House of Presence | Chandler Moore | "Open House" Sermon Series | Social Dallas

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so we're in a series if it's your first time at social dallas hello i'm chandler moore and i this is my church um if it's your first time we are in a series called open house we're in a series called open house and what we're talking about is what social dallas is all about we are a house of we are a house of and we're a house four cheat code up there um we're a house of prayer house of presence a house for people this is what we're all about every decision every door that opens any opportunity made in this church is about these three things we pray we bask in the presence of the lord and we're for people are you glad that you're at a church that these are the the codes of culture um so last week past uh pastor robert covered house of prayer how many of you were here last week for house of prayer it was amazing crazy things popped off in uh during prayer it was amazing uh and this week we're covering house of presence i love the presence of god uh my middle name is david and i'm like the david in the bible in a lot of ways more ways than one but specifically i love the presence of god the bible talks about david being a man after god's own heart which means he pursued the presence of god more than anything and this is what this house is about this is what we we prefer presence over programs we prefer presence over production we're not going to allow lights and cameras and songs and setlists to stop the presence of the lord we follow the leading of the spirit so that's what we're going to talk about we're going to talk about building a house of presence uh if you would appease me and appease the word of god standing for the word of god we're gonna go to exodus we're going to the old testament going to the old testament exodus 33 if you don't have your bible it's up on the screen so that's okay if you got a android i'm gonna give you a little time to get there because you know we know y'all a little y'all a little delayed in some areas but it's all right god's gonna restore you today we're going to believe for you to get an apple iphone after service that's what we're praying for uh so we're in exodus 33 verse 12. um and before we i want to give context of what's happening so if you ever read the new testament or ever heard of moses or if you watched the prince of egypt how many of you are in prison okay so you have kind of almost an idea of what's happening in this scripture moses is leading the people of israel out of egypt so he has just gone to pharaoh let my people go god has sent the plagues to egypt and opened the red sea and done all this stuff to prepare his people the israelites to get to the land of promise so this scripture that we're about to read the israelites are between their past and on the way to their promise can anybody identify with that i'm between not what i used to be but i'm still not student so that's that's where the israelites are right now and we're going to pick up on a conversation between moses and the lord that's what it says one day moses said to the lord you have been telling me take these people up to the promised land what i want to pause what's really funny if you ever read the old testament especially the conversations with god of moses they're going back and forth like these your people god is like nah these your people because the israelites are known for their idolatry i'ma stop and kind of we'll get there later but they're known for how much they turn their back on god uh so take these people up to the promised land but you haven't told me whom you will send with me you have told me i know you by name and i look favorably upon you if it is true that you look favorably upon me let me know your ways so i may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor and remember that this nation is your very own people this is what he's telling god these are your people the lord replied i will personally go with you moses and i will give you rest everything will be fine for you next verse then moses said if you don't personally go with us don't make us leave this place how will anyone know that you look favor favorably upon me on me and your people if you don't go with us for your presence among us sets your people and me apart from all the other people on the earth the lord replied to moses i will indeed do what you have asked for i look favorably on you and i know you by name then moses responded then show me your glorious presence all right you can take your seats we're talking about house of presence today what does it look like for a people for a church for a life to be built on the presence of the lord and if this is your first time in church at all or first time on social you're like okay what does house of presence mean this is what it means our primary purpose if you're taking notes right this time our primary purpose is to host the presence of god i'ma say it again it should come up over here i think our primary purpose is to host the presence of god that's our goal that's our purpose and we're not just talking about in service we're talking about outside of the four walls our primary purpose is to host the presence of god all right let me ask you a question how many of you were uh greeted very well when you came in here today were you were you hosted well they had smiles did they have smiles did it make you want to come to church did you want to leave come hopefully cause you're here so uh that's good hosting good hosting makes you want to stay right okay let me ask you another question how many how many ever uh slept over somebody dirty house before jesus i remember you know specifically i remember when i was a teenager uh and you know i'll be you know how you when you're young you'll be excited about knowing everybody huh mom can't go to your house can i stay overnight my mom was always skeptical like i don't know what they were doing but one time she let me go and i got there and i mean i didn't i didn't i'm not bougie let me just say that i'm not bougie but i like cleanliness you know so i got there and i was scared to go to the bathroom because you know they had a little you know that brown stuff that just kind of be in the corners the corners it had that kind of everywhere and then i went in the kitchen and i was i wasn't i just so i texted my mom i was like mom can you come get me tonight you know i told my friends like hey my mom said i gotta come i'm so sorry i can't even stay because bad hosting makes you not want to stay dirty homes makes you not comfortable let me tell you what good hosting is good hosting gives you permission like when pastor when pastor taylor was talking about that i'll be in the refrigerator and stuff don't nobody just go to your house and open your fridge like you have to they have to know you you have to give them permission like when i go to people's houses like help yourself i'm like okay that means don't [Applause] that means if you find me in a pantry at 12 a.m trying to find something to eat you don't want to help myself that's what good but that's what good hosting does it gives you permission so our primary purpose is to host the presence of god so what we're saying is as a church as a body as believers in your personal life what our goal is is to make god feel welcome it is to it's to give god permission when we say have your way we means yeah we we plan the set we plan the service we know offering's supposed to happen here we know the altar calls we know the words supposed to go here but if you want to do something different have your way because that's what good hosting does it gives you permission so we're a house of presence primary purpose is to host the presence of god you're going to have that memorized by the end of the day every movement and every king in the bible is known or measured by how well they paid attention to the presence of god if you look at david david there's a story david uh talking about bringing back the ark of the covenant back into the house of the lord what the ark of the covenant was since they didn't have the holy spirit present at the time you know the new testament believers they had a physical thing that represented the presence of god so they would move the arm when the ark of the covenant moved it was as if god is moving right so it was a season where the ark of the covenant the presence of god was not in the temple there are some churches and there are a lot of believers who have settled with the presence of god just kind of taking a back seat and in his temple aren't you glad you don't go to church like that like that that actually has the ark of the covenant the presence of god so david is known for bringing the covenant back uh there's even the king of the bible talks about king hezekiah the first thing he did in the bible as king because he was leading a godless nation at the time first thing he did was send levites which were the minstrels which were the worship leaders back to the temple on their posts uh there's even another uh another man in the bible named jacob the god of abraham isaac jacob jacob if you uh jacob was a trickster if you know the bible uh but jacob was asleep the bible says and he had a dream of angels descending and ascending and he woke up and said surely i have been in the presence of the lord and he named that place bethel so every every person in the bible if you just go throughout scripture it's measured by their attentiveness to the presence of god because our lives are determined by how we honor the presence of god and what you don't honor you see less of [Applause] let me let me help some of your relationships out if you're seriously dating right now if you're seriously dating right now if you're wondering maybe or if you're parenting because i have kids if you're parenting and you're wondering why you're seeing less of something in your your spouse your your partner your your kids life maybe it's because you're not affirming it enough honor brings out something in people that you may not see often if you honor it you'll see more of it so our whole lives are determined by how we honor the presence of the lord and um when we talk about the presence of god if you're like me i'm very logical uh and i know i have some of you in here if you listen to a preacher you're like well the bible says this and so you you're already going back and forth with me in your head i do that too it's okay um so you're like god is omnipresent god's everywhere so what do you mean by the presence of god i can be at home you know this gender our generation i can be at home watch church and god is there i can i could be on my job i don't have to go to church on sundays i don't have to go into a building with people god is with me everywhere i go you're right god resides everywhere he does but he's not revealed everywhere so what we mean by the presence of god we mean god's revealing himself in a space uh one one author described it like this god's presence the presence of god means god exerting his influence in a way that we see in a way that we are able to discern another author said god's a presence is his working so yes god resides everywhere he's not revealed everywhere um it's almost like you can you can tell if you've been in the presence of god by the fruit that you birthed after right uh if back in my house when i was growing up whenever whenever we go to church my parents are pastors so whenever we go to church or whenever shoot if we go to the grocery store one thing my parents used to say this is a more house and anything that comes out this house acts speaks talks looks like a more okay so that that was the standard and you know even in uh even in my black culture we got a lot of gossip in our culture and you you see hello you'll be seeing kids especially like if you ever see somebody from school you're like oh you know that's mr smith's son you know i heard you don't raise his kids right like how you it's because you are a fruit hello of the environment you spend the most time in [Applause] you're a fruit of the environment you spend the most time in you can't help it you are a fruit if you spend your time the most in the world of instagram the fruit that you're going to become is performance [Applause] you're going to live a performance-based life because that's the presence you spend the most time in so i'm gonna back off that because i don't want to step on your toes too much um so you you know the prayer you'll know the presence of god by his fruits you'll know if you've been in the presence of god by fruit in presence i want to clear this up presence is not just atmosphere so sometimes we're being in a good good atmosphere vibes and like oh man god is here no do you know i was talking one of my friends do you know michael jackson's concerts have very powerful atmospheres so much so that i never knew this the other day so much so that literally all of his concert all of his concerts that he used to do there were many like ambulances multiple at the venues because people would pass out like like they would pass they would see him feel something and faint most of us don't even pass out under the presence of the power of god it's to say it speaks to the fact that everything is spiritual you can walk in a room full of a whole 100 angry people and you feel tense it's the spirit of the room so the thing we have to be as believers we have to be careful of it's not uh is the bible says it like this the bible says judging the fruit of a thing and what he's saying is finding out what is the source of what i'm feeling because not everything that's good is god okay i'll back up so how do you know you're in the presence how you know you're a fruit environment you spent the most time in so how do you know that you've been in his presence i have uh let's do i have four let's do four four things that you can there's more than this but you can tell if you've been the presence of god uh romans 14 and 17 says the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but it is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit so the the manifest presence of god is the establishment of the kingdom of god okay you get that whenever god show reveals himself in the place he's establishing his kingdom so everything after that must follow by his kingdom so let's talk about righteousness you know you've been imprisoned with god if uh repentance is a thing still i know it's not talked about but repentance is still a thing and if you want to get into the presence of god quickly repent uh john first john says uh if we confess our sins he that is faithful to forgive will cleanse us cleanse us of all unrighteousness so what that means is when the presence of god shows up there is some type of brokenness that you see is what we talked about earlier when you see him you see you there's some type of brokenness that's revealed and the lord puts righteousness upon you it's no work of your own that and that that's where i feel like the lord is bringing his church out of religious ideology where you feel like even even in the presence of god you have to clean yourself up you're not that powerful like a lot of us sit in church under under the presence of god still holding on to our condemnation and our shame because our mindset is that man i did this so i must have to do this to get back to him you can't find god like you know like those church people that be like oh 1977 i found god or or even some new generation like 2003's when i found god you can't find him you're not that strong or that smart the bible says he found us we love him because he first loved us so it's no power on your own so that's one way the righteousness you feel brokenness and the lord close your righteousness another way is joy and joy is not happiness joy is not feel good be good be happy smile all the time joy is a resolve like james said i counted all joy in the midst of trial and tribulations when i face trial and tribulation because joy is a resolve that you have that no matter what's coming this way it won't affect what's happening this way [Applause] and if you want to see if you really have joy show up to work and your boss make you mad see what see what the first reaction is that's that's how you go check if you have joy no because joy is about what you resolved in my hope is built on nothing less than jesus christ and his faithfulness and how he is my joy that's what your joy should be the bible says the joy of the lord is our strength so let's do an equation if you have no joy then you're not gonna have any strength because joy is built upon the cornerstone of jesus christ so that's another way another way is peace and this is probably my favorite one because you know in in in this culture i don't peace is kind of just thrown around like it's just this state of serenity and yoga and i have peace no peace is more so about stability and serenity i'm gonna say it again peace is more so about stability than serenity peace is about uh you being content in any circumstance it's about you showing up to the hospital man showing to the hospital and you're faced with bad news man you've been diagnosed with this and it's like dang i got peace it's it's that that peace that surpasses all understanding like i should not have peace i there there are some storms you haven't been in a storm oh i'm getting happy you ever been in a storm and it looks real impossible like your back is against the wall but you can walk out of place and be like man i just feel so good i got peace because i know god's gonna work it out that's the peace that comes from the presence of god when you've been in the presence of god you can walk in front of goliath and you can stand flat-footed and say this is not my battle the battle belongs to the lord because i've been in the presence of god and i got peace that's the piece we're talking about the last thing i i want to make it even more a little more practical another uh fruit that you can tell if you've been in the presence of the lord is uh mundane work becomes special this is gonna step on y'all totally step on mine mundane work becomes special you know what that means that means on your job and okay one okay that means if you're on your job and you're doing something that doesn't just doesn't feel as interesting or important you see god in it when you've been in the presence of the lord i can you can walk out of here and find god in everything you mean driving your car driving through downtown and see somebody be like man god is really blessing that person you just feel all sanctified and holy and just see but everything becomes special especially in a church context let's bring it down to a practical level especially in social if you are volunteering and if your your service this sunday is to come and show up at six o'clock and get the signs out the truck and just play some along the street the presence of god to a way you know you've been in the presence of god is when you're placing them signs and you pray god thank you that for whoever will see this sign you find god in everything whoever sees the signs gonna pull in this parking lot and feel your presence people who don't even plan to come to church they're gonna pull up in this parking lot because they're gonna feel your presence when i'm placing the sign down you find god in everything and and the the the uh application here is that whatever way you serve in any environment not just our church but whatever way you serve find god i don't care if you're scrubbing toilets find god because god can meet people on the toilet okay you don't believe that you don't have enough faith find god in it find god so and and sunday is not the okay i'm going to spend time in his presence and i'm a bear fruit every other day if i don't that's this is not what that is for all of this stuff is for your daily life you got to have a daily devotion okay you have to prioritize god there i'm gonna pull out of scripture a little bit but there there there's a thing where you set space and you set time for the presence of god whether it's at the top of the day or the bottom of the day or in the middle of the day whatever your schedule is but there is a thing called devotion that if you set your day in order right everything else will follow if he's the head of your life and he's the first part of your day everything else will follow uh exodus 33 7. let's pull it up this is how moses did it in the old testament so that's what it says moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp far from the camp and called it the tabernacle of meeting and it came to pass that everyone who sought the lord went out to the tabernacle meeting which was outside the camp i mean how many times did it say outside in that outside it's because you were breaking down the revelation is oh are you ready for this are you ready the revel the revelation is the presence of god is going to require your comfortability it's going to require what you're familiar with moses set the tenant meeting outside away from the camp because usually the cost of getting in the presence of god and remaining and abiding in him is the cost of your social circle familiarity is the sacrifice of getting in the presence of god we have to be comfortable be okay with walking away even jesus when he was calling the disciples what did he call he said if you're going to follow me you have to leave some things if you're going to cling to me you have to leave you can't be led of him without leaving them you can't be led of him without leaving them it reminds me even of abraham uh when he was going up the mountain to uh do a sacrifice and you remember the lord had to provide a ram in the bush because he was about to kill his son sacrifice him to the lord when he was at the bottom of the mountain you know what the lord told him he says hey when you go worshiping on the mountain leave your company let them stay with the donkeys because any time the lord is positioning you to a sin in him it's going to require you leave some things because he knows that unconsciously we are programmed and controlled by our comfortability you you eat let's okay let's go let's go to our families our families when i when i was raising up i mean when i was growing up my family just knew i had to go to college because it made them comfortable because everybody else in my family went to college i have a whole bunch of doctors in my family if i didn't become a doctor my grandfather to this day i think he still has a problem with it he's just not telling me but if i was not going to become a doctor my grandfather probably just would have disowned me at one point for real when i dropped out of college i mean he was it's because we are fashioned and molded by others familiarity with us but the presence of the lord will always require what you're comfortable with the presence of the lord will always require what you what you cool with it's look it's always going to require your ideal life the fact that i'm up here is a result of the presence of the lord i did not want to be bleeding worship and stuff in churches can i be honest i did not want to be preaching to people that's not my ideal life but when you are in the presence of god when the presence of god is strong in your life if you're a lover of jesus the sacrifice is going to be your ideal life and what i feel the lord even stirring now is that a lot of you are facing you're it's like the lord has you at a crossroad right now and and you're facing man am i going to go with the career that i've been planning for am i going to go with the job that my family has been grooming me for or am i going to go with the calling of the lord that i feel in my heart and and you're going to the presence of the lord does not come without displeasure for so for somebody else and a lot of us have been built people pleasers i mean i was really bad at one point like no i'm not even i i was so bad i didn't want to leave people's houses without them telling me okay you can go you're so stupid because i i don't want them to think oh the channel don't no i was so bad but what i've learned and journey through the presence of god is that people are not going to be happy hey if jesus could not make everybody happy what makes you think you can [Applause] i quit trying just look at somebody say quit trying it's not it's not gonna work so it's it's devotion what devotion does your daily devotion it gives you new eyes there's a scripture in romans 12 and 2 it says uh well 12 one says present your body's living sacrifices holy and acceptable which is your reasonable servant to god and then it says and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may know god's will that is pleasing and perfect for you so what what paul was saying is that if there's no daily renewal of your mind don't be shocked when you're stuck in the command of two years ago if there's no constant not sunday to sunday renewal sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday if there's no daily renewal of your mind don't be shocked if we're numb to the presence of god because that means we're not aware to what he's doing today even our father's prayer says give us this day our daily bread that means the bread of yesterday is not gonna work for the bread of today the word from yesterday is not gonna work for the monday this word is cool for today but you're gonna need another word tomorrow [Applause] give us this day our daily bread it's a daily devotion because you have to have new eyes even what song was saying all the angels cry out holy holy oh what you know what that song is saying there are angels 24 7 in heaven in the presence of god the unending presence of god crying holy holy holy and the elders 24 7. do you know why it's because god is so massive he's so big that every time they see something they say something and when they say something they see something new it's a thing of holy holy holy he's so massive that every time they say something they're seeing another side of him and that's how we have to be every day the day and the moment you get satisfied with a yesterday god you need to check your heart the moment you get satisfied with i'm gonna just go to church on sunday and i'm gonna pray that the sunday just overflowing the rest of the week you need to check your heart because the lord may have a word does have a word for you on monday that he may not speak to you on sunday it's a daily thing look at somebody say it's a daily thing devotion gives us new eyes and i had i had this thought i had this thought all of us need uh what's the one the little airport security uh machine things a little when you go through it metal detector there you go thank you bro we all need one of those because we have to learn that the awareness of our of the presence of god is directly related to how sensitive we are to him i call it the discipline of sensitivity so the metal detector thing i travel a lot and some sometimes i can go through with paper in my pocket i have a couple dollars in my pocket and it don't do a thing i mean is so then i go to other airports and i got paper in my pocket and it just goes off and like sir you gotta take the paper off well i was like wow i was in boston last week and they didn't you know what i you know what i had to learn is that every place sets the sensitivity at a different thing in every different airport whoever's the tsa leader sets the sensitivity at a different level and that's what we have to do in every season of your life there are some seasons where i can da da da da da da da da da da da da all day but then but then there are some seasons that require a little less daunting and a little more the lord is my shepherd i shall not want you you have to you have to have a sensitivity detector what am i sensitized to in this season or the better question could be what am i desensitized to i remember watching y'all this y'all y'all gonna think this real old testament but judge me sue me i don't care um i remember it was a season of my life where i was watching scandal i was watching um what's that other show uh uh uh house of cards i was watching uh all this stuff that had marriage portrayed as something that it wasn't and i remember leading worship places and uh the type of ministry i have i uh i lead worship and the lord allows me to cause me to pray for certain things and cause certain stuff and i remember a season i was desensitized to how broken marriages were because all i was watching on tv were broken marriages there are certain seasons where the lord calls you to a deeper level of consecration i know that word is foreign but there are still some people who are consecrated the lord is going to pull you back from some audiences he's going to pull you back from some outings he's going to pull you back from some social gatherings he's going to pull you back from some certain type of music because he's trying to prepare you for the new season if you are not sensitized for the next season then you're not ready for the next season because there are some things over there that are not over here and the lord has to prepare your heart because you just say they say lord sensitize me you know we talk about is hand sanitizer we need some sensation and hand sanitizer uh yeah so discipline of sensitivity uh is a routine of seeking him and don't get religious in your routine i know when i was growing up they were like make sure you seek the lord seek the lord so if i miss i i was like lord i'm gonna get up six a.m every day and i'm gonna seek your face y'all know what happened the next day and we get religious and we we beat ourselves up like ah dang i didn't make i didn't wake up at six and meet the lord bump that the lord wants quality over quantity [Music] so if it's on your way to work 15 minutes and it's intentful and it's intentional and uh all your heart is in it the lord wants that more than your fake covenants that you're gonna make i'm gonna wake up at five o'clock go in my closet read your word i'm gonna pray for an hour and a half like you haven't prayed for a year just stop with the it's like it's like why why do we think god is intimidated with how small we start he's not he wants your heart he wants your heart okay let's move on all right so in the wilderness frank i have five minutes whoa cheerless let me speed through this all right in the wilderness where we where we are in our scripture uh the israelites are journeying from past to a promise right and and the the constant thing the one of the issue main issues of the israelites was idols idolatry uh idolatry uh even even uh when moses this is actually really funny when moses was up on the mount getting writing the ten commandments that we all know and we all keep he's up on the mountain writing the ten commandments the you know what the first commandment is thou shalt not have any other gods before me do you know what they were doing at the bottom of the mountain while moses right now worshipping an idol so moses couldn't even write the instruction out good before they break it that's why moses and god are going back for these your people not these your people these young people now these that's why because they were people who were known for the idolatry and i i i just wonder if we've taken out a context that god is a jealous god so the uh in exodus 30 he says for i am a jealous guy he even calls himself jealous like my name is jealous and that doesn't mean god is envious he's not jealous of he's jealous for her so he's not jealous of he's jealous for it's a type of it's because he made you and he knows that any threat to your destiny is a possibility that you're going to get off mark oh he knows that this there's a scripture in psalms that talks about idols it says those who make them and trust in them will become like them that's the the idea behind idolatry what you build you have to sustain oh do you think them uh the statues of buddha i just i don't want to offend nobody i just don't think i could serve a obese statue just an obese god can't even like a god that i have to move they have to move buddha to worship him i don't think that that works for me because i can barely move myself out of bed in the morning and i have to go move a big statue that's what idolatry is what you build you have to sustain the job that you may have that the lord may have like i don't think that's what's best for you like nah lord they offering six figures i gotta oh that house oh jesus i'm going through that now with the lord i was about to buy a house and the lord took it away from me he said no uh but the house i may have we may have bought the house and been had no peace living in it it's because i got it what you gaining your strength you're gonna have to maintain in your stream [Applause] you're going to maintain strength so they they had an issue with idolatry uh i'm trying to break this down a little more uh so i had a gmc terrain uh my last car when i lived in atlanta and they had some weird stuff going on with i can't remember what was happening but it was just weird i don't i don't build nothing i didn't fix nothing i can't i can't tell the engine oil light from the brake line i don't know i'm just not that type of well hannah be asking me can you can you put this up i'd be like handy app let me find somebody to get over here build it i don't fix nothing so something's wrong my car and you know i thought i'd take the cheap way out and take it to one you know one of those little uh places that we like we fix cars so i took it to the wii fix car we fixed cars place and man they ended up jacking up my car so bad when i got it back i i literally i called my dad i was like damn i like something's wrong with call with shots he was like take it to gmc he said take his gmc i said you know it makes sense because that's the manufacturer maybe they know what's happening they built it but and we're laughing but we do this [Music] a lot of us are sitting in this room right now taking our issues the people who did not even form us we've built idols out of marriages you just because you married somebody don't mean you can fix them now stop dating on potential i'm not gonna go there but um we've built idols out of jobs and careers and money and resources and we expect these things to give us joy to give us peace to give us happiness to give us sustainability and we've built idols and you think that that thing that you build can fix you you think that relationship that you formed and you made that you know god ain't in it's gonna give you peace we've been out we've built idols and we're and we're and we're depending on things to fix us that did not make us i'm gonna keep moving i want to stay there but let's eat let let me just say one more thing one more thing because i feel it it's tightening in the room but we're going you're gonna be all right you're gonna be all right it's easier listen for you to make idols when you don't know whose image you were made in man i feel jesus it's easier for you to build things and worship when you don't know who made you or you don't accept the fact that he made you you weren't a mistake from your mama and daddy having a one-night stand [Music] the lord used who was available at the time to bring you in the earth we have to change our perspective we think we were just a happening stance from our parents and they got a divorce after no the lord used what he could to get you here you the lord is more of your father than your biological father is the lord is more of your mother than your biological mother is he created you he told jeremiah before you were in your mother's womb i made you i just need you to look at somebody say god made this god made this god made this so i'm not gonna run to no man to fix me i'm not gonna run to no woman to fix me if god before me he made me only god can fix this only god can heal this only god can mend this if you know god is your restore would you make some noise in this room [Applause] we're raising up a people who know who god is we're raising up a people who god is only the mender he's the only mender he's the only mender only he can fix me all right let's keep moving um jesus i just feel i just feel that for somebody because we come to church and even think church can fix us do you know i'm i'm 26 i'm 26. i've been in church my whole life my dad's a pastor been in church my whole life and it was until i was about 19 did i realize man this church stuff can't fix me me coming to church is not fixing anything it's what i do with what i get in here and who i take it to it's god only god can fix you okay another issue they had and uh is my last point last two points last three last four um another problem they had was do you all remember hearing in the bible when the lord will provide manna for them we're talking about presence here when the lord provide manna so the lord the israelites were guided by the lord's presence they didn't have anything else it was moses it was god moses presence so the lord's uh they were asking they were complaining for food when are we going to eat they even in the wilderness after god delivered them compared them not having food to egypt when they were in bondage they were like at least in slavery we had me like what they were comparing to the lord you know what the lord did he gave them manna the bible says he gave him manna from heaven the quails would drop off manna and even then they were still complaining and you know it spoke to me it's because a lot of us would rather choose our preference over his presence we would rather choose how we want it than how his presence gives it even right now a lot of us are waiting for things and the reason our eyes are aren't open to how he's going to do it is because we think it's coming how we see it we're waiting for stuff because we think it's coming how how we just how we want it but there's a resolve that you have to have that if the presence of god is with me it doesn't matter how it shows up it's long as long as his presence is leading me it doesn't matter how the food comes it doesn't matter how the relationship comes because i'm guided by his presence i'm being reminded of david when y'all remember david was the bible talks with him dancing out of his clothes david was getting it outside temple praising the lord dan's not as close and for me i'm like i'm good i'm not i'd rather like for me i'd rather sit in my seat you know occasionally get up wave thank you jesus occasionally sing a little bit but then i thought about it i said i'm not going to choose my preference over his presence and a lot of us do that in church we we know the presence of god is there but we rather keep our cool just to prove our friends though i'm not one of them no i'm going after his presence every time i get the chance because i don't know when i'm not going to be able to there's some people in the hospital who wish they could be in here so i'm not going to keep my present my preference i'm going after his presence going after his presence and even more practical a lot of us choose churches off of our preference [Applause] i need the pastor to be this he need to look like this i need him to have a choir the choir needs to sound like this oh i need a worse routine to sing my song what's this i need i need him to sing my when is all of this for us as long as the church has the presence of god keep your preference save your preference for burger king how about that save your preference for something else that caters to you this doesn't cater to us this is catering to the presence of god we are hosting the presence of god so even for um i know social is like deemed as the young church and the young adults but even for the older generation we need y'all the bible talks about old men dreaming dreams and the young men having the strength to run with what they saw older generation we need y'all i would say lay down your preference for what you think your church is supposed to look like if we have the presence of god that's all that matters that's all that matters look at somebody i said that's all that matters that's all it's all the matters last point for a worship team y'all come up there's a thing that moses says at the end of uh verse 17 18. then moses said if you don't personally go with us don't make us leave this place if you don't personally go with us so what moses is saying god because in a previous chapter god told moses he was like i'ma send an angel with you and it didn't mean like one of them angels that fly with all white that we see in our bibles you know not one of those he was talking i'mma just send a messenger he said he was gonna get somebody i'll send a messenger with you and moses is not content with just the messenger i wonder how many of us have been content with the messenger i wonder how many of us are content with the presence of someone who's godly than god's presence [Music] i don't just want [Music] a godly person to walk in life with i don't just want my pastor to be i don't want to just hear the godly message he has to preach [Music] i want the presence of god so what moses here is asking he said yo if you are coming you i don't not anything anybody you sin not any messenger if you don't come with us don't make us leave this place and we have to have that resolve that if the lord is not leading us in a thing we should not go think because you know whatever you do without god will turn on you [Music] you ever try to i can't tell how many how many relationships i've been in that god was not the same i mean i would try to pray let's wake up in the morning and pray let's try to try to force god to be the same like god you're going to come in this he wasn't in it but at the time i was content with being in something that he wasn't in [Music] and it turned on me every time you ever been at a job and you know the lord didn't lead you there or a church or anywhere anything and you know the lord's peace wasn't with you there and you thought you had it i mean you thought you got away and i think just it turned on you yeah it will every time because what god does not approve he's not going to affirm or sustain i i would i would ask you and tell you that isn't your best interest to stop trying to force god on your yes and you just go along with his yes [Music] a lot of us feel tension right now because we're in the middle we're in the tension of that and i get it that's human that's art that's our nature god you want this but i want this god you said this but i i think this is best and we're in that tension of if you don't go personally with us and i would remind you that [Music] the presence of god the bible says the holy spirit will lead and guide us into all truth if you knew how to do all of this you would have done it if you knew how to get yourself to the point that you are you would have done it if i knew how to accomplish all this stuff my own strength but the truth is we don't we don't it is only the presence and the ability of god that can get us here i want us to go to exodus 34 and this is where we're closing so before before our scripture moses before exodus 33 moses had just broken the tablets the ten commandments you can stand actually listen help me finish faster moses had just broken the ten commandments the tablets that the lord told him to write on right and and he was annoyed with the israelites because they had been doing idolatry and serving other idols so he broke the tablets in anger and in frustration he broke the ten commandments the stone that the man was on he broke it and in exodus 34 before this verse the lord tells him he says hey go get some stones go get some tablets he's in the presence of the lord because the presence of the lord the glo the glory of the lord does not come without demands i think we're cool with the presence of the lord as long as it allows us to keep our cool and you know keep our but it never does his presence always comes with commands and if we are going to be a house of presence we can avoid obeying the voice and the commands of the lord this means that if it in any way makes you inconvenient we still have to say yes from the top to the bottom i mean i can't tell you that imagine the countless decisions that our leaders have had to make that it may have been more beneficial in other ways but they knew the presence of the lord wasn't go with them how inconvenient it can be for the church but that's our resolve that if the presence of the lord does not go with us we're not going and every command we have to say yes so we can't be a house of presence without obeying the voice and the commands of the lord and then the lord does something very interesting that i feel like he's about to do in this room really fast um moses takes the stones starts writing he obeys the lord and then in the presence of god looks what happened look what happens the lord replied listen i am making a covenant with you in the presence of all your people that's how you know you're in the presence of god when there are covenants being made i remember when pastor robert did me hannah's wedding and he said something i i mean i don't really like weddings but i've heard at weddings before they didn't really click till then he was like now in the presence of god and in the presence of everyone who's here i announce that you are blah blah blah blah and it it when i was thinking about that preparing for this it hit something different because not only did i make a covenant did we make covenant in the presence of god he made a covenant to us in his presence and what the lord is trying to get to us as a house of presence is that it's not just on you it's not just on you to make promises make vows but when you get in his presence he wants to make a covenant with you he wants to make a promise to you he wants to make so in in the presence of god there are covenants being exchanged we're giving him vows we're making violence lord i'll never do this without you lord i'll never walk without you i'll never go without you and he's making covenants and this was the covenant that he made i will perform miracles that have never been performed anywhere in all the earth or any nation and all the people around you will see the power of the lord the awesome power i will display for you social i believe that's the covenant the lord is making with us today that the things that we will see here have never been seen before that the things that will be heard here have never been heard before and i don't just believe that for the church i believe that for your life that the things that god wants to do in you individually your family has never seen [Music] the power of god that's going to be displayed through you the earth has never seen it before so as god is making a covenant with us in his presence let's make a covenant with him that we will not go without you if you don't take us personally like moses said don't make us leave this place i want to pray um i want to pray for two kind of people one those who feel numb to the presence of god and to those who need to make another covenant in god's presence give him another yes for whatever the journey is um if that's you just lift your hands i'm not gonna ask you to come down just you just lift your hands if you're either numb to the presence of god or you feel like you can't feel it i can't sense the presence of god or you need to just give god another yes in his presence i just want to pray uh father in the name of jesus i thank you that you are a god who's not moved by our works who's not moved by what we lack who's not moved by our performance but you are a god who gives us your presence as a gift now father i just pray just against every lying spirit and every lying thing that'll try to numb us to your presence whether it's disappointment whether it's bitterness whether it's unforgiveness whether it's condemnation shame or guilt father i thank you that your love is freeing up our hearts to feel again your love is freeing up our our uh our sensibility to feel again you're freeing up our sensitivity you're freeing up our discernment you're freeing up our awareness even now in the name of jesus i thank you that for your presence and your presence there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore i thank you that we would just not find your presence in the house of god not just that social but we'll find your presence in our homes we'll find your presence in our cars we'll find your presence in our jobs father soften the heart and heart even now father i thank you that you're delivering people from lies from even church hurt from lies from even the word curses of their parents from lies from even family misunderstanding i thank you that the presence of god will be felt in every heart hallelujah that the presence of god will be felt in every soul the presence of god will be felt in our emotions in the name of jesus in the name of jesus now father i just pray that this is a moment of new covenant hallelujah that this is a moment where we surrender again yes where we surrender again where we're surrendering again that we're giving you our life that we're giving you our ideal life we're giving you our motives we're giving you our reasoning we're even giving you our perspective father i thank you that you're striking of a covenant as you deal with moses and we say yes to your will hallelujah we say yes to your plan we say yes to whatever you want to do in us we say yes to the callings of the lord we say yes to the dealings of the lord we say yes to the perspective of the lord your will be done thy kingdom come your will be done in us through us in our hearts in our minds in our children in our family father we need your presence father we need your presence so would you just worship him for his presence come on say yes to him if you need to just worship him for his presence father we worship you father we will worship you and we worship you come on just worship him right there [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Social Dallas
Views: 8,716
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uIzgyrevGsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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