We Were Made For Dominion // Pastor Nancy Dufresne // August 2, 2021 PM

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good evening everyone would you stand with me good good to have everyone here tonight it's camp meeting time and we're going to have seven services more have a wonderful time of being together in the presence of god amen and we've come hungry right we've come ready to receive and we've come with a ready to respond we're going to have what god wants to have in these services praise the lord we're glad to see all the ministers our friends from uh different parts of the country here tonight and uh we're so thankful that you've come to help pool and receive what god has for us this week praise god hallelujah before we get started we we wanted to do this right now because it just it just seemed like it fit the best we're going to have how many of you know pastor nancy has a 60th and a 60th birthday [Music] at the end of this month at the end of this month she celebrates with the 30th of august but it's august already how many of you know around here there's a rule that uh you know we just have a birthday month not a birthday birthday month so we're going to celebrate here just a little bit at the beginning of the service to kick camp meeting off yeah yeah so pastor nancy we have a few things we want to do before we get into the service tonight is that all right that sounds good so tell your neighbor you're in for a little bit of a treat here we're gonna we so appreciate pastor nancy and her life and ministry uh and so if you would be seated we'll get some things started go ahead okay oh my lord ah you two you too you all know better than this you want to honor your god you want your honor your pastors okay you need some soul you need some rhythm you need some holy ghost action let me show you how it's done thank you thank you hit it [Music] he's at all times you see [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's get some witnesses tonight [Music] is [Music] from just like that [Music] oh [Music] 100 [Music] hoe [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] do y'all know what i'm talking about [Music] i believe he say something like this [Music] he's on time [Music] is [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes and that is how we roll around here [Music] he's an old time [Music] give me a key travis let's sing happy birthday to pastor nancy happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday pastor nancy happy birthday [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we are celebrating all month yeah they're nicer yeah they're they're nicer to you they are me they make me they come back on when i blow them out you may be seated the kids also have a gift they want to bring where are the kids come on in where's micah there's micah micah's bringing a gift from the kids in the church she's delivering a pizza if you could zoom in on that pizza box there with the camera so those on live stream can see the best thing about a pizza so yeah the dough the best yeah not up here but they can see it on live stream so the best part about the pizza is the dough hallelujah i'm going to grab something now i think we have to be added into the churches where the kids bring money to pastor nancy because i know merced has tried to to win out on that one and uh and who else yeah yeah the pastor keys and so we'll let them know that we yeah the kids brought the dough also yeah that's right you've been sewing into this congregation for i think 18 years it doesn't seem like that it's been too much fun to for for it to seem like 18 years and we just went on behalf of the congregation celebrate you tonight and your birthday course i know it's the end of the month but your doctrine has gotten we got our minds renewed in your doctrine is it it's all month long so we're the first church this month so um you know so many of the things you i was just thinking of some of the books not let alone the audios and the teachings but the books let's just take the books i just listed a few these are life-changing uh revelations that uh you know i want to thank pastor nancy for using her faith to get the revelation you know out of her own need in her own life for the things that she was going through at the time she sought god and got revelation of things and she believed god for the utterance for it believe god for the you know the uh ability to get it written down and to uh to walk in herself and get it written in books for example listen to this answer it how many of that book's changed your life if you have never read that book get three copies because you're gonna wear the first one out all right and the second one you need to get that book responding to the holy ghost that's that revelation has changed our lives how about this this is well probably my favorite although it's the one i'm reading at the time that's my favorite but a sound discipline mine has that helped you i mean these are things that her consecration to god her faith her uh you know obedience to god has brought to into our lives visitations from god has that changed your life let's just take this when i have a supply how about this swing knowing your measure of faith the faith book for the local church amen uh but that's just a few of them there's so many and uh you know because of your faithfulness pastor nancy our lives are not scattered you know we have a pastor i know pastor nancy is our pastor but she's like a a pastor to all of us as a congregation only eternity is going to show how different our lives are because of your faithfulness and your obedience and so um it's it's no small thing to us whenever pastor debbie and i whenever dad hagin actually it was just i think a few months before dad hagin went to heaven um uh the lord connected us with you and dr dufresne and it's no small thing to us that the lord found a place for us that would care for our lives in a in a in a way that uh was equal to that supply that was in our lives and we thank god for your obedience and uh so we honor that and uh we know that jesus the head of the church is the one that brought this connection together um so we honor him for it but your obedience as the vessel is worthy of honor tonight amen amen thank you mom for all the years that you've put into us and you know i was we were writing out some thank yous the other day and testimonies and that type of thing which i believe will be giving to you sometime this week because it's your birthday all week right so all month but all week while she's here yeah and you have stayed true to dad hagen's legacy to dr dufrene's legacy and also to the legacy that god's giving you and we honor all three amen and we honor what the men and women that have put into you but but we follow the legacy that god has put in you and whatever he has just like they told joshua whatever god tells you we will do it so whatever our if our flesh says no we don't care we're going to rise up and we're just going to do what god's told us to do and continue to grow and thank you for your legacy thank you for following god we love you we appreciate you and this church loves you dearly and we've been so excited about the word that will go forth this week that will give us light and direction and and what we need at this time amen we stand in faith with you for everything you have in your heart um the world is about to hear what we've been hearing for 18 years they've begun already but it's it's going to greatly expand and we just say do all this in your heart pastor nancy we're with you back a few weeks ago we started giving the car i i had something in my heart and i presented it to the congregation few months ago wasn't really that long ago but we just started uh just telling them what we had in our heart we said just wouldn't be right if pastor nancy came for camp meeting and we didn't do something a little extra special you know financially for her personally this isn't for the ministry all right so we just presented it no pressure or anything and so they started uh giving and sowing and so we're thrilled tonight to be able to present you this gift would you come to the platform please the congregation's been all excited about this hallelujah so this is from the entire congregation they have been sowing and that's for you personally i know you're building your castle put it on that or remodeling put it on that do whatever you can do whatever you want to do with it and pastor debbie and i ourselves wanted to honor you as well so and we we should let people know because they've been giving all that sure you want to let them know how much it is okay we'll let pastor nancy tell him how much it is you want to open it yeah i will i will because people our people get excited yes ma'am thank you thank you thank you so i i just wanted to know is that choir going to be showing up part of them will yeah this part of them will praise god wow wow wow wow it did i tell them you may sure it is eight thousand dollars [Applause] that's personally it's written out to pastor nancy personally not the framed ministry so we just want to know yes and if you didn't get to uh be a part of this elite club you can give any time this week personally you know we'll take offerings and that type of thing but uh we we'd encourage you to just say a special happy birthday yeah amen so as you run your race with joy we might we we want to make a promise to you we're going to add nothing but joy to your race all right give her a big hand and thank you praise god in the good of god to give us people precious precious supplies to our lives to run our race with and uh we're so thankful how many of you know that let me just say this those of you out on live stream like i said pastor nancy's i don't know if she's begun or beginning to just getting ready to renovate her castle and her 60th birthday is coming up at the end of the month like we said and i would encourage you send her something don't you don't have to send it here send it to her their office or something so they can uh bless her personally because how many of you want to help her get that job done or or do whatever she wants to do with the money how many of you know those that labor in the word are doc and doctrine are worthy of double honor let's think about that today i thought one way you could interpret that is honor for the ministry and honor for the individual that's just one way that wouldn't be the only way but that's one way isn't that good praise the lord thank you for being a part of the celebration tonight you say when's camp meeting start it already started but come on up worship team let's worship god together [Music] glory to god hallelujah oh it's such a joy to be in the house of god to be in his presence for he is here glory to god so let's just lift our voices and give him a wonderful shout of praise hallelujah we worship you we thank you lord glory to god hallelujah oh thank you for your goodness and your grace and your mercy [Music] shout [Music] shout out [Music] shout with a voice shout unto god for the victory hey give the lord a shout of praise [Applause] with our voice shout out to god for the victory hey hey give the lord a shout we are victorious god is most high over all the years jesus shout [Music] shout out to god for the victory hey give the lord a shout of praise hey try out first in battle we are victorious god is jesus has [Music] is [Music] for the victory hey hey give the lord a shout hallelujah [Music] for the victory [Music] shout hey the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah i said hallelujah [Applause] amen this is camp meeting in case you haven't been here before we like to express our joy and honor to the lord amen so let's shout again hallelujah hallelujah [Music] glory glory glory hallelujah amen amen amen amen where you may be seated amen glory to god what an honor to be here dad asked me to receive uh tonight's um offering for the guest ministers amen praise god hallelujah are you happy to be here don't don't don't let me out joy you i mean amen i mean we came all the way from nigeria so and we're ready we want to take it all if you don't take it we'll take it hallelujah when i think about the lord when i think about jesus what he's done for me he gave me pastors he gave me bastards i said he gave me pastors when i think about the lord i just can't help but to shout i say shout now glory to god amen all right you may be seated again glory to god amen amen amen praise god well we're delighted to be here tonight amen this week is going to be fabulous it's going to be full of fire it's going to be full of revelations amen and we're so grateful for my own mom and my dad pastor jay and pastor davey evely and my own grandma pastor nancy amen glory to god amen i've got the youngest grandma in the whole world [Laughter] amen glory to god we're turning your bibles tonight to uh proverbs chapter 3 everybody knows this scripture proverbs 3 we will read verse 5 if you if you would like an offering envelope if you don't already have one in your seat we'd like to encourage you to to pick up an envelope or lift up your hands we want to let you know that these offerings are going to the guest ministers the church has already taken care of all the budget praise god amen i tell you what what a blessing amen so all the meeting expenses have been covered by the church so all that comes into the love offerings will go directly to guest ministers amen so that's a wonderful blessing we want to let you know if you're writing or giving by check please make it out to spirit of faith family church amen glory to god and all the all the offerings will go as designated praise god if you would like to give by text that information is up there on the screen it will help greatly if you haven't done it before it's really easy you just text that number there and just follow the prompting from then on amen it will be a blessing and once you do it for the first time the second time it you you won't have to input all those numbers again amen glory to god so praise god all right well that's that information where did i tell you to go proverbs chapter 3 look at verse 5 amen it says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not on to thy own understanding in verse 6 it says in all your ways acknowledge him in all your ways acknowledge him how about in our finances in all of our finances how about we acknowledge god you see when we acknowledge god that's us bringing our honor to him it wouldn't matter to god that we showed up here and shouted without bringing our honor to him god responds to honor the bible say that them that honor me i will honor if we read in the old testament i believe is in ii chronicles chapter 7 in verse 1 when solomon and the people of israel offered offerings unto the lord they made sacrifices to him and in verse one of uh second corinthians chapter seven he said and god the fire descended to consume after solomon had prayed the fire came down to consume the offerings it didn't say it came down to consume the prayer it came down to consume the offerings offerings is your honor that you bring to god god feeds an honor god feeds on honor so when we come tonight let's just cut loose amen and honor him hallelujah honor him empty your pockets amen we've been delivered from fear fear of giving how about that amen fear of not knowing how it's going to come back what but we believe god amen we believe god amen so let's act like the bible is so amen glory to god in verse 9 says to honor the lord with thy substance you have to honor god with something with something with something and your money is your honor your money is your honor the level of your honor is how you give how you give your money represents your honor the way you bring it shows the way you honor god so let's honor him big tonight and the fire will fall revelation will come understanding will come and we will all leave and go out of this place changed amen praise god are you ready amen if you're gonna give say amen praise god amen so this is something to do all week not just one service the level we honor we're determining the level it comes back to us amen all right well let's stand to our feet and and bless the lord with our offerings hallelujah father we're so grateful we thank you for the honor of bringing our seed into your house what an honor to be called to worship what an honor to be summoned together and as we come father we come ready to hear and we release our faith on this sea that it will go forth and minister unto the works that you've assigned each minister here to do and we thank you that we will have abundance because you are faithful to supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory by christ jesus if you agree say amen amen praise god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to god hallelujah would you stand up with us one more time let's just continue to worship our heavenly father oh thank you for the blood of jesus thank you for washing us clean thank you for healing our bodies it all comes through the blood oh we thank you father that we are cleansed we are washed clean that you only see us through the blood of jesus you only see us clean hallelujah [Music] oh thank you father here at the altar where i run to rest where i wait resurrection and the touch of your breath die now daily because i've learned to live in the grace that belongs to [Music] i am divine i am holy ghost film and water peptides i am right with my god for whole time cause jesus my savior [Music] we are filled with the mercy of the lamb and the bread i feast now daily because i've learned to live in the grace that belongs to or who are born again [Music] i am clean i am washed i am sanctified i am holy ghost build and water baptized i am right with my god for all time cause jesus my savior alive i [Music] and watered baptized i am right with my god for all time cause jesus my savior's [Music] alive [Music] glory glory this is what is called glory glory [Music] glory this is what is called glory [Music] glory [Music] glory this is what is called glory glory glory this is what is [Music] glory this is what is [Music] baptized i am right with my god alive i am cleansed i am washed i am take divide i am holy [Music] for all time cause jesus my savior jesus my savior jesus [Music] hallelujah yes he is father we thank you for jesus thank you for sending him jesus thank you for sending the holy spirit to live in us to move in us to move through us holy spirit have your way tonight we're hungry we will respond as you move in our midst father we thank you for your plan for this service for father you told your servant brother hagin that you had a plan for every service we come hungry to receive that plan we will respond to whatever your will is whatever you want to do and we'll give you all the glory and all the praise in the name of jesus everyone that agreed said amen you may be seated it has been two years since pastor nancy's been able to come because of the events of last year but aren't we ready for what god has for us let's get the double portion what do you see what we would have got last year we need to receive right now hallelujah it's such an honor to have you pastor nancy give her a big welcome as she comes praise the lord hallelujah jesus we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise it cost you everything so that we could have everything amen and we take it tonight we take it this week we take it every day you load us daily with benefits and it's a daily taking of that which you make ours we thank you for the blood we thank you for your precious blood we thank you so much for all that that blood has worked and brought us into and made available we thank you we honor you we give you glory and thanks thank you jesus worship you hallelujah one of the things that the blood did has worked for us it makes it as though we never missed it [Music] amen amen so when you go to pray and reminders are brought up amen even by your own habit of thinking or just by the enemy offering you a mental distraction just remember the blood makes it as though it never happened and you have to remember that so that you can lay hold of all that the blood purchased amen he authorizes us to live as though we never missed it think of that he authorizes us to live that way as though we never missed it we have no right bringing it up against ourselves or against anyone else amen it's as though we never missed it wonderful way to live he gave us the best way to live amen pastor jay and pastor debbie thank you so much for that birthday fun i said look at them having fun at my expense the choir is that do they travel [Applause] and what is that how come we only see that that motion at a birthday party i thought for sure they were going to be doing it every song now even when they're singing worship songs and i know pastor ruby wanted to get up and dance with him i know she did i know she did she she got dancing her bones and um thank you so much you know you think of the number 60 and you think well are those rude numbers or what you know i don't well i don't know i think they're privileged numbers not everyone reaches them and uh i'm glad i was telling somebody the other day when i was 17 a certain event happened that i had these two ladies um that were in my life that became part of my daily life and they were only well i thought for sure they were like almost 70. they were in their late 30s now i look back and go because when you're young everybody who's over yeah that's right 30 is like eons so please keep your eyes sweet on me don't look at me as though i'm like oh she's 90. you know you know i'm just telling the eyes of kids i'm telling you they they need better vision and so anyway thank you so much that was that was so fun congregation thank you for your generosity and thank you for uh for yao the castle it's a help and i'm there it needs divine help and thank god it has divine help available to it hallelujah turn around and give somebody around you a great big god bless you tonight and then you can be seated it two years is too long and i'm so grateful i get to run my race with this precious couple and um you know it matters who you're running next to it matters their pace affects your pace their words affect your words and uh you know when you have a runner a marathon runner they will have their trainer maybe in a golf cart off to the side kind of keeping pace and they're yelling stuff at them like your pace is too fast or your pace is too slow and they're giving them instruction all along the way and it matters that the people that run with you that they know what to say because you can hear them even if they're not talking to you you can hear them and uh so it's a privilege to run and the pastors that have come all the way from phoenix and hernandez and pastor phillip steele thank you for coming all the different ones that have come and brother pastor ike and geralyn and the weights and the millers every bar everybody it's everybody it was so cute when bubby he's my oldest grandson and he would have turned maybe five and it was his birthday that day and it was so sweet because morgan was driving i was in the passenger seat and the kids were in the back and it was his birthday and i started singing happy birthday to him and we all just sang going down the road happy birthday and when he was we were done he was just beaming and he said thank you everybody and he was just like that was just huge so thank you everybody [Applause] i mean there was only a few of us in the car but when you do thank you everybody it's like the world serenaded you right you might as well think large and think that the whole everybody on the road was acknowledging so thank you thank you everybody um we have some as he said some items for you the answer book i'm so grateful for this um god i had this in my heart well long before i wrote it and uh i always looked to the lord because i have so many different things in my heart i want to write you know and so i always look to the holy ghost which one which one and he held this one before me and i i'm so grateful because now when my grandkids bubby is 10 now and they have to take when we travel morgan they have to take a book on the road and they read it you know themselves before they go to bed and stuff and this is the one he carries i had no idea when i wrote it my grandson would find his help in it and so if my grandson can find his help you can find your help amen and then we have the daily healing bread from god's table this is out in spanish now so that is something you can get hold of and then of course the worship book and then we have of course our latest book love the great quest um you know this is love is the flow of god it is him and we need to be skillful in what makes him him amen because we're partakers of that amen hallelujah turn with me tonight several months ago god began dealing with me and about this and so i began stirring myself up back in this direction but turn with me to psalm chapter 8. and i am so glad that the holy ghost began stirring me back in this direction it is so so critical not just to everyday life but to the plan of god and to the last day era that we're in psalms chapter 8. and we're going to start in verse 4 and it reads what is man that thou art mindful of him now think of this we're in god's mind we're in his thoughts amen you want to know what god's thinking about right now he's mindful of us amen and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou hast made him a little lower than the angels and the hebrew doesn't use the word angels that use elohim so thou has made man a little lower than god because elohim is the name for god not angels and thou hast now listen god made us that way god made us in his class it was his idea and the religious world goes tilt on you thinking or saying that you're in the same class of being as god but it was his idea and it was his working amen and it was what jesus purchased for us to to function in that class and uh god is a spirit and by making us spirit beings it moved us into god's class and jesus's blood purchased access to the place of fellowship so that our god what god made us for can come into can come into being so you it says in verse 5 for god has made man a little lower than himself and god has crowned man with glory and honor look at the next phrase god made him to have dominion we could just stop right there god made him to have dominion that's what all of this is pointing toward where he intended for man to arrive and live is in a place of dominion in charge [Music] what's that do it it eliminates all victims everything associated with victim everything associated with defeat everything that is associated with not enough we're we're not made for any of those things because we were made for dominion thou made him to have dominion over the work of his hands thou has put all things under his feet but i just can't get back from this this can't get away from this phrase thou made him to have dominion dominion is what fits us we should wear it and this is why so many believers struggle and are so disillusioned and don't live up to what's available to them is because they're not living what they were made for i mean if right now the olympics is going on and i i don't i haven't watched any of it to see any of it but i know how athletes having seen it in the past when they train their whole life for a few moments for one event and if they falter at that moment the heartbreak of that and they wear the devastation of that why because they know that they didn't come up to what they had trained for we aren't just trained for dominion we're made for it [Applause] made for it so large and it's so important because when my husband talked about by the spirit really ministered this as as well as other men of god talking about the last days and the last day revival all five-fold offices operating at what full potential power all nine manifestations of the spirit flowing at full potential power what is the flow of god through those things is also going to call for full potential flow in other things dominion we can't arrive at full flow without full authority full dominion and anytime we are not stepping forward into the fullness there's other things that won't reach fullness too what about this uh the fullness of obedience yeah that's right it's gonna fullness cause fullness in one arena is arrived at because of fullness in all arenas whenever you have an olympian in their training um they they don't train to come in third now we know somebody's going to come in third some won't even make the cut to be in the final competition but every time they train they're not just training to just arrive at the olympics they're training the place they're not training for the silver no one says i just want to be second that's right nobody nobody they are training for top spot even they even if they know there are better athletes out there in their mindset their training mindset is i guarantee you every one of them lay in bed at night and envision goals they dream of the top step of the platform why because you don't reach your full potential power shooting for being in the stadium sitting in the stands amen we were made for dominion and we're going to have to move in the fullness of it amen [Applause] thankfully we've had examples of dominion men who walked in dominion and they walked in it with uh they walked in it differently different ones differently but the results were all the same watch out dr sumrall made this statement he said uh when i arrive in a foreign country and i come off the plane and i stand at the because most the time you're coming down a stairway in other countries not always but sometimes and sometimes you exit off of a jet way and he said as soon as i walk off the plane step the first foot off he said i stop and say devil i'm here and i'm taken over he just wore what he was made for your dominion is in the new creature it's not in the old man amen it's in the new man and what does it say in ephesians put on the new man dominion has to be put on every flow of the the new creature in christ has to be put on amen meaning you have to know it's yours so you can put it on i mean as a lady lady ladies there's layers to what we put on right layers [Music] i mean sometimes i have gone to church and forgot to put on my earrings and i'm telling you what the whole surface i'm thinking i have earrings on my gosh how about over earrings why because i missed a layer a layer that i wanted a layer that i needed this needs destruction you know and they say that the bigger you wear it takes off like five pounds off each side i go my gosh get me some hubcaps you know and i have believe me i i travel with it i have it but you can forget to put it on even though it's sitting in your room [Applause] dominion has to be put on yeah in the face of anything that opposes puts something else on circumstances and the enemy brings things hoping that we'll wear it hoping that we'll wear offense hoping that we'll wear worry hoping that we will wear fear hoping that we will put it on the enemy can never put anything on you you are the only one authorized to put on your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you need to put on what you were made for because that's what fits and that's what will that's what will move your life ahead amen we cannot move into the fullness of what god has for us unless we're wearing what he provided to arrive at fullness we can never arrive at what the fullness of the plan of god holds for us without walking in dominion or he wouldn't have given it to us amen if we're made for success then we have to have the authority to experience that success yeah you remember i i'm sure i taught it here um of something jesus said to me several years ago and i was repenting to him over missing the same thing over and over and um then i picked up a book i just spent time talking to him about it and i picked up a dad hagen book i was just going to sit down and read and i got maybe a page or two into my reading and all of a sudden i felt that reverence come in the room and i had this sense to get down on your knees and when i did the minute my knees hit the floor jesus was standing in front of me and he said you have failed many many times but i never have so i share my success with you now see we're going to have to be mindful of the success he made ours because if we if we're not we're out trying to earn it trying to earn a successful ministry trying to have a successful church the success is not earned it's in the new creature amen amen it's in the new creature and it's not my job to go out and earn success through the ambition that men hold dear but it's putting on all that the new man carries and holds and part of what's contained a vital part of what's contained in the new man is dominion we're made for it but we have to put it on amen amen amen i said we have to put it on amen we have to train ourselves to quit taking what's offered us from circumstances and what daily life brings in thinking that's our life we won't float into fullness of god's plan we arrived there deliberately with very purposeful steps of exercising our rights and privileges yes walking in our authority and our dominion we arrive on purpose we will never float there that's why paul said i press yes i press why because you the only thing you can do is drift but drifting takes you where out of the will of god out of the plan of god and so many are drifting hoping that they'll arrive when the bible tells us that when you drift basically drifting's associated with error the wrong direction we're authorized to arrive and the only way we're going to arrive at where he authored for us is we're going to get there with our dominion and authority yeah that's right we're boss you show up and you take boss steps amen because they belong to the new creature that's right the success is in the new creature if you're going to live out of here the mental arena there's no new creature there now the mind is to be renewed with the word of god but the new creature flows from here and dominates and dictates and with it this dominion belongs to the new creature it comes out of your spirit right that's right i'm not talking about people trying to look bold by flowing out of the mental arena and getting bossy with people which i think bless god i'm in dominion but from the mental arena it's an offense but from the spirit it's divine flow it's a divine flow and you don't want to put on boldness what people perceive as boldness and think well i'm just walking in my dominion when it if it flows from here and there's not here that's right this won't this won't make an enemy of others through a personality thing because if you get it up here you're going to start people try to start being authoritative through their personality ah that's a mess that's a miss it's here and when it flows out of here you don't have to go around and prove you got it i'm talking about this to appear to have something anointed to be someone anointed to be someone in charge it's just something that flows and it flows differently out of different people it does dr sumrall was very aggressive but it was it was uh it was the revelation of his spirit it was pure revelation then you hear others that they operated out of it very tenderly that hagan his his approach was very different than dad hagans the authority sounded different but it still had the same effect bore the same fruit a lady has no business sounding like a man amen i i don't have to go around and prove myself bless god i'm ahead of this ministry and i'm going to let everybody know no you know how my authority how i exercise and it fits me because see what you are made for will fit you in a particular way and it will flow out of you in a particular way and i've told the ladies on my staff i said you will never be rude to a man you won't because you've got nothing to prove you don't got nothing to prove when i approach when i approach men in the congregation in the years of pastoring or i approach a staff member i don't belittle them because i'm in dominion and i've got to push them down to feel like i'm boss that's that's a mental flow out of the personality and many times people have a poor view of themselves because their mind is not renewed and so they try to assert themselves this way instead of this way and i'll approach a man being fully in charge and someone would have said something or did something that i it was a wrong direction i'll say hey what about if we do it this way but see i get them on board with my dominion amen instead of shoving them going in and wrecking wrecking the house and breaking furniture to get my way dominion can be expressed in different ways when you're dealing with people yes sir and when you're dealing with the devil you better let him know [Music] we don't appeal to him [Applause] but dominion is expressed differently based on who you're dealing with that's part of the skill of dominion you just can't you just can't you know be a burly type approach and just go in and hammer like king kong just well praise the lord i don't know why i said all that none of that's in my notes but it'll help you in other words when you have dominion you don't have to show off that you have dominion you don't have to put it on display just being to me and who was it one of the guys who the founder of walmart sam walton they said that he drove an old beat up pickup and dressed very like a farmer almost and nobody would know because when you got it you don't have to let people know you got it and to try to amen now if you want if you want you know however you express your dominion of how your dominion flows because it will sound differently through different ones so don't see someone else and try to act like that and say now that's because see i see dr sumrall and i mean you listen to him and listen to his service i mean something goes in you it goes in you but i don't try to go out and imitate his demand the imitation of dominion is a failure remember remember when those who had addressed a man in in the gospels and i don't know the reference and uh they said in the name of jesus who paul paul preaches that devil filled man tore them up why because they were trying to borrow dominion and you can't borrow dominion you have to put on yours how it fits you how it how god moves through you yes amen you can't watch someone else and say well that's how you express it you express it from your place of revelation amen amen then it'll work amen then it'll work because you're not trying to uh you're not trying to do it from out here you're doing it from in here and sometimes dominion is just a sweet appeal amen you're just appealing to someone but whether they know it or not it's going to come out your way you're just appealing to them i'll say you know to staff or something what about if we do it this way and if they they know that no is not the answer and if they said no i would have to up the expression of my dominion right it's like a parent with a child you're the one the child is the one that determines whether or not they get spanked not the parent it's not up to the parent the child is determined that's right when you talk when you didn't do what i told you to do you asked me your disobedience was a request in my direction to deal with you so i'm going to fulfill your request of disobedience right when you talked back to me you begged me to spank your behind [Music] [Applause] so that you could not be just a big behind and you could be you could be a success in life [Applause] and i would tell the kids we can do this hard or we can do it easy because i do both but you're the one that determines by how you respond how i exercise my dominion christ because there is a difference between the dominion with the devil and your the exercise of the dominion of the position you occupy you're you're not in dominion over people and their wills no not but in the position you occupy people will come under your dominion that's right amen staff members those who are leaders in the church sheep come under the dominion of a shepherd and that dominion is for blessing the dominion god gave you is so you could go around and bless people not so you could go around and get your way [Applause] it's completely so that you could help and enhance jesus had total authority on the earth when he walked on the earth and he used that authority to bless people to drive out demons and drive out sickness and drive out religion he used his dominion to elevate amen that's right and he made us for dominion so that we could elevate those around us and get the job done we were made for dominion these words just ring with me it's what we were made for and uh the more we renew our minds with the word of god the greater exercise of that dominion in accuracy and skill an unrenewed mind will never have skillful exercise of dominion amen so the more our minds are renewed the more skill our dominion we are in the exercise and the use of that so dr sumrall said he said when i come off an airplane i say devil i'm here and i'm taken over now dog you never heard dad hagan make a statement but he just walked in and took over but in a whole different flow but it was still authority it was still dominion we saw dr sumrall when we would be in services with him you saw this with norville hayes and you especially saw those this with dr sumrall there were not too many services that we were in with dr sumrall that you never s that there wasn't somebody tormented in their mind that had a devil that didn't start screaming out in the middle of his service that was very common in his services and dr sumrall when they would start doing something like that i mean he'd take over that setting yeah yeah let me let me restate that he already had taken over the setting they were trying to disrupt the setting and he held the settings sometimes he would throw people out sometimes he would have them he'd cast the devil out whatever he would handle it differently based on the need then dad hagen you'd be in a service and something would start disrupting in his service you know what he'd do he'd act like he never heard it and he'd just keep on teaching twiddling his thumbs like this and teach and just keep on going it was dominion and another way to exercise it dominion is not always in your face [Laughter] sometimes it's total ignoring yes smith wigglesworth when you read it his material you certainly read a man in dominion right but one of my favorite stories is of course when he went to bed one night and he sensed an evil presence in the room he it woke him up and he rolled over and satan in manifested form sitting on his bed and he operated in dominion with these very calm words oh it's just you and rolled back over and went to sleep [Music] you didn't get up and have an intercession meeting he didn't you know rebuke and froth you know he just he answered it with an ignore yeah a phrase of ignoring yes that's good oh it's just you meaning you're not you're not functioning no i know when you know something you get less worked up [Applause] you get less worked up when when someone when a child on the playground wants to impress their friends oh yeah well my daddy's got a bigger truck they're always pulling out something mine's bigger i got more why because they're trying to impress somebody and when you know something you don't have to go around and press it impress with it right i'm made for dominion and i don't have to i don't have to get my flesh involved to prove it [Music] paul was a man in dominion but when he when paul and silas were going through the town for many days a girl young girl with a spirit of divination followed saying these are servants of the most high god who show unto us the way of salvation exact correct words wrong spirit you know the devil can say something to you that it's correct but it's the wrong spirit saying it and it will have and if you act on it it will open a door to him yeah and paul was in dominion and it said that that girl followed them many days saying it what's up with paul why don't you just show your dominion turn around deal with that because you deal with it by the spirit why because he exercised his dominion out of his spirit not out of his soul amen not just out of the mental arena and going bless god that girl's not gonna distract and cause this commotion around me no he did it under the anointing at the leading of the spirit why because this dominion is a spiritual flow you need to get hooked up to your spirit to do to exercise this and get the most fruit amen praise the lord then you i love the story of dad hagin that there was a time he was doing a ministry trip and uh and a pastor friend of his was going with him and when they started the trip and they they were driving and they were on the road for several weeks and this they weren't flying commercially they were driving and when they started the trip however dad hagan knew about it he turned to the pastor and said who this pastor was a diabetic and he said as long as you're with me you'll not register sugar he didn't cast out a devil he didn't he didn't take authority with words other than he didn't say devil i take authority he just said as long as you're with me so your dominion will affect anywhere in your cir your radius your sphere and people who would have won't that's right that's right that's right amen amen when we understand that we're not afraid to get on a plane and say well maybe something happened on that plane no no when i'm in dominion i don't have to bind stuff don't misunderstand me there is a flow of that but many are doing it out of this because they're watching the news amen it's it's out of the natural it's out of what they've heard right but when i'm talking when you walk from dominion from in here you're settled you're settled and you walk into that situation unafraid because i i'm in charge amen amen so doctors uh dad hagin said to this to this pastor he said as long as you're with me you will not register sugar and so this pastor as they went on that trip he had the meals and everything that was served ed hagen in him and he ate desserts and everything and he said every day he would check his numbers and uh he never registered even eating things he normally could not eat and after 11 days of going back home after being those meetings being over he said he did not register sugar for 11 days afterwards why there was a residue of authority what that authority blessed him blessed him to make his life better and so uh he recognized by being under dad hagan's sphere of influence the authority of that he recognized that there was something he was missing and so when his blood sugar was again off after 11 days and he had to go back on insulin then he started using his faith and recognized wait if his faith will do that for me my faith will do that for me amen amen and he was completely healed why because he came under the he came under the influence of someone who knew dominion and it ushered him into the use of his own part of what is so important to the plan of god is that you be where god told you to be why your dominion will work best where you're told to be in disobedience dominion is hindered it's interrupted it won't work the same that's right this is why when people go to a local church that god wants them in and they start seeing advancement and increase yes there may be some opposition but they're still spiritually and even naturally there's advancements in increase and they start seeing that and then they start dismissing and they start not paying attention over time and for some reason or another they get drawn away and then when they get out of that church everything that they were delivered from comes back why because when you're in the place god told you the dominion of the right place the dominion of the right place brings you into a flow you wouldn't have had on your own the dominion of being in the right place there are people with dad hagan years ago different ones that had worked with him and traveled with him as long as they were with him their bodies operated right as long as they were with him strategies against their lives were held back but when he went away or they left him those things came back uh and it showed that the blessing of the right place bring has a dominion of that brings safety to you that's why you can't just pick up and go anywhere i want to go when you understand there's dominion of the right location the right church the right pastor not just any pastor the pastor god told me to be with the congregation god told me to serve in the loc the local church that he set me in there's a flow of dominion not only does my dominion work but i receive the blessing of the dominion of that place how many times i've seen it in 25 years of pastoring people come to the church and their bodies straighten out their children straighten out and then they leave and all of it comes back worse worse and they lose children off to the world and all kinds of stuff why they left the blessing of dominion that belonged to being in the right place praise the lord never exchange the right place because that place is authorized to help you in a way no other place can help you that's right amen amen praise the lord i said praise the lord [Music] dr sumrall we went years ago in the 80s we went with dr sumrall a couple times to israel he uh he loved going over there he was a man of the world he was a man of nations he loved going to different nations and learning them i mean he he lived in israel for a couple of years and so he knew he knew the place well and so he would take pastors over in different tours and he would you would get to go on and uh on this one there was around 600 or so pastors on this one trip with us and uh there was a pastor that was very close to dr sumrall he was a young man and uh he had only been married about a year he was in his 20s and his late 20s i believe and he had gotten married and the girl he married had this um some kind of situation to where at different times she would have migraine type headaches that were so bad they were beyond normal migraines she would just sit on the side of the bed and hold her head and scream and they would um they'd have to take her to the doc the emergency room when one of those would happen and the only relief there was no there was no medicine that would control it or knock it back they had to completely just knock her out they just have to knock her out for days that was the only way she could endure and so they flew over there with us and she was there the first day and the very first day one of those headaches started and she um sat on the edge of the bed in the hotel and she was just holding her head and screaming so her husband the pastor called dr sumrall because he was very close to dr sumrall said can you come to our hotel room and pray for my wife and he told her he told him what they were facing and dr sumrall said i'll be right there and it was early in the morning we were getting ready to get on a bus and we were on dr sumrall's bus and this couple was on dr sumrall's bus and she was just sitting on the side of the bed screaming and he came down the hallway he knocked on the door they opened up the hotel door to him and the moment the door opened all the pain stopped why because they opened the door to dominion someone this dr sumrall was this man's pastor and when his pastors the dominion of his pastor yeah yeah come on the dominion of his pastor showed up everything else stopped i don't know if it would have happened if he had just called any preacher because there were almost 600 of them there but the dominion of his pastor was different over his life than any else's operation of dominion you say well i'm not sure about the demon of your pastor's great well let me ask you this does the neighbor have the same dominion over your kids as you do they're adults no your if your kids messed up at school and the school's calling they're not calling neighbor carol down the road and going to report why because they don't have the same dominion although they're an adult and although they're a parent they don't have the same dominion not everyone is going to have the same dominion to bless you not everyone is going to have the same dominion to spiritually impart into you dr dad hagan was of course our spiritual father and then after he went home my husband was that for me and when he left my fir one of my first questions that day was okay god where's my supply where do i hook up because i'm not going to be out here without someone's dominion to bless my life i need the dominion of the one you say not just who i pick amen amen not just who's popular that's why who who is who comes to the forefront whether they put themselves there or whether god elevated them there because there's two ways that doesn't mean anything to me yes amen what means something to me is where god set me their dominion will bless me in a whole another way that's why i'm going to protect that place i'm going to protect that divine connection because one day i'm going to need their dominions and god said to me doc brother copeland is that for you now and uh so precious he he called me of course just really very short moments after he heard the news of ed's homegoing that day and he talked to me and every couple days he'd call me every couple days and he would make this statement nancy if i can help you in any way let me know well that's a huge statement but you have no doctor brother copeland he doesn't just offer courtesy he doesn't say things out of courtesy his things his words he he measures them he doesn't just offer them lightly so he kept saying and one day he said to me because sometimes i if i don't get it please help me you know say it again and i noticed one day he's because he'd say that when we get off the phone before we get off the phone and nancy if you need me do anything for you you let me know and i thought this man has so much he's responsible for the last thing he's going to need for me is a phone call that's my approach i don't i don't try to be needy just because there's an offer because if we're talking about what we need six and a half million be okay i mean if we're just going to talk about that and uh one day when he called he he said nancy if you need me do anything let me know i go thank you brother copeland he said nancy if you need me to do anything for you let me know okay anything for you let me know and i said i think i know what he's asking or offering i think he's offering himself he's offering to come and minister at the church i think that's what he's offering so i'm gonna get off the phone not gonna say anything i'm gonna get off the phone i'm gonna look at my calendar and i had a date come to me which is just really a couple months away this was in october the end of october and i had in my heart for january and i go he is booked for he booked like five years in advance nancy you're looking at a couple months from now no so i called him back and i said brother copeland um would you come and minister at the church i sure will when you want me there i mean there was no i go oh so i did finally get it what he was offering me can i come i said what about the first week of january perfect i'll be there the first i was thinking about this today the first service we do the praise and worship hand it over to him and the first thing he does is says nancy come here and he lays hands on me and he declares my outcome the blessing of his dominion nobody else's words would hold the same place because it's god's placement of their dominion in your life when you not only have your own dominion but you were made for dominion now think of this you were made for dominion over the work of his hands but you were made to be under his dominion too through those he set you under you were made for dominion you were made to have dominion and be under someone's dominion that's assigned to you paul and barnabas divinely joined together god said separate unto me saul paul saul and barnabas for the work of the paul environments for the work whereunto i have called them so throughout their partnership that divine joining there was demonstrations fruit born and it was recorded in the new testament but when barnabas decided differently he determined something was going to be his way and it says he and he determined it over a family member he put his loyalty on the family member over the divine connection i mean not even a a relative not even his own child a relative it's dangerous to put people you love above the plan of god and he set off the pages of history the holy ghost quit recording why because the use of his dominion was no longer the example needed amen why he was out of place did his dominion work probably in a measure but not the same way it would have worked where it should have been remember this all your life there's going to be days and seasons in your life that something's going on the chopping block when opposition comes something's going on the chalking block when pressures come try to come something's going on the chopping block when there's difference of opinion that comes something's going on the chalking block it better be your wrong thinking amen amen but many put the plan of god on the chocolate block that's what barnabas did that day he offered up the plan and said i'll separate from the plan to get my way of course he didn't realize but did he go into the world no he didn't go back into the world he no doubt went on with ministry but the holy ghost saw didn't see fit to record it anymore not recorded he sailed off the pages of history that day why because whenever strategies of the enemy come into play whenever circumstances show up decisions have to be made something's going on the chopping block it needs to be your feelings your offenses you know it needs to be the things that are hurting you and not the things that are divinely connected to you protect at all times at times of transition protect at all times of things that god joined you with because at times of transition things are falling off things are being cut away things are being left behind and you better make sure that it's not where god told you to be because the dominion of the right place is sometimes your only rescue it's life and death what church you go to amen it's life and death where you choose to put your life yes god said to me in the writing of this of a book um god the revealer secrets and it's about knowing the plan of god and following the plan of god for your life and when i was writing that he said make my people to know that long life is connected to my plan why because his plan has the dominion to bless you and you were made for dominion you are made to be under the dominion of the blessing of the plan of god and when you're in the plan of god things that try to strike at you and reach you can't come on can't because the plan protects you the dominion that moves with the plan how many times did they try to kill jesus how many times i mean tried to push him off the cliff all this kind of stuff one translation said he disappeared and showed up in another city that's what one translation said he disappeared and showed up in another city but see when you're fulfilling the plan nothing can take you out nothing can take you out why because there's dominion with that plan and many times you need more than your dominion working for you you need the dominion of the plan always working for you amen well praise the lord father we thank you tonight we thank you we thank you we thank you you're bringing us into an understanding of what this hour calls for and father we thank you that we're stepping up you said to me years ago there are revelations that belong to this era so we thank you for those revelations we thank you that those revelations move us further into the harvest into the end time plan of heaven father we don't want to pass it to the next generation to fulfill we want to this generation for us to do our part so we thank you for teaching us we thank you for bringing us in tomorrow now can i say this to you um if things seem to be an upheaval around your life things out of place just things just um things are too many things out of place refresh yourself in this truth of dominion amen put it back put it back don't just keep living with things out of place and just hope it gets better it doesn't you put it you put it back with dominion every day exercise yourself in dominion every day you say well how do what do you mean every day exercise myself in dominion every wrong thought every troubling symptom every threat or suggestion you're not going to have enough money exercise your dominion over that practice every day exercising your dominion amen but not only that practice being under dominion it's called listening amen being a doer amen of the word amen means you're coming under the dominion of the word and that word will bless and rescue your life amen hallelujah [Applause] it's a good birthday month all month long [Music] [Applause] and to be with you during that wow that's a treat for me hallelujah hallelujah stand with me to your feet tonight father we're hungry we want it all we want it all thank you thank you thank you thank you for our precious pastors thank you for the pastors that are visiting in these meetings father how precious they are and when we all are learning better our place where we belong our dominion of that place we not only exercise dominion we receive the dominion the blessing of dominion amen the blessing of dominion we receive it this week we receive it we receive it and we thank you for it hallelujah hallelujah how many of you say the lord is good hallelujah hallelujah thank you pastor hallelujah we got answers tonight um there was a period of time in the church um a few years ago where we she ministered a lot on this subject and i've been sensing a need to to get back on it believing god for the utterance and so forth and i heard pastor nancy in the miller's church preaching on it and i said lord be all right if that's the way you want to go whatever you want to do would that be all right i'm not trying to tell her what to do the rest of the services but i'm just saying it'd be all right hallelujah hallelujah wasn't that rich there were answers she was answering you know pastors know their people she was answering in her sweet way she was kicking some of your bottoms in a sweet way so nice and kind take your answer amen say it's mine i'm taking my answer hallelujah praise the lord lift your hands one more time just thank him we're grateful for our answers father we're grateful that we got to hear our answers father we're not just hearers we're doers of what we heard hallelujah because you are trying to preserve our lives and save us in the name of jesus can i just share something [Music] there was an individual that i wanted to hire and on staff and the lord said watch how they relate to make how they make decisions about some of their family members as opposed to the church and i watched and the lord said you can't hire amen well that got quiet how many of you know the right connection is to be over natural relationships amen everybody just smile and say it's good to have gone to church for pastor nancy's birthday celebration amen hallelujah well what time in the morning 10 o'clock no you're going to get a back row seat if you come at 10 o'clock come at 9 30 9 45 or something like that get in here and get a good seat amen hallelujah we're going to be dismissed turn to your neighbor and just tell them thank god for what we got tonight tell them i'm a doer of what i heard and i'm going to walk in that blessing amen we'll see you in the morning you're dismissed [Music]
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 1,825
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Spirit, Faith, Church, Bible, Religion, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Preaching, Pastor, Cedar Rapids Church, Bible Teaching
Id: eZ_C5sJbeqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 25sec (6685 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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