of you let's say three two all right hundred eighty that's quite good we now have hundred seven hundred fifty that could be enough to buy a settler yep let's buy a settler good I forgot to somehow it didn't switch properly to the theaters player that's a few turns wasted doesn't matter cool let's move towards political philosophy so we can change to a better government I think this should finish the settler we should maybe wait after an hour - right go to sleep so cities we definitely need a city in the middle down there there's a good room for a city up there I guess but where do we put the rest of the cities don't know now we have 20 faiths we need five more for a Pantheon so once we finish State Workforce I'm going to change the cards and get that early Pentium this is pretty much the only time that I'm willing to put in God King to finish and go from 20 faith to 25 faith everything else it's just a waste of time let's place a theater square all right we need one more theater Square and let's improve another luxury I hope the AI has enough gold to buy it I don't want to cross here cuz maybe there's a barbed camp in the middle of the desert and I don't want it to be crushed by horses alright so one city in the middle this city is going to grow in few turns and expand into the horses even before so that's good that was to pleat things up good good now another new thing that was recently discovered about safe sex is how the district discount formula works and especially Chinese players have really made use of it in their games there's a little dispute about who discovered it first but that's irrelevant now it is equally important to have a happy and engaged I chose to have a profitable to join three four six setlist perfect and let's start building the theater square can we speed it up the capital has just one population haha amazing one pop at 1036 Wow very good very good all right let's put the god-king and let's finish the Pantheon so getting back to the district discount formula alright yeah five all right and let's put this just in case getting back to the district discount formula the way it works is really really simple you take the number of districts that you can build for example the districts that you've unlocked such as the theater square and let's say campus that's two then you sum all the districts that you have built in this case zero but let's imagine that the number is three so you divide the number of districts you've built by the number of districts you could build that's going to be one point five and now for any particular type of the district let's say campus the the algorithm does this it compares do you have less campuses than average average is one point five so if you didn't have if you didn't put a campus yet it will give you a discount once you put this campus your number of campuses goes to one since one is still less than one point five it gives you another discount right so you can essentially put two campuses at a discount anyway I'm going to try to use that formula a bit it would be my first time and I also have to say that I don't particularly like it but from what I've seen or heard Chinese players have really found a way to calculate how to build your empire and really jumpstart through the use of this formula we won't be that doing that much but oh hello there I forgot to switch from archery let's go into campus the plan is now to build to campus districts as soon as we've got two or three theaters squares because what's happening here all right cancel because we will have a discount but more importantly we need to get to campus districts for recorded history all right now once I settle that city above I will need to explore a little bit with my warrior to see is there room for another city around the mountains because that could potentially be a good campus right easy but first can we kill them all you have to do is cross out the wrong words I think we need to run away that would be the safe thing to do all right this looks like a good spot immediately starts with for production five food that's what you need to look for when you're settling cities and this is a rather really bad spot but it does start with some food and production and it's in the middle of our Empire so it might be a good spot for a Coliseum all right we should improve the horses and then sell everything to the AI maybe we switch to military tradition so that we can change carts and start researching currency so just roughly science-wise will start Lee slowly start moving toward universities all right five times seven tons let's start with a theater square cool that's five theater squares should be more than enough all right wait I would love to switch my government commedia but the god-king choice is really slowing me down maybe I should have waited to put that card only when I actually got political philosophy but it's too late now and I can't settle right I'll wait to turn should run away probably good alright I think we need to go and see what's happening around that sugar there that looks like a spot for our alright horses are expanding let's get mysticism get an N boy the Kumasi Warrior is wounded so there has to be some barbed action there and it can easily slip into my territory but let's try mysticism is the mistake of an accidental and individual symbol for university city number six maybe we should put some production in a builder if my understanding is correct once we finish two theatre squares we will get a discount for the campus it she doesn't have gold I think I think it would be better for me to wait that he gets a little bit more gold but the problem with the AI is they keep spending gold let's wait they keep spending gold constantly and let's get political philosophy invoice three invoice in Kumasi beautiful right there doesn't seem to be a big bar problem there's no barb sexually all right let's go up see what's happening around the sugar there's no River keep the god-king for another turn I keep delaying my military but at one point I will definitely have to make some units oh wow and we lost Kumasi one time after we got to be the suzerainty Victoria she put three and voice divide and rule no question deliberate so United lead right so on government there doesn't seem to be any threat so I think it's safe to go into classical Republic it gives us some manatee in all our districts definitely urban planning the best of all cards invoice what do we need anything great right us because we need to speed up our generation of great writers especially since this DT and and and obviously I should have put the god-king now because I'm not making a settler but I will be getting back to settler simply turns it's all right cool let's get the theology and get another end boy oh well that's really unfortunate a wall all right the bar started there actually if I knew there was an archer there maybe we should have gone into oligarchy for a few turns and then produced a few military units so let's change to military tradition so that we can switch policies and make a couple of warriors Wow Gilgamesh already has 35 signs per turn he's absolutely killing us and Victoria has 312 army strength this is just very ridiculous being the only one who knows you're afraid I think we can safely escape with this warrior all right I hate to do this it would be better if we had all the GAR key I could still keep the great writer card but yeah hindsight alright let's put this for a few terms and try to quickly quickly get some army of to production focus alright this is good I want more production we don't need the gold production is better yeah plus one definitely all right this is good 9 production already I'm quite happy with the placement of the cities it's really really good and there seems to be quite a few tiles that we can chop to grow these cities because one thing that you will see in this game I've made one farm and that's going to be the only farm that I will make all right Pentium yeah god of the harvest is taken so we're gonna go with the divine spark this will give us plus one great people point for every compass and plus one writer point four plus one writer point for every theater square and this will again also greatly increase our ability to get great people and therefore speed up our victory significantly all right Thank You Gilgamesh which means we've got the same government right both of them are crashing me in in in science Oh to Barb's let's get a warrior or a few terms we still need to wait a few turns I was to give me actually if we move toward archery and quickly gets to swing us we can then upgrade these slingers into archers we've got enough gold and we can deal with the barbarian problems all right so let's do that let's get the slingers first perfect we didn't get a boost to archery but doesn't matter we wanted it peaceful right cool so alright do you go and heal quickly or your survived beautiful let's get a traitor we need that boost that I think we can use the traitor to get an invoice somewhere switch to masonry so that we can finish this ninja and then we'll finish archery and let's wait another time so if my understanding of these district discounts is correct once we build a second theater square the total number of districts with god is going to be to the total number of districts we can get is going to be campus plus theater also 2 2 divided by 2 equals 1 since we have 0 campuses we get a discount on a campus I've never used this but let's try let's see whether it really works all right first slinger I think it's better to just give me the capital one thing that I keep seeing especially on YouTube is people send a slinger in situation like this or they send an archer out and the next thing you know they lose the unit so just wait what are the barbs going to do you know nothing yeah I think we need production right now fast good good so far so good as soon as the all right this guy's worrying me a little bit there's hills everywhere so I'm definitely safe if I move down let's get one more warrior and that should be enough I guess get out let's give archery upgrade and then we attack in a coordinated matter this terrain is really really bad all right yeah should be alright perfect we've got two districts you will have more now I need a second campus and I think I definitely am going to place the campus in Ostia and maybe one in the capital if the district discount works otherwise the capital is better used for settlers alright he attacked my city nan suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods read for fun upgrade one thing that I don't realize about these Barb's is the way they move totally breaks the mechanic let's get that out and let's get the riders back in so the horse Archer came to my cities wounded he never spotted my city he just stopped the attack on whatever city he was spawning for and came all the way to my empire and now he's lingering there so I don't think that's cool barbarians should be attacking the city they spot let's work towards recorded history but we will finish it only when we place and finish to campus districts what do we do with the Envoy there is no immediate benefit from the envoi being the suit round of Kumasi doesn't mean anything at this point so I'm gonna keep this invoice and place it maybe when I get a few more and that's my another tip that I want to give you contrary to the many of YouTube's play throughs when you've got invoice do not quote work your way through slowly to a city state which means start putting an endo in a city state even if it changes nothing especially if that's a city state that already has an AI suzerain what will happen is the AI will just keep adding n noise you will never get to be the suzerainty so better wait a bit and use an opportunity later I've seen AI do this really successfully so why not you alright or me alright I can't shoot him because I'm in a Walt Valley so you move you shoot and you get in the capital perfect now we can get back to growing a bit because we need more settlers and I want to grow in three turns so that I can place a second district now look at this campus has 88 production and I'm buying at plus three adjacency because it's my only campus otherwise I wouldn't 88 production 15 tonnes cool god I forgot I've only got one movement point I thought I was going to be able to shoot doesn't matter let's put some production in the Builder before the capital grows and let's get this guy out as well there's one camp here and another one is to the left both have access to horses and the archer is from a different camp so there must be a camp to the north somewhere good to shoot me you're going down [Music] shoot get there get back [Music] let's switch the or do some recreation what 12 times yeah that's much better plus seven the problem with this city in the middle is I don't see growing past four pop unless if we invest in a lot of farms but that's just a waste of time and resources all these farms take builder charges and why do they bring in return so that's a big no we're gonna keep that city quite undeveloped all right Gilgamesh has got a lot of settler and he's going to the west you get out your heel all right I'm not a theater square is done so what do we make here yep let's put some production toward the amphitheater because we should probably soon going to start to get some great writers that city is not really good but doesn't matter we'll help it later this is good production or growth doesn't really speed things up much alright let's grow so that we can put a second district hopefully another campus campus costs 146 but if my understanding is correct once we finish that theater square we should get a 40% discount so just let's wait a little bit in the trade routes trade route Gilgamesh has an N word there all right we've gotten three nos in masks whiskers that's funny I didn't even see it matter haven Shariat all right let's get an invoice I'm not gonna send my anyone to them because I don't really need to be there suzerain yet it's much better to save these invoice for cultural or scientific city-state heavy chariots and Kumasi wants a catapult all right I'm spec riding shall we get the wheel six turns is too much let's finish masonry I do want to make that chariot as quick as possible but I would also like to mine a resource except I really don't see a resource to mind anywhere nothing there's that silver or whatever that is it's not silver I don't even know what it is doesn't matter but it's too far two three okay I'm not sure why why it's not giving the discount it should right so we've got three finish divided by two 1.5 or maybe something needs to refresh once you research the tech so I'm gonna wait one more turn before placing these campuses [Music] all right more Barb's the Scout but they've already seen our city so I don't have to worry about that [Music] England already has temples beautiful now we really actually want the AI to focus on science and build campuses the reason is it will speed up the recruitment of great people and then we will need less gold in the end because everybody will reach the atomic era a disaster having your stone in the column so the camps was the cost is 86 production now and the construction that's activity production discount 86 production in that case I might by one here but how many do I get I think I get two let's see if we place a campus here we get plus two adjacency production at 86 we build it in seven tonnes and this one is also 86 production all right if it's 86 production and I could probably build it quickly in my capital and just but for adjacency maybe I should buy this time all right 85 Gold I hate doing this but if it's 86 it's alright let's do it wait it's 146 but the tooltip clearly showed me 86 why is this happening but this is a really big deal breaker as in it changes my decision all right I'm restarting this term just start it when we see what's happening with production and Broyles blue town the work of May so I can't get it for 86 I might not build a campus in the capital at all so it says a t6 to t7 trans to complete all right let's see here also eighty-six also seven terms all right forgot to chop this last time can do it now alright campus 86 done alright maybe six or seven times what's happening here in the capital so the tooltip shows 86 but it's now 12 turns let's see here 86 production with the tooltip so there must be a bad bug with the tooltip we put a cetera ah so if we put a settler then it updates the production value all right in that case we're not building that campus and since it's really getting late I'm just going to get this stone toward the end and then save and we continue hopefully tomorrow burps what do we research what do we research let's forget about all these district discounts and let's get currency and for the civics we have to get games appropriations there's no other option all right there's Barb's there is a barb camp there's another barb up top cool let's park these units here let's get this guy out I've got a builder and we really need to build three minds somewhere I'm not sure it makes sense to build one in the capital it will slow down growth but - does it really slow down growth does it matter eight or ten turns it doesn't really matter at all so I guess let's add that extra production so that we can get this settler out faster it doesn't speed up the set up doesn't matter all right wait there's a barb camp there so lets me go through England all right that's it I guess oh good I'll guess I'll continue this hopefully tomorrow city states and boy will be getting an invoice soon so I'll leave this invoice maybe chariot and see what we can do tomorrow it's a fresh day so hopefully I'll be more focused all right thanks guys and see you in part two
Channel: civtrader6
Views: 121,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civilization, civ, deity, science victory, strategy, guide, fast
Id: Su3MN7oC8uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 40sec (3640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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