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now with all about just any creature we want in the game if you guys have voted today so hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of that's our fish feed and grow today we will be playing is the penguin as it is actually completely free so don't even have to do some grinding so I'm really happy so here we go it's it's free let's do it oh oh god oh god where are we what even oh stop now oh not now I'm just raving oh but so we all start on this little world a man is so does idle animations oh my god why is it this is the ages oh it doesn't really open its mouth well it could does does he aim up oh that's how you aim up oh my god this is just beautiful okay so a V oh I don't even know what kind of penguin we are but oh wow you want me you see why oh god oh oh my god we are super quick yeah um well here we are oh we need we need a hand oh I thought oh my god we really need a oh oh oh no Jesus oh that's ridiculous it doesn't say that I need a but I can't last two seconds down here but Wow yeah you cannot dive down too deep we can leap out the ocean oh okay where did we go guys what what do we would we go after three go after sharks quickly dive down dive dive dive dive dive rule of Oh words of black tips where's the black tips I don't see we blocked it okay back to the surface what's that what are those oh they're Nautilus's I'm just spawning in so quick like oh my god yes sixteen sixteen damages but which one did I kill this one oh god I have to see this I see it a second I mean oh my god this is cool it's like a whole new way to play yay okay well first I need to come back up for air please tell me you don't know me either I feel like somebody ate it yellow bug is you oh that's mine that's my bit of meat yes okay I got some I got some see you know it is I'm just gonna have to stick to bloody yeah there's a starfish I'm gonna do it and all of this oh my god oh my god help train that was ridiculous oh I wonder since the tools have just spawned aah with my armor piercing peek yes kill let's kill the turtle kill it no you're not going in you're not going in son yes oh my god it it turning around to go for it that turn around go for it no you don't why Oh both of you you're both gonna die yeah no give me that don't my god how does how does gravity work in this game get up Jesus no oh god what if it's flying though kind of eat it when it's flying yum-yum oh there's more Turtles coming down victims let's just eat all this grow big it is breaking across soaking everything else in oh my god it's like 15 damage if he went for us he could do a load yeah comes victorious are you little bugger yeah he is right well Oh 21 damage down God who would have thought we'd seen the day when a penguin reheating tails come on before we get to the water yes Pingu rise to victory this is this is a whole new way to play the game I suppose I was hoping a place in there wasn't too bad happy feet for kill a big killer of the turtles this happy fits a bit more different oh wait is it your going son go get him the fight of the century Oh two bytes that'll do come on out the water now come on get your bearings you scared of me Raji walk [Music] oh yeah you guys stand no chance why do I go for Neath the surface of the world what it's not a thing yes yes oh good sonic music I guess I've got to scour the world for turtles now although my stammer doesn't really last that long out the water I've got to admit I'm just a little bit closer come on oh you're so far away from the water come on how does it kill one of you there you go yes yes oh my god the bottles oh god there's loads of them okay here we go this is it just just killing is killing as many as possible got these tails up big whoa this is like the last battle for more that's something there's like a lot of meat just keeping them around if I just eat stuff it's red fur is it so hard to control yourself yes level 10 fear my presence I don't know which ways up but it's not gonna stop us mind if I come from oh I must be so yeah I'm super quick oh you're gonna go out the water are you not gonna help you yeah but big enough T these guys hi I am whoa oh yeah forgot about my bloody are tiny baby lungs we aerial combat axe oh there's no swimming away from this now where are the rest the sea turtles before they get in the water because then they can sort of get away from me oh yes this will be your death that place does your death place good good English there James ah no no they're turning into big turtles yes yes the mighty penguin has won victorious and then I'll go into the water and chase my quarry right well that was terrifying but damages though the - twelve - twelve - twelve that is scary okay but what level 19 I'm going to assume that let's go so we can go in the water it's like fast travel and we can just shoot around the place Oh give me that though no Turtles okay well we're going over this way we'll see if there's any over here pretties it's so many all fight for it and all died when I suck the meat up it goes into the air so they can't get it and then they come closer and then they die two escapees is it not for long big mistake buddy huge oh I could eat those things now yes I could eat all this how many levels I'm gonna say just one though is you what oh yes oh my god we got like almost three levels yes ready we're gonna launch ourselves yeah there they are oh god that's so horrendous upside down everything no this day was foretold the penguin that would kill everything Oh God Oh oh god if I die by falling under the world I'll be very annoyed you ready guys right there's not many there was only two so that means they've all spawned either well there's a possibility of two of them being over here but the majority of them are the only or on the other side of the map and they only spawn if you're over them I mean like I think they've got armor right oh oh I now realize that we could do that well whoa just like one bite and gone oh let's destroy these guys BAM it was just a dead Marla well like assassins do you think oh let's dive down quickly and get this over tiger shot and a surf activist do you think oh god this is a fact in this car kill this are you kill the Tigers oh are you serious are you freaking serious I just became too slow oh my god oh I can't believe that like once you run out of oxygen that's it at least it's slowly coming up to the surface oh that's the dead tiger shark I was like why is that tiger shark coming closer okay this stuffs up to the surface okay can eat this though that's good wait what's that Oh first thing I thought the bones were like a great white or something just about have a hard time as I please right well level 40 penguin got me all the way back to friggin level 13 not great but I guess why not it could be worse six and a half hours late oh god its feet grow are you freakin serious no I broke I don't even know how he did that I broke it okay guys you know I'm just gonna cut to her back to level 40 oh really oh Jesus hello everybody welcome back to dirt so I've been going around oh god puzzle oh jeez Jeff the fog ah surrenders anyway I've been going around eating as many turtles as I can find oh god you can see them all just being tossed into the as they spawn there so oh you get to them like instantly and then you just go and suck it up from the ground it's been absorbed even the crap also a problem with death penguin like the phase through the floor you want to fight with dirt penguin is new happy feet for long and there you go all destroyed level 48 achieved that ah ah falling into the water okay okay we're gonna go over get in the water man and we're gonna give these bingling pangalanes another one died turn round eat him oh all right okay I'm not making the same mistakes I'm not diving down for a stupid freaking whatever you want to call it I'm gonna hunt near the surface and if there's anything big I'm gonna get it whoa we should go for killer whales cuz killer whales kill penguins all the time oh no there they are there they are there on this one yeah you'll a bit seal whoo yes haha you're gonna die now yes all of you friggin leopard seals jeez I thought they'd be terrifying they're just laying into whoever I killed I like turtles I like I long live the king so that's revenge on the leopard seals wild filming documentary do you think you take a bite out of me oh oh you know if you really gonna level me up and seeing as I'm a quick swimmer whale sharks there we go right we have speed agility and bite on our side oh you don't know you don't okay let go let go let go quickly swim swim to the surface oh yes fishing for Mosasaurus yeah yeah beautiful oh god the Megalodon the Megalodon oh god they're both after us this is path or Megaton got'em Megalodon got him now we kill Megalodon yes beautiful okay get back to the surface good gorgeous all the nums alright let's do it again swoon for Mosasaurus oh god oh god we've got him in a couple of bites woo level 93 god I want to get so big that I can stand on the floor Oh God fighting head-on no is not a good idea James Oh God just two bites to fight to go to Mexico he's dead he's dead come on come on come on come on come on it doesn't matter how big I am I still die in like five seconds all right guys level a hundred and twenty nine ever never thought I'd see well I mean with how hard it was to actually level up as the penguin I think we get to level like a hundred so what I'm gonna do is go back into the Arctic and just kill the sperm whale now [Music] I've got if I ended up dying just below the surface of the water how would that would it be so annoying okay now I can't see oh god the jaws coming towards us there he is where you gonna come in ha oh sweet victory oh because I level up all the time it sort of resets my my lungs I do is the only feet oh god oh god where is he must be the quickest I've been able to like turn around kill him turn around kill him because everything else just gets like way too big their problem is the since you're out of the water you lose where you are that's any downside so oh god like a killer whale oh you nice Bob [Music] yes I get mr. sperm whale oh look how big I am 200 damn it I just I just can't quite get the iceberg and as soon as I get in the water it's bloody best [Music] oh god no oh god oh god no well there you go it was gonna end one of two ways it was only gonna end one way really and that was drowning you that or getting so big that when I go out of the surface of the water I would quite literally pop so guys you enjoyed this video leave a like the till next time oh uh see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,503,705
Rating: 4.8989735 out of 5
Keywords: giant penguin, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, salmon, new fish, new, new shark, tiger shark, record
Id: 2Zd96kU7Wsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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